Sex and the City: How Samantha Was Right About Everything

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Samantha Jones is a self- assured and self-reliant icon who put the sex in Sex in the City hello my name is fabulous Samantha has always been a fan favorite but during the show's run she was often framed as the most out there of the bunch someone you'd want to be friends with but not necessarily be but looking back Samantha was right about so many things even if she got Flack for it at the time and while she certainly wasn't perfect she offers a number of important lessons about building the life you want and staying true to self no matter what I am harsh I'm also demanding stubborn self-sufficient and always right in bed at the office and everywhere else so let's take a look back at Samantha's outlook on life and love and how she was way ahead of the curb unlike her friends Samantha doesn't see relationships as a goal or something she has to slog through just because she has fun playing the field and isn't afraid of being single you can bang your head against the wall and try and find relationship or you can say screw him just go out and have sex like a man in our video on why Charlotte was wrong about love but right to believe in it we analyzed how attached she was to so many madeup rules about how a woman has to behave if she has any hope of winning the guy of her dreams I thought you were serious about this guy you can't sleep with him on the first date oh God here she goes again with the rules she at first sees marriage to the perfect guy as the true end goal of her life her job and friends and life all just filler until she got the true happy ending being a wife and mother but over time she comes to learn what Samantha already knew there are no rules that you can follow to magically end up with the perfect relationship surviving a night of food poisoning together wasn't the stuff of great romance but it was the stuff of lasting love and men shouldn't be the sole focus of your life the right guy is an illusion you understand that you can start living your life in fact for Samantha a lot of the guys she dates are barely even a part of the periphery of her life hello it's over I told my wife who is this I'm in love with you now we can be together oh no no no no no no no it's not that Samantha doesn't like dating and relationships she just comes at them from a very different point of view to her they should enhance the life that you already love you shouldn't have to change yourself to try to fit into the mold of what you think some guy is going to fall in love with he should love you who you are and love doesn't even have to always be on the table there's nothing wrong with just having a good time sex is something special that's supposed to happen between two people who love each other or two people who love sex because she's confident in who she is and what she wants out of life she doesn't feel like she's missing something and needs a man to complete her at the time due to her sexual freedom and desire to not be tied down at least not matrimoni for much of the audience Samantha seemed to fall into to more of a person I'd want to be friends with but wouldn't necessarily want to be slot most men are threatened by successful women if you want to get these guys you have to keep your mouth shut and play by the rules but over time it's become clear that really Samantha had the healthiest Outlook of the four friends and is often the one that modern audiences are most drawn to how many sexual partners have you had I'm counting um this year not being desperate for a relationship didn't mean she was sad and alone just the opposite in fact you know marriage doesn't guarantee a happy ending just an ending Samantha had several deep relationships over the course of the show and importantly unlike her friends also knew when it was time to let things go and move on I love you too Richard but I love me more relationships should complement your life not drag it down and Samantha was well aware of that but that knowledge also led to some issues as an outspoken self-confident woman Samantha was no stranger to push back if I worried what every [ __ ] in New York was saying about me I'd never leave the house as a power player in New York City owning her own PR firm she has to deal with it in the business World a guy gets angry in a meeting he's a pistol a woman she's emotional but her free and open sex life means she's also often judged by society and worst of all it often gets her criticized by even her her closest friends you and I have very different ideas about what's sexy this is about the [ __ ] isn't it but thankfully Samantha won't be made to feel small by anyone she's not afraid to take people down a peg when they treat her poorly and she also has no problem letting her friends know when they've crossed the line Carrie Miranda and Charlotte often remark on how they would never behave the way Samantha does you would never walk in on me because that is something I would never do they on the Sur pretend to be accepting of modern women's Liberation and sexual freedom but they clearly judge Samantha for being quote unquote easy is your vagina in the New York City guide books because it should be it's the hottest spot in town it's always open they're often happy to hear about her escapades or run to her for advice but deep down they clearly resent something about her Freedom often they're just upset that they're too afraid to allow themselves that same level of freedom and on occasion it bubbles to the surface with Charlotte it's not so surprising since the characters are deliberately set as foils to one another the Madonna and the [ __ ] but it is surprising how often sex columnist Carrie has a problem with the fact that Samantha has a lot of sex you know for a sex columnist you have a very limited view of sexuality but Samantha never let some snoody attitudes shake the core of her being and her biggest blow up to one of car's roote comments led to one of the show's most iconic lines and I will not be judged by you or Society I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel even though her friends weren't always so kind to her Samantha herself was a good and loyal friend while they might have been quick to judge her for her life choices she was always able to look deeper and understand what was going on with her friends and was there to help them instead of look down on them don't you want to judge me just a little bit not my style and a big part of being there for her friends was helping them to accept themselves in the way she did she wouldn't let Society walk all over her and she certainly wasn't going to let it happen to any of her friends either so now you support women in the Arts I support you and honey these [ __ ] need to be put in their places and her willingness to tell the truth when others might feel the need to sugarcoat it often helped push her friend in the right direction even if they didn't always want to hear it nobody is listening to me they just keep telling me I'm fabulous you are fabulous F get some then tell her to come back here she'll tell me the truth she's able to inspire confidence in her friends and help them to unlock new parts of themselves that they didn't even know that they had and she always has their backs no matter what what's going on she stole my baby name you [ __ ] let's go one delightful moment of friendship and growth happens between total opposites Charlotte and Samantha in season 3's Frenemies Charlotte is concerned that her new husband Trey won't have sex with her and Samantha is very well Samantha in her advice why do you always have to talk about sex like that because I can okay girl summer down mommy hasn't had her caffeine yet the pair fight until Charlotte storms off and when Samantha realizes that Carrie and Miranda agree with Charlotte she storms off as well but over the course of the episode the pair come to realize that they aren't as different as they might have imagined damn it I just really want to be you know just really and have even learned some things from one another over the course of their friendship Samantha is surprised to learn that she actually does have a tiny bit of a Charlotte side when a new friend is too overtly sexual even for her and Charlotte ends up following the Samantha approved path to seduction and finds success at last she called the one person she knew who would appreciate it the most hello me oh honey that's great I knew you could do it Samantha Jones is notoriously up for anything I'm aexual I'll try anything once this of course applies to her sex life but also to the rest of her life too the friends live in the heart of New York City but Samantha is the one that really makes the most of living in such a vibrant place she makes sure that she and her friends are on every VIP list at the opening of every new restaurant and loves to meet and mingle with all of the interesting people the city has to offer she's not afraid to try new things whether it's a questionable new dish from a famous chef or an entirely new life experience her friends are are significantly less flexible but even just tagging along with Sam opens them up to whole new worlds while the show as a whole had a pretty outdated view of sexuality even for the time that's aged even worse I'm not even sure bisexuality exists I I think it's just a layover on the way to gay Town Samantha was ahead of the curve in many ways soon everyone will be pansexual it won't matter if you're gay or straight she had to come up against her friend's judgment yet again when she began dating Brazilian artist Maria Maria is an incredible woman she's got passion and talent intelligence and a vagina oh vagina Vina and even though Maria doesn't end up being the one being willing to be open to the relationship changes Samantha's life regardless of what her friends think Samantha grows a lot from this relationship even becoming kind of comfortable with the idea of monogamy something she really never thought she'd be into all of the things that make Samantha great stem from the fact that that she's willing to put herself first no man or woman or job or amount of judgment will force her to change who she is or stop her from living the life she wants to live faced with her own inadequacy Samantha did something only Samantha could do she threw an I don't have a baby shower to let everyone know she was fabulous she knows that not only is loving yourself and being confident in your choices a good thing it's the only way to really build a happy life my legs are fantastic I have killed her ABS my ass is perfection one of her biggest lessons to her friends and us is that you shouldn't stay in situations that make you miserable sometimes you just have to let go of things that seem nice but are holding you back from truly living your best life she pushes her friends to drop relationships that aren't serving them anymore but that they feel compelled to stay in because she doesn't want her friends to get trapped by society's expectations and end up missing out on what they really want sweetheart you can't go listening to every little voice that runs through your head it'll drive you nuts and she doesn't just talk the talk while her relationship with Smith is for a long time very loving and fulfilling after she moves across the country to be with him and help his career she realizes that things have changed she still loves him and cherishes their time together but she knows that to be true to herself she has to move on I'm just going to say the thing you're not supposed to say I I love you but I love me more she felt like she had begun to change herself to fit into a mold that she didn't belong in just to try to keep their relationship working and in the end she realized that that wasn't the right choice for her I've been in a relationship with myself for 49 years and that's the one I need to work on putting yourself first can be difficult and even scary requiring you to step out into an unknown that you might have to face all by yourself but in the end standing up for herself and not letting herself get trapped in someone else's story is worth it every character on Sex In The City Is relatable and lovable in their own way and their friendship is what made the show truly Sparkle we made a deal ages ago men babies doesn't matter we're soulmates but Samantha Jones continues to stand out for her attitude and outlook on life and as time goes on it becomes more and more clear that she had the right idea most of the time she like Carrie Miranda and Charlotte learned and grew a lot over the course of the show but she never let go of the core of who she was or let anyone force her to become something she's not in the same way Samantha inspired her friends she continues to inspire us to be our best selves and go after what we want Even if we might have to deal with a little judgment along the way hello 911 I'm on fire 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Channel: The Take
Views: 261,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the take, video essay, video essays, sex and the city, kim cattrall, samantha jones, carrie bradshaw, sarah jessica parker, charlotte york, kristin davis, sex and the city samantha, samantha sex and the city, sex and the city movie, sex and the city new, sex and the city analysis, sex and the city essay, samantha and smith, samantha satc, satc, samantha satc best moments, satc best moments, samantha and carrie, samantha and charlotte, dating, love, relationships, confidence
Id: LSLdUKegSzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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