Setup a Valheim Game Server on Docker

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hey guys happy wednesday i hope everybody's doing well uh recently a subscriber by the name or the username anyway of ciraco reached out and asked if i could take a look at setting up a uh a game server for a new game that's come out recently called valheim so here we are on the steam homepage for valheim uh we can see that this was released on february 2nd but it is still an early access game so i know some people don't like to give money to early access games and i get that but i did it well mostly because it was only 20 bucks um but if you're not sure what bellheim is think of it like um a better looking in my opinion a better looking version of minecraft instead of being all uh eight bit or whatever uh this this definitely has a different look to it uh that's a bit more uh well a bit more not a bit so uh setting up a server for this is actually super super easy um so what we'll do is we'll jump over to the stack i created now originally this um let me come over to here so originally uh this is uh over here on github um and and there's all this information here uh this will be linked in the description down below uh and the reason for that primarily is because there's a bunch of environmental inference because there's a bunch of environmental variables down here that you may want to take advantage of for your setup i'm only using some of them for testing purposes and things like that right now but i i definitely encourage you to come in here and take a look at uh some of the different uh variables you can put in to your stack but if we scroll up here a little bit uh there are some instructions on how to deploy this using command line of course we don't like to use command line very often if we don't have to so i went ahead and rewrote this as a docker compose stack so what we can do is we'll just click raw right here and like i said all of this will be available in the description down below so we'll come over here to portainer uh we're going to add a stack i'm going to do that i'm just going to paste that in there and i'll give it a name so uh version two stack services bellheim images uh this name slash bellheim server container name is valheim restart always environment uh for the server name um i'm just gonna call it db tech because i'm super original and and for the world name guess what i'm going to do i'm going to call it dbtech as well uh the password um this there is actually um a requirement for the password uh if we come down here to the server pass it needs to be a minimum of five characters i believe otherwise it will default to something else um oh otherwise it will refuse to start um so make sure that whatever your password is it's at least five characters so we'll come back over to our stack here i'm just going to be super original and just say password server public i've got that set to zero if you want this to be public and available on the internet first you'll have to set the server public to one also you'll have to forward uh ports two four five six two four five seven and two four five eight uh from your modem and router to your server in order to make this accessible from the internet so that's something to keep in mind as well if you want this to be accessible uh outside uh your home so again just something to keep in mind there uh dns i'm not entirely sure why maybe they say over here um oh this is just for system d so um i've got mine set up to point to cloudflare uh and then below that we've got volumes i actually need to change this volume so what i'm going to do is come over i'm logged into mighty mouse right now so i'm just going to log into my portainer or sorry my my omv hopefully so go and get logged in here like so and really all i'm looking for is my shared folder path for configs here so i'm just going to right click go to inspect and drag this up and we can see that it's right here so i'm just going to i'm just going to double click in there right click and go to copy come back over here to portainer and i'm just going to replace that so this is the new path for my system yours will be different than that of course so make sure that you map that that that volume appropriately and then once you've got all of that set up that's it i mean of course you could go back and add additional variables here for uh backups and things like that you can change your update interval and things like that there are some different definite things you could add we're not going to do any of that for right now so i'm going to come back over to container and click on deploy the stack of course i've already downloaded this image so it'll go fairly quickly for me of course yours will take longer than that the first time you download the image so just hang out and wait for it to finish then we can come over to here i'm going to i just take a look and see what's going on here so it looks like it is still deploying so that's good we can just kind of give this a minute to to do its thing and then i think um here in just a moment we can take a look at modifying steam in fact you know let's modify steam uh while we're hanging out and waiting here so here is my steam uh i'm gonna scroll down until i find valheim so it looks like there's an update uh cued for this so that's that's something so what i'm going to do is right click i'm going to go to properties and then launch options um you need to put in plus connect by default it's just going to be empty so you need to put in plus connect and then your ip address of your server and then your port so i'm going to change this to 240 because that's the the ip address of mighty mouse and then once you've got that you can actually uh just go and click on close uh right up here in the top right corner and it looks like we're gonna have to manually update that so we'll let it do its thing now here's the thing this game is only a gig to download uh and that update was less than four megs um so that's that's good so let's come back over here it looks like velheim is has started so that's good uh so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna see just real quickly here i do if i can do these of course this isn't going to last very long but i'll click play anyway and the game is actually loading in this other screen over here so while it's loading we should be able to see some things going on in the the server here uh of course here is my character um let's you know what let's let's do this let me go back i'm gonna change some settings here uh just to make this small enough to fit all right so here we are we're running 720p um right here we can see this update ips ip parse checks was oh looks like some other stuff here so there were some updates so if i click on start game uh it's going to bring me in my character or i believe i may be able to create a new character i'm just gonna click on start oops click cancel back just have to restart the game for some reason that's what it took in order to uh to get it to connect to the server so again some troubleshooting stuff sometimes that happens um so i tried to connect it didn't connect i exited the game brought the game back up and now it's asking me for my password uh which of course is password so as this loads uh we should be able to see some stuff going on uh over over here in the uh background for the server so we'll give this a second to load again this is an early access game there it goes so i feel cold there we go and you can you can kind of see some stuff going on in the background there in the logs for the server but of course it's nighttime here and it's it's dark and cold and whatnot okay guys so there you go there's how to set up a valheim server on your docker machine uh this will give you the chance to play between one and ten players simultaneously on your local network of course if you wanted to you could make this accessible to the internet uh and have i get up to ten players that's a limitation of the game uh not necessarily the hardware they've just made it so you can play with up to ten people so uh again that's how to set up velhome pretty simple pretty straightforward uh again the game is in early access so uh take that with a grain of salt with whatever you want to do with that but again it's only 20 bucks so that's up to you uh so again i want to give a big shout out uh to the subscriber uh who brought this to my attention thank you for that hopefully you found the video helpful if you did do me a favor give the video a thumbs up it would help me out a bunch also like i mentioned all of the resources you'll need for this will be available in the description down below so definitely check that out of course while you're down there definitely check out a couple of different ways uh that are available to to support the channel if you want to do that of course there's coffee as a one-time tip but there's also patreon if you want to become a patron and support the channel that way so however you want to do that whatever works for you of course you're never obligated my content will always be available to everybody so with all that being said i'm gonna go ahead and wrap this up here as always thanks for your time i always appreciate your support and i'll talk to you the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DB Tech
Views: 37,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DB Tech, DBTech, Docker tutorial, OpenMediaVault Tutorial, OMV tutorial, Portainer tutorial, docker and portainer, install valheim server, setup valheim server, deploy valheim server, install valheim server on docker, setup valheim server on docker, deploy valheim server on docker, valheim server, valheim server on docker
Id: 3k9PjanduMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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