Sex Ed Quiz With My College Nephew

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- Please welcome Steven, my nephew to the channel after many years. We're about to ask him spicy sex ed questions. For every question he gets right, he gets a hundred dollars deposited in his bank account. For every question he gets wrong, he will have to eat The Last Dab Apollo Sauce. Are you ready to play the game, sir? - I hope so. - Pound it. True or false, some sodas can actually be used as effective spermicide? - What is spermicide? (Mike laughs) - [Mike] What's homicide? - Homicide is when someone murders another person. - Correct? So what do you think spermicide is? - A sperm of another person? (Mike laughs) - No, it means the killing of sperm. - Oh, oh, oh, okay, okay, okay. - There are lubricants that have spermicidal activity, meaning that as an added form of birth control, you can put this lubricant that has spermicide in it. which kills sperm, - Okay. thereby decreasing the likelihood of pregnancy. That's one form of birth control. To paraphrase it, some sodas have been proven to kill sperm. - So you're pulling it on, you pour it on, you know, like think you're all protected. I don't see it. I'm gonna go with no. - So you're saying false, sodas cannot be used. - Cannot. - As an effective spermicide. - Cannot. - Correct. (bell dings) You don't have to eat The Last Dab and you get a hundred dollars credit to your bank account. - Perfect. - Well done. What are the two mandatory C's to consider before starting sexual activity? - Okay, consent. Consent's one. Consent's one. - What other C words come to your mind? Just rattle 'em off. Hit me with it. - Consent. Cattle, cows. (laughs) (cow moos) - Valentine's Day's coming up. You're with your girlfriend. You're at dinner. - Okay. - I'm thinking condom. - Okay. - Oh, contraception. - There we go. He said I'm thinking condom. - That was pretty. That's better than most people. I promise you, it's better than most. Cattle, cows. - Is it true that the Plan B One-Step pill can be less effective depending on your weight? - All right, think about it like this. I feel like there's a lot of skinny girls having sex and if it, if it really didn't affect it, like there's a, a bad effect on it, then it would also, it would kind of make plan B not useful. Same, there's also a lot of bigger girls having sex as well. If it doesn't appeal to both, like weight classes, I feel like then it wouldn't be so widely used and people would know better. Do you understand that logic? (crickets chirping) Okay, I'm gonna go with true to the question that weight can affect how effective the One-Step is. - Isn't that what the opposite of what you just said was? - No. - You said that if it was affecting the weight, - Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I didn't. Okay, that is the opposite, right, but then I realize people don't really think too much. - It's true. - Wow, you suck at this. I'm cooking you. - This isn't competitive. If you weigh over 165 pounds and you use one of these pills. - Yeah. - Especially like the Plan B One-Step, there's another one that has a higher weight limit. But if you use them and you are over 165 pounds, you actually have a less chance that it would work. And it's likely to do something with the way the hormones are distributed amongst adipose tissue. Do you recognize this? - [Steven] That's... - No, no, no, no. You don't need to name anything yet. - [Steven] Okay. - So I'm gonna give you seven Mississippis. - [Steven] Okay. - To find an organ on this body. Don't look at it. - Okay. Then why'd you show it to me? - I said you could look at it for a second and I said, "Stop staring at it." - But you gotta be more descriptive. Whatever. - Okay, stop looking at it. - [Steven] I'm not looking at it. - You're like obsessed with this image. You have seven Mississippis to identify the clitoris. One Mississippi. - Oh man, you think you're funny. - [Mike] Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. I'll go up to 10 Mississippi. Four Mississippi. - [Steven] Oh, I found it. - Five Mississippi. Point to it. Six Mississippi. Okay, he got it. (bell chimes) Wow, you're a bot. (laughs) What does that even mean? - You're just too easy. I need harder questions. - Wow, okay. The fetal origin of the tissue that makes up the clitoris, makes up what tissue in the male penile reproductive tract? It's the same tissue. - Isn't it, the the ball sack? - Nope. Incorrect! It's the glans, the head. - [Steven] Oh no. How much are you giving me? - [Mike] I'm gonna give you a little bit to warm you up. - [Steven] Okay. - But you have to take that little bite, all of it and chew. (heart throbs) - Right up the nose. - [Mike] Better than in your glans. - Right down to the glans, actually - Does using more than one condom simultaneously offer more protection? - Hi bear. Bear, we're good. Bear, think about it. Think about, buddy. If you have two condoms on, there's more chance of it breaking because you're gonna have to stretch it a little bit more. There's gonna be a higher chance it breaks. If it breaks, you know what happens, bear. Babies. Bear babies. All right, now we have to think of what do, what would a dumb person do? I would say put on two, but it would also be put on zero. So I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say no because you would be stretching it more and it might, it might be more prone to breaking. (dramatic music) - You're correct, but not for the reason exactly you said. Stretching it more doesn't really mean anything 'cause what if you have a bigger genitalia? When you add a second one, you're actually increasing friction, and when you increase that friction, condom on top of condom where it's not supposed to go, you could increase risk of breakages of the condom. - [Steven] But that's- - Not because of stretching it though. - But that's what I meant like. - I understand, but you were wrong. So it's okay to be wrong. - I was right, actually. You're down a hundred. - What is the difference between semen and sperm? - Sperm is in semen. Semen is not in sperm. Okay, that's one thing. That's the difference. - Well, sea men are on ships in the ocean, so I don't know what you're talking about. (arcade music) - You're not that funny. All right. (Mike laughs) I feel like sperm is just the individual things and semen is like everything that's like, it's the sperm, it's like the liquid, whatever. And there's also other things in semen besides sperm. But sperm is just the things that go into the egg and make a baby. - Okay, is that your final answer? (drum rolls) - Yes. - You are correct. - Okay. - But do you want to try and guess what percentage of semen is sperm? - I'm gonna say like 3%. - Pretty close. 10. - Okay. - You're apparently well versed in sex ed. So school has taught you something. True or false, condoms are the most effective form of birth control. - I know condoms are around, I think they're around 90, 90, 99%, sorry. And there's other forms of birth control like implants and like the pill, the birth control pill. And there's like a shot too, right? - There's a lot of other options. - I think the only, the only way a condom wouldn't work is if it breaks. So you really have to think about how often they break. I'm gonna say yes. I'm gonna say yes. - Wrong. - Wrong? - You are about to eat some spicy stuff. (flames crackling) - You don't want it. - [Mike] No. You got the question wrong, my friend. - Okay. - What are you tricking me? Okay, you ready to learn about condoms? Condoms are 97, 98% effective when used perfectly. However, when you look at real world use of how people use them, sometimes they make contact with sperm before putting on a condom. So they end up getting sperm on their condom. Sometimes they put the condom on incorrectly. Sometimes the condom breaks because they're using it incorrectly. Sometimes they have sex multiple times and reuse a condom. So when you look at real world, which is not perfect, it's 87%. Long acting reversible contraceptives like IUDs. Have you heard of IUDs? And implants that go into your arm, those are 99% effective. - Ah, a tear. (melancholic music) - Are you crying about the long acting reversible contraceptive or the the condom use, not being 99%? (Steven coughs) Is it the condom? - I just was really sure of my answer. (Mike laughs) - What is the difference between the vagina and vulva? - Well, I know the vagina's like the whole ecosystem, right? (Mike laughs) - The whole eco. - It's self cleaning. - It's self cleaning. - Yeah. I don't really know what a vulva is. I'm gonna be honest. The vagina is obviously, obviously you have the clitoris, right, first? - Obviously, that's first. Why is that first? - Because that's at like the front of the vagina. - Okay. - And then as you get back inside of that whole area, that's the vagina. Oh, the vulva is where, is where the eggs are. The vulva has something to do with eggs and egg reproduction, I feel like. - Okay. Final answer? - I think that is the vulva is the one that makes eggs. Like my mom, she cooks. (Mike laughs) - Okay. The vagina makes up the canal that leads to the uterus. So the inside is the vagina. Everything outside of the vagina, the labia, the clitoris, that is the vulva. True or false, you can get pregnant from sperm slash semen floating in a hot tub? - I actually know a little bit, I know a little bit about this one. - Oh my guy knows a little bit about this. - I'm pretty sure this is false, actually. I think I saw this thing a while back that high temperatures kill semen because the reason why balls drop, right, is to keep the sperm very cool. So if it gets really hot, it's not, they're gonna die. - So are you saying like going in a hot tub is a form of contraceptive? Because that's not what I'm saying. That's a different question. - I'm saying that yes. - That's a different question though. That's not what I'm saying. If there is ejaculate. - Ejaculate! - Not ejaculate. Ejaculate. - In a hot tub. - [Steven] Uh-huh. - And it somehow finds its way into a vagina, can it get someone pregnant? - No. I'm almost positive that when sperm enters a hot tub, they'd die. Am I wrong? - Final answer? - Yeah. - You're right. (laughs) (bell dings) Because of the temperature, because of the chemicals, because of its time exposed to the environmental factors, the sperm is very likely to die and you're not gonna get pregnant. True or false, you cannot get pregnant while on your period? - I'm thinking you definitely can. Well, I know there's a certain cycle where you're most likely to get pregnant. - [Mike] Okay. - There's also times where there's zero chance you can get pregnant. I don't think periods, I'm pretty sure periods are not one of them. So I'm gonna go with, you can get pregnant on a period. - You're right. Many people say, "I'm on my period. Who cares? We don't need protection." You do if you don't want to get pregnant because you could still get pregnant even while you're on your period. If 100 couples have intercourse using the withdrawal method, it's also been referred to as the pullout method. - [Steven] Okay. - Have you heard of that? - That's what I thought. - On average, how many will lead to pregnancy? But I'm gonna give you a plus minus 10 window. - Oh! - Out of those a hundred. I'll actually do it while you're doing the question. (jazz music) - [Steven] Hold on, hold on, hold on. - God, why did I do that? (Steven mumbles) - I think eight out of, eight out of 10 people like when you pull out, it's effective. So now we're at 20, and I think a lot of the time you just won't get pregnant when having sex. So I'm gonna go with 15. - So you're saying pull out method is 85% effective? - Yes. - You're actually pretty close. It's 22. (bell dings) 22 out of a hundred people will get pregnant. - That's good. - One five times. - [Steven ] Yeah. - You can get pregnant if you just use the pull-out method, which is why we recommend barrier protection. To sum up, what did you learn? - I learned that contraception is very important. - [Mike] Okay. - Not just for not getting pregnant, but also STDs. Also more about anatomy, about the female anatomy. - Yep. - I wasn't sure, but now I know that it's okay to have sex in a hot tub. - That's not what the question said. - [Steven] What do you mean? - The question was if there's semen floating in the hot tub. - But that also means if you're having sex in the hot tub. - No, if you're having sex in the hot tub. - Yeah. - And the sex is, and the semen enters the vagina, it's not in the hot tub. It's in the vagina. - But there's also like, there's a little bit of like hot tub water in there. - No, there's not. - This is. - Hot tub water is not spermicide. It's if it's floating in the hot tub on its own, it can't then swim into your vagina. - Oh, okay. - But you can't use hot tub as a form of birth control. Is that clear? - Okay. I'm just making sure - You earned $900. (bell dings) You answered a lot of questions correctly. Good job. And then what's your favorite charity? - I would say maybe like a animal shelter. I feel like animal abuse is one of the worst things. - Like oh, okay. So maybe the ASPCA. I can either 10X that money and give it to the charity, or I could just give you the $900. - 10X the money. 10X it. - You don't want the $900. - No, 10X. Give it to charity. - Wow, okay. - Give it to charity. - Well, good job. We'll put it in your name. - In my name? - Yeah. - Oh, that's perfect. - Okay. - I think my mom's gonna be a little pissed, but it's fine. - Why is your mom gonna be pissed? She doesn't like animals? - She's gonna be like, "You should have taken that money, Steven." (both laughing) - Speaking of your mom. Click here to watch the video of me and Steven's mom playing a game. - Yeah. - You have to say click here. - Click here. - You have to say as always, stay happy and- - Healthy. - Yeah! - Pee whoop. (upbeat music)
Channel: Doctor Mike
Views: 1,473,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: doctor mike, dr mike, drmike, dr. mike, mikhail varshavski, doctor mikhail varshavski, mike varshavski, doctor reacts
Id: Hz0xKZe9IWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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