Shane Gillis Drank Joe Rogan Under The Table - Steve-O's Wild Ride #127

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thank you hey everybody and welcome to a sketchy wild ride with Stevo we've got a guy who's really really good with sketchy stuff sketches in particular and man what a great conversation we have I might want to apologize in advance for maybe being a little bit insensitive by just barraging him with precisely uh the stuff that I knew he did not want to be barraged with hey man you know I I'm a jerk but uh it actually played out pretty well and um you know it's a great episode you know what else plays out really well is uh my experience with my wiener and uh Bluetooth tablets because man I love it I can't can't say it enough when I chew up a Bluetooth tablet and my tongue's blue and then next thing you know about a half an hour later I'm the heart is a rock and boning the hell out of my girl why well because Bluetooth tablets contain the same active ingredient as both Viagra and Cialis except they only cost a fraction of the price and what's even crazier is that you can get an entire month's supply of Bluetooth tablets absolutely for free all you got to pay is five bucks for shipping how do you do that well you go to you use the promo code Stevo and you very quickly conveniently and easily consult with the medical provider on the website takes no time at all it's not awkward or inconvenient and boom your prescription's set and your Bluetooth tablets are in the mail and all you had to pay was five bucks for shipping because you got an entire month's Supply completely for free man what a deal and again to get this deal you go to you use the promo code Stevo man you're gonna have a great time because I know that I always do so without further Ado let's get into it all right dude we're [ __ ] ready to rock are you nervous no no ladies and gentlemen Shane Gillis yes yeah dude what's up in the flesh damn super stoked man I see you on podcasts and uh huge numbers yeah yeah don't blow it for us we'll see um yeah man so and so you said we met at Just for Laughs Festival yeah yeah Montreal yeah well it was briefly we were on the same like van from the airport oh God yeah yeah yeah okay I think so your dog was there I was in the van too I think that time oh really yeah hell yeah I didn't leave that much of an impression though well I mean I was I was pretty quiet I was in the back I was excited you were there though dude I [ __ ] well thanks brother I super appreciate that man I was uh for anybody who doesn't know just for laughs is is not even arguably it's like definitely the biggest Comedy Festival there is and for them to uh Embrace Stevo's stand-up comedy was a major breakthrough for me oh for real yeah like not everybody loves it when someone comes from one Arena of entertainment into stand-up comedy yeah and uh the like that to have um just for laughs sign off on me in that respect they they brought me to the Vancouver to the Montreal to the Toronto even to the Mexico one so oh [ __ ] I feel like I kind of have been recognized in stand-up comedy for that reason yeah it's funny that people are like that like they get us good comedians are like yeah oh you think you can just show up it's like yeah yeah it's [ __ ] stand-up comedy yeah dude it's open likes you can literally show up anything you can yeah it's uh you know there's some pushback but I never let it stop me I [ __ ] stuck with it dude yeah I mean well you also made something that's funnier than stand up already wow and nothing because you don't have to say but like nothing's funnier thanks yeah whatever I uh you know over the years of Performing stand-up gradually like my world's just converged like the stand-up actually kind of worked its way back to the jackass stuff because I would for my new hour go out and do the gnarliest stunts ever and make the ACT about that and then after each bit I screen the footage of the bit that's awesome I love it dude yeah that's that's great it's it's really like I've stumbled on this like fully original approach to to Live Comedy and I'm stoked on it be at itself be funny if people copied I mean I would I would love it but I knew he was hammering his nuts after a joke I would love it if they do because some of this stuff is hard to replicate though because the the lengths that we went through to get like oh my god dude uh we gave him a spinal tap and then we went for a race yeah No One's Gonna that's [ __ ] wild yeah yeah Dad did some pretty heavy stuff for it and it's gonna get even heavier for my next hour really yeah but we don't even need to worry about that but uh so Legion of skanks how about that well that's another podcast yeah yeah I'm on there are you doing skank Fest I am dude how about the [ __ ] lineup for a skank fast that's crazy I gotta believe that as we're recording this it'll actually come out because it's what October 15th 16th yeah in Vegas someone's gonna [ __ ] die did they put you out not me I'll be dead this comes out okay oh nice um even your dog throws up [Laughter] I don't know dude but uh Jesus we haven't seen her do this before yeah I don't know I don't know Wendy that was not cool man maybe we should leave the door open where would it stinks too we all just start vomiting on the podcast Wendy poor girl um so Legion of skanks is like a comedy it's man she ate some [ __ ] that didn't agree with her dude should we open up that door so yeah yeah so she can barf all over the place yeah after a shaky start you wanna you wanna just open up the door yeah yeah so so I'm not liable go up there you go yeah bye-bye feel better yeah they can uh they can bill us for the carpet cleaning yeah and by the way we're in New York how about that yeah yeah um so uh Legion of skanks has this Comedy Festival like every comedian in the [ __ ] world is on it like I saw their their Instagram post like it's unfucking belief are they paying you to go yeah they're paying everybody together I think so yeah yeah yeah yeah how many people are expected to go to this is it like adjusting you know what you know what it is it's literally like I think the Gathering of the Juggalos yeah if they had a a Comedy Festival Legions Kings fans are Juggalos by the way yeah they are like you'll see these dudes and be like yo this is a wild time right yeah we did Houston last the last one was in Houston it's been there's been only been like three years so far yeah um I don't know maybe four or five right it was only first I'm 34. 34. all right yeah and uh yeah the first one was I I did like a spot on the first one like at the time I was like damn this is huge like I was so excited yeah it's it's crazy to me that uh that it's such a huge festival and has it because like a legion of skanks it's uh kind of what is it it's it's like a super hardcore like it's kind of like uh rap music that that is like deliberately wants to make sure it cannot be played on the radio because it's too gangster you know yeah Legend of skanks wants to be just too gangster for mainstream and that's like like Louis Lewis Jake Owens yeah like he's leader in skanks yeah for sure like uh yeah it's Louis big J and Dave Smith yeah and it's yeah Big J's and arguably the more uh like user friendly of of yeah which is shocking because he's wild yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um so uh so yeah dude we'll be there man our like you're uh looking forward to that I am I am it's a little I'm I'm a little like oh man I'm gonna be hungover like it's a guarantee like yeah it's gonna be a rough one from show to show like and you do still how many stages are there with that many five right now it's just all day yeah yeah it's crazy it'll just be drugs The Comedy Jam the singing all that [ __ ] it'll be fun I believe it and then at night is uh is it gonna be like a rave kind of a deal yeah there's some of that yeah it's just dudes though it's like 90 dudes like I don't know dude I think there's gonna be chicks too a little bit yeah there's some chicks um so so where are you living these days I live in Queens I live in Astoria okay there we go yeah yeah yeah and uh you came from Philadelphia yes originally from Philly yeah I was actually in Philly today I went down I did uh the show with Chris Rock last night wow that's sick that was [ __ ] crazy uh what were the measures for uh preventing people from recording this show what they're saying uh oh they had he has those the bags the bags yeah yeah what are the measures from people going on stage and slapping them there's some guys back there they would get [ __ ] up yeah I bet you that never happens again to him no that happened uh the dude tried it with Chappelle yeah like a week later right right I was like a knife and got [ __ ] stopped by Jamie Foxx and Buster on his arms like dislocated it's right into the ambulance and then like a couple days after that they're like are the guys booked for attempted murder for something completely unrelated like oh yeah that's right yeah it's because it's crazy times man it's crazy you tried to stab Dave's life he definitely had a knife on him yeah what's he doing dude that's wild it's a wild Choice yeah yeah you ever had any weird hecklers try to [ __ ] with you um I mean dude Were You There When Big Jay got no I wasn't trying oh my God yeah I saw that and then we were talking to Louie Gomez about that like because you see the clip of him running over to kick him and he missed and it's like I feel like that would be like a like one of those dreams where you like punch somebody and you can't punch you know like he must think about that like dude because I you can you know that guy wants to [ __ ] fight that's the best part of the clip is Lewis who's no hesitation like Jake it's it almost looks like Lewis pushes him because of how fast he's right behind like jumping on the stage like no hesitation for sure yeah because when we brought it up to on the podcast he's like dude and I [ __ ] miss dude it's like he's been waiting his whole life for that moment he [ __ ] missed dude yeah we'll get it again we'll get some more fights I'll do it for sure he gets in fights dude yeah I uh we tried those bags on my tour the the bags it's just like it just keeps getting more expensive and more expensive yeah every time it's like two bucks a bag right so like I think like whatever yeah well if you're doing like stadiums it's like 40 cents a bag but like the smaller the venue the more you know right and we and we uh we have like um people passing out during our show all the time so one time we had three people pass out during the show and somebody's like call 9-1-1 again like one person find like you can keep the show going on while it's happening but then like there was like three and then some guy had a [ __ ] seizure what the [ __ ] because the bits are like really kind of funny there's a like after every bit in the show I screen footage of the business and uh like three of the videos I play are culprits for making full-grown men pass out cold in the audience Jesus and we're so desensitized by it because people are freaking out I'm like oh yeah you know like can we move him out of the show and [ __ ] keep the show going on like I'm desensitized to the point where I'm like dude are you good yet or there's like uh we had a standing room only show in like six people passed out while standing yeah but it happened so much like uh Steve's experienced that so much that he's like he was like so pissed he's like okay you know what fine watch what's gonna happen you're going to see the person drop and then a spread and then a drop and then a spread and like sure enough I was so pissed when I found out that it was going to be standing room only I was like dude I'm gonna cancel this [ __ ] show I can't have people passing out on their feet yeah and then I said you know what actually we're gonna document the show to show what a terrible idea it is so that we'll never have standards what city was it in that was in New York Syracuse I think yeah was it hot or is it just the videos it's like a it's like there's needles and spines and like there's that vasectomy there's there's the the vasectomy Olympics and then there's the the epidural foot race damn yeah and then what's the other one yeah we don't need to give away the whole food then there's another one that's even more upsetting than the so it's always like uh people that just kind of and they're out or like they like get really hot and sweaty and they go to the bathroom and like sometimes the ushers can't get in the bathroom because they're on the floor okay so they can't open the door because their feet are blocking it oh [ __ ] so you have to like the I have to go do like the you know before the show like okay security like we do get people passing out during the show and they're doing what and I'm just like yeah that doesn't happen anywhere I know it's uh it's like it's it's pretty crazy I've never heard about people passing out during jackass movies and like it seems that I have raised the bar yeah yeah and like it's it's even crazier when like they get taken away in stretchers and because I'm like okay look like you're not I'm not a doctor I can't tell you yeah yeah yeah but like it's not as serious as you think it is but people are just out in a Stretcher yeah except for the people who hit their heads because they're walking around um yeah like I understand everybody's been perfectly fine we had uh I did I went to Catholic school and kids would [ __ ] faint we had to go to church every week There's No Air Conditioning it was hot as [ __ ] yeah kids would faint not and it's Catholic so you're standing and kneeling standing were you an altar boy no I wasn't I got out of it oh nice I got caught in third grade drinking the wine damn yeah third grade the priest came in he's like what are you doing he's like jackpot yeah now to be fair drinking is not always a jackpot but man is it for me every morning when I wake up and hydrate myself with a pint of water into which I pour athletic greens ag1 why is it a jackpot because it's comprehensive convenient daily nutrition and it's delicious and it's loaded with 75 different vitamins minerals Whole Food sourced superfoods adaptogens and probiotics it's great for your gut health for your mental health and it fills in all of the gaps in your diet if you're not eating enough greens and nutrients I mean dude talk about a jackpot athletic greens ag-1 is a total jackpot it's absolutely delicious and what's even better if you go to athletic Stevo then they're going to throw in with your order uh five comprehensive packets of daily nutrition plus an entire gear supply of immune boosting vitamin D boom you're gonna get hooked up with that on your first order if you go to athletic Stevo it's a jackpot every morning man I love it you're gonna love it and use that Devo to support the podcast as well as your own health now let's talk more about that jackpot yeah this I watched the kid faint right in front of me his head hit the pill it's pretty great kids are [ __ ] faint not yeah or you see that in weddings like uh yeah they say don't lock your feet when you're standing up for long periods of time but I've never seen that wait don't like you ever see your knees don't lock your knees when you're standing for a long time oh yeah I guess like people just like at weddings yeah like you see the groomsmen fall over and pass hot they're drunk okay yeah but I don't know why that that is dude you guys the fact that people are fainting at these shows it should be a marketing point yeah definitely I've I've never it doesn't happen crazy every show it might be like before this before I play the vasectomy video I I routinely say before this as a legal concern I have to tell you with everyone in the room as a witness that we are all here at our own risk yeah and I explained that you know we probably think you're [ __ ] kidding I know but but yeah and I say it doesn't happen all the time yeah but we average one guy per show and I've come to learn that if you are that guy you already know you are that guy and that's like one of the biggest laughs yeah yeah the whole show like um yeah and the one guy's sitting there like they want to get like hot they want to get like fresh air and go outside I'm like do not go outside because like just sit because you'll pass out in your seat and you won't hit your head and then you'll wake up and it's fine yeah and uh they're like and then if someone doesn't pass out during their [ __ ] then I feel like a fraud when it happens I'm like oh [ __ ] okay at least they know I'm yeah and they're always like sitting down with like an ice pack on the back of their neck or like and I'd give them a free bottle of hot sauce damn so yeah dude we do need to make t-shirts I passed out at a Steve ocean yeah we can give them one but so so are you doing at the skank Fest like you're gonna go up and do yourself no no no no no no no you're hosting it I'm gonna treat it like I like when I hosted the Gathering of the Juggalos don't go nuts that'll be a hit you've been to that I have not been to that it's probably one of the coolest experiences of my life I've heard it's great dude it's really really cool man I know I just [ __ ] killed it up on stage really Kid and Play was there did they like vanilla ice were they like they love oh [ __ ] Vanilla Ice has attended every single Gathering of the Juggalos with like maybe a couple exceptions for like the last 20 [ __ ] years like he is straight Juggalo [ __ ] it works with a guy he would he would go to it every year yeah and I was like you [ __ ] loser yeah and then he would show me videos and I was like damn that's [ __ ] good job dude I didn't know much about it dude but but uh you know I come out like like I was like hosting the show his musical performances so I come out I do like whatever like you know do some silly trick yeah some stun and then introduce the band and and so like I come out there they're screaming like more than one person like show us your butthole that's weird you know and like like going from like they're screaming like shows your bottle and they're you know they're like yeah they they love that that's what they were the thing and I was like well who am I to not [ __ ] of course give them what they want you know so I'd get out there and if I can spread them wide and then it was the musical act that oh Project Pat so who's your buddy on the Three Six Mafia oh DJ Paul DJ Paul damn yeah they're on [ __ ] jackass yeah DJ Paul has a juggler tattoo on his neck I've got one on my wrist if you have that and you show up to like prison like it's a gang affiliation I'm just so mad that that I chose to get Jug for Life instead of Jug's rule like j-u-g-z rule like I get it yeah it's a great sick dude yeah I mean jug for life's pretty sick too but yeah I got nervous like I looked up uh you know the Juggalo tattoo yeah oh [ __ ] I thought you were talking about going on stage I've seen them like throw Faygo at people or whatever yeah that's terrifying they call it I don't want anything to do with that they're so those [ __ ] guys in ICP are so talented at like [ __ ] rapping while like shaking up a bottle of Faygo and like launch they make them into these [ __ ] Torpedoes that go flying through 50 yards easy oh my God more than that toes in it or something it's the most visually [ __ ] stimulating thing where the way they launched these two different bottles of Faygo but enough about it I digress enough about that let's uh congrats on [ __ ] getting on Rogan and oh thanks man how many times you've been on Rogan see like uh I think five or like five times this year yeah I'm sure you haven't stopped yeah it's just been this year is there a connection that you put this uh this YouTube special I mean you're like the like the top of the Heap of the YouTube comedy special yeah well I just I didn't have a choice yeah I would have liked it to be on Netflix that would have been [ __ ] sweet but no I had to do it myself like how many views is it up to now the one in Austin should be like six or seven million it's it's great it has crossed seven million yeah I usually check it over seven million oh nice yeah the New Yorkers New Yorkers yeah they were good to me yeah I was worried about that they were they were like we're gonna write an article about you I was like dude I was gonna [ __ ] kill me I'm doing an article with New Yorker who's writing I don't know oh okay I mean it never occurred to me to be nervous about what someone's gonna write about me when I do an article with it turns out it's good yeah well I've never because I I started with nothing but negative press That's how I was introduced was like look at this piece of [ __ ] so anytime like someone especially a publication like the New Yorker yeah you know from Stardom like you fell from Grace yeah there are articles like the opposite yeah it was nice from falling down to Grace or something like that it was yeah cool I don't like I don't like the pressure though I liked the no the fall was nice yeah it's like the fall and then the rise and it's like well now there's a it's gonna be a fall no you're gonna fall dude Jesus fell three times dude you're gonna fall I'm gonna fall again yeah you can always do the Legion of skanks festivals every year true yeah true yeah yeah he's following him he fell a couple times dude didn't they have Ari shaffir on a lie detector test and asked him if he regretted like his his Kobe thing yeah and he was like no I don't and he like passed me like yeah yeah yeah dude that's just a different kind of animal dude he's wild I'm like way more sensitive than you would imagine yeah Stevo is like I could not no negative press sucks yeah dude I'm super super sensitive yeah Mark Normand we made when we were talking to him about how you were coming on and he said that that you you see set up be careful dude and Shane does not like uh people suggesting that uh that the cancer culture worked in history oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like I I thought that that was kind of interesting because I had suggested and and apologies here for going ahead and saying exactly oh no I don't think I don't want to hear I get it but uh yeah I get it yeah but I just think it's I just think it's fascinating but like my question was like is it it's safe to to assume that there there have been plenty of people who were bona fide cast members on Saturday and Night Live and just pretty quiet about it sure you know like to really take off they were just sort of like you know um some people became big stars and and a lot of people didn't and uh for you like it but it was kind of a launching deal like it was just like everything yeah everybody it got eyes on me for sure so there's that like I what I what I've talked to Mark about is like how it's annoying when like comedians will be like I think it helped you and it's like right bro like maybe maybe but it might have helped if I didn't get canceled and I was on SNL like that could have been good right that could have been maybe I could have been good on there um yeah but were you because you had to probably work [ __ ] 10 times harder to get that's the other thing is it's the ego part of it where it's like no it's not like I was just handed this yeah getting canceled isn't a good thing unless you do well afterwards yeah you know what I mean and then it I don't like to ever be in that position where I gotta be like no I'm good like you know what I mean I don't want to right let me move on from that yeah whatever you know apologies for again saying precisely he's like now he also said he didn't want to talk about your mother how's she doing yeah she's still dead but now he said that uh he said that you've got a new sketch show oh yeah yeah that's [ __ ] unbelievable uh we just released it like an hour ago the no trailer for it it's going to come out October 4th so this is yeah it'll be up so Gillian keeves dot TV yeah gilliancieves dot TV we can put the link in the video description of the YouTube version of this oh nice so that's the thing yeah after like uh we just put out a bunch of sketches for free last year and they people like them so this time put them on to paywall we got to make some money on it sure yeah but yeah what's your approach to the paywall uh we put on our website so it's 9.99 you get all yeah you get all the sketches I I was in a similar situation with uh my second comedy special everybody didn't want it and it broke my heart because this was my first uh multimedia deal not like uh like on the road it was just me and a microphone but in post-production I edited in footage to illustrate the stories I was telling in my state so it was this like unique like multimedia comedy special that like I [ __ ] to this day love nobody bought it so I'm like all right now I gotta [ __ ] put it out on my own but the footage I cut into all these stories is never allowed it's never going to be loud and it was just explicit [ __ ] my dick's all over it like it's like reality yeah obscenity ball stapling I did get humped by an elk that was a concern um but uh so I had to I'm sorry I had to figure out okay but to figure out the paywall for us what we did was we went to Louis CK's website yeah and uh we got the same people I believe that did that yeah yeah we uh had like you know fairly amateur tech people like uh somehow like look under the hood of that website however they did that yeah we just kind of put it together I think we might be using them I don't know Sky pilot oh no it's like my pilot is like Vimeo and then Sky pilot Bridges the Gap with like connecting it to a paywall or something like that okay yeah but yeah like I did pretty well with it man like uh it ended up not being a loss that's all you can hope for right yeah this this one we'll see we put a lot of money in it okay it could be a loss all right but uh if um if if over seven million views on a comedy special on on YouTube is any indicator yeah I mean are you active as hell on YouTube like um no not really I mean I put up a podcast once a week right yeah that's about it I mean dude I I I I keep my uh podcast on the podcast YouTube channel and then that because um like retention is such a big deal yeah I feel like uh if we put the podcast if people are gonna not go all the way to the end I feel like it's gonna hurt the the performance of other [ __ ] and the algorithm and but then again the more you the more you post the consistency will help you too so that's the thing because we hired so there's like a production team behind this and they hired a marketing team to promote the new sketches and the way they're doing is they were clipping the sketches from the first season that were free and just kept reposting them and I was like stop like you gotta like don't oversaturate it just put it out when we put it out like especially because it looks like I'm the one doing it because it's me it looks like I'm just reposting myself over and over again on Instagram like none of it was original it was just the thing with like marketing and [ __ ] like that it's like you pay a big marketing firm to come in and like do all that [ __ ] for you but you're like dude I'm just gonna go on Rogan once and yeah that's actually exactly what I said I was like I'll just go keep going on Rogan we'll do that yeah you know I mean it's crazy because like uh all the money that you have in like when you're starting a business goes into the marketing but it's like if you have a huge following it's like I got that dude it's all good right yeah especially if it's yourself like dude I don't know what my image exactly or whatever however you want to say it but even like we have like a hot sauce on Amazon it's like if Steve does a post we go to number one every time so it just keeps going and it's like you know [ __ ] dude major corporations would love to have yeah something like that yeah I mean we we do well when I promote the hard times but still like the little hot sauce uh Universe on Amazon like like our health test doesn't make that much money yeah no it's pretty good what's that Community like I didn't want that I mean whatever like the critical world of yeah is like always in the top 20 but we can't we can't Market it internally on Amazon because of the word butthole that's my hot sauce oh no it's called Stevo's hot sauce for your butthole so we cannot advertise and like we're losing out on so much [ __ ] money like we came out with a new uh flavor of hot sauce called Stevo's butthole Destroyer no no they're like we'll put them on the front page of Amazon deal of the day but you have to change the name it's like no damn but if you go to Amazon you type in the word butthole it takes you to our hot sauce oh all right yeah I bet a lot you guys are getting fifth graders [Laughter] is published for getting everybody to go and plug in the word butthole on YouTube yeah and it's a weird little like sub Community because then people will do a YouTube video of them chugging our hot sauce and also like people start calling everybody out and it's not even just people chugging there's like people do who there's there's like full-on hot sauce review channels yeah they do nothing but just reviews I was one of those like the hot sauce Community like stand up where they're like oh you think you can just get into hot sauce yeah because they [ __ ] about it yeah no no you know who's a [ __ ] about it was this one guy uh wouldn't pick up our hot sauce I'm like dude we're like number one on Amazon right now he's like you use vinegar as a filler instead of orange juice our people are gonna just see right through that I'm like are they you [ __ ] care are you sure dude I like vinegar do we use vinegar as a filler yeah everybody does I mean Tabasco does but like you know how you get some of the hot sauce that are like really thick and like a different color they use orange juice instead nobody [ __ ] cares I I actually do care I like vinegar a lot yeah like I just had vinegar on French fries this weekend god dude I haven't done that in a while it was great crucial balsamic vinegar who doesn't like vinegar I just bought these uh apple cider vinegar gummies really dude take me to the drugstore and I don't give a [ __ ] what kind of gummy it is dude like that's just like my excuse for eating candy it's like vitamin gummies like vitamin C gummies I was taking huge dumps for sure it was a victory because I'm like off sugar like uh I can't eat like [ __ ] re-season all that [ __ ] so I just like I have a whole [ __ ] thing of gummies dude yeah vitamins did those emergency gummies yeah those are nice those things are dangerous I love that [ __ ] are you putting gummies in your mouth right now no that was a nicotine that was nicotine you're just swallowing yeah no it's not it's you're supposed to it's not like dip oh really yeah it's like it's not like it's like not dip yeah oh it's like it's like a nicotine gum yeah that's cool man so yeah so you're you're trying to I just try to quit I'm in public no I'll just dip it home because I was dipping it I was I kept going to clubs I do spots during the week in the city and like if you're sitting there dipping these people they don't like it I had a bunch of other comedians are like yo that's [ __ ] that's the grossest [ __ ] I've ever seen yeah it's like all right yeah I had a buddy that like we would go out drinking he would like dip you know and drink while he's yeah and then we woke up the next morning we're all [ __ ] up and he like he's like god dude I slept with I hate it when that happens that when it happens like it happened more than once in your life like just had a dip in his mouth all night and it's like that's crazy I dip and drink a lot and I don't I've never done you dip in some cigarettes at the same time I've done that that's a sad that's a sad moment let's face it you're addicted to cigarettes dipping nicotine of any kind then every day is a sad day because people just look down on you man with dipping and cigarettes like they don't respect you and you stink and you're miserable now I don't want to sound holier than thou but gosh am I grateful that I quit smoking cigarettes and any form of nicotine and man do I love helping people be freed of the shackles of that addiction by letting them know about fume products from it's just natural healthy stuff they give you this great wooden inhaler that you put into uh the wooden inhaler this core which is infused with natural as essential oils that come in all kinds of great flavors that's actually proven to help with cravings for nicotine and that's the thing about cigarettes man is that it's all just like hand them out like it's like a fidgety busy work kind of a thing and with this inhaler Mike it's not bad for you it's gets you to just do all the stuff that you're doing when you're smoking plus it it's delicious I even use it and I haven't had a cigarette in 14 years ma'am it's a great product and you get 10 off your whole order if you go to Stevo that's b r e a t h e f u slash Stevo for ten percent off your your whole order and do if you're sitting there thinking man I should really do that because cigarettes and nicotine like yeah yeah you really should do that it's time to stop being looked upon as a loser because you're addicted to darn nicotine there I said it Stevo and use the promo code Stevo and break free of the shackles yeah nah let's talk more about this with Shane that's a real sad moment yeah that's too much I had a roommate I remember I remember um meeting Bobcat Goldthwait and uh he's he's a comedian yeah he um [ __ ] I think he he offered me a piece of like Nicorette nicotine gum and I was like oh no dude I'm cool yeah and then uh and and he says okay so then uh he [ __ ] Pops in his own mouth he's chewing it or whatever I said to him I go no I'm not like uh I said what are you trying to quit smoking he goes I know I smoke too I just [ __ ] yeah yeah his whole deal was he'd choose nicotine gum and smoke cigarettes that's rad yeah I got into like smoking cigars and I was like I gotta quit and uh I went to like the The Cigar Lounge I'm like I was the last time I'm gonna be here I'm gonna quit and the guy's like can I ask you a question I was like yeah he's like why why are you quitting oh yeah because it's [ __ ] bad for you yeah like that but it was like some people just don't have that like you know yeah I'm like [ __ ] this is gonna kill him like I'm neurotic in your head every time I do something so it's like he's like he's like the germaphobe and sex addict oh not a combo I'm a germaph don't look at me like that dude he's even doing spots in the the clubs on Brett bigger touring too yeah yeah on the weekends yeah yeah okay so I just I did Boston and then I drove all the way down to Philly on Sunday no I was at uh laugh Boston Thursday Friday Saturday and then they were like do you want to open for Chris Rock in Philly and I was like definitely so I drove [ __ ] it was like seven and a half hours yesterday that sucked just to show up and you came did Philly and then this morning I drove up here um [ __ ] yeah my buddy Eric Andre was doing some shows with Chris Rock and he said that like that it was so impressive Chris Rock would have somebody record the show oh yeah and then immediately after the show that recording would be sent to like a stenographer who would like type up a script of the show yeah and then he'd be pouring over the script of the show to see where he could like eliminate words yeah I mean it was it was crazy he had yeah he had like bulletins of what he was going to say I think he had it on stage like so he could see his [ __ ] because he went he did like an hour and a half at least it's it's really [ __ ] impressive and it was cool to watch like it was just sitting backstage watching Chris Rock I was like damn did you tell that's as cool as it gets did you tell them man I think that getting slapped was the best thing yeah that's what I said I said look I think it probably helped honestly everybody told me not to say this but yeah yeah but like don't you think that like how how big was the venue it was huge it was it was his third night there yeah Auditorium yeah but I didn't I didn't think it was going to be as many black ladies Chris Rock's crowd would be a lot of honkies that's what I was anticipating no I showed up to go on stage and I was like oh I'm gonna bomb they liked it yeah so how did uh the invite get extended to you I don't know it's just through my agents that's Prince did he know that I mean it's seven hour drive that's pretty well I was yeah I was excited yeah so of course yeah how long did you do uh like 15. yes quick 15. man yeah it was cool there's no way that like that he saw your schedule and it's like oh well no I think he was just uh yeah he's seen me at the cellar a bunch and was like he's funny see if he wants to do it I was like yeah definitely you're talking backstage yeah we went out and got dinner it was it was sick it was awesome yeah yeah that's right and then the next level is if you're gonna do more than one night you're on his private jet with them yeah I'll be sick I just took one of those for the first time me too where it was scary yeah I don't like it yeah where'd you go I was with Rogan and we went to the UFC two months ago yeah two minutes yeah yeah I wanted every podcast I go on I'm like yeah me and Nate are a good friend he's like dude what are you talking about dude I saw you on the broadcast like I said yeah this is my fat face the closest Gladiators are fighting I'm sitting there eating [ __ ] chicken fingers okay that's that's epic man yeah so you you love watching the fights yeah yeah especially next to [ __ ] Rogan and them are sitting right here you're right there and you're just it's terrifying I mean it's truly terrifying the only thing that sucks about going to see the UFC fights in person is that you can't hear the commentary I know Rogan and DC and Anthony yeah dude they're so good right but if you're sitting right next to Rogan are you able to hear I can hear the screams like if somebody gets hit it's like oh but the whole crowd's screaming too so right the you know what I've done like is I'll be at the Pay-Per-View event in the arena and I've got my [ __ ] headphones and I'm listening to the UFC fight pass but it's like uh it's like an uh like a minute and a half delay or something so I'm hearing the commentary like I'm like a minute and a half yeah yeah and I just don't care because I love their commentary so much yeah they they'll tell you what the [ __ ] going on because I'm sitting there like you have no idea I can't tell if somebody blocked it or if somebody just got kicked in the head well yeah it's like a submission attempt oh that's time yeah yeah yeah he's got to lift the [ __ ] right arm up or something yeah he's gonna do like it's just so fascinating man I love it dude yeah that shit's awesome the first one I went to with him was in Gano versus Cyril gone okay there's a heavyweight champion Francis and Gano from like me to you is the scariest dude oh yeah you guys had him on the [ __ ] thing yeah that's crazy it was about what you would think it it is like he's yeah it's not quite like when you meet uh an NBA basketball player and they're like so like you're not prepared freaks dude like from what you can watch basketball on TV until you're blue in the face it nothing will prepare you for me Shack or likes you know like it's like wow it's not like that when you meet in Connor but it's more like what you would expect like he's huge yeah he's terrifying yeah and he's also the most soft-spoken nicest guy like yeah that's even scarier right it's like dude what's going on in there yeah yeah it's kind of a [ __ ] though yeah [Music] yeah and uh what's crazy too is that I had no idea that they were gonna do like so many different like super violent things to Danger Aaron with the cup test all I knew because that was the first one of them yeah so I'm on the set that day and they're like oh dude Francis and Ghana is coming to set today I'm like what they're like what he's gonna punch danger Aaron and the balls with the cup I'm like dude I start campaigning like I want because I'm such a fan I'm like I'm like let me get the nutshot from Francis and ganu and they were just like nah dude like like this one's going to Danger yeah and how [ __ ] up was it it was like thank God he didn't like it didn't just look like he was holding back like he went for it yeah it was great yeah and I ended up after seeing how many different [ __ ] things they did to Danger Aaron's balls like I'm so glad that I got shut down when I asked for that yeah couldn't be more thrilled that I was not a part of that [ __ ] you did the one though the the t-ball one I did that I did the t-ball yeah he had no cup that was that was that was brutal but yeah man [ __ ] yeah that was uh jackass I I went and I lived in Spain for a while and when I went over what was that that was it was after college uh it was like 2014. I can't uh in Madrid but it was uh I got I would get on the train and everyone like I'd always see jackass shirts oh yeah that's great like you guys like jackass and they're like oh yeah yakash what was the purpose of going to live in Madrid uh I went and I taught English wow in Spain yeah that's cool English I'm all right at it I'm okay in English it was nice though you barely had to speak Spanish so when did you start doing comedy uh right before that and then I left and that was one of the reasons like I really wanted to do stand up like I'd be I'd be in Madrid like looking at Facebook seeing all these guys from the Harrisburg Comedy Zone which is where I was from like these guys that sucked like getting the hosts I'd be like these [ __ ] I should be in there right and like I got home and yeah focused on stand up entirely that's good man yeah that little jealous that [ __ ] Works sitting at home especially when you're in another country yeah yeah did negativity is crucial like I don't think I got anywhere in life based on like uh the the joy of it I was like dude this [ __ ] person called me a loser this person just like [ __ ] pissed off and and vengeful success yeah it's the only way and then you're never happy yeah it's good anyway never want to be happy yeah yeah I got a I I got this new book and I'm like people ask me if I'm happy the question just always made me uncomfortable like because like I can only react to the question just with like a feeling and it's like no I'm not [ __ ] happy like uh yeah and like who the [ __ ] happy yeah and and what wouldn't being happening accomplished no right now what would what would being happy accomplish I'd be content I wouldn't need anything more I'd be [ __ ] lazy I'd be a loser yeah happy is for losers I don't want to be a loser we're extremely successful guys yeah there are dudes like I think Rogan is happy I can believe there's dudes that are happy that are just driven psychos I need to I Rely entirely on but what's the motivating force behind like Rogan keep doing what he's doing because like he's already has it all like how do you keep motivated like that every day how do you sit in the [ __ ] ice bath for 25 minutes I love burnt Crushers talking about uh Rogan's whoop band how the whoop band itself is like yeah so at the end of the last podcast we did with me normandari and Rogan we started like longing beers and I drink a lot and Rogan was like I can drink with I can do that and I was like all right and he was like no I'm gonna do just as many as you like he got competitive we probably can't psycho [ __ ] he got [ __ ] up he was and you were fine he was obliterated no I was drunk but he was like wow perfect falling down for bong and beers huh but then he got back and then he came back like two hours later we did another show and he was yeah because he probably [ __ ] took us up just like took some type of it like did like a [ __ ] three hours he did something so you did this at the end of the podcast and then you're going out to the concert and then we went and did a show we did Kill Tony right okay we did Tony himself so me Norman and Ari show up and we're hammered I'm hammering and then Rogan shows up late and we're like there's no way he's up and he was he was fine it was crazy I mean I thought he was fine at the time and then I rewatched it and I was like damn he was hammered too I was I was just [ __ ] pissed I was like how are you okay he's like I'm fine shankillas you're just kidding yeah he's ready to go yeah it's so gnarly man I talk about Rogan in my in my book and uh I'm like it's just kind of addressing how there are certain people that were like not down from you getting into stand up you know and like one of those people and and uh to his credit he was pretty just candid about it was uh Mark Maron yeah I went and I was promoting my first comedy special on Marc maron's podcast and he was like Hey dude I gotta say man you know like I wasn't super thrilled about you doing stand-up you know but like I I you know I it's like that there's just some people who operate with the mentality of scarcity like there's not enough to go around yeah and like my theory is that that Marc Maron felt that way because because it's like if Stevo comes in and succeeds during stand-up then that maybe somehow takes food off of the table for him yeah like maybe there's and maybe I'm completely wrong about it but what I really feel strongly about is that Rogan it's like the the opposite yes the total option he operates with a a philosophy of abundance like there's just enough to go around like he just wants there to be more funny [ __ ] yeah you know he's like I want my [ __ ] mailman to do [ __ ] crazy I don't [ __ ] care like he's funny but isn't that like if I had a podcast that I started in 2014 and then like Marc Maron started a podcast in 2020 I'd be like listen I wasn't really happy with you coming onto the podcast scene but you know now that you're here it's like what's the [ __ ] difference you know I think with comedy it's like but the thing is he started in 08 versus 2012 yeah I mean I'm not talking about marriage but of course but these people that are like oh dude well I have like a certain it's like why because that's all you did After High School I guess with stand up though Stand Up is like there's only a certain amount of clubs it's not like a podcast you can just throw it on like stand and so when you're when you're new like when I remember when I was new headlining I couldn't sell tickets and then Screech would show up and they'd be like yeah you're off this weekend Screech is here and be like all right first yeah Screech was selling wow more than [ __ ] me yeah but like and then I opened for him and he was a great guy he was really [ __ ] nice yeah Screech was cool was he doing like an hour-long set yeah his [ __ ] was filthy too yeah he was wild yeah probably really funny too yeah it was funny um yeah but my point was too with the Marc Maron and Rogan thing was that like I I acknowledge that my default like I'm a Marin you know I'm like uh you know like my initial thing is like no I don't want you know I don't want anyone [ __ ] stealing my Spotlight stealing my bag [ __ ] yeah of course like my and I I have to like with effort try to have the the Rogan mentality and then and I've over the years I've really been more like uh but are you like that with people doing stunts trying to help people out for sure look at the way I've just you know but you don't know but you've never been like ah dude this guy can't do it or like it's kind of weird that this guy or have you always been because like people are showing you like when jackass came out everybody was me and my friends right everybody started making jackass like yeah that's our thing I I admitted you had to have seen it in uh in my book but the last thing I did with Ryan Dunn was this show minute to win it okay right where we both went on it and I'm like yeah this is like it's kind of a while back like it was in 2011 and uh and I admitted in my book that when when we got called for that I was campaigning to like have it be just me because I went I felt like that like I'm a bigger star like it'll be cooler like yeah if I'm just you know I was trying to get done kicked off oh that's crazy that's crazy and and right when I say that I'm like dude I understand that that that's a [ __ ] shitheaded thing yeah it's just true like I'm a [ __ ] you know like that's how that's where I was at yeah so yeah you were like that yeah 100 I'm a Marin yeah I'm a Marin dude and I'm working hard to be more of a Rogan yeah it's hard to be real good yeah that's it dead it's it's tough man yeah I think that's why it's so successful I can feel my face is like red I'm embarrassed from that no I don't know what happens it's not red absolutely but yeah you know your face gets hot that guy's the worst yeah but uh but in any case man yeah that's the covid probably I don't know is it weird when you take a covid test like that you could start feeling like psychosomatic symptoms like oh I have it yeah I only ever feel like I have covered if I'm being tested for covert yeah yeah for sure because it's the only time I'm ever thinking about like whether I feel right or not we landed in New York yesterday and this guy on the [ __ ] plane was like put his phone on was talking out loud and his wife was like she should be quiet but he was like talking really loud and he's like yeah Mom I was exposed okay like do you still want me coming over or not and she was like that's hilarious you know that's a funny joke he was [ __ ] dead guys where's the cameras again no I was exposed they don't know no one here cares when you're telling this to Lux I'm thinking that like oh wow some guy was uh you know admitting to like showing his wiener to uh yeah yeah I was exposed yeah yeah Mom I pulled my leader mine went yeah and then me and the lady looked at each other next we're like is this guy [ __ ] serious yeah I would have been Maddie was talking on the phone plane shit's just really weird you saw that guy punch the [ __ ] American Airlines like three days ago tried to go to the bathroom in first class and they're like you can't and he swung he was like he had a lady the flight attendant in the back of the head it's the lady yeah and I thought it was a dude I could be wrong yeah they like zip tied them another guy was like air-dropping porn to like all the [ __ ] the pilot was like dude can you whoever's doing this I will turn the plane around now we'll have like the whole you know please come and check each phone and like some guy was just airdropping porn to everybody on the plane well they're the ones who accepted it that's true I would have accepted it takes two to [ __ ] air drop I thought you were looking for Tango I was gonna be like Tango that's the yeah to complete an airdrop does take two people that's true yeah dude so okay are you doing spots in the city I'm not dude I got a book my the book I've been talking about yeah thank God I mean as we're recording this comes out tomorrow oh sick so I mean that's why I'm in New York to to do the the whole what's it about it's your first book no it's my second okay my first is a straight Memoir this one is uh it's called A Hard kick in the nuts what I've learned from a lifetime of terrible decisions nice so it's sort of a book of wisdom which uh serves as a vehicle to can tell all the crazy [ __ ] that happened in the 10 years since my last book came out did you've had a good 10 years though it's been pretty it's been pretty good yeah no interest in being happy dude I choose the hustle oh yeah yeah dude um okay so I want to talk more about these sketch yeah this the sketch stuff and and I'm kind of been I've been burning up with curiosity when you say we put a lot of money into it yeah like hot like uh and it's it's like a season 78 000. more like 147 around there okay when when um like when people go to the paywall and they're is it broken down into like we filmed some episodes so this one we filmed like a special we filmed a live showing of all the sketches with me and John who's the he's the other guy was there like a stage set for yeah yeah we had like a couch and a chair and then we would go we showed all the sketches like kind of like a movie and then they talked about a different sets so you can have like different what do you mean are there like different sets like when you're in one they can be setting up the other one no no no we didn't do the sketch slot we showed the sketch a lot like we we filmed it and then aired it live okay got it guys you know what I mean okay it says it was more of a screening yes screening that's what I'm looking for right right right yeah it wasn't like Saturday Night Live it wasn't right yeah but we showed that we filmed that we filmed the live show it's almost like Chappelle Show where in between he comes out and talks and then he shows a sketch and then he talks okay um so we filmed that we put that out and then uh yeah I think on the website you'll have the option you can watch that or each sketch individually okay yeah um but but you're saying like we put it out even though it comes out October 4th so when this is out it will be out it'll be out and uh and it's one hour long thing or you can do it scheduled yeah or you can watch it I think you can buy the album or you can just get this the tracks exactly exactly yeah I'm excited about it I'm interested to see how it goes right yeah and uh like the the cast of The sketches yeah it's just me and my friends from Philly okay yeah so uh our dear friends from Philly have like a a profile like a public profiler uh yeah the comedians yeah yeah yeah this is not rando's ride near coach yes some there's a couple there's a couple of guys in there but that's good yeah yeah for sure yeah yeah you wanna because I wrote their coattails too at first yeah okay because I moved to Philly and they were all established blowing it in Madrid you had to come back hell yeah I was jealous yeah so you come back from Madrid and these guys like let you in the door that they opened yeah exactly yeah exactly and then you did laughs around those [ __ ] yeah these are my friends the other [ __ ] I hated the rest of those [ __ ] all right okay comedy scenes especially when you're starting are so [ __ ] like Petty yeah of course it never really stops but at the lowest level everyone's no one's happy they're just down the [ __ ] everybody over there yeah even at the late in the game you know yeah it's still there but I mean it's a for sure especially when you think about the like the comedy club like lifestyle like even for the headliner yeah like to go do a weekend at a comedy club you're you're [ __ ] battling your way through the airport and dealing with the airplane and checking into the hotel and then you can't even get a night's sleep because you got to get up [ __ ] at like five or six in the morning like to to get to the radio station every radio station in town yeah you've got to go to the comedy club and do the same [ __ ] [ __ ] like twice every night and uh it's it's pretty gnarly yeah I go on when I would go on the radio they'd be like oh thank you so tell us about SNL what was getting fired like I think it helped out don't you think it helped don't you think it helped you out wow I'd be like yeah man that's 6 15 a.m yeah come see me in Rochester yeah it's in a shed I guess it did help it's a gnarly uh it's it's a gnarly existence and then I realized that to like to to [ __ ] about that be like oh you know like how many yeah how many Comics are there like battling for for yeah just doing for nothing you know I'd like the the MCS the features of course begging for like seven more minutes to open yeah it's stage time yeah so yeah man I I can see yeah it's tough to complain especially people watching this who have real [ __ ] jobs right it's like I gotta wake up and go on the news this sucks I got shows all night I gotta wait I'm gonna drink I'm gonna party again yeah I get it dude but uh so I mean it kind of makes sense that that comedy is like like that yeah get it you could yell I was when I was in open my car I was like [ __ ] everybody I'd be like Rogan's a [ __ ] [ __ ] him yeah and you meet him like sir I'm so sorry I was a coward did you say that I mean I don't know if I talk [ __ ] on road I'm sure I talk [ __ ] on just about everybody right yeah and then you meet them in person you're like damn I'm an idiot well you just don't realize how hard it takes to get to that spot of course I remember there was a comedian whose Netflix special I thought sucked and I said it I was on a podcast I was like that [ __ ] sucked and then I went and I did a show with him I just happened to do a show with him that night in New York and he murdered and I followed him and I was like damn that guy was good I gotta shut the [ __ ] up but he killed and I was like all right I see yeah I gotta shut up yeah yeah generally like if if you don't have something nice to say I think that's the way to go yeah but when you like when I started I was like no one's ever gonna hear this I'm not going to be a headliner I'm just talking [ __ ] and then you get there and you're like I shouldn't have said all that yeah whatever that happens but dude like and it's good to you know to acknowledge that yeah it's like Bully beat down you remember that show and like the bullies would be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] guy and the UFC fighter comes in and just murks him you know like it's like a couple photos no I still would if I was bullying a guy in a UFC guy beat me up I'd be like you're still a [ __ ] dude I'm gonna [ __ ] you up for this you just embarrassed the [ __ ] out of me yeah dude I had uh I I had this um this funny ass chick open for me recently in Ottawa and she had a bit about she's she says uh God I can't believe they're still bullying it's so dangerous with all the guns it's not worth it it's not worth it too many guns in the schools like a great bit yeah that was the I was I was thinking about last night because I was with Chris Rock it was that was one of the first bits that I was like damn I was in like fifth grade Listen to I think it's on Bigger and Blacker and it's a joke about Columbine and he's like they were gang of loners they had there was like six of them together and they were he was like they had six friends there were six of these he's like I haven't had six friends my entire life what are these buckets laughs yeah that was wild I [ __ ] that joke up you got a funny looking dog dude yeah dude she's looking for more places to vomit I mean I've never seen her like this before she probably drink some of your [ __ ] dip yeah I don't know I wonder like uh we we should maybe give give her some attention um do you sell any uh merch or anything like uh podcast we sell podcast merch but no not at shows okay and where do people get your uh uh I think Gillian keeves now has merch and a man chain secret podcast they sell we sell shirts yeah okay and what's the website I think it's Ms secret cool just Google Google Matt and Shane secret podcast it is there one website that's like a hub for everything where you can get the pay whatever oh yeah Gillian cubes that merch is there with the show so that's what we want to put in the video Gilly and keeves Dot TV yes all right so I can get everybody to watch this sketch comic yeah hopefully it's good the way that Mark Norman described it he was like that the irony is they've if I can fire them from us now in the sketches he's doing on his own are way [ __ ] funny yeah that's nice that's nice of him to say so you're going to war with Lauren Michaels yeah definitely [ __ ] that [ __ ] no he's the man yeah he's a good dude yeah I believe it he was a good dude the whole time cool yeah I was surprised by that yeah I think people are surprised to hear that they're like he's got to be a piece of [ __ ] it's like no dude he's happy thanks so I've never gotten the vibe I got a call last week from I guess the New York Post is writing an article about him and interviewing people that worked there and they called me and they were like she was trying to get me to say something about Lauren Michaels and I was like no he's a good I got nothing and she was like yeah every single person I've called has said that yeah it's crazy I get that I just watched a uh Vice hour-long show called The Dark Side of comedy and I watched the episode about Chris Farley yeah it's a talk and like it's a tough one but uh like just from that I didn't like that I can't imagine that anybody would ever have anything bad to say about Lauren yeah that's what who else was on that show The Dark Side of Comedy oh I'm not sure oh they have did they have a Roseanne I think or something I don't know no I don't know it was hers I guess it was I think that tweet was pretty dark yeah I can't remember because I only watched that one not that I was like disinterested in the other ones that's the one that popped up you could make a dark side comedy about probably every comedian yeah or any person yeah of course right but yeah most comedians are it usually ends poorly yeah yeah we're not happy people yeah it usually ends pretty sad well Mark Norman's a [ __ ] funny Mother he is he's a man like we were impressed by him and uh his vote that you know I don't get nothing nothing to nothing to prove nothing to gain he vouches for your schedule oh nice good so everybody yeah goddamn over there and [ __ ] watch that [ __ ] right now yeah thanks bro cool man and uh anything else that we can promote for you no that's all that's all all right let's get that [ __ ] mind back oh yeah dude go go go watch how [ __ ] intense the production value is true quarter million easy check that out the production value is too hot yeah it's too hot yeah all right brother hey dude means a lot thank you could Shane Gillis be any more likable man what a cool dude and of course his uh new project is now available and as promised the YouTube Watchers can go right into the description of this YouTube video and click the link to support Shane Gillis and uh what else can I say man I've had an intense grueling week of uh of promoting this book um [ __ ] it's it's been really really intense and draining and uh we're super struggling with Amazon but uh uh I don't even want to get into that let's just focus on how cute Wendy is and thank you so [Music]
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Podcast
Views: 477,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steveo, steve o, steve-o, steve o podcast, wild ride podcast, wild ride, wild ride with steve o, jackass podcast, jackass, wildboyz, podcast, standup comedy, steveo's wild ride, scott randolph, paul brisske
Id: ZLbuTt9SjYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 19sec (4219 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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