Steve Earle - Copperhead Road (Official Video)
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Channel: SteveEarleVEVO
Views: 172,399,965
Rating: 4.6598983 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Earle, MCA, Nashville, steve earle copperhead road, steve earle vevo
Id: xvaEJzoaYZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2009
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This is what mainstream country almost was. thanks garth brooks. Now we have Jason aldean
Wilkes County North Carolina checking in. We are Copperhead Road.
Hey, Steve Earle on r/music! Here's one of my favorites by him Oxycontin Blues
This is a staple in country bars along with the dance.
This is one of those you have to crank up when it comes on the car radio.
This is what country music is all about.
A Heroin addict friend of mine called guys like Steve Earle and Dwight Yoakam "Cow-Punk".
One of the best uses ever of bagpipes in a rock song.
Never thought I'd see this one on /r/music.
This City, written by Earle for the TV show Treme