Creating SharePoint form with child items from another list

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today we'll configure related items in regular mode so here we have a parent list and in here we have a example children list first thing first we are going to add a lock up field to the children list let's easy just go here cream cone a mid parent or whatever you like click look up and select the parent list you want to use additionally it's good to mark ID so we don't need to do it later on when we create a an edit form all right so that's the setup let's go back to the example children list here we have it right so first we are going to connect to form designer and we are going to design a new form for our parent list okay so firstly we'll want to design a form I'm just going to add a title and I'm going to add related items alright items go to data source and here we want to choose our children list and the new form we only want to see you items only alright so make sure that quick edit set to none and here it is on next we need to add CSS class I'll just copy the example related items here yes and we are going to insert the forming code so that our list gets automatically populated open JavaScript editor in your form and insert it here make sure that parent is the same as parent home and related items has the same class alright so we're going to connect to our channal children list and we are going to design a new form for it so first we design for what I am design a form and add a parent book field and custom CSS class to it in this case parent field we also need this HTML control it will be a hidden field which is necessary for us to calculate simply make sure to select see data to false yes insert the code you don't need to customize it copy this code to your translated to make sure that parent field has the same class as your pencil and make sure that parent is the same field as the one you have very important we have parent field here alright so now we are going to create new item and new child for it here put item 1 create new item as you can see on this form that parent field is hidden that's good and I'm going to name l1 as you can see here right now the parent is empty that's because we haven't finished creation yet so it's save answer is linking items and that's exactly what is going on so if we go to children list 1 finished we refresh the page you can see that right now we have gel one and it's populated automatically just what we wanted all right let's go back and now we will want to create an edit form I'm not going to create a display form but it's the same process so we already created parent ID right so we already have this field we're going to connect again going to select our parent list this case example we're going to go to edit form design a form I'm just going to add title and related items we get it set none datasource I'm going to select our example children list 1 we are working with going to food right by field so form field select again and here select parent ID okay add custom CSS class to it related items my case nutri further you want just remember to customize it in this code okay so it's only automatically populated and everything else you've already done in previous step up unable to receive data okay no saving [Music] okay save going to edit this item so here we see an edit form new item containing named child to say oh and here we have shelter this time automatically populated because we are editing an existing item save and now we would have crash children list and here you can see that we have gel one gel - alright so that's pretty much it thank you for watching
Channel: Forms Designer
Views: 31,250
Rating: 4.2173915 out of 5
Id: rd8g6Zu1H_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 48sec (468 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2017
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