How to Modernize SharePoint Document Sets

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g'day there everyone Daniel Anderson here now document sets or folders on steroids in SharePoint are often overlooked or not even known about as a way of managing your sets of documents or related documents um now they have been lagging a little bit behind in the new modern SharePoint experience in the in the way of actually creating a document set we're still stuck in the classic experience when we're creating a document set we're presented with a classic uh form for us to input all of our data that is up until now now I recently just came across a solution from Dan Toft um in the community in the PMP community and it's a Powershell script that allows you to enable a modern forms experience when you're creating your document sets a really great solution and that is what we're going to focus on in this video how we go about grabbing that script and implementing it and using it in your situation now the first thing you're going to want to do is head over to the PNP script samples website where you can see on the screen here there's the URL and you can see right now that this particular script we're going to have a look at is the second tile or in the middle right here so enable modern creation forms for share for document sets so when we click on this we're going to be taken to the actual script itself we've got a readme file and we've got the script here now what's amazing about the PMP Community is that there are tons of these samples on this site that you can take and use in your own environments and just change to suit the requirements that you're looking for so what we're going to do is we are going to take this entire script and we're going to copy that and we're going to open up visual studio code and where all we're going to do is we're going to paste the script in there and we are then going to just adjust it to our scenario so we can see in our particular script here that we are all we're doing is we're entering the URL of our site within authenticating to that site and then we follow the prompts and we select the document library to um to run this on and then it's going to enable the modern forms experience so let's go ahead and do that right now so the first thing we're going to do is I'm just going to drag Visual Studio code across to here and we're going to grab the URL of our site so we can see here that I'm on just a SharePoint team site I've got a couple of different document libraries that I've got in play on this document on this site here one that is for the old school forms experience and another one that we're going to use for our modern document set experience now the first thing we need to do obviously is enable document sets in the library so I'm going to jump up to the Cog menu and I'm going to go to library settings now this is a a site collection feature also that needs to be enabled at the site collection level for document sets to be made available so this is a document Library here actually what we might do is jump over to the modern sets document Library here we'll enable document sets on this particular Library we'll leave the old school library just to give us a look at the older style so if we go to library settings we'll go to more Library settings and we need to enable content types all right so we'll jump into advanced settings in the library and then we'll toggle and we'll turn allow management of content types across to yes and then we'll scroll down the bottom we'll click ok so what that does is allow us to use different content types now on this library now we're going to add from an existing content type all right so document sets are an out of the box content type that that are already pre-existing so we're going to select from the document set content types category and we've got a single document set here we're going to add that to the library all right so now that that's been added we can now make use of um of document sets now I mentioned before the document sets are a site collection feature so when I say site collection feature that needs to be enabled at the site collection level this is a SharePoint site collection under site collection Administration we've got this link here that says site collection features now document sets are disabled by default so we actually need to activate that feature here document sets and we need to just click the activate button and that will make it available to add to our libraries so we'll jump over to Modern uh sets here that we've enabled this on and if we go to the new button you'll see that we've now got new document and new document set now we're going to do the same thing to the old school School document Library here too because we're going to keep this as is all right so we'll go to library settings we'll go to more Library settings and then what we'll do is again we'll go to advanced settings we'll allow the management of content types and then we'll add the document set content type to this Library so that has now been enabled will then add from existing content types here and we'll choose the document set content types category and we'll jump that across and we are now all good to go so if you've used document sets before you'll understand that when we now have that got we've now got that enabled when we click new document set what's going to happen is we're going to be presented with our old school type of form so not in this new modern experience so we can see there this is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about a classic uh old school type of of SharePoint form we want it to be more modernized we want our panel from our right for sliding out and we want that new modern experience so that's where this script comes into play from Dan so I'll drag Visual Studio code back across here now what I'm going to do is I'm basically just going to run run this script as is all right but I'm just going to change something just for the purposes of this video I'm just going to hard code in the site URL out so I'm just going to copy the site URL here so instead of prompting me for the URL of the site what I'm going to do is I am just going to change this a little and I'm just going to hard code that URL into this script so we're now good to go all right so what we're going to do now is we're actually going to run this script so let's hit the Run button and what we're going to be asked for is to authenticate to this particular site so let's authenticate we'll pop in our username and I'll just grab the password and then this script will authenticate to this particular site so we can see here enter the password hit sign in and with this script we'll continue on so let's wait for that to authenticate we're done now I'll just drag this up a little bit higher we're running and you can see here that the first thing that happens is that we're reading the document libraries in this particular site now which one do we want to modernize uh our forms we want to modernize the modern sets so that is number one so all we do hit number one hit enter and then we're on to our next step the which content type do we want to modernize we want to modernize the document set so we'll hit number two okay and then it is all done as simple as that we've now got um the modern forms experience for our document set on that particular Library so let's jump back into the site we'll hit the refresh button and let's see what happens all right so remembering that the old school is the classic experience now when I move over to Modern sets this document Library here and I'll go to new and I go to document set what's going to happen is that the right hand side panel is now going to fly out and we no longer have that classic form experience okay so let's let's hit cancel here now let's see what happens when we add some metadata to our document set as well so I'm going to go to more Library settings and what we're going to do is just add a choice column to our document set so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to create a column and let's just create a simple status column for addition here so let's go status we'll just choose a choice column here and then we'll add a few values and we'll add it to our document set content type so let's go new in progress completed that'll do for us and we will add to all actually let's turn this off and we'll click ok so now that we've created our um our column let's go into document set and we will now add that status column to the document set so we'll add from an existing site or List column and we'll go status we'll click that across there and we'll click ok so now we've added that now let's see what the experience is like now in our modern document set does that come across into the new forms experience so we'll click new and then we'll click document set and our panel will fly out from the right hand side we've got a new modern forms experience and you can see that we've got our our status column there as well so we really do now have the ability to modernize all of our document sets now this script is part of the PNP Community uh added by Dan Toff so a big shout out to Dan here um allows us to now have our new modern document set experience so once again thanks for watching hope this brings you some value if you are using modern if you are using document sets this is a great resource for you to go and take a look at thanks again see you next time
Channel: Daniel Anderson
Views: 4,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sharepoint, sharepoint online, office 365
Id: 9DYZqoLQ_P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 28sec (628 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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