Dennis Rodman on Partying in North Korea & his Relationship with Michael Jordan | FULL SEND PODCAST

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feeling good i feel really good basketball legend man bob here where's rodman here um i said football is that is that cool or no the thing is too if he gets fiery he's not gonna hit you he's not gonna do anything he just gets emotional rodney is a very emotional guy very emotional for me like as a basketball player uh as a basketball fan i really really i really like dennis rodman he's uh all time he's definitely top 60 greatest i mean like he's just a great great defender best rebounder of all time for sure guy knows how to bounce back hey yeah yeah guy can bounce back after ascend too yeah yeah yeah that's crazy they woke his ass up i wonder what he ranks his all-time senders probably high yeah he drinks once again we're uh waiting on bob memory we're at this cool bar though boys uh class of 47. this is the the first bar to ever carry happy dad ever on the [ __ ] planet so that's why we had to come here rodman is actually i believe a part owner in this bar yeah right yeah that was pretty cool well well well right here we're putting you right beside rodman yeah yeah what's up this is your bar by the way this is it there you go it's all good thanks rodney all right we're getting right into this uh full scent podcast episode five episode five yeah we got uh absolute legend in the building dennis rodman champion well you gotta put the 47 hands up there huh so do you you own a part of this bar yeah man that's crazy what's up what's the other half right back connors where's pat connors is he here if you guys i think they cleared the building for you they knew you were coming in no no man so you guys came all the way down here to do this huh no we live here oh right we just moved down here from l.a about three months ago what here or something uh we live in irvine we're about 20 minutes away mm-hmm oh the asian huh all ladies over there right all right how long you've been living down here in oc no often only 20 years 20 20 years man that's crazy uh you guys don't know this bar also is the first bar to ever carry happy dad really on the planet yeah wow right now pretty crazy my job when he's coming all the time so you see all these pictures here so yeah he's honest he's the only bar back in the day so is that just one of your many events what do you got going on right now what are some things you're actively working on right now oh man so much [ __ ] man so i just got back from houston i did an autograph show in houston um um i'm doing something in mexico city right now um doing a new tv show over there i just did those uh surreal life in um um mexico city too so um i got a tabletop book coming up um you name i'm probably doing it do you use social media or do you like do you own like a phone or like a flip phone what are you rocking well my flip phone's over there somewhere so you actually you actually rock you actually rock a flip phone yes yeah holly give me yeah there it is right here you actually have the flip flop what is what is this like what's the what's the psychology behind the flip phone how do you text on it there you go let's see a flip phone suit this is old school it's old school right there that's as old school as it gets oh yeah man no man it's easier to dial and plus i don't text i don't test anyone in the world never never my life so you only communicate like by voice i hear my voice that's it why not text huh why not text one i'm too lazy to i just don't want to do it three i don't want people my business out there all the time you know so it's like hey why not i'm already famous what the [ __ ] that's already famous so you must have some interesting uh contacts in that phone what they must have some interesting contacts in that phone well not really i mean it's just simple stuff man people call see what's up what's going on do business use your stuff every day nothing serious what's the first contact if you type in k on that phone okay for what just k my name is kyle so i just just watched your name yes no no i'm saying just any name of the k like cow kyle ken kim um that's kate i couldn't tell you man you got jordan there huh you got michael in there yep is michael so what's you and michael's relationship you guys still stay in touch yeah we stand in touch i saw him all day was in maryland i was in maryland so uh my pleasure uh when i go back to uh uh fort lauderdale probably gonna hang out in this house for like a couple of days so see what's up man what about scotty like any other uh i just saw tony cooch i just saw horace grant i just saw uh steve curry i saw all those guys in houston you missed you missed the days of playing basketball no i did my job my kids do it right now so um i know dude i mean i did my 15 years were you one of the best defenders in the game you think well that's what they say sleep's a big basketball guy what would you say what do you think yeah i definitely think you're like the best defender of all time like three bet the rebounds like where's this guy who's this guy right here but oh you take it with slime he's yeah tiger's third cousin oh cool man i remember tiger back in the day he was like 16 years old when he was hanging out with us in uh chicago oh [ __ ] yeah i just seen his documentary he used to go out there with michael all the time you ever party with tiger um not really michael like i used to who pulled the most at all all three of you guys for what like just women in general who was gravitating on my ass i was only one single [ __ ] i mean every game i had girls left or right really i didn't care man what do you think was your greatest pull yeah you got a pretty you got a pretty good roster oh yeah i do a lot of cool stuff man even today i do a lot of cool stuff you know it's amazing when you uh when you retire from basketball a lot of people don't forget about you especially their day with their social media instagram and stuff like that something that uh i used to date carmen forgot her life oh i mean call my electro you know so uh madonna and then madonna i did a lot of a lot of people how long did you like date madonna for sharon stone i mean all these people i did up you know um what's her name um cindy cindy crawford dated her uh just a bunch of people man yeah i read something that like you used to [ __ ] girls in the middle of the united center where the bull's logo like how does that work on your knees this is what you're here for right right now all over the place man you know i have flown rooftops in vegas i have rooftop on in planes i do you name it i probably have sex with any place on the planet so like every day was like some new people no no no i don't i don't [ __ ] every day sorry bro you can't do that when you're playing ball select times you gotta how do you pull off in like the middle of the stadium though like is there was there just no one in the stadium or were people just watching from the bleachers like people from the trailers they say how do you have sex with your mom at home i don't [Music] different positions because i know it may be boring [ __ ] a lot especially if you were in there i know i mean that's why you sometimes just get old man you know it doesn't get so what's the longest you've been in a relationship for as long as i've been in one you mean like day to day yeah just like an actual like dating a girl committed to her sexually probably three one three months were you were you big on like monogamy or were you like man i kind of i wasn't big on trying to be uh [ __ ] uh a relationship on hell no you know when i when i was married my three wives we never lived together what nah hey come on pam yeah come on get to the 90s get to the 2000 get the 2nd century brother we don't live together in this day and age man come on [ __ ] they come to see you [ __ ] they come suck it they can [ __ ] you and go home what the [ __ ] come on man no i feel like i really want to know bro that's the scariest thing i think like you could be dating a girl for a year but what happens when like i feel like when she moves in that's when you're kind of [ __ ] because it's really hard to break up with her like then she has all her [ __ ] in there like yeah then it's like when you break up it's such a big deal like [ __ ] that's one thing i don't know if i ever want to move in with it well you put like this if the girl knows in the beginning the fact that you're just hanging out having fun great so you never thought like man i'm never driving to go get some [ __ ] like they're coming to you no i don't do that that's great wow you know i don't see a girl's house i don't [ __ ] girls houses yeah cause you don't know what's in there no no no i'm sorry not in my nature so dennis i can ask you something so uh kim jong-un what else questions you probably get all the time i'm just fascinated by the whole entire thing and i'm genuinely fascinated by that you know it's just interesting you know the that how you guys formed a relationship and you know and whatnot so it wasn't like it wasn't like that man we uh he basically asked for michael jordan first and like i said no yeah yes but scottie pippets got a 50 said no then he asked me i said yes so it was a deal set up it was like hey it went odell you just asked you know if we which one of us come over i said yes and so i went over there i thought i was at the president and he just just liked me from day one right so so what do you mean define he says want to come over no come on hang out because like if a girl just want to come over it's like want to come over like yeah kim jong-un says want to come over there yeah do you want to travel to north korea well you just say you want to come to north korea i like to see you because he loves basketball that's why wow so i would say so what was it like so what was it like when you get this how do you get there you get uh did he send a plane does it how we get there i think we got that right though no i don't know i've never been in north korea i don't know probably playing private plane to north korea wow and then what he's doing he's dead rich he's dead rich well of course he's got his own planes and [ __ ] he's a dictator right he must be rich i don't know man you know he's to me he's a cool guy if you saw the uh the uh singapore uh seminar with him and donald trump you thought donald trump was a baby and he was like king because donald trump was chasing his ass the whole time did you have any did you have any play there when trump and uh did they met right is that what happened they met yeah they met so did you trump was the first president to ever meet with him well i'm going to call you in though and say hey i need your help dennis and you have a great relationship with kim jong-un no no trump been talking about this for years man since 1990s and uh i think that he just wanted to prove to the world the fact that you know what he probably can combine the two countries together because uh you know north korea is like a communist country it's not the only country is not involved with the world and uh but i thought i thought that donald trump wanted just to prove a point you know he wouldn't improve anything but i'm just saying you know so so what like how long did you stay there um a couple of times i was over there for a couple weeks at this house a couple weeks what is his house like is it just it must be well yeah what's kim jong-un's house like yeah that's well like i don't know that's why i like i don't know how you can say it um it's probably like 60 70 000 square foot wow can he ball do you guys play 101 like you guys we just played we kind of played horse you know we just sit there and play this basketball courts you know he got his own island he's got his own ski resorts i mean he got his own water parks everything problem is if you play horse against him you got to kind of lose right i have to lose for nothing no i just never lost the horse game with kim jong-un no man it was more just for fun man oh gotcha would you go back again well yes every month to do it when was the last time you've been back uh a couple years ago you know i can't go because of all this [ __ ] going on they won't let me go over there but they want me to come on me almost every day so we talked to him like twice a month i watched that new joe rogan interview i heard it's pretty lit over there in north korea like they like go around they like collect [ __ ] from all the people like a certain amount of [ __ ] and they like collect all the virgins from like villages and stuff close up teeth that's what i saw the lady told the story on joe rogan well i mean explain this whatever they saw i didn't see it yeah i didn't see it i saw i saw all the good stuff really i saw all of this what kind of food they give you they just did you lay out a whole damn you name it they had it really you were treated like royalty yeah you name it they had it i mean whatever people say what they do that because if you go over to north korea even in asia japan tokyo uh any place that has uh poverty you're gonna see that when you come from the airport you're gonna see all of that i think you know that even in mexico city you know you go woven up venezuela uh anyway puerto rico you're gonna see old you'll see all the refugees and stuff like that before you even get into downtown so it's no different to me in north korea once you get down downtown north korea it's civilized you think you'd ever be down and do a podcast with us who kim jong-un well you know it's amazing i keep telling people that he's going to come to america i keep trying to tell people that people don't believe me unless yes he is once he come here he'd probably be the biggest thing ever hit here besides god in jesus watch would you consider him a good guy doesn't matter but doesn't matter because one thing bro you can't bait me to say [ __ ] no we're not trying i've always said it i was overset this [ __ ] many many many times yeah yeah but we're never trying to do that so i'm just trying to have an overcomer he's a good guy in my eyes guess what he treated me well and i don't know what he treat people around the world but he treated me well so that's how i look at it so you say percent chance of him coming on the full set podcasts yeah well he won't do that but he's gonna do it what if we got rodman to kind of endorse it if i do anything i do his tv show here's a tv show no career so i do issue all the time when i go over there oh really okay it's wild that's very interesting it's just so fascinating to me it seems like such a dangerous place to go to and the fact that you know you went there it's a dangerous place that's the only place in the world is dangerous [ __ ] look at afghanistan what do you think about dangerous really were you gonna go dangerous what are your thoughts on what's going on over there right now i don't have no clue and guess what dude that goddamn president some [ __ ] [ __ ] so just letting you know what what does biden do what is bite doing right now he's such a [ __ ] what who the [ __ ] like that [ __ ] [ __ ] who elected him look what he's doing look what he's doing to people yeah look i mean you tell me what's going on you see it it's it's actually unbelievable it's like it seems like it's like fake now at this point i saw today they had these uh they had these these helicopters that we'd obviously left there and i saw our video today because every day this stuff just keeps coming out now now they had these [ __ ] helicopters taliban they're flying them in the air and there's people hanging from the helicopters that's got to be fake that has to be no it's not fake they're killing people over there now that they had any association with us hey man that's what you're doing what's worse nor career or that because you don't see that north korea do you think i think they're both saying that no no no you don't see that over north korea because i don't think anyone's talking about north korea right now no they ain't talking about this for a long time yeah it's all this crap now so we're there i just think no one goes into north korea because there's no money to be made there if we go to war there people go there for tours you know they do that a lot over there they go from singapore they go from japan tokyo they all go over there man were you uh so you when you say obviously the things about buying that you said were you a trump supporter then or were you just i love trump as a friend i love trump what's your relationship with trump i love trump trump trump's my good friend for 25 30 years wow he's a good friend man he said his son on the uh podcast donald jr came on huh uh donald jr just came on the podcast what about him he just came on he was uh she she was no we're saying we had him on two weeks ago oh he's he's he's different he's very he's very vocal i know i know he's just like his father just like his dad right you know both of those guys just like his dad but the daughter she's cool man she's cool did you did you party with him at all who the the big man trump you know actually party he goes out but he don't party he doesn't drink right i don't enjoy you know he plays but he definitely slayed a lot right like he definitely got a lot of girls i own yeah i think something like that you know trump probably [ __ ] a lot of girls i don't know definitely a lot of girls are coming out right now is that they had sex with him so i don't know what he does man so what's your what's your advice right now you we what's your vice advice what do you like to do what do you like to do in your spare time right now you like to gamble on the golf course you like what do you like to do sure i just i just live man i like to live that's what i like that's my advice right now i like to live enjoy people you know i've done everything in the world man [ __ ] what else they're gonna do besides die okay i like to live may enjoy people that's my main thing now because what once you do so much man around the world and once you've done so much it's like so many so many times what's left you know that's why the suicide rate is so [ __ ] up these days people don't know what to do with themselves wow i love that i love that how many how many technical files did you get in your career you were you were kind of a bad boy on the on the basketball court i wasn't a bad boy i just i just did my job yeah you fought shaq too i've seen that we had shaq on last week what was that trip home what was the argument about shaq's biggest [ __ ] huh yeah yeah he's a great guy he's big this that's cool man she acts like a commercial you know shaq and shaq when you know she think he's smarter than anybody in the world right but he's a cool guy though i give him credit man i got kids i think the sun's playing basketball right yeah sharif and shakira what are they nba no not yet no so is it just like with with you were you just so the reason why you got so many technical files throughout your career and whatnot was it just because just the competitiveness of the game or what i just look like just like anything in life i like to be competitive i like to uh enjoy myself i like to go out to have fun and make people happy you know the way i do it man it's more like you know i'm not the biggest guy in the world you know i'm like six foot six six foot seven two and then thirty thirty five pounds you know so i go out there and do my job so i love what i do yeah you loved rebounding oh i love i love rebounders i love it that much i love the defensive rebound i love that [ __ ] man it just makes me it makes me feel like i'm working for my money yeah so that's wild oh yeah you watching a lot of nba nowadays not really seriously not really why because i don't know it's just it's just very hard to watch because once you've played the game the way we played it intensity uh um just competitiveness but now it's more like you know i don't want to watch players coming down shooting 50 footers you know that's not that's not basketball i mean come on i understand i understand you know you want to school like you know long range but my god this is just some excitement in the game you know like we used to do it you know so but uh it's difficult to watch but a lot of kids love it you get a chance to watch the last dance the documentary why would i do it i lived it you literally [ __ ] so you're saying you haven't lived it well i was saying if you saw the finished product were you impressed i was active for three years man i lived in three years and all that stuff and it was all it's all true yeah it's all true especially with my [ __ ] that's all true yeah dennis explain that that whole 1998 like when you went to the wwe in the middle of the utah jazz oh yeah anyway guys that's back on he owns the ball right guys that's back connor's over there who is it come on over here come on over here get in the [ __ ] thing come on brad he knows for pat connors you [ __ ] give robin pacquiao thank you for having us in here what's up gentlemen the right ass all right there you go right hey we're saying you're the first the first guy to carry happy dad right there you go happy that i appreciate that man i appreciate it thank you it could be actually considered for all this we got to do something all the success of happy dad this is this is our drink it's a seltzer we started it about three months ago we launched it so we do a lot of like drinking in our videos so we always notice it's like a beer or something it's like a you know like a white claw oh man [ __ ] but i don't know i think one thing about that white cloth god damn [ __ ] love that [ __ ] i love it yeah he looked happy that morning [ __ ] dude well we didn't like that you know you get laid with that [ __ ] easy quick right [ __ ] is saying yeah give me a white claw man what the [ __ ] is a white cloth hey what about a tequila or jagermeister you know that goes quick so you've seen some do you see some days with dennis [ __ ] that was last night i don't think so good morning everybody there you go we got we got we gotta get the bar popping for him we gotta get the bar but the question is is rodman are you gonna come in and get you don't you drink anymore are you sober just what was he doing last night that was a very happy dad yeah i love it i love it gabe let's get that mic in between both of them so we can hear both of them there you go you got it perfect bang right there there you go beautiful beautiful so you don't so you don't drink anymore you don't oh we party oh you still partying oh yeah oh so why have you taken a sip of the happy dad yeah tell us your honest review well because it's not it's not what i call it now no there it is there's [ __ ] alcohol in there there's a reason i want a real dennis rodman review of the happy dad right now maybe we can get i mean i'm not trying to be whatever but maybe further the talks with kim jong-un to get him in the podcast maybe we can send him a case of happy dad i listen i the elk audience hates me dennis right now they don't really like me i'm surprised robert o'neill the guy that killed bin laden right we gotta kill bin laden but i'm expecting a happy dad case over to kim jong-un and just see if he wants to come on the podcast are you on your show dude we had him two weeks ago we got this whole thing going on man i'll try it out today man see how it works for me you know maybe i get a girl you know maybe she can uh get her mind right with this maybe a happy dad again dennis i'll tell you this though i will tell you this it does increase the [ __ ] count right with this [ __ ] there you go happy when was your uh go back to basketball for a minute when was your when was your happiest years in the nba what was your most memorable moment your happiest time in the nba i think the first time i stayed on uh stepped on the foot on the court of uh any short and thank the the next time i was really really happy my daughter first saw me play that was in 1997. you know she was sitting behind the bench and all you are you see her just standing up cheering stuff like that oh my god my daughter's actually seen me play those two times that's pretty bad how old was she she was like nine wow that's awesome yep and now she's a major soccer player oh yeah she's yeah she's a big type soccer player really oh yeah she's gone pro oh she's pro she's big time man yep she's big time brother that's wild what about what about you man what about me what about you you know you you know your your cousin is uh tiger woods right yeah yeah so you know it's amazing you know after that whole thing with tiger how um when he uh all the scandal came up with the women and stuff like that yeah it's like everything just just crumbling from his mouth all everything that's coming down on him stuff like that and the next thing you know when his career is coming back then that car accident that kind of sucks man yeah that's that's it that [ __ ] him up for sure all right for sure right right yeah maybe the senior tour yeah i don't know i just started golf so i think he's gonna come back i think he's going to come out yeah dennis what was it what was the uh what was the three days uh that you spent in vegas i think there might be some future there might be film created about the three days that happened in vegas and now that we have you right here can you give us a little intel on what that no it's just more like you know the fact that i don't think i don't think anyone's ever approached any coach the way i did um in chicago in chicago phil jackson i just got so like kind of bored man it's like god damn the same routine every day every day every day so i went to phil jackson i stayed phil hey man man i gotta get myself i can get my mind rocket i gotta go to vegas he said you want to go to vegas i'm gonna go to vegas two days up okay this is during the playoffs no that's doing it during the season through the season oh during this during this midway through the season so sophia said oh then he's got two days to go to vegas just doing during the season we playing games he said go ahead next thing you know i'm in vegas having a juice she probably saw it on last dance so i'm having a blast with a bunch of girls just just being calm but she saw a bunch of you guys drinking about [ __ ] so the second day end like on the third day i'm still in vegas part of my [ __ ] part of my ass so fourth day i'm part of my ass so part of my [ __ ] who comes to vegas pick me up michael jordan dennis you got to come back and play [ __ ] i agree so and and when i get like when i went back what happened i was live now i was ready to rock you saw me in the video i was like i was like boom i was ready to rock but i said yeah yes i'm good now you're actually thinking of the team you're thinking of the team when you were going to vegas like you weren't being selfish brothers though sometimes when you're just like bored like you want to grind like you need to like refresh your mind when you have to go do something that's my that was my fix right there instead of like you know people um say you know i need to fix like you know drugs or alcohol that was my face going through vegas because i'm so used to going because it energized me a lot i love entertainment i love entertaining so much so they just just fired me up right there so when i got back i was ready so what kind of shape were you when michael jordan knocked on the door what kind of i was in great shape so i'm saying where you were you [ __ ] you were obviously a three-day bender in vegas no no no when you when you when you do stuff when you do stuff like that especially when you're playing ball you actually go you take a steam sauna and you work out they do a lot of stretching and stuff like that so basically it does it does recoup your body a little bit so uh this thing does it a lot it's true you actually went to bed four in the morning let's go to the steam [ __ ] you know what he hates this [ __ ] dude he's been walking around naked how many times you go to vegas like mid-season or like playoffs nah let's see i'd say probably season i'll probably go like between 20 25 times what after you have the games because we have a day off i just go get a plane and go to vegas and come back the next night guaranteed who's your crew what did you roll with just for people you know my bodyguards and a couple of girls and that we just go go have a good time with 24 hours coming back did you ever not make a game uh one in my whole career i wasn't i was in a vendor so what happened that vegas night yeah no no this ain't the same vegas this is in new york so i mean we playing uh the nets and uh the motherland so anyway so i said oh yeah i got the plane so i got my limos and stuff like that all my crew so we go down to new york we go down to new york i said yeah man we going to scores the ship club scores i say yeah scores so we go there so i saw a girl that i knew well i used to [ __ ] her i used to [ __ ] her down for like 10 years i was a [ __ ] so she said oh let's go let's go to atlantic city i said great so i said all right we're gonna got them cars so we passed jersey now we're going to atlanta city and we're in atlanta city uh with the craft table i'm saying that playing with just drinking drinking drinking all night stuff like that and i forgot i had a basketball game that day and i said [ __ ] i got a basketball game well i said [ __ ] it so we gamble the game together so we go upstairs and all she want to do is all she want to do is suck dick and [ __ ] all goddamn day i said great she was sexual huh she was a real sexual brother and so still re upstairs next thing i gotta knock on the door i said oh [ __ ] who is it george my security people from chicago they said dennis you know you mentioned the game right now so they came and got me and got a private plane went back to chicago they were still playing a game in jersey so they flew in chicago were they all waiting in the locker room like what the [ __ ] dennis nope they never said nothing no one no one ever tested your butt like man you got to get into practice like this where are they working i was always i was in i was in practice i was always a practice man i always worked out before and after a game before after practice stuff like that i've always done that man you believe you believe kind of that work hard play hard mentality you ever play a game hammer huh were you ever like drunk during a game no no never so you always steamed like you're always like drunk a day before a game i never drink day before a game okay i almost but i didn't you know but almost but i didn't you know i had a couple of drinks but no i i can't play like that no that's how i was going to that's like having sex before a game you can't [ __ ] move you know your legs are weak you know my mind's all screwed up and stuff like that you know especially when the coach said you know what you've been [ __ ] all night he'll actually tell you that because she looks like she's not moving well so i said oh great so you're always tired after talking [Laughter] so your post-game parties must have been nuts after winning the championship oh dude what happened after you won the first championship yeah with the pistons what happened what are the pisses or the bullets are we talking about the bulls i want the wildest [ __ ] story the romans one of my regular girls i used to [ __ ] so um they're cool i mean like i guess i don't want to talk about people like that because you know i don't want to sit there and say something yeah she's [ __ ] up [ __ ] man the next thing you know they want to go on the show says no i'll just keep it the way it is you know there's a lot of hot girls out there in the world i think you already know that right you saw a lot of hot girls i saw hot girls yesterday in houston [ __ ] a lot of [ __ ] a couple of girls wanna hang out with me yesterday i said great i said go to my penthouse up here but i guess the boyfriend came down pulled away from you who did boyfriend uh oh boy it was all game for them to dennis rodman kind of square up on him and say listen no no no no i don't screw up oh [ __ ] i said [ __ ] that [ __ ] you know i gotta come i gotta come down here to do this [ __ ] show okay i can go ahead do this goddamn show here what the [ __ ] man yeah but i think this show dennis i think this show will help increase the pussycat i think the show will help you i think this show will help you increase the [ __ ] count i really do i know you probably get it why do you say that you think so i mean i think it's just a very popular show and i think there's a lot of good-looking girls tuning in right now that probably want to jump all over dennis's dick that's it oh no man but i just you guys know what the [ __ ] right well you're right right you've seen it been there yeah so dennis do you get do you get straight to it like when you no no no never no i don't get straight that's all you guys talking about [ __ ] huh so yeah so that's all you talking about because you used to do a lot of things i can tell you [Music] no man just i mean just girls in general they're very difficult today because now all of a sudden you take girls any any type of way or you take them to a hotel or your house stuff like that if you don't have one eye open believe me i got them camera phones on that shit's on on your ass if it ain't virtual it's sound i'm just letting you know that's what the new [ __ ] is right now especially in miami elaborate on that what do you mean by that i mean [ __ ] girls feel like you take girls to a hotel stuff like that especially when you're famous or rich or believe me that camera's gonna be honest like you're saying girls are like they love to blackmail people what do you think about this whole crew oh yeah we're not so curious black man they do it all the time huh they don't have time i'm not you know that's the way stories from like select one people that you know that like that's happening to them a lot now sure everybody's been through it man i mean if it's not in court it's nothing [ __ ] you know just breaking up with a girl it's always black man somewhere you know with a baby especially with kids they'll [ __ ] you up on kids were you on your toes back then compared to like now oh no i didn't give a [ __ ] back then i didn't give a [ __ ] brass ass wasn't even a thing back then probably like recording it wasn't a thing back then he's put cameras in his house but everybody to watch the whole world i was in tv i was the first one to do it i was the first one to put tennis all in my house so he was not ashamed i wasn't ashamed of doing [ __ ] that's good oh no i'm not too careful no man [ __ ] back back to the nba real quick for a second you and phil jackson's relationship phil call me the best player he's ever coached you can ask for that he'll quote that look at his book he'll tell you so you know he never got mad at you for like like what would he say when you're just like i'm i'm [ __ ] off to vegas right now he don't say [ __ ] he didn't say [ __ ] he didn't say he didn't say no he don't say anything he said dennis make sure you read the practice see you tomorrow that's all you sent me all the time wow so you got me drinking this damn thing huh yeah see that right yeah is it growing on you at all it fights you i don't bite me man it's the only thing here come on now man hey so you knew you make a choice i love it well so so if you if you had a chance to you go back right now change anything in your career right decisions you made or whatnot along the way would you change anything i don't think so i don't think [ __ ] you know if i changed anything i wouldn't be who i am today so you have you have a good support system now a good team around you and all that well that took a long time but so far yet right now yes i got a good team now awesome you know you lose something you do something you lose some you lose some you lose some now it's time for me to win now a little bit i love you know telling me to win a little bit you know i lost lost lost so much goddamn money so much [ __ ] friendship love now all of a sudden it's coming back to me now right there it is right here hit this guy you know it's this [ __ ] guy run through people that's so so dude how long have you guys known each other 1990 what i think we got 30 years wow close to it yeah see we actually live how close we live to get about five feet i got a house what two three years later i forget my house some guy moves into my next door house this guy what discouraged you yeah we're saying walk way to our house yeah that was the thing we just moved in beside you yeah how did you find out about that [ __ ] he saw me every day newspapers like that's how you found out the first time every day dennis was blind i'm like i wouldn't talk about myself we didn't talk for a long time we saw each other every day we walked past each other all the time we just said shut up that was it oh that's funny were you with tyson yesterday mike tyson yeah that's what tyson yesterday now he was in houston new zealand that was an autograph show a lot of great show daddy from ryan finneman so yeah i was done with mike for two days i saw horace grant i started tony coo coach i saw uh um the coach from the rockets i saw pete rose i saw saw a lot of guys i saw a door strawberry i saw dwight goodin i saw who else i saw so the box boxer from mexico city used to be a chavez or some [ __ ] like that saw him over there what's your relationship with tyson like cool my friends my friend friends for a long time tyson's cool man he should interview you yeah we're gonna get him on you guys just did a collab with him right you did the merchandise did a collab with him yeah they did they did a merch collab with t-shirts i just met him you just met him what's your what's your fascination with orange county you love it here you're always you're always [ __ ] into this it's it's easy man it's it's like slow pace miami is different mine's way different man you're faster for me i can't do miami it's too fast no i don't live in my i live in full auto oh you do it the right way i'm gonna do it the right way i don't live in miami you know yeah i can't i can't it's just too too much for me too much it's just two flash sheets too i don't like the [ __ ] i don't know what my plan what about l.a [ __ ] ellie i don't i don't [ __ ] with la i like boston small town that's that's my boss by the way too you know we've had conversation by the way on uh instagram before that is that you or is this a you got a team running in i did i needed instagram on that phone man but no that's like a very interesting listen it's the team so well here's the deal i think what you're trying to do is you're trying to fool people all right you're [ __ ] with me pat can you hold up the phone with me because i've had conversations i'm like talking to my people like exactly how many girls you tell your teachers but by the way tell your people that he whoever they are that are doing your your dirty work here on instagram they write like hey period what's period going period on period you're almost as [ __ ] up as ken newton with all the things uh i gonna say who's doing it but i know i know this is a strategic attack there why i know what you're doing i'm happy to say that it's not dennis just don't really do that i don't just tell you i don't do it but you know but i have some people doing it but whatever works worse man yeah but what about the ladies and the dms and stuff you're going to have them you're going to trust them to handle when girls slide your dms nah man they pass it over to you hey man let me ask you something yeah you got stuff i'll mention one thing man if if you if you had to go meet a hot girl yes what would you mean all right if i had to meet a hot girl don't say newberry street in [ __ ] boston listen to me i believe they're everywhere newberry yeah probably the place you go to i think you know scottsdale arizona has a lot of beautiful girls oh yeah you have a party down in scottsdale oh yeah at the um not the venetian hotel the venice hotel this golf course over there you've been to old town oh yeah old time it's built up now it's all developed it's all developed right now my friend asked me coming in this week so i might go down this weekend we'll see you down there i think i think we're doing the exact same thing believe it or not so we'll see you at hi-fi or uh where do you kind of stay on the radar you oh no do you have somebody bringing the back room with the ropes and everything that's going away man i come here sometimes i'm i hate coming in sometimes because people you know it's hard to come in sometimes you know outside people know if you don't embrace it you're not like hey hey man we played this way this imagine you've been played this wow imagine being tiger woods yes really get that microphone on because this is some world wide world imagine you been tiger was okay i'm gonna play this bean tiger was okay imagine banned him was that last time he he won that it was so big that's major i don't know master's right master's right just a master's right i've been doing i've been playing sports for a long long time and i've seen a lot of athletes come and go stuff like that muhammad ali joe frazier michael jordan let's go on and on i've never seen nobody in the history of sports on on the masters the last day that last whole command that much [ __ ] [ __ ] in my life did you see that that's the juice though did you see that yeah the crowds all followed i was there i let the masters listen i've never seen no [ __ ] like that it was [ __ ] nice one man did that [ __ ] one man you compared yourself to tiger woods no i'm just saying that is that where you're going with this i'm just i'm not saying i understand you i've never seen them like that no that was a comparison you were comparing yourself to the tiger woods of scottsdale [ __ ] that's what you were doing that's the kind of girls you [ __ ] man uh you know listen i'd just like to find a nice girl that i get a relationship oh no nice guy he's this guy he was so i mean it is it is hard to find a really good girl out here why do you say that you just can't trust them like you've seen pj washington you seen what happened with him that's like horrible and it's crazy because she like said i did it for this reason but this is happened there like so basically she she just [ __ ] them and she said she said i target nba players because they're stupid like especially the young ones i think she's honest yeah she said she said they bust and they'll just bust inside you and she trapped pj and now he's posting all these stories like running me drive by bryson tiller he's like saying like i just want to see my son like you know he's like hurting inside i feel for him i feel for him and she's like laughing on instagram like like yeah you [ __ ] you owe me like 50 now yeah and now the mellow ball is kind of like in that situation almost if he does not if he does not [ __ ] up [ __ ] up so let me tell you it was just the day is that today and age right now man it's so bad to [ __ ] with these girls man it's just fun you can't [ __ ] with these just crazy why do you think that is well you ask me something in the story [ __ ] that's that's why they're like what's different now they want they tweet me what's different girls today want to want to want to sit there and do one thing they want to shine other girls have you ever noticed that [ __ ] on tv shows they weren't on the show yeah they want to shine i'll shine other girls hey i'm better than you they really really talk [ __ ] about it each other yes they talk about each other all the time it's like damn it's all fake love under the comments i guess with social media they're all just looking up to other girls they want to be that girl and then when they they become that girl they want to be the next girl it's great for the guy yeah it's good for us if we can take advantage of it properly and not get it yeah and it's like it's like bring your attorney it's great seeing photos like that you know yeah like it probably wasn't that you couldn't see anything until you've seen it in real life listen i'm just looking how about that [ __ ] mess that up with uh will smith [ __ ] yeah i don't know jail curry no way they came out and said it like so will smith said i'm going to lend my [ __ ] to august he knows yes i was what the heck is that guy i was with that guy in mexico he he made some good music he had like a couple hits but like he's i don't really hear about him now so like he had like a couple rmb tracks yeah and actually i've seen two with uh dell curry everyone is like getting trapped like that will smith it's [ __ ] crazy yeah he just said yeah i mean that's all social media too now it's just dangerous you know yeah with all the [ __ ] [ __ ] going on right now but there's still there's select good women out there you just gotta find them boys year i have been [ __ ] over though but knows every i'm not gonna get into it sorry i don't mean to take what happened no no nothing no i'm saying in the past i've been [ __ ] over by a couple girls but i'm not gonna go as strong as you guys over here just [ __ ] bashing everybody in the world here but i think we've selected the corner there's a lot of stories but who broke your heart more than anybody dennis he had to pick one person right now we can't really just jeff bezos going to court say hey here's 40 billion get the [ __ ] out of my face see they're getting a lot of money but we're very open to this podcast the greatest guy in the world forgot the world i want to know this question all right she's the richest woman in the world what the hell right because we always talk about this by the way we're not single individuals listen we're not single you out here you seem like you're singling them out i'm not i'm not i'll tell my story's [ __ ] wazoo what i'm saying is was there ever a girl approaching my books man what do you mean all my neighbors i do man i like to come in unprepared i like to see the real guy one-on-one like this how are you unprepared when you know who the [ __ ] i am uh no we're not gonna [ __ ] prepare you you know rodman god damn it my apologies buy him a new [ __ ] flip phone now i'll tell you what i got a new flip phone coming in motorola super black yeah dennis you got your eyes on any new phones coming out like any new flips that are coming out that are just catching catching your eye or no no they got the new one that just came out right the new um with the iphone out why don't you bring back the flip phone you should rodman's flip phone remember my next tail remember the two way bro let's bring back the phone in the two way right there he's going oh the next hell next right there yeah right you're down on something it's like it's very easy man you know these guys are too young to remember that what point is that flip phone you know what they say they said don't ever text if you try to erase your text or your emails and stuff like that they can still get those and plus if you uh take a picture on the iphone you probably know this took a picture it's already on there it's already on the cloud what i'm saying though they can find out where you are of course if we're taking a picture on an iphone they can find that because look at that number where you are wait taking a photo dude well think about it if you when you when you get instagram you're clicking right away it says can you like allow us access to your camera roll so if sleep if you took a photo right now and you don't upload it anywhere it's already on the internet because you're literally saying i'm allowing instagram to have access to my camera roll oh that's so anything you even take on your phone at all you're literally that's a [ __ ] issue right here do you get that though yeah it's not even like a secret yeah you're just trying to do some [ __ ] right there and see what is you doing is that true i gotta delete some [ __ ] does that work on flip phones too no well that's why i guess when you're like on your level dennis you can't really be [ __ ] with like a smartphone like that because you're gonna bring it back flip phone i like i got iphones over there i don't even [ __ ] with them no i just do it because that's business but this right here is easy for me because you know what i want to tell my life my life every day everybody know about my goddamn life [ __ ] i told my life like i'm doing right now what kind of guy are you in public when people come up to you are you a dick or are you a good guy i'm a black guy for us okay all right all right i'll go there i try to keep i try to keep this out of this show you know that's the lyrics i did the best i could you guys i dress like this i tell people i go out every day i dress like 50 bucks yeah every day 50 bucks mostly [ __ ] up and where it's free but what if somebody you're eating dinner with a girl young lady you're having dinner and some kid like somebody comes up to you it's like dennis big fan can i get a picture are you like [ __ ] off or you're like all right it's very difficult to say no it's very difficult to say especially best with kids yeah i don't say no to kids no but with people especially when when you like stay in an airport in airport and you stand there and people just come with you the whole time and say man i don't want to do it the next thing you know they're cussing you out they disgust you i'll roll it you're like damn [ __ ] you'll say okay stuff like that so you're on the plane it cuts you on the plane [ __ ] you all right [ __ ] it was what up dennis you're like a high-level guy you know kim jong-un you know trump do you have any like crazy like conspiracy theories or anything like that i suppose you do just like i don't know just something random like that that oh man conspiracy theory let's see your experience you've seen [ __ ] at the highest levels like i've seen a lot of [ __ ] dude that's what i mean they've asked me to write a tell-all book in the nba i said if i did that i'll be a billionaire really i know too much [ __ ] i know way too much [ __ ] too many players too many people too many women you know i [ __ ] a lot of guys wives that's why i won't you know why some other teams and stuff like that they didn't tell me it was married to afterwards so i was i didn't feel guilty you didn't feel guilty i didn't feel guilty because i know they was married so until they found out when i saw him with a husband i said that's your husband oh [ __ ] and i'm not gonna be friends with a [ __ ] guy women's daughters i used to [ __ ] mothers so uh that's how you got inside the opponent's head like shaq was saying he used to say like i'm gonna find your wife out of the game i think he was insinuating like i'm gonna [ __ ] her like to talk [ __ ] were you talking [ __ ] like that in the game no no no you know what it's amazing um already doing now what i've said in the 90s it was amazing how all the wives would be in the in uh and uh in the wives room that's what they call their wife's room and then i wait for all the players to come out and they are all the wives to come out and talk to all the players and they want to go out they want to go out to clubs and restaurants with the players so i did that [ __ ] a lot i took all the wives out sometimes what was your mo you can talk about now that i'm curious what was your most impressive pull but i never got the answer who was your most impressive girl that you ever pulled that you're proud of i'm proud of you maybe describe her everybody has one maybe no no no legendary right like predominantly i don't know i didn't call hersh i'm saying right uh i mean we are pretty much karma not important if you still close the deal with madonna that's pretty good um what's the most impressive girl i think i pulled yeah i think i said my city i was with um i think i was with president putin in russia oh my god what the [ __ ] you know and kim jong-un during his hockey days you know russian girls are hot as [ __ ] man very big the hot hottest hottest girls in the world here like 10 bentley's cars you know and we just rolled up to all these clubs and stuff like that so we want this one club and this girl had to been like a super 10 10 10. i mean she was just built bill bill and she spoke english and she said i would love to get with you dennis you know and she said you know i just can't i gotta go and what do you think i guess he ran her so no ugly no ugly ones well i think i have one i think you know i think the first girl i ever [ __ ] was like a girl that was like 180 pounds five foot two that's probably the only fat girl [ __ ] in my life all right listen listen everybody deserves love who did you who did you chill with first putin you chill with putin first so when you met kim was he trying to like flex on putin a little bit because it's like he never talked [ __ ] about anybody he just wanted to have fun because he's trying to show you how to go jet skiing had to go skiing he had to go everything he did everything man you know that's i saw him in singapore he was going around taking pictures because he's never done it before so so why don't you put it a good word for us i'm good what a good word as far as with kim jong-un just get him on here we'll play this all you gotta do is go to single uh singapore what they didn't try to go over to uh north korea say that again what like i just go to singapore and try to find out how you get to north korea so i'm going to go to singapore first and then i got to find out against north korea got it in a wall but but we can't just go to north korea yeah you got to be like you got to be invited i don't understand that no you don't want to get you know especially you can go over there to go to north korea do you think i would fit in in north korea or we would howard you didn't even want to stay in abu dhabi yeah what do you want what no this is a different animal okay this is about me surviving on the show yeah it is a different animal yeah so basically we went to the ufc fight and then bob flew out the next day right when we landed right because business was done dennis business was done i dropped off the boys i introduced from the ufc i said my job's done goodbye oh come on man it was a nice it was the greatest thing ever i would love it i would have loved bobby dobber you kidding tell you what we maybe can make a trade no maybe yeah that's what it is play this um the last time i went there um a friend of mine i was in new york before we left a friend of mine sit down i'll pay you five million dollars to let me go with you i said no really because i didn't want to do that to kim jong-un are you at the point right now so so fast i'm sorry i got it i got this that's a true story i get a gallon right on the phone right now the same way you could call it kim jong-un no i can't call him on this phone [ __ ] i don't know i feel like that's the kim jong-un phone to be honest with you i feel like that's the [ __ ] only line to him i don't know that's not that does he does he party like kim jong-un like does he drink yeah they all drink he drinks putin drinks he drinks who has strength uh i've met the president moon uh south on south south korea um he's cool i hate it but the people over there hate his guts um but who else did i mean you gotta run for office you gotta run for office i think dennis i'll tell you what they do seriously isn't it funny though you're from california right yeah from kelly you like the governor here that's about that they talk about that guy no one really likes him the reason people don't like them is because they're such hypocrites right they're enforcing all these rules no parties no parties and then they're the one throwing the biggest parties on the biggest party people see right through that [ __ ] now it's like you can't really is dennis rodman a mass guy are you a mass guy i hate wearing masks in florida that's why i'm in florida man yeah okay florida texas florida texas oh yeah florida's amazing they don't care man texas they don't care too i was just in texas where were you at back here where was you at what's that where was you at what do you mean i was i was with my girl in texas texas what part uh it was a college station like around checks dana yes i was saying that around there i was going to speak to the football team with uh fisher jumbo fishery i was going on the street uh giving like a pep talk and stuff like that so yeah i think we arranged a trip i think we arranged trump that's like crazy yeah so you like florida you like the way it's being like ran right now i love it i love it i love florida man it's nice and hot and it's cool it's all good he's there he's in florida maurice and chelsea how are you now yeah we missed the guy right i just got back yesterday last night orange county is nice california yeah oc is refreshing when we lived in la it was starting to just become like there was there's nothing to do la's falling apart for me i'm from manchester i wasn't from california i'll give you a story i give the story you know what so this guy think he's just [ __ ] right he's on this [ __ ] whatever they call this podcast right so i'll talk [ __ ] quick man i don't give a [ __ ] you know you could never doubt i mean i'm giving [ __ ] so uh so if that's your medusa over there great watch this when i first moved here it's a true it's true story and people notice in orange county when i first moved here there's people in people in newport city went around and did a petition to kick me out of the city oh yeah they did that's from the true story not on our watch dennis he was having too much fun they were jealous he walked up showed up to be a speaker it's like his attorney over here i love it he was there he was there he walked up to be a speaker there this is crazy he walks up there and they what's your name can you guys say your name where you live when we first moved here people were writing reviews about us because like all the partying we do online and then everyone was commenting back they're like guys if we survived rodman i think we can handle these guys that's what they said yeah they were at the city council they asked him you gotta tell us where you live and what your name is kris kringle i live in the north pole the whole council just left their house i don't even know what happened after that and exactly what i do i had a club i had a nightclub and a restaurant restaurant here that made me and of the city of newport newport his daughter came to the restaurant three times a week i mean like bluey for like years i'm like really your daughter comes with a restaurant i should have [ __ ] a [ __ ] that's why he's trying to kick you out of town what the [ __ ] man dennis what is this [ __ ] hummer i'm seeing on here i can buy your hummer uh at home let's go we got one minute so i know so we're closing off with the hummer story no no now homer still uh my friend of mine is uh blessed so uh frank he uh designed that homework for me he just gave it to us a present so i donated to a hard rock in um fort lauderdale i love it i was just seeing i looked online how we could get kim jong-un how to start we don't want to use dennis you can't change there's no way you can do that dennis dennis do not doubt me come on i like your attitude don't you think north korea wants to show like to the american audience what it's like what's the bet like or what do you think what play this go to a podcast downtown la in the north korean community and ask them about [ __ ] kim jong-un they'll probably tell you everything you know okay most of them probably know his grandfather and father go down and talk to them people i'm gonna tell you everything about the guy listen i'm in the i'm just in a hard spot here the the night i promised the whole audience of ours that i would get kim jong-un you actually think i can ask you one thing man play this play this now don't take a defendant if your brother's like cindy crawford and she was hot as [ __ ] should i date her i'll tell you what if you want that for kim jong-un i can make it happen i always said i'm just letting you know bro that way i talk and stuff like that i go straight at your ass i love it i go straight at you just like you're doing right now like kim jong-un but i just if that was possible yeah that was possible it'd be amazing the fact that it took trump not to go to north korea but go to singapore do you know who got him what robin got him oh no that's where that's why he went over there over there he didn't go to north korea but he went to singapore listen when that flip phone rings and then you see my name just think about answering it that's all i'm gonna say all right i need to keep my job [Laughter] i'm gonna meet the president over there hang out with him i'm hanging out with him so there's a lot of things around people let me just go over there you go over to see all the mafia and all the cartels i hang with those guys over the last couple of weeks i'm gonna pass on that one but i don't know why what you're passing on no of course but i'm not supposed to do it i got a [ __ ] a little money no because my mind is on that's all i'm saying i'm gonna end it there okay great so you make sure that everyone in the world sees this whole podcast and say kim jong-un the white guy over here that says full service let's call foot service service full service full service i'd like to talk to the guy that's it i'd like to talk to the guy but it's not going to happen you've already made your point i know i know no no one in the world tossing i know i can't talk about the world talk i'll give you this the next time i go there have a whole lot of money for me to take you guys over how much how much so now we're talking about how much do we need a lot of money how much a lot of money i just totally got over 35 million that's the one guys that's one guy just by himself oh one for how much do you think we need oh my god just one guy he doesn't want to go by himself he's a billionaire he's not going to go to meet him because he seems cool dennis put a number out there that we can start to work i'll play this you got to know how to play i already got to play this ain't nobody goes over there man unless you like a correspondent or you're [ __ ] cnn can we fake it i think if there's one so where'd it go pull it off it's it's the milky way yeah i think steve involved let's start putting our money together all right listen let's figure out a name over there yeah it must be amazing the way you explain it no play this man if you play this if you got a camera and they see you in north korea they will literally come up to you and give me that oh no we don't want to do it even at the airport they know you got cameras they'll take your camera they'll watch all the videos they'll take all your [ __ ] just let you know because they'll do that no we're not yeah we're gonna we're not trying to fight your guys they're gonna check your bags we're gonna go delicately yeah just going to north korea i know i know undercover yes that's how you do it over there man [ __ ] they just take your [ __ ] and take they just erase er erase erase did you see the movie uh real quick with seth rogen with the kim jong-un one i don't want that's what that's probably made why they made it that's why that yeah were you in that movie that north korea [ __ ] so interesting that's crazy yeah it's it's crazy anyways got a bounce yeah yeah dennis you're a great man you're a really good dude appreciate everything that's all good brother thanks for coming through man i really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really excited thank you so much next time you come through man but you guys already okay you guys located here in boston we're like 15 minutes away 15 minutes can we throw something here maybe this relationship let's do something here [Laughter] 47 over 247. kim jong-un all right dennis you're the man thank you good job good job really good that was really good thank you sir absolute pleasure oh yeah you might just sign this for me really quick just so we can use the footage today do you think he signed [ __ ] do you think he shines [ __ ] when he goes to russia all right so like you know like when you sign this breath you're gonna have a full stand in the back so we can use the footage and [ __ ] can we do it again gabe do you think he's assigned [ __ ] when he goes to north korea well rodman doesn't sign nba right asked me before gabriel what the [ __ ] is that before you hitting on him or something like no no why are you getting collections all right are we good we should i'm gonna guess i gotta go i gotta get a side thing from a big robin fan i gotta get one thing yeah dennis you might i hate to do it but you went signing the hat inside of me you don't need to be a dick so anyway so full of service i'm gonna sign a black hat with a black marker oh yeah [Laughter] full service in action we got a signature oh we gotta get one real quick get one of me in him real quick yeah all right kyle i want to take it where has that been for the service that's good boom full service flip phone baby [Music]
Views: 2,285,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, bob, bob menery, kyle & bob, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, Dennis Rodman on Partying in North Korea & his Relationship with Michael Jordan | FULL SEND PODCAST, dennis rodman, kim, kim jong un, north korea, michael jordan, dennis rodman kim, dennis rodman highlights, dennis rodman fights, dennis rodman kim jong un, dennis rodman podcast, dennis rodman interview
Id: zDU9AQkMvmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 55sec (4075 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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