Shane Olson - Sculpting Stylized Characters - Episode 38

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right how's it going you guys let's get set up here just whoa okay hold on I wanted to do hey what's up guys I'm just trying to get stuff figured out because I'm doing some I'm like streaming multiple places as per pixel logics stuff so I'm I'm streaming at on Twitch and on pixologic to youtube and on pixologic space book today so we're gonna try that out see how it works yeah so if you're on Facebook or YouTube say hello what's going on sounds very weak oh let me turn it up very little has is that any better I think it's cranked let's see oh let me the heroin how's that is that better okay better better better okay I was messing with a sound because I'm playing a little bit of music in my headphones and sometimes my microphone picks it up and yeah so I don't know if you guys can hear the music in the background or not or if you want to hey what's up Christopher hey guys do an uber bar what's up me so um you know I was gonna work on the cowboy tonight but I'm like you know what I just want to do one more head you know it's like just one more so I want to do just one more and this is one more by Josh so you can't hear the music okay cool all right good it's like it's it's uh what am I trying to say it's licensed free so it's okay if it leaks in a little bit but sometimes it just gets sometimes it just gets a little quiet for me here talking to myself you know so like I want some music something anyway okay let's get this party started all right hey joiner yep Baba yep it's completely it's it's totally in the public now public domain all right yes it worked how's it going man let's see let's do it huh you guys can't hear the music a little bit maybe okay do you want to hear the music some people complained about it so I turned it off but I would like some myself so Nosferatu something like that he's kind of like a kind of an undead looking zombie dude right okay you don't hear the music still okay great good deal I'm just gonna play with it for a second see if you guys do can you guys hear that now it's kind of quiet anyway I'm gonna turn it back down okay let's get this guy deleted yep totally I need some coffee Kathy let's see I'm going to raise this up tonight just fawn up here hey what's up nice shadow oh you're funny funny funny okay here we go [Music] all right so that's gonna be a skull I'm just gonna push that in on the sides here whoops about that this is always how we start out my dudes if you guys haven't noticed by now as I just block in with primitive shapes um hey Abram how's it going uh love the zombies from fortnight you know I haven't played for tonight yet hey what's up Harry mandibles could I explain how the rulers used do you use it to figure out how tall your model should be I do actually I don't use the ruler in my streams but I do use the ruler all the time and in you know in practical uses I guess and so what this is is I made this ruler to be about 2 meters tall inside of Maya so if this was gonna be a real person the head might be about this tall and he would be you know well about this tall this big and it would be somewhere in this neighborhood you know and then the character would go down to the floor so then when I go back and forth between Maya he'll be about the correct size and then I also use it for 3d printing where it is about 200 millimeters tall and that helps me give give it gives me a bounding box to use and then then it's predictable let me see sorry I'm just gonna turn my music down a little bit kinda loud okay but now I'm not gonna use that ruler but yeah as I was explaining in last week's chat if you go over to this 3d print hub right here and you type in 200 millimeters Oh sometimes you have to swing out like this 200 there we go so 200 millimeters I can turn inch off then it's just 200 millimeters then it's gonna going to print out life-size correctly in relation to that ruler every single time so it's pretty dang precise and it works pretty well so that's how you use it I hope that yeah oh so if you want my ruler you can get it over at 3d character workshop com so yeah 3d character workshop that's my website and I I have a course on there and I give away all these brushes and my user interface for free if you want to go sign up for him so hey what's up dummy hey doing that's up dry all right let's see let's get to it thanks for the questions I love questions okay so yeah no problem that's this guy's gonna be pretty interesting with all these really cool face shapes and all these muscles and stuff I typically put this second sphere where the where the I line would be right that's where the break is and this guy's brows are heavy heavy brows calm what hey what's up Sean you full screen in the chat when oh that's on Twitter that's on that twitch yeah it does okay I'm just gonna messing with this a bit like how's skulls kind of slanted down like that it's pretty cool I had this really big slope yeah the concepts great this is another one by Josh black I've been sculpting his stuff for the last couple weeks super cool I'm going to try and get the same the same ingles in the bottom of the jaw hey what's up Andrew how you doing welcome to the stream okay let's get them let's get a neck in there yes it does actually hired gun yep bite a key from nothing all the way to finished game character and it's about I guess I would say it's about 90% zbrush 95 something like that it's mostly ZBrush oh thanks Shawn let's see thanks man all right Lee Ramesh this bad boy already why not hey what's up Fabian is it Fabian or Fabian are you doing man let's see here chin is not that big it's big it's not that big Oh somebody's okay we got some chat going on over at Facebook how's it going man let's see hey guys facebook chat how's it going you won't you guys on Twitch will not see facebook chat and vice-versa so yeah there's people watching over on Facebook this is the first time by the way how's it going everybody thanks for something by let's see could you give a see website again yes I will yeah I'll actually give you a link I can do that there you go will it's possible but probably not for this stream I usually typically just render these out as a high resolution model I I typically don't take the stream characters all the way to an in-game model but yes sometimes I will so let's see oh thanks Keith how did you add the second sphere um I I have this brush see this brush right here it's called the insert multi-mission brush and it just has a bunch of primitives just a bunch of quad based primitives and you can get this brush over on the the link that I just sent on Facebook it's and you can get my brushes in my user interface anyway it's just this appendage brush that's how I drew the neck in there and then this sphere is how I made the second sphere so yeah I am I going to dynamesh it yes I will how do you set up the OB obj for one layer and toggle between OBJ's oh right here that's just I can go up and down and up and down these are called sub tools by the way they're not necessarily OBJ's yep there's some people on YouTube so if you see the little red play button that's people over on YouTube how's it going everybody yeah this is fun in your course what do you use to paint a character and is there anything I would need if I was gonna reach op oh okay yes I show you how to color your character you'll see you'll actually see me do it and here I use poly paint and to do reet apology actually use a different program and since this is pixologic stream i just like to talk about ZBrush when I'm streaming for pixologic so I won't get into the other software but you can use anything honestly you can use any software you're comfortable with really so okay let me let's get some some more stuff going here okay let me get a nose that's weird you reset the gizmo and then do it again there we go Hey silent thunder did you go over to YouTube are you crack me up hey guys come over here now yes Daniel that's that's becoming my favorite honestly I used to do it somewhere else I've used I've used a whole bunch of different programs honestly to be retaught let's see I'll probably build all this stuff up later when I dynamesh it together I typically just like to block in the big shapes just to have something there that I can sculpt on if that makes sense so another thing I need to get in there is the ear and I'll typically just use a sphere for that and then smash it down like this let's see did and you guys are full of questions today hey Patrice thanks yeah I used to do it that way for Teresa I used to but not anymore now I do it the the blocking with primitives way kind of like you know kind of like the old traditional clay way where you roll up balls of clay and stick them together that's kind of the idea here um let's see going back and forth between the Quadra yeah hey what's up why maple how's it going man oh you're watching on your big screen oh nice oh this so Fabian this is not my first time streaming i-i've actually streamed for almost a year this is my first time streaming to YouTube and to Facebook live so I typically only stream to twitch and now I have three so three branches before I would stream to my own twitch channel and I would stream to my own youtube channel as well but you know the pixologic YouTube and Facebook have a much larger audience so they're actually using re-stream to push it to their larger audience which is fantastic because more of you get to to watch what ZBrush can do so what do you think these ears done done they look good ship it alright here we go let's shape these guys a little better hey Jonte I actually talked about that in my in my course I talked about how to make hands like I did in Disney infinity I should say like we did there were there were several of us that worked on that project and yeah the the cowboy so I'm working on a cowboy oh hey Daniel uh-oh I don't know I'm not sure it's a good question though okay let's see was I gonna deal with this sorry I gotta concentrate for just a second here getting a little ADHD on me on you guys watching all these chat streams it's kind of hard to keep up oh thanks Alan uh how long have I been using ZBrush um probably probably a good eight nine years something like that yeah since since version two three sort of I wasn't very serious back then yeah I didn't really get serious and tell like version three three point five or whatever let's see hey wack yep you should check out ZBrush core so whack Godin ZBrush core is a kind of an entry level version of ZBrush I think you can pick it up for like $99 and it has most of the stuff inside of that's inside the the full program of ZBrush and the money that you put towards ZBrush core you can also roll over into the full version of ZBrush so ZBrush core has like dynamesh and most these brushes and it's really fun to play around with you'll get used to the kind of the navigation and things like that if you you can and see if it's for you you know it's kind of like a really cool cheaper trial and to see if you like it see if you have fun with it so it's pretty cool hey from Chile how's it going oh you have core ok with the pad cool right on yeah CORS CORS more of like an experimentation kind of a program you want its do a lot of experimenting with that thing not so much production you couldn't really do I mean you can but it's a little more difficult to do production with it okay I'm gonna zremesh this okay now somebody was asking about dynamesh this is the part where i dynamesh it at a pretty low subdivision level let me hit apply and let's see what it does okay hey what's up Lance how you doing man you're working with four or seven what's a big difference with four or eight instead of the oh there's a lot and Patrice the upgrades are free so you should upgrade no matter what because it doesn't cost anything okay so now I will zremesh this again turnoff dynamesh and zremesh it so now all these parts are together and I like to zremesh it again at about a two and see how that looks give me a second then we'll start building up these forms hey how do I usually do my normals um so it's basically my my baking and all that stuff I don't typically do that inside of ZBrush I do that in other programs so I I don't go into it here on this stream I do go into it on the my online course but I I bake maps in marmoset toolbag so I can tell you that much okay okay so this is where I start making my mesh look kind of ugly because when I'm what I'm looking for is I'm going to make a I'm gonna make a mouth cavity I'm gonna make some eye cavities I'm going to just kind of really mess up this the surface of this thing I think I want to go higher than this like a four maybe okay see how it goes hey oh you're new to my course I'm doing lots of character block yet but I didn't go through the details okay should I keep blocking out till I feel more comfortable with it yes no you should not always try to finish your character so it's kind of like when you're learning an instrument okay so when you're learning an instrument you don't learn well typically you'll you you learn scales and you learn chords and chord progressions and things like that and then you start learning a song like an easy song then you get to a harder song and a harder song and harder song if you pick if you come right out of the gate and you pick a really hard song and you just push yourself to just learn that one song then you might get frustrated and hit a wall and not want to do any more so you kind of want to take baby steps and you kind of want to just teach yourself blocking out characters you Navigation hiding and showing stuff all those basic core things before you take a character to full resolution that's kind of one of the one of the huge I guess rookie mistakes that brand new users do is they just want to rush rush rush to the end to the end because you know you go over on art station and you see all these really nice rendered out things and so you first buy ZBrush and you expect yourself to go hey this is a magic program and it's going to take me to the end really quick but it's not like that it's like learning an instrument you need to really practice and get used to it and build up the skills that it takes to get to the end so I wish there was a magic bullet but it's it takes hard work and practice for sure so yeah long story short block out as many characters as you would like until you start feeling comfortable the jaunty what's up man it's not magic well it actually kind of is magic but it does take practice and hard work to yep no worries okay that's a little too close together so this is where things get kind of tricky because what what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make some loops push this in and start to try and get some edge loops going and edge loops when you zremesh edge loops like to follow peaks and valleys mainly peaks so I typically like to start to peek out the geometry where I want the loops to follow just about I just want to make an eye cavity let's see I'll take you tweeters yep um let's see that's what I'm doing right now I'm building a flower it's a bee if you have gems your flower looks complicated only has three simple parts yep perfect yes what I'm gonna do for the zebra summit I'm not sure this year I don't know if I'll be doing a workshop or if anything at all I will be there for sure but I don't know I don't know if if I'm gonna actually like participate in anything like the sculpt off or whatever so let's see let's see how was just 5:12 dynamesh looks so smooth um it depends on the size of your object on in the scene honestly it and I also have dynamic subdivision turned on sometimes but the only thing they use dynamesh for is to meld my primitive objects together and then I you can see that I just I go right back to a low resolution zremesh so I don't stay in dynamesh for very long it's my workflow is kind of its kind of odd when you when you see it compared to other workflows so now I'm just gonna make a mouth cavity you know what I think I'm gonna push push it in with a zero there with zmodeler because all I'm looking for is a cavity polygroup single poly maybe right here one more okay hi Facebook weirdos I thought somebody said can you say hi to the Facebook weirdos they're great people yep scale of the mesh to what would be a good book to have learning ZBrush you know there aren't many books out and I hate to keep like pushing my course but I that's kind of why I made it I made an online course to teach people how to do this and that is over at 3d character workshop calm you can check that out so I'm just making a cavity here it since this is just gonna be a render and not a you know I'm not gonna make a game character out of them or anything like that I'm just going to I'm just gonna push this in a little bit I'm I don't have to go in very far here yeah it's probably enough then I want to build this up let's see here let's crank this intensity see if I can get these edge loops to follow it's gonna look bad for a while I'm just trying to get the structure and trying to get zremesher to follow it that's all I want right now just follow it follow the things and the the the bigger the transition the better the zremesher will follow it so hey blance if I found a way to use live balloons I have a little bit and I could actually use them right now for the eyes and the mouth and stuff like that I just never think about it yeah I don't know why I just don't think about using them I should but uh I just kind of have my thing my workflow and I just kind of stick with it I don't know why okay let's try this I know it looks bad but here we go when I crank this to a five and try it from Peru hey man how's it going okay so this actually looks okay except for that mouth let's let's undo that and I forgot to apply this let's smooth that mouth out because I want rings around this mouth that's what I want let's see let's try it again and the Philippines holy cow why sculpt on a zremesh instead of dynamesh because it well it's lower resolution so it stays smoother longer dynamesh will introduce warbles very very quickly I don't know if it's so dynamesh is great for like creatures and monsters and things like that but when you're doing highly stylized kind of AI this guy's has some details in them but when you're doing highly stylized cartoony characters it's better to stay low with dynamic sort of turned on on on zremesher so okay let's see now pull this back I know it's weird but that's kind of and there's also a lot of tools that you can use with zremesher like clipping and cutting and things like that that work really really well with a lower resolution mesh like this trim curve just like you know trim this off I mean you can do that with don't dynamesh too but I don't know it's just mainly it's the smooth results see that's clipping it anyway so I'll I'll push that down later let's see San Francisco and all you guys would have you better to dynamesh to get your hills and valleys and then we top one another program ah you know sometimes I typically will do that when I'm doing hard surface stuff actually because then I can explore with like claybuildup brush and things like that and just kind of be really really messy and then re top on top of that but I don't typically take it somewhere else to retype it I'll if it's something small I'll just reach op it in here but when I'm doing game mesh I typically take it somewhere else okay let's start start forming this let me see is it just me you can't find the online course you reference on oh yes okay Greg it is it's so I open enrollment for the course like four times a year every quarter and then I just barely got done with winter enrollment so spring will be coming soon and if you sign up for my user interface and my crushes and my ruler then you'll be notify the next time the course opens up for enrollment so sorry for the confusion there hey Josh how's it going Michigan I'm pretty sure there are curves that you can draw on your mesh yes Sasha there are and they're actually right here it's called zremesh guides but they're not in my opinion now this is my opinion in my opinion the zremesher guides are not as predictable as raised and lowered geometry edges so I've talked about this last week the so zremesher likes to follow peak and valleys and the the higher the peak in the lower the valley the the closer the zremesher will follow those so that's why the mesh will look really weird when I first start is because I'm making these peaks and valleys for it to follow and then I'll after I get the flow the way I want it to then I'll smooth it back out and it'll it's it would be better that way so anyway just trust me just trust me that's how I like to do it so then with this I just like to use the inflate brush to close this mouth and start to form this big bottom lip he's got here not that big and I need to pull this out and I could um you know before I start doing that though I want to make his nostrils because I want rings around those nostrils so I'm actually gonna push those in and make some rings around them yeah so again I'm looking for the peaks I'm making some Peaks for the zremesher to follow and maybe I can even get it to follow around that makes this nostril here otherwise and the reason I'm wanting to get this flow it's just so I can stay low and and the the the geometry will follow so it won't make if you've ever been sculpting and you'll see like these jaggies like these squares because you don't have enough geometry there rather than subdividing up I'd rather keep it low and just have the geometry there if that makes any sense at all no it's kind of ok let's see if I can get this to follow around here like this ok let's try that see what it does Pradeep you're gonna go to your college and open the stream for your class and show this nice pretty cool huh let's see nice nice um can I show you how the projection works I guess I don't understand him what you're saying I haven't projects yet so far you missed making the mouth all I did was I I just I just used the zmodeler and I just extruded in to the head and then I zremesh tit and since then it just followed the zremesher kind of follow it around there like that so okay anyway you can kind of see that there's some flow going on it's not perfect I'm not looking for perfect geometry here I'm just looking for geometry that flows around the parts that I'm gonna be modeling now so now that they're there now I can start to push and pull and actually make him look like this guy right now he looks like I don't know some kind of a long long faced hulk elf that's what I'm going with today long faced hope elf I don't I don't know Jake Olsen sorry I'm sure he's cool okay let's turn this range down I'm gonna pull this out his lip is disappearing I didn't like that this out I'm just gonna sorry guys when to zremesh one more time just to get this mouth to be a proper loop okay you can see how see how the flow followed that the brow and everything yeah it's looking pretty good let's do it one more time see if we can get a better loop around this mouth let's see what's the last version of ZBrush this year it is for r8 p2 and the p2 stands for patch - hey baby hey what's going on man thanks for dropping by man I'm just messing around in ZBrush you know that's what I do okay yeah that's gonna have to do it's kind of weird but what do you do alright let's get his hollow cheeks going miss Qin he looks sad sad death elf is sad I'm sorry I'm not doing a very good job keeping up on all your guys's questions tonight like I said I have three streams going on here streaming to YouTube Facebook and twitch all all on pixologic channels so it's crazy oh worth let's see the rocks no mutated jellyfish is a world builder so he's jealous right we're why is my question is not displaying I almost asked three times sorry Pradeep I don't I can only I can't catch up and read everybody's I'm sorry let's see if you want to have a mesh for the closed mouth but want to make a mesh to have an open mouth would you carve a hole and duplicate the mesh and suffering uh sorry for it I know you asked a big question I would make the mouth just like I did right here I would just push it in and make the cavity and then later on I would Reta pologize it so I wouldn't typically go through all of those all of those steps because is if I were to dynamesh this right now and I close well if I close that mouth and I dynamesh then it would actually close the mouth and get rid of the cavity because dynamesh is watertight so it will actually kind of you know seem things together so that's another reason I stay with zremesher is because it does not collapse my earth it doesn't sew my geometry shut or if you notice with dynamesh when you're using fingers and they're too close together it will actually sew your fingers together and zremesher does not do that so that's kind of why I like to stay low if that makes any sense now this I gotta say this is not a game resolution mesh I'm just making a base mesh for me to sculpt on that is it period this is not a game mesh a lot of people are like can you use a zremesh mesh to animate with and the answer is is yes your rigors will probably follow you out to the parking lot and have a few words with you so do not use this as a as a game mesh or a film mesh or anything like that just use it to sculpt with that's all keep your riggers happy and they'll keep you happy okay let's see yeah hey Govind I don't have well that's kind of like I only have I have one big course I don't have a whole bunch of small videos that show basics sorry about that I just have one course that has all of it in there and he looks like he's gonna cry doesn't he he's like mm-hmm why are you sculpting me I'm actually gonna make this curve out like this and then make his cheeks higher all right uh do you reach apology I do every topology of my character and bring it into ZBrush with you these ready can I export the poly paint to use as diffuse II sort of sort of that's a that's a pretty deep question you can transfer poly paint from a high resolution mesh to a low resolution mesh and make a texture out of it it's that's that's kind of a deeper question but it's down in this texture map and you say new texture and you say create from poly paint but you have to have your low resolution mesh be the low subdivision level of your high resolution mesh you can't project you can't do that from one mesh to a complete other they have to be in the same kind of hierarchy the same high res and low res if you're gonna do that that's why I typically bake Maps I bake high res to low res in texture map and I use a different program for that so hope that answers your question let's see let's see so here I'll post uh I don't know if I can do this there's a link to my course you guys are my page and then you can get these brushes my user interface and my ruler file and you'll get put on my news my newsletter you'll be signed up to be notified when my course becomes available for enrollment again next time so in spring sometime it should be pretty soon um hey Dan how's it going man scopes looking good oh I've just I just barely started but thank you oh cool um I am streaming until 10 o'clock my time which is probably another two well another hour I might go long though if this if this guy's doing well I'll go long so that'll be awesome glad you're sculpting along let's see if you're gonna pose a full-body character later in process how much detail should you put in a neutral pose as many as you can prod as many as you can is this I hope this is your question that you've been asking okay so for example I don't know if you saw the the pirate girl that I did a while back I I typically put all of my details on my character in the neutral pose and then pose it after that so I don't save any details typically until after I pose it if that makes sense I give them all into the neutral pose so sorry if it took you so long for me to answer that okay let's see I need to look over on Facebook I have too many chat windows open sorry Pradeep I'm so sorry it took me so long to see that okay tell me please what I have to do in my model 3dsmax desk for it is II brush and keep the same units yes yes okay I don't know what it takes going back and forth between 3d studio max and ZBrush and I'm not sure if there's a go ZBrush for that do it do Google search for go z ur go Z max or 3d studio max I know that there was a third party one a while ago but I don't know if there's an official one and if it works but going back and forth between Maya I typically will use obj or go Z it depends on what I'm doing and then that is why I created that ruler because the the size difference between ZBrush and Maya if you look under this export see this this says scale 100 that means when I export this it's going to increase the scale by 100 as it sends it over to Tamiya and then when I come back from Maya to ZBrush it's gonna be the proper size going back and forth I don't know exactly how that works but that's why I kind of created this ruler and created this file so see this ruler right here just so I would know what the size was and the scale was going back and forth so I don't know what that scale would be going back and forth between Max if you might try a hundred and working in meters inside of Max there used to do math you might try it it might might work it might not so Friday if I'm sorry again oh goodness okay thanks for stopping by okay let's see you think zremesh is better for high-resolution ah no okay so for high-resolution models you can start with zremesher and then take it and block out and you know push your characters as far as you possibly can but in the end you'll always want to you know subdivide or dynamesh or put your details in that way you'll want you'll want to add the details right now or after you add dynamesh or add subdivision levels so right now I like to stay low because look the surface is even though it has some lumps and bumps it's quite clean still and that's that's how I like to work the these days if that makes sense all right let me you just start getting some of this in okay so this these are the these are the squares or the here let me switch over to the zero gray okay can you see that kind of these hitches right here that's because I'm drawing diagonally across the the mesh and it's gonna give me jaggies and that is exactly why I want the mesh loops or the edge loops to follow that otherwise I have to subdivide and add more geometry which I don't want to do yeah is it exactly Fabian exactly that is that is correct I'm using it as if it is dynamesh but it's not see I'm gonna get this cheat really Hollow yeah because it's essentially just you know dynamesh rebuilds the surface and so does zremesher so it's whatever it takes to rebuild the surface over and over again until you get what you want you know oh thanks Cameron why am i avoiding subdividing because thinking welcome to the stream to Danno the reason why is because as soon as you hit subdivision then you lose a lot of the tools that are available including like insert multi mesh and clip brushes and a whole bunch of different tools do not work when you add subdivision levels so I like to work in dynamic you can see dynamic over here that's dynamic subdivisions and that is essentially just a preview of the subdivision levels and that's what I like to work in it's kind of a new a newer ish workflow that I've been kind of developing I guess and I like it a lot because it allows me to kind of experiment will still you know not Dinah meshing things together of come on draw sighs get in there it just kind of allows me to yeah not dynamesh not close up the mouth cavity just things like that that makes any sense at all and this is okay and I all over the mesh I just see something and then I start pulling it to start shaping different things yeah no worries I like lazy mouse when doing fine detail yep lazy mouse is good let's see stealing the basic ZBrush core using tutorials done by Michael Pavlovic awesome I'm at the dynamic section of those tutorials I can't afford the full version of ZBrush but that's okay man it's yeah just keep working at it it's you know ZBrush core is a lot of fun ok I'm just I'm gonna rework this flow a little bit cuz I really want to get this cheek circle - he's kind of looking like Spock now I love this cutback here but again you can everywhere you can everywhere you see where I don't have the the the zremesher flowing with my sculpt you can see it start to get Jaggi whoa that's perfect okay of this lip I'm gonna pull his mouth corners down more you're planning on doing a review session yes I want to Daniel I would love to I'm gonna put a I'm gonna put a thread in the community and have you guys posts your work to it if you want me to say something about it see but when you studied 3d animation for three years the only software used to model characters was buying my bucks yep we never had ZBrush that's alright let's see I'm looking over at Facebook now oh also I need to keep saying that this this concept art is done by my good friend Josh black so if you're interested in Josh's work go check out Joshua black on I don't know if he has an art station I think he has an Instagram and Facebook let's see hey Sasha let's see for example I never considered using pieces guides yeah yep don't worry it's thanks for stopping by you know you know giving you that tip there please tell me what I have to do is my model 3 is OK for predicting who Alan who's better it's completely up to you and your workflow man Joshua Francis bargain hey man welcome to the stream Joel thank you um this is the second concept it's actually oh thanks thanks worth it's actually like the fifth so I love Josh's work I love it so I I he just you know he was one of the concept artists on Disney infinity when I worked on Disney infinity and he just has a very very solid sense of volume and form and it makes it makes his stuff easy to sculpt so I like and same with like Johannes helgesen and like Dean eagle and their there are a handful of artists that just really really get form you know they just understand it and it makes things incredibly easier to sculpt okay trying to decide how thin he would be in the jaw neck will be thicker of course I'll work this area out here in a bit yeah I'm kind of ignoring the neck right now I know it's standing long and weird we'll work that out later okay Oh does any God thanks man okay let's see I'm gonna duplicate this off because I want to try and we just save it I want to try and I want to try and zremesh this and just see what see what happens now that I have these extras in here so I'm gonna apply dynamic that's that's what you I always do is I apply the dynamic if I don't it's going to try and zremesh this this is my real this is what it really looks like without preview turned on and see how Jaggi this is right through here and down this it's I don't want zremesher to try and follow that because sometimes it'll follow the faces and it will follow the jaggies and that's not what I want so if I turn on dynamic and I hit apply then if I hit zremesher should do a better job we'll see and then we'll give him some eyeballs Oh some eyes in here okay there we go let's see what this looks like yeah didn't keep the loops around the mouth but that's okay because our mouths kind of already in place but check it out see how well it followed this geometry very nice I'll take it much smoother and nicer okay let's get some let's get some eyes in here see mm-hmm this big maybe oh hey Gobind thanks now I'm going to try let's try Danny's technique Danny Danny Mack Danny Mack is another streamer on here and whenever he does eye balls he typically will use half spheres and make the eyelids with those so I wanted to I wanted to do that but first I want a group split well cancel I want to split unmask points there we go then I'm gonna make his lower eyelids what I want to do trying to think and the reason why I'm hesitating is because if if I do that if I make the eyelids a separate piece then they'll automatically have this this line separating them the eyelids from the ahead and since I've already gone through and dinah mashed and made everything come together I kind of too far in the process to do that so that's I think I'm gonna I think I'm just gonna do it my traditional way this time I was thinking about it and I'm like you know what I think I'm just going to do it the way I used usually do it which is brute force because I want it to remain part of this mesh so I'm just kind of dragging some of this geometry up and out and it will become the lower eyelid see that's kind of Chiti Chiti cheat face ok looks like I still need to bring it around here sorry I'm neglecting chat for a minute just because I'm focusing okay it's too far let's get it to settle down into place okay alright let's see I mean my friend got her a job at the end of the last year cool is it possible to isolate the mouth and hit it with zremesher guides so you can't like I said like I said before earlier in the stream zremesher guides are great but they're unpredictable so they don't like the zremesh does not always follow those guides as much as you would want them to they're kind of they're they're kind of like I don't know it's if if there was a percentage it seems like they follow him like 50 percent maybe and I would like them to follow them a hundred percent if that makes sense so I will typically do large plain changes like with with peaks and valleys I'll really push it in or pull it out and it seems like the zremesher will follow the the changes in direction like 90 percent of the time or 80 percent 90 percent of the time I just get a better percentage with actual geometry rather than zero you know the guides I guess his retopo process for the head oh yeah he's I loved I love Danny Mac's stuff he's he's great guy he's good but I you know I just need to think about it earlier I typically don't do that and I need to I want I want to have the eyelids like he does sooner but I need to dynamesh them into the head sooner and I've already kind of passed that point if that makes sense so let's see so this will just have to do this will have to do thanks Damien how's the a oh you like that material you mentioned which material are you talking about zebra gray which material are you talking about bring these brows down heavy brows don't have to puff them out the brow meat yeah this I used like skin shade for like this it's really bright or this zebra gray or zero gray modeling is kind of fun it looks like this since he's kind of a a gray dude keep it in that it'll be kind of fun let's lift his nose more into this area I really like this kind of muscle that's coming off the nose and going into his eye do I know what that's called no I don't I just sculpt it and I use the move brush more than anything else everybody's like what brush you use what brush to use I either use the detail brush which is essentially the Damien standard brush or I use pinch or move that's pretty much and then smooth of course but there's not like you know magic brush I like this flow and I want this to stick out or I want the side of his skull to push in more behind this see did it hey what's up Rob how's it going man yep testcomplete it worked they're like the Pirates code they're more of a suggestion than an actual law it's so true yeah I always equate it to like making a wish you know like throwing a throw a penny and a wishing well it may or may not come true you're zremesher may or may not follow your guides sometimes it'll make some really crazy faces to like it you'll get these rogue faces there's like where where did that come from it's like some does some weird face silent absolutely one and the one brush is move that is the one brush I like to create like that cup behind the ear and have it kind of pushed down into the head sometimes I'll emphasize it like push it push this in yeah this guy's so mean this is sticking out you know so this is one thing that a lot of people overlook and it's the part by the right behind the side of the eye right here and like notice when you're walking down the street and kind of walk behind somebody and look at the side of their head from the back you know from the back side and look how deep the the eye socket sits into their head because you can see their forehead then you can see the socket and then you can see their cheek come out down to their chin and most most new modelers will that's a little too big will will neglect that and they'll make the eyes straight across and kind of even with the rest of their head like a big box you know and they won't pull that I socket back into the head you really need to pay attention to that so like from this angle right here um this guy is kind of weird faced so you don't really can't really tell and his nose is up there but just yeah just kind of not stalking people but if you just happen to be walking behind somebody look at the side of their head you'll see what I'm talking about anyway I saw I noticed that from from this angle right here on this side his cheek was too far up and you won't see it so yet over here if I pull it back it looks better I'm gonna push it into then let's cut it in hey Rob yeah man two weeks of me I'll be talking to you same with mutated jellyfish he'll be there with me hey ginger bear oh no worries no worries my pleasure I wish I could get through more that's the only it's my only regret I guess okay now I'm using pinch brush just gonna put a crease along here be a little too harsh yeah no worries man my pleasure yeah Geiger come say hi I'll be around it's occasional player how's it going welcome one hey guys doing hey Duane thanks for stopping by YouTube man let's see there's this I like this crease but I don't know if I'm gonna get it before I subdivide oops I just turned z sub off are we careful sometimes you hit that spacebar and this this menu comes up and then you accidentally hit something you're like what what did I do y'all just I'm not going to GDC for anything in particular I'm just gonna be floating around scoping out the place it's been a while since I've since I've been there so I'm looking forward to it's gonna be fun if you see me say hi for female characters how do you acquire makeup knowledge um I just fake it John obviously I do I just do some like I typically will do red across the center and if it's a male I'll do some blue like for you know like my five o'clock shadow here but I'm on females I leave that out and kind of bring the red down into the into the lower areas and then I'll do some eye shadow but not extreme just you know like I'll typically take the skin tone and then maybe push it to a blue or purple or something like that or even just a brown you know like a darker tone of the skin and just paint it up in the eyes just to make her eyes themselves pop so I don't know I don't have any I don't have any makeup experience at all I just can't ever wing it yep makeup tutorials are on YouTube every other channel let's see gosh I keep wanting to do that but it's not I'm gonna pull these all right grow vine pics for stopping by again come back again next week I'll be here but not the week out well what I view that we capture that on the week of the 20th I'll be at GDC so I will not be streaming that week wanna make his on eyelids even lower looking more fierce all right you in gate is Gabe gonna be there like are you talking about Gabe Olson that'd be awesome if it's true what's the best way to get the basics of proportions I guess use heads yes well honestly okay heads are the easiest thing okay but you can use anything to measure against anything else anything so you know like like for this guy you I could use his nose you know and I'm constantly measuring distances like could I fit his nose in the same area as from the bottom of his nose to his lips you know that's one measurement how wide is his cheek compared to his lips you know like the distance here is kind of equal to the distance here yeah I'm just constantly and I'm doing that all the way till the end I didn't I never stop measuring because it's just it's it's such a big part of it you know and that's kind of where you get your likenesses from and how you nail the concept so just kind of want to pull this this part happen out see and while I'm talking about it I just see stuff I'm like oh I better I want to fix that I want to fix that what does GDC Game Developers Conference it's held in San Francisco and I haven't been for a long time so I'm looking forward to it trying to get this shape so it's not peeking out so much let's see I guess read the rest of your question I guess there's some like rules or particular method for learning stylize non no it's the same it's the same you know stylized realistic it doesn't matter it's kind of just an exercise in comparing relationships and volumes to other things all the time that's why you know even painters sketch artists they're constantly like looking and holding their thumb out and getting proportions because they're just measuring it's all about measuring measuring measuring so that's there's no real other way to do it other than that and you just get better at it you know with experience just get an eye for measuring I'm not saying I have it let's see what am i doing for work these days um I am I'm doing my online course of course and I am doing some freelance for somebody I have not revealed yet so yep I I do some freelance work here and there but not too much I typically spend most of my time working on my course cuz I keep adding new content I just barely added a new interview with Ian Jacobs Ian Jacobs was one of the one of the character artists on the Disney infinity who worked with me and he was in town from Texas last Sunday and we sat down for two and a half hours and we went through a bunch of his characters and talked about him and talked about you know what what we cared about what you know and little stories with them you know like do you remember this one remember that I was so hard and how he talked to Marvel and you know all that kind of stuff it was fun it was really cool you remember Ian cool his years or more he's looking his ears are looking sad they're not sad the happy is so I'll do industry interviews like that and we'll add them to the course oh thanks yeah before the new tools yep it was lovely yeah hey determine artist thanks man well thanks for stopping by so much maybe you can stop by again next next Tuesday I'll be here just gonna pull out one more detail if I can hey Adam to see awesome didn't answer the question over on Facebook is should you buy a pad as big as this no this is this is absolutely unnecessary this is overkill and I essentially own this because it speeds up my production that's the only thing it's it's good for honestly but a Wacom tablet a bamboo even the one that comes with ZBrush core perfectly adequate absolutely adequate you do not need a Cintiq you do not need a giant ridiculous tablet like this that's not necessary so this is just the reason I like a Cintiq is because basically when I make a stroke on my model I typically only have to do it one time and if I'm using an into his tablet or something like it then I turn on lazy Mouse I'll typically have to do the same stroke like four or five times until it gets to where I want it to be so that's about the only difference really other than that it's it's it's pretty much the same same idea yeah it's me how I yeah it's it's it's nice to have for sure but it's expensive and not you don't need it it's not necessary that's what I'm trying to say you know yeah you shouldn't be you shouldn't feel bad and say I can't become a good artist because I don't have a Cintiq that's not the truth yes it's nice luxury and I kind of worked my way up to this guy it's like actually Josh black the guy who drew this concept artist he bought my old Cintiq my maze a 24-inch Cintiq and there's some things I like about that that's more than this one like the buttons on the side I've I've preached about that before let's see his neck is really skinny and weird I have I'm sorry Cody I don't have any I have no idea I think I messed with one at at Bo University my friend Russ had one if that was indeed it it was just an off-brand it wasn't a Wacom so I assumed it was that but I don't know man yeah there's there's definitely a love relationship going on there and I but honestly I don't know I'm not too amped about the new ones you know it's just like every year they come out with a new one it's just bigger and bigger and it's like oh come on you guys really Oh double atoms that bola that's not gonna work oh really huh mama looks with cleaning bumps okay well it's it's just yeah it's just practice man and like I'm using zremesher not dynamesh you just gotta kind of go with it let's see but I didn't always use e remeasure you can you can do it in other ways oh geez what am I doing here what am i doing get that call this the mastodon oh I'm so so bad with muscle names you have no idea no idea so don't ask I couldn't tell you and I know this goes up behind the ear and yeah but whatever it should be like his neck should be like way wider than this maybe I can get a wider let's see sometimes I neglect the neck neglect the neck let's see I'm inspiring game developer and my skill in ZBrush is beginner crystal his character is the best way to begin straight off the bat or show you learn realistic Anatomy Thomas I would say realistic Anatomy for sure because stylized doesn't mean no Anatomy it actually means stylized Anatomy so if you have the Anatomy skill first then you'll know how to stylize it later if that makes any sense like all this stuff it's in the the structure is in a face this is just very stylized so I hope that helps all right what's the point of the topological brush when you don't have polygroups I thought it was just for painting on the first selected Paul your ball blocking let's see ginger bear I'm trying to understand that question you don't have polygroups are you talking about like drawing topology on a surface of a thing this is the topology brush right is that what you're talking about and when you don't have polygroups maybe yeah maybe I'm not I guess I don't understand your question let's see third time's a charm yeah good luck man let's see uh noticed my three guard looks better into you here some people are this way but I would say I should focus on drawing characters rather than sculpting first uh you know what I'm I'm gonna go on record saying drawing absolutely helps completely helps but I'm not the best 2d artist ever I just see 3d forms and I understand 3d forms and I just get it and when I try to put my knowledge into on into 2d on a on a piece of paper I I get lost and my drawings are not that great so that there you go take it and take it for what it's worth but then you have people like like Matt for up who can who can draw circles around me you know he's a phenomenal sketch artist so and in it you can tell it it helps his sculpting for sure and like Danny Williams he's also a great sketch artist but I'm not I'm not that great of a 2d artist for sure the top so you can retopo mesh okay you meant the topological button Oh oh you know what yeah this doesn't need to be an on anymore I just had it on I left it on for when I yeah I that should have been off sorry man okay the topological button you know this the topological buttons kind of it can be evil sometimes because it'll slow you down if you have a dense mesh and you have topological on and it's trying to like figure out the surfaces and things like that behind the behind the scenes it'll really slow you down so if you ever like slow down and you wonder why then first check and see if you have subdivisions and dynamic on at the same time that's number one number two is look and see if you have topological turned on okay hey welcome back Freddie let's see well hopefully I'll see your questions this time sorry about that what the heck did I do with my focus there we go you can also turn off dynamic and they'll be a little smoother and faster but then you don't you know it doesn't look as good yeah there there aren't any polygroups anymore so it absolutely does not matter you were you're correcting your assessment I had it on because I I just I didn't know that I had it on if that makes any sense see that's way too fast now yeah dude I pictured you going um why is that topological but not because I'm an idiot I also get questioned man see so I'm just gonna clip in flat thanks Jase how's it going man just making this myself dude whatever he's doing so let's see we're sitting about 933 all right let's subdivide him and color him up and add the details what do you think yeah let's do that we're farther along than I usually am this guy's a little easier then like say an elf girl with lots of hair that's why when people say how long does it take you to make a model well it kind of depends on the design you know if it's like an elf girl with lots of hair it takes a little longer than a guy like this let's see I want to pull the back of his head so when I get to a point like this a lot of times I'm like I like to kind of pull back and kind of see where he's at and make some big changes make some make some big moves and what I like to do is duplicate it hide the old one and then we're gonna look and see kind of some stuff we can do it's big before we subdivide him up and I want to see I want to take his mouth in like this that's kind of fun and then his brow I want to come up and out more and make see this see the shape right here it comes down his cranium and then it pops out and there's kind of this sharper edge before it kicks back down to his eye and it's sort of doing that but see how this is kind of low just want to make it higher make the eyebrow me kind of follow it yeah then that makes us brow kind of kicked a little too high in expression let's see uh yeah dr. Jones a lot I actually so I commissioned Josh to do these because of that reason I'm going to I'm gonna be sharing a bunch of concepts with you guys soon and this is one of them ok now I want to make his ear turn differently and kind of go up like this go down this that you want even a sharper jawline yep tap tap tap tap tap if you okay if you pose I'm getting your question this time Friday Eve if you pose the character with bent fingers and legs it's gonna effect change the shape a lot so is it okay to spend time on sculpting details in neutral pose because we might have to change a lot it later according to posed yes it doesn't honestly it does not matter I will still I will still put the details in the neutral pose it depends but I do stylize characters I'm not doing realistic characters that have like all of those knuckle lines and everything that are gonna stretch when you bend I think that's what you're talking about right so when you bend your hand those little knuckle lines are gonna stretch right so if you're doing a realistic character with knuckle lines like that then you might consider waiting until after you've posed it in you know how you're gonna pose it yes absolutely but for me and my stylized stuff the hands are very smooth they don't have the details on the knuckles like that so I typically just I don't put them I don't save them for later because they're there that being said sometimes I will have a crease that goes across all the knuckles or like a ring or something like that and if it does stretch if it gets bent when I put the character into a pose I will go back and clean that up later and I will go put you know redraw that crease or you know if the ring got stretched I'll have to push it back into place things like that because when you're posing a character naturally you're going to stretch stuff you're gonna break stuff and it's it typically happens with like armor and like stretching armor when you especially in the hip area if you have belts oops sorry if you have belts and things going across your midsection line and you have say one leg high and one leg stretched out behind where that high leg is and you if you have belts and stuff like they're gonna get all munched up and all you know they're gonna get broken so you are going to want to reshape those and or even pose them separately so sometimes I will hide all the belts and I will pose the leg and get it into place then I will unhide one of the belts and I will repose that that way I know that it's not going to stretch when I pose it's gonna be you know I'll be able to pay more attention to it and not have it come along for the ride with the leg so there's there's a whole bunch of little tricks that you can do that way so yep cloth wrinkles um you know cloth wrinkles are actually a different story because the pose will dictate how the cloth is going to wrinkle right if you're gonna have your arm above your head like this all these wrinkles are gonna come from this tight area and in cascade out and if your arms are down there's not going to be those wrinkles there so yeah of course you're gonna put new wrinkles in based on weight weight where your pose is that's a really good question let's see let's see the hardest part learning experience finding a full tee or impose human male and female turnaround reference images yeah so well there's a there's a less scorch a I don't know how it's pronounced or at court al-wahhab rails anyway there's a there's a if you look up Mike Michael de feo or Scott Eaton that's oh I don't know if you can see it I actually have hold on one second I'll show you okay I'll just blow them off the base anyway I have I have this guy you guys can see him this is uh this this is a 3d model from the app and and you can get this on an app and you can study it if you watch danny mac's streams he and these come off to you they they're magnetic but they there's an app that shows you this this maquette in detail that you can actually use as as reference if you want sorry he's super delicate and I'm tethered okay a crochet is how you say it oh thanks worth yeah Friday sorry man I owed you one okay I'm gonna tuck these ears back I hope that answer your question then there there are lots of reference models online to just you can find them around you can find 3d body scans okay a crush it doesn't look like a crochet looks like a less Gorge a I know that's not right yeah those headphones they do so they're well they're hooked to my I have a mixer right here and they're so they're hooked to that yeah I don't know homebrew art references yeah okay 42 let's let's now that I'm a the big big changes I want to pull the skull up even higher in the back Quartey okay thanks for helping me out guys way uneducated self see this is the only time I really use claybuildup is what I'm doing this than this muscle in smooth it out you can see that you know the jaggies come out because the Z because it doesn't flow see I'm really sculpting on this this is this is the base right here so this is my sculpt right here I just have dynamic turned on so you can see the smooth but that's where the jaggies come from oh [Laughter] man all of them all the packs that's funny I'm just faking this whatever this is and some stuff in okay let's hit apply Thanks let's see oh thanks song master song master let's go up to bat we got two point six nine six million now we can start getting some detailed surface stuff okay so we're committed we can still go back down but if I want to straighten straighten out these warbles in the ear whatever I go back up so I'm going to save it at this point just to make sure in case the crashes let's see okay I'm just gonna go back to zebra paint now this is zebra paint and you can see that he's just like a super white guy let me see if I miss any cushions Rafi okasada yeah um yeah the move brushes the is the one you should master yeah you got it you got to move it learn learn that move brush yes Jake Jake I do prefer dynamic / dynamesh for sure or when do you use dynamic dynamic versus dynamesh so I explained this earlier in the stream today I use dynamesh when I want to merge objects together then I will almost immediately go back into a zero measure state with lower resolution and the reason why is because if I'm doing stylized sculpts like this it keeps the surface smoother way smoother as you can as you can kind of see the the surface is smoother if I'm doing dynamesh then it kind of introduces warbles all over the place and it's it's harder to manage so hopefully that answers your question I got oh yeah well I want them to be kind of this light blue gray tone yeah like something like this okay and then uh let's see warble sounds like an evil hamster yes warble Oh moose man I'm using a Cintiq 27 inch that's what this is Oh bye wake home let's see there any tips you can think about move um I I never mess with dynamic and I you know I I kind of keep it at the base intensity the default intensity sometimes I'll move it around but and then I just mess with draw size there's really nothing to it I typically use I use small moves so you know if if you're moving a bunch like with big brushes you're gonna cause more balls you're gonna cause evil gerbils so you you want to make very small moves you'll know that's why you hear me tap tap tap tap because I'm making very small moves like say if I wanted to push the the geometry behind this this eye socket thing I I wouldn't make a big brush and try and push it in because it'll just cause weird things so instead and I will go to my lowest resolution I I hardly ever use move when I'm in my higher resolution and then I just kind of just tapped just slowly go along that edge and push it in and I will also align my camera to the angle that I want to push it in because it's based on your camera alignment so um let's see and then song yes sir what is your favorite Disney infinity sculpt um my favorite was Boba Fett I think he was he was a lot of fun let's see yep Boba Fett was that it was I don't know if it was necessarily the hardest like the female the females are a little harder I'm trying to think like the getting the female faces and Boba Fett's just he has a he has a helmet on so he doesn't have a face that you have to nail the concept like like Tinkerbell and ahsoka you know like Gamora all the females there their faces are really difficult to get one appealing and two looking like the person it's supposed to look like so gum gum things I don't know who gum fix is it could be my friend Josh black did this concept so I don't know who if anybody who it is yep totally right hmm very odd okay when I do little tiny details like these like like the the lip wrinkles I'll usually turn symmetry off and put those in I put one down the front from and I smooth out the top so typically then we can come in with this hard edge pinch maybe do some I kind of like the indication of one right here maybe not that intense though Oh symmetry is off gotta remember to turn that back on try it again I want it to taper all right okay let's do some well let's do some details in his ears and then some on his eyelids and then we'll do some color the rest of the color here sorry I'm gonna I'm gonna focus for a minute see and I want this detail coming out of his eye going like this there we go okay uh Pirates of the Caribbean sculptures No okay I'm gonna sharpen up this edge around his nostril and it's too sharp so you can knock it back with smooth and then maybe push those in further go and then let's bring this let's see so okay here's a prime example see that see how it's making this this crease right here I don't want that crease right and that's that's just from the move brush I want to move this nostril down but I do not want that crease so you just go to your lower resolution lower subdivision levels and you can you don't have to be the lowest you can go up one and then just deuce you know small moves and then just walk up and now you don't have that crease no crease just clean okay now let's get into the color let's get this is the fun part all right let's I'm gonna add some like purples deep blues sorry that I'm not answering questions I'm just focusing really quick because it's getting it's getting close to time let's see just gonna darken in his around his eyes I really want to darken these eyelids and up underneath here it's kind of this purple and you can fake some ambient occlusion too just kind of work it through here and his eyes will change to whatever color I currently have because I haven't filled them with any color yet so that's right now it's showing you the color that I'm using to paint this with so how did you get the pitch pinch brush brush custom so this is these are my brushes that I made you can get them over at 3d character workshop comm and I give them away for free and along with his user interface and you can use all these brushes that I'm using right now and I also do an online course where I teach how to do this stuff and I teach how to make game characters that's kind of my thing and so if you're interested in that it'll put you on the newsletter and you'll be notified when the course becomes open for enrollment again we just barely opened it for winter enrollment not too long ago so we got some awesome new students in there okay now let's do some I wanted to put some Reds in there but I want to go to the magenta side hey prod deep let's see what if the character has an expression on his or her face is it okay to sculpt the expression from the start or do the normal face and then do the expression like angry frustrated according the concept applies on this character so this character I'm actually I'm putting the expression in here but typically if you're going to be doing a game character or a film character make the face as neutral as possible and then do the expression after the fact so I typically do not sculpt the expression in here like I'm doing right now this is just for a high resolution render while I'm streaming so I typically don't do the expression let's see it's gonna warm these ears up this red maroon color and the nose I think I wanted even more red though Genta let's go super pink with it and see what happens and on his cheeks just a little bit then I'm gonna go kind of a yellowish orange up on his little eyes they keep changing color hey what's up Brody Perkins welcome in so I just lightly put some yellow up in the top here I do want his lip to be I kind of like it lighting like that see if we can make it reddish then I'm gonna put some blues let's see down in his chin and see this area down in here just gonna blend them together then I'm gonna do some just some highlights here and there so I just grab this color and take it much lighter when does the Sharpe just add a little bit of I'm sound like Bob Ross just a little bit of highlights just here and here how do you add subsurface scattering on the thin part of the years that is in a material so I would either have to do that when I render like if I took this to key shot and I gave him a subsurface scattering texture they do have subsurface materials in here but they're not like your typical rendered versions they're like a waxy material that kind of you know does its best to fake them or whatever but um yeah I'd probably do it in key shot so somebody's asking about the ear so how do you make these ears sharper if I wanted to make them sharper I just go down to lower resolution and turn RGB off of my shift brush so my shift is smooth and if I have RGB turned on it's actually going to smooth out the colors and I don't want to do that I just want to I just want to keep it like that but what I'll do is I'll typically zoom in and just use the move brush and the smooth brush and just make them make them you know sharper use the move brush making sharper if that's what it takes but typically I don't go crazy sharp if I ever want to print this this is like danger zone in this if I make them that sharp so where can you get the zero materials just huh just look for a Z bro on Google so Z bro you can do zero gray or zero whatever and you'll find them zbr oh that's that's what you look in your you'll find his materials okay wrong brush just want to highlight this a little bit okay let's I want to make his eyes kind of I actually like the color that they are right now but maybe a little bit in the yellow yeah I share some reference Anatomy images what um let's see I I have it you can look me up on Pinterest I have a whole Pinterest page full of Anatomy stuff if you want let's see why okay I'm just gonna add some like reddish tones to these eyes so they look like they got blood in them I guess okay and then I'm going to I'm gonna pinch his eyelids I do with that that'll just catch the light a little better there we go you can see how it's kind of uneven it goes thick to thin to thick to thin I just want it to taper along the hole and go just from thin to thick as it goes out much better all right let's get some pupils on there it's not a guy go get it man it's over it uh over my website just go grab it okay let's turn off symmetry yeah 3d character workshop calm here I'll give you a link there you go all right I'm gonna fill these with a with an eyeball material like it so zero also makes a fantastic eye reflection material it actually makes several so here you can kind of see some previews of them you can't really tell because the material is white but I'll I'll typically fill the entire thing with it like this and then I will go to M what is material and then fill it which is just filling the eyeballs it's not filling the the head and then I'll just go back to the zebra paint which is this C so he has these kind of really cool reflections going on and I'm gonna I'm gonna kind of fake some ambient occlusion on those eyes just some shadows let's see because they're way too white let's get starting them up there we go just to set them in there you know they were looking a little bit like two white okay and then one more thing I want to do before I put the pupils and I keep getting distracted is I I just want to run a dark bead around his eyelashes just to darken them up a little bit why don't you go you got a turn RGB back on okay there we go so I gotta rotate him so my arm wants to work better because like I've said in other streams you if you're right-handed or left-handed your arm really only has one perfect stroke right and it's like from your elbow or your wrist going like this so in ZBrush it allows you to to move your character where you can you can get a nice stroke like this down to this one just moving completely upside down and it's kind of hard to get used to but it's like a if you think of it like a trackball and move your you know put your pen like clear out on the edges instead of in the middle to try and you know make the trackball thing work you'll get better results it was get used to how to flip it around you know I maybe I'll just go like this okay let's see here we go okay now let's go black back and put the pupils in it's hard to see with that reflection I should probably put that on later funny gosh I want I want to get this this shape is missing in his lips see it's going kind of straight down I want it to poof out and then go back in so I'm gonna work I'm gonna work that area I'm really quick before him before I call it tonight going down a couple levels of subdivision it's easier to move and then this is really flat I'm gonna push this out more then let's pose chicken kind of hard cuz they're working against each other um I could with the nostrils like I totally could i I don't know they're cuz they're not black they're still catching light you know so I really don't go to much darker but no but the shadow typically takes care of them yeah see how they start to kind of draw attention to themselves seen what the ears you don't really want to go super dark with the ears you know cuz it just looks kind of it looks fake you need to like kind of look at people's ears and see what they really look like okay I want to pull this anymore this is just the part this is kind of the polished stage this is just trying to get it to look more like the concept and pull this out in this out but push this in and I want it to be like this to be round like this but from the side from this side I don't want to see this piece if you're looking at a him at 3/4 and now his cheek is really far out see doesn't come I I mean I want him to be gaunt and I wanted to come out that far but okay let's see I'm gonna try one more thing I'm just gonna build up some muscle in here just for fun just to make it look kind of interesting surface striations I guess like his drawing here is really cool that plane I'm gonna do some of that on his lips too just to kind of get more of that lip wrinkles I guess without it looking like a mustache and it's it's I probably should have turned off symmetry to do that mmm I don't know that I like those they're too much okay let's go back to that but I do want to try because this is really plain and I want something here yeah something like that all right just little things anyway let's see little tweaks hey Lizabeth yes yep yep it's so I've been streaming for two hours and 14 minutes so far and I'm about to wrap it up but typically pixologic will get this on the youtube website and if you do a search for Shane Olson under the or even channels and ZBrush or saintil some pixologic you'll find all of my past streams you can watch watch all that stuff but this should be up within the next couple days usually only takes them a couple days okay I think I'm gonna wrap this guy up for now let's get him in a spot turn on perspective see I'm missing anything else I brought down just a bit mm I want some more wrinkles on his lips turn up the intensity do some short ones so turn off easy Mouse steady hand takes a steady hand that's better all right cool all right you guys I think this is this is what it's gonna be I keep noodling I can noodle forever because right now it makes me want to go uh let's see turn onto a tree okay just keep seeing stuff you know all right all right I got to stop I got to stop I'll keep going all right well thanks for tuning in guys we will see you yeah we'll see you next next Tuesday again same bat-time so once again if you want this my user interface and these brushes and it comes with a ruler see this ruler right here let's jam through his head yeah this ruler will help you go back and forth between Maya and it'll also help you with 3d printing there are some videos on my website that show you how to install my user interface my brushes and how to use that ruler so if you're interested it is at 3d character workshop calm and I would like to thank pixologic for letting me stream again as usual it's always a pleasure and I will be at GDC from the 20th through the 24th GDC is the Game Developers Conference so if you guys are gonna be there and you see me I'll be wearing probably a 3d character workshop shirt it has a bear on it and stuff and if you see me come say hi I'd love to talk to you so I'll be there and gosh what else is going on I think that's it for now but I better I'm gonna hide I like to get I have to give the guys it pixologic a better shot better screen shot so I'm gonna hide the text for a minute but thank you guys for stopping by I I loved all the questions today thank you so much let's get let's get up in here I'm gonna change sorry I'm gonna do one last thing I'm gonna change this to to toy plastic and then fill his eyeballs with that instead of because it's kind of overpowering there we go just have one little round highlight and then go back to skin shade 4 or 0 paint there's also the zero viewport that's pretty crazy look at that iced tea dark alright where did it go zero pain there we go anyway yep thanks guys and you guys have a great rest of your week and I'll catch you guys next week all right thanks Cheers see you later
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 17,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixologic, zbrush, zbrushlive, sculpting, modeling, 3d modeling, art, design, tutorial, how to, making of, digital, twitch, 3d, 4r8, character creation, live boolean, vdm, noseferatu, josh black, concept, bust, stylized, disney, pixar, illumination, vampire, coffin
Id: rdqxYG6OXFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 5sec (8345 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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