SharePoint 2016 Tutorial - Page Types and Customizations

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hello again this is Shira and in this video let's take a look into share points where your space types and pace customizations so in SharePoint terminology page types are technically page content types just water information and here I have four page types and I have added some of the characteristics and these things are important to the site admins in case of like deciding when to use it and where to use it each page types and recall a page is a one type of document in a SharePoint and a document is ultimately a list item there are also other page types exist but they all fall into one of the above beige space types so you will see later like you also have the option to create a basic page which is a some sort of a wiki page and you have also enterprise wiki page our master page HTML page layout project page etc also there are restriction on the type of page you can create based on type of page library as well SharePoint speed model is actually more complex and we are not covering this in this video let's take a look into each page type and create some pages its wiki pages the purpose is to allow end users to edit the page hence named Villa page it also allows the ability of in browser content modifications adding web parts but no publish mechanism with that you also have quick page creation and faster edits and a few text layouts are also available to choose from so here I have a site if I want to add a new wiki page I'll go to site actions and click add a page as soon as I type tips for investment and you can see here it right there shows me the location of the page and the library site pages now when I create click it shows me right away that a newly created page in edit mode and I can start typing here so let me add some sample next year and then once I select the text I have the range of HTML modification functions here in Bay in the ribbon control so I can you know easily make that text as a title and then insert it you know start typing some more some paragraphs and then once I select this I have the ability to actually sort of a life you know change the font here and also font size so see easily how how easily the end user or this site editor page editor can make changes to the wiki page but apart from this HTML modification functions I also have the ability to insert text layouts so when I click this button check layout I have the my default I have the one column text layout but I can also select other text layout as well this is a text layout one columbic sidebar I have like two column data header and then most flexible of the the header section content section and then the footer section like that then I can also add web parts to this so if I want to add a simple web part here I will go to insert tab and then choose either a part or a web part button here so we will discuss their part versus web part later in the video series but if I want to add a part means of visit based on the list list view I'm selecting tasks here because I know that there are some tasks records into this list and if I click Add right there I have that dee-dee-dee text view these to be apart for the top list so this is how you know easily you can modify the content of the page once I am once I'm convinced that my page is ready I click Save button here and SharePoint we'll give me the display mode of that particular page so one thing here to notice is while I am modifying this this page I have the option to click edit button here or go to the page and click Edit here so while I'm editing this this page here right now the default behavior is other users can also do the modification in parallel to the same page so if I want to prevent other users from from modifying this fail while I am actually modifying it I will click the checkout button here and as soon as I check out you you see that now SharePoint has given me exclusive access to this page modification and if somebody is some other user are tries to go to the page they won't be able to edit it so I have another user here and I have the same page so I'm just going to go to site pages library again and then go to this page and you can see the page is here and it also shows me this message even if I go to his it here in the ribbon control and I try to edit it it won't allow the ribbon button is disabled so this is something that you have at least a little bit of a control over edge modification if I want to rename the page I will actually go to this again with my user account and then oh one more thing once I make these changes after checkout I have to click check in here and then SharePoint will actually save my changes for that particular page if I make any changes and I don't don't like my changes after checkout I have the ability also option to discard the checkout so if I click this card check out this text or will be gone so click OK and see the changes I made is gone because I discarded the check out and so if I want to rename this page I will click Edit and then I will go to page and then this button that says rename page and I can make a new name here also okay and if I say now what will happen is tips for investment I can say 8 tips for investment and save now you can see here now my page name is change alright with the web part page the purpose is to add web part and specific layout on the page hence name that per page you also have no ability in for in browser HTML content edit and also no publish mechanism however you have check and check-out functionality just like wiki page you also have limited choice of layouts available not text layouts these are the page layouts no control over also available layouts as well so hitting the side if I want to add a webpart page if I go to side actions and click this button it will create a wiki page here the reason is because the default page type for the page library is wiki page not the web part page so how would I create a web part page you go to site pages library from here from the navigation or you can go to side contents here and then click site pages library here and now I have this library you go to ribbon control can add a new document and here I have second option as web part page so once I click the web part page now see here SharePoint opens up the new page where it says put the name of the page here but also choose the page layout and you can see that I have available page layouts here now be mindful that these are not X layouts text layouts are different these are these are the page layout and we will also discuss about page layouts in detail later in the video series so I'm just going to go ahead and and select the the first layout and puts a demo where part one and it also says overwrite a file already exists to it so if there is already a page with the same name it's going to it's going to overwrite that page if I select this box so once I select the layout I have also the save location remember I also mentioned that the the page is also one type of document so this particular section gives me the option saying where do you want to store your new webpart page so by default I will say store that separate page into side pages library and then click create and I have you can see the report new effort page into edit mode and now you can see that I have the layout and see the difference of verses wiki page ok I have no ability to type text in this particular page but I have zones here my whole page actually is divided into fixed layout so there I have header I have left column middle column right column and footer and then I can add a webpart so I can say I want to add a heading title I want to add some text I want to add some heading text into it so I go into media and content and choose this content editor webpart and add to it and then I can click Add here and say page title or heading like that and then I can say I want to add a webpart into this and then I go here into into apps and say I want to display some documents here and click Add so you can see that in a left column documents list view widget is added and here I have the content editor web part and then I go to page and say stop editing so I can also go stop editing here and here is my my age you know display mode now the problem here is that you can see that the the webparts heading is also appearing so what if I want to get rid of this webpart title so click Edit and then select this drop-down and this is your graph part and say edit web part and in appearance you can say default chrome type and say none so you have also the title title title and border title only and border only so you can select none click apply and click OK and then stop editing and you have the page heading here so these are the basic operation you want to perform with the web part page now as I mentioned earlier that there is no publishing mechanism and you have very limited choice available so one side if I edit this page and let's say I want to modify the layout of this particular report I have no ability to do that right so the reason is once you create the the page based on the page layout that's it you cannot go back and say I want to change my page layout so now if I want to rename this page I will go here and click Edit properties and that's where I have the ability to rename the page so now another thing is that when I editing the web part page I have this that says content type and where I have the ability to change the web part page back to wiki page as well so once I do that you can see that easily it is converted I will recommend that to do that but this is the option that's available so just for the information if I want to create another page with different layout I have to actually go to site pages again and click files click Edit web part page put some name like demo where part 1 but this time demo web part to cook and then you select let's say header footer for columns it will appear like this and I can say that I want to store this this page into a in a document library instead of the default site pages library and if I click create you can now the second web part page with a different layout but this time then you stop editing if I go to documents library I have the demo graph on one page here ok so now let's talk about publishing page and this is the one of most innovative features in SharePoint and a part of publishing infrastructure so to create publishing pages you need to enable publishing infrastructure features into your site first it allows you to ability of in browser HTML content modification but also with publish mechanisms check out checking publish and approval is enforced now and you have also few available page layouts but you can also add new page layouts and modify existing one also and you have complete control over how the page layout renders the content so this is a very powerful mechanism let's see that in action so before that I show you how to create publishing page I'm going to show you one difference so if you if you go to any news if you create a new site let's say based on team site template and I have this in this new website this is a contour portal I have created and you can see that this is a very fresh site with no content into it and when you go here you have only site pages and this is not a publishing page library okay so if I want to make this site to her ability to create publishing page I will go to site actions site settings and then first I will go to site collection features because this is a root site that's why so before you enable your your site with publishing feature in the site level you need to also enable the one feature at site collection levels we will also talk about how features are organized in detail later in the video series so here I have one feature called SharePoint Server publishing infrastructure and the description says provide centralized library content type master pages and page layouts and enables pages scheduling and other publishing functionality for a site collection and you click activate once you click activate you go to site settings again and then access the site level of feature sections and then you activate find the SharePoint Server publishing feature and then you click activate this feature will add certain libraries are into your site so if I go back to intranet or contours of site website here I have that features both enabled and the difference will be this so if I go to site content for for this site you can see I have now pages library I have now site collection documents I have workflow tasks site collection images is all sorts of new libraries added by SharePoint when I enable those features so if I go to the contoso website this is the library by default I get when I create a new site so this is something that you need to our you know take into consideration when using or creating new publishing pages in your site so now in this site I have the required features and libraries are available I can go ahead and create publishing pages before creating pages I will just add a shortcut to here so in this navigation I click edit add edit link and then drag this library right there and click Save so I have a shortcut now so and i go to i go to the pages library and by default there is a one page edit it says page not found error this is the default SharePoint new way of handling page not found problems so you know if somebody bookmarked one page and the page is not there or renamed they will see this page instead of the actual page because the page is not there now to edit to add a new publishing page I will go to files tab here and click new document and I will see page article page welcome page and error page for options here the reason why I am getting this for option is because if I go to library tab and library setting I have this content type and you can see that I have page content type article page welcome page and error page and the default is the default content type is the page content type right now and I can change that so if I want to let's say make article page content type as my default content type I will go to content type and make article as click one in a first position and click OK okay so now let's create the default one page if I go here and click page again just like the back part I will get the page layout section now okay and then I have the title I say um homepage and then you can see as soon as I uh you know go into this particular it actually gives me the suggest mean the name so let's say if I if I delete this again and if I say home page what happened is that um let me cancel what happens so I want to show you something that what if you put home page and it will it will it will actually give you option like this home - page so this is a all the space with the - this is okay and I have all this page layouts here to choose from let's say I want to add a blank webpart page as my home page and if I click create I have now the home page and it is only checked out see that's what I'm I was talking about is that now the check out checking is enforced and you can see that it says page layout here it which is the blank webpart page okay so based on the type you select it actually adds the the page layout as well and each each page layout points to the content type of this whole page layout versus content type relationship we will discuss in detail later in the video series so let's click the home page here now you can see that this already checked out here and because I haven't checked in this page the page is no more there for any other user so if I go to the same site and i refresh this site and I have the pages library okay see the page is not here for the Ross Taylor user because the I created the page but I haven't checked in or published that page once so the page is actually not there for any other user so so now I have this this checked out by me are and I can say I want to edit this page and now I have a page content section where I can just like edit the content like this say page heading similar to a wiki page but now I have also the ability to add web parts in a particular fashion so if I want to add a topless I will go to apps and then select tasks and click Add so now I have a topless here if I want to add a documents library right here I will go to and select acumen and click air here ok and click Save so now I have see very very strictly laid out of page and still my all my changes are actually checked out right now my my all my changes are in a draft mode that means when I check it in it saves that I have also the ability to discard the check-in or discard the check out right now this card check out is not there it's because I haven't checked in my changes one time single time so let me check in check in my changes and I can put some note saying initial drafts won't change and if I click continue now I have a check mean version and it says publish it and you know if I again do check out if I let's say you know after check out I do edit and I put some some text now I have the ability to discard the check out ok so once I discard the check out again it says still your changes are saved in a draft mode but you need to publish it so that the other users can see your changes so once I publish it if I go to this as this user refresh the page now I have the home page because now this page is actually published version of the page and and internally the whole process actually takes care of the versioning so if I go to here and click say I want to see all the version history I will see my changes here right there okay and same thing I can also access those those commands from here as well so this is the version history back in or even control so when I created this home page I said go to files and then click new documents and then use these options right the first reason is that this option appears here is because if I go to libraries and library setting I have the content type section here and added these four options and I can add other content types and it will that particular button will start showing those options as well and you can see that the by default the page page type is the default content type here okay now what about these two buttons if I click upload button I get the regular upload button upload dialog sorry and I can upload the document link to pages library this is not recommended and there are prob there are reasons behind why it is not recommended we cancel now if you if I right now click this new button it shows me all these four options right here right which is easier than clicking this ribbon button and clicking this button this table now so why the reason why because right now SharePoint use me this option because my SharePoint site is actually integrated with another SharePoint platform product called office online server so that means if my if my SharePoint environment don't have that product installed and integrated with SharePoint it will show me this dialog then I am clicking this button ok so just for your information of what things gets changed based on of what things are integrated into the SharePoint environment now if I want to enforce approval that means I am the library owner and the site owner and under me two people are working and that person that they're two people can add pages into this library or site but I want to enforce an approval process for this library so to do that I go to library settings and then go to versioning settings here and you know select this require Content approval for submitted items once I do that what will happen is and right now you can see that it it added approval status column right here and it says approve and up tool the reason is because the homepage is actually created by me right now the Ross Taylor so now let's do one thing let's create a one more page and this time let's create an article page and say article one and you can see that - is ready here because I have a space in the title now let's just select body on the page or you know and just select a blank paper page and click create now I have a system on their part and you can see right now we've seen a draft more okay so if I go to here I say you know edit a page and then I add some content to it just a random content and then I'm going to say check-in so once I check in and I can say publish now so this is the some some of the things that I actually see that with the new edition of SharePoint is the publish publish it doesn't work instead it should show you submit for approval while I go to publish tab here in the ribbon control it actually does that so if I do that submit then it's actually does that if this visitor can't see this page until it is approved and you have approve it so when I click it it does not work as well right the reason why because Ross Taylor is actually the user with contribute permission this roster the user does not have approval approving other permission for approving DD pages so if I go back to and to the side as my account and hit refresh now I have the article 1 here so and here is the thing it says pending approval ok so if I go here and I can say click approve here or I can also go to the library and it may be like good luck you know if other user submitted approval then other documents will also appear here so in the single view I will have all the document that says pending approval so I can also filter by saying show me all the pending records and then I will go here and say advanced and approve or reject I can also do cancel approval that means I am rejecting or canceling the approval of this document so if I go here I have say approved rejected or pending I I can also comment that and things like that so for just the simple say approve this time click OK and now the easy article is approved and other users can see so let's see if I have another user here Chris Evans and that person are refreshing it so you can say that article one is here so because this is approved of change now let's go back and you know go to the same page again as Ross Taylor I'm going to refresh the page one more time and this time I'm saying edit the page okay and this time I'm going to change this page hitting just a one chain so that we notice what what's being changed and I'm going to do the again check-in and publish this Drock so I'm going to publish this so I'll submit this for approval and now again once I hit as at you got put on the same page again I have the article one on page again and sales pending approval okay if I go by any other user who has only read-only permission user so right now this crease evan is the third user who has read-only site so you can see that ribbon is not appearing here and control are gone controls are gone because this user has read-only access to the entire site so now the article 1 is here if I reference this see it still it doesn't show me the changes because the changes are not published or sorry approve the the publish of the content only appears to the user who has the approval ability approving the content ability so I am saying okay approve it approving this and say continue all right if I go as Chris Evans user again and hit this refresh I have the page heading changes here okay so this is the approval process in a publishing page the approval process is not just limited to publishing page library or anything it also can work with the site pages or any other list or library in the site so it will be little bit different but most of the time the approval process for publishing page works like this so the last one is the application page types let's talk about that page types so if I go back to my previous slide here it says application page not at all flexibility there is no flexibility you don't have you have complete control over what page does but though all the pages are admittedly and also you cannot edit application pages like all these other three page types okay and here also the scope is farm wide and location is on the web server file system and you can also you cannot add into additional columns to this type of pages and also there is no specific fixed page layout approach also okay so now let's look into what the application page types are now if I go to here in this side okay if I click side contents here you can see in the address bar this is a side content page looks like okay so also if I go to side actions and side settings I have this so it's my settings page and here is work that's where this page is located so if I copy this locations into a text file this is what the address looks like for both type of pages so site content this is the address what happen is that this page is an application page and SharePoint creates a file system location and this is the address on the file system means the this location is not part of the site content database okay same thing the settings page and if you look if you look at the settings page like this arm you cannot edit this pages so that means if I go here you know you have no option of editing the page plus there is no ribbon control here as well okay now what do you mean by this pages are shared across the farm wide that means I have this another application contoso calm okay and you can see that the contoso application has the location similar the this one so if I copy and paste you can see that only this portion is different okay if I were a sub-site in this side site let's say sub-site anything like let's say a team team site one okay so this page is the same page that I'm accessing from this location the only thing because the page you will react differently because of this address okay so this is this is the reason how application page works and there are certain out-of-the-box specific application pages are there from SharePoint but your IT team can also develop application pages on their own and all the developers can add those pages into the system and make it available to you for site administrator and content administrator that's not an option there is no way from the UI you can create application pages okay lastly one thing I noticed that is the improvement over SharePoint 2010 is the ability to add page types to site pages library so if I go to library and libraries settings by default I will have wiki page and webpart page but I can also add other types as well so the change here is in SharePoint 2010 there was no ability to actually override this setting in the site biggest library um so let's say if I want to add a basic page right so I can just go ahead and select the content type click Add and click OK and I have basic page creation as well if I go to site pages library I can go here and click basic page here okay so this concludes this video thanks for listening bye
Channel: Infonuum
Views: 14,571
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint, SharePoint 2016 pages, creating pages in SharePoint, creating page in SharePoint team sites, SharePoint 2016 tutorial, SharePoint 2013 Tutorial, Create wiki page in SharePoint, Create a webpart page in SharePoint, Create a publishing page in SharePoint
Id: K9H_ohaCsvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 59sec (2219 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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