Re-Air | Bellator 180 Sonnen vs. Silva

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Why are Chael and Fedor opposite each other as if they’re the ones fighting? God why does Bellator have to be so weird

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/queensinthesky πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Underrated fight, it was actually a really exciting match

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was at this card. Had never heard a crowd boo as loudly as they did for the Bader vs Davis title match.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/captainseas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we are inside Madison Square Garden set for our first fight tonight our tale of the tape is brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sport and looks at the age difference 42 to 27 Salgado much older than McKenna here it's Michael C Williams with the official introductions ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to Madison Square Garden the world's most famous arena tonight Miller Lite presents Bellator MMA where we kick off the prelims now with three five-minute rounds at 169 pounds introducing the blue corner first at five put 10 weighing in 168 point 2 pounds his professional record for 7 & 1 he fights out of Brooklyn New York introducing John Greco Salgado and across the cage his adversary out of the red corner at 5 foot 10 weighing in one hundred sixty eight point eight pounds as a professional early on he stands at oh and one he fights out of New York New York presenting in charge of the action referee Dan Merck Liana so Dan Merkley odda our referee as John Salgado and Hugh McKenna get us started inside the mecca let's go Salgado with the blue gloves McKenna with the red gloves and here we go Salgado the southpaw and the kennel with the Pushkin theme we're gonna see a lot tonight his nerves how do they control it these guys are early in their careers fighting at Madison Square Garden big lights tonight the fighter who's relaxed the guy who has the event second professional fight for you McKenna fight in his backyard you know so much focused gym he goes on Bellator 180 in the pay-per-view but this is special as well for these two young men the reason is every fight is an audition when you're making your way up every fight is an audition you opposed to remember you you want to get back here again let's see who really engages first here no McKenna is the one so far taking the center trying to keep Salgado on the outside bit so I got a good job of sticking and moving he's not staying in one place they're trying to cut off the teacher you slip there by both oh man all right handle Jimmy like speak and we can remember now put that hands to the ground ain't gonna save you a lot of controversy around that recently kena try to establish and clinch here good job done so far a couple of Eve's land this is the part of McKenna's strategy always kept Soldado against the fence this is a position he's wanted back against it good clinch throwing knees taking with the legs and Salgado both men trying to deliver from this position into the D team that doesn't have his hips activated take him down right into side control looking mistake [Applause] hips on activated guillotines not going to help you just make something for the guy to take you down nice mount not a good spot right here for John Salgado he's hanging on to the head that's a bad idea wants to free up and start moving you're not gonna get to the guy from their heads free as well can I hear you slow it down take the energy out of your opponent make them struggle knowing they're not gonna get out I want to go to crazy right when you get a dominant position trying to posture up and throw down some ground and pound top first Salgado to control McKenna from this position really tough the problem is right now he's just hanging on with his arms wants to be mobile has to move use the hip escape Janice a really heavy Ginny yep bad vision that's what you don't want to hang on you want to be moving as much as you possibly can and I'm telling you being under there full mount if you don't win that big shot Matt it's fatiguing being under that takes all of your energy big elbow McKenna very good control after the takedown yeah no submission attempts yet not trying to rush anything he's content to stay on top of Salgado take his energy whale and those short shots a minute 30 left it's a lot of time right Scot Salgado pinned up against the cage now it's going Kimura turn to straight on go take a shot trying to Fisheries you really got to commit his hips now going back to the Kimura but in order to really feel sad he has to hop over in the side control just like that when you try and really crank it he's in good position it is all over kill McKenna with the finish that's what you talked about with patients you don't go crazy you let him struggle you let him wear themselves out then you go for it good maturity for only a second fight Danberg Liana said screaming if you wanted to stop or tap I'm right here and there was the tap two bad options you can scrap that's not winning excellent Mora that's an excellent point here's our black card premium spikes from replay the fold 93 through from that's edgy to the court let's start with the takedown Jimmy yeah beginning of the end here went to the guillotine didn't have his hips behind it easy takedown and what I liked not just the mount transition but the patient's get the slam he doesn't immediately go to mountain he takes his time and once he had mount took his time again Kimura no way he was getting out of this Dan we're glad all over it you see the tap great stuff by humor Kenna look at this step over nice and high doesn't let Salgado pull him back in the half guard stays right inside controlling the referee you knew it I knew it it was just a matter of time screamer tap either way this fights about to be over and there's the tap and a victory for human tena now something human is going member for a long time I fought at MSG and I won it's great feeling first round submission victory or you McKenna to make it official here is why Percy Williams hey gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tap comes by way of a camera official time four minutes six seconds into round number one the winner by submission official time 406 around number one congratulations q McKenna till the tape brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports this one went viral Sergio de Silva trying to fool the scale only putting one foot on didn't help him miss weight by seven pounds that could be a big difference in the fight [Music] Tom Mike will see Williams presented by number right Bellator MMA from the garden now presents three five-minute rounds of 138 pounds introducing the blue corner first at five foot seven weighing in 137 point six pounds his professional record stands at six and originally from Rio de Janeiro Brazil now fighting Halep Queens New York presenting satchel the cereal across the page 10% cutting out of the red corner at five foot eight weighing in 133 point six pounds as a professional impressive with non victories just two defeats from Levittown PA presenting Matt racer show whistle in charge of the action your referee Big John McCarthy meet John McCarthy our referee for this match jump between Sergio de Silva and Matt Rizzo there we go here we go fight clock brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time case to me might be two guys who have a lot of faith in their ground games Matt Rizzo nine wins seven by submission Sergio de Silva the product of Nova young trains with the former bantamweight champion Marco Scalf all he has a lot of confidence in his jiu-jitsu as well blue gloves for two Silva red gloves for razor sharp Matt Rizzo result those nine wins seven by submission is Jimmy talked about six victories just a couple of submissions for the savage thirty one-year-old Sergio de Silva there's a giveaway whenever you have USA Wrestling tattooed anywhere on your body don't have the takedown quick easy giveaway that's even easier than the years and years computer could be judo it could be a lot of things there you go thank you just like this what I do for you but this is gonna welcome there's that pressure game the rests are coming in usually can't that the takedown his pudding physical pressure on the Silva who tends to start out quickly but tends to fade later on in fights that's been his weakness so far in Bellator really trying to force it around early this how those things were from our vantage point from we're seeing it it's hard to decide who's using the most energy and he's putting a lot of weight on this over putting him against the fence he's a wrestler he's used to that kind of position now he's disabled pushing back with everything he's got or is he hanging back letting Rizzo burn up more gas hard to see from here he's definitely winning around yet the aggressive you do know one thing this is a grueling way to fund it inside chip can't get it here one of the corners say nice and calm nice and long exactly they know how much gas you can burn in these positions finally has good double egghead position trying to get it up let's see that under hook that's with preventing the takedown nice under hook by de Silva and a couple little now once you say the head - that was a BJ Penn special against the sense you always find that under Houdini the bigger guys would always save them maybe Jake back up keep them there [Music] it's the lid on the car seat said it's good therefore it's good therefore it's good John tells you to go to sleep turn off the TV and go to sleep you turn off the TV and you go to sleep when he says license and registration you give your license registration he did that for over two decades still got that voice punches to the midsection thrown by Matt Rizzo you're right Jimmy it's hard to tell which guy is gaining momentum or not or position or not when that can forth yeah when the [ __ ] Ang's go wrong for a bar that's a marco Scoville specialty he's putting weight on that left leg and he's out the back I was in a good right position here no hooks it almost has what we call crab ride and wrestling now one hook in trying to get the other he's not we're just where de Silva want it to be [Music] next Rama could escape by Sergio to Silva just under a minute on the clock carrying the first round Rizal wanting nothing to do with the strike and still persistent with the takedown as they watched the front choke the silverware the good squab would take down the fence I hear his corner saying got attacked from there I think he's behind in the round Rizzo has been the aggressor so far Cole wants anaconda not in a good position to get it though the Darce choke from that angle 20 seconds Hynek gave it up get around the guard I think he's gonna have time especially with that fence in the way the Silva gonna in this round on top [Applause] right here against the fence putting pressure on look like the cup shot to me I don't want to get yelled John but John was right on top it's a lot closer than we are and here's where this little got in so much trouble one hook in when I was a good job by Rizzo bailing out of that position not getting pulled over the top good fighter knows when it's done close first round Jimmy who did you give it to I give it 10 9 Matt Rizzo he was the aggressor a little bit more that's why he has it on my scorecard [Music] you go around to read clubs for wizzle's in gloves for DaSilva and they meet in the center of the cage immediately bacillus courtesan stay behind the jab these are feelers a little bit more he's rushing in too much the double leg position he's got it again de Silva once nothing to do was stand up tonight all he's done is throw maybe one or two strikes to get that set up for the takedown and this is a lot earlier than he got the takedown in the last round that over four minutes to work that's a long time Rizzo staying active with that butterfly looking to triangle rule of thumb wrist control means triangle elbow control means armbar and he immediately went to control that risk de Silva doing exactly what his corner said come up big come out early explode knowing that as you said Jimmy they may have lost round one Rizzo using that butterfly guard feed on the hips not going through closed guard with that guard the Silva trying to advance yeah I like what the Silva's doing with the pressure though always worrying about that sweet very active with the lids very active with the butterfly garden balanced so far by the Silva yeah making it very difficult on Matt Rizzo what that does someone has butterflier feed on the hips hard to put physical pressure on them it's almost like being on top of an exercise ball kind of floating I'm not really putting all your pressure where you want without pressure without stability it's hard to get your grounding for the ride on Sergio de Silva can get that laid over his face and got it so but being smart Pope pulls that shoulder out still in danger of a triangle if Rizzo can change his hips around still an armbar position though half way that right arm is kind of in kind of out so there's one has triangle and armbar options so we've got square up pull that shoulder out left it behind again he's gotten the top control if you will and it's actually Rizzo who's doing a great job from the bottom now there's my Poppa set up there he can turn and really angle his hips away from the cage don't forget to keep up with Bellator across all social media platforms join the conversation on Facebook Twitter and Instagram add a hashtag Bellator MMA and snapchat at Bellator Nation v-bar right there if he leans back and steps over and see how Rizzo saw triangle these legs barely awkward top position right now for the Silva don't grab it back go and grab it mat talking about don't grab the fence inverted he'll look right there again active from the bottom razor-sharp Rizal now trying to pop back to his feet put some pressure on to Silva Rizzo ended round one on top and now he's got the mount now the back little poachy nice settles down to full mount just like our first fight ninety-two time left over honey Silva couldn't advance Rizzo does got the back looking to finish Danny did it went to the power half nelson kind of opened him up body triangles nest to get out of and he's got it on the good side Sylva right now in survival mode trying to protect razors going for it on the chin [Applause] like to chew it to shove up pointing that finger and Big John saying I'm okay right now I'm okay if you can continue to punish him on top twenty seconds now Jim see how he kept the body lock and kept that same lock into mouth that's a hard thing to do rizo spent a ton of time big shots on the bottom in the second round but finishes with a strong performance this is how the round ended where you don't want to be their opponent on your back DeSilva defending the rear naked choke was able to keep it above the chin but ate some punches was in a bad position last couple minutes of that round in a very close round up into that point he gave up bad position and Rizzo never let him off the hook great transitions from back mount to full mount good stuff so far from that ago every night Jimmy Rizzo up two rounds tonight I have a lecture on sand on both ten on ten nine it is third and final round there's that takedown attempt immediately it's always a bad sign a guy with the wrestling background gets the takedown without that second and third effort without that that burst of gas he needed to use two three times me going get it typed down he's got a lot of energy left for his ground and count for his top control we always want to make him work and get that second effort in if you get taken down got to make it work for it that was too easy when you say too easy I think about white men can't jump yeah the two is outstanding as though phil davison Ryan Bader they talked about that it was like aw I got the teeth down but you know Noah's gives that second whatever my high level Russell does that's a big difference between you don't eat elite level and guys who just starting out elite double guy will shoot you three times never let you off the hook a guy like Josh Costra exactly yeah that NCAA titles you shoot two three times yes by the transition that you see DaSilva doesn't have the energy we had in round one right now behind in the scrambles good pressure by Rizzo Silva needs to push the piece big time here three and a half remains in this fight [Music] you're kind of like a crucifix and a spoof on strap and a leg you don't see that very often is the one who has to explode remember on my scorecards to the nun absolutely everyone this is where your opponent doesn't have to work as hard as you do nice transition to get on top took the risk and it paid off side control away from the cage I want to push mark with his legs pulling away just a half step ahead of the silver let's see if the silver can get some hooks toe he's got one we're gonna get that second hook in we've got one end to that left one in so the time dependent doesn't work let's it go to transition to body triangle had both hooks in first the body triangle long-legged guys like that yeah Phil Davis is a guy Oh freak body triangle 101 bill BtoB back in bed rest he's an honor student yeah it's crazy these ones guys photograph a lot template don't let every told you back in that room you can do that as a yes hi I'm triangle trouble things trying to fight it [ __ ] he's holding on to his ear using the defense talking on the phone is the way to get that pressure but we let it go shots to the body how much we're gonna commit to it good job transitioning thanks Lloyd done Matt razor-sharp Rizzo you know what I like seeing I like seeing you guys in great position as the scorecards and says you know what I'm going for the finish I'm not just stand on top I'm seeing if I can finish this fight I like seeing that neon fighter [Music] cuz I think he could have stayed in that position until the clock gone out with a win by decision that wasn't good enough take a look at our black card premium spikes drum replay the bull 93 proved wrong that's edgy to the core now all of this is bad for Sergio vasila his arm is trapped full mount the other arm is attempts his neck in arm triangle position and look at the pressure over his own this has become really popular recently they don't go all the way over to side controls kind of a half mount where they can really crank on that sucker and that's what he got beautiful job great pressure the symbol held out as long as he could but nothing he could do against that kind of pressure in that position great stuff by matt Rizzo eighth career win by submission for Pennsylvania's Matt Rizzo and he does it inside Madison Square Garden to make it official here is Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tap comes by way of an arm triangle choke official time three minutes 48 seconds into round number three the winner by submission man raises Oh check this out our tale of the tape for our next fight is brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch quarters look at the 4-inch reach advantage tritscher Oh Mikkel will he use it with the official introductions once again Michael C Williams ladies Delma tonight here Bellator NYC we welcome one of our good friends from right here in New York as our guest ring announcer for this next fight [ __ ] welcome the host for the boomer and carton morning show on WFA and here in New York City please welcome mr. Craig carton what is a New York City the greatest place in the world to see the greatest fighters in the world so that further ado allow me to introduce you to fighters lightweight division three five-minute rounds in the blue corner standing at 511 weighing in at 155 point 8 pounds a professional record of 2 wins and 1 loss fighting out of the Bronx Jerome don't make mega ad in the red corner standing at 5:00 Friday weighing in at 157 point four pounds a professional record of one and one fighting out of cells in New York Anthony G Akina and your referee for tonight is Rob Hinds have a great fight I'm going to get out of here right now we spare no expense here inside the Mecca no expense [Music] alright gentlemen here we go first round you ready here we go Jerome Mikkel blue gloves Anthony T akima in the red gloves southpaw gia Tina upstate exploded I have to drag him down again that's dangerous because your opponent can do that take your back pressure early now you don't have to wonder what the strategy is that right doubling like that yeah treasure early pressure from the start high pace a lot a lot of level changes that's what Phil Davis says we're gonna see you later tonight and the title fight in the light heavyweight division this ring about Phil is he doesn't have that straight-ahead kind of style his wrestling is very unorthodox and striking styles unorthodox his body is an orthodox hard to see his tough coming doesn't come at you just straight for the double leg it's not easy to fight the white power no that's his bill yeah really persistent when the start of this fight is Mikkel there's distance again promise Jason guy who wants to back you stay off the fence I have to keep that footwork going cuz they can push you right into the fence they want that clinch they want that game with no space I already care Mikal switching up his stance towards the kid that was solid so Mikkel very comfortable switching his stance up you see it here early in the fight Mikkel still guys back against the fence I were there I would angle Frank out make this a center fight make the grappler take that shot in the open mat not when you're against the fence pressure Akina looking to close the gap thought we'd see more takedowns from after that first double leg I thought well that's his game he's gonna want to push mid get to the fence and do that over and over again he's been content to strike the last couple minutes Oh big right hand and again Tina's trying to answer back he didn't go into a defensive mode he kept slugging Wow love seeing that mifflin over the top but you fire with fired up and then return by Tina mani swinging looking to end it right here right now Tina doing the smart thing getting chest to chest doesn't want to give that right hand range Tina the first time he was hurting I'm gonna answer back yeah that's a good punch of that last time you let you know what didn't go back to my wrestling to clear my head a little bit yep Mikkel applying the pressure now thrown to me jeah Tina watch for that overhand right again locked and loaded there it is once again keeping pressure on him keeping him against the fence if you respect that overhead right he's not showing that fear in there he goes he gets the payoff ball gets it against the fence but since that first double leg he hasn't found success with his wrestling and keep pressure control distance Bubba hasn't got metal down before again final minute of round number one MacEwan the blue gloves gia tina in the red box stance which again I talked about earlier Jimmy yep and kick butt check the sport Tina's been the pressure guy he's been the aggressive good punches [Applause] big takedown wait Jimmy these guys came to fight they did in different ways we saw that early class double leg excellent job by G Akina but the striking especially the right hand of Mikkel has been on point he's hurt gia Tina more than once that's putting money in the bank going after the legs and the right hand that's what staggered G Akina set up a lot of great punches but credit Jeep Tina's heart his aggression he fired back and got back in this fight and ended against offense right where he wanted to be but he is yet to find an answer for that right hand or the uppercut of Mikkel has to worry about that round number two he can't get hit like this throughout the fight expect to win I'll be stopping let's go helping put it set for the start around - would you give around 1 - 10 9 Mikkel I'll tell you why the the criteria effective striking and effective grappling have equal weight I thought he strike - he's a little more effective chiquinha grapple lot was enclosed by a conical take down below looking to finish it right here cards about to be meaningless another big right hand that's why I gave me one one the ability to hunt guillotine right on cue Gina is tough he'd go really as he keeps scrambling Mikkel fighting out of the Bronx inside the mecha looking for that right hand again gia Tina's trying to mix it up throw some kicks but look at the fundamental changes he's not making that left hand still floating low he's really vulnerable on that side that's why that right hand keeps keeps landing whenever I see guy get hit by something I think doesn't make the fundamental changes necessary to avoid that gia Tina he has not he's been in the fight he's always pushed before that's great and he hasn't kept that chin down and up and up and Mikkel deftly utilizing his reach of s one thing to have it Jimmy we've talked about it before it's another thing that I use it the way he's using this doesn't push forward when he strikes he keeps it rained and he'd left gia keen to come to him that's what you do when you have a range event what we haven't talked about them before but we have separated by toss looking one guy about exactly [Laughter] separately we have both talking yes we have nice left and right pressure and tick-tock desperately needed by G Gina now what do you have to do is desperately keep him down cannot just let him back to his feet make this a striking match again he's gotten take damage before you ask him to settle and really use top position in half guards ground impound [Applause] nice and done I was a nice shot this is the ground pound of a guy who does not want this back on the feet staying very busy really active calling for the north-south joke he's got side control shots from this production airtime can he get it it's very very tight even not a pressure back to it this basic submission in jujitsu that it still works he's out good defense thus far by Mikkel but he's mounted see that matt has the arm trapped it's a very dangerous mouth it really lets you go crazy aid for the exposed arm or to step up and ground in town you have either choice and a nice job by gia Tina Jimmy he got locked a couple of times and he got it to his world and it's trying to finish it right here and this isn't a guy who's holding on yes trying hard to finish this fight absolutely you don't want to start the next round stand back let's get out of here if I can keep it hosters our body had quick tip from nipple to need this one is up for grabs this last minute as only live on the feet Chiquita schooled him on the ground in the breadbasket I'll take everything I know G akina's corner scene he's tired he's tired in Poland another takedown right in the side control 20 seconds on the clock here in round 2 very active on macho the SI take this to add our strip by exactly way get the arm back not going to finish in time [Music] [Applause] we're gonna stuff on the feet Mikal landing that right hand right to the chin when you see that in slow motion it's amazing G Akina was able to get back into this fight but as soon as he hits the ground he's active he's scrambling he's trying to get back in it and he got his reward later and around with his own top game and there it was side control full mount aggressive went for more than one submission great ground in town I think he did enough on the ground to earn this round back and considering how it started that's saying a lot third and final round five minutes remain Mikkel in the blue blocks ght now in the red gloves one round each according to my partner Jimmy Smith very tough which surprised me they're both flip to the eyes of the jump to G all over the board right the point is neither guy can feel like I got it in the bag I can write out this last fight but it's both guys have to fight hard woods they've been doing so far every mixed martial artist in the world knows it's never a good idea to leave it in the hands of the chess and if you don't have that figured out yet you haven't been in the sport long and there you go we have seen some bad ones you wanna absolutely kick right to the body you can see his reaction moving the back Tina's birthday more for standing on trying great our Gyo by Anthony jigs he's a really tenor space right sweetly never set a patient Pete Pete he's fighting like he did in the first minute that's good condition that's good pacing and he stayed pedal to the metal the entire second round and getting clipped away FINA that takes a lot of gas a lot of it got clipped big in the first round second round meet this statement we can escape by Mickey you get to take the yeah he takes almost that grabs of like oh I just got there you got a mood right now you'd have to move to get guard backs got scramble you can't let your opponents solidify the position and how that goes flat right you know and we've seen every time side control on the tape down immediately exactly do not fight to get that position so that's what you talked about Jimmy that the tactical air that Mickle's bacon is allowing chiquinha the position exactly you take down a big restaurant maitre d's back desk grab the decision right there looking for a good position she can't be very smart on top is going through the Americana the key lock over and over again why it's a safe position you don't have to get out of side control enough to commit a lot of body weight you don't get it you're still good very very safe position time the Pats the midway point of the third and final way Nicholas got a sellout what I mean by that is maybe turn your back maybe give up something big risk getting submitted and ordered down this petition cos t Akira a0 anyway talking about a north-south choke it's too high to chokes him there it's gonna angle out of it there you go girls always talking I started to get some higher belts no one that's done before you do they just know I'm not gonna get it the chances we see that transition he knows he doesn't have it and it's go for something better looking to finish his funny they're gonna Trump it it's all over he waited I'm waiting for you to say that's what it was and I saved it great stuff I did not do a Sean shirt it did Knox and it only happened once in my career and it only happened once in my career [Music] producer John Martin just said you'll see why folks that hand was up here's our black card premiums and spikes from replay the bold 93 proof rum that's edgy to the core chaykina this third round fighting smart going back to the double leg and look at Mikkel look at that disappointed look not trying to get guard back he lost those transitional battles that gave him keep Jake Pina top position from here you see that arms snake under the neck and you'll see why it was the one and a half call look at the head come up and then tap right there under the chin great job by Gina great heart and he gets a rare Goldie moment a one and a half call great job great pressure spectacular finished with the choke for Anthony gia Tina ladies and gentlemen after nearly three full rounds of non-stop action the tap comes my way of a rear naked choke official time three minutes 40 seconds into round number three for the winner by submission congratulations Anthony G Akina he finishes the fight with the rear naked choke Marine Corps veteran and New York City native Bradley dizzy R squares off against Navy vet mate Brenda in the latest installment of bow fights 30 year-old Brad to zr9 wins Jimmy Semin of those by knockout and he's a guy who trains in this area just across the Hudson but team tiger Shulman they are set to go we're set to introduce via Michael C Williams ladies Devin Bellator MMA now proudly features two of our nation's military veterans inside the Bellator cage three five-minute rounds in the lightweight division here at Madison Square Garden its presented by spikes veteran's operation wellness vow spikes campaign inspire veterans to make the same commitment to their health and wellness that they've made to their country and now we introduce the blue corner first at six foot wagon one hundred fifty five point four pounds after eight years of active duty in the US Navy tonight he enters the Bellator cage with three victories with one defeat as a mixed martial artist from Baltimore Maryland please welcome Lieutenant Commander US Navy Reserves nay [Music] and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner and five-foot-ten weighing in 160 point six pounds after two tours of combat duty in Iran as a mixed martial artist tonight he stands with nine victories five defeats fighting out of the Bronx New York please welcome corporal United States Marine Corps Bradley understood this year in charge of the action your referee Todd Anderson so Todd Anderson our referee for tonight's valet [Music] maybe veteran made prep Marine veteran Bradley deserves and here we go grab blue gloves to zero red gloves heavy catch fight puck brought to you all night by Miller life the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time filling out process here Azir training with Tiger Schulman who is the kind of guy who always has his fighters going full house impressive look through the finish right now a lot of kicks as well heavy kicks mixing it up very well in sidekick followed up nice fun with that jab spin but type off big right hand we've got to do something to back to zero guys man this and roughly aggressive gives you openings you have to capitalize on grab so far react expression here a lot of times and fight the guy off send a back kick well kind of soccer jig style money in the bank body shots late kick stuff you feel after about the Nanticoke minute the gas tank just goes down and down and down when you break the body down and the mind and spirit again it's the Javid azir perfectly time when grab is coming in and there you see the resolve the blood from his home [Music] good chat with that doesn't deal derails reform it softens they can't set up the next punch and can throw combinations like a jolt of lightning on your face for years you know a lot of people said to me that the jab was the most underutilized weapon and underneath jabs and lakes and now received a lot of great fighters using really started with George st. Pierre yep for us a hobby in Rory the time spent hours and choppers always keep that left hip in fun always pop in the nose that's where their opponents always have trouble getting off their offense Rory made his Bellator debut look mission [Music] really just seer by neck up he had confidence in his striking throughout this fight [Applause] got him facedown in the right hand over the top that was all she wrote [Applause] take a look at it here's our Black Card Premium spiced rum replay football 93 proud that's edgy to the core just we're talking about the jab that's how we set it up and then bow this right hand a right-left combination and down on the ground that was just a coup de Gras right on the chin I left on the chin and this fight is all over that last one to the ear that's a legal shot there's a child that's the jab that set it up that underused weapon that's why you throw it it sets up the power punches tenth career win eighth win by knockout for Bradley 2-0 camerman always appreciate that kiss always do put your lips on the camera I love that all right let's make it official here's Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the end comes two minutes 54 seconds into round number one the winner finally while we are here tonight at Madison Square Garden tale of the tape front you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports hi I'm ghazali 10 years older than Ryan Couture 44 Michael C Williams with the official introductions ladies and gentlemen tonight here at the mecca of combat sports Madison Square Garden mithilai presents Bellator MMA now inside the cage three five-minute rounds in the welterweight division introducing the blue corner at five foot ten weighing in 169 point to pause this professional record seven victories three defeats hailing from Pacquiao East red presenting and across the cage his adversaries out of the red corner at five foot ten wedding in one hundred sixty eight point eight pounds as a professional he bricks tendon victories five defeats fighting out of Las Vegas Nevada introducing and about three in charge of the action of Liana Dan Merkley ADA our referee and there you see Randy then that rope could tour that's where it was gone with the Gracie thing I I'm picking up what you put down legends he's one of them Cariah near correct [Music] all right sir ready sir let's go put my clock brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time here go quick tick by Ryan Couture he is in red gloves I'm sorry with blue gloves the south wall one thing I'm curious about was going to tour last two times the belt okay vicious knockout lost country keep it bowl followed by a light quick submission loss to Gore Thiago Chi is he confident does he fight with depression still thinking about those finishing Ryan Couture was 11 years old when UFC one cook place my first fight was Randy Couture eating maurice smith to become to heavyweight champion our 7 ths rest of our fans are going what's HS my phone yeah blockbuster anybody nobody don't know we're talking about the tour looking to set the pace early nothing that low kick look he's measuring it some counter punches but Holly likes to use that reach doesn't and very unorthodox style drop the arms a lap moves it strange angles throws it strange angles so far as letting ride be the aggressor I remember asking Randy years ago when Ryan made his professional debut like I know it's probably tougher with your son in there than being on there yourself you see I'm his dad but he said he's okay he's got this yeah he put in the work and on the other side people don't understand if you're lying to if you Kron Gracie if you're from a legacy like that you're compared to that person you were entire life that's not an easy thing to train it's not easy thing to deal with can't just be okay or not just another guy at the gym amen even grace it a little bit remember that's been on his back his whole life go guys works when I was talking about sorry I kept pushing the skin so you can see the game plan for Couture's and pressure that seems to be the Couture game plan oh man father and son they love that physical pressure lock spear pulling up wear them down yeah that's how Randy became the Hall of Famers this right here grind on your opponent dirty boxing right to the ribs definitely thinking body wearing goes ollie out you want to talk to foreign fighters anybody outside the United States and you say well what is about a letter to the fighters he made some some good man they all wrestle or just wrestlers everywhere every camp has high-level wrestlers it's hard to wait wrestling and to that point that's why all these combat humble guys that come over have so much success yeah I think so they battle on the fence here first he wants to fight a distance and couture doesn't want to let him steps into everything he throws pushes it off the jab pushes off the right hand and to get this on the against the fence both men have a good reach they fight long and lines for the great job of fighting wrong and following it up promise ghazali hazard lives down the way how the best cleats positions he really hasn't hasn't had an answer for this kind of attack best way to beat is with your feet circle enough and that's not against the fence when he attacks but [Music] fifth Bellator fight for rank for final 10-second surround number one row two [Applause] red gloves for Couture blue gloves for I'm Cazale if he could turn things up here in the second I'm sure he gave to tour round one dry did his nine because he's kind of fight of the big defense a lot of dirty boxing Holly tends to plant disputed positions like this he's not angling you've been circling and what do you know your backs against the fence when you face that superior grappling you gotta keep angling with him planting his feet you see that the tourists or those little boat chips yep chopped out that footrock-back Dan Henderson's as good as anybody with that the great thing usually follows it up with the h-bomb Chael Sonnen might use that tonight just bulrush van delayed to the fence get him in his brother position was gonna be dominant once again goes all you hanging on but no real counter offense no real strategy to get out of here bullying dog that's pretty rare see that too often that's got a lot of faith in your Gong him to pull guard on line couture that's last fight belching armbar from Gucci Yamaguchi but Butchie a fantastic grappler nobody went back in drilled that armbar defense over and over and over again the posture good pressure with the hips there's Ollie trying to walk those legs up and he's gonna cut the angle look at the arm will I have to do a great job with his hips his upper body posture staying out of danger posture up [Applause] tipped or won his first two Bellator fights lost his last two looking to get back to his winning ways inside the Bellator cage second Bellator flank for Holly it's a little bit low now start reading on his hip is isn't following the moon in transition from here [Applause] it's a deep breath and go he'll know that's where he's trying to go now tonight new job sitting up and it was over with trying to get the top position they're gonna take the back bracket or not gonna get it from their back to square one under two on the clock here in round two those ollie kind of just felt it back there they went right to it yep [Applause] well of the seven career wins for goes Ollie six have been by submission a lot of confidence in his jiu-jitsu for short Tamas it's hard to catch a tough wrestler an experienced guy from your back I said which I'm Moochi did it but Heath he's freaking down [Music] [Applause] so the Lions doomsaying staying to pose then patient not doing anything stupid to leave that arm behind now sitting back now he's one in one that's where you don't want to be [Applause] Holley not position to finish though the torque patient again and escaping good Fortran good successor strength eagerly in the fight pushing right forward right left left right long punches in ended their go and every shot wishes goes on up against the fence that's his real goal yeah you know get that slapping shot whatever it takes get him back enough the game is certainly evolved where more fighters can be aggressive moving backward but it's still a difficult very tough final final round let's show third and final round five minutes remain trying to tour and Lanigan to announce it on both room ten nine he's been controlling this fight he just ate a stick jab to start round playing both Solly coming out Lord the doc stands now he goes back to south wall and easily taking him off balance battle a kick in damaged right hand snuck through right by the ear again with that bold tip that's intent to strike right now let's go surprising Monica to us had great success against the dance but weighing it in the middle of cage setting up those high kicks the tour is back to the fence but not too easy kind of felt that Canyon yeah i short uppercuts or dirty boxing up take it the things gonna die for a kneebar turn his arm underneath the leg was gonna have now Ryan doesn't even want to mess around you want tough drill is when you run around the map lay down and get up again right again we do that to see you are exhausted just getting up over and over every time goes all he has to get up it takes something out of you too tough throw running Burpee yeah it sucks yeah coach is telling me yes I just don't - god you're back - getting up getting over and over and over again during the fight she wears you down [Laughter] yeah Brian steps away again walk back to the center to is leading this dance didn't even drop the phone and he wants to finish this fight on the feet you can tell nice need just past the midway point third and final round start wondering what has hot girls always have in the tank was that weapon you could pull out near achieves a trajectory of this fight you haven't seen a really great finishing position for me gotta pull out something a good clinch back pull the head down bro the neon dominant performance the stars in the Tori [Music] looking for the win here inside msg the mecca double [Applause] uncle Solomon over talk to me team without guard they're never going to work this refresher good posture not letting those arms control everything down he can finish this year that those are heavy between the theorem you can hear the solid contact to the body in the head because he's posturing it up and he's right at mid-range he's not too far out he's not too close in he's in the right position to land good punches [Applause] fingers that I came [Music] [Applause] [Applause] locked away with this one big shot that still wants to finish in the final seconds of the fight great performance tonight by Ryan Couture gonna earn his third win inside the Bellator cage exorcise the demons of those last two losses did in dominant fashion alright let's make it official here's Michael C Williams maybe she got them haven't gone the distance inside the Bellator cage we'll go to your three judges the first Jeff's al the model scores the fight 32:26 while touches the cross b and date to le both will see the fight the same 32:27 all have it for the winner by unanimous decision [Music] [Applause] dominant indeed Couture got a 10-8 round and he earns the victory here tonight by unanimous decision our tale of the tape is brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sport what else can you highlight four and five versus a pro debut er Alice younger much more MMA experience alright let's get it started officially with Michael C Williams gentlemen good evening and welcome tonight live on Spike rhythm line presents the New York debut of Bellator MMA the Madison Square Garden the world's most famous arena level 20 begins now with fly weights inside the cage set for three five-minute rounds brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports and now introducing the blue corner first at five foot four swadian one hundred twenty five point six pounds her professional record stands at four and five fighting out of Fort Worth from Burleson Texas introducing Alice across the gate to acquisition fighting out of the red corner at five foot five playing in 125 point two pounds an undefeated champion in professional boxing tonight she makes her professional MMA debut [Applause] in terms of the action your referee John McCarthy Big John McCarthy our referee as we get things started live on Spike Heather Hardy Alice go younger you know here we go tonight's fight clock brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time jogger in the blue gloves Harvey and a white top and in the red gloves in August and true to her word she's stepping forward and throwing immediately she comes out the register I will prematurely never hard he deals with this position tell us a lot so far she's doing well and she's out of it we know one thing she is a tough young lady in she showed it throughout her boxing career she was a grinder she said I didn't box like a Hollywood flounder I was an in-your-face type writer she was called it once a while the female r2 robot that's another bad that's a compliment yes sure right now you're bringing it and which is throwing now a lot of overhand rights just tagged Yahoo the couple of those there's another one a little bit straighter for the body the hard chicks or if it's just the hands dangerous and if you're a box and you stick with what's working right now the hands are working soon from Yonkers a level change and he attempted takedowns try to clinch a bit that's when you put her right in punching lunch get in there I was a nice counter by Alice Yaga with the right hand there's the kick from Mario the top she's catching yogurt bringing that left hand down soon she starts throwing it goes down to her waist right over the left thigh of Alice jogger nice left hook the chap works again Timmy Heather Hardy was was very precise in telling us the difference between boxing and utilizing your boxing in mixed martial arts if people think you just an add wrestling jujitsu you have a cookie package the way you box and MMA the way you use kick box in MMA is very different have to make those adjustments a range is different weapons your opponent has are different she respects that Ramudu access where you stand the front leg distance how much so she knows that and she's trained it now she's trying to show it now they're harvesting a lot of confidence that this has dropped that left hand all the way down by her waist she's relying on her ability to read the punches of God watchful Bellator fights on the Skycam Roku and now available on Apple TV New Yorkers had her moment season ended some of their own punches - good job with that meeting and she hasn't quite strung together her attacks yet always been a lot busier and more accurate throw that e to catch party extended huge throws of punches she says she leans over her leg a little bit yeah that's why y'all keep strong that pain trying to catch her try to there's some boy toys in allis-chalmers she's trying to show had their hearty things that maybe Heather Hardy exact hasn't seen she hasn't seen a professional but in training plank we want to show her everything but boxing and it's different once you actually walk into the cage what is it if he's got a plan and something in it [Music] but neither Spyder is fighting in both going after it younger by her opponent is hit hard by this big light what Harvey's bloodied up to jr. yes have their markets good start Wow great to be here beside this birthmark they're bringing it tight [Applause] give me the water give me the water I get that the wrong bucket there's two buckets there can you get the other bucket please I want to see moving after you land your pond you're staying for her she's heading back okay I don't want to see those those kicks anymore okay you touching her with those kicks she's coming with power on here I want us to throw away one punch when she comes to you then you can put the combination okay don't try to rush in here combination because we're going to be out of energy okay save your enemies for the good shot you know you notice or a she had nothing sitting okay she has nothing for you great to be here Mercedes Lindsay our Bellator girls this is the biggest night in Bellator history light bulb boot Jimmy Smith Jen Brown wallow brother shop get out Josh Thompson and a couple other hundred people bringing it gotta love it everybody excited June 20 Heather Harvey Spooner said no more kicks she doesn't need to utilize kicks they said just use your and they've been at punching range most of this fight I hear with that advice you'll need to overextend yourself a gal that was a good kick Alice yoga has basically been willing to engage for a punching range he already has to figure it out I did you get their own Orthodox school denies and kicks a little bit more she started out throwing punches I think she learns her lesson with that one another good county by gauger it was a very close first five minutes Jamie how to score I gave it 10-9 Hardy cuz I thought she was a little more accurate with her punches landing some good overhand rights she just did a little bit more make no mistake the auger had her moments there that's true together we get an offensive sequence that really works for she's great in spurts which he has to put it together need to come back to that country good idea she was coming to the brutal nice and round definitely wanted the tons of soccer balls world that's true believe it or not she once weighed over 200 pounds which she began on the main training back in May of 2013 her husband Brian in the corner tonight of brown belt in judo the other said to us creamy that all nine of our MMA fights have all been battles they've been words they've been like this pace Middletons fight that was a war as well on the losing end of that but the mash put everything into it the Bellator debut back in January whoa big swing in abysus did she just clipper cuz there's some blood on the cheek now she flipped it with that straight right you got me map to the overhead my future strategy is hitting with a different kind of right hand win the rights she tightens up a little bit possibly Agra will be able to see it Sparty the favorite here Madison Square Garden she boxed at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn she comes over just past the middle swing of this fight doesn't need more of those late kicks it's so willing to exchange punches with a party godwyn is far too busy to boxing she hasn't been involved in five minute rest true that is the difference but I'm telling you she's been training for five minutes for a long time she said I come from a long line of really tough women multi-antenna needs seven in the West we're live on pay-per-view two title fights including Michael Chandler and Brett British we haven't seen from Harbor is that level change double a single leg high crotch attack tall foundation for to get the clinch some punches trying to get [Music] if you're not used to it checking takes a long time to learn the first we teach somebody doesn't have more tax trends they kick you punch check-in takes a while to get [Applause] this is exactly how a show should start inside the Metro exactly Heather Hardy fought 132 professional rounds of the boxing [Applause] [Music] still fighting a hope for [Music] rather with the quench [Music] Rula promises that Heather Hart is done a good job of pushing younger back to the punches where that Clinton really be effective is it should get Heather Hardy against the fence limit her ability to get out really lay on those knees and so far that hasn't done [Music] second round of the book so much of this fight at boxing range and that has been great for Heather Hardy she's found a hand and opening for the overhand right over and over and over again third and final round parties corner said couldn't not draw don't get into a brawl with her daughter's corner Timmy said we got to treat this round like we need to finish Heather Harvey down two routes to none both of them tonight she's had her moments but Heather Hardy has done more damage Brooklyn's own getting the love here is one thing had the hard to keep doing [ __ ] keeps popping out a ring she keeps slipping and sliding she's getting a grip down but slipping punches but she does she's so far out of reach you can't return she's just slip and get a little bit closer she can counter-attack that though it's the adjustment from pure boxing he ever Natalie and look at the volume party just busier she's blowing a lot more she's feeling better combinations Zehra I think she slipped a punch when she's not quite in range to throw a counter shots a little too far out they could miss make them pay yep slipping rip yep she's doing a great job getting out the whip just not quite in return the main reason for that Jimmy's because every time they go to the clinch it seems like here ya're gets the better a hearty she has a bit of dip to the floor hasn't been able to really capitalize with rust changing levels now the American gangster Chael Sonnen takes on bitter rival the axe murderer Wanderlei Silva Pater Emelianenko battles Matt Mitrione and Bellator champions Douglas Leeman Michael Chan looks at their food on the line it's Bellator NYC tonight at 10:00 in the East 7 in the West live on pay-per-view order right now [Applause] third round and akin party in the red gloves gone over the top daughters not moving ahead enough she's not keeping that left hand high she's not floating that door to the right hand that's why Heather Hardy keeps walking through but they've been fewer and further between as the rounds have progressed which has a lot to do with the damage that Hardy's put on yoga I switch get go the job keeping that right hand up [Music] you don't see everything oh nothing read every strike hands down chin up is never a good way to defend against strikes su-ro don'ts fast I suggest you don't do that 90 seconds you saw that reaching grab the level change on that no commitment to the double-a easy from him Heather heart just shrug that off such great combat sports history inside this building when we asked Alice yogur about fighting here she said well I'm a big Billy Joel friend that's exactly what she said solar panel man tennis yep he has fought here more or pardon me please I'll come y'all right then Elton John go step that cut be great we're gonna talk Wow depending on where it is I might be a fight stop just hits a head but I don't worry about it okay yeah that's a head butt now did Big John see that as we can see it was clearly a headbutt but that's the difference between a loss and a win he's with a night huh start without the head but I didn't hear hands how judges we're good they're gonna keep going [Applause] come over come over here look at that was a classy heads the tog that it wasn't your fault I didn't be careful you head inside okay I'll be ready fight right back at it right to the center of the cage under a minute remains logger looks like she's energized by that car she didn't finish the right she still [Applause] that's that boxer mentality thirty seconds Gragas just holding on the attendees very very close to stop hardly with the barrage of punches [Applause] it is all over the other party winter professional debut what an awesome sequence at the end after the cut y'all go like she was going in with more energy and Hammer Hardy stops her in her tracks great stuff [Applause] Jimmy take a look at it our black card premium spiced rum replay the bold 93 fluke rum that's edgy to the core the right hand had been money all night for heather hardy bang look at it here right on the chin yogurt gets up wobbly she never got her legs back under her soon as she pops up you knew she was hurt and Heather Hardy with her box experience was not about to let yogur off the hook Big John McCarthy all over this just waiting for the right time to step in and this right hand right here bang he saw enough and that is all she wrote the boxer appropriately enough finishes it with punches on the feet great job great MMA debut great way to start off Bellator 180 we will be back with the official decision that is coming up next right here on Spike [Music] born and raised in Brooklyn look at the reaction Heather Harvey winner in her pro debut by knockout she was very busy as Jimmy talked about through nearly 300 punches to make it official Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage referee Big John McCarthy steps in waves off the contest dude above answered strikes official time four minutes 47 seconds into round number three the winner by TKO [Applause] here's Jimmy with ather I'm here with a very happy Heather Hardy were you thinking what's it going to take to put her away Alice art was in your face the entire time she sure was I was like oh my gosh my hands I heard him from hitting her when she went down here did you realize how badly she was hurt it was almost like you were waiting for an eight-count but you've got up and went after her but I know she had to get back up and I wanted to keep punching ourselves make us stand back up your MMA debut Madison Square Garden in front of your hometown crowd what do you have to say to them [Applause] Brooklyn New York can't wait to see you again at Heather party ladies and gentlemen our tale of the tape is brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sport and Shinzo mashita at 40 has t-shirts older than James Gallagher I bet and all DVDs and VHS tapes and many other things here is Michael C Williams why spike from the mecca of combat sports Madison Square Garden Bellator MMA presented by min their life now goes to three five-minute rounds in the featherweight division introducing the blue corner at five foot nine weighing in 146 pounds even as a professional five wins two losses from belem by that Bushido he fights out of Los Angeles California [Music] [Applause] and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at five foot nine weighing in 144 point four pounds the undefeated professional enters tonight with six professional victories no defeats proudly hailing from and fighting survived change in charge of the action rub three wines so Rob Hinds our referee as the 20 year old meets the 40 year old than here at Madison Square Garden Jinzo Machida and James Kelleher helio fight clock brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time Gallaher came out of running but he didn't engage with strikes he's not gonna run into something you're those kicks mouse uppercuts he ran across and then took his time he's six and OH five of his wins by submission all by choke four in the first round so he made feel confident striking with Machida when he's got an excellent round open keep in mind ins Gallaher has a background in karate the stances and uses the kicks and the angles said it was quite much like that anymore but I know how to do it [Music] Jinzo the kick and follows it up into the tape denim he gets it [Applause] the cheetah shredder can karate black belt Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt I was able to train with gal hair out tonight in London and he has great fundamentals who really knows where to put his weight excellent transition was read I was impressed by his fundamentals his technique he has spent a lot of time training with Gunnar Nelson and Ising and that is a great partner [Applause] enough to go and see what Gallaher bugs from here and how patiently is Sheena trying to sneak out on his left side got put your back to the mat the cell galleries trying to pull him over to the right just keeping the gate that now body triangle Gallaher very long legs she just cut around the left eye you could see some of what on the canvas and continuous strikes from young James Gallaher Jinzo just trying to cover up [Applause] this is his move they could choke in round one because he strikes just to set it up just to get changing cheese to manage it it is all over James Gellar once again by rear naked choke some people might have expected him to win this fight but not in such a dominant fashion that was a wipeout for Gallagher against the guy who immigrated in Bellator by knockout that meant nothing to this kid his first professional fight in North America and he finishes it in the first round rear naked choke take a look at it on our black our premium spice drama replay the vault 93 from crown that's edgy to the core so patient on the back just using those short strikes the gun pops his head back it pops the forehead of Jinzo machine it back just enough to get that arm underneath the chin we watching here it is good night and he's showing some love in the crowd friends and family coming in from Ireland what a moment for the 20 year old James gala third-straight Bellator win by rear naked choke [Applause] [Music] and look at this technique beautiful body triangle excellent job extending mashita not able to his chin to his chest rear naked choke is all about the hips not necessarily the arms and look at the pressure he's putting on the waist of chin so mashita and once you're here touching both of your shoulders that is all she wrote it is tap or nap at that point Jinzo machine I made the smart move but man that's an impressive performance for a young kid like James gal her patient mature excellent stuff youngest male fighter on the Bellator roster moves to four and OH inside the Bellator cage the reaction of the family they're lovin what they just saw the wind by the young man from Ireland we are at 34th and 7th Madison Square Garden home tonight to the world-famous Bellator cage Michael C Williams take it away ladies and gentlemen the TAT comes by way of a rear naked choke official time two minutes 22 seconds into round number one the winner by submission still [Applause] Jimmy will visit with the young stop I'm here with the winner James Gallaher James there's confident and then they're sprinting across the cage confidence everything looked like you wanted a first-round finish I'm always here for the first run fresh first run finished when I say a day I always come in there you said more people were coming over to watch you in this fight than when you fought in the UK did you feel the support out there [Applause] this is my deep division a lot of names at 145 any of them on your radar the [ __ ] Bell look up there at that place next time we come back here my pictures get up there wipeout through my shoulder he heard a pitbull he's coming for the belt big bird get that fry on I'm home tomorrow sorry James I Kelleher ladies and gentleman give my hand I love the enthusiasm I think his teammate Conor McGregor once said that he owns his building but they can work that stuff out back in Ireland congratulations twenty-year-old James Kalahari our tale of the tape for this our main event of the evening is brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sport you see the five-inch reach advantage for Phil Davis go ahead even waiting all night man go ahead let me go ahead for everything else is virtually identical that's for the fans Thank You partner here is Michael C Williams two gentlemen live on Spike Bellator MMA presented by Miller Lite from Madison Square Garden the time has come for the Bellator 180 main event of the evening five five-minute rounds for the Bellator light heavyweight championship sanctioned by the New York State Athletic Commission tonight's world title fight was brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer it's another time and now introducing the blue corner first at six foot two weighing in two hundred four point four pounds one of the top light heavyweights in the world today he makes his Bellator debut tonight bringing 22 professional victories five defeats fighting out of Gilbert Arizona presenting the Challenger Ryan [Applause] and across the cage a champion tonight fights out of the red corner at six foot two weighing in two hundred four point eight pounds in his first defense of the title he stands tonight with 17 professional victories just three defeats fighting out of San Diego California introducing the defending Bellator light heavyweight world champion Phil mr. wonderful brings the referee in charge of the action Dan Merkley odda all right gentlemen Center please all right gentlemen Vincent rules Rockville won't you be my commands at all time wants to take yourselves at all times this is for the title if you guys want us close to an alpha selectable Dan Merkley otta our referee championship fight scheduled for by five minute rounds Davis Bader are you ready sir are you ready let's go here we go tonight's my clock brought you by Miller life the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time red gloves the familiar pink shorts for Phil Davis blue gloves black trunks for Ryan baby Davis said I want to get that taped out working early I didn't do that in the last fight then got to be weary on that it's the high level Russell who cost you a lot of antigen early on in the fight Ryan Bader stuff all but one takedown attempt and there were many in the first fight back in 2015 number one we'll get that left arm down only had one off on that takedown now Ryan vailable body lock position I'm Boehner the winner of season 8 of The Ultimate Fighter right here on Spike later Sean a little southpaw yeah he says might strike up hasn't been so much in the last month I slept in the first fight he was at his best he's pushing off his punches using those strikes to clear a lot of distance and push Phil Davis back he's a great necessarily at cutting angles and setting traps a forward kind of strike vote and have serious power Davis is the kind of angle through a looping shot over the top that's where their Styles differ when it comes to striking like that goofy shots later won his last two fights in the UFC Bill Davis foreign Dolan inside the Bellator cage great stuff still to come live on pay-per-view top of the hour title on the line here live on Spike great to be with you Mike Goldberg Jimmy Smith can you stop it again yep same problem look at that ring slow with the right hand but the left hand was too high Vader got underneath it gotta keep it with both hands Brendan Schaub drops down to the agender brown Phil Davis over to Midway on point of round one it has to be perfect margin of error is very very slim you want to take down a guy like Ryan Bader and this is not gives wrestling this is they've been at distance where it's been hard to get that takedown going and we've talked about the difference between wrestling and MMA wrestling many times yes well with different people we have discussed we haven't talked about it you've heard us at home I talked about it with Joe you talked about it with both doctor we have talked about that strategy still Davis's happen to go on by wrestle so far it hasn't panned out routes start to get on him dear their boat painfully aware of all the pains will fight last time they are aware of that fans were not happy bill ducked under there and almost delivered a good counter left down mine Bader in the southpaw stance so far this round almost dead even build a because I think a little bit more active he's gone for a couple takedowns Ryan Bader a little bit more at a curette the queen strikes but hasn't grown much anytime you work your striking game with someone involved with mobile yow that is a good thing fantastic team all the way around Hannah Burrell was even in Phoenix training with Ryan Bader CB Dollaway in the crew there [Music] just a jujitsu it is in decline I'm sure that hurt but I'd be a lot standing up not child on vacation let although kicky just once off the forearm and return by Davis cook jab by Bader reaching the end of round one more than anything Jimmy this first round mutual respect around to Eric Del Piero longtime trainer for Phil Davison San Diego Alliance MMA said if he keeps moving we need to GS Pia look for the one free to talk earlier on his card about GSP and his jab as Billy said everything up off that lead hand problem with the takedown link partly in Russian is a weren't great set up she wasn't getting Ryan banner to to bite on any the strikes he was throwing so he kind of had to dive in while you're not gonna take Ryan Bader down but he got a hurdle for something pop him in the nose then maybe we set up that takedown Davis has only lost three times in his career and they've all come by decision one debater of course the split decision the other two by unanimous decision to her shot Evans and rumba Anthony Johnson it's really winging that left hook what the reason I gave I get the first round 10 9 - Phil Davis he was just more activist around he's just a little busy throwing a little bit more neither guys really landed anything significant but Phil Davis has been leading it a little bit even moving he's been throwing the biblical activity levels why he gave him round one that I'm still a closed round so despite the fact he couldn't get a takedown in the first five minutes you still five still no little edge going for a point trying to be the aggressors - trying to get the fight to the ground yeah a lot of people don't think that way Jimmy Lee you know you are going through the takedown and instead of you didn't succeed then no credit for defenses who's trying to get it done so far it's filled in not by a whole lot very close fight Phil's career has really been the story of the takedown in the rumble fight Anthony Johnson stuffed all eat attempts with Phil Davis people over to share up he took over about nine times lives and dies with the takedown absolutely [Music] both of these guys high level white heavyweights for years top of the food chain once the Bellator champion the other and his first championship fight don't stop taking on that who loses matches full Davis you have to throw a lot of strikes not gonna catch me that first one the second one maybe the third or fourth we'll do it right now Ryan Bader really stuck in the to punch mode he asked to throw those long combinations you need to hit a guy who's moving a lot till Davis really moving along over the top Bader saw a cub [Music] still can't get back but you trap you try he's going for it right once for aggression it's hot into papi Oh Gomez also met the striking invaders camp for this fight he's worked with guys like Jose Aldo totally different vibe for Ryan Bader as who makes his Bellator debut right to the top rigsy was supposed to be king mall instead it's a title fight and that's good as an entree that is an upgrade and we love Rob King mo great fighter something to this fight for sure - really - about yes [Music] so far it's looking a lot like the first fight not a whole lot of activity in terms of significant strikes both guys really trying to find their rhythm it the target is elusive what does that lead to Goldie tough rounds to score yes scorecards it could be all over the place which could lead to a very close split decision that the guy who lost really disagrees with which I think already happened 30 heavy Jeff Bader faked the shot came over the top [Music] take this round so far two lives ahead Barry facebooking silent it [Music] final seconds around to order right now live on pay-per-view they finally fight Chael Sonnen Wanderlei Silva Fodor enters the Bellator cage for the first time Matt Mitrione his opponent two titles on the line round three twenty minutes away from my live pay-per-view before that somebody's gonna leave this cage with a belt around their waist so far Jimmy it's pretty tough to tell which god yeah very very tough again switches the stands [Music] wonder how footsteps feelin out where Phil Davis oh you know I didn't quite do enough last it did quite put my stamping arounds like I should have how much that stays within tonight how much is he gonna turn it up feeling that didn't do enough laps and will that motivate him right now this fight looks like the last body needs to go either way in both men said they didn't like the first one and both men have greatly now since that first time this is the man punch and then the follow-up that was the best combination of the fight for Davis best so far Vader tops Beiber's letting buildings initiate trying to topple over the top third five-round fight of Phil Davis's career fours five round fight of Ryan Vader's career up the middle what's interesting is they brought they pulls have little pockets but it's nothing they can easily replicate replicates like both guys are moving the throwing stuff sometimes stuff is landing but neither guy has found like okay this is how I'm gonna be bigger down the feet yeah but they haven't found the path to success on the feet find the feet is where this entire fight has taken place to successfully take baby must his final work on things like that he snaps the head back down come back with the right the left over the top three four punches he's got that heavy overhand right he's hit up a couple punches the jab what I'm done both times had the highlight reel finish with that vicious need in Germany on a lair Latifi perfectly time [Music] great point tough acts to follow roll on in the card was you didn't catch of my James Gallaher he looking radically refreshment great stuff all night Boehner opened his MMA career with 14 straight victories five of those in the UFC his first professional loss to some gum dude named John Jones never heard me neither have it's good to see he's decent stuff yeah no shame in that loss no shame [Music] meet uppercut phil davis is able to elude damage once again under a minute here in the third peter hasn't really found his power punch and what's you twice me to be out of this round ass kid will followed up at the right hand on that hook in the power kicks at that two or three I'm here to catch Bill Davis good so far see the one Syngenta that's not quite enough keep an eye on the kicks that are blocked by the forearm because those will break a form on this side there is a passage to the fight and it's Babel look at the fifteen seconds remains hearing a third but a big takedown late Davis on top [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah for water well would they down hurry up rookie I'm the boy [Music] championship rounds Phil Davis has gone the distance twice the by Brown distance he is one-on-one in those fights Bader went the distance five rounds and a non-title main event against open-sink crew and won by unanimous decision Jimmy howdy habit I've been three de not fulfilled Davis he landed the right hook left combos best sequence to the fight so far it's almost exclusively activity in the first two rounds he's just been a little busier he cannot feel good about the scorecard right now I don't feel good about it I'm not sure about the first two rounds even out of the three maybe but it's in fact that neither guys landed what she has done much for the judges to score that's the hard part it's a lot like their first fight we gotta fight come on here fight ends up running time in fight you know what happens not a lot of activity a lot of people right now giving ride Vader the first round shirt certainly good depends on what you're looking at opponent neither guy has had that decisive decisive man hasn't happened davus change levels there tried to come over the top waiter fights it off again [Music] the best punch best punch of the fight for him absolutely counter uppercut the combinations is there might catch his punches Phil tends to get out of position to the lead in the shots who's got balance a lot that to me and they cut the back of Heather just raised in five right now top of the hour ten in Eve's seven in the West it is the ultimate brunch max jail sign and Wanderlei Silva the jail and I were actually in the movie party was fun to work with something like quite the jokes you've actually got a lot of personality I don't know if you know that really yeah you probably a white guy mother talks yeah very very introverted yeah not to be selling away in there feels really trying to win that counter overhand right baby the question mark it [Music] so first title fight invaders animate for air he was always talking on the doors always right there couldn't get past that title contender match those are heavy [Music] doesn't they're trying to counterpunch 20 catch the guy off balance not good blessed initiating for the workshop one minute split jabs they talked about how much they improve how much they did like perspire this is what you get you get these two guys together them and help me take down speckled arches in the land couple of good knees landed in a midsection of Bader and it's probably 4 a.m. in sweeden right now round for the American gangster and the axe murderer collide live on pay-per-view still to come or coming up next however you want to say go however we do tonight Jim you get a blast fifth and final round Orion Bayonetta most significant strike to the of the round - rains a little bit better but once again a close one so overall you have it three rounds to one rear aims too long yeah but none of those rounds we're significantly in either guys camp when they lock up Ryan pitted just so much strong for this great press it may be slicked or a little more technical in its strength against strength Ryan bit and he flings him he's a very strong powerful dangerous dude and Aaron Simpson who fought professional MMA and was an assistant coach dad ASU with Cain Velasquez and CB Dollaway and Ryan said the Brian speed he's just a mean training partner being fighter hadn't been as mean as I would think the a-train would wanted to be thus far but he's got three minutes and 50 seconds to do so still just get me look to finish this and take all the mystery out of it now as a fighter when you take on something but somebody better and you get beat there's some solace in when you think it just didn't do nothing I just didn't quite do now that's a haunting feeling so far in this fight both guys can feel it with him he does really let it all out round five and that's how Phil met Phil felt pardon me about the first greenhouse could have done a little bit for ya this could go either way to the jasmine and either what either way would be appropriate but it's the guy who lost single man if I just finished a little stronger I've done a little bit for him very fit our Vader when they go okay that's a Davis win yeah I can argue that as well yeah fans excited for the pay-per-view The Last Emperor phaidor Bellator cage it is going to happen don't forget Wanderlei Silva Jill Sonnen two main events from here inside the metal past the midway point of the fifth and final round takedown number two for beta Rustom escape we also trying to turn and get guard cops right back to his feet just like wood just like you would like to Legion wrestling match later k keep him down that taken could give the edge of the story [Music] that's successful that counter uppercut that counter right hand with 90 seconds inability to manually follow up with most references made to Blanche South fall back Orthodox somebody really wings in the latest has been winging it a lot not able to connect nope there's the overhand right from Bader later has a big head has been just out of line then you just have to avoid the big man shots buildings under a minute [Music] Thunder [Music] I'm swelling under the left eye of Phil Davis later turning it up here in the film Ted Danson wasn't able to get that one to Phil Davis to come in that's why he's been more successful [Applause] final seconds of the fight [Music] they go the distance we will find out who will leave with the belt that is coming up next right here on Spike Jimmy our black heart premium spiced rum replay the bald 93 proof rum that's edgy to the core well unfortunately it looked a lot like the first fight both guys throwing not landing a whole lot of significant strikes Bill Davis trying to initiate Ryan Bader taking his time trying on counter punches getting a couple of takedowns but a lot of back-and-forth rounds with no decisive winner it's gonna be interesting to see what the judges have to say with the official decision Michael C Williams ladies you don't having all the distance will go to your three judges at cage side your first judge Sally Amato scores the fight 49 46 he sees the fight for Bader here second judge Jeff Mullen scores the fight 48-47 he sees the fight for Davis your third and final judge Derrick clearing scores to fight 49 to 46 for the winner by split decision and now the new Brian Boehner is the new Bellator champion we will talk to Ryan Bader later on pay-per-view the night continues order right now five more fights Ryan Bader congratulations you are the new champion all right Taylor the tape brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports now look at the height advantage of Douglas thing that he is massive for the welterweight division here is Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen tonight from Madison Square Garden the world's most famous arena live on pay-per-view welcome to Bellator NYC presented by Miller Lite the action begins with five five-minute rounds for the Bellator welterweight world championship sanctioned by the New York State Athletic Commission and brought to you tonight by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports and now introducing first the blue corner at 5 foot 11 weighing in 169 28 pounds the highly ranked contender tonight in his Bellator debut enters with 18 professional victories five defeats from Riverside California presenting the Challenger Lawrence the monsoon [Music] and across the games the champion tonight fights out of the red corner at 6-foot one weighing in 170 pounds even the two-time champion tonight makes his first defense after regaining the title bringing 28 professional victories six defeats originally from boyo boy ice Briceno he fights out of Atlanta Georgia the defending fam'ly total welterweight world champion Douglas Duffy and the referee in charge of the action the John McCarthy the best in the game Big John McCarthy the third man inside the Bellator MMA cage scheduled for five rounds for the Bellator welterweight championship Douglas Lima the Bellator welterweight champion in the midst of his second reign you know the bell and round one the fight clock is brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time and it is the champion Lima in the red gloves the Challenger Larkin in the blue gloves and Jimmy both of these Warriors capable of stealing the other Sol with their striking prowess and they both know it there's a tremendous amount of respect between these two fighters [Music] surely feeling out process as Lima fires the first salvo go outside Lake kick to the lead leg of lorenz larkin known as monsoon and boy blew into Strikeforce opened up a lot of eyes and then of course went on to the the UFC where he leaves with a to fight winning streak winner of his four of his last five fights lots of momentum coming into this high-pressure Bellator debut Douglas infers weaknesses to his style he tends to over emphasize the power punches a lot of right hands a lot of left hooks doesn't jab that off guys starting with the leg kicks Larkin told us going five rounds is not a concern he feels that it's more of a mind game he just has to make sure his mind knows that he's ready to go all five as Lima with a body kick the one thing is Lehman has gone five rounds he's never won a five round decision he losted been asked me lost his horse coffees out wrestled in both of those fights and lost eight fire round decision so he hasn't exactly done well over 25 minutes either team backline unlike our main event or one of our two main events tonight between Chael Sonnen and better lay Silva there is mutual respect between these two gladiators and we're seeing it early on Jimmy a time shawn merriman he's checking us out it's a tough question ask anybody who has brokenness fight down it's hard to pick a winner in Lima and Larkin right hand down the middle by Lima social media buzzing for Bellator NYC live on pay-per-view and there's a Bellator veteran also using his fingers to tweet tonight he's back at his fellow champ no surprise there there's always that extra edge when you're a quote Bellator fighter and free agents commitment on defend your territory defend your promotion defend your belt nice check to that leg kick while we saw at the end of Bellator 180 live on Spike Ryan Bader defeating Phil Davis for the second time via split decision but this time he becomes the new Bellator light heavyweight champion lorenz larkin would like to continue that trend tonight under two minutes remaining here in the opening round a lot of faints a lot of stutter steps not a lot of contact yet Jimmy they're both so weary of the others power they both notes dismissed with one punch they don't want to walk into it then lame attacking the lead leg of lorenz larkin coming up on the final 90 seconds of the first frame scheduled for five for the Bellator welterweight championship nice one-time combination by Larkin that was quick lead right hand by the champion Lima to be hard to land it's a setup jab hook lay kicks Larkin switches to a southpaw stance [Music] switches back to orthodox trying to befuddle the champion Douglas Lima final 60 seconds of a getting-to-know-you round one right now give a slight slight slight edge to Lima his late kicks have been a little bit more effective and he has Larkin up against the fence momentarily Lima misses with that roundhouse kicks now Larkin coming in with a lead right hand followed up with the left in high-level welterweights with a pellet or 170 pound championship are you surprised at all by the stark gym no I'm not I expected to be a slow burns fight with a feel each other out maybe get going rounds two and three nice body kick oh right uppercut which allowed Lima to close the distance R and the left hand has worked and pinned against the fence in the final seconds of the opening round look at the leg kicks to me those were the most effective strikes of the first round and you see the Lehmann has checked a few and he came back with his own and they turned lorenz larkin a little bit the only real edge I saw in the fight incredibly close first round someone who was watching with vested interest Rory MacDonald my fellow Canadian who as well wanting to take fellow Bellator welterweights help couldn't have done a whole lot better against Paul semtex Daley he looked amazing in that fight an incredible Bellator MMA debut for Rory MacDonald what's his nickname these days I know he tends to change it every so often I think it's still the red keyboardist with the Canadian psycho ID logs the Canadian traction among us here in Bellator is throwing that out there is that I want to take it up with dead cold eyes it's the only thing you think of second round underway here between Bellator welterweight champion Douglas Lima and the Challenger Bellator MMA newcomer Lorenz Larkin and now Lima looking to try to establish the jab goes underneath the armpit with that right kick and then attacks the lead leg down low how did you score the opening five minutes Jimmy once even embarrassed of Marvins ten dynamic based on those leg kicks nice combination put together by Lorenz Larkin that's keep market which combinations getting to see the hand speed he is very very quick just out of range of that attack by Douglas Lima was Larkin Larkin pine at Lima with the jab trying to mesmerize him so he can follow up with something a little more vicious one is not gonna do it both these guys need to throw in combination as we've seen I mean the Senate tends to enjoy a line the straight right hands now Larkin common stance like the kick was blocked but an aggressive push spine Larkin who attacks the lead leg of Lima download 90 seconds gone in the second round market I'll start and open up the throw combinations riving lima back not much land there but showing that aggressiveness yeah the nose Eva picked picked off lock him there but yet Larkin punishing leave us nose in it's beginning to live plasma extended walkin connected with that right hand that caught the champions attention Larkin trying to impose his will and skill only minal market with the left Down Goes Larkin ground-and-pound from liebe shades of course Leibovitz lashing elbows as well as the champion dropped lorenz larkin with that nice left hook Rockets trying to keep him close you dug this thing you want to stand up and get back to strike he because he is hurt and Larkin doing his best to control Leamas posture inside the closed guard Lima very well balanced when it comes to his successful offense he does have 11 submission wins to go along with 13 ko victories he's what's all this man did have a guy hurt finish it with strikes expected ask and the battle is now his stay around with the ground in town interesting choice under two minutes left he passes the guard in the side control as Markham trying to scramble back to his feet he's able to do so good sequence for the Bellator welterweight champion Douglas Lima that was almost finished right there Morrow make no mistake and again the lead left hook by Lima looks tired though I think he spent a lot of energy trying to get the finish there given the Reds Larkin time to clear his head nice kick Larkin has tasted defeat on five occasions including being stopped once in his career via strikes but Lima unable to finish him here in round two the final minute now the second round we were walking down Larkin Larkin keeping at bay with that fine jab as again Lima goes to that lead left hook to do as he can't just throw the straight punches were blocked by Larkin Luke delivers a right cross of his own final 30 seconds of the second round Larkin just missed with that right uppercut and almost got clipped with that right cross from Lima again Lima changing up his attack attacking that lead leg attacking the base both guys have shown that they have speed and finishing ability in this round good round for the champion Lima look at it here Lima was coming Leo Lima had eaten some good shots but look at it here think it's the left hook just like course go right on the chin that drop Larkin but he wasn't able to finish Larkin was able to clear his head and get back in this fight be careful when you have Douglas Lima cornered he is like a cornered animal he will fight back that's what course COFF found out the hard way that's why I lead was the Champa emotion knockouts in Bellator history with eight would love to put Lorenz Larkin on ice and Larkins Bellator MMA debut had an opportunity there in the second round but Larkin has proven to be resilience in his past MMA career and comes into his first MMA fight for Bellator with plenty of momentum round three underway one thing you have to keep in mind is there though this in attends to fight in spurts gets reacted to breaks like he's worried about his gas tank body kicked by Lima Larkin told us that he feels he's more of a fluid striker where Leamas more of a powerhouse Larkin feels that he doesn't throw a lot of crazy strikes speaking about the champion but he's a powerhouse so any of his strikes could knock you out he doesn't use a lot of setups yet very very basic comes in one two three faith in that right knee leg kicks right hand has the meat and potatoes of his office we see no time which is to back off take little breaks then he'll lunch four and that's where Larkin has to take advantage of those opportunities he's got to be active when Lima is inactive another body kicked by Lima Larkin back in a southpaw stance how did you ask around to mr. Smith much easier ten nine for Lima really had Larkin hurt that to move by largely keep Lima close on the ground get his breath back get back into the fight in the state lead right hand attack him the shoulder there was Lehman again that body kicked a Larkin from the southpaw stance circling to his right where he has been clipped with that left hook yes they got the psychological aspect too he was moving forward he's landing a combination that Bank Lima hits it in Mike Stifel life on the Larkins offense just a little bit everything was looking good right he got dropped Larkin content and stain in the southpaw stance busy trying to establish that right jab inside low kick by the champion Lima grew up watching movies like kickboxer inspiring him to fight and using his kicks definitely tonight his right hand what does Larkin have to do a better job of as this fight progresses in terms of trying to close the distance on the championship angle then attacked right now he's angling on the outside defenseman guitar for levy to get a read on it the a steamers cut angle and then come in when he was up prepared and Lima just planted another skip jab on the mug of lorenz larkin [Music] coming up next many call him the next big thing in mixed martial arts it's the much-ballyhooed debut a 20 year old Aaron Pico whose playpen well might as well have been a wrestling mat right yeah very true started very young basically skipped his high school and college years went straight to try to make the Olympic team came to the point of literally bred to be a mixed martial artist started boxing at a young age and will make his pro debut tonight as Larkin landed that left body Kick to the champion Lima so far Leamas landed a little bit cleaner pushed him back and of course we can't discount the altar boys at Freeland would love to spoil Aaron Pecos professional debut coming up 82 that has real experience under a minute and a half left here in round 3 body kick bod liebe having trouble navigating through the defensive that was in yeah another good ray got caught with another right hand from the champion up loosely mas and I think leader to his part has been less active but more effective and ApS grown it's it's driven back sportsmanship there by the doctors blogs with market that may have been just below the equator jab by Larkin but Larkins scouting report seems to be proving to be accurate thus far Jimmy in terms of Lima just loading up on all good shots but he's been able to catch those strikes [Music] final 20 seconds of the third round here at Madison Square Garden the mecca of combat sports and Lima Drive would Lord on Lorcan to punctuate his performance in the round I had the pleasure of covering this man's legendary career in Japan for the Pride Fighting Championships where he went undefeated in 15 fights he is - no since ending his three-year retirement in 2015 comes in to Bellator with a five fight win streak he is fedor emelianenko incredible power incredible ability incredible athletes right there in Matt Mitrione a big heavyweight but light on his feet good angles good combinations this is the biggest test of his career gets Fedor Emelianenko we'd love to have that name on his list of wins that's one of our two main events coming your way later tonight Vader's Bellator debut against Matt Mitrione who was - an O in the Bellator MMA cage get off it's the penultimate round in this five round championship affair and Jimmy I know we just started working together but I think I can read your mind do you have the champion pitching a shutout thus far thus far yes round one could easily go either way I thought round 2 of course he heard him round 3 he just landed the more effective strikes Larkin was busier however bundles raid on the champion in the red gloves the Challenger lorenz larkin in his Bellator debut sporting the blue gloves and he needs to see an uptick in his offense has to try to solve the path to the champion Douglas Leeman has to find a way to negotiate that distance Jim Lima has been affected free market hasn't had a link to his back to get toward the fence he's been a little crowded that latina has really unloaded Lima continues to take potshots at the lead leg talk about that strategy and how effective it can be Jimmy Brown store five that Lake just won't work yet returned moving really shuts down a guy cuts angles which lorenz larkin loves to do kick right arm up Douglas Lima but single shots Jimmy aren't going to get it done basic which I knew he gently throws the right handle the top left hooks and leg kicks but always kept his hands high doesn't play that much the droplet on the outside and he's in close he keeps those hands very very high and that's something we haven't seen a lot of in terms of punches to the body we've seen body picks but I saw Lima changes trajectory and begin to attack the midriff of lorenz larkin won against this fourth round lorenz larkin he burns it up he needs these championship rounds one of the first we could have easily gone his way to the judges he never know just like Mars back in the day Jimmy Larkin needs to pump up that volume if the leader left or drives an old score everybody hey I'm almost 50 50 years young we are just past the midpoint of round number four Lima continues to walk down Larkin in that southpaw stance and landing the jab the fans at home and joined the action and we have seen spurts of that back and forth action but I don't think we've seen the fistic fireworks that we anticipated and there are a few reasons why Jim get a lot of respect both guys are tricky opponents especially Larkin the angles a lot hard to get a read on it oh there's a left hook and a left kick the lands for Larkin are getting a little busier in this fourth round I've made very loved and his best sustained offense now lorenz larkin doesn't move at Douglas Leeman spaces just done but what bug listen has done is his medium punch at Olympus case he has been that busy with his hands again the lead right hand by Lima scores and then he lands the jab always wanted to his bats off that he's been less effective I think in this fourth round Lima has thrown like it hit the first 3 front kick by Lorenz Larkin sidekick oblique kick there by Larkin coming up on the final minute of the fourth round and Larkin beginning to loosen up a bit during round 4 again statistics if he presses prior to the takedown so far from home and tried to be shot see if you get him to the ground maybe I suppose round sharp body kicked by Lima Larkin double puffing the jab coming in but it's tripped up on the champion and now in the open guard Douglas Lila will try to capitalize on this situation as again Larkin immediately controls the jacket guard this is a closed round let's he maybe get a little offense going turning his way Larkin while walking back to a vertical base now turning the champion up against the fence final few seconds of what has been Lorenz Larkins best round it has it been enough to get the round on Jimmy Smith scorecard will find up and lorenz larkin turning it up a little bit more - look at that once again you get Lima corner he's gonna fire back especially with that left hook it didn't land whose head with a push Larkin backing get on top but throughout that fourth round lorenz larkin a little bit busier Douglas Lima kind of took the round off his it in for like he did in the first three two MMA icons to Huntington Beach bad-boy Tito Ortiz and the man who once spanked Tito Ortiz relatively literally my man so great to see MMA luminaries here at cage side for what is the biggest night in Bellator MMA history it is about legends it's about champions and coming up next will it be about the most talked about prospects were in MMA aaron vehicle right now it's all about the Bellator welterweight championship as we head into the fifth and final round sportsmanship lots of respect so did lorenz larkin finally get a round on your unofficial scorecard children yeah I believe he did I gave him around ten nine once again extremely close on Jimmy's scorecard you have it 4947 for the champion so and now knowing honestly you are one of the best of what you're doing it's not easy we're trying to tell the story of the fight and you are all good job babe on the bandsaw job it's a thankless task Twitter it's a thankless job that's if that's the case market needs to really close the show here in the fifth frame snap kick by liebe really decisive you might have to use ground to hurt him knocked him down couldn't finish him other allele I think a little more effective but lorenz larkin a lot busier Arkan trying to cut off the the cage try to walk down the champions fine at him with the jab needs to put together a combination after 20 minutes of action wow this is how close this fight is according to cop you strike dead even in terms of armed strikes landed and almost in terms of punch it's wrong that's incredible so we expected it to be a hotly contested competitive affair and the numbers bear that out [Music] jumping is trained in the knife chanath i Larkin Larkin also very creative for the hairstyle always up representing his hometown of Riverside California thought Belle would love to bring champion Douglas leave us Belle here in the fifth frame honey and the mag great team out there been out there forever midpoint of the fifth and final round Lima lands to chaff mark him back to a southpaw stance does this Bolivian jibing fighting has a left hand I think anything that changed up and maybe opens up Leland is a good idea he hasn't really been able to get past the defense yet the left hand coming in disgrace him with again coming up on the final two minutes of this championship fight for the Bellator welterweight crown body kick against scores for Lima yes again with the left hook which has been his his money punch so far this fight blind him with the flurry of jabs under two minutes this is where to have something to take you gotta spend it punches home again and it looks like Larkin is trying to do that us that has to be cognizant time becoming potentially is most enemy 90 seconds left in the fight to get that lead weapon by the sense of urgency definitely in the body languages with the challenge of market leavehim can feel great about the scorecards be out of close rounds hasn't been very active in rounds form but a nice leg kid again we can both do it we are just getting started here on paper Bellator NYC Mauro Ranallo Jimmy Smith at Capeside Brendan Schaub Josh Thomson Jenn brown all the business in this bill is amazing 13 seconds left in the photo but that's okay Joe is the baby and of course Joe Rogan boss firm Jimmy Smith I guess it's a prerequisite guys have to be bald or shave your heads to believe final 15 seconds of this Bellator welterweight title tillers kick again by we are headed to the judges for courts to determine what a ministry ladies and gentlemen having gone the distance Laconia three judges at Capeside your first judge Chris Lee scores the fight 15 to 45 well judges Dave Torelli and Doug Crosby both need to fight the same 48 to 47 I'll see it for the winner by unanimous decision and still battling Toto welterweight world champion Douglas though FINA [Music] so Douglas Lima spoils the Bellator debut of lorenz larkin retaining the Bellator welterweight title let's go up to Jimmy Smith I'm here with the winner and still chanted les Lima it looked like every time he got aggressive every time he put you against the fence you answered with power punches able to counter over the top you think that was the key tonight just before I answer a lot of savers Jesus Christ with his win oh man I'm so blessed I've been through a lot to get here and just thank you hard man he messed me up when he switched left-handed I couldn't get the distance too good you know I mean yeah it's just a tough guy man wasn't on it for me to share the cage with a guy like that he's just a tough guy speaking of tough guys speaking of free-agent speaking of people who want that belt Rory MacDonald is cage side you know he's next what are your words for him brother come get it come get I know I know he's being throw on throw a lot of tough fights but wait until you come to me face me you'll see what a tough fight is who heard it from the champ Douglas Lima give him a hand ladies and gentlemen all right the tale of the tape brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports what else can you highlight but the record eight to transact three minutes pro debut for Aaron Tico all right with the official introductions here's Michael C Williams live on pay-per-view from the garden here in New York City monitor MMA Bellator NYC presented by Miller Lite now moves the lightweight division set for three five-minute rounds is brought to you by Spike sports we introduced the blue corner first at 6-foot when Ian letter 55.8 pounds his professional record eight wins with two defeats from st. Louis Missouri presenting boys and across the cage his adversary fighting out of the red corner at five foot eight weighing in 156 pounds even the highly decorated amateur boxer and wrestler to none Lynch's long-awaited professional and buck Tour debut from Whittier California introducing in charge of the action referee Rob Hines in life you get one opportunity I can't make a first impression Aaron pecos pro debut begins right now against Zach Freeman three five-minute rounds in the Bellator MMA cage [Music] that's a tight guillotine [Applause] ha ha train has just derailed ladies and gentlemen Zach Freeman finishes it in the first round and a new shark Bennett Zach Freeman has just spoiled Aaron Pecos professional debut what did we say tomorrow there's nothing like MMA throughout the gym stories there about what happened in class what happened when we were sparring this is real demon is right he just shot through the altar birds prayers have been answered lightning quick victory tonight [Applause] done it you could have called this [ __ ] all or nothing for Aaron Pico got hurt early joked early man what a job by Zack freedom sac Freeman overwhelmed with emotion Zach Freeman on a st. Louis Missouri has not fought since coming off a loss for the RFA lightweight title against Iago moisΓ©s last September comes into the Bellator MMA cage and like you said Jimmy he just derailed Aaron Pecos hype train and to be and to be fair Jimmy this is Aaron people's professional debut Bernard Hopkins his first fight and became a boxing legend Oh at the sky still the limit for Aaron Pico but the idea he puts so much into this opening so much was behind it and that's a big psychological blow see if he can come back alright time for the Black Card premium spiced robbery play the bold 93 proof rum that's empty to the core and started off with the knee they were in here Oh God cloudy Needham it's an uppercut right into the guillotine and look he goes right after he gets his hand underneath only a half guard but that's all it takes bang look at that uppercut that rocked him and then confidence in his finishing ability this is how he's used to finishing fights go so the power guillotine pushes it up from underneath Aaron Pico no choice but to tap and not willing that we put out at the same time Zach Freeman has just recorded the fourth fastest submission in Bellator MMA history Aaron Pico was gone in 24 seconds check it out in real time and Pico comes out aggressively like we expect I thought maybe that need started up I was wrong it's the uppercut [Applause] Aaron Pico never back into this fight pressure great confidence by Zach Freeman beautiful job on this guillotine as long as he could see he went out as he tapped great stuff great stuff by Zach Freeman a stunning turn of events with the official announcement let's go back to Michael C Williams ladies gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the tap comes officially my wave of dogs showed the time 24 seconds of round number one the winner by submission the altar boys all right let's go up to Jimmy Smith who was joined by the happiest man in Madison Square Garden Mike in a night that was supposed to be evident about the debut of Aaron Pico you made it about Zach Freeman do you know what the whole time man you know what the power of belief in this life anything can happen but you have to believe it it was the uppercut that rocked him the hurtin went right for the guillotine how much confidence did you have in that submission was the first thing you went for when you thought you had him hurt I won the World Championships in jujitsu last year with the same move even my left hand my right arms a strong one but you know what anyone gives me their neck night-night moving forward you know the names in this division you just put yourself right up with them anybody on your radar everybody you heard exact Frick there couldn't Jack Freeman is ready for anybody give him a hand it's time for the Bellator lightweight championship tale of the tape brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports like they talked about at the booth rent permits a giant head but five foot ten and a four-inch reach advantage alright with the official introductions here is the points of Bellator MMA Michael C Williams from Madison Square Garden tonight live on pay-per-view Miller Lite presents tonight second world title fight here at Bellator NYC five five-minute rounds for the Bellator lightweight world championship sanctioned by the New York State Athletic Commission and now from the garden we introduced the whip corner first at five quick Ted weighing in one hundred fifty four point two pounds in his first challenge for a world title he comes in undefeated with seven wins no defeats fighting out of Eugene Oregon introducing the Challenger Brad and across the cage the champion tonight fights out of the red corner and five foot eight wedding here with 150 328 pounds the two-time champion tonight in his ninth world title fight stands with 16 professional victories three defeats originally from High Ridge Missouri he fights out of Lantana Florida presenting of defending the lightweight world champion iron [Applause] in charge of the action your referee Todd Anderson [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] touch gloves do so now Todd Anderson the man assigned to oversee this Bellator lightweight championship fight the champion Michael Chandler chasing Patricio pitbull in terms of all-time Bellator victories of victory tonight he will equal the mark that's what it's all about the Bellator lightweight championship 5 5 minute rounds brought to you by Miller live original fu Cheers it's Miller time the champion Michael Chandler in the red gloves the Challenger Brent Griffiths in the blue gloves Jimmy you mentioned Chandler having issues in the later rounds well thankfully for him six of his previous seven victories have come by chaos submission including fur in the first round he starts so fast most fighters just can't keep up in a fallen to his speed and power Chandler became a two-time Bellator lightweight champion when he defeated the tricky fray via knockout ability or 157 last June and of course coming off that successful title defense against offensive via split decision in what former Bellator announcer Sean grandi called the best Bellator fight than he announced and we wish our friend Sean all the best in his future endeavors a strange Bowl that was true that hurt his knee that's why he fell Travis attacking the [Music] is that going out that's used to quick starts on five wins by kill or something should have called me and he is what can a big-shot look the chapter chambered is in huge trouble now his lead leg is done and Chandler tried to check that low kick by premise now trying to settle back into a rhythm trying to get that blood circulating again Jimmy and talk about having us that keeps folded underneath and you know that four instruments is going to do just that continue to target the lead leg of Jimmy woods for Michael Chandler that entrance is folded every time to tie school gate on with his style he needs to put this on do you agree the continues play [Applause] but raining now I don't understand that I can't see the road at all you cannot stop because of an injury that shitty labor I do you're absolutely right Jimmy if he cannot continue it's over he is potentially stealing minority from bread crumbs you gotta wave it off you cannot stop and have him check it out that was a lethal strike he was done by Luther strikes it is okay travelers saying you can go all day but I mean I this is ridiculous I've never seen all of the refugees that bad fights over can't stand having each other because of a legal strike well there's no crying in baseball there's no timeouts in MMA Jimmy that's true Prince Remus over in reality he's right but should be over the network [Applause] bread premise in his eight professional fight paint is enough to become Bellator lightweight champion I cannot wait to see what caused it because that ankle suddenly just could not bear any weight at all could've been a late kick where this was leading with him [Applause] unfortunate turn of events where bread premises titled victory the celebration overshadowed by an unfortunate mistake by the referee a stream miscommunication there but a we got the routine cat burglars off hallelujah and yeah of course afield for Bellator lightweight champion Michael Chandler but let's go to the Black Card premium spike drama replay the bold 93 proof room that edgy to the core find what did it that did oh my god and then he ate the knee but he took his leg back to avoid a kick and it just crumpled under him don't watch this and if you've got a faint heart or a weak stomach he stepped back to avoid the kick and his ankle just folded we could no longer put weight on it there was nothing he could do at that point and you can hear the crowd reacting to him it just kept giving out on him and just in case you want to see it again which is constantly gave out on Chandler good call by the referee in terms of stopping the fight as you shouldn't have been in on that by injury time message exactly but Wow here and the the biggest event in Bellator history the biggest victory of Brent premise of life he has just defeated Michael Chandler to become the new Bellator lightweight champion let's make it official with Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen the cage side physician waves off the contest due to injury official time two minutes 22 seconds into round number one the winner by TKO Shafi let's go to Jimmy Smith who is joined by the new Bellator champion at 155 I'm here with the winner and new lightweight champion Bret primis you just touched close with Michael Chandler and said hey let's do it again I know this is the way you wanted to get the belt but a great performance yeah man then I can't be putting the word I'm so excited you guys can put me all you want but I've trained my butt off sacrificed everything it's the name of the game anything has happened you know man I'm I'm so blessed thank you God thank you all my family my friends and great Eugene Oregon and northern Oregon and everybody norwich county uh team Aoyama all you guys and pcc ball hog long as much like thank you guys so much would it add something to you to get a rematch and finish him standing up like you were close to doing his ankle went out he was injured I know you went after him would it mean more to you to get another shot at Michael Chandler and win the belt the way you wanted it man at the press conference I told him I was gonna beat him and we're gonna have a second problem to give an immediate shot I told him that he's a champion you know I look up to Chandler and have for a long time at nine it was a true honor to get here in throw leather with that guy he's a beast you know so I would love to do it again that's how the chili G matches good again man all congratulations to the new champ Mike if I can talk to you for a second we have it on tape that ankle went right out from under you put this thing off I'll keep doing I know you always want to keep going but it gave out you couldn't put any weight on it at all how do you feel about what he said that he'd love to do it again win the bill I didn't hear a word he said I cannot wait to get back in this cage Bellator New York City I love you thank you guys for support I found every single scream when this little thing was crippling underneath me thank you guys I love you Britt Bree miss you better train freaking hard boys I'm coming back with a vengeance let's give it up you're both on grant premise of Michael Chandler ladies and gentlemen we are set for the first of our two main events here at Bellator NYC tale of the tape brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports look at a height and weight advantage for Matt Mitrione it's the bigger man in there tonight with the official introductions here once again as Michael C Williams live on pay-per-view member life presents Bellator NYC from Madison Square Garden we're set for the first of tonight's double main event three five-minute rounds in the heavyweight division and now from the mecca of combat sports we introduced the blue corner at six foot three when in 250 6.6 miles inside the Bellator cage he's two and both wins coming by way of knockout and as a professional he brings 11 total victories fought with five defeats from Springfield Illinois he fights out of West Lafayette Indiana presenting true across the gauges at the center fighting out of the red corner at 6 foot weighing in 236 point four pounds with countless titles to his credit and his place in history security tonight the icon makes his Bellator debut bringing an unparalleled professional record with 36 victories and just four defeats ladies and gentlemen hailing from study horoscope Russia introducing [Applause] [Music] and when the bell rings the referee in charge of the action they have a burglary oh no all right Ellen settle please I Jenna printed rules in a locked room once been my commands at all time watch them take themselves with all time you want to touch gloves do it now okay good luck Vulcan referee Dan merge Liotta with his final instructions as we get set for this heavyweight tilts Fedor Emelianenko Matt Mitrione Paolo Famer hoist Gracie taking in her first up these this nights two main events ready sir fight clock brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer Cheers it's Miller time on those seven years since fatal United States of America making his bit Latorre than they [Music] three own in the blue gloves scheduled for three five-minute rounds we're bouncing on his feet trying to stay mobile like to anything [Music] in States loosing [Applause] windstream can he recaptured his Bellator debut and looking to you can see right now in that heavyweight championship the winner of this fight moving to us that will be the number one contender and who wins this fight either what people will be looking at when it comes to who's gonna be the Bellator heavyweight champ for sure then tree God put the mother like finish one update and msg how many wacky things are gonna happen tonight they hit each other at the same time rocky style Yogi's right yeah my the trio recovered quicker Wow and I hate to say it but we may have just seen the last Emperor's last 10 Matt Mitrione blows through Fedor Emelianenko a Madison Square Garden I am stunned I can't wait to see the inside don't believe what I just saw both guys were feel each other out as soon as he got in arranged they both struck at the exact same time and here's our Black Card premium spiced rum replay the bull 93 proof rum that's edgy to the core Wow yes [Applause] you just recovered fasteners at the land Emelianenko and remember when Dan Henderson knocked him out with similar crap underneath the armpit with those uppercuts bang just liked in his little short uppercuts right underneath right to the jaw a guide Matt Mitrione sight-size doesn't take many of those to knock you out you know boxing scope Muhammad Ali was defeated here at Madison Square Garden well MMA's go according to many has just been defeated by Matt Mitrione at the mecca of combat sports look at it again you not ugly very many times in your life a double knock down both with the right hand with Matt Mitrione able to recover quicker this is real speed [Applause] Vince man if you are not watching this live you explain to somebody what happened they're not going to believe I can't believe it an incredible night Matt Mitrione improving to three-and-oh in the Bellator MMA cage with the biggest win of his career as Fedor Emelianenko being tended to Henry move to one of the top striking coaches in the sport celebrating with Mitrione [Applause] what did anyone see Bellator NYC this way the farm New York Giants where they try and win at Madison Square Garden let's say make an official with Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen inside the Bellator cage the end comes officially one minute 14 seconds into round number one the winner [Music] [Applause] let's go up to Jimmy Smith I'm here with Matt Mitrione Matt after a double knock down you get up to finish the fight by TKO you just love drama in your fights man you know I'll tell you what man I told my coaches and my trainers all week long this shit's gonna be just like when I'm knocked out Derek Lewis I feeling it I knew it's gonna happen we're gonna explode the same time and may the best man win hey by the way please get everybody loves fade away man please give never fade or please they're coming back that's your trouble also my kids put your earmuffs on hi president chump [ __ ] the Golden State Warriors I'm a real warrior I'll cover it White House and I'll be good [Applause] we got mrs. Leonard my high school football coach his wife and Andy sanction I won my fight now you win yours and everybody look Tim head just died in the bend that in the boxing ring please file tweet the link out today it's at Matt Mitrione please go to good GoFundMe he's got a nine-year-old son and he just died please if you got 25 cents or $1000 give this kid a life please talk us through the end of the fight were both hit were you aware of what was going on was an instinct or were you conscious talk about the finish of that fight you know what's crazy in the middle of the fight he's so freakin smart I saw me looked at my hips and who's watching my feet when I was moving and that's why I said I want to switch it up a little bit and play around with him so maybe I kind of confused more wee bit but I know that he started he engaged and I engaged I didn't know that we both dropped I looked up and I said oh [ __ ] he's on his back and so I jumped off inside punching that cat so you don't remember but it's boom you were on the ground I mean I remember looking up you're like oh [ __ ] I'm about to jump on him and that's what a wise man or you go big blue or you keep going you keep doing it Mitrione ladies and gentlemen all right bonus action here at Bellator NYC tether the tape brought to you by Dave and Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports and look what's highlighted the name being the Gracie comes with a lot of support also comes with a lot of pressure all right with the official introductions here once again Michael C Williams now third NYC live tonight on pay-per-view now moves the welterweight division set for three five-minute rounds we introduced the blue corner at 5:00 putting lap in weighing in 170 point four pounds his professional record five wins two losses fighting out of Utica New York day across the cage his adversary out of the rectory at 6 foot weighing in 174 pounds as a professional he's undefeated at five and Oh from the invasion near Brazil he fights out of New York New York Tracy about three charge of the action Todd Anderson back it up back it up back it up you ready hey wait set for three five-minute rounds and Billa tours a welterweight division Damon Gracie in abusive red gloves named Marvin and his first Bellator appearances in the boot Robson bar phone told us that he could throw a hundred percent power for 15 minutes course name and Gracie I don't think you need to be a member of Mensa to know that he's gonna do [Music] good job get to the fence scramble back to his feet just enough still all over him that's what lead with those long legs that tall build very hard to escape those limbs what he can name and Gracie trains with his fingers uncle hen so Gracie he is the cousin of hoist Gracie trains at Henson Tracy was hens Oh Gracie another luminary in mixed martial arts and has done very well for himself in the Big Apple wanted to Gemma smart phone trying to unload on Gracie as he's pinned up against the fence take me to his left that outside Jerry guy doesn't go for it the man hat you know meeting damar phone for the first time of the fighter meeting I was [ __ ] by the cow pickles [Applause] Oh the jaws of the jujitsu shop that's the competency name in Gracie's I can throw it over that guy takes me down Gracie top position exactly where David Gracie wants to be Lady Macbeth's he's that slow burn Gracie jiu-jitsu style one step at a time tell you it does happen and coming into this fight Gracie has recorded three first round submission victories and talk about what is taking place right now Jimmy in terms of methodical patient now the film out rate right into format good job I yeah my phone again his half car back Wow still to come the second of our double main events a good old-fashioned grudge match Chael Sonnen against battling soba but there's my poem with the under bucket and knee right up the gut as two times the immigration has gotten him down and after him to really establish a great position reefs we have the mountain but our fault able to get his half guard back what a thrill it's gotta be for both mark bone and Gracie they gotta be thanking the likes of Brent premise Matt Mitrione Zacks craziness we have seen tonight another lead right hand by Gracie showcasing some of his striking coming awkward style it's a little strange but he's able to find the target especially that right hand the course said you all Wow flipped up Markov member the right hand is the Gracie's made their bones with jiu-jitsu and MMA you have to constantly above yachtsman striking subsequent Safari display the days of civic disciplines are long gone although Jimmy you I'm certain to this we are still seeing as as much as you have to be well-rounded if you do specialize in a specific discipline we're seeing a lot of people succeed with things it's been that's kind of a a split it makes for our speed to go ahead for grip good at something get better that make that bread butter to add some extra tools to set it up other people are hating on it get away from your best stats you've read everything which the guys like deep in Maya for example eating might be to continue using it until somebody could stop me against Mark Williams is striking and Gracie doing a good job of mixing it up here's my phone trying and does successfully wart the takedown attempt by Gracie that's what we do from our phone stop the tech tips make Gracie work for takedowns that aren't going to be successful making spit gas on something that isn't working final 15 seconds of the opening rounds Bellator welterweight division action between the undefeated Damon Gracie in the five and two date mark bone was making his first appearance in a [Applause] grazie sing well and round to discard on your unofficial scorecard is five minutes to ten nine Gracie and get a couple Takens Lansing strikes for this baby work for everything he guess Auggie kicked by Gracie Mia now double pumping of the jab trying to follow up with that right hand swinging wildly with that right now my phone has done a good job frustrating Grayson comes to takedowns they keep up with couples being at work he hasn't been well hold it down but passionately thighs on off it [Music] our phone was a two-time state finisher in high school to wrestling can you believe the mark phone is actually fought at a hundred fifty five pounds as Gracie again get stopped with a takedown that 170 then it got in the second now you've been impressed with how my phone's been able to stop the takedown well but there's a go behind him see I was going to say what does what Ken Marcou do do to help his cause yeah he's not big enough for that sometimes he's frustrated grace with the takedown Gracie he's provided most of the offense in this match Buckhead by racing know taking the [Applause] Dave Bahr phone [Applause] young did you get the gun back you therapy deeper trouble now he's in deeper trouble body tried to bite Gracie he could be from this position we've seen people tap out due to the pressure exerted due to the body tremor especially in this position gentlemen another opponent now [Applause] Gracie improving the sexy with surprise surprise of submission victory you knew once he got a dominant position Dame our phone was in serious trouble Susie got that back body triangle this one was over and named and Gracie celebrating on top of the cage here in New York where he trains here's our black heart premium spiced rum replay the bull denied entry proof rum that's edgy to the core till she's back against the fence they've got the body triangle on the ground look at it here arm underneath the chin look at that pressure those long legs extending the hips of Marv phone the key to verdict choke is opener pulling it up putting pressure on his hips and that's exactly what named and Gracie did from now on though he's in the shark tank at 170 that's my vision nicely done will he be the next great Gracie in MMA a long lineage name and Gracie representing the family and there is horse Gracie smiling ear-to-ear as another member of that legendary family succeeds here at MSG [Applause] named and Gracie received his Gracie jiu-jitsu blackbelt when he was 22 years of age the same age that Marv phone started training in MMA and there's Enzo Gracie always lighting up the room with that smile Ultra charismatic and we're gonna make it official now with Michael C Williams [Music] - winner by submission still [Music] [Applause] I'm here with her with her name and Gracie the first round got a couple takedowns couldn't hold him down as able to get back to his feet you landed some good punches did you know you were going to get that good position yeah I think so you know I want to dedicate this victory to my friend max my god max you are the true water my brother he's been fighting cancer he kept cancer out now he finished with the chemo brother this is victory for you we want the true water moving moving forward at 170 pounds very deep division is that where you want to go for the title represent the Gracie family in Bellator of course I'm here for this take off your body for his a great psych guy to me that came out they killed my mother cheering whoa let's give it up for naming Gracie ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Music] and for the final time tonight the tale of the tape brought to you by Dave & Buster's the only place to eat drink play and watch sports look at the records both guys extremely experienced but they want I think need this fight Wanderlei Silva wants revenge tell son wants to eat race the tastes of his last fight against Tito Ortiz hear what the official introductions of Michael C Williams ladies and gentlemen nibbler Mudd presents gonna turn NYC from Madison Square Garden tonight live on pay-per-view the time has come for the nine second main event three five-minute rounds in the light heavyweight division brought to you by Miller Lite the original light beer it's Miller time and now introducing the blue corner at six foot one wagon two hundred 5.8 pounds invariably outspoken the 3-time world title challenger returns to the Bellator cage with 28 professional victories 15 defeats and one draw hey Lane West Linn Oregon presented chair at a classifications adversary if I type the red corner at five foot ten weighing in exactly the same two hundred five point eight pounds the always thrilling former champion tonight makes his much-anticipated Bellator debut bringing and that standing professional record spent thirty five victories well defeats and one draw Haley [Music] [Applause] and what about Rams the referee in charge of the action Big John McCarthy [Applause] wants to protect yourself at all times do you obey my commands at all times once you fight hard food fight clean if you wanted to touch gloves touch them now good luck to both you formality yeah Big John McCarthy overseeing this the second of our two main events it's time to do their tourney right there their fists their feet and Chael Sonnen Wanderlei Silva grudge match years of the making of supply side of its money we knew we'd see it fast was in the first 10 seconds ground-and-pound by Sonnen in the opening 14 seconds of this our main event schedule [ __ ] playing some great right hand we talked about potential kids corrosion lay off focus more than 20 year career fifteen hundred and seventy four days Jimmy and right now he is in trouble he's feeling every single one of those days right now exceptions all over traffic right hands not something that may be overlooked because of his ferocious striking federal excel there's a Brazilian jiu-jitsu blackbelt gym and he is and you'd see him kind of angling for the arm but the pressure that Jeff's illness putting on him is not making submissions at option right now so does everything tends to just stay in this fight but right now Sun and all over this hell Sun had set coming off the lost Ortiz that he was defeated by the worst painter there is that just makes it even worse so not only is he looking to redeem himself but of course he wants to put an end to this rivalry that has been years in the making Upendra had to know at some point he was going to be in this position on his back trying to survive maybe not this early Mamre not this early but so has your mentality I thought look I know I'm gonna have to deal with this in the hope school can open of the can opener promising give up a lawnmower at the back in Angela's hips but it lets it go Chael Sonnen contented just mulling bender and sofa up against the fence dropping short slashing elbows and again Wanderlei Silva 40 years of age the oldest competitor we saw get stopped early by Matt Mitrione in the first of our double main events so far this is a wipeout halfway through the first round Chael Sonnen all over him then he's got to figure out something 15 seconds what can be open around and expect them to give bandulus over any space at all Greco cuts right clothes dirty box [Applause] [Music] that's our just Sutton from South quad just [Applause] to wonder Chael Sonnen to Egypt 90 seconds left for the looks like the might be the end for comes back twenty-five of service thirty-five victories have come before monogamy [Music] at the commemoration I slit the wrist final minute of the first round the circuit has been a transitional form Apple wasn't able to get it this is the point the fight near the end of the first time those emotions burn away yes all about the training cardio the technique at the end of the day the stuff [ __ ] is that fight would work exactly and suddenly punctuated his performance in the opening round he started well suffered a bit of trouble the middle part of the round and now looking to close out the round in the dominant position five of six on ins 28 victories have been be he does not have submit battery but I think at this point we'll take whatever again he felt that powers yeah he can submit and he'll take up make no mistake tato art is fired up about the action t door T star fields yeah you got clipped and even on pay-per-view I won't say the other word back and forth and I think the over-under on the double leg was 15 seconds all ten say over 15 Willis was you're gonna make some money but Chael Sonnen beautiful ground-and-pound powerful great right hands changing it up going body head and Bentley hanging on thought you might get a fight finishing strike Tibbett look at this Oh Collin go right right over the ear took away the balance of Chael Sonnen wasn't a sharp shot over and look at that thing not even turned over that sharpen anything around the ear you got your name boy he goes so an interesting opening five minutes as the party continues here at MSG people having a fantastic time an amazing crowd here at Madison Square Garden for Bella tours biggest event Changez Chael Sonnen position one rubies in the guillotine now and Vandelay finish you would love to finish this via submission almost as satisfying as a knockout you don't get it man it costs you a lot of gas submitted by Tito Ortiz via rear-naked choke at military 117 this past January and let's go these two factions [Music] position wait for stand up you knows he can't finish the key team but maybe the daughter standing already breathing [Music] this is not the Vatican challenge that looks like that right now Elizabeth is in trouble can't go out his left he knows is he gonna touch you shake the name of the porters have so far I can't do and because it is a submission attempt brew the referee is hard to do [Applause] this [Music] son [Applause] [Music] Jesus each other and opportunities Chuck for the double leg and sudden explodes again for the power double anybody who said everybody watching the same the same thing I know Tina knows wrestling bed and so you know just gonna go flip double ride and now ground-and-pound by sudden 245 left in the second round virtually no sprawl by Wanderlei Silva no answer to that doubling they've been easy every time sunny continues to try to punish Wanderlei Silva from top position wide base in the closed guard Silva trying to control his posture now pumping him on the ears with a ball strike pancreas now to give a shout-out to the bank raised beds including Frank Shamrock due to the tenets to matter they know now waffle box ruthless watching at home there really sums it up if doesn t Jimmy this card is my everything alright his failure easy man has been a night we met all happy a double knock down Zach dream then get everything everything everything right boy this side [Applause] [Music] debut to welterweight champion Douglas Lima by the way Ryan Bader new Bellator light heavyweight champion to close-up Bellator 180 and it will be hearing from a new light heavyweight champ still to come Sarge of it now this is the problem at the battle is had he has to be able to create space that close guard position begin sometimes keep Jessup close to him can't push off and really get space by the positioning tips in between right and this does prove sudden though to keep such a silver there against the fence it's all real estate he's content to just keep peppering away here in the final minute of round number two the Lord might have the stings they had in the opening round the chance their positionally Domini he's too tight into a full-fledged punt on the set of The Ultimate Fighter Brazil three sudden even said that so attacked him in front of his wife so I mean there have been many hostilities leading up to this fight here tonight referee McCarthy who warned them to work you know where vanity wants this back on his feet this Burchell a couple of times when passing could able to keep the fight standing the sudden continues to stymie Wanderlei silver this has been the story of the fight mandolin Silva able to hurt Chael Sonnen on the feet as rocked in more than once with Chael Sonnen tenacious with the takedown Wanderlei Silva hasn't be able to keep this fight where he wants it because of that double a good penetration on the shot and virtually no takedown defense to speak up from Wanderlei Silva it's been easy every time ready it up so it comes down to this the final five minutes from the second of our double main event here Shiva doors debut at Madison Square Garden Bellator T&Y see in Beverly Silva sense of urgency yes anything different as long as it's working Chael Sonnen oops so both ripping his hips and butterfly garden but what what did someone have to join no easier said about Jimmy but what can't Silva Beauty versus fortune he's been that tells the whole story too much pressure by Chelsea seven looking to bounce back from a good Namibia's defeated miss Bellator debut better than Sheva looking to succeed after the longest layoff of his career his Bellator debut but Musab pick up with Chael Sonnen ow [Applause] try here's to be maybe an attempt at oh and I'm not myself no sir just get out to continue rating in the right hands if you not give up this position tree won't risk any submission that might get him out of this top position you're doing it's maybe an attempt to cover so just needs to explore esup some haha again been through so many wars so many miles on is that explosive awareness so far we haven't seen again some fishing for that Sylva desperately tried to [Applause] Chael Sonnen blanket doesn't doctrine level is required to take this fight of the Bronson state right there just enough the one thing I'm a little surprised that to the attack even here that sudden is not may be trash time for the years he really isn't once the bell goes focused on the fight I think he's a little tired I'll be talking to fighting at the same time cause more energy he has right now the hard work and desperately working for that Kimura [Applause] that is guardo 90 seconds left in this fight the Manderley putting his hands up pleading with the referee beneath as amended 15 left to get something done Chael Sonnen has just hysteresis with his top game coming up on the final 60 seconds of this main event hey go forget Bellator will return to Thacker Dale with a pair of punching lightweight contenders Derrick Campos Brandon Kurtz will throw down in a rematch for a spot a tough one of our most Activision's Bellator MMA Friday July 14th dive p.m. live on Spike final 45 seconds of the fight he's looking people look into big job for helping vandal he's got to help himself has to create some space ask me will do drop this entire fight tell Shawnee able to impose his game plan better late soba and the clock continues to tick away final 20 seconds the shoulder strikes from sudden looks like sudden it's going to improve to what he is cutting the best of the axe murderer Wanderlei Silva has a very frustrating Wanderlei Silva I would even say disgusting well but to be fair to channel did a great job so Sheldon bro job Wanderlei Silva could you know maybe work on the takedown defense a little more he could not stop any of those double legs that was the story of the buyout ladies and gentlemen having gone the distance inside the Bellator cage but go to your three judges your first judge salvia model scores the fight 32:26 well judges Jeff Mullen and Dave Torelli both see to fight the same 3227 I'll have it for the winner by unanimous decision chair [Applause] can't be surprised unanimous decision win for Chael Sonnen here's Jimmy Jail I know you didn't get to finish you wanted but a dominant performance for the bad guy how does it feel you know I look around this arena and aside from soon to be world champion is Kowalski all I can think to myself is god damn I hate New York oh whoa looked like the bad blood is still there child as you field in the fight I'm 18 awardees tap out in less than a minute I got Wanderlei Silva out of here in the main event and when it comes to you Fedor Emelianenko I only need one shot that you asked me for an autograph in the back I patted you on your doughy head and told you I think about it but I've made my decision I'll give you that a signature but it's going to be on the bottom of a contract and you're going to find out just like Valentino you never piss off a gangster you deserve a chilled southern ladies and gentlemen
Channel: BellatorMMA
Views: 1,770,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MMA, Mixed Martial Arts, Sports, Bellator, Bellator MMA, Fighting, Fight, Fighter, UFC, Ultimate Fighting Championship, Strikeforce, WWE, Punch, Kick, Grappling, MMA highlights, MMA KO, MMA Knockouts, MMA best moments, MMA fights, MMA moves, MMA best fights, Analysis, Sports Analysis, Breakdown, Boxing, Martial Arts, Karate, BJJ, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Taekwondo, Wrestling, Combat, Submission, Knock out, KO, Sports Highlights, Conor McGregor, Full Fight, Fight Highlights
Id: fPiET7T4RoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 15sec (13695 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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