Seven Mary Three - Cumbersome (Official Video)
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Channel: Atlantic Records
Views: 37,255,335
Rating: 4.8167772 out of 5
Keywords: Seven Mary Three, Cumbersome, Alternative Rock, Warner Music, Atlantic Records, Seven Mary Three - Cumbersome (Official Video), Cumbersome (Official Video), Seven Mary Three - Cumbersome, seven mary three, 7m3, cumbersome official video, seven mary three cumbersome, cumbersome seven mary three, cumbersome seven mary three video, cumbersome 7m3, 7 mary 3 cumbersome, cumbersome seven mary three lyrics, 7 mary 3, wmg, american standard, rock, official video, music video
Id: NjNn4bbbgSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2009
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Thanks for posting this! It was just the impetus I needed to finally unsub.
Adam Demamp loves this song
I will never understand why people post songs like this one that have been shoved down the throats of everyone via the radio.
Did you think that there is a single human on this planet that has not already heard this song 100 times?
I always liked the fact that the band name was derived from the TV show "CHiPs" - the character Jon's call sign was Seven Mary Three.
I think this is the worst song ever written. To me it exemplifies everything wrong with the post-grunge movement: all angst and no substance.
The drummer used to be a substitute teacher at my high school
Who is upvoting!!?;?
Great song