3D Model a Disney Style Brute Viking in ZBrush With me - Shane Olson

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hey everybody how you doing if this going here alright looks like we are live wait you right just gonna share this on my facebook you see how this sounds you all right hello everybody welcome welcome so I just doing a couple more things you new page okay all right we should be good all right so how does that sound you guys hear that okay sound good all right let me know so this this image is designed this head I just ran across on art station today it was it's by an artist named MooMoo like mu mu and here's the link grab it there you go you want to check out the artwork really really good stuff so get started sculpting this guy I thought he was a really fun design really fun shapes I love the how pronounced the cheekbones are and the crooked nose and all that kind of stuff thank you dan are you time now are you asking what time it is I'm in Utah and it's noon which is well p.m. I guess hello from Holland Wow hello happy New Year to all of you as well okay so let's start how I usually start with the cranium and he's got a really squished cranium the sides oops need to have symmetry turned on though Oh in Pakistan exactly opposite huh thanks for joining me see here hey what's up Neil how's it going did you catch that link that I just posted to the art by the way appreciate it thank you Thanks okay and I have construction going on in my house right now so you could there's possible a possibility of hearing nail guns and air compressors so they're they're building out some bookshelves a little hello and welcome I have to kind of imagine what his his face looks like underneath this beard here okay so super gaunt are you in you in Salt Lake as well very cool you I'm going to pull this jaw area out and kind of bring it up on the sides here um what was a reason just the the main reason is so I can keep my meshes low dynamesh tends to create very high-resolution meshes I mean you can do low resolution meshes with it but just the way it combines is a little different and I just prefer the just kind of in it dynamesh rebuilds the mesh whereas remash by Union kind of keeps it together that's the main reason come on grab it you're in the valley of the suck what on your goat Neil his face out and forward and a scoop scoop the chin out you okay let's see let's skip that nose in there you come on this nose is crazy I love it you you and you guys hear that air compressor probably can't it's not isn't it's not as loud as I thought it would be no good you which is funny because it's right above me cool spotlight projection I have Neil I've downloaded that video I just need to upload it hello from France to bring that back have a really good mic thank you can you hear me okay with that I was my Christmas it was great it was great spent spent time with my family um and it it's snowing here so there's some kids sleigh riding [Music] just out over here okay that's feeling pretty good I do want his cranium to kind of peek back here and cut down quicker something like that hey Chris hello from Puerto Rico you Ordo Rico what time is it in Puerto Rico right now my goodness sorry I wish I could take that call right now but I can't you let's let it go to voice okay let's get the neck in there you yeah yeah for sure I talked to Chris all the time by the way she's fantastic okay um Chris Chris is one of my students for the 3d character workshop and she's really really good at giving other students feedback and really good feedback what Neil's talking about there you never hey what's up Harry 3 p.m. okay too bad let's clip this off so you I'll pull these shoulders out more you David from Belgium actually know some people from Belgium you I love how many people can watch all over the world that just blows my mind still to this day how crazy is that you okay let's see Portugal ah from Brazil Belgium jeez awesome Neil yeah I actually have all of the lucky shared concepts with me so possibly I want to get them put up so they're available south africa hello and you are welcome okay be fine tuned a bit Autogroup these and let's get the eyes in there these eyes are gonna be tricky they have very heavy lower eyelids which is one of the things that kind of made me want to model this guy because I often I don't often get the chance to do lower eyelids usually when you do females they're very very very subtle or not there at all I'm gonna split these off you it's just one of how you doing man thank you very much here's to you I like to say happy new decade because it's like the end of a decade and we have a whole new decade coming right what's again what's going to happen in the next 10 years okay stop eh yep like see once I mean to draw another sphere on there like Blade Runner isn't Blade Runner supposed to be happening right now the year 20 in 1920 20 we'll see Grim Reaper appropriate name for that kind of comment okay yes Neal I actually have it I actually have the outline 42.0 done I need to share that with you Neal I need I'll show it to you but it's coming along yeah 20:19 wait where are flying cars I actually saw a prototype of a bike that changes into a like a hover bike yesterday that was pretty cool but yeah hovercars yeah we'll see huh never okay what's gonna be really telling is after I get his mouth put in and his beard put in like his moustache and beard because that's kind of what makes him up duplicate these eyes and make some lids let's see sometimes I like to just clip off the spheres that I've the makeup the eyes and then roll them back like this just scale them up a bit now he looks kind of bored or sad shingo hello you thank you Jim steer how you doing man happy new happy new decade to you too all right I want to I want more density so I can do I can do that one of two ways I can either just subdivide it once and then get rid of the lower subdivision levels which that's what I'm gonna do or I could zremesh it either way yes Neal that is the number one thing I'm looking forward to in 2020 actually yes actually no I think clipping will work with subdivision levels I think hey Mohammed how're you doing I can't recall okay let's see and I go back [Music] it's kind of looking at these the brows are super heavy you know pull them out maybe inflate them you know I didn't know what I was gonna model today until like one minute before I went live actually asked permission of the from MooMoo the artist and she said yes please okay thank you so that was that was close see don't want to inflate the nose just the brows here now let's build the lower eyelid i lashes not eyelashes eyelids duplicate them again so let's try it let's do that experiment I'm gonna add some subdivision levels one two and then clip it off yeah it still works with subdivision levels I don't want subdivision levels on here but it works okay so you I love these lower eyelids because they come clear out into his cheek area you and a busy's good busy is good yeah I've been busy so i'm i'm reaiiy marieee record the entire 3d character workshop because I've learned a lot from where like the students struggle and just kind of what they you know kind of what were where they hit the walls and things like that what kind of information also right now as the course stands it's very it's very linear and I show you how to kind of create one character which is if you guys know have you seen that the Kate character from no one lives forever white and orange girl from that monolith game anyway basically I teach you how to make her like follow along with with her right and the new way I want to do it is I want to have everything in compartments so then I can add more lessons and make it be non not as linear is that what I said no one lives forever what did I say I can't remember anyway that way I can put more lessons and more examples in there and showing different characters instead of just one character and talk about different things because there are so many um so many different kinds of characters and so many different needs that it's not kind of a one-size-fits-all type deal so I want to put in a bunch of examples and then model a bunch of characters at the end and then follow along and refer back to the lessons so I'm pretty excited about that so I'm gonna drip it out so I'm just gonna be just like I did with the Anatomy stuff the Anatomy stuff is now going to be part of it and the Anatomy stuff is is in the early I'm changing the instead of modules they're gonna be called milestones so it's in the first first milestone yeah I need to really pull some more of this geometry out just kind of fighting with it so yeah I'm super excited about that I'm almost done with the outline awesome Dan that'd be great you okay this one's pretty complex so with the whole now his eyes are way too big as far as I think I'm going to shrink this whole thing down to mask this off just scale this down it's you know I've tried sculpting in in VR and that's pretty close which is fun let's see sighs there I'm deep into the head it should be really need to adjust those eyelids now you those these eyes looks so weird the valley of the suck for sure right now lower eyelids back out again push this in okay you pull these up so you can kind of see wrap-up all the way around you um and now it kind of looks like it but I'm sure it's influenced by the designs sure we're or she got it from she based on her station avatar picture okay so I'm just gonna combine this because there's there's so much that I want to do to it that I can't do to it when it's in this state so I'm probably gonna sculpt us Pro it let's combine these eyelashes the head merge down a couple times okay and duplicate it just for fun here you - using the gizmo you want to Center it I just had that discus discussion on our escort channel or somebody was having problems with this not working so no I was just because I've been working on the house and stuff and I don't want to get my get paint on my hat so I've just been wearing this other one and I have managed not to get paint on this one I do like this hat so I hope I don't get paint on it but I'm doing some in some house construction right now okay so let's see I want to let's see let's just try to combine it here do what happens Umesh by Union not bad I suppose okay and then X Neil then we can do a mirror and weld mirror it up and then I'm gonna go right into sculptors Pro instead of xiri meshing this and try and Tessa mate it which is fun if you go into geometry sm8 yes you whoa by that oh that's too too high hey gotta find a nice let's see yeah something maybe a little lower than that all right higher than that there we go this is good all right to make sure dynamic subdivision isn't turned on because it doesn't work well with it turn on sculptors Pro and then here I want to turn off adaptive size on my sculptress Pro brush and just set it to somewhere around that point - so this mirrors this right here see how it's set to point to one if you got a stroke and you turn that off and you set this similar point to when you may need to go a little lower when you use your sculptress Pro then the triangles will be the same size it should have Tessa mated with symmetry it's all symmetrical trees turned on right here it should be I'm just gonna smooth this out a little bit higher you yeah it will it should work if you point one there we go point one five let's look at the stroke one more time point one five okay uh that's in its that's kind of a sweet spot where you don't want to be too high too low this is about the density that I like to work with and in sculptures Pro any higher than that it starts to bog down my machine and then any lower than that and I can't get the edges and things that I want so that's about this visually that's about the density that I like to work at now I can just kind of work you you know a cat it gets me every time every time without crazy it's just one of those human error type that deals you know you or pull this nose shape out a little bit more and bring this up and in usually with this pinch brush I like to turn sculptors Pro off but sometimes it'll work with it when it's on the reason why is because it's a pinch brush so it's it's pulling the geometry together and if you have sculptors Pro turned on this kind of looks like Liam Neeson if you turn if you turn sculptors Pro on it's it's basically doing two things at once and it's fighting against itself so it's trying to pinch and create new geometry so that's it you won't get as good of a pinch I guess so if I turn it off then I use the pinch brush you get a much cleaner line than you would if you had scope just pro-left on I'm just gonna make these eyelids have some thickness here okay again with the handsome Squidward that's cuz that chin right you I'm thinking this nose is way too far out you I don't know it's just something about its reminding me of Liam Neeson for some reason that knows I'm sure it's that nose should turn him into Qui Gon Jinn or whatever isn't that okay you I brought a wrap clear up around and I want it to just close right on up over that eyeball and then his his cheeks are so pointy I need to get his ears in there yeah I still the I still have the eyes too big I need to be even smaller I would you okay you maybe pinch this together pull this out and pinch it back in again give him some more Nos you I love I love really fun like when when concept artists really push all of the facial anatomy in in different ways just makes a lot of fun to sculpt you you you hey what's up lucky did you have to do multiple shapes for his nose before merging him no I just kind of had one shape and I just fiddled with it you okay now I'm just going to I'm just going to push his mouth in you okay but doesn't really leave space his nose though some pull that down a little bit more okay I'll just kind of drag it in you um this is just how I decided to work this time I'll make it low resolute and eventually but the reason I like it is because I can add as much geometry as I want but as I need to I'm Paul senior from for Morris I don't know if I can see that it he'll change a whole lot once I get his moustache and beard in there nopal that and more YouTube chats I can't see YouTube chat it looks like it disconnected let me restart chat and see if I can get it to go in here you Oh hold on looks like it crashed you coming back you we got a four that looks like YouTube is is down on my my chat thing let's see you I'm just trying to find it here I'm just going to go over there and just watch chat live okay I can see chat there now greetings from Turkey you um Oh comics legend do you always create mouth bags for your characters I tend to yes you because it helps with the the lips and the depth and all of that so attend to you okay looks like you got here you are many a Hello you um I don't think they are affiliates or partners they dis stream so this is pixologic channel this is not my channel and I don't think they're partners because you're right then they couldn't multi-stream okay you hey what's up Peter is there a keyboard shortcut to solo I usually just push the button I usually don't well I never use the hotkey for it but I'm sure there is or you could set one up for it I need to go to perspex here should probably turn it on sexy purple checkmark no I think it's with restream chat we stream chat went down on using YouTube for some reason I don't know why but the restream bot is still working over on YouTube which is crazy to me so so it's like a one-way street it's it's delivering the chat to YouTube but it's not sending it back to restring which is odd you okay I think his lips a lot thicker than that you you let's get some let's get some hair and block his beard in I think that's gonna make the biggest difference here it's like when you're when your dad shaves his mustache and beard just like who who are you I remember when I was a kid like when I was a really young kid it made me cry my my dad comes in he's all shaven I'm like who are you there's a stranger my apples in there save this you I'm Cheshire cat I typically make them from scratch because hands are just there is as big of a or they're just as big of a part of the character as anything else so like as far as the styling of them goes so I typically tend to just build them out every time I just found ZBrush for our six for two mmm that sounds fishy I'll just tell you it will work for 4-6 but all's II brush upgrades are free so if that's a legit version you should be able to upgrade it for free to 2020 but it it kind of seems like kind of seems a little sketchy if you know what I'm saying you you yeah I'd probably do like the subscription if you're gonna you're gonna get it let's see you you yeah that it should work lucky we'll see so I like to experiment and try stuff and I want to see if it's going to if it's going to work and I actually kind of got this idea from I watch people use blender and do the boolean this way boolean objects together they're basically using Dino topo which is which is sculptors Pro so it should work the same I don't see why it wouldn't you much tato how's it going Happy Happy New Year happy new decade all those things okay so moment of truth here see if we can get it to work you okay so you can see it remesh by Union yep and accept turn symmetry back on should be good to go see the ear is now stitched that's the reason I yeah we're good and since it remesh my union is just it stitches with triangles it works works pretty well yeah so now I was able to to combine it without having to destroy my mesh like all the stuff I've already done it just needs his beard and mustache and stuff so we'll get there you New Year's resolutions I really want to get my 3d character workshop 2.0 rock and rollin it's like like done I have the outline done well not done done I have the the rough draft of it done News resolutions and I'd like to just get the new community up and running really nice can't wait for that but that's all going to happen fairly soon it does kind of look like see if the heaps concept art doesn't it okay let's get some let's get some hair on there now air thieves artwork so yeah it's good all right David when is it changing um as soon as so it's a it's a really heavy work in progress right now he's the the design is going to be going into it in the next two two to three weeks and then hopefully we'll be able to get some beta testers in there try it out it looks a lot like Google Plus but better so I'm super stoked about it okay let's block in these this mustache or crying out loud none looks like tusks you before you thank you you um sorry what I'm talking about is I I run a workshop it's called a 3d character workshop and a lot of my students are here watching me and if you're not a student yet and you're interested in joining us you can check it out a 3d character workshop comm so there's my little my little plug but I'm working on a new community for it because the current one is not very good I'm use a snake hook brush turned sculptors Pro off for a moment X Neal Google+ has been destroyed for quite a while and the community was over there and we had it for a while and it was great but yeah they destroyed it Google Google shut it off because it wasn't performing like they wanted it to I guess not enough people were using it so now I'm using a discourse server this course is an open-source forum that it allows you to program a lot of things into it and I found out a really good programmer and he's not cheap but it's good we have a discord server discord is more like a chat whereas discourse is more like a forum so the problem with discord is it comes and goes really fast it's like a chat so it goes quickly when people need feedback on their models it doesn't it's not there long enough you know to get to get solid feedback on so with a forum sticks and there's threads you know so people can get you hopefully get the feedback they need so the answer is both we're gonna have both because cuz chat like speed speed getting feedback quickly like if you're stuck with the program is really nice so that's that's kind of what discord is for discourse in a four sticks around longer has threads stuff like that okay with that what's up Jonathan pain has gone Happy Holidays to you sir can you please talk about why you use Scopus Pro versus Z ZBrush is it helpful to switch so Jonathan I usually use this platform this this streaming platform like when I'm streaming to do some experimentation and stuff like that what sculptress pro gets you is kind of unlimited topology because it's dynamic topology so it continues to add the topology as you go that's one of the reasons why I like it the the yeah Google Hangouts exists Tim but not not Google+ anyway sorry for that interruption so the so basically the the negative of sculptors Pro is that you can get very lumpy very quickly so you really have to be disciplined as far as like trying to keep your surfaces clean it's really easy to add a bunch of yeah so oh sorry the discord server is for 3d character workshop students so if you're in the course it's in the current community on the right hand side you can find a link to it but if you're not in the course that's it's it's available for students join us anyway Jonathan does that answer your question I was kind of all over the place I just really liked it because with with zremesher it's kind of two lights of geometry so when I start to get into the details like if I want to put eyelids in there or something I forgot to put in there it's really easy to cut it in it's really easy to use masking and and rebuild the surface so it you know so you're not fighting the surface back and forth you could just get access to more geometry or less geometry so I think you'd really like it especially with those like those like human anatomy conglomerations that you make you know the with all the fingers and stuff like that I think you would love it because you could just like make a single finger and put them in different sub tools and use sculptors Pro to detail them out but but then having kind of keep them separate that kind of thing so anyway yeah I think you dig it okay his brain are too heavy on the sides I'm gonna pull them in yeah exactly Jonathan for sure you so as you can see the the kind of detail level that I have here this is about the level that I like to work in as far as just the the surface density and I also like to turn off you probably I don't know if you saw it earlier but under stroke sculptress Pro if you turn off adaptive size and you can adjust this adaptive size to give you the triangle size that you want as you're working there's also this thing called Tessa mate right here and this will give you kind of an overall thick or a density so if you hit that right during the beginning it's gonna kind of give you an overall triangular density to start with or you on Anthony okay while you're working on infinity plus other past projects how much personal work were you able to get done alongside them uh not as much as I would have liked to for sure but it was you know that was one of the only jobs that I've ever worked at where I was getting my art bucket filled on the job so I didn't really find the need to do as many personal projects on the side I was still doing them but it's not as many and that was really nice if that makes sense uh not when your triangles aren't bad when you're doing sculptress Pro no there they're bad when you're doing like reat apology towards the end and they're bad if you're gonna do subdivision levels because subdivision does not work with Scopus Pro very well for triangles because it's it's subdividing it's taking polygons and subdividing them into four like it's splitting them into four and if you have triangles that that's just not going to work so you have to you can't have subdivision levels with it you the disk has a paper feel to the top side of the ZBrush disk it's a fake oh yeah yeah yeah I'm sure it's like a boot yeah it's probably it's probably uh yeah I wouldn't get it just gonna say that yeah the art bucket everybody has their their art bucket that they need filled right their personal art bucket so if it's not getting filled at work you come home and fill it and that's that's super unique to us artists right I talk about it all the time like you know if you're if you're like a plumber or something like that you have hobbies like fishing or hunting or whatever um but as an artist your hobby is typically just art you're making more art and it's really unique to being an artist even if you're a musician or something like that you tend to come home and you know from the studio and still create music the same with scope sculpting you come home from you know even if you're sculpting at work you come home from work and you're still sculpting so yeah it's just it's just the need the need that you have okay let's get let's get his beard in here you you it's just a different workflow quarter it's just yeah it's just dynamic topology is what it's called and the reason it's called dynamic is because it it grows as you add as you do stuff to it see for example I have this here let me split it off okay I have this new piece that I just added and if I grab the snake hook brush and I just start pulling it around like this the geometry is just going to stretch a plum bucket a plum buckets not full yeah plumbers don't really come home and you know work on their personal projects of plumbing at least not that I know of because they don't get enough at work you know what I mean or framers or something like that garbage man not saying that there aren't skilled trade workers out there you know in some of those fields but you kind of just do it on the job you don't come home and practice it really you one bucket okay so now that I have I have this kind of where I want it to be it's not quite up high enough lower geometry like lower resolution like this this looks like a tire lower resolution like this is much easier to manipulate because there's fewer polygons is less dense I guess we kind of do they don't practice I'm gonna practice taking out the garbage okay so now that I have this to this point I can either Tessa mate it or just hit it with sculptress Pro so if I subdivide this once by hitting ctrl D it delete lower now it's a higher density now I can hit Tessa me and it's going to kind of give me that density to start with I mean was smooth and smooth it out and now I have that to work with now now that it's that higher resolution it's harder to move around like if I want to continue to move this it's just going to create warbles really easy reminds me of yeah yes I want to be a dentist to try something with a mask here with this with this beard they got that misfit song stuck in my head you so I'm looking at this little kind of chunk right there in this beard and I can get it by masking this off yeah lucky I keep I keep forgetting to look over at YouTube chat sorry youtuber so if you want to chat you're welcome to join us on on Facebook or twitch or hopefully I'll remember and look over there excuse me like in this case to remesh at one point in then retopo or Jewry top of the mesh like you have now um sometimes I'll do both actually if I can get as far as I need to with with just scoped as pro and not having to rematch then I won't so remash is just giving you a different mesh a different style of mesh to sculpt on top of but in the end you're you're gonna want a reat apologize mesh anyway so if that's your end goal there's no reason to do a zremesher or anything like that if you're just gonna reach apologize it and if so basically if you can get what you need out of sculptress Pro then and that's all you need right there we go hey welcome over from YouTube also YouTube has a 20 second delay as well so there's that okay this it I don't have enough geometry here I can't estimated again and it'll rebuild that area then I can pinch it and see this is one of the workflows that I want to want to be able to teach in 2.0 in 1.0 I only teach one workflow but there's more there's there's always one more than one workflow okay you just do this I kind of want to do the same thing to that mustache oh hey it looks like YouTube chat is back yay that's kind of a miracle okay well working again test me this is well maybe that maybe you were it you were the catalyst this mustache will be looking right so I have a question which do you like best zbrush or sculptors Pro I think you're getting confused camcorder so sculptress Pro is inside of ZBrush so sculptress the program the free program is something else that's a free program that's it's okay it's fun to sculpt in I actually have a video teaching you how to use sculptress but sculptors pro is dynamic topology inside of ZBrush so and you get to it by clicking this right here and you have to be on a brush that supports sculptress Pro in order to turn it on if I'm on a move brush like this you can see that sculptress is is grayed out so you have to be on I'm holding down shift which is smooth and now I can turn sculptors Pro on and it gives me like the subdivision levels and that kind of stuff right here and this is in my in my custom user interface so if you want this interface and you want these brushes I give them away for free over on my website 3d character workshop comm you can check it out over there so okay let's get this mustache kind of cut in next Neil okay you yeah it's kind of not very many people use it but it's it's fun to play with for sure it's a viable workflow I'm not liking that how long would you say bust course takes to finish it depends on your skill level honestly know where my or my pencil holder just flew off to I bumped it and it just blew off you okay I'm gonna try I want to try and boolean this cut out of here so I'm going to grab just a cube just this cube is there a brush that takes away the mesh like in a high-res model or to smooth do I'm gonna actually show you a really cool thing that you can do right now so you can see this cube and I'm gonna turn it like this [Music] oh let's turn on local symmetry to can scale it down like this I'm going to use this this piece to cut this notch out okay but it needs to be in its own sub tool so let's split it off split unmask points now it's in its own subtool so here we have our mustache and we have our piece now the piece that you want to subtract you have to turn on you have to click on this icon right here which is subtract and you have to turn on live boolean right there and then it'll cut it out so let me hide this head and show the mustache there we go boom yeah it is that's good idea Neil because it is pretty advanced I heard cuz it was so counter to working general to specific but yeah for sure that's it's it's actually pretty dangerous for I say dangerous in quotes or for new sculptors because it's prone to cause it's really really really easy to add warbles and it's really easy to get lost in detail when detail you should be waiting to get there for a long long long time um is there a free-to-use non-commercial version of this software I believe there's a trial that you can do if you go over to pixologic comm you can check it out I think there's but I think the trial is for ZBrush 2019 which is just one iteration behind this one I'm not sure if they've updated the trial to 20/20 yet okay so let's see now that I have this love that I have his eyeball showing we hide as hide the eyes and what I can do actually is put this in a folder so ctrl F I'm just gonna call it mustache okay and then I can put cut the boolean piece in here that way I can click on this gear do boolean folder so it makes this new piece right here this new mustache piece and then I can just get rid of this yep you can pay monthly they have a sub subscription I'll show you Oh thanks Neal Neal's on it you let's see yeah I think it's right here so this is the month a month and then every six months and then of lifetime so I love the lifetime if you can manage it because updates are free with this they've been free since day one I don't I think they're still gonna keep them free but okay so now these are bullying together and you can see it kind of streaks it in the middle of where this bully in doubt so what you can do is test mate it oh go back down to what was at one point something like that one there we go added it with brush and whatnot you now you have your notches and you can come in here and edit edit what you've done it does give you a really nice clean shop oh yeah they do they do occasionally do sales if they just barely did one good point okay and this mustache kind of has this interesting peak just where the shadows are falling so I want to try and put an edge on there and see if it if it looks good I do that or not a tree I can also kind of smooth this out you hey what's up with antennas slug how you doing min Rad's right there shows eyeballs oh there it is there we go there's my holder it went clear under my desk Oh guys me crazy not having a holder there we go all right back in action let's do the eyebrows on here we'll get his teeth in there that'll make a big difference so is this an original work for demonstration or for a game or something for your company nope Matt so I just use this platform the twitch stream I just just personal I'll just find a concept and just kind of mess with it so that's what I'm doing now it's not for anything in particular just for fun usually I like to find I like to do just a head because I can typically do it in one one two-hour session if I'm lucky so and I we got about 45 minutes left and since this guy has no hair like me that we should be able to get it done okay you this is interesting eyebrows for sure we want to try and build the knotch into it as I'm making it here you that make okay it's kind of a tricky build you um this is the topology brush right here topology I'm just drawing topology on the surface you the other day it's best to get a very good blockout made first as it will be about 90% most of the time yep lockouts are king okay so sighs one and then I just split this off to unmask points you can kind of see it floating underneath there you it's not the best geometry but that's okay it'll just get it'll get us there cuz I'm gonna switch it over to sculptors Pro anyway really soon is there a way to remove one of the lines when you draw this yeah yeah so essentially all you have to do is hold down alt and draw over the top of the line and it will go away hey what's up angry how you doing man you and use the topology brush to make curves for the IMM brushes I don't know the answer to that it's a good question I think you can but I don't do it often I don't know that I've done it actually okay that'd be a cool thing to do if you could I usually just draw my curves on as it is a curved brush so you think so okay so here we go I'm just gonna extrude this out hey what's up Marty how you doing man okay let's see let's go extrude polygroup all and boom pull those out oh you do okay so you you can draw the line out and then grab a hairbrush and then click on that line and it will populate across the surface is that what it'll do I've not tried that that's cool so let's apply this dynamic topology [Music] lete lower and then Tessa made it be good to go that's cool angry I'll have to try that that's awesome all right when I grab the snake hook brush and pull it now that it's estimated I have a little bit more geometry to work with propose brows down yeah I bet I can see I can see that that's cool you yes you yeah ZBrush has so many hidden things - so many things you'll find out something new each way and there's not there's not a single right way to do anything the goal is to just get there besides nice friends or how's it going man you this wider and kind of come off of his head a little bit up there found it out you okay get some teeth in there and then I think I think the color is going to add a lot salty is just it's it's a preference on what you need it's not better or worse it's different so when you're just doing simple things like eyebrows or whatever I mean mass extract is for more detailed stuff usually and I like to do topology brush when I'm doing just simple stuff so either way it's up to you whatever you need it to do like I said they're both viable you plan on continue to provide these live tutorials through 2020 yeah John I plan on keep going this is I think I've done over I don't know what app what number of episode this is but I've done more than a hundred honestly salty now that I think about it the the mask extract method might even work better when you're using sculptress Pro so because the reason why I'm at what why I'm not a fan of mass mask extract is what I need to zerah mesh it at a lower polygon count so the mask extract would probably work better for eyebrows like this especially when it has a notch out of it like that 1:06 all right cool 1:06 crazy okay oh let's see let's make some teeth for this guy and then we'll color them up so done keep my Z of Jafar from Aladdin when he's that old guy and saying fetch me the lamp no but he's got those ragged teeth I'll get to start creating soon just waiting on hardware awesome that's always fun you okay I'm gonna separate these out actually you okay move these closer together come on we go and make some more you okay that's probably good okay happy with those yeah little yellow dot well I just hate it when it's hovering right underneath where I need to grab because then it flips the gizmo over there then I'll try and grab the other side it's like that you know click-clack click-clack back and forth like come on day one I want the top of his head to be a little more square from the front something like that but pinch dive in the back you I might run see just a little shorter helps with a slope of his forehead then I want I kind of work at work on these things here the edge had an edge right there angry Santa uh you kind of can Cheshire Cat you cuz you can make your own you can make your own gizmo so it's not you can't hit like plus and minus or something like that to make it larger or smaller but you can kind of make your own custom one I've tried it before in the past and it's kind of fun to do but I find the default one is it works just fine okay raise the eye the tear duct it's interesting how high the tear duct is on this guy you it's so easy to make warbles these little pinches and things so you can get rid of them uh there's not a setting for gizmo sighs you have to build your own gizmo is what I meant more with hair maybe oops I messed with his eye shape and I broke it you eyebrows he just feel okay let's do some colors and then we'll react to that and then get it see where he's at now like he's a pirate or something been on a boat or when I have his eyes too close together too need to be a tad smaller a little farther apart okay but anyway we'll add some color first here we go let's go you yeah something like that hey what's a born what's the difference between the gizmo remesh to former in the norm one uh nothing much really it's just a different way of doing it but it actually uses the same settings that you have over in the tool menu so it's just another way of getting to it let's go some red yeah you and since his beard and hair isn't color it's going to change to whatever color I have if I rotate you can see what color I have selected we're gonna put some blue in his neck a little bit you you some yellow up top maybe too harsh you and then I want to make his as eyelids lower eyelids like like a purple maybe I'll grab this color out of here you he does see if these you okay let's move crazy how much colour changes him isn't it so darker oops I mean the poet you oh that's okay we can turn it off but thanks for telling me you well I need to move these eyes out okay I'm gonna make him kind of a maybe a blondish like this yeah maybe something like that to start with you oh yeah you're right to share I need to pull those up and I really need to adjust those eyes yeah there's some things you got to fix in his forehead still a little high let's add some shadow to those teeth you and some highlights to the hair let me I'm gonna combine all the hair bits together hey just so I can work on all three at the same time we go now I can add some gradients and stuff too okay grab this color and take it lighter saturated be temporary combine uh yeah I mean it's either they're either combiner they're not I can I can pull them back apart right now I wanted to you see you I'm just doing some fake and using right now you okay now let's see this one a try some to see I would like to have a little bit more detail in in the hair here you comics I might I might I'm debating again adding a few little hairs just to kind of make them catch light you [Music] you okay let's get like bullion I'm gonna go really dark brown with these eyes you I was putting in eyes and making them like cross-eyed and wall-eyed and all sorts of stuff see he's got I really need to make his it's got a different personality this one he's all like mean and going on and this one he's like you know that's that works on it now that I have this dark I'm gonna go darker go in the mouth now why I'm using my mouse next ugh you okay these eyebrows hopefully add that whoops an RGB off there we go you right from the eyebrows you okay I'm gonna make his eyes smaller you I dragged them out you you looks kind of like a guy from tangled or something like that okay let's see you this is kind of this is where it gets tricky oops turn on my pizza boxes so the eyes come with it you I am quiet I'm concentrating for a second you okay now I need to adjust the eyebrows from hat you all right just about going to be wrapped up here I'll try and just those eyes there you go thanks Scott softie I'm gonna pull his nose up a little bit you isn't it crazy how just little tiny tweaks can make all the difference in the world just moving the eyes around that's that's one thing is don't be afraid to make big changes you're not married to anything you know just like just change it it needs to be changed change it thanks Danny she ate it you along the ribbon using ZBrush probably seven years now uh yeah it is and I haven't raised the price yet so you can still get it at regular price oh yeah you're right thanks Wakko wait see you they said that Oh Iram yep little sharper you maybe lower than that you you thanks Doug I need to write that down you and a little bump I want it to be further back okay you all right you thanks Wakko you you okay I'm going to you yeah you know what you know I think it helped is pulling the eyebrow off of his head actually like the end of it so it's kind of sticking out and reducing this though right here yeah suck this the most subtle of changes can change his whole expression it's pretty crazy maybe even more than that ouch um talks the I've been changing them up actually the Q&A sessions they're not always at the same time now I've been trying to put some in the morning some of the evenings and then I'm gonna also put up a poll so I can do the live sessions Q&A sessions when more people need it know that so I can catch more people essentially so I'm not going the same time every week you plus the AI browser symmetrical to feels thicker if I were to sit and polish this guy most of it would be in the eyebrows her unique eyebrows and his expression is very unique in one way there might be two you yeah I do have all the past Q&A sessions you oh and yes actually just smooth this out a little bit right here you you see how you doing okay you extra else has gone you knees up you thank you so much you all right you take this around more just to shape the nose if there you hello from Argentina how's it going joining me today this guy's a lot of fun what I make is on the colors ear internal ear a little darker you you maybe underneath his nose too yeah thanks you his nose is actually asymmetrical paws lips down you and I want to work too this beard just a little bit out here you welcome alejandro you you yeah I kind of want wish I could put this plane on the bottom of the moustache a bad time I have time you you she has something like that doesn't look like it has any top teeth or anything like that you No you'll want to break it you want to break the symmetry but you wait until the very very end see how yeah as mustaches asymmetry every there's a whole bunch of asymmetry in here basically what you do is you just keep symmetry as long as you can then so and then I'll usually save it before I break it symmetry off and just start going to town or that you want to it depends on if it's gonna be used for a game character or if it's just an illustration or you know what exactly are you gonna be doing with it you it usually I'll take like this piece so I'm going to keep it but usually I'll do the symmetry after this stream like break the symmetry you all right Frank thanks a lot take care you use key Trotter in the rendering engine I know it is dumb but have you ever tried unreal for rendering your model so yes I've used key shots I actually have a lesson on rendering in key shot in my in my course I love it that's how we did all the so I worked on Disney infinity and that's how we rendered out all the characters is with with key shot and I have not used unreal I mean I've developed games for Unreal Engine so I've have characters in there but not specifically to render I render them in marmoset a lot our misete tool bag and recently I've been taking them to blender and rendering them in cycles and Eevee your offer your models to the reference artists for their use on No not usually so let's talk this eyebrow you okay pull this up a little bit more you oops you laid it all right we're gonna be done they pull his nose out just a bit more on this side cuz it's funny right rendering in blender yeah Neil um Scot Briscoe is working on it he's been putting a lot of time and effort into that actually and so that that should be something that is happening so all right guys thank you so much for hanging out with me today and Happy New Year's happy new decade whatever you want to call it if you want these brushes that I use I offer them for free on my website 3d character workshop calm I also teach an online course I have over a thousand students in there and you can be another one of them so if you'd like to join us you can also find some more information over on my website 3d character workshop calm and there's a whole presentation and I'll tell you all about it and I'm going to be recording 3d character workshop 2.0 this year that's my new year's resolution so should be all new information a lot of fun so anyway again take care everybody thanks again for watching and we'll see you I believe next Monday so we'll see you next Monday all right take care of you buddy have a good one all right Thank You Xena thanks so much take care we'll see you later bye
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 14,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush hair, zbrush speed sculpt, zbrush hard surface, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2019, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, pixelogic, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, blender, 3d coat, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, adobe live, zbrush student, how to train your dragon 2 stoick and valka, stoick death, httyd, merida brave, brave mordu, king fergus
Id: cCu0knamd8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 40sec (7240 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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