Setting The Wrists This Way Creates A SIMPLE & EFFORTLESS Golf Swing

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by far one of the most common issues that I see every single day on the lesson tea is players don't know how to use their risk correctly in the golf swing and here's the thing when you get this wrong it's gonna really really hurt your swing now here's the crazy thing is the wrist set is actually a super simple motion it's a very easy thing to do right and it's actually a very small motion we're only setting the wrist just a slight amount so in today's video I'm going to run through how to do this how to set the risk correctly how to load the trail race everything that you need to know but I'm also going to explain why when you look at a video and some people say bow the lead wrist or or Flex the trail wrist why it is that you cannot relate to that video you're not going to want to miss this so some videos you'll go and watch on YouTube or maybe a lesson you'll go to the coach will tell you Flex that lead wrist and then another coach might say or another video might say let's try and get that trail wrist setting back on itself now you might watch one video go I cannot do that or I cannot do that but then the other one you might really resonate with and it's actually all to do with your dominance so what side are you dominant with so for example if you were to kick me in football I would naturally want to kick it with the right side of my body my right leg if I was to write anything I'd write it with the right hand so I am very much a right side dominant player that means for players that are similar to me if you're right side dominant you are going to feel everything through your right wrist so suddenly telling a right-sided dominant player to flex the lead wrist it's going to be really really hard because I just don't have that mind muscle connection versus if you flip it if you're a left side dominant player and you play golf right-handed then yes you're going to be able to flex that lead wrist way easier it's been gonna it's gonna come a lot more natural to you that's something just to have a think about when we're going through this lesson and that's going to tell you exactly what you should be focusing on when you're trying to set your risk correctly so let's now talk about how we should set the risk and just bear in mind that it's going to be slightly different for everybody everybody has different flexibilities in their wrists but as a general rule if we can see a player with a flatter to slightly more Flex the lead wrist that is going to promote e squared a slightly closed Club face now here's the thing we tend to find now very much the modern way of teaching is to have a slightly closed Club face reason being and this is a crucial reason to understand if you want to deliver shaft lean at impact you actually have to have a close Club face because otherwise you can see here the face gets open shaft lean is an opener of the club face so if you want to deliver some shaft lean you've got to close the face slightly this is why golf coaches nowadays are promoting a little bit more of a flat to flex lead wrist because it is going to encourage some more shuffling at impact so this is why setting the wrist is crucial because it's going to help us achieve a decent position at the top to where we can gain control over the club face which is going to allow us to gain control over impact so let's start with the left hand what is the left hand supposed to be doing I see a lot of people purposely try and pull up on the handle and this is not a good recipe the more I pull my thumb towards me the more my lead wrist is actually going to start to what we call extend AKA cup that's what gets into that position at the top so rather than trying to pull my thumb up towards me I want you to actually just feel like and this is going to be a little bit strange but you push down on the handle every action has a equal and opposite reaction a little bit of physics for you AKA if I push down on the handle where's the club I go goes upwards right so if I'm taking this club back and I just push down on the handle look at the club head it's gone up I haven't done anything with my right hand my right hand's behind my back if I push down on the handle Club head goes up now again people like specific things so if I'm pushing down where am I pushing down am I pushing down to my left foot am I pushing just straight down or I'm pushing down to my right foot I like to tell people look try and feel like you're pushing down towards your Trail big toe that's a great indicator for you if you're doing this right feel like you're pushing down that's a great feeling for you pushing down towards that trail big toe push down towards the trail big toe that gets to Club it up right there now the other thing that you can see from the down the line view is as I do this watch this to my shoulders it gives me some great tilt and it gets my left arm into a straight position so suddenly this one feeling is going to fix your takeaway is going to get the club Edge setting up is going to get your wrist conditions in a better spot it's going to get your shoulders in a better spot it's going to get your left arm nice and kind of straight it's going to give you good width it's going to do so many positive things for you so it's really important that you use that feeling you're pushing that left hand down or your lead hand down to your Trail big toe if you do that what's then going to happen to the club head Club head is going to go up so that's what the left hand does the lead hand does now let's talk about the trail hand so this is a really important part the trail hand movement is very very subtle just like the left hand the lead hand movement it's a very subtle movement so what the trail hand does is it sets back on itself hence why we call it sort of the loading of the trail wrist a great way of thinking of it is it's a very similar movement so if I was to hold a tray or a plate above my trail shoulder that's the sort of angle that we're aiming for and that's very similar to actually the top of the backswing if you imagine the club there overloaded that trail wrist I've got some angler natural wrist I'm holding it right there it's the same sort of position so how do we do this well as the left hand is pushing down on the lead hand is pushing down the trail hand is just going to set back on itself now if you look at the down the line view you will notice that as we do that look at where the club face is pointing it's kind of pointing excessively closed in this position so this is a great indicator that actually if we can push down with the left pull back with the right we're going to promote this slightly closed Club face which I believe for a lot of golfers is going to give them way more control over impact the other thing is a closed Club face promotes more of a shallowing mechanism in the downswing again why the shallowing motion of a club actually opens up the club face so you can very much see how all the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fall into place just because we're moving the wrist correctly it's amazing it's such a crucial part of the golf swing and this is why we've got to get it nailed so the the trail wrist is setting back on itself the lead wrist is pushing down on the club head let's now combine the two together push down on the left pull back on the right push down pull back Club head gets set up there you can see Club face is matching spine angle lead wrist is flat Trail wrist has the angle now from there we're basically done turn to the top maintain that turn back down again fill that maintain and then you can release it on the way through so you can see right there once we do the work pretty much in the first half of the backswing we're done we can then just swing throughout maintain some good angles and then from there get back to a great impact position so like I'm trying to get across this isn't a complicated movement it's a very simple movement but like we said earlier on if I told a right-sided dominant player hey push down with your left it's just going to go straight over the head it goes straight over my head I can't feel it that way but if I told a right side dominant player to pull back with the trail wrist you know I feel like you're loading it back in that trail wrist it's going to really resonate the same flips over for a sided dominant player if I tell them to focus on their lead arm pushing down it's going to resonate so much with them but as soon as they start talking about the trail rest it's going to go straight over their head so this is where you take the concept you understand what both sides of the part you've got to do the left and the right and then you go right what swing thoughts gonna work for you so now we know the theory we know the concepts now it's time to give you a drill to train it very very simple drill grab an alignment stick place on the side of the golf club and then take your grip now this is going to act as sort of our our feedback mechanism so what we're going to do is set up to the golf ball and as you can see this alignment stick is up the left side of my body now if you're that golfer who rolls the club inside or doesn't set the wrist a lot we're not going to see that we're going to do this drill correctly so how are we trying to perform this drum set up with the ball just like so alignment stick up the left hip we're going to feel like as we take it back we push down Pull up with the trail hand you can see as I've done that that Alana stick has slid down my lead quad right there that's exactly what we want to be feeling if it comes off the corner we haven't done it correctly we are trying to push down with the lead hand pull out with the trail hand it slid down my lead quad and in that position you can now see everything is looking good the wrists are set I can then just turn to the top and again at the top this is a great indicator as to where your backswing structure is we kind of want this alignment stick to be pointing just in front of us ultimately from there that means we're in a nice neutral position so we can do that a couple of times we can push down Pull up feel that good motion see I didn't do it right on that one so if I push down Pull up there we go that's better that's going to put me in a good position like I said for me I really feel it with my right hand so now that I've done that a couple times let's actually give it a hit I'm going to be feeling it more in the back of my right wrist for me that resonates more because I'm a right side dominant player so I'm going to be feeling like I set it up in the back of the right wrist now let's give it a go foreign strike there had a really nice compression to it and that is exactly what we are looking to achieve so there we have it that is how we use the wrist in the golf swing if you can use your wrist correctly you can see the massive positives that are going to come from it and ultimately everything in golf is a chain reaction if we move things in the correct sequence positive chain reactions are going to be set off now if you need more one-to-one help with your game I offer online coaching it's really the future of golf coaching it's fantastic I've helped thousands of clients around the world in over 30 countries and I'd love you to be the next one so check it out I'll leave the link down below it's called the skillest online golf coaching app it's definitely going to help you with your game if you have any questions about today's video please drop them down below and hopefully you've enjoyed it please give it a like And subscribe and I hope to see you back here soon
Channel: Giles Gill Golf
Views: 203,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gilesgillgolf, Wrist set in golf swing, effortless golf swing, flat wrist golf, giles gill golf, gilesgill golf, golf channel, golf coach, golf drills, golf instruction, golf lesson, golf lessons, golf swing, golf takeaway wrist hinge, golf tips, golf wrist action, golf wrist hinge, golf wrist hinge drills, liv golf, pga tour, wrist hinge, wrist hinge golf, wrist hinge in golf swing, wrist hinge in the backswing, wrist set, wrist set in the golf swing
Id: u20MHB-UjAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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