Questions & Answers Session with Dr. Bilal Philips

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you okay brothers question concerning perfumes which contain alcohol I mean why this is an issue because of the fact that we know alcohol as for Muslims is prohibited alcohol is prohibited however it is prohibited primarily formed from drinking this is the point the production consumption distribution sale of alcohol for the purpose of drinking which is drinking alcohol this is forbidden however we now use the term alcohol to include a number of other substances which belong to the same family but they are not for drinking they're called alcohols this is a chemical tight loop so all of those which are not for drinking this is not included and the alcohol which may be found in some products which are used again for other than drinking purposes again it won't be considered prohibited as a Muslim to produce it and it could be used for drinking then of course we shouldn't but if a product comes from outside and it does contain a percentage of alcohol and this substance is being used not for drinking purposes it is for wounds cleaning wounds it is for for the as brother asked for perfume it's used in the action and they of perfume is this forbidden no no it's not forbidden so it is the alcohol which is used for drinking purposes consumption this is the alcohol which is forbidden medicines where the medical profession and of course this is based on Western medicine this is where Muslims you know are short today because we follow the West before in the past we led the West but now we follow the West so there tradition medicine traditionally involved a lot of alcohol so the old medicines you go back 100 200 years it's mostly it's alcohol with a little bit of this a little bit of that you know you just get the person drunk E we don't feel it anymore that's their tradition dissolve everything in alcohol that's not ours and many of the things like mouthwash for example you know mouthwash for the longest while only with alcohol now you can buy mouthwash which is alcohol-free they produced it because enough Muslims were complaining but still they have reduce it we should have reduced it from the beginning when the whole concept of mouthwash came on the market we should have produced the Islamic alternative this is where we are we have been sidelined our scientists our scholars etc from the Muslim world they are working for Western world they serve their purposes this is the unfortunate situation that we find ourselves in today so wherever there is an alternative if this medicine is not a necessary medicine if it's necessary absolutely you have to take it ok you take it that's all that's your choice is life and death now or major harm you take it but the Muslim Omar carries the sin of not having developed the alternatives it is the duty of Muslim doctors pharmacists scientists to produce an alternative to every one of these things there's no need or reason why we have to use alcohol alcohol is like the tree in the garden when Allah created Adam you had all of those trees except for one tree alcohol is that one tree for us today there are a whole bunch of alternatives that we could create but we're not we're just going to the tree so we're in sin the OMA is in sin for not developing the alternatives it's ok brothers question which is and was the topic of the hood ba or part of the topic of the hood ba Allah says in the Quran in the Salah 10 Han in fact I will monkara Salah prayers formal prayers prevent evil speech and evil deeds so what about the person who is in the front of the earth every day but he speaks evil and he is doing evil what about his soul ah that's what we spoke about in the hood bah it want me to say the Brigandi the point is that that's a lot that he is making is one focused on the ritual he sees the soul ah as a ritual he doesn't see the goals of the Salah that's the point he's ignorant it's ignorance and we ask a lot to guide such an individual the brothers question if a person comes in the Masjid and we all know Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim said Dada kala ah ha da cumin massage Falah edgeless hata you suddenly Rakatan any of you who enters the Masjid should not sit down until he or she has done two units of prayer this is a command close to our Jim the Prophet SAW Salim said if you enter the Masjid do not sit down until you have prayed to rocket traditionally people call it - here - Masjid greeting the Masjid can you greet the Masjid I mean this is the common name - hey little Masjid people use it now but can you actually greet a master no we greet people who can greet you back you know there's a backwards and forward thing so it's really saying like this is the right of the Masjid so you do this for the Masjid no you're not doing it for the Masjid you're doing it for yourself you're doing it because rasul allah saw lord wa sallam told us we should do it and know for sure that the reason why we do it is because when you think of it as just title Masjid you're honoring the mosque or this is your duty to the mosque so you say okay I did my duty to the mosque I went outside that to make would do it to go to the bathroom whatever come back in I already did my duty to the mosque what do I need to do it again right this is the Shuba which goes into our minds is the doubt which comes to us we did it but if we understand those Rockets as they were intended those two raka odd that we make before sitting down what is the purpose of those two rockets think tell me somebody what is the purpose it is not greeting the mosque because the mosque can't greet us back so what is it showing obedience okay there's obedience in it but is that what is just about just obedience right spiritual preparation this is what it's about spiritual preparation you're coming in from the outside world the outside world which has you in the dunya it's all in your head in your mind and your thoughts and your emotions everything you come into the Masjid you just sit down it's still there in your head your mind Salah a comma you get up in the Salah and then it's all in your head this is the point you know your prayer is just still you're still outside were easin you know de-stress and everything is still there in your head so what is the idea when you come into the Masjid cut it make 2 rakaat to put yourself spiritually in the context of the Masjid to prepare yourself for worshipping Allah as he deserves to be worshipped this is what it is about so this is what so naturally if you go back out you're going to the toilet you go and make good work do you need to do it again yes yes because in the way going out you probably met somebody so that your mind is gone all kinds of ways now you know you've left the Masjid here in another frame so yeah when you're coming back in put yourself back in the correct frame of mind do it again the end the thing is if we understood that this question would never be asked understand if we understood the goals of Salah the purpose this question nobody would think to ask it but because we have lost the purpose you not understood the goals then it becomes a issue I did it one time - I could do it again right I'm Delta just I come a lot head over this side give somebody on the side chance ok question from sisters how should we explain people or to people that there is no difference between women and men praying Salah because they refer to different mud hubs especially in India and Pakistan that there is a difference between men and women praying Salah how do we explain to people well you can try you can try but people who are set in their ways this has been their tradition family your parents your grandparents your aunt's your uncle's everybody follows this way where the woman's prayer is a special prayer it's different from the prayer of the man and maybe somebody would even tell you Allah said in the Quran while a says zakharik Al Unser the man is not like the woman naturally you should have a different prayer for the woman than from the man however rasool allah sallallahu wasallam he said sulukim era I to Mooney who solely pray as you saw me pray pray all of you men women children everybody pray as you saw me pray so is there a special prayer for women no that's it if you can't grasp that this is the clear statement of Rasul Allah salat and Salam and even on Dada Abu Darda famous Campania and his wife there is narration authentic narration that she prayed exact like the man prayed if you even have a text saying that describing kavya praying exactly as the men pray no difference we have nothing no narration which says that women were to pray differently but a culture that had a particular attitude towards women they introduced into the mother hub another way abu hanifa never taught this know that abu hanifa never taught a separate prayer for women this did not come from abu hanifa nor did it come from abu yusuf his main student and mohammad reza Bani secondary student or zoo Farah third major student none of them taught a separate prayer for women later generations that added padded and patched and changed what we now know as the hanafi madhhab teach it so subcontinent Turkey they have prayer book for men prayer book for women and that prayer which they have prescribed for women some aspects of it like the raising of the hands in that prayer book they say the women should only raise their hands to the level of the shoulders the men raise their hands to ears also the same now in this case Prophet Muhammad SAW Salim is recorded as doing both he raised his hands sometimes with level of the shoulders sometimes developed years and he never said this one's for women this one's for men he never said that no one else has the authority to say part of his Sunnah is for women and part of it soon as for men no one has that authority no matter how great a scholary may be if he said that he was wrong he was in error because only rasool allah sallallahu wasallam has the authority to specify from his Sunnah what is only to be done by women of course they have put a rationale what is the rationale the chest of the man is not like the chest of the woman sounds kind of logical isn't it the chest of the man oh can you throw your hands up like this everybody sees your chest no problem but the woman her chest is not like the man's just so they say no you raise your head just like this cover the chest like this you're going to be exposing your chest right so it sounds kind of logical but ali IBN ABI talib he said if the religion were based on logic purely then we should wipe the bottom of our socks and not the top but he went on to say I saw Rasul Allah so Lori wa sallam wipe the top and not the bottom okay so we don't take logic and start playing with the Prophet Sunnah and say well it's logical it makes more sense this way and that way and you're coming up with something else you don't have that authority you don't have that authority so that aspect if a woman did this it's not wrong if a man did this it's not wrong and if he did this it's okay to however for him to think that he can only do this is wrong for her to think that she can only do this is wrong but the Salah is valid solids valid there are other acts they tell the woman when she goes into rock or when the man goes into the core you know he makes complete building right he bends they say for the woman no because you know when she bends you know for the man's behind to be sticking out no problem but for the woman no no so they say no she shouldn't bend like that she just just reaches down and touches her knees like this so Roux core is now changed a special record for women and a record for men where did that come from what soon loss I said I've never said that he said you got a man properly they described the bending such that if you put water on his back it wouldn't go this way or that way it should be 45 degrees 90 degrees sorry I think this should be a 90 degree angle that's how it's supposed to be men and women no difference so in this way they are taken away from their salat they're losing reward from Salah because they have not made a proper record when they go down for sujood they are told to put their elbows on the ground probably our Salim said don't put your elbows on the ground like the lying of the dog huh he made a simile between those who put their elbows on the ground with a dog don't do it but that's what they tell her to do so we say that takes reward from your prayer as detracting it's taken away reward from your prayer they tell her to put her chest on her thighs when she goes into the core she doesn't go over like the man you know the man when he does sujood sorry not required when he does - Jude he goes over and he should leave a gap here such they said that a small sheep could actually pass under it's your big enough right sheep could pass under for the woman I said no not only that space no close it up so that your chest goes on your thigh we say where did this come from it didn't come from us ulla ulla there is a narration that the Prophet SAW said lamb passed by and woman is spraying her elbows are out and so on so he said cover-up of it cut propagate but that don't take that now to mean another Salah cover up a bit within what was from the Sunnah not breaking the Sunnah contradicting he has already told so this is where the problem comes where those actions that are prescribed for her are in fact in clear violation of prohibitions of the prophets Allah Allah okay my in slaughtered animals you have a thousand lambs to slaughter if you have to go to each one bismillah bismillah bismillah that's going to take you forever so now we have about two R's where the animals are all curdled in and they go in their necks are stretched everything a machine is sitting there with a blade you press a button you say bismillah boom 500 nexor cut is that acceptable this division is that halal yes why not this is just technology the key is you cut the neck this is just technology the requirement is not that your hand has to be on that blade and on that whole that animal down with your foot then it's not the requirement Provost awesome didn't say you must put your no no you cut the neck that's what you do as long as you do it so if we can accept a Christian cutting the neck and a Jew cutting the neck what about a machine cutting the neck as long as we're saying bismillah we're the one in control press that button it's so Charla it's okay what about an animal was stunned stunned is different from electrocuted because we shall electrocuted two different things if you electrocute the animal you killed it so then cutting the neck is useless you're you're cutting the neck of a dead animal it's not halal but if you stun it this is not our way this is their way okay they stunned the animals in the West they feel it's more humane to stun the animal first before cutting the neck that's their methodology is that permissible can you eat it yes you can the animals still alive as long as the animal is still alive you cut the neck it is heaven it's not our way it's not preferable it's like taking a club and bunk on the head of the animal and then you cut his neck he falls unconscious you haven't killed him you just knocked him unconscious now your cutting is next okay we don't do it that way because when you talk about halal and Haram is just what is acceptable the way we use the term the be ha the be ha we say this is halal anything which is the B have meaning do done exactly the way we do it we don't accept it no no no no that's not what the Sharia says the Sharia does not say that anything which is not done in exactly the same way we do it is not acceptable it doesn't say that so that's their way as long as the animal is not dead when the neck is cut its permissible hey look at it this way it is acceptable in Islam for you to send your hunting dog out right your hunting dog he runs he catches a rabbit he chased a blank and he brings him back to you not dead you cut his neck you can eat it hey you could do that don't tell me about it is ok they stunned a animal that's why are you going to make a big thing about that it's not a big thing we don't do it it's not a big thing you have to put all these things in context you know we don't make our rituals now etched in stone it has to be exactly this way if rasul allah saw solemn said exactly this way then yeah but if he didn't say that then we have flexibility the Deen does have flexibility the idea is to know where is the flexibility and where when you're doing it you're ended up in Bidar be able to distinguish between the two ok brothers question concerning implementation of Sharia in Muslim lands we talked about Muslim lands as for the idiots who in Western countries are calling for Sharia we have to ask Allah to guide them because they've just made a mess over there you know so much so that we have cut you have states in the US twenty-something states of the US have made a ruling that Sharia is banned you know if you ask these lawmen lawmakers what is Sharia he says it's a shooting people and killing and I would have a lot I would have beloved because of these idiots who are trying up you know this is what I hear and these kind of people who would like to make this thing in the West Sherea Sherea kunafa Getafe we're going to establish the lava here in the middle of France oh god please idiots these are idiots this is not Islam this is only antagonizing the host people who already have issues about Islam that's all you're doing antagonizing them in Muslim lands the application of Sharia yeah hold up the black art there yeah after you MA you want to hold up a placard let everybody know this is your hood MA after the football so we should be applying Sharia yes as Muslims the average Muslim what can we do my advice is apply the Sharia in your home that's what I would say apply the Sharia in your home this is your area of authority you apply the Sharia as much as it is legally possible in your home where everything is in accordance with the Sharia then you can start to look outside your home but to be out in the street calling Sherea Sherea and you haven't even take care of your own home you say this is foolish it's foolish and this is from shape on actually though the idea of Sharia in the country is a good idea Shaitaan will put it in the heads of people get out there stress go bitterness Sherea Sherea but the people are not practicing it so when the Sharia comes then they're fighting against the Sharia that's what happens because they don't know what the Sharia really is so when the true Sharia is brought they become enemies of the Sharia this is not what we call for yes it is that's the Sharia no no no no but the shelter Sharia that's the problem you know we need to educate the masses know what the Sharia is apply it in our own homes then we can look outside of our homes is it acceptable in Islam to go to the graves of the great imams scholars there they praise them they're praying to them the way you have to be clear you have to be clear and watching you're not praying to them they believe in supplications are accepted and a better chance to be freedom yours application yeah okay if they were praying to them and what I understand is that they do pray to them when they go to a Jameer they're not going there to praise they're going to pray to Meridian chisti whatever it in are praying to the brain to him oh my I didn't do this call on Allah for us wherever that is shirk that is shirk now if a person feels that okay if I go in the vicinity of that grave my prayers are more likely heard it's wrong is it silk no not not sure I mean its bordering its borderline but I wouldn't say it is shirk right maybe others would but as I see it it's borderline not something to do if you told me I plan to do I'd say don't do better you don't prophet mom's assalam did not encourage us to do that he did tell us to visit the graves you know to remember the hereafter for our own benefit to remember the hereafter to make du'a for the people in the graves for them because they are in need of our dua so if we stay within those bounds then that tells us what is acceptable what is not our brothers question concerning the verse in surah al-maida where allah describes the acceptability or the Halal ness of the food of the people of the books his question is is that the slaughter or is it vegetarian food its slaughter slaughter of the people of the book meaning Christians and Jews if they have slaughtered an animal they chopped the head off if they chop the head off is that permissible if a Muslim while cutting an animal cuts the head off completely is that there be her acceptable who said who said no who said no who said I mean where did you get that from that that's that's right not preferable but if you cut the head off completely that does not invalidate the slaughter see what happened is that we get tied up with certain rationales which developed to explain about our mode of slaughter where we said that okay we cut the neck of the animal to let the blood out right we don't cut the cut they sorry the veins right the jugular vein right we don't cut the actual head because if you cut the spine then that stops the heart right away so the blood doesn't get pumped out right and this this is the rationale that we got so we understood from that that the pumping out of the blood was essential for the animal to be halal when you go hunting you're hunting with your bow and arrow you shoot the deer your arrow goes right into the heart of the deer you say bismillah arrow goes in now the deer drops dead can you eat that beer yes what happened to the blood mmm but I'm to all the blood so it is not an issue of the blood it is not an issue of the blood you can still you cut the animal etc blood will come out in the process you know maybe it's true some more blood will remain and but it's not that's not the issue of halal and Haram that is not the primary issue of halal Anala so that's why if the animal is slaughtered you said bismillah whether you cut the head off completely or you just cut the jugular vein you know we cut the jugular vein and the windpipe actually for the Jews they have a special knife which is curved it goes in they cut this jugular goes behind the windpipe and cuts the other jugular without cutting the windpipe for them you don't cut the windpipe so they're even more particular and for them that doesn't happen not kosher period so the issue is not one that's why the slaughter of the Christians they cut the head they cut the neck and they head off completely while the animals alive salad for us the food of the people job whether they go to the extreme care of the Jews or they go to the little care of the Christians either one is halal for us because of the status of the books that came because you might find a Hindu well Hindus are not supposed to be slaughtering animals correct but you might find a Hindu who will work in a butcher shop or whatever abattoir we will carefully cut just the way we cut but we can't eat it it's Haram even though we cut it just like how we cut it hair out so there's something else these people of the book Christians and Jews are given special status because of the presence in their books in spite of the distortions and the changes and everything else the presence of Revelation exists in their books till today whereas you go into the books of the Hindus there you go stretching digging deep you know like dr. Zakir did you know into the Vedas and the bhagavad-gita I'll okay here's a verse but all the other verses are saying worship the idols yeah here's one verse which says don't worship from anyone but you want God okay mashallah I mean it's good good to wake them up guide them but the book is confusion their books are confusion total confusion square you know it's the exception you have to dig search to find tawheed in there but it's there it remains pregnant women fasting it's permissible if they find that the flippity the fasting weakens them to the point that they fear harm to their child etc they're allowed not to fast feeding a poor in its place or not which different opinions on mistreating breastfeeding mother the same thing they can fast or not fast you know making up the fast afterwards or not this difference regarding that the you could say the more safe position is you make a back to fast question is it permissible for suni to marry a Shiite and if not or what how is the way to bring them a Shiite closer to Sunni Islam well you know this varies from person to person the way is just to show them what Islam is to clarify for them whatever they're doing I mean the main issue that they have in terms of al-qaeda is the attributes that they have given to their Imams and the worship of their Imams that they call on them in prayer now if you are a Sufi who was already worshiping the saints then you marrying a Shiite is marrying one of a kind the same kind you're no different from the Shiite did that's it right but if you're a Sunni meaning that you are following the Quran and the Sunnah worshipping only Allah alone then no you should not marry a Shiite nor should you marry a Sufi who is calling on other than Allah yeah okay our brother brothers question concerning defense of Islam as he said looking back at the time of the Sahaba they defended Islam they fought jihad why is it wrong today why is it considered to be terroristic or whatever why we're going to label it this way when they did it is not the way we respond aren't we supposed to follow them they are not the example but I would say you know these are general terms these are general terms if you take an instant out of history and then try to apply it across the board you're going to run into problems because that instant of history exists within a context what was the context of that situation that's how so when you're going to apply a principle that they applied back then we have to say is our society like their society back then if it's not then to try to apply it is error its error we need to look at the existing circumstance what is our state here is it like Medina or is it like Mecca globally what is our situation is it like Medina or Mecca huh been away baina in between medina what is it more like Medina or Mecca Medina those who say Mecca put your hand up I think you're outnumbered those who say Medina put your hand up yeah okay still Mecca Medina those who say Medina huh I think you're in a very small minority I think it's obvious we are in the Meccan period so what did was pseudo Las Olas alum do in the Meccan period he focused on the Dawa to establish a solid foundation that when the time became ripe with Medina that foundation changed the world that was the way so for us to sit here in Mecca and talk about doing Medina you know it's emotionally yeah yeah let's get out like the Sahaba but hey we're not ready we are not ready and to go running out there you now end up with your collateral damage because as you go out there you killing Muslims left and right and saying oh it's accidental we didn't mean it but you know it's still killing them laughter right it's the problem it's a problem the life of the Muslim is sacred more sacred than the Kaaba the blood of the Muslim but we are ready to chimerical he works in that state that government is a kafir government so he is a teacher and the kafir government being paid by the kafir government is a kafir killing and the kids who are studying in the school another kafir kill them how the Builder who the pillar that's where you end up we need to understand Islam and follow the methodology of Rasul Allah so loyally whistles no that was the last question that was it Shahla ceramic Allah Muhammad Iike the shadow Allah Allah and and stop fear occur when the two Blake
Channel: Digital Mimbar
Views: 28,924
Rating: 4.8613863 out of 5
Keywords: Bilal Philips (Author), islam, muslim, allah, quran, koran, sunnah, hadith, muslims, islamic, nasheed, hijab, muhammad, prophet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 5sec (2765 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
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