SevTech: Ages of the Sky Ep. 2 Leather but its Real

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back this is chosen arctic and today that's right we're getting into leather working so i hope you guys are ready and by the way don't forget to click that subscribe button if you haven't already and also check out the discord we have an amazing community over there and i do also live stream on twitch so if you want to give me a follow over on the twitch you can find all the links down in the description below and oh we get on today's video and we got some work to do today man it's nice being back and well i've done a little bit of remodeling not much just something to get us started with today and uh what are we gonna do today well i really need to focus on getting a stone grill this right here is gonna be something i need however i do i need some stone and well we're gonna have to dig a hole i think and uh see if we can't find any of that material looky there we're out here mining for uh for other things and i'm finding some clay i'll take all take all the clay i can get good thing is since we got that clay we can actually go ahead and get started with getting ourselves some stone and we can just go the regular route for stone then um because i wasn't seeing any like andesite or anything like that down there so uh this right here is what we need to make clay kiln right uh we just need a little bit of clay and we also are going to need some uh cobblestone slabs and i think i have everything i need all right here roll this together grab our rock and bam we have ourselves a clay kiln and uh this is gonna be amazing we're gonna need to place it right here down below i left a space and i made this area so we don't burn our uh base down don't want to do that we're going to take these two fire sticks and basically right click the ground once and that's going to ignite this on fire that's where we need to hurry and place cobblestone in here like this you can see on top and we need to keep an eye out on this fire because if it goes out it's not gonna work it does have to have a fire block underneath it eventually we're gonna be able to hopefully upgrade and make a system make something that will work better actually we could probably do that right away i think right i think we can charcoal log yeah this right here is the way to go we just need a regular log and we can just do this right away oh i did not mean to burn all of my wood and throw it into the fire how dorky of me all right here we go anyways this right here will get us a piece of wood that will actually burn forever i think uh as you can see the fire goes out before it has time to uh to finish unfortunately then you need to re-light it it is it's gonna pretty much reset its timer i do believe so i need to make sure that uh we keep this nice and lit because this one's gonna be the important one and once we have this done i wanna make sure to re-light again oh there we go perfect so now i can get rid of this and place this right here and then re-light again and that should stay burning forever hopefully that's that's the idea at least and uh now what i can do is take some cobblestone and actually get this going and bam we have herself a grill and uh this thing is really nice it's kind of like a almost exactly like a furnace um in how it functions um now i'm gonna need to go ahead and do this by the way if you're wondering how i got torches well let's just say they're not the best torches in the world um they barely light any any space around them they're more like a redstone torch and how much light they put off um but it helps me see a little bit better right but you can get those by just taking some uh of the plant twine and bam you get an unlit torch you right-click with the uh the fire stick just one fire stick and it will light it or turn it out and it doesn't consume anything and once they're lit and you break it well when you place it back again it's still lit so uh you can light them all before you go caving or whatever you might be doing but really right now we're not going to be worried about caving because we can get it done and elsewhere right all right so to to get this started of course all i'm going to do is get fire here and fire here hopefully no fire should spread i at least it shouldn't as far as i know it shouldn't put in my off hand there we go and i'm actually going to make two grills yeah we probably should have two i think that would be a little bit quicker for things oh yeah this is spreading i do not want that to happen because that will catch our entire base on fire um oh that's not good okay um maybe this will be better right like this we just kind of encapsulate the area a little bit and maybe it'll be better once this is actually covered like it's supposed to be also all the mob noises above oh they're getting they're getting too much i'm gonna have to figure out some way of taking care of that and hopefully once we get some actual torches things will get a lot better go and place the grill there um and then we just need to use our crafting stone and bam we have ourselves another grill and these are going to allow us to cook some food a lot more efficiently so you can place the food in there and see we can place more than one oh boy would you place more than one yeah these mobs oh you know what to be the worst a creeper coming in here and just blowing up i i'm not looking forward to that i hope that does not happen um so yeah you can see this uh will let you cook more than one item if it's cookable i don't know if clownfish are cookable are they can you cook these hey you totally can cook clownfish wow it actually gives you quite a bit of hunger back and there you go look at that a lot quicker doesn't cost any fuel this is how it should be cooking now i think now that we have this grill we can actually like apply cobblestone we can do 16 at a time now and cook it up i guess you could say we're uh we're getting things cooking another component to uh today's workflow is going to be a grindstone i went ahead and placed this in the ground ground by the way because i i figured it might actually be a little bit easier to manage with it being in the ground that way we don't have to like look up and yeah it's gonna make a life a little bit easier but right here is a grindstone we place it down we can place items inside to be ground up right what items might that be right well we can actually get ourselves some bark now we're fixing to go through an entire progression that is going to require us to do a lot of stuff to get leather right and leather is probably one of the most tedious things to get in sevtek i think out of out of everything it's it's the leather progression and we're about to do it and i i really need to get this done also i think this requires yeah a kiln so we can actually we should probably make this before we do anything else too is get ourself a sleeping mat that way we can sleep through the night and we don't have to worry about all those crazy mob noises uh we can just skip all that well we need to get thatch for in the first place so we need some rush stems and i think that our workblade is actually the best tool for clearing out rush and you might be wondering well what is rush well we have a little bit of it over here and hope i hope we have enough but it's this stuff right and i think we can harvest the top right here and more will grow back i think i don't remember if that's the case or not um but i am going to harvest off harvest up the top and uh oh yeah i forgot to mention we have a lot of horses right well let's just say they keep respawning and i totally recommend killing as many as possible that didn't come for me just uh just just a thing i i may or may have i may or may not have not uh killed quite a few horses they just keep coming back but we need them we need them for leather so uh well get over here yeah you didn't see anything nope you didn't see anything at all it's also pretty tasty as well who would have thought horse meat tasty all of this is going to end up leading to roughly the same thing right same outcome we also need leather in order to make that sleeping bag um so all of this is going to eventually pay off but we need to take that combine it up get ourselves some wet thatch and then we're just going to smelt that uh and while we're waiting for that i guess we can get focused on some of the other tasks that we need to do and that is leather working and we have a lot of work don't mind that the fact that is a 24 horse pelts yeah i i can't keep them off my island they're they're just so many of them they keep they keep spawning so for this whole project we are going to need ink sacs and the best way i think to do that is just to go ahead and expand our little water bed a little bit so that way it gives enough space for squid to spawn um i'm gonna try and make this like three ish in size at least that's gonna be the goal it's gonna be a lot a lot of uh of shoveling here you know what i think we should be able to go ahead and uh sort of bypass the method that i was going to use i don't think i'm going to go for the method that involves me waiting for them to spawn because that that would take forever right there's actually another way we could do this and honestly it's probably the better way and that is to use a strainer but to get the strainer set up it's gonna require a little bit of work so let me go ahead and breed these sheep together um i'm gonna actually break a spot right here and this should allow me to collect items that are down here and uh let's share these sheep right um actually you know i thought this was going to uh allow me to collect the items but i might be wrong we try this again there we go now i was able to collect them so we ended up getting a little bit of fleece right and uh this fleece well we can only collect a small amount of it as of right now but we're going to be needing this to make a bunch of string in order to get ourself a strainer set up going and uh we're going to get that set up somewhere over here and it shouldn't be too hard to do so basically we can use shears that we've already used to collect the fleece and we can turn that wool into string and our string here can then be combined together to make something like i don't know a cobweb right you might be wondering why would i need a cobweb i you know what i don't make these recipes our first hopper yes we are going to be making ourselves a very basic hopper but we need to make a strainer base and that's what really requires it so we need a regular wooden hopper and that's gonna get the first tier and then we'll go to the mk2 hopper which of course uses some of this bark and to get the bark well we need to finally put a better use to our blade yeah that's how this is going to to take place um so i believe actually let me make sure i think we can use this blade oh we have to craft with it okay so we just basically craft this blade with this and that will net us a little bit of bark and uh also give us some stripped logs but the bark is definitely something that we need and as you can see i need to collect a bit more wood here's our hopper mk1 perfect and uh we need to upgrade this one one more with all that stuff and that's why i said i hope your memory is good because you're gonna really need your memory to be good in order to remember some of these more complex recipes um luckily there's only nine different things you need to remember and that's found that's up right at the number that uh most people can remember things too so here we go we should be ready to craft this all up there's our strainer bit this should be our strainer pieces and then we just uh basically surround this whole thing with sticks slap her strainer in there and then bam we get ourself a strainer now to set this up it's pretty simple actually uh we've seen a little bit of water now we got some some wolves get out of here a whole pack of them wow i wish you guys would actually drop something useful oh no no ah can i just not die for once this i mean seriously this is just getting getting getting a little out of hand like right look at this guy let's go over here oh man it's it's even daytime like why are they even out i don't i don't understand this guy hey mr dyer get out of here all right so maybe that was payback from killing all the horses you have no idea but we should be good let's get this set up and uh we can do that and what would be a good spot like even right here would be i think a perfect spot for it i'm gonna need a little bit of material oh my goodness yikes all right i don't have my sword on me hey these guys can run pretty fast though all right anyways right here i think this will be a good spot like i said i'll put it right here now when i break the water it should be flowing in that direction like it is and then all i gotta do is break this place this down and then place this in the strainer slot just right click on there and that technically should be straining as much as it looks like it's not it is because this is supposed to be flowing water i believe actually i might need to just make it like that to make it flowing water consider flowing water yeah this right here and over time we should start getting just some stuff that builds up in here and one of those things is ink sacs and that's going to be probably the uh the most important one for our progression right now so i'm still waiting around and well i think there's a faster way that even faster than our strainers and i went ahead and made another one to be able to get the ink sacks that we need and that's to potentially just explore uh we also need some brown dye and i might visit this biome right here but we have some other biomes that are over here in the distance i don't know it might be worth checking out um but how are we gonna get over there well we don't want a bridge that that would be a new move i think what we should do is clear out most of our inventory minus a couple things just in case we die uh make sure we give ourselves enough food for this uh exploration and well uh make ourself a kite yeah we can actually make a kite so to make ourself a kite well there we go this right here now don't be scared to jump off the edge right because you should be okay ish um i'm going to show you maybe a little bit of a technique for navigating um the areas and you definitely want to make sure you have all of your tools nice and repaired once we get there that way we can harvest some stuff um now sleeping that's going to be the uh the issue we need to make sure we sleep because these areas will fill up with mobs quickly they turn into giant mob farms just because there's nowhere else to spawn so you want to make sure this you go at the beginning of the day wow that totally startled me get out of here trumpet skeleton um and we we yeah we should just go in this direction oh i ended up getting the trumpet i'm gonna save this this could be useful later on how many i wonder how much durability it has oh yep i don't know if that if it's broken oh it might be oh never mind we yep it can break so i have just some essentials on me that i could always remake if i die um i'm gonna jump over here and hit my glide now the void will lift me up in the air at least i'll do it every now and then and that's what we need to to do now with this glider it is not that easy to control you definitely need to kind of hold back on it to stop it it otherwise it's just insanely fast you can see i just got pushed up and that's important ooh there's melon down there so i'm holding backwards like the like i'm going backwards and that's how i'm going to kind of fall this way and just sort of float down at least that's the goal yeah and as soon as you push forward it's rough and you have to hit shift to take it off oh yeah i figure we're going to encounter some mobs i am looking however for some cocoa and i might as well like farm this whole area while i'm here like vines and all while also making sure yeah jungle spiders that's not good that's gonna get me killed that's gonna be killed quick okay all of these birds are ganging up on me what why what'd i do to you all right i hear i hear some bad guys i need to be careful melon is what i want also i have these sheers i might as well use them to grab some of this that's gonna probably be used later on i almost guarantee for something ooh there's some crops down here too i think these are in some kind of cave the mobs are which is good keeps me safe i'm gonna grab all the crops yeah this is just a good way to to definitely grab a bit of extra stuff i'm still on lookout for cocoa i don't i haven't found any cocoa beans yet so i'm gonna be back off again now you yeah i might need to worry about getting back up here um it does take a little bit of time but i think gliding slowly we'll do it wait wait is this a cocoa bean by the way i haven't found a single cocoa bean over here i don't know what the deal is about that but i don't know like i'm gonna try and slowly glide my way over here and the slower that i go the more likely hopefully i will get a gust that will lift me up there we go that's the goal if anything i'm oh there's a squid wait why don't i just do it that way just go down there there's squid spawning right there no wonder they're not spawning anywhere else i wonder what would happen if i just blocked that area off would they then start spawning where they're supposed to so back on my island looks like i got trouble again look at this direwolf get out of here it's my land i think making ourselves a nature's compass is going to make our life a lot easier at least with finding the different uh biomes that we're really going to want so when you open this compass up you're presented with pretty much all the biomes that exist in here now i'm looking for a particular type of biome and that is the dark land forest i'm going to search for that and we can see the distance is uh 770 away and it tells us the coordinates of it now we could technically get the coordinates of our base but it's not going to be very helpful at the moment um there's not a great way at the right now to get our coordinates not so we get something like a compass or something like that um you can't even see your coordinates in the f3 menu it's actually removed so um that's another little quirk about this pack but let's go off in this direction it's saying that there is a dark lands forest over here um let's just hope everything is good i'm gonna leave you guys good luck with all the the mobs and we're off and hope that this uh this takes us where we need to go now you don't want to turn off and move away from this item in your hand because if you do you're going to fall to your death and believe me you probably don't want to do that wow we can actually so long as i'm not pushing forward or anything we're actually gliding quite a a distance here oh there's a shoghoth area right there that's a uh little shoghoth place huh and that's gonna be useful later on as well a mushroom biome okay and then what is this little island here just like the same island that we're on there's a snowy biome more mushroom biomes ah this is the bomb now you want to go here during the day let's just uh make that clear you're gonna want to go here definitely during the daytime uh and it's probably gonna be rough even on the even with it being day you know it's gonna be pretty rough i think even even with that oh boy how we're gonna get down there we go we just activate it a little little late but i got it all right and uh probably getting to the tree line is gonna be a good thing we don't uh i don't think i want to spend too much time on the ground there it could lead to some bad stuff but i need this wood this wood is actually very important this is a required wood like no joke this is required for our chest and stuff like that also want to grab some of these saplings if we can these saplings are gonna be very useful for us as well oh yeah getting this is gonna make my life a little bit better now that we can have regular chests oh man so much better so i'm kind of worried if i make my way down here if i'm gonna encounter any problems i just ran out of my axe there is some water over here i could drop into i mean if anything we could just like you know get out of here right and just leave yeah that's what i was worried about like i hear mobs underneath here they're thankfully not here hey cow i'll take i'll take your your goods um also grab these i'll grab that as well that might be some orange dye i don't i don't know let's see anything else that's useful down here i mean i could probably just dig in just a little bit to grab some cobblestone but we definitely want to make sure we can get back home that's gonna be a major problem ooh this stuff is hard to break actually oh yeah that's right we can't break this stuff at least not normally huh so i think i got enough and we should probably leave this right here i remember was on my right side when we entered so well just let it uh take me on my way home and hopefully we get enough lift to uh get us up high enough and by the way is there does this one have cocoa this one has a cocoa never mind right here these are this is exactly what i needed wow i can't believe that whole other place did not have a single cocoa bean and this one does well now we can go back and there it is home sweet home there we go perfect i needed that gust and bam we landed perfect this recipe right here is going to get us a primal chest yes so much better now this isn't the greatest chest in the world it's only got a single storage slot right here i want to make that better and we can actually make it quite a bit better um with just a just a tiny thing that's the bark right here like this stuff right here all you got to do is just surround it with a little bit of bark and this is honestly so easy just just to just upgrade this with you just have a little bit more space there we go there's the mk2 and this is a much better version of that work stump uh this is gonna allow me to place as you can see multiple items of the same type in here ah this is gonna make things a lot faster so now i can just right click so my heart's content and there we go we have a bunch more uh chest now at this point we can finally get into getting stuff done yeah we can actually make leather now it just it's gonna take a process right this is all manual for right now so grinding these things up this is manual um i am going to need this uh cocoa powder ground down into brown dye yes gotta do that again and then after i'm done with this i need to use some black ink what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to make a water bladder that is going to allow me to collect water and take that water and turn it into something usable like leather uh so i'm gonna need some twine some ink sacs it's all pretty easy to come by now now that we have all these chests i can't visually see what's in them so it's it's going to end up being like just going back and forth now um i know where my ink sacks are right uh those should be in here let's go over here and collect them let's see oh there's four in this one also we got some shark teeth as well oh accidentally decided to ride the horse and there's a few in there we got a horse pelt for some reason and horse meat does this like collect stuff like a hopper because i feel like that's what that that did it's like actually acting like a hopper is it like this yeah it was just because it was upside down you need to remember where the front face is now here's the thing with where we're currently at this water because we're not in an ocean biome or a river biome i don't think it's infinite is it oh it is infinite so as long as we pick from here we should be fine but this now contains water a single bucket of water oh boy i'm i'm i'm gonna be so happy when we get a sleeping bag so i don't have to i don't have to stay up during the night oh it's gonna be so nice this is gonna be a process that right there is the process required to get leather now we have eight which i believe is just enough to get everything we need including a tp which will be an actual home location we can also make that sleeping bag so right here the sleeping bag is about to be ready there we go perfect and last but not least this right here so this is the teepee i believe it is yeah leather with center okay so you pull this out it is sticks in the center leather on the side just like so and that is a nice little home location and uh let's go ahead just so we can you set our home look home home location let's take these guys out they're howling wow that's that's interesting there we go and hopefully we got enough room i want to place it right about here like seems like a pretty good spot it's probably gonna need a bit of room and i just don't have the room here do i hmm i still i don't know there we go wow that is uh that's weird looking but what this lets us do is click right in the center and we can actually sleep for the night but of course this one actually sets our home the other one we can sleep anywhere and it's not going to set our home so if we die we'll always return back onto this island so again i want to give a huge shout out to one of my patreons and uh today i'm going to say a huge thanks to matthew day callaway i think that's right um i left out the day part because i know that it's not gonna all fit on the sign uh actually in my let's try d e it actually does it does all fit awesome uh i wanna say a huge thank you to uh to you guys for uh for being a patreon thank you so much to you matthew for also being a patreon if you're interested in becoming a patreon yourself you can always find that linked down in the description below guys i've had a lot of fun today and we got quite far i was really trying to get to this point today uh to get leather done because leather is honestly the biggest stepping stone i think uh in this pack it's really what opens things up and we're about to become lesser of a caveman real soon and honestly we've already we've already figured flight out so i mean what else is there left to do right oh there's a there's a lot left to do so guys i hope you enjoyed today's episode if you did be sure to click that subscribe button if you haven't already and also give this video guys a huge thumbs up i really appreciate i'll see you guys of course in the next episode and as always thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: ChosenArchitect
Views: 133,603
Rating: 4.9650216 out of 5
Keywords: sevtech ages of the sky, chosenarchitect, sevtech ages, sevtech sky block, sevtech ages sky block, sevtech, sky block sevtech, sevtech skyblock, sevtech leather, sevtech bed, sevtech ages age zero, modded minecraft, lets play, minecraft mods, modded minecraft survival ep 1, minecraft modded, best minecraft modpacks, best modpacks, 2020 modpacks, questing modpack, minecraft survival lets play, best minecraft modpacks 1.16, minecraft gameplay ep 1, minecraft gameplay 2020
Id: DzA0pw_nMak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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