SharePoint 2016 Tutorial - Add List Columns Part 1

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hello again I'm Sharon and in this video let's take a deep dive into SharePoint lists column types so in my previous video I discussed about list column types list view lists forms and list settings and let's see in this video few of the column types so for this demo I have created this employees list here at just one column now I already have discussed about single line of text columns and multiple lines of text columns right so use the use the single line of text column where you want a user to enter and um single line of text data first name last name address job title work phone multiple lines of text use where you want users to feed multiple lines of text data job descriptions email body comments ATC so let's take a look so in this list remember I'm reading I'm renaming the title column employee ID unique ID of the employee and and force the unique value here click OK now let's create a new column first name required ok again last name single line of text require ok email single line of text require click OK and then create another one called Job Description this time choose multiple lines of text here you can you see here we have the each text here and then click OK so we have created quite a few single line of text and multiple lines of text here let's see how you can add choice column types so in choice column types use the choice column type so where you want users to select from available choices while entering list data like gender name prefix suffix category topic so let's add one choice column type here called gender and then here you can say it should container info information so user user must provide must select the value male/female now let's keep it the display of this field as drop-down menu and let's not allow users to fill in the choices for them and here that's the default should be blank so once you add that you go to employees and you add a new item you can see here you can like e ID 0 0 1 let's say Ross Tyler cross Tyler at Kanto store calm as email some of the Job Description like sales representative and then you can see here the drop-down so SharePoint shows the drop-down based on what selection you made in the column setting click Save now let's change the display mode of the gender and this time instead of drop-down I am selecting the radio buttons so go to the employee select this record retighten and now you can see SharePoint automatically displays radio buttons okay so now for choice value let's say I want to sill allow users to select multiple items from the available choices so let's see how that works for that I'm actually adding a new column and say hobbies choice you can say art sports computer computer gaming and here this time twice value I'm deliberately right now are choosing a lot not to a lot of feeling choice and then you can say my default that should be we are selecting one default color value here so when I go to employees table and selecting edit item I can select multiple choices here now ok so again if I want to show you how the allows filling choices option works go to hobbies here and then click yes click OK and see what happens so what will happen is now when user is adding a new record or modifying the existing one they have now ability to also specify their own value ok you can see here our sports and traveling so this is how you use choice columns now few important thing to remember about using choice column is use the choice column when the number of total choices are fixed ok and less than 10 so because the list will grow up grow and grow if you have more than 10 items and it will not look it's not manageable so the recommended opera is always use choice column when you have more than when you have less than ten items and also keep in mind that your choices is not frequently actually changing now in future so some of the actually important points here now let's take a look into number and currency column types so for that I'm again adding a new column called Department ID and this time I'm choosing the number column yes it is required and minimum number should be one and maximum number should be twenty so because I know that in my organization the number of total number of departments will not exceed more than 20 so I'm enforcing the minimum and maximum values for this automatic selects zero because it's a department ID you don't want decimal places to appear and then click OK let's create another column this time salary and then choose currency now this time so should be like celery for per annum and yes it is required so minimum is 20,000 and maximum you can leave it the maximum as it is no number of decimal places and then since it's a currency you can have you know United States as format if you want some other format you can also you choose from this vast number of choices so let's just take our default value here and setting click OK and then you have now two columns so let's see what happens so again I am selecting this and going here edit item now I can put like number one department number one salary is forty-five thousand let's say and click OK so here you can see that the salary when you choose us format it actually shows you the dollar sign here so that's another thing that SharePoint understand what salary configuration you actually what salary of what currency setting you choose for the column now so but here in one problem we I see here is the department ID one right so there is no useful information about the department ID now so how do you solve this problem so you have two things either you put a choice column for Department and put all the department names as a choices but let's say you have more than more than ten departments in your organization so the problem is again back to that it's not recommended to have choice field in that scenario so that is a one option it's called lookup columns so that means you can create a lookup column here so so before before even doing that I am deleting the department ID column as a number so let's delete this column okay and then you go to create column and choose lookup column instead now when you select a lookup column see the column settings here and you have says get information from and you see all the lists available at your current site and you can actually create a lookup into those other lists so in order to use the lookup column you need to again create a list another rest so add an app create a custom list called departments click create so now you have our departments and you have title by default so let's go here and select list and say I do and say department name and click ok ok let's add some department into this one so sales see you in one chase marketing and HR okay so here is here as I have four departments I have added so now we have a list now we can create a lookup column into employees list so go to here this settings create a new column this time select a lookup column and here put department this time yes requires that it's this column contains information yes so user must choose at least one department and here choose the list called departments as soon as you choose departments here you can see that in this column you you see all this department all these columns in that list to actually you know reference that so for now let's let's just you know select the default one and then click OK we can again come back and change it so now we have a lookup column let's see how that works so now when I go here view item you can see here Department is is empty so I am adding an item and then you can see here I have the in a new fill I have a drop down here so click HR let's click sales and click Save so now you can see that I have a department and here sales and this value is actually a link because it is a lookup so when I click it it actually goes to the department's record shows me what is there so let's see if I go to departments and add another column called Department description or something full name of the department and it is not required so let's click OK single line of text ok go to Department let's modify this one so edit item and since it's HR you can put Human Resources and then I can come back here and I'm adding a new record this time GID 0:02 Maggie email female computer gaming salary 55,000 and this time I'm selecting HR click Save now you can see here and I click it you can see it's dialog shows the HR record now to me so let's say tomorrow if I want to add another department so I know the only thing I need to do is go here and add another department let's say Communications and then as soon as I add this if I go to employee table and I can let's say I add a new a new employee item and then you can see here I have a communications record write it right here so I don't need to even go into list settings and add that as a choice so where where you have like hobbies if I want to add another hobby I actually need to go to the list setting and then add as a new choice Tommy right tomorrow I say gymnastics time click OK and then and go to employees you actually see that any value here so if you have more than 10 items you you can easily see that how how the list goes here down there right so that's that's another thing now one more feature I want to show you about the lookup column is that allow multiple selection so let's go to list settings and then Department and I know that you know any all the employee any employee will have only one department but let's see how that works so here I have called allow multiple values as soon as I click this and click OK you can see now if I edit this I record now you can see that see SharePoint totally displays you another type of look and feel for this particular filter and you can now add multiple departments here and click Save as soon as you do that you can see here for this record I have now multiple departments here and each any any one you click it actually opens up that record because it's a look up okay another feature of lookup column is let's say if I uncheck the allow multiple but before that I need to fix one record yeah so I'm just taking it out click Save go back in settings now what happens when I so I'm just resetting back this field taking ok but you can see that I have another setting here at the end called relationship so you can see that the employees and department as two different lists but I have actually joined them with this particular one column okay so now tomorrow I want to enforce the relationship behavior when I check this box and says restrict delete or cascade delete what will happen is by default it is a restrict delayed that means if I delete a Department record from departments list the related employees that actually are joined with that department will not be deleted okay so tomorrow let's say today I I delete this sales department then the employee this this roster or employee is actually belongs to sales department that record will not be deleted but what if you want to do that what if you want to delete all the employees when you delete the department then you go to that particular column and then and force the relationship behavior cascade delete and you click OK now every time you delete the department it will also delete all the employees that that belong to this department so let's do that so I'm deleting this sales department and you actually see it says you did so by default all your records will go to recycle bin and it also says that related items in the following list will also be deleted so if I click OK and if I go to employee you can see now row style or record is gone and if I go to recycle bin side settings recycle bin you can see that the sales department is deleted and you can see here the type is relationship so it actually shows you some icon meaningful icon here also what happens is that when you select this from recycle bin and click restore it will also automatically restores all the deleted records from the defendant employee list so let's see if that happens I just click restore so you can see that the department is added now add it back say and then once I go to employees you can see that the this record is also brought back so another important feature of lookup column is - you can also select what columns you want to bring in from the source list so in this particular case I can go to the settings and Department so so here you can see that in employees list I have only the Department column available that's coming from the lookup list but I can also choose I can bring a model more columns from department list to this particular employee list so I go to list settings department and then this time I want to get department description as well and probably ID so if I click this go to employees now you can see here I have the department description column here and as well as the ID now when I go to list settings and see here you know the naming pattern it says department or Collin and then Department description and then Department : ID that means this actually columns are actually added as a part of the lookup so this is the way cher pointed or actually brings in the lookup column and visually shows you what you what are option you actually selected for that particular column okay one thing I forgot to discuss about the number column type is to show the value of number as percentage let's see how that works so here I have a state's let's say I want to add another column here a number column is GDP contribution and showing that as a number column but this time I want to show this value as the percentage so this value as percentage and don't assume all places and pick okay let's see what happens so when I edit this record and let's say the percentages now you can see here SharePoint automatically shows you the percent sign here so that's it for this state actually contributes 15% of the overall GDP so now I have 15% so see how you can also use the number column as showing the different types of format so if you want a roll number you can see here the population column actually shows that and you have the GDP contribution column which is the same number column but showing the all the values as percentage okay so that's it for this video thanks for listening bye
Channel: Infonuum
Views: 6,307
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint training, sharepoint tutorial;, sharepoint list tutorial, SharePoint look up
Id: uvbG5DZ_CF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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