Shakur Stevenson & Emanuel Navarrete Fight Marathon | Double Header Thurs 10:30 PM ET ESPN

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November 16th Formula 1 weekend in Las Vegas a double Bill Shakur Stevenson challenging Edwin Del Los [Music] Santos it could be ending in any moment it is over in an absolute riller you [Applause] better I want you to protect yourself at all times keep this fight clean at all times and what I say you must obey good luck touch them up during one of their final faceoffs when these two undefeated Champions were able to speak to and really through to their rival Shakur Stevenson said to Oscar Valdez you know it's a code you got to crack so does this proud Mexican War Warrior try to crack the code with a sledgehammer attack or are we about to see the first major Mountaintop conquered in what many feel will be a career headed to the highest Heights for Shakur Stevenson Here We Go Round One Joe tesor Tim Bradley Andre Ward on the call the two undefeated a junior lightweight unification fight now you can't help but take in the war the charged up Mexican and Mexican Aman can fight fans Dre Oscar Valdez said to us yesterday I have to stay controlled I have to stay disciplined I have to stick to the plan does the emotion of this crowd perhaps impact that it very well can because this is the biggest crowd that Oscar Valdez has fought in front of it's a pro Valdez crowd as we just heard and he's the one that has to make sure that he doesn't get outside of himself and go back to his old ways of making mistakes like like we just saw and getting countered by a superb counter puncher like shur Stevenson with that back hand Timmy the South paaul power hand Valdez hasn't fought a southpaw since June of 2015 yeah that' be a problem but you know what he trained for South Pauls had 8we Camp to get ready for South PA so that's no excuse tonight for Oscar Valdez oh oh he lunges in Valdez comes in and misses as Shakur backed up and he slips to the canvas look Val Shakur land did a shot as Valdez is going down I like the thinking and the mindset from Shakur if he misses I have to make him pay NZ needs to be smart use fain's head movement level changes and his jab wi apply pressure and he also needs to make adjustments every two rounds because he's in there with a master chess player steady diet of that Southpaw right hand jab from Shakur there is the movement and the body control of Stevenson defensively he is superb defensively his opponents land only five punches per round Valdez is doing the right thing trying to put pressure on Shakur with his presence and his footwork but he needs to come behind the jab he can't have both hands up the way that he does in this peekaboo style because Shakur Stevenson will pick him apart all night long speaking of the peekaboo style you see him leaning forward over that front knee you know that's going to allow Shakur to just hey Pepper him with Jabs all night long left hand to the body back to the [Applause] jab right uppercut to the [Applause] body three punch combination doubled up the jab left back hand from Shakur Stevenson now he tries to work to the the inside again trying to c a little bit of space and get to the inside there goes Valdez Stevenson calm and in control managing this first round end of one round two in that first round Shakur Stevenson landed nine punches throwing 52 Oscar Valdez 6 of 31 Stevenson had five body connects in that first round five punches landed to Oscar Val as his body well if you're Oscar Valdez you got to know and you had to have accounted for the fact that Shakur is going to touch you and you're going to get hit but he cannot get discouraged he has to keep pressing forward little by little letting his offense go more and more and Valdez should be banking on the second half of this fight hopefully either tied 33 or down 42 somewhere around there where he can make his push Valdez has to come in behind something he's not going to to close the gap just putting the high guard up and just moving his head he has to give Shakur something to look at so he can react and then he needs to react he needs to be first and also last when he's attacking Shakur sters look how big Shakur is he wouldn't tell us what he walks around at but you could see it's a lot bigger than Oscar Val is this is a different guy than the kid we saw come up 5 years ago after the Olympics so just buzzed Oscar Valdez with that overhand left and if if if Shakur starts to hurt Valdez it's going to be big problems for valz because that's not the story line coming into this fight the story line is Shakur outboxing and being slick and moving away that's not the case right now if he starts to hurt Valdez it's going to be big big trouble for Valdez and this team free punch combination from Shakur moments [Applause] ago Rob D is making it easy for support this is target practice right now yes not everything is getting in but Valdez doing the right thing right there he threw a left hook and then came behind that left hook with right hand down to the body forget about the head right now for get him out the head right now go to the body still that high guard as he anes forward now he does come behind the jab and Shakur returns fired with a straight left and a two- punch combination Southpaw one two Valdez has to sell out he's got to take more risk I'm not seeing get Reckless but you he's got to sell out and put himself in a position a l a shot go like you see right there knowing that he's going to get hit but believing that he's going to get his shots through in between the shots of Shakur good work to the body from Oscar Valdez Valdez is setting off that angle to the right he's throwing that body shot forget about the head he's going down to the body and cutting off Shakur if he can cross that threshold and get to the body he will find success he did so moments [Applause] ago [Applause] Stevenson fighting backing up lands with that right hook goes to the body end of two good fight beginning of round number three Junior lweight unification the two undefeated Champions Shakur Stevenson with a 23 to 11 connect Advantage he had a 14 to5 connect advantage in that second round Valdez had moments the two body punches that were landed Bernardo what are they saying in the corner of Oscar Valdez Ed reos was very clear he said I want you to focus on working the body you're cutting off the angle but don't worry about the head so much that's going to be hard to hit but the body is there but don't let him hit you to the head you got to get off by angles exactly what our two Division World Champion Tim Bradley said he needed to do and he does so there takes that angle lands the left hook to the body Shakur turns out of it back to the Jab straight right hand now from valz as he says let's go that's it double and triple right hands that's something that Shakur hasn't seen that's not a normal [Applause] combination getting away from that right hand good upper head movement from Shakur Stevenson separating with the right hook he made Valdez pay for that big Miss and Shakur has to do that every chance he gets and Valdez can't allow that to detour him he's got to keep pressing palz is going to keep pressing all night long he going to be in this fight until the end no doubt in my mind he's a warrior and see a red mark on the forehead of Valdez just above his right eye we've seen Valdez be a warrior he needs to be a winner tonight and if he can win and find a way to get this this this win tonight trust me he'll show he'll show plenty moments where he's a warrior but he needs to win tonight as Shakur backed up against the ropes Valdez did Place Another right hand to the body but Shakur back at range back at comfor watch that right hand come off the hip this is the great round right here for Oscar Valdez so far perfect round right here closing the distance fast cutting off the angles by digging down to the body throwing double right hands lead right hands Jabs and getting Shakur Stevenson back on his back foot activating his feet like I said cutting off the ring is critical if Valdez is going to have any success taking those angles going lateral W going forward and working to the body instead now it's Shakur in position and with it he fires off a three- punch combination Valdez can't let Shakur steal the play he's up in this round but if he let Shakur close his strong Shakur can pull away and close this round out best work by far for Oscar Valdez early on oh oh that was low and the warning from Kenny bis on that left hand on the Belt Line from Stevenson throwing 50 punches to Stevenson's [Music] 38 like I said in the beginning test if your team Valdez you want to go to that seventh round down 42 or even at 33 that's when you turn on the gas because in big championship fights that are evenly matched the fight doesn't start until the second half of the fight anyway Dre the 15 punches landed by Oscar Valdez in that third round against Shakur Stevenson that ties the high for the most landed on Shakur Stevenson in his career this is a fighter who has a 3.3 to1 ratio in punches landed compared to punches absorbed his opponents average only five per round Valdez had success Timmy as you said because he was taking angles he was inching closer and most importantly he was going to the B that's where it's said Valdez right now is getting caught at that mid-range No Man's Land he has to do something at that range right here give Shakur something to look at so that way he can inch his feet closer [Applause] if Valdez can't let Shakur tea off like that he's piling up points and a big shot might get through at some point in time either to the head or to the body so he's got to watch that hand claps right there this exactly where he needs to be right here that's the range for Valdez that's the style for Valdez and even if Valdez isn't Landing cleanly you can't tell that to every judge sitting around that ring the crowd is on his side they scream every time he throws even if he misses some judges are scoring some punches that are missing and some judges are scoring the fact that Oscar Valdez is coming forward being the aggressor but then Valdez allows Shakur Stevenson to take away the play in moments like this this is a big mistake valz doesn't want to be down 51 going into the seventh R just these last 20 seconds alone to your point as Stevenson peppers with the jab comes with the backand and has sustained success look at that jab Stevenson has to remain focused all night [Applause] long he's jousting and rang finding sometimes with that right hand out in front so Valdez just pulled on it yeah that's legal I Ain never seen that before he pulling out everything see that sequence right there show me that bowc is trying to punch and get away at the same time he's got to commit offensively because when he's hesitant Shakur can feel that when he's Resolute Shakur can feel that as well well that hesitancy came through over the course of the last minute and a half and clearly an edge for Stevenson down the stretch of this round Stevenson round Shakur Stevenson has thrown 120 Jabs through four rounds as we begin round number five but sometimes Dre that Southpaw right hand is just out there like this yeah if you put that that hand in my face I'm going to do exactly what Oscar Valdez did in fact I'm going to try to do a little bit more than that you show me in the rule book where that's a foul then we'll have a different discussion but Shakur can't look to bis he's got to make valz stop you saw him look over to Kenny bayis by the way Bernardo Asuna our award-winning ringside reporter just turned to ntic Commission and said what your read this is not illegal at all to your [Applause] point [Applause] uhoh Valdez is putting his body in position to try to do to land lead rights in the big left hook the left hook is really what Val is once he just can't get close enough at the moment Dre you've got it two rounds a piece I see it three to one round number five here Stevenson a 49 to35 connect Advantage no I don't have it even that's a that's a that's not accurate I had a 3-1 Shakur Stevenson 3-1 Shakur Stevenson is seemingly obvious so 3 to one Shakur Stevenson disregard what you saw on the graphic OHA Stevenson said he got dog in him that's what he told us I told you he going to have to bring it out tonight he going to have to show he got dog in him because Oscar Valdez is going to be here all night long people but we think dog is taking punches fellas sometimes dog is dominating the fight sometimes dog is making sure sure that I'm not allowing you to do what you want to do I'm taking away your greater strengths and exploiting all your weaknesses and looking you dead in your face while I do it that's [Applause] dog and then if I have to take a shot I'll show you I can take that too that's right it's not just about taking punishment it's about dominating and that's what you see Shakur Stevenson trying to do right [Applause] now Stevenson right now he's not using his jab he's just trying to use as the range finder he's looking for the uppercut and the combinations he just thre left uppercut that started a combination Timmy but he needs to be careful that lead hand is down when he throws that uppercut that left hook can sneak in [Applause] there valde not sure what closes the distance doesn't get anything accomplished with it though I'm not sure what he's waiting on he knows how he's got to fight a fighter like this you cannot stay on the outside you have to press you're going to get you're getting hit being on the outside so why not risk getting hit trying to get your offense up oh there a good left hand from Shakur Stevenson as Valdez came straight in Shakur Stevenson filled that Gap W look at the measure from jaur Stevenson controlling the head about this and coming down with the straight left hand wow domination the big left hand highlighted it let's take a look Timmy yep counter punchers they like distance so they can see the punches coming look at Shakur Stevenson stepping back straight left hand boom but that's the left hook right there that I'm talking about sometimes bz is going to have to take some shots so he can get a shot in there Eddie Roso did not put the mouthpiece into the mouth of Oscar Valdez Oso who's also handling Cuts had to handle a small cut under the right eye of Oscar Valdez The Undefeated 31-year-old champion four rounds to one Stevenson says Andre Ward it's a very easy one to score and there it is the knockdown opening up round six Shakur Stevenson scores the knockdown early in round six I think it was more bz being off balance didn't anything he got caught with a shot and went down all that energy that he's using to hit his glove together and he needs to be trying to hit Shakur Stevenson right now that high guard is not serving him well there is a left uppercut that came in Shakur very good at changing levels three- punch combination head shot comes in again from Stevenson is still dangerous he's still dangerous he's still dangerous with that left hook and with that lead straight right hand he's still dangerous Stevenson is showing more aggression Comfort right there right in front putting forth the power punches and like I said he's he's walking him down now Stevenson is walking him down now now he's moving backwards now Valdez is coming in but when he comes in he catches him with that left hand Valdez right now is looking for one shot either an overhand right or a left hook he's willing to take right now so that way he can get Stevenson comfortable so he can move in man so he can land a big shot that's what he's doing he doesn't believe he can win punch for punch anymore now he's reserved that the right to sit back and wait and try to land a big shot it's risk reward to do so but it's the only option when you look at it as you see that cut under the right eye you see the face reing on Oscar valz I think he could go punch for punch he may not win every exchange but he puts himself in a better position to pile up points win round and maybe catch Shakur I think he's sort of checked out and was reverted to this style of fighting a little bit too early so much at stake here two undefeated Champions a division that has only had five unification fights in history going back to the late 1960s a division has had all the great names either set a top it or come through it and now Shakur Stevenson in position to deliver on putting a big notch in his belt in defining his legacy scored the knockdown ear on here in round [Applause] six here as we start the back half of this unification fight between the two undefeated world champions Shakur Stevenson is landing 47% of his power punches those are the power punches in the last round an 18-2 advantage including the hook that scored the knock down early on you askar Val you you got to believe in yourself you've already proven that you're a warrior you've already proven you can fight fire with fire this is the biggest moment of your life and your career this is not the time to sit back and allow a fighter like Shakur to pick you apart round after round with minimal resistance if you're going to go out like he's always said go out on your Shield go out trying to win not trying to survive I don't like the body language right now and I do not like the gang plan from Oscar VZ it's a massive pass right now from Shakur Stevenson that's what you're seeing a master class boxing performance a clinic look at the defense right there how he steps around then he steps in close I see the body shots right there that's fine but he caught a lot of that on his arm now when you get outside you see Stephenson poking picking and the combinations will come flying right down the middle oh oh he places the left upper cut as Valdez came in good shot right there from mosar oh there he is that's it right there mosar wakes up for a moment Andre you have set now for a couple rounds that's the disposition you need to see he's got to have it he's not avoiding punches because he's being defensive he's still getting hit so if you're getting hit why don't you try to get off yourself and land some punches and you might just land the one you need and then look what he does he gets right back at the end of Shakur's punches and if you're in the corner of Stevenson you tell him keep doing what you're doing but be mindful stay sharp this fight isn't over yet you see the speed the footwork of Stevenson able to get away from those two offensive surges from Valdez one knockdown one punch that buzzes Shakur can Revitalize Oscar Valdez Stevenson cannot allow that to [Applause] happen you can't put it out there that's called probing the reason why the ref is warning is because he's leaving it out there he can't leave it out there he can flick it out there but he can't leave it out there on the head about this there's a difference between the pwing jab the rang finding jab and that Jou probe so the warning from bis Valdez here he comes trying to cut off that ring again trying to take those short angles to get to the kitchen get to the inside where he fires off to the Belt Line and then the break from bis this will be the last commercial break we take and then we bring you home all the way to the [Applause] [Music] conclusion what is most obvious as we start this eighth round is how relaxed and unaffected Shakur Stevenson is between rounds how comfortable he is how unaffected he has been with this fight so far in total command and control he listens to his grandfather he listens to his co- trainer K caroma he takes his water and then he gets off the stool with 10 seconds still to go to then go out and continue with the strategy a strategy temp Bradley that you have described as a master class to this point that's what it is right now you know I'm giv a lot of credit to ask about this he's trying he's trying to get close but it's hard when you're facing a guy that understands distance every time you take a step forward he takes a step back anytime you swing a shot you miss majority of your punches it's demoralizing it's frustrating it's not like Valdez a trying he's trying the distance from where Valdez is on the outside to where he actually needs to be probably feels like about 5 miles right now that's what it feels like when you're facing a guy who knows how to box and who understands distance and range and who who has cat quick reflexes not just with his hands but also with his feet speed is a huge Advantage for Shakur and it has materialized right from the start and and not not only that I mean you got to put on top of that psychologically when you can't get to a guy that's draining you got to think about he's been coming forward from the first round he's been pressing forward for the first time round and on top of that he's getting hit so he's been drained all the way across the board I think that little short right hook to the body got valdez's attention from Shakur he got hit and he held on immediately and remember he's already banged a 108 round has Shak as if the hole isn't big enough knock down was SC round six right he cannot go to sleep because valz will be dangerous as long as this fight is going on placing that the left hand to the body three punch combination up top alz trying to get to the inside behind that peekaboo High [Applause] guard look at that so calculated all those punches right there nothing really land right there cleanly from v [Applause] b neither fighter has been visibly hurt thus far in this fight stuned maybe but not visibly [Applause] hurt oh there's a right hand to the body from the former Mexican Olympian The two-time Olympian for Mexico Oh Valdez trying to time that left [Applause] hook let's listen in as his great friend and the number one pound-for-pound fighter in the world canille Alvarez looks on we start round number nine two undefeated Champions unifying here at 130 lb power punches Stevenson a 96 a 64 advantage and efficient and productive Landing [Applause] 47% I think if Shakur commits to the body a little bit more he can even do more damage at this point and that does mean he'll be range for the punches of Oscar Valdez but he can put himself in a position to do more damage and possibly hurt Oscar see that's great right hand down to the body that's going to set up something at the top you going to you're going to bring the hand down Shakur is going to have to defend against that and then if you drop low he might think a body shot is coming but then if you come up top you can surprise him setting the track problem for Valdez is it's too little and it's too infrequent you let a guy like Oscar Valdez excuse me you let a guy like Shakur Stevenson think a master boxer that's the worst thing you can do it's the worst thing you can do because he's already a master chess player and you let that guy think and start making two and three moves up ahead you got big problems I tell I had another thing Dre The Power of Shakur they say he ain't got no power do you see Valdez just walking straight in no he got his hands up and he don't want to get hit with shots he's trying not to get hit with shots that's the reason why he's not selling out good right hand bz punch combination that finishes with the left to the body from Shakur then the left uppercut he has been looking to time a few times in recent rounds that Hur him clean left uput from Shakur Stevenson to the jaw of Oscar Valdez he's leaning forward look at how much of a forward lean on Oscar Valdez that head goes over that front knee you are trying to get hit with an uppercut uppercut working on that shot for the last eight weeks that angle to the right by a South ball and the left hand goes for body easily there's another left hand from Shakur he hurt him again with that shot fellas stood him straight up with the straight left Oscar needs to let his hands go or this could start to turn real ugly real quick he's getting outboxed he's getting pop shotted right now but he can start to get hurt and Kenny bis can start looking to stop this fight if he allows those kind of shots to land too frequent oh look at that going underneath with the left hand to the body after he avoided two and three [Applause] shots oh it's a strong ninth round for Shakur Stevenson and another body [Applause] punch this is the start of the 10th round and he's been doing this nonstop all night going to get my water send message to osar there yeah he's playing mind games he's letting them know that man I'm not tired and I'm going beat you off the stool as often as I can I think it's been a very easy fight to score and Trey you have it in dominating fashion for Shakur Stevenson as there is a rally from Valdez but not much gets in he's going to have to completely sell out here in these last three rounds I mean he's trying he's trying no doubt about that but he's in there with a with an elusive fighter it's difficult to land on this guy of course keep in mind in Oscar Valdez you have a guy who struck The Knockout of the year last year in boxing his Sensational KO of Miguel berel the world champion who had the FED Green Belt the WBC belt but it is a far departure of styles between berel and Stevenson see that was good combinations right there with the same hand right hand coming around down to the body upstairs and then a straight right hand once again by bz reaching for a right hand great combination right there again down to the body from [Applause] bz go Valdez only has a shot to win or land a big shot if he throws [Applause] standing there and blocking punches won't do he throwing Dre he throwing he ain't there throwing he going down to the body he's trying to land something Shakur backs him up there's a body shot again he's finishing to the body well on a three- punch [Applause] combinations this is the low round I believe for for for Stevenson not a whole lot of offense right now coming back occasionally he'll counter but I'm seeing more punches right now land for Oscar Valdez that straight right hand continuously Landing over and over and over there it is [Applause] again got it digs to the body that right hand nearly straight low Stevenson follows him straight back three more punches then places that jab to the body lead left hand valz can't give the good work that he's done this whole round away in this next 25 seconds he's got to finish strong he got your cour sing steel that's what he that's where he wants him he needs the cour assist steel beautiful dishes right there right hand and right hand again great round for Oscar Valdez there was a cut that surfaced in the fifth round has never been an issue here we go Championship rounds to decide who will be the unified champion who will walk out of here with two belts and still undefeated total punches through 10 148 87 connect Advantage Shakur Mark Kel what say you Shakur hasn't nearly controlled the distance he's controlled the level of violence he came out wanted to show he's got more dog than anyone he did he does and he'll stand him in good stead if his hes it'll bring him into Superstar and I just spoke with Eddie noo and he says the problem with Oscar right now is he continues to miss the right hand from the same range he can't be at Shakur's range he's either got to get inside or be out that was a mean combination right there took one to the Head took one to the body took another one back to the Head changing levels with each punch cor combo right now on the inside he's not he's not worried about the power right now he feels those punches on the glob you know we as Fighters we feel the power he feels Valdez weakening those shots are not as hard as they once work that's the reason why he ain't running back he ain't moving he's right in front of Oscar valz Shakur has been comfortable since the third round he timed Oscar felt his power felt his physical strength and was okay with what he felt this 11th round is taking on a matador kind of quity yes it [Applause] is question I have is can Shakur find a way to finish in a way that puts an exclamation point on the knife to leave no doubt that he is the next quter boxing wow that combination did damage hard Warning by Kenny bis admonishing Shakur for the probing and the resting out the jab he is up so high on the score cards though right now Trey to your point Stevenson discussed that with us just 24 hours ago obviously if you simply win this fight it is a major major notch on the Belt to be a unified Champion to launch into the pound-for-pound rankings and to have your status in the sport established on the Star Line in the bright lights of the Marquee how you could close it out could be the Rocket Ride to Superstar right now Oscar has him right where he wants him Toe to Toe let's see how this plays out Shakur wants this fight to be right here Oscar is having a little success in the inside going down to the body but Shakur wants this type of [Applause] fight oh absolutely dominated that 11th round so this will decide it three minutes two men who came in undefeated one who is in complete control to grab all the glory Oscar Valdez has to come up with something has to cash that lottery ticket Dre how could he possibly do it seeing how much in command Stevenson is he's got to throw whatever game plan he had the last 11 rounds out the window he's got to throw he's got to throw until the last bell rings and he's got a hope and pray that something lands but he has landed and it hasn't been enough Oscar Valdez I don't want to say is in an impossible situation but he's really close to being in that position because he's had no answers for anything that Shakur Stevenson has brought to the table there was a right hand that went low moments ago you saw Shakur's reaction to Kenny bis has to close that Gap as Shakur circles on the outside shows a little Shuffle by the way he grew up on Ali Boulevard in nework New Jersey one of nine children seven boys two girls and his mother Malika named him after iconic rapper Shakur Stevenson said Tupac was her poet and now her son is about a minute and a half away from being one of the new Kings of the sport he has been on a steady Ascend look at that inside work right there beautiful work inside short Chris Right Hook by chapor Stevenson chapur right now kind of let off the gas right now I'm waiting on some offense to come back right now maybe he's trying to recharge maybe he going give it a little a little bit more in the next there it is like that yeah yeah shouldered him up walked him into the ropes and two punches later statement made that's right he Shakur walked him right into those two three punch combination he just he just walked him right into it Oscar Valdez relaxed he thought Shakur was going to relax with him and Shakur had had other plans Oscar Valdez has been a great champion who has had a career where he has ascended a jagged Cliff's Edge there has been drama overcome there has been glory in the ring he has seen the highest Heights he has heard the lowest lows of the critics and now he has a half a minute remaining of being an undefeated Champion unless he comes up with something and hits the jackp Shakur Stevenson seconds away from a signature win he looks up at the clock as Valdez hopelessly chases Shakur Stevenson has done it ladies and gentlemen after 12 rounds here inside the MGM Grand Garden Arena we go to the judges scorecards for the official decision Tim chetam scores the bout 117 110 Dave Moretti and Davis southernland both scored the about 118 109 for your winner by unanimous decision and now the WBC WBO and Ring magazine Junior lweight champion of the world Shak stens November 16th Formula 1 weekend in Las Vegas a double Bill Shakur Stevenson challenging Edwin delos [Music] Sant it could be ending at any moment it is over in an absolute River you better [Applause] not look at each put it in please put it in okay okay these are right at the line everything in here is legal when we start getting down here then it starts getting [Applause] [Music] B one of the best in the business is the third man inside the ropes tonight that's Jack Reese for this pattle fight with navarete and bz and Dre it was very interesting to sit with both Fighters yesterday and to ask them what they thought of the other what they thought the strategy that would be put forth would be because for navarete he says no Bas is going to come out like a line I don't think he's going to come out and box I prepared for him to come out meanwhile B says no I I plan on coming out and boxing if I go to war with him it's not going to go my way man this should be interesting we're getting ready to find out but Timmy the bayz of the past is a volume puncher he is a volume puncher but in his last time out he did show that he can box from the outside that's how he got the victory but look at the size difference look at Bas he's a he's fought an eight 118 he's fought at 122 126 whereas you have nav you can see how filled out he is hydrated he's probably prob say about 10 that'll be at least 147 lb listen you do this as long as we've done this and your eye just knows but the guy I'm looking at right now I struggle to believe will be fighting at feather rate much longer I you know to be honest with you I told you he has a poor diet I talked to him in the fighter meetings about it he said that one day I'll get a nutritionist just out right now he says I enjoy eating what I eat and it hasn't been a problem we'll see question that's always loing over another fight is is this the night that the mistakes catch up the bad habits outside the ring no that's always the lineing question and then there are you know the non-conforming technique and fundamental stuff inside the ring his fundamental flaws defensive flaws and offensive opportunities to get after navarete like that that's what naar does just floating off to the left and throwing that left hand joet Gonzalez is the latest fighter to have gotten nav's respect yes and he told us that in the fight and he admitted he got hit with a lot of shots he felt the shots and he said that joette was dirty but joette fought a good fight in that fight it just wasn't quite good enough that was right here in this arena in this ring October 15th of last year 12 round unanimous decision for navarete but there were great moments for joet Gonzalez there was a right hand that landed in the fourth round Gonzalez had to deal with a cut on his left start early in that fight as well Tim I don't think what Bas means by I'm going to be out boxing NE is necessarily he's going to be moving around the ring he's got those hands up tight he's respecting the power of NE I just think he means he's going to be tighter with the way he goes about there check this out bayas right now is starting to get confident he's na is allowed in him hit him and just watch when now that they turn it on he's just downloading right now letting Bas have his have his way and then just watch what happens there he comes with the long looping left hands that we've seen before and bz returns fire and then comes with a sweeping left hand of his own good action here at the end of round one that's how you get your respect you got to answer the champion with the old San Diego Sports Arena now the changa Arena and it is packed with loud vocal passionate fight fans you got to love that and that first round slow start heated up towards the end both men Landing 11 [Applause] punches ha taking advantage of the guard of navarti for a moment letting the hands go there five [Applause] bues you got to take into consideration that naet has been out of ring for 10 months you know he's typically used to fighting four or five times a year he took a long break and it's going to take some time to acclimate himself I would say around four rounds he'll start getting his rhythm and he'll start Landing shots stop stop stop it's good to see a fighter like bz who is known for coming forward have some sort of game plan he's thinking in there and we'll see if he if it's enough but he's giving himself a good putting himself in position to try to win this fight flying off the ropes with those two left hands that's something we've never seen anybody do or at least very rarely it's hit naate to the body everybody goes for his head nobody touches the body bayz is doing that in these first two rounds seven times early on then naar himself went underneath with the left hand there's another left hand to the body from B trying to Target that Bel [Applause] line what a bit of Separation there was a right hand that filled the hole from [Applause] meete so far bayas is answering every question that nete presents him he gets hit he comes right back yeah but nothing is on those shots nothing's on those punches at all from Bas he's not a big puncher should he not thr oh he yes throw I mean he's Landing combinations he's he can win the rounds on points his Corner calling out body shot body shot took that extra step to close the gap landed the right hand yeah but when he throws to the body his head is exposed right up the middle which means watch out for what's coming the upper that's right signature punch for another up one two from bayz and four punches return from m title Challenger at wz said I'm coming with the same strategy I my nobody has the style like navarete but I feel like I know what to do so far the early game plan is what you see on the screen there with the body shot 13 to five connect advantages B has gone for the [Applause] bottom Yeah by sees that that loose body M has and he's trying the [Applause] text I like how B is you can punch him with NE normally NE gets his engine going and everybody goes on the defense that's not what bias is doing he's punching with NE he's Landing some shots which ultimately back never off and allow Bas to [Applause] reset no punches have enough on them Tim because if they didn't never that they wouldn't be covering up he wouldn't be reacting it may not be one punch power but it's it's enough to get the respect of n man I'm telling you right now if na didn't have the punching power that he possesses he will not be where he is in the sport man his balances off the way he shoots shots always off balance squared up he breaks all the rules bz has good body language we don't talk enough about that in boxing even when there's nothing clean Landing he looks like the aggressor he looks like the fighter with more energy and that is attractive to the judges or at least it should be yeah he has a better technique and he's he's Landing his offense down to the body mostly on so far is not Landing those signature upera he's missing them and getting countered like you see right here that can change but thus far bayas is fighting a good fight offensively and defensively as well yeah Bas is as he lays never had his hands down one straight back and Bas called him with that right hand yeah Bas he typically lunges in with his head and he's normally over his front knee reacting for this left hands you can see a little bit of range and that reach advantage of naar there's the left uppercut ni smother NE right there he didn't want to punch he smothered NE pushed him to the to the ropes and now he's getting now in a position where he can get his shots off good sequence right there from [Applause] B see a ton of ring Rush from just about to say to look at that layoff now and it materializes here in these first three rounds and his punches don't even seem to be bothering byas at all [Music] CL his own and a right the fighter me that's where he's going to pay most attention to is down to Na's body no one has yet to do that he's doing it well right now and he's winning this [Applause] fight 309 day layoff for Emanuel [Music] [Applause] WB you know you hear a fighter talk about their opponent's punching power as much as B did in our fighter meeting you don't know if that's a good respect or a bad respect right now it's thinking like a good respect the kind of respect that made Bas prepar properly made him work on his defense so he wouldn't give never that day easy opportunities to land the power and it's showing here in this fight tonight Bernardo I saw you listening into the corner of Emanuel naar what can you tell us well I spoke to ped naar Jr his trainer and I asked him precisely about his hand he says look it's a little Stinger hit him on the top of the head but it's not injured like it's been injured before and he says what I asked him to do is look you're missing your shots wildly I need you to go to the body of BZ and that'll settle him down look that in with that right hand yes he did and he he's accustomed to losing the first couple rounds getting in the Rhythm and stepping on the gas but when you treat your body outside of boxing the way that never does sometimes you hit that gas pedal and that car doesn't doesn't move the way you it to move and again it's always a question is tonight theight you mentioned how he comes on later and look at the title fights four knockout wins after round 10 three Knockouts in the 12th round B is just doing just enough to cut the punches down where they don't have their typical power he's making all that they miss and you see never that they trying to step on the gas just a little bit but bayas steals the play [Applause] p is doing a great job and not leaning forward you know he's standing pretty straight up not leaning over a center line that's why he's not getting hit with those uppercuts from the left hot the C the top of his head got byas his attention he recovered well but he felt [Applause] you know it typically takes a boxer I mean a boxing style about four rounds to really get accr you have SP time off it takes a slugger a little bit longer naar is a slugger it might take about six rounds as opposed to four rounds we're coming to the end we will see he shakes off all that rust fully don't go anywhere short break for the upset seeking Eduardo bayz as we are four rounds into our wo featherweight title fight an opportunity to catch up with Mark I'm just wondering does naet know these rounds count talk about Ring rush and diet all you want you are how you prepare the other thing when buyas you know he is boxing that doesn't mean you Retreat it doesn't mean you necessarily always move backward you know we're we're unfair to the word boxing but anyway he's boxing this is what it looks like Dre I think you often agree with that assessment is the way that both analysts and fans view that term aming boxer that word gets a bad r i mean there is such thing as Power Boxing where you can be the buly you can Dominate and still be boxing Dre has it three rounds to one for Bas those are typically exchanges that Emanuel NE will win and dominate thus far that's not the case better technique from Bas he has a willingness to be in the fire with a guy who's known for his punching power in exchange punch for punch he took that dip to the left and came with the left [Applause] h v just has a nice attitude to him doesn't he yes he does he came here to win this Championship tonight he said it all week long so I'm going to take this for him [Applause] nice chopping right hand by Bas just taking advantage of all the flaws all the horrible positions that naet likes to get into he tried to chase him down with the right hand Myers is having success because he has a game plan which is to be smart have his hands up not to be Reckless he's also showing the heart and mental toughness to answer naate in key moments and key spots to get his respect he's taken the shot of n well but he's also delivering a good shot he's not known to be a puncher but trust me na feels those shots to the body and to the [Applause] Head stop stop stop stop [Applause] [Music] stop no no [Applause] no punch combination from the champ digs to the body with that left hand 21- 19 connect advantage in that last round the fifth round title defense tonight in our main event a week from tonight we will see two former world titlists in the main event as Jose patrai takes on Richard Comey and also the top heavyweight Prospect in the world Jared Anderson will be in action next Saturday night from Tulsa Oklahoma on ESPN have at the start of this round is trying to do type of things just not having the effect that he typically would have bayz is perfectly poised watching seeing everything that naate is throwing conserving energy and looking to pick it up as this round goes on Pedro namara had a sense of urgency in the corner telling him look I need you to have a sense of urgency because this fight is getting away from your and how quickly things can change and it's over how quickly things can change Emmanuel naar who looked like a fighter coming off a long lay off imperfect flaw needing to find his rhythm and just as we're hearing the report that his trainer said you you have to have a sense of urgency the fight is over bz is doing what he's been doing boxing well now that they just threw a right uppercut just landed the perfect shot on the liver of BZ just a beautiful shot that Fighters throw and work on all the time in the gym right uppercut he didn't see it coming boom didn't have a chance to brace or deflect the shot Delayed Reaction he thought about it he said I need to go down the referee counted right in front of bias's face he didn't have what it took to get up because that shot paralyzes that right side and it takes all the wind out of it my goodness bayz did a good job in avoiding leaning forward that time he leaned a little bit over that front knee after that they set him up with that uppercut just to get him to bring those arms in and then came around that right elbow right in the liver well placed well plac but B that's set up that was a setup combination right there that ended this match ladies and gentlemen here inside Pachanga arena San Diego this bout comes to a conclusion at 1 minute 5 Seconds of round number six for your winner by knockout and still WBO featherweight champion of the world Emmanuel [Applause] November 16th Formula 1 weekend in Las Vegas a double Bill Shakur Stevenson challenging Edwin delos [Music] Santos I it could be ending in any moment it is over in an absolute River you better play [Applause] not most of all protect Cher time T good luck Andre Ward Shakur Stevenson through the years has almost been an invisible Target defensively his opponents land on 5.5 punches per round only 133% of their total punches against him knowing that how do you go after this if you're cona well cona is an explosive guy he can punch and he needs to let his hands go and when Shakur starts creating distance and starts countering him he can't get discouraged when con sa finds success he can't do what he did in the bowz fight he's got to stick to his game plan golden opportunity for con sa Shining Moment for Stevenson here at home before he goes to the topheavy big name 135lb division When you mention what happened against Oscar Valdez first five rounds he bounced beautifully Dre he counter punched did con say so he jabed well he was affected with body shots he was AE on the scorecards and then something changed and I still don't know what that is Con sou said his Corner told him to change of strategy I get that listen to your corner as long as they're telling you the right instructions those were not the right instructions for con s on that night long right hand from conesa cor just probing with that Jab finding that range quick as a fper to get in and out manage his location as well as anybody in the sport and that's exactly what both Fighters are doing right now both Fighters are trying to dictate where and how this fight is going to be fought con s believe it or not just not just want to pressure Shakur he actually wants to try to box with the box that doesn't hasn't proven to be be be the right plan for anybody in his previous fights but he's also a gold medalist and he also has pedig Drake listen I know one point 6 lb to the Layman is whatever but just looking at Shakur Stevens body Stevenson's body now at 25 years old fully formed with his man strength he just looks different than the fighters we saw on the greatest sent up no no doubt about it he's he's a grown man now as opposed to being a young kid who turned Pro and when you've already lost 8 n 10 PBS yes that last two PBS that last pound and a half can seem like the end of the world your body can shut down sometimes that's what happened with Stevenson well that power hand just came make from Shakur Stevenson that sharp accurate powerful left hand see how much thicker he is in the Torso across the shoulders the muscularity especially V so what you're going to get at 135 lbs to come assuming he can get through tonight unscathed right hand to the body little fat from con out wide with it goes with the left of the Belt Line himself unable to turn over that right hand was the Brazilian that's the shot the con tried to land this whole first round but he won't land it if he leads with it he has to come behind the Jack that's the best shot that he gives himself to the end of round number one Stevenson cona from [Music] newerk great scene here in Newark New Jersey for Shor Stevenson and Robson con out round number two Joe tesor Andre Ward with you ringside asked Stevenson yesterday about going up against conesa what he thought he'd did he said listen I think he's going to be himself awkward throw a lot of weird punches maybe gas out by the sixth round I'm not sure why con wants to box with a master boxer doesn't mean he won't land shots doesn't mean that he can't have good moments but you have a fighter that had to work really hard but try to make a weight to me it makes sense to start at a fast pace yes you can box in spots but fighting would really benefit con out early in this fight especially when you hear the details of Stevenson describing how drained he was how his body had nothing more to give nothing more to sweat out at 131.5 what was your reaction to his apology and Shakur saying he was embarrassed I think that's maturity and I think that's the best thing you can do in that situation the media fans they're going to have opinions some may be justified others won't but he made a decision for his safety he wanted to make sure he had enough for the fight tonight and all you can do is be sincere and apologize and he did just that and and he did acknowledge as you have to do that it is part of the game you sign and you're contracted for a weight you have to make it and he was penalized he paid commission a fee and he paid con s a fee as well three punch combination from sh trying to punch between the punches at time and now cona does come in with the right hand before tying up K's been pretty predictable thus far in these first two rounds Paul with the left hand pose pose and then try to shoot a big right hand to the body or the head Shakur Stevenson left hand to the body comes in left hand up top from Shakur right hand to the body from con Sou like to see Stevenson pick up his right jab a little bit more to pile up points to get his range and to keep con out off balance and blinded from that left hand he's only Ved 12% of his Jabs to this point Paul with it but Sho the jab as well there's the jab doubles it up goes back to it able to get away from the right hand from the Brazilian he gives con sou something to go through before he thinks about throwing that looping right [Applause] hand trying to place that left hand to the body a bit conel able to use that foot movement to get out of the way good right hand to the body from [Music] con back to action here started round number three Shakur Stevenson had a 19 to7 connect advantage in that second round but Dr each man had his moments yeah both Fighters are starting to connect just a little bit more Stevenson connecting more than con sou but but con s is dangerous especially when he punches with Shakur like you see right there Shakur throws and con s throws he has success when he does that but Shakur coming behind the right ja he has the most success when he lands that beautiful straight left hand that is a natural punch for a South [Applause] po by the way there was a clash of heads in that round as well when Shakur went back to the corner you saw his grandfather and chief second W Moses turned to the referee David field and say there was a clash there was a clash there was a slight abrasion between the eyes of Shakur here's the Clash ahe heads right there it was just enough that it got their attention in the corner good straight left from Shakur cona tried to catch Shakur and did catch him in that sequence right there Shakur's got to mind his defense for as long as cona standing up because he is dangerous he's a guy that punches when you don't think he's going to punch and con sou throws punches from angles you wouldn't expect him to throw from that's the awkwardness that should fight a fighter like that fundamentals are essential oh good left uppercut in the midst of that exchange from Shakur Stevenson as cona was looking to get aggressive and Stevenson's accuracy got him you let con s make the mistake and you and you have your legs under you and just shoot the shots nothing spectacular just fundamental and now the pace picks up here in round three and this is that awkwardness from con out odd angles hands down surging in of course smiling right in his face happy to be in that mid-range and close range nearly clipped him with the right hook went low with the left hand and gets the second warning from David fields I think this pace picking up favors Stevenson because con's only been 12 one time and you can tell he was afraid to get tired in the bz fight and I think that's why he took his foot off the gas Stevenson knows that because he mentioned as much he needs to press the gas T of cona by keeping this fight at a high pace and that was a world title fight that cona had great success boxing beautifully in the opening half of that fight nothing like the pace we're seeing here the action intensifying in round comes back with a counter left hand Shakur now Proby with that jab going to split the guard instead goes underneath under the elbows missed with the body [Applause] shot crowd enjoying round three here at nework Stevenson Body [Applause] Shop Joe Dre Bernardo and Mark with you here in Newark New Jersey round number four that last round Stevenson had a 19 connect Advantage has a 41-21 punch connect Advantage overall let's good to action in that third round Dre was interesting to hear the corner of Stevenson as he came back to the stool they said just keep the JB going cona was hurt in that round and then an interesting comment before he went off to go to this fourth ground he said just don't get bored out there don't get bored don't lose focus we said that the whole night about how dangerous con s is particularly with the right hand and they feel like they're breaking out down I think it's the start of that because Shakur landed some good body shots early on he needs to stay down low and he's landed some clean flush shots to the chin and LU D who trained hson told me I want hson to go to the body first and that'll set up his head shots and it was the left hand that struck from Shakur when the boxer is looking like the fighter and is walking you down you know you had trouble and that's what's happening here in round four and that's what's been happening more and more in the career of Stevenson as he grows into that man's strength we've described yes an elite boxer yes wildly skilled but showing that strength that power and a little bit of nasty as his career goes on even though Stevenson cuffed him and that wasn't a knockdown it takes a lot of effort for a fighter to get up from the canvas especially in a tough fight like this and you can hear the crowd sensing things as was the corner Stevenson saying you're breaking him down a [Applause] bit Stevenson should got to the body even more right now because con has not shown that he can defend himself down there Stevenson is landing flush shots and they're starting to take a toll just had a right hand there clipped him with a right hook from that Southpaw stance able to get away from that right hand from con South you can see his comfort with another right hook Stevenson in control here in round four dug underneath with a left hand to the [Applause] body at the moment that big right hand is the only answer that con has and it is not effective because Shakur sees it coming from across the street and then he makes a decision to tie up Shakur trying to get those hands [Applause] free con takes that big step test throws that right hand he's tipping Shakur off every time 4 5 6 7 being ruled on knockdown with just a second to go in the r this was ruled a knockdown Dr and it was there's the left hand oh yeah here's the delayed reaction oh yeah but perhaps because you see the arms pushing down many thought it wasn't but that was a clean hard left hand to the body that scores the knockdown with 1 second to go in round four start of round five now look con s he's got that right hand glued to his face because he doesn't want to give up that side of the body again you have just said should poor Stevenson should go to the body more and more he did there in that fourth rounde with seven clean body punches the final one scoring a knockdown can't defend to the body test he doesn't know how so you recognize that and you make him make an adjustment if he can't make an adjustment it's going to be trouble for con out because Shakur he hurt you to the body he's going to keep going downstairs two good body shots from con three good body shots from con just now try to sweep with that right hand across as well grandfather of Shakur Stevenson just told me I asked him to step it up I want him to use the jab to Blind him distract him and that'll set up the big Power shots here see if he can put that jab out there there's a left hand they took an angle and went with the right hand to the body came back with the right hook left uppercut leads the way this time Qui shot from con out of hand it was mowing on the [Applause] inside con s's got to get himself together you see him slowly mentally breaking down and slowly conceding he can't do that this is the second opportunity at a world championship who knows when he'll get another shot he's got to get it done tonight very different circumstances and a very different look to the first five rounds than when he fought Oscar Valdez and he was had on every scorecard after five rounds even the way when he stepped back moments ago and took that deep breath that body language alone speaks voles and it's only the fifth round trading body punches and then equipping right hand another left hand to the body coming back with the right hook Movement by con Saves the Day for [Applause] him Stevenson stepping to him conesa trying to return fire good left hand to the body again digging in sitting down on it that time he has found something he likes with that left hand to the body Dre I think he should keep liking it because he doing damage he's doing exactly what he want wants it to do which is drain and discourage con good shot from K he's always dangerous on that right hand sitting [Applause] there tremendous scene here at the credential Center in nework New Jersey as you mentioned the highest grossing boxing event in the history of this Arena and of course it's because their Hometown Heroes back course Stevenson returning after winning World Champ ionships in two divisions Dre you said point to the body punches well look at them there 30 of 80 and one of them scoring a knockdown in the final second of round number four for Shakur Stevenson doesn't have to land 10 body shots around four or five good well placed shots and that'll do the job also landed a few good body shots the right hand to the solar plex of Shakur Stevens will to fire off the power hand that right hand that wide stance lunges forward with it Stevenson now with his opponent against the ropes you know he's going to go to the body there Stevens and told us he said Con sou fades in the second half of the fight that's no secret his opponent Stevenson is well a he specifically mentioned the sixth round when we sat with him yesterday that's when our championship fight really starts in that second half that 67th [Music] [Applause] line the first phase for Shakur Stevenson tonight was to frustrate [Applause] discourage the second time it again [Applause] warning from Fields yeah the second phase is to get con s to stop believing he can win and to just try to land one big shot phase two and three is underway I don't think K has a game plan anymore I think he's trying to land one big [Applause] shot left hand lands flush main shot it's the main shot opened up got tagged again there and now here comes Stevenson shots are landing because con sou thinks Shakur is going to the body he protects himself down low boom oh big left hand up Top Shot lands up top put it all in the bank to the body and now he's going head hunting here in round six can't defend both the head and the body at the same time Stevenson stepping to him cona clearly [Applause] affected round number seven Joe tesor Andre Ward with you ringside here Bernardo assumi our Ace report here in nework New Jersey where this crowd has been anticipating the return and they're getting exactly what they want Shakur Stevenson in control in that last round he landed fight High 18 power punches 23 total [Applause] punches Now's the Time to answer if your con side he needs to find something and find something fast back in this fight what does he have to find he's got to land some shots which is not an easy task but sitting there and receiving all of Shakur's punches is not the answer either he's got to bet on himself he's got to believe in himself he's got to let his shots go and try to punch with Shakur he's getting hit anyway so he might as well let his offense go remember earlier tonight we talked about Shakur Stevenson seemingly having a force field of this incomparable defense where through the years championship fights opponents only land 13.9% of their total punches Robson con out to this point is at 13 133% of his total punch is landed that's [Applause] it h side legs don't look good he's all over the place and now he's down on the canvas that is a slip he's not only physically fatigued but when you're facing a master boxer you're mentally fatigued because you can't do what you train to do you think he's there and you miss you get countered you're discouraged then you get hurt it's a whole lot going on in the mind of K and now a high guard that's being split by left hands and a sharp left hand comes in again from shapur and then you get surprised cuz you say he wasn't supposed to be able to punch and then you get hurt keep in mind this is a three time Olympian the Brazilian a gold medalist who was fought for a World's hler and was ahead on the [Applause] scorecards Stevenson cutting off the ring now probing with that jab watch for the left hand split the guard goes for the body with it [Applause] instead the commissioner just asked the doctor to bring in translator Aral Gomez to the corner to check on Hon con out when the bell rings he is being beaten down and breaken down end of seven another dominant round for Shakur [Music] Stevenson eighth round St cares that left hand comes back with one of his Zone Stevenson is looking for a knockout shot test started this round fast con sou still throwing still dangerous but sometimes in order to stop a fighter you got to be in that danger zone be willing to stay there and get your shots up I think that's where Stevenson is at right now though he shouldn't stand there and take those shots if a knockout shot comes what do you expect it'll be great the left hand either to the body or to the head that whole right side of con s they getting abused by Stevenson it really has and it started with the body work that then led to the head he goes to the body again three punch combination with the head movement still throwing as he should be and he's [Applause] Landing he wanted this fight remember he didn't have to take this fight he could have cashed out he could have said listen you didn't make waight I'll fight for a vacant belt and I'll take my purse right hand from conesa good right hand two good right hands find moment a confidence St he only has a shot if he throws go it go come [Applause] [Applause] on that was awkward came in got off balance spun himself around better [Applause] I think that's the shot that Shakur wants down low not even the looping left hand but the straight left to the body it's hard to defend it's got a lot of power on it and leverage scored a knocked down with that left hand to the body in the final second of round [Applause] four showing the heart of a champion because he's taking a lot of punishment could have checked out in that last round when the doctor came and checked on him and he didn't take the bait just took a short left hand there putting on a great performance against a very game and feisty Robson con out Shakur with a 143 to 44 connect Advantage as we start round number nine that tells a big story as well the body punches landed 57 by Stevenson Stevenson tried to press con s the last two rounds wasn't able to get him out of there he's got to make another adjustment and find a way to get in that house because con s is not making it easy and I will remind you he's still dangerous just off balance after that right hand showed some hope with the right hands in the last round did the Brazilian ofak course on a lot of power on every one of those shots it's a good time to change up the tempo po po then get a big shot in there because k s can compute those shots and even block some of those shots because he knows at what veracity they're coming at you want a little more touch touch bang different Cadence s a gold medalist in a vet he knows how to protect himself in that [Applause] ring when something's not working you got to make the adjustment now Shakur returns with a hip toss of his own and complains to David Fields he was around my neck see how Fields addresses this one point deduction for the h down one don't do that no more man all right don't do that no more you a got to do that bro you ready okay let's go let's [Applause] go if K had just a little bit more variation with his approach he would have some more success with that right hand but he keeps coming the same way he does land it occasionally but he could have more success if he changed up his Tempo in his [Applause] [Applause] case throws like a chopping right here it's not completely straight that's right it lands heavy but the arc is different than the traditional right hand can hear the talk between these two we come to the end is round number nine round the first point deduction in the career Stevenson through conel down earlier in this [Applause] [Applause] round course Stevenson came off the gas pedal a bit in that ninth round landed 11 punches his low total going back to the first round which was just a feel him out round number 10 scheduled for 12 out well behind on the score cards although Shakur was just deducted a point in that last round for tossing con out to the [Music] campas want to see if Stevenson can find a way to get S out of there had a sense that could have happened a few rounds ago there was a doctor's visit at the end of seven sixth round he landed 18 power punches and to the fourth he scored a knockdown with a body shot content with walking con sou down and I think he needs to come with a different game plan needs to pick up his rhythm similar to what Bo to Kean Davis change it up the big shot will come [Applause] come alive with the faints show some different looks and sneak the big shot in don't let it be [Applause] predictable [Applause] [Applause] good right hand from K out good answer from Shakur with the left hand look at sh's face as he runs it back into the rops [Applause] that was a straighter right [Applause] hand and again he tosses him remember there's a point deduction moments [Applause] ago see the frustration building [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Dre it's interesting to listen into the corner of Shakur Stevenson because they are just as frust frustrated at times as their fighter is talking about the holding some of the tactic by Robson con out but when we met with Stevenson yesterday he discussed how he wants to reach a new level of greatness how he wants to please this crowd how he wants to lock in and get to the next level with a performance tonight he has 6 minutes to do that yeah he's on his way I think he needs to close this six minutes out strong and I think he can so con side doesn't always get the memo it's going to be awkward he's going to remain dangerous oh good shot right there those kind of shots that can help him to do it say sou hurt cuz that froze him right in his [Applause] tracks see another weapon from Stevenson coming into play that counter left uppercut landed twice in this round doubles up the left hand say hasn't thrown very many punches because he's still recovering from that left uppercut from [Music] Stevens you can see there that hesitation he's not throwing nope he [Applause] [Music] isn't just hoping for keep away stuff he's hoping that Shakur doesn't oh there's that left upper cut that shot also hurt C out viper strike it was Stenson locked in here halfway through round 11 goes underneath with the left hand right to the [Music] [Applause] midsection [Applause] off balance see how Stevenson approaches it here final minute of round 11 goes back to the body right hook right anticipating Stevenson inching closer to con that was a left hand [Applause] another left hand to the body he angle to the [Applause] right say being completely outgunned here in this 11th round sweeping right [Applause] hook it's it's complet completely erroneous he's been walking P out down all night if you want to know however what Shakur does as well or probably better than anyone in the game look at the distance between their feet he does distance as well as anybody probably better and distance pays in this game well we've seen a difference Stevenson to Mark's point about being combative what he did to Jamal heron back in October of 21 when he won the WBO Junior lightweight title at 10th round TKO it's the legs Tess that distance and range that we talk about it's all starts with the legs and H was supposed to throw more punches than Shakur be more busier that's been cut down because he can't get what he wants to get and when he reaches too far he gets count that's all because of the legs of Shakur Stevenson we got cck C left hand there he has been taken to the body has 69 body shots have landed from sh ston little knockdown we have of the night from the body [Music] punch [Applause] Stevenson still looking for The Knockout with one punch about five rounds ago to switch it up to take a different approach and perhaps it comes and when style isn't working the opponent adjust you have to make another adjustment the championship boxing is about EDS and flows and adjustments until you find the one that works for you earlier tonight when we were previewing this main Avent r i turn you at one point and I said is this the kind of guy you can get rid [Applause] of this doesn't surprise you that we're 50 seconds away from having a distance fight even as one-sided as it's been with Stevenson in complete control no he got close Stevenson but H's crafty and he's tough there's no walking apart for anybody you stop con you got to earn it wipe off those gloves get through this last half [Applause] minute 135lb division will await Shakur Steven son names like Devin Haney the silly lenko and so many [Applause] more and what a ride it's going to be with super fights to come ladies and gentlemen after 12 rounds here inside credential Center we go to the judges scorecards for the budlight celebration decision Lynn Carter has the bout 117 109 John signor has the bout 117 118 108 and Steve weissfeld has the mount 117 109 for your winner by unanimous decision Shak St November 16th Formula 1 weekend in Las Vegas a double bill should cor Stevenson challenging Edwin Del Los [Music] Santos is right let me out I had take R it could be ending at any moment it is over it is absolute River you [Applause] betterk kgal said it earlier he said this is a fight that shouldn't just be framed by their nicknames Theo and twoo cowboy against Smurf bigger labels here Diaz has to find out at his absolute best can he earn a crown can he carry the label of World Champ for navarete it's Legacy and potentially upward he's boldly already talking about carrying 130 lbs and becoming a three division chamber massive business to handle and it begins now Tim Bradley what are you looking for early well I'm trying to see the game plan of Diaz he told us in the fighter meeting that he's going to be using his legs to create opportunities because he's seen what frustrates naare it's the movement and for na I'm looking for him to close the gap do what he always does Storm Come forward be aggressive and land that signature uppercut that he likes to throw Dre the idea that Christopher Diaz puts forth in the lateral movement more movement boxing early is that it reduces the opportunity for work rate for Emanuel navarete there have been some opponents who have put that forth and it has been more effective against nete as he lands a right hand to the bottom well that's the right idea foot movement the right kind of movement not wasted and the right distance and range and then countering when naar makes mistakes that's how you take a fighter punch count sneaky little overhand right there a few seconds ago from that's what he has to do every mistake and every time Nar lunges forward he needs to make a pay see Diaz looking out for that uppercut blocking it well at least right now he will often throw that lead uppercut with the left hand from distance I me 8 in reach Advantage you can see rehydrated on how much bigger n looks to what we saw him on the scale yesterday at the weigh in now like what Diaz is doing right now he came out moving and then he realized wait a second I don't have to move that much at least not right now so that's a good thing he's not giving up unnecessary energy and I like what I'm seeing from Diaz as well he's going down to the body early at never red Tate that's what you do when you're fighting against a taller fighter plus a stronger fighter go down to the body and weaken it for the left hand to the B just underneath that right elbow tried to time a right hand over the top now so awkward so unorthodox with his approach unconventional and how he throws his punches and where he throws them from right hand got in the combination there from NE there's that lead left uppercut again and able to have head movement away from the left hook of Diaz t n fights like you know he's on a different station you know radio station than everybody yeah his frequency off right he got a different Rhythm it's it's it's awkward it's definitely awkward but at the same time it's kind of off Rhythm when he attacks you it's when you least expect it three punch combination finished with the left uppercut opens up with a wide sweeping left hand to close out round number one title on the line at 126 lbs remember Christopher Diaz wanted to limit another they at St work great not see the typical numbers that we see saw the huge advantage of never had they typically in the 70s for punches per round in that first round he only threw 40 however he out landed Diaz 13-6 start with round number two I think Diaz did exactly there it is what you're supposed to do when you're facing an awkward fighter you don't get awkward with them you stay composed you stay under your feet meaning both of your feet are equally spread apart shoulder length apart and you're in position of punch and you're able to block punches C punches and counter and thus far that's what Diaz is doing and Tim your there it is was brought about by the counter right hand over that jab of naare that's what you need to do you need to time it naar he shoots his punches from his hip sometimes and you can catch him over the top if you counter if you time him perfectly as you saw Diaz do with the right hand that's what I've been talking about about power boxing where you get your shots off you commit but you don't give anything back you make naate work for everything that he gets Bernardo I'm curious to know what you have found out about that knee wrap on the left leg of the champion neet I've been told that he had knee issues in Camp but that actually confirms it I asked his camp and they said no he's fine but it's obvious that that was true but he said look we trained we did we needed to do but we'll see how it plays out during this fight against the mobile fighter like Christoper [Applause] [Applause] Diaz see I love the eyes of Diaz every time he makes move he's thinking about defense afterwards because naar he will attack you after you work some offense o big right hand and then on the inside Diaz getting off to that [Applause] body placing that right hand moments ago three punch combination from Diaz [Applause] nice fake right there see what he can draw out of it next time Diaz tried to Ft the jab and come around with that hook that he just missed can always tell when now out there trying to mount an attack he tips himself off end of [Music] two Joe Tim and Dre ringside here start a round number three World title fight Emanuel M title defense against Christopher PFO Diaz the right hand counters Tim they will be critical for Diaz's success tonight yes it is and I've been calling from this from the beginning know the right hand right over the top that's how you take a jab away and then he timed the uppercut of not a red right over the top with the right hand that punch will be there for Diaz even later in this fight know I talked about neevente tipping himself off he'll have a certain speed that he comes forward and when he wants to mount an attack they start to duck and start to pick up his feet and start to look like he wants to do something Diaz is seeing that a mile away and he's either countering or getting out of Harm's Way Pedro nare told me that he wants man to start cutting off the exits and pick up his work rate to break down Christopher Diaz not as many exits when you're 18 by 18 inside the ropes he's pressing a little more with the attack here in the first minute of round number three now naare is trying to break the Rhythm and timing of Diaz he just did that's what he's doing now he's picking up the face oh good shot that awkward long lunging left hand from the champion and now this is the volume and this is the offensive attack we're used to seeing from nete yeah that's vintage n right there and then he finds his opponent Diaz off balance and he immediately lunges in and comes with the left uppercut again this is a very strong looking third round for nete Diaz should have known that there was going to be moments like this championship fight is not going to just lay down you going to have to go through some fire if you want to get this win now let's see if Diaz can can change or Mount his own attack maybe change the game plan a little bit one of the things that you can do when you have a fighter like n that gets off and gets going you got to tie him up break his rhythm that's what you do you don't want him to work tie him up it's a part of [Music] [Applause] boxing there it is Diaz now is stocking looking for the fight right hand comes in from nete there are those opportunities to punch Within These big punches that many of describes as long and slow but we know they've been effective left hand to the body from Diaz yeah they're slow but they come at times when you don't expect them he fights off Rhythm like we've been saying and when you think think he's going to rest he's punching when you think he's out of position he's actually in position that's what's difficult to deal with see a little bit of swelling under the eye the right eye of Diaz will will monitor that big output in that round from NE but you got to remember for a guy that's 570 has a 72 in reach I had a 72 in reach as a super middle weight and light heavyweight so that's not normal for this weight class and for this hype that's how he's able to reach guys when they think they're out of range that was a beautiful gazelle hook lead left hook 26-7 connected Vantage 25 power punches out of 54 thrown in that third round solid round for the [Applause] champ Nelson R you guys told me that Christopher Diaz worked on navarette's awkwardness and he says look we're going to keep changing the speed moving the pace so that Navar cannot get comfortable we think we're up two to one so far Nelson Rodriguez 44 year old longtime trainer had world champions before they feel like they put forth a good camp I just think when you say something like that how do you replicate what navarete does what navarete is with sparing you cannot I mean I think to translate what the coach is saying is basically we have a game plan for The Optimist but you can't you've never been with a guy like this and there is no sparring partner that you can find that fights exactly like this guy get as close as you [Music] can sweep to that body with right hand see in the corner of screen there May 22nd Undisputed Junior welterweight champ Championship on the line two belts for Ramirez two belts for Taylor they're going to collide on the ESPN from Vegas on May 22 that's a dynamic fight coming up in May good exchange that time right hand score now now closing in behind the [Applause] jab Diaz doing a good job of blocking that right hand and then he goes to the body with a left of his own yes that's the answer right there is you're already the shorter fighter you have shorter arms you're going to constantly be in clinches because you're ducking trying to get out of the way so why not shoot a body shot when you're down there oh there's that left lead overcut and the knockdown is scored s never saw his signature punch and he cashes in let's see how Diaz looks here 25 seconds to survive round four knockdown scor by the chair now ver tries to get the right hand in Diaz moves out to the [Applause] side and now he punches back with a sweeping left of his own but you never know when it's coming when you least expect it there it is it's just so hard to defend against the uppercut right up the middle you think that you cover it up you think that you have your guards up and he splits it with the beautiful uppercut at D Edge tried to move out to get away from his attack but it was that faint it was the faint with the right hand he looked as if he wanted to throw it Diaz expect that right there Diaz covered up with the left hand and he never saw the left uppercut getting through it was the Fain that set that shot up and typically it's the shot that you do not see that does the most damage how about the angle from that neutral Corner camera right at the level of the canvas spectacular work from navarete 108 BR scored in round number four how about that take just that one single shot 54 to 33 Total Connect Advantage for the champion Tred it again right there see a lot of people think that naare don't have an IQ he has an underrated ring IQ I know what you see it don't look pretty but he knows what he's doing and how to set up his power shots how much does what just happened in round number four take Diaz off his game plan of what he wanted to achieve in the first half of this spot well if he wants to win a world title it can't take him too far off his game plan I can't tell tell the amount of times you got to keep yourself together and get yourself together after maybe a knockdown or you get hit with a shot and your buzzed or you lost a round or two this is what championship boxing is about you got to figure out a way to work through it and get yourself back in the fight he's looking for that right [Applause] hand well you look at neet's body right now you look at his size you look at his frame his length his reach and you just shake your head and say how in the world did this guy make 122 lb how we asked him if he had a nutrition as he said no no no I don't like those said I want to eat what I want to eat he said in fact I eat food from my town and if I don't I don't feel comfortable I respect [Applause] it no no no no back's go he's the one that brought it up to us we didn't ask him about what his future holds he said he started asking us about matchups at 130 lbs Diaz looking to place at left hand between ne's non-stop attack here in round five good stuff here final minute of round five it's about to turn into a fight earlier than expected Diaz said he wanted to box he wanted to use movement early and then second half of the fight Let It Go where it needs to go we're in round five he also said that if he feels like the fight is starting to slip away he's going to go for Brook I don't think he's quite there yet but you see Diaz taking some shots and and trying to take advantage of some opportunities which is exactly why I asked you Dre how much did that uppercut putting him down in the fourth round alter the early game plan you start to get the answer as he comes ahead with a three- punch [Applause] [Music] combination great to have fans back in the sport and tonight where they've had a lot to roll about Silver Spurs Arena to semi Florida a sellout crowd of what's been allowed with the co [Music] protocols now number six of our world championship fight WBO featherweight title on the line Na's First Defense at 126 lb taller longer champion in the black trunks scored the knock down in round four against the local favorite Christopher Diaz he has a 71- 43 connect Advantage does naar Diaz right now is doing the right thing trying to get into the body of navarete he understands that when he hits him down to the body he doesn't work he doesn't work as much as he does from the outside getting down to that body yeah I think that's the wrinkle for Diaz he needs to back neev up and he's going to have to walk through some punches to do it but neev is normally used to being the guy who's backing Fighters up so when you turn the tide you see n looks just a little bit different on his back footp right in the kitchen and they're exchanging see how he whips his body around to get that uppercut stra rotation right there from naar to be able to be able to still just shift his body to throw that uppercut right in the mid the fire at that [Applause] oh that's the answer for Diaz the body work now that a pro so he won't show it on his face no but trust me he's feeling body shot go [Applause] go the only punch that Diaz has got in reaction from now that about is body shots I'm seeing the same thing partner warning from Samuel Bergos there a left hand right on the belt line again but the dangerous thing for Diaz going down to the body he has to be careful with those uppercuts sneaking underneath because when you go to the body you exposed for the uppercut that's what for him in round four now but I got to find a way to get Diaz back on his back foot looks like a different fighter backing up and did you see that left hand that he just threw good combination from Diaz it look like the body shots are starting to affect them right now out they try to sell it he did he looked at the ref ref said that was good let's go in that sixth round guys Christopher Diaz landed a fight High 14 total punches listen Tess Diaz is going to play have to play Russian Roulette in this fight you know the weakness of navarete is in the inside he has to get to the body but like I said he's exposed for the uppercut as you can see right now let go let go that that body shot was good right there very good exchanges to open up round seven oh he just missed on that right hand over the top of the left of navarete navarete has come out throwing combinations now on the inside Diaz the shorter man shorter arms has to get to work when he's there both men opening up this is taken out a really good tone isn't it good Pace here as they are just throwing this is not the fight that Diaz wanted but this is the fight that Diaz has to fight there's always a wrinkle there's always an opening for your opponent nobody's invincible and Na's weakness is going backwards and on the inside doesn't mean he won't punch but he's vulnerable Diaz has to fight this kind of fight if he's going to give himself a chance to win Dre you mentioned it in round five that he had said if it gets to the place of desperation he'll fight to the level of desperation but sometimes the game plan plan a doesn't work and you got to be flexible to make infight adjustments those that do often times go go on to win those that don't they typically lose he's trying to time that right hand uhoh remember he got the warning for [Applause] this one in the in the I told you st this is what just happened him in that kidney area now a few rounds ago we saw him with three punches and the warning from Virgos so a point deduction in round number seven there's already a 108 round banked with a knockdown now the point deduction here Diaz has to hit the gas pedal you're in the corner of Diaz you got to tell your fighter plan is out the window keep a tight defense and you got to Fight Fire with Fire that's how Diaz can win this fight look at this stuff he can't out box never no he cannot ring too small for that and now cuts off the ring very very well and his arms are too [Applause] long here comes the answer the answer's coming right now from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Diaz see a little bit of blood from the nose of Diaz they've been trying to take care of some swelling that showed up earlier just above the right eye reaching with that right hand oh there's that uppercut two punch combination from nete tried to wrap around the left stand under the right elbow as well co under Fire lot of action here in round seven lot of action that seventh round saw High punch outputs for each man navarete landed 28 of 83 Diaz 20 of 78 remember there was the point deduction for hitting in the back but it was outstanding action and things have changed in terms of how Diaz has to go about it 6863 108 fourth round with a knockdown 108 seventh round with the point [Applause] deduction Nelson Rodriguez is the trainer of Christopher puko Diaz the title Challenger here the hometown hero for these fans and he said to him don't wait for the referee you just keep punching just keep punching this is what we've trained for this kind of a war now they sitting back he's looking for the uppercut that's what he's looking for he's looking to line one up vicious uppercut on [Applause] Diaz Diaz took an angle tried to place the left hand going off to the right test the body work of Diaz is paying good dividends you can see their effect you see their lows and offense from [Applause] net see if Diaz can get back to it can Target that belt line there's the lead left upper gut that time it was blocked on the inside for a punch combination from na Diaz has to take those steps forward and he does upper cut of it and he goes down again beautiful combination from navarete 6 s look at the blood coming from the face of Diaz one minute to go in round eight the champ in [Applause] control oh brutal shot right such a th uppercut comes in Diaz is wrapping [Applause] up now the r straight back goes Diaz and coming forward like a freight train comes n of that day second knockdown score of this eighth round blooded battered damaged isaz he got to leave it all out there t he got to fight he's going for br fight throwing it all out there well taking extreme punishment tomor let's box take a two breath again you don't got nothing bro you don't got nothing listen here you go there some water Chris listen to me you cannot stay in front of him okay use your legs and box there's no tomorrow right now there's only the start of a ninth round but how much more can Diaz take he was hurt badly in that eighth round down twice navarete landed 28 power punches in that eighth round his high total so far in this fight now coming off around where he had a lot of offensive output he probably try to take this round off and land something sneaky he's recharging Dre that's what he's doing recharging Nelson Rodriguez just told me look Christopher is a puncher we' got got to punch his chance but he's got to do this and he can't stand in front of [Applause] [Music] Navar Diaz now choosing to get back on his b naare was too strong in the inside for him changing that lead left uppercut he's looking to line it up T I'm telling you my man n got a high IQ good combination from Diaz when he had a moment opportunity took it and never comes firing right back team Diaz is running out of game plan they started off boxing that didn't work they went inside that didn't work and now coach Nelson Rodriguez is calling for his fighter to go back outside never has had an answer for everything that he is tried to do everything he has scored three knockdowns tonight [Applause] nights like this when you come to grips with how bad you really want [Applause] it I don't think it's a desire thing with Diaz just doesn't have any answers oh my goodness it's shot just doesn't have any answers it's that offense Dre that's what it is that offense That's Heavy leather right there throws himself off balance to set down throws himself off balance just by The Roaring wave of offense that he produces remember Bernardo talked about the damaged knee in training camp and you see him wearing that brace so who knows how his support is when he does get thrown off to that left side got to keep an eye on that Das with an opportunity in place the right hand in the midst of those punches he's got hard you look at his face and you look at what Mike basil the cutman had to deal with after that eighth rounds and he comes out and still his [Applause] [Music] game you see his left foot slip there can happen in the middle of the Ring where you have the logo we heard the Champ's cousin his trainer 39-year-old Pedro nete who is a former pro fighter himself Pro fighter who suffered 22 losses in his career but he's been a very good trainer with his cousin say how do you feel and the champ just gave his cousin a smile it's also very discouraging for Diaz who's known as a good puncher and he's landed flush shots on to no avail he's got no reaction from neev except when he's gone to the body so it leaves a fighter like Diaz searching for answers while the long arm NE is punching from all different angles tough spot for Diaz Andre's card is dotted with damage to Diaz the three knockdowns you got a 1078 round with two knockdowns there 10 84th round with a knockdown there 108 seventh round with the point deduction for hitting to the back 88-79 so what you're saying test is is that Diaz needs a knockout to win this fight and [Applause] how I don't know if it's a good thing to let navarete recover got a couple more rounds and I'm sure he's going to get real busy with those hands in the next couple of rounds just pulled the trigger with the right hand up top and just got away from it hands were down in that left hook came in now got a chin on him what he say to you when we met with him yesterday about not being hurt he said he's never been hurt he's never been down and he's a young guy you know he can take a [Applause] [Music] lot Dre I got a question for you my man partner can anybody at 126 right now beat this fighter that we're seeing right now in never got to beat him it's a tough question tough question to answer right now but how he's going to be a tough out for anybody going be a tough out for anybody and and I like what never that they said or something I always said in my career he said if I get beat it's not going to be easy Dre I'm going go on record and say that there's no one at 126 lbs if he finishes this fight on his feet can beat M [Applause] [Music] the WBO better Weight Championship on the line Emanuel neare has been in complete control Christopher Diaz has had his moments he's been fired he's been gain he's been willing but NE so unconventional so powerful so long and he's done serious damage Diaz 6 minutes to try to find something [Applause] good Diaz you got to you got to let your hands go you got to use every bit of your experience to try to get in range to let a let a shot go that n doesn't see and hope that can hurt him Buzz him and get his attention even though you haven't hurt him to this point but sitting back and just let neet tea off at will is not the answer well the biggest issue is is he's moving right now but the biggest issue is when he sits in front and he puts those up on that's the problem that di made it allows to te off on him go down to the body and then come up with the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] UT let's go good [Applause] work [Applause] see the biggest thing about inside fighting a lot of people don't really understand this is that positioning is very important and the most important thing is your head positioning where you keep your head if you keep it in the middle it's going to get knocked off if you keep it off to the side you're in a safer place than keeping it directly in the middle see the blood coming from the nose and mouth of Diaz's looks like a beat up fighter he took huge damage in that huge damage just got hit with three punches on that same L he's absorbed 202 punches 186 of them are power shots from a [Music] power want to let everybody know that at the conclusion of our championship fight we're going to go over to the ESPN app ESPN Plus for extended coverage of this spectacular night of fights here's Diaz trying to get to the inside and neet returning fire that's some kind of Courage right there from Diaz that shows you how bad he wants this fight he wants to win this fight he hasn't given up he doesn't know how to give up that's not who he is look at him getting right into the furnace with a guy who has put this kind of damage on him not just the fighters Nelson Rodriguez kind calmly telling Diaz I have faith in you there's no pain there's no pain there's no pain as he's looking at that face filled with pain and look at how Diaz responds and look at how navarete is willing to more out as Diaz is moving forward lands a right hand and he's got naar against the rops and naar says we can do this All Night Long 12th and Final Round title on the line how tough is Diaz this is some heart Tess this is heart a lion's heart that's what we're witnessing right now now the ref continues to go to his head Diaz continues to snow plout forward and just punch and hope and look for something na incomplete control having dominated scored three knockdowns up huge on the scorecards and yet Diaz is landing some right hands here in his 12th and Final Round desperate for a knockout and you're wondering how Diaz is able to do this after taking those shots and being down I'm going to tell you right now it's emotion he's thinking back at how hard it took him to get here he's thinking about his kids he's thinking about everything right now in his life strip it down to its pure Essence it's a magnificent sport making tough decisions and Diaz has decided something here in this 12th round he's decided to give Tess this is special Tess this is special stuff we're seeing from both guys nowat digging with body shots come on we got kidding what is happening right now wrong time to do that final 50 seconds now at they closing in on defending his title and Diaz on wobbly legs how much can you possibly take and still be given oh never daming him got to get in there damaging him so badly that's it got to be it you don't need to go anymore that's it he just it's over they're up on the apron the fight is over you cannot possibly give more than what Diaz just gave yet take more navarete unbelievable work by both guys Sean Hart will going down to the end of this round you see Diaz takes a big punch right there he's trying to give it all he got he's trying to stay on his feet naar is just too strong coming from angles different angles from the Southpaw stands the right-handed stance and then down goes Diaz Diaz gave everything that he had we rarely see this in a boxing ring you hear Fighters talk about giving it everything they had but until you put yourself In Harm's Way and risk getting knocked out or beat up you haven't given everything that you have Diaz did that he came here to win a championship sometimes you don't leave with the championship you don't leave with the victory but you leave with your respect and Diaz did that tonight this bout comes to a stop at 249 of round number 12 for your winner by technical knockout and still WBO featherweight champion of the world Emmanuel V [Applause] nav November 16th Formula 1 one weekend in Las Vegas a double Bill Shakur Stevenson challenging Edwin delos [Music] Santos it could be ending in any moment it is over in an absolute River you [Applause] better Jamal Shakur you've already received your instructions in the dressing room you both know exactly what I expect a good clean championship fight just obey my commands and protect yourself at all times touch gloves good luck to both of you we expect a good one Joe tesor Tim Bradley Andre Ward ringside with you Jamal Herring and Shakur Stevenson they overlapped with colleagues with trainers in the recent past they have gotten to know each other so very very well but yet at this moment right here right now is when they actually find out everything about the other [Applause] T Andre Ward we have talked about it all week of asking Jamal hering what's the game plan what's the strategy and how early do you get to it what do you expect from him J hering's got to show that he can doal with the speed of Shakur and that he can start to get his own jab established and slowly start to push Shakur Stevenson back I don't like what I'm seeing right now from Jamal Harry he's sitting back right now trying to box with Stevenson when he should be trying to move forward and get into the chest right now Stevenson is fainting and getting the reaction that he wants from Harry that is to his Advantage with the superior hand speed overall skill foot speed he's the the better [Applause] boxer right now Jamal Herring is confident he does have a good game plan and Shakur Stevenson has to make Jamal Herring believe he can't win and he does that by hitting Jamal early and often and not allowing Jamal Herring to get anything back there's a body shot right hand from Shakur and then goes with the South Paul Jack I see something very appealing from Shakur Stevenson you see the grease on his body yes he's expecting body shots coming from Jamal Haring of course at the discretion of the referee pre- fight Mark Nelson looked him over whether or not susceptible it it shouldn't be you can see it Shimmer and Shine off of the bright lights here at State Farm Arena left hand comes in from Shakur laser focus tried to sweep the right hand across the belt line as well this just how Shakur St is going to slowly take over this fight is by power boxing it's not moving around he can avoid punches but he has to make Jamal Herring pay when he misses punches and again he has to make Jamal believe that he can't win this fight and Jamal has to start to pick up the pace because even though this is only the first round Jamal I mean excuse me Shakur can do this All Night Long J has to start to implement the game plan that he's been talking about all week which is being the bully if it stays like this it's on Shakur's Turns teny All Night Long Shakur Stevenson was systematically already breaking down and found his rhythm and found his Mark quickly in this first round and you know that Shakur is getting to Jamal right now because he's got Jamal hesitant to throw Jamal came out going punch for punch now he's got Jamal thinking trying to figure out what to do [Applause] next that's the right hit that left hand I'm talking about Jamal doesn't see things coming from that side and he's walking that way at the moment getting hit with straight left hands from Shakur Stevenson you heard Jamal herring's trainer Brian McIntyre known to everybody in the business simply as BAC the fame trainer of the pound-for-pound elite Terrence Bud Crawford simply tell Jamal in R you got to commit you got to commit push him back that's bad news for team Herring when you get that kind of coaching in the after the first round you would think that maybe that would happen after the Midway point in this fight so it's not looking good for JAL Herring right now he can still try to get himself in the fight but boack is right he's got to try to commit and sell out the term speed kills of course that's what's going on right now the speed of Shakur Stevenson is too much but Jamal hering at this moment he has as much speed as anybody in boxing no doubt about it we're seeing a little more boxer puncher and offense out of him but defensive prowess is somebody who has wide margins in outlanding opponents throughout his career at a 3.6 to1 ratio there's some left hand at the end of the combination touches the dab to the body as well who's the bigger man who's the bigger man is it Jamal Herring or is it cor Stevenson because he's walking down Jamal Herring already and it's the second round that's the mistake we make sometimes we think the taller guy is a stronger guy the taller guys is the bigger guys it's not necessarily true Shakur looks a lot stronger than Jamal hering to me right now and a lot thicker left hand Landing good accuracy from Shakur and then he places it to the body had a three punch combination couple left hands up top and then places it to the body it's a very strong long start for the undefeated fighter that jab right there from Jamal Herring was a half jab trying to get back to defense all at the same time it's not a good look fellas it's not just watch that left hand they come over the top right now from Left Hand comes in again and again he said it would be his breakout performance he took criticism for his last performance people said you could have get gotten rid of the guy you could have pressed the gas pedal a little bit see that laser focus early on tonight T every Fighter fights with respect I understand the belts guess their you know their SPAC go in the sport they're nice to have but we as Fighters we want to be respected by the people in the industry and the fans that's what Shakur Stevenson is fighting for right now and Shakur still got to be smart because Jamal is dangerous with that left hand and he's dangerous with a right hook and Shakur Stevenson is doing the right thing by marching forward behind the right Jazz one two backs it up with a southpaw right hook as well and then from range back to the jab good work pinpoint accuracy from Shakur Stevenson with that left [Applause] hand time of his total punches thrown we TI quickly see low connect numbers for Shakur Stevenson opponent Shakur Stevenson is landing 37% of his power punches the left hand finding its Mark T soon as that that that stat creeps up to about 50 you could see a stoppage that's the power punch percentage you saw the total punches in the last round they put up but the power punch percentage right now is 37 Jamal Herring has to ask himself what is he willing to live with is he willing to live with being on the out side of those punches that are not going to stop coming and maybe at some point start looking for a way out or maybe get caught by a big shot or is he going to fight fire with fire and do what he told us he was going to do and try to back shakor Stevenson up and try to rough him up and land a big shot what is Jamal Herring willing to accept tonight and right now we're seeing some inflammation under the left eye of jam Herring and that's going to be something they're going to have to contend with in the corner you see this is a fight that I knew that Shakur Stevenson had in I know he can stand his ground I know he can fight well in the inside and he's showing us a different dimension of his skill set he can do it all finding those levels too look at that four punch combination then goes down to the body with a jab then back upstairs with the left hand three punch combination to the Head Shakur is in Rhythm here in Atlanta look at this work this looking like Gotti Floyd right now looking like Floyd Mayweather or t Gotti right now where you thought the bigger guy was going going to back the smaller guy up but the smaller guy has a lot more physical strength a lot more prowers and a lot more punching power than you thought Aon a't going to lay down though I'm letting you know that right now he's a Marine he's going to fight back and I see him he's trying his spots right now he's taking those steps forward that's what he needs to do to step forward to have any chance at all no other no chance to win standing on the outside of those shots he got to let his shots go fires off the left hand behind [Applause] it nobody said it would be easy Jal but you got to go forward if you want to get it done and the game plan for team Herring is also to try to take Shakur Stevenson into the deep rounds because they feel like he's got conditioning issues he's never been in a tough fight so that's also the game plan the fighting starting to break out now isn't it yes it [Applause] is Aron's not backing up and Shakur's still given neither Shakur Shakur standing ground right now backing up when he needs to and then stepping inside right in the center of the Ring right on that Crawford quarter signage for their big pay-per-view coming up on November 20th as Bud Crawford sits ringside time beautiful work by D Joe Tim and Dre on the call here from Atlanta Shakur Stevenson has a 59- 21 connect advantage over the champion Jamal Herring as we begin round number four BAC also said to Jamal it has to be more than one punch at a time Bernardo on the other side Wally Moses who's the grandfather and trainer of shur Steven said I don't want him to allow Jamal to move to his right I want him to keep him moving left and to continue digging to the body look for that now you see Jamal trying to March forward he's kind of gotten over that third those three rounds of shot that he experienced and now he's starting to try to implement the game plan that he talked about in the beginning which is March for behind the right jab and put pressure on Shakur Stevenson and he's doing the right thing because he's moving to his left he's cutting off that angle for Shakur Stevens that he's used to and he's making him and trying to force him right got go back the trainer up hering the [Applause] champion are hands free guys freak I got you you get excuse me my correction hering needs to push Shakur Stevenson to his left keep it from going right stop don't punch be careful get your head up step back step back the right jab is the best thing Jamal hering has going for him that's the only shot he has to actually walk forward and actually get those power shots off that he wants to If he tries to load up and Lead he's going to get counter if he sits on the outside he's going to get picked apart he's got to get the right jab going to try to push aore Stevenson back just like that here comes the left hand you knew it was coming doubling up that right [Applause] jab tough Target to hit though is Shakur always has been [Applause] you're right Dre that jab is causing some problems for support Stevenson oh nice shot right there lifted him with the right hand and that got Jamal herring's attention as it should off angle didn't matter well scored by [Applause] Stevenson will title on the line Stevenson off to a great [Applause] start round number five of our world title fight Shakur Stevenson with a 73- 30 advantage in total connects in the locker room is Jamal hering's wife Jen she has not come out to watch this ringside has her head turned right now obviously her husband has quite the uphill battle to try to defend his title here tonight with the way Stevenson is off to this strong start come on let go let go come on don't grab Jamal just [Applause] [Applause] box and doing a good job by behind that jab of his Landing it on Shakur that's been the difficult thing task for any fighting [Applause] R Shakur turned them around and now the head shot's come in able to get around the guard of [Applause] hering fre punch [Applause] keep your hands free guys get out of there on your own all right I got CH sh looking more comfortable right now staying in the pocket blocking and picking off some of the shots from sh from Jamal Herring and also showing that he's also strong and he can manhandle Jamal Herring and then countering shots on Jamal just like that that's discouraging for Jamal har because nothing is working at the moment hands free guys oh nice that's what he has to do right hand side has to be willing to just hit him and hit him anywhere and take some chances especially when you can smother him and he just did left hand came in against Stevenson and he goes right back into the kitchen again and lands to the body does here be careful guys his best stretch of the fight watch your hands you can see swelling around the left [Applause] eye that straight left hand down on the inside of course even need to be careful he needs to time that perfectly because he's leaning right in the line of fire for the left hand of Jamal Harry hands free guys get out of there freak I got it [Applause] it's a really good round for Jamal [Applause] Harry time that last round was Jamal herring's best round and still Shakur Stevenson had some brilliant moments Dr yeah he landed at a lot of leather just like we see right here he fainted down and went up top with overhand left came back missed the right but then land at the left and then walked down Jamal and landed another left as he pushes Jamal Herring back to the ROP Shakur had a 16-2 connect advantage in that last round 13 of the 16 connects for power punches hands free guys get out of there the whole time in the fighter meeting yesterday good jab right there from Jamal Herring team Herring said they want they don't believe Stevenson had the dog in they don't believe if he's pushed to a certain point that he's going to respond we get to see if he responds right now you have to push him to that point you have to execute on that plan to get the answer will we see Jam slowly trying to do that he hasn't fully executed but you see him trying Clash flash ah head watch your heads you okay oh mean two-piece right there both of them [Applause] landed but the frustrating part fellas is not the two-piece it's when you think you're going to get something back and the distance and the range and the legs of Shakur Stevenson won't allow you to get back that's discouraging fellas that's [Applause] demoralizing great don't punch step back all the way Jamal Herring has to free that one hand his right hand or his right arm and just let both shots go right scored well by Stevenson right there he heard him with that shot you saw hering off balance for a moment didn't you tell yes he did yes he did and the reason why that shot hurt him is cuz he didn't see it coming quick right hook quick don't punch I got it step back clean right hook does damage in the middle of round six oh same shot right there if it's working why go away from it look at the swelling around the left eye of the champion [Applause] [Music] here got you got to understand that that right hook is Shakur Stevenson's Power Shot he's a right-handed fighter he's right-handed but he's fights in the Southpaw STS what an advantage that is able to generate that power as a natural righty But A Gifted and sublimely skilled South ball in the [Applause] ring big crowd has come out here what has been an exciting night in Atlanta State Farm Arena to see this world title fight and right now what they are seeing is an exceptional performance by Newark New Jersey Shakur Stevenson who has a 102 to 49 connect advantage against the champion Jamal harrry yes the champion but keep in mind Stevenson the accomplished Olympian who went on in his 13th fight to win a Federate Championship said I'm moving up to 13 lb 16 and0 and tonight trying to stay the course to become a two Division World Champion and he was the significant favorite late money came in at hering but Shakur Stevenson a significant favorite in the corner b I asked him how do you turn things around he says he has to do what he did in that fifth round that was his best round he's got to rough him up and that's the only chance he has St knows his best work of the night Bernardo listen to my commands guys okay come on keep it clean there's so much skill going on in that ring from Shakur Stevenson both fighters of course but Shakur Stevenson makes adjustments yes you know that's when you a top fighter that's how you one of the best guys in the division and in the sport of boxing he took away the angle from Heron by throwing the right hook towards the area where he was going hands free guys that minor adjustment is what's winning this fight yes speaking of winning the fight let's look at Andre Ward scorecard because it's pretty easy one to score the only round you can even consider hearing would be the fifth round that's the only round where he had double digit connects he was 12 of 50 still and Shakur still had seemingly better moments in that Route leing 13 power punches so it's a clean sweep right Shakur landed the best punch in that round and he did a little bit more Jamal came on but he let Shakur close it just enough gave that fifth round J trying to get around said he's trying to get around Mark Nelson just get after it I was going to say that this is where Herring said he wanted the fight he either wanted Shakur backing up or he wanted him inside right now excuse me Jamal Herring has Shakur where he wants him he's got to try to take advantage but Shakur is not playing alone hands free a meain threepiece right there see Shakur is a really good inside fighter and this is what I've been trying to tell people he's a really good inside fighter if he wants to commit to it he can do it that short [Music] right that conversation is most likely going to be happening soon enough if he can continue on the path he's not in his career keep them up guys on keep the punches up keep got to stay focused he look at the ref cuz when he did Jamal hering did just what he was supposed to do he landed a straight left [Applause] hand Nico Ali Walsh you can always go to the ESPN app to see all the highlights watch back the entire Fight Card theander Holyfield's Son by the way came up a winner earlier tonight here in Atlanta round number eight team team Herring has to continue to try to convince him that he can win this fight even though he's down on the card son you got to keep pressing forward remember the game plan we said he was going to fade late we'll never know if that's true if you don't let your hands go and start to hit him any and everywhere now these are the No Regret [Applause] moments because the alternative is sitting on the end of his punches and getting hit with shots like that great don't punch step back haring's got to free that hand and let both hands go he's only hitting Shakur to the body with the left hand free the right hand up and let both shots go and he needs a shorten the shots too you know he's throwing over the head of Shakur Stevenson W nice combination right there not everything landed [Applause] get your hands free overo what didon do the smartest thing he stepped inside and smothered the back hand of hering so the left hand was ineffective there time he able to get free guys get out there good sequence with both hands right there from har got to keep that up don't punch I got it [Applause] bad Herring is marching forward with no jab good Herring is the jamale Herring that's coming forward with the right jab coming behind that with the straight lefts and the body shot with both hands got to stay disciplined with that right jab I like the body shots inside from Harry got to hit something there's a short right to the body good short overhand left get your hands free step back out of there guys all right break I got it [Music] [Applause] then better weight title in just his 13th Pro fight now fight number 17 he going to become a two Division World Champion get your hands free step out of there break I got it stop stop 10 seconds obey the Bell Jamal Herring didn't really fall great to all the jawing all the chirping going on throughout the week here in Atlanta that do you see any slow down to Shakur Stevens no I don't see any slow down I mean I think jam eak out that last round and maybe Shakur slowed down a bit but I don't think it's the way boack is saying saying it is but boack is doing his job he's earning his money tonight he has to encourage his fighter and try to make this man believe that he can still win this fight Jamal hering has been executing bone Max game plan these last few rounds getting inside dirting it up but shakor Stevenson is tougher rougher and better inside than anyone [Applause] thought that's the way Jam ha needs to answer a two three punch combination from Shakur he needs to answer with his own two or three punch [Applause] combination shots like that don't punch I got it see Stevenson has came in here this fight with a madeup mind he just hurt he just hurt har with that he hurt Haron with another two more head shot came in as well Timmy a few years ago you and I were in New York and we were broadcasting a Shakur Stevenson fight and I remember turning you and saying I think I'm starting to see the man strength come out in Shakur Stevenson tonight it has fully arrived this is a strong sturdy thicker version of Shakur Stevenson and it's at 130 lound fting the bigger the biggest guy that he's ever faced in his entire career he's fighting a true 130 pounder in Jamal hering CU very will be at 135 lbs he was yeah exactly not just the best I mean the biggest but the best best yes the most accomplished as a professional gives up three Ines to him the guy who was at a higher we cl to begin with step [Applause] back stop don't punch I got it step [Applause] back Stevenson has let off the gas b a bit and he's finding his opportunities to rest see com to do that I don't think he took his foot off the gas pedal I mean he's done a lot of good work for three qus of this round and he's just trying to see what Jamal Herring is going to do bring Jamal Herring to you and see if he can respond and if you can you know land a good shot if he overcommits make a strategy over anything else I think it's both get your hands free I'll get referee's doing a good job tonight fellas he's stand out of the way that's what I like I like ref to stay out of the way it's Mark Nelson veteran we've seen him many times through the [Applause] years Stevenson comes around the guard of Herring catching the and cut I think opening open up that that right eye I believe on that punch in fact Timmy another round where Shakur Stevenson lands double digit power punches he was 12 of 32 on power punches in that last round round number 10 stop for the WBO 130 lb title I'm going to have look at the cut ringside physan is going to look at this cut on the right eye that just opened up in the last round it's good I just don't know where it is I want you to just look at it [Applause] Dr Jeff trob has the duties with the Georgia commission neutral Corner [Applause] time not sure if that little r is going to benefit Jamal Harry or Shakur Stevenson the most all I know shakor Stevenson see that blood and I bet you he going to attack that eye of jam har good out it's hard to see especially when you got blood dripping down the the eye it's in the spot it's above the eye so it is definitely bluring his vision a bit apping his vision the cut is worsening and another left hand comes in and look at these head shots from Shakur Shakur isn't wasting any energy he's very efficient and he's Landing clean shots at wheel right now efficient and sharp so accurate and doing damage he's got a little bit of an anger to him too that's what blood does that is it they are waving it off this is a TKO victory for Shakur Stevenson and he is a two Division World Champion an absolute A+ performance from Shakur Shakur closing in on Jamal Herring the blood excited him he sees weakness in his opponent and Jamal Herring isn't responding so Shakur did what he was supposed to do pour it on that's what you're trained to do and this is what everybody asked for in his last fight so he gave the fans in the media and everybody who had something to say and something to write what they wanted are you not in rained tonight by the young fighter Shakur Stevenson here inside State Farm Arena referee Martin Nelson calls a stop to this bout at 1 minute 30 seconds of round number 10 for your winner by technical knockout and new WBO Junior lightweight champion of the world Shak [Music] [Applause] Stevens November 16th Formula 1 weekend in Las Vegas a double Bill Shakur Stevenson challenging Edwin Del Los [Music] Santos it could be ending in any moment it is over in an AB solute rer you better play not [Applause] talking
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 297,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, boxing, shakur stevenson, shakur stevenson highlights, shakur stevenson vs oscar valdez, shakur stevenson vs jamel herring, shakur stevenson vs edwin de los santos, shakur stevenson vs yoshino, shakur stevenson vs edwin de los santos live stream, shakur stevenson vs edwin de los santos live, stevenson vs de los santos highlights, emanuel navarrete, emanuel navarrete vs robson conceicao live, emanuel navarrete vs robson conceicao, emanuel navarrete highlights
Id: yxMP4tzxk6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 53sec (10313 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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