How to Create a Custom List in SharePoint Online

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hey there in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to create a custom list in sharepoint online so the first thing that you want to do is navigate to the sharepoint online site that you want to create your list in then you want to click on the site contents okay on the site contents you want to go ahead and click on new and you want to click on list now sharepoint online is going to give you the option to select from some of these template lists that are sort of pre-built for your use in this case i'm going to go ahead and click on blank list so we can start from scratch and in this scenario we're going to create an invoice tracker this is a list that will be used to record details about invoices that need to be sent through an approval and review workflow and ultimately sent to finance for approval so you want to enter your list name and go ahead and click create all right so this is your sharepoint list and what you'll notice is that there is only one column here by default to start this column is named title so what we're going to do is we're going to repurpose this column and rename it to invoice description so to do that you want to click on the column and you want to click on column settings and then you want to click on rename okay so i'm going to just call this invoice description i'm going to go ahead and click save all right so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to add another column so to add a new column to this list you want to go ahead and click on add column and what we're going to do is we're going to add a column called invoice date and for this column i'm going to go ahead and select date and time and i'm going to give this column a name invoice date okay in the data type you don't have to touch this we've already set this column to date and time we're going to leave include time to off okay we're just going to leave friendly format to off and we're going to go ahead and click on more options we're going to check this on this is going to make this column required and we're going to turn off add to all content types for all of the columns that we create in this tutorial so that we don't add this column to all of the different content types which define metadata that we'll record in sharepoint so i'm going to go ahead and click on save all right great we've added our invoice date i'm going to add our next column which is invoice amount so again click on add column and in this case we're going to select the data type currency i want to name this column invoice amount okay we're just going to set the number of decimal places to two okay and we're going to leave the currency format as is then we're going to go ahead and click on more options we're going to check make this required and turn off add to all content types and go ahead and click save all right next we're going to add a column called vendor this is going to be used to capture the vendor name so you want to go ahead and click on single line of text okay and you want to click on more options make this required turn this off click save okay now the next thing we're going to do is we're going to add a status column this is going to be used to track the status of an invoice so for this column type we're going to select choice all right so we're going to call this status and on a choice column you can actually set your answer types or your choices so we're going to have four of them the first one is going to be pending approval the second one is going to be approved the third one is going to be more information required and the last one is going to be paid okay and you could change the color of these answers if you wanted to just by clicking on this little palette okay what we're also going to do is we're going to set a default value and we're going to set this to pending approval so this means every time a new item is added to this list it is automatically going to default to pending approval that's sort of the first step in the workflow we'll build for this invoice tracker then you want to go ahead and click on more options with the choice type column you have the choice to choose between drop down or radio buttons we're just going to leave this as is and again we're going to make this a required field and turn off this option here go ahead click save all right um now what we're going to do is we're going to add columns that will be used to track key individuals in the workflow so i'm going to go ahead and click on add column and this time i'm going to select data type person okay and this first column is going to be the requester this represents the person who submitted the invoice or entered the invoice into this list okay now you want to click on more options okay and again we're going to make this required turn this option off okay and we're going to go ahead and click on save okay now we're going to add another column and again we're going to select person this time we're going to call this manager okay and we're going to go ahead and click on more options and again we're going to make this required and we're going to turn this off and we're going to click save and the last person column that we're going to add is going to be finance and so ultimately these invoices will end up with finance for payment so you want to click on more options okay make this required turn this off and we're going to go ahead and click save okay now we're going to add one more column and this column is going to be called comments so i'm going to go ahead and click add column and i'm going to select multiple lines of text and we're going to call this column comments i'm going to click on more options with a multi-text column you have the option to allow for enhanced rich text so you can see the description that's allowing text with pictures tables hyperlinks i'm going to turn this on okay and in terms of appending changes to existing text that's if we're overwriting the comments do we want to just keep that history we're going to leave this off because we're going to let the actual audit trail record the history of an invoice we're going to make this a required field and again toggle this off we're going to go ahead and click save all right so what we're going to do now is we're going to go ahead and test this i'm going to click on new okay i'm going to go ahead and enter a description so new laptop i'm going to enter my invoice date as today i'm going to enter my invoice amount so 2500 the vendor is dell you can see here the status defaulted to pending approval i'm going to go ahead and select the requester so that's me i'm going to go ahead and select the manager that's me again and i'm going to go ahead and enter the finance personnel and that's me again okay if i wanted to add an attachment i could click on this and add the actual attachment to it now i'm going to go ahead and click save and there you go we've now created our invoice tracker you can see this item there you can again actually click into this and edit or add comments if you wanted to or you can click on edit in grid view and actually just edit this in line as if you were working with a spreadsheet okay so that's a quick overview outlining how to create a custom list again in this scenario we created a invoice tracker i hope you found this tutorial useful if you did please like it please drop a comment below and please be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel to stay up to date on the latest sharepoint online and microsoft power automate tutorials and you definitely want to check out the next tutorial which is going to show you how to send email notifications to these different individuals based on changes in the status all right thanks for stopping by talk soon
Channel: Lui Iacobellis
Views: 4,412
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: How to create a blank list in SharePoint Online, how to create a list in sharepoint, create a list in sharepoint, how to create an invoice tracker in sharepoint, sharepoint online list, sharepoint list, create sharepoint list, how to track invoices in a sharepoint list, use sharepoint to track invoices, how to create columns on a sharepoint list, add columns to sharepoint list, rename columns sharepoint list, Microsoft sharepoint list, Microsoft SharePoint Online list
Id: EYC_qoSha0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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