Setting the Captives Free - Joe Sweet

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I want to do a short message tonight that's an equipping message for believers to equip us for deliverance ministry every believer needs to be equipped to understand how to cast out demons it's not hard but there's a right way in a wrong way and there's a foolish way in a wise way and the Holy Spirit impressed on me recently too we need everybody in the body of Christ it's really a Christian we're walking with God equipped to be able to lead other people to freedom through deliverance you may not see the need for that now but lots of people are gonna be getting saved and they're gonna be getting saved out of sexual sin and drugs and alcohol they'll have demons and they need to be led to freedom and believers need to know how to do it it's not hard but we need to be equipped somebody say Amen so very important ministry it's a big part of Jesus's ministry so let's begin by reading in Luke chapter 4 if you have your Bible open to Luke chapter 4 verse 16 I'll call this message setting captives free very important many believers because of lack of knowledge of the word don't know what to do when someone is demonized how to get him free how to help him to get free Luke chapter 4 verse 16 so he Jesus came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custom was he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up to read Jesus had the habit of going to church unlike many Christians today we say that were followers of Jesus and we should follow his example and he stood up to read and he was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah and we need open the book he found the place where it was written the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty or freedom those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable or the favorable year of the Lord so notice Jesus went to church that's how we would call it today he opened up the scriptures and he found the place where it was written of him and then he said it out loud this is what we all as believers should practice regularly in our life with God in our walk with God is to read the Bible find the scriptures that apply to us speak them out loud verse 20 then he closed the book he gave it back to the attendant and sat down and the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on him and he began to say to them today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing so Jesus went to the synagogue read the scripture out loud and said this scripture is fulfilled today so there's wisdom for us we were to take the Word of God what it says about us were to say it out loud and we're to say this is fulfilled right now for example 2nd Corinthians says you are a new creation in Christ Jesus you should say that out loud it's your identity in Christ Ephesians chapter 2 says I have been brought near by the blood of Jesus we should say that out loud Hebrews 4:16 says I can come boldly to the throne of grace in prayer and receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need we should say that with our mouth death and life are in the power of the time we should say this scripture is fulfilled in my life Psalm 86 verse 5 is fulfilled in my life it says God is good he's ready to forgive and he's rich in mercy to me when I call on his name Psalm 91 is fulfilled in my life fried dwell under the shout of the Almighty no plague comes near my dwelling a thousand may fall at my side or 10,000 at my right but near me it shall not come but his angels bear me up he satisfies me with a long life because I've set my love upon him these are the things that should come out of our mouths Isaiah 54 verse 13 and 14 all my children are taught by the Lord great will be their peace they will be established in righteousness there's the example that Jesus gave us he found where it was written he said it out loud then he said his fulfilled when evening was come Matthew 8 verse 16 and 17 they brought to him many who were demon-possessed and he cast out the spirits with his word with a word and He healed all who were sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet himself bore our sicknesses and carried our pains Isaiah 53 verses 4 and 5 surely he bore our sicknesses he carried our pains the punishment so we could have peace with God fell on him and by His stripes we are healed the scripture is fulfilled in my life some 1 and 3 says he satisfies my mouth with good things so my youth is renewed like the Eagles today the scripture is fulfilled in my life he's a glory in the lifter of my head his angels always guard about my household this is fulfilled in my life the age of the lord encamps about those who fear him this scripture is fulfilled in my life now notice when Jesus read out of the book of Isaiah he was reading from Isaiah 61 we'll get to that in a moment but let's go back over Luke chapter 4 beginning at verse 18 the spear lures upon me he has anointed me now the Spirit of the Lord is upon you if you're a born-again Christian and he has anointed you for what one to preach the gospel to the poor jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit in Matthew chapter five for theirs is the kingdom of God those who are poor in spirit recognize they are sinners they recognize they deserve judgment they recognize there's no way out of judgment except by the mercy of God they recognize their poverty so the gospel is good news to the poor in spirit but it's not good news to the proud because the proud don't see their need they're comfortable in their sin in their deception they feel like I'm okay I'm not that bad I don't feel in need and it'll feel in danger of judgment and I'll feel like my sin is bad I feel like I'm okay they're not poor so the gospel is not good news to them that so Jesus said I'm anointed to preach good news to the poor number two to heal the brokenhearted and that's the anointing that's on the life of every believer was he anointing to heal hearts that have been devastated people have been sinned against and their hearts have been broken people have sinned and their own sin has broken their heart people have been violated and their hearts are broken so there's an anointing to heal that there's an anointing to proclaim Liberty to the captives those who are captive of guilt condemnation fear unworthiness sickness demon oppression demon possession they've been taken captive so there's an anointing to bring freedom to those who are in captivity recovery of sight to the blind there's an anointing on every believer to help the blind see natural and spiritual in John chapter 9 verse 39 jesus said for judgment I have come into this world that those who do not see may see and those that see may be made blind Jesus came into the world for judgment so the blind could see and the seeing would be made blind he's talking about spiritually in John chapter 9 jesus healed a man who was born blind but his eyes were open he could see physically but the Pharisees whose physical eyes were open were blind in their heart they did not love God they could read the scripture and not do it and they were blinded by it so the Bible says in John 9 the Pharisees cast the man out of the synagogue he'd just been healed by Jesus blindness they should have been celebrating they should have been praising God patting him on the back and celebrating with him but instead they were angry and cast him out of the synagogue and jesus said they were blind the blindness that came on the Pharisees was God's judgment because of their unrepentant hard hearts you see God said in the Old Testament Scriptures I desire mercy and not sacrifice he had told them those who were critical of him when Jesus walked with his disciples through the grain fields and the disciples as they walked through the fields grabbed a few heads of grain and their hand and they were munching on him they said oh they're breaking the Sabbath that's work and Jesus said go and learn what this means I desire mercy and not sacrifice he said if you knew what that meant you would not condemn the guiltless they were guiltless but they were being condemned so so because of their hard unbelieving evil hearts judgment came on them that made them blind so they could not see who Jesus was and they could not be saved Isaiah quotes again their eyes have been shut their ears have been stopped up lest they should see and hear and repent and be saved that was the judgment for an evil hard heart so jesus said I came into the world that the blind could see and the seeing would be made blind it's interesting isn't it so the Lord Jesus found where it was written of himself he spoke it out loud he declared it said today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing probably almost everybody's heard me tell us at least two or three times but in 1985 I was at John Osteen's Church in Texas the church that's now pastored by his son Joel Osteen and while I was there a woman gave they gave testimony of a woman who had been there in church she was not familiar with a Bible she had never gone to a Bible believing Bible teaching Church but her Christian friend brought her to church and heard John Osteen preaching the word he happened to be preaching out of Luke 4:18 and teaching the people that they should do just like Jesus find the scripture that applies to them and speak it and say god this is fulfilled in my life and they would have what they would say because it's what Jesus taught in mark chapter 11 Jesus said whatever things you desire whatever things you pray for believe that you receive them and you'll have them and whoever will say to the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but she'll believe that the things that he says should come to pass he shall have whatever he says and verse John John the beloved said whatever things we ask according to the will of God we know he hears us if he hears us we have received the thing that we so this woman had a son who was born with a severe deformity he was about one year old but he was like a vegetable he had a brain the size of a walnut the rest of his head was filled with liquid just water liquid it a normal sized skull but a brain the size of a walnut he was like a vegetable so she heard the word and she told her Christian friends he said do you think there's any scripture that would apply to my son she said I don't know this is before the internet this is 1985 she said but I have a concordance let's go home and look through the concordance see if we can find a promise from God after searching she said I found one right here the Bible says we have the mind of Christ speak that over your son so she took the word now somebody needs to hear this she said Lord every day she said lord thank you that my son has the mind of Christ my son has the mind of Christ with God all things are possible God all things are possible my son has the mind of Christ I was there in the church the day they were giving the testimony that that boy was now six years old just finished first grade and got his report card and it was straight A's God had created a brand new brain in him and made him a straight-a student amen I saw testimony a month or two ago and said rough of a young man who was supposed to be in tenth grade he was a teenager but when he was an infant he was born normal but when it was an infant he got a severe illness and a high fever and it gave him brain damage and it made him mentally so when he was a teenager he was still in a fourth grade special class and he they said he had an IQ one point over that of what they would consider idiot he was his IQ was 70 something so at the end of the school year the school principal and some of the leaders the school came to his mother and said we're sorry to let you know that your son can't come back to school because he can't even pass the fourth grade special class for challenged fourth graders he can't pass he's a teenager he's the biggest kid physically in the class all these other little kids and he can't pass but his mother was a believer and she she had God had promised her a son before he was born she was barren for a long time and God had spoken to her said I'm gonna give you a sons he said Lord I know you didn't give me a crippled son that's not your will I'm believing for a complete healing she kept believing and one day the glory of God appeared in that boy's bedroom he said his whole room lit up with bright light the presence of God spoke to him in an audible voice God healed him completely he said that manifested visible light was in his bedroom for 24 hours he said God completely healed him he walked out of his room completely normal intelligent his mother took him back to school and she told the authorities at the school I want you to put my son in 10th grade they said ma'am he can't even pass the fourth grade special class she said he can you put him in they told her no and she said no you put him in school they kept on her no so they finally decided they said okay the only way we can show her that she's wrong is we're gonna give him the tenth grade entrance exam with all the other kids and when he flunks it then she'll know he can't go to school he went to school took the tenth grade entrance exam and got a hundred percent they asked him his brain was completely healed they asked him how did you do that you never even studied fifth grade sixth grade all the way up to two Eden's he said as I sat there every question I read I would hear a voice inside my head telling me the answer it was the Holy Spirit he gave me all the answers they should all the kids it used to make fun of me I was tutoring now today he has five five earned doctorates and pastors a church and preaches the Word of God and moves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit with God all things are possible in that awesome so Jesus found her it was written and he said it now Jesus was quoting Isaiah 61 let's read it Isaiah 61 verses one through three the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty or freedom to the captives the opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord and Jesus stopped right there now that favorable or the acceptable year of the Lord is referenced to the year of Jubilee that's where everyone's debts were cancelled that's where if you were in bondage if you were a slave you went free the odette it was canceled so Jesus coming and preaching the gospel is the fulfillment of what the type and shadow of the year of Jubilee is the year of Jubilee is only a type and shadow that points to the freedom of the gospel our sin-debt is cancelled our bondage is broken now he stopped he didn't quote in Isaiah 61 it goes on to say and the day of vengeance of our God that day is not here yet but that day is coming at the end of the age just before the second coming of the Lord the judgments of the Lord will come upon the earth God will shake all nations and everything that can be shaken will be shaken he'll judge the Antichrist system and those who've aligned themselves the Antichrist spirit will be judged it'll be the day of vengeance of God bowls of wrath will be poured out on the earth but that day is not here yet and even when it does come Christians are not appointed to wrath so he goes on to say and I say 61 to comfort all who mourn now listen mourning follows I mean comfort follows mourning to covered all who mourn remember he said he's anointed to preach good news to the poor the Matthew 20 Matthew 5 I mean says Jesus said blessed are the poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom power and spirit again refers to knowing that I'm guilty knowing that I deserve condemnation I know I'm headed to judgment I have no way of escape the only thing that could save me is the mercy of God that means I know I'm poor he said blessed are the poor theirs is the kingdom a poor person knows I'm broken I'm a sinner I can't fix myself I can't pay my sin debt I can't get myself out of the mess I'm in that's a poor person all of us are like that before Christ we're still poor he's our riches okay so to those who are deceived and they feel righteous they feel they're not that bad I'm not a bad sinner and all that the king the gospel is not good news to them it bores them it's an irritation to them don't talk to me about that I want to hear that stuff because they haven't recognized their poverty yet so for those who mourn they shall become comforted to console all those who mourn in Zion that's the anointing to give them beauty for Ashes who gets beauty for Ashes those that mourn their grieve they're convicted they repent they say God I've messed up I I'm a sinner I need help I need rescuing I need salvation blessed are you the anointing will comfort you the anointing will give you beauty for Ashes the anointing will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness so you can be called the tree of righteousness the planning of the Lord that he may be glorified amen now let's now one of the aspects of the anointing of Luke 4:18 and Isaiah 60 is too open prison doors to set captives free that means from freedom from guilt freedom from condemnation freedom from fear of death freedom from fear of going to hell freedom from demonic oppression and demonic torment and demonic possession the Spirit of God is upon me the Spirit of God is upon every believer that's born again and walks with God to set people free from demons in Jesus name if you're a born-again believer you're walking with Jesus you're anointed to set people free from demons amen so we need to understand it now let's talk about five ways demons get power over people we need to understand that then we'll understand deliverance ministry it's simple because if we understand it every believer can operate in it and I want every believer to operate in it because there's going to be such a need I was seeing this in my spirit there are gonna be so many people saved we're gonna pray mass prayers leading people in repentance and all kinds of demons are gonna start manifesting people have been in homosexuality and perversion and drugs and things demons will manifest and as believers we need to know don't be afraid know your Authority know what to do how to lead him into freedom as we're talking about tonight okay now I'll go fast forward a little bit to James chapter 4 verse 7 it says therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you now there's the simple formula for deliverance delivers doesn't come like this come out come out I bind you come out not how it happens it comes by this submit to God then you resist it so to lead someone in deliverance we lead them in submitting their life to Christ if someone comes to Christ and they want freedom and their demon eyes are tormented in their minor in their body they have a demon you can't just start saying come out come out come out you have to lead the person to submit to the Lord to repent for the things they did that open the door for the demon to come in so when they repent and reject and renounce that sin now the demon can be driven out otherwise it has legal authority to abide there okay how do demons get in five primary ways number one bitterness unforgiveness hatred or a vow to never forgive now those are there's degrees in that there's degrees of that sin all of us as believers probably struggle with bitterness to one degree or another so there's degrees of sin and to the degree of our sin as a degree of oppression or possession see if a Christian yields to bitterness they will be oppressed you can go farther into hatred and a vow to never forgive and become possessed so the degree of your sin is how wide the door opens okay so number one oppression is when you're being oppressed a lordly by a demon that happens to Christians if we have bitterness unforgiveness you'll be oppressed if you read Matthew 18 very carefully where Jesus talks about the unforgiving servant in that chapter Jesus portrays very clearly the goodness and the severity of God Romans 11:22 says behold the goodness and severity of God there's a servant who owes him a huge amount of money he's brought before his master and he falls down he said have patience with me and I'll pay you the Masters move with compassion he doesn't give him what he asked for he gives him more than what he asked for the one who owed a massive amount didn't say forgive my debt he said be patient let me pay you back give me time but the master was so good and kind he said I'm not going to give you time I'm gonna completely erase your debt and the debt was huge it would be today in the B and the millions of dollars if you compare that amount then that forgiving servant goes out find someone who owes him a small amount like fifty bucks chokes him by the neck and says pay me that person says be patient with me and I'll pay you back and he says no and had him thrown into prison so he would not forgive the one who hurt him owed him after he was forgiven a huge debt by God when news got back to his master it's all in Matthew 18 his master became an angry sea people try to say all the time God there's a saying you know in a popular movement in you know in a church God's in a good mood we have he's not in a good mood all the time that's not the God of the Bible that's not Jesus of the New Testament read when Jesus walked into the temple and made a whip and drove people out it wasn't in a good mood read when the man had a withered hand and the people with a critical spirit looked at him to see what he would do on the Sabbath listen Jesus the Bible says in Jesus looked at them with anger I'm quoting the scripture then he healed the man they didn't rebuked him for their hypocrisy so God is love he's always love but the unforgiving servant his behavior got reported back to the master had forgiven him his master became angry called him back in now listen and reinstated his entire huge debt that he could never be never pay and threw him into prison and Jesus said so his debt that he could never pay if you look in the Old Testament when you owed a debt you could be sold into slavery to pay it when you read in Kings where the woman one of the wives of one of the prophets who was being trained by the prophet Elijah her husband died and the creditors came to her and they were going to take her sons to pay off the debt to make her sons slaves see that's what happened the Old Testament and Elijah told her get some jars and they would fill up with oil and she sold the oil and paid the debt so now the guy would not forgive even though he was forgiven a million dollars he wouldn't forgive $50 that's a picture of every believer all of us are seen as a million is millions of dollars it's billions it's an amount we can never pay and God said I'm not going to give you time to try to pay it back I'm gonna completely wipe it away with the blood of Jesus because you could never pay it so we then turn around and we hold something against someone else here's what happens when we do that the Bible says that the news of the unforgiving servant got back to his master he became angry threw him into prison until he said until his entire debt would be paid off that means forever and then jesus said in matthew 18 so shall my father do to every one of you who does not forgive his brother from the heart you shall be listen to what he said you shall be turned over to the tormentors now that's Jesus Matthew 18 so when a believer gives in to bitterness hatred unforgiveness holding a grudge the you get turned over my god - demon spirits to oppress you you won't have the joy of the Lord you'll have depression discouragement heaviness until you stop holding sins against people okay again there's degrees all of us have believed it I'm sure all of us at times are wrong it takes us sometimes we struggle oh lord help me not be bitter but to the degree we give in to bitterness unforgiveness or hatred here's where it gets bad a vow to never forgive will cause you to be demon-possessed okay number two how do demons get ou power over people sexual sin again there's degrees so depending on the degree of the sin and our intentions and how wholeheartedly and we're involved or not involved whether it's against our will or with our will we can be oppressed you have demons or oppress your demons when diva's oppressed they attached himself to you the outside of you and they oppress you okay so Christians can be oppressed Christians can have demons attached to them a Christian can't be possessed if a person gets possessed they've lost their salvation they need to get they need to get delivered washed in the blood and have the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit doesn't live with demons okay so second one way is pornography fornication adultery homosexuality dressing in a way to cause others to lust after us bestiality every kind of sexual perversion opens a door for demon possession demon oppression and demon possession I would say that a hundred percent of people that are in homosexuality are demon-possessed there's a demon inside them that's why they find it so hot to stop they need deliverance but to get delivered you have to reject and renounce the sin when you do the demon can be cast out I've seen it happen okay number three how demons get power over us is through occult practice witchcraft tarot cards Wicca false cults well everything is I'm not going to go into that in detail but all that's associated with that number four the way demons get power over people to oppress or possess is your drug and alcohol abuse demons come with them demons come with marijuana they come with a bottle of vodka they come with it liquor stores are full of demons marijuana shops are full of demons again the degree of the abuse the severity of it and how much people are given over to it but you can when people abuse drugs and alcohol they get a demon that attaches to them and in depending how much they give themself to it it can enter them and possess them and then you can't get free until you come to Christ and get deliverance so drug and alcohol abuse in the fifth way is through idolatry having other gods I've seen that a lot in India there's literally other nations people bow to idols but also here in America Western countries you can get demons when you give yourself to another God such as money fame pride we have rock stars that give their self to the god of pride and they get demon possessed with people that give themselves to the God of lust and a spirit interest in so idolatry when people give themself over to money fame pride power lust precedes any of that and that becomes your God a spirit can oppress and possess you again that whether it's oppression or possession depends on the degree of the sin now everything we need to know about deliverance ministry can be found in the scripture everything we need to know for deliverance many ministry could be found in the scripture here's the proof of it 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 it's very simple all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness all scripture now when this was written most of the New Testament wasn't put together or canonized yet so is referring mostly to the Old Testament all Scripture is given by the inspiration of God is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction for instruction in righteousness that the man or the woman of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work so I don't have to have some secret seminar or some secret revelation or some book or some this it's in the word the scripture says it can make the man or woman of God thoroughly equipped for every good work do you agree ok now the next verse it's what it says verse 17 the man or woman of God may be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work now in the original letter that Paul wrote in second Timothy there was no chapters and verses so the very next verse after second Timothy 3:17 is chapter 4 verse 1 it says I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living in the dead at his appearing in his kingdom preach the word okay he just said all Scripture is profitable to equip the man and woman of God so they're thoroughly equipped to do the works of God that includes deliverance therefore preach the word there's a lot of squirrely flaky things about deliverance ministry out there let's find out what the word says and do the word the word equips us okay now here's where scripture a few scriptures and then well it's not going to be hard this is easy mark 16 verse 15 and Jesus said to them go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he who believes and is baptized will be saved but he who does not believe will be condemned and these signs mark 16 verse 17 will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues that would take up serpents and if they drink anything deadly it will by no means hurt them they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover mark 16 verse 17 these signs will follow those who believe in my name they will cast out demons say in the name of Jesus I can cast out demons Luke 10 verse 19 jesus said behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions these are pictures of demons and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you so we're not afraid of demons demons are afraid of us demons are afraid of me but not me they're the reason they're afraid of me is not because of me they're afraid of Christ in me demons are afraid of Christ in you Jesus Christ lives in the believer demons are terrorized by the presence of Jesus Christ inside a believer demons fear Christ in you your confidence is not that you're a great believer your confidence is you have a great God that lives inside you one is prideful one is humble I'm not confident because I think I'm anything I know that apart from Christ I'm less than nothing but I'm not apart from him I'm redeemed by him and so are you he lives in me and he lives in you so God has given us authority say in the name of Jesus I've been given authority to cast out Devils to trample on serpents to trample on scorpions over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me in the process all right now there's gonna be a great need for believers to help new converts get delivered from demons we want to lead them in repentance to lead someone in deliverance is not to just forcefully try to make demons go some we may have seen that model I've tried it in in the past but the way to do it is to lead the person to repent now you're with somebody they they're just new or they're coming to Christ or they want to come to Christ they have a demon the demons manifesting it needs to be cast out here's what I recommend our goal is to lead the person to submit to God James 4:7 submit to God resist the devil and the devil will flee if we try to just make the devil go and there's something unrepentant in the person's heart the devil has a legal right to stay you can't make it go but if the person repents and rejects and renounced that sin and and pleads the blood of Jesus now you can assist them and lead them to reject the devil for example it goes like this suppose you're leading someone in deliverance and they've come to you and they've confessed well I say let's say you're leading and deliverance of the demons manifesting you have to ask the person to be honest and confess their sin I'm teaching you how to lead someone into deliverance first of all find out why did the demon get in so ask the person now if the person is sincere and they want to get free it's not hard all you gotta do is ask them oh say what is the Holy Spirit showing you what sins have you committed to let this demon in and the Holy Spirit will be very faithful jesus said the Holy Spirit comes he'll lead you into truth she said in John 8 the truth will make you free so they'll say well I I've been selling drugs using drugs I've been doing this whenever I'm down I always turn to drugs drugs has been my God or whatever okay you know that if they know that now sometimes people say I don't know I don't know what it is you pray and wait on God and believe God trust God to show you to give you a word to show you what needs to be repetitive okay this is how we lead people so your praying was summoned and you can say for example they said I don't know why I can't I've had this happen I'll give you an example a lady came up and she was she'd been demonically oppressed for five years she didn't know why she wanted prayer so as I stood I just prayed inwardly I said Lord we show me what it is that gave the demon the right to oppress her and make her depressed for five years so I felt just a word of knowledge I just felt unforgiveness that's all I got so I asked her who hurt you anybody hurt you she said no and I said how long have you been depressed she said five years so then I said what happened five years ago did someone oh and now that brought back oh my brother what he did to me I will never forgive him I said okay that's where it is okay so so I'm not like going come out I bind you come for her I do that later first we find out what the door is get repentance and shut the door then Bonnie didn't tell him to come out okay so she said so she said now what her brother did was heinous it was horrible I said look I agree with you that's horrible I explained her I took her through Matthew 18 I said the reason you've been clinically depressed for five years and no doctors or medicine and get you out of it is because you're being tormented by a demon and the reason is you have to forgive your brother doesn't mean you like it you have to forgive him and you have to pray God not only do I forgive him I pray Lord that you will forgive him and I release him a hundred percent I said now when you do that you'll get free so that's the way you do it so you find out is it sexual sin is it drugs is it unforgiveness is it idolatry is it the occult so you find out what it is ask questions trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and he'll show you just show the PERT if the person is sincere they'll be able to tell you because because when people really want to get free the Holy Spirit will help them when they really want if they're he'll help them he'll say he'll say to them you need to repent of this they'll tell you you lead them in repentance so that's the key to deliverance ministry is leading the person into repentance and then when they really repent it's not hard to get the demon to come out now when you're when a person says okay I acknowledge this in I repent of this sin when you try to get them to lead them in in confessing it sometimes a demon will make their mouth lock up like oh I can't talk that's when you use your authority say I bind you in Jesus name I bind you loose the mouth like that and it'll loose their mouth and then you still lead them in repentance so it's not just a thing we're okay here I am I'm the Exorcist come out come out come out that's not the model the model is that's the that's the pride ego flesh way and it's not biblical the model is were calm Christ is in us there's by no means will anything harm us we have authority over that ugly foul spirit we're leading the person to repent we're leading them to test it to backtrack and shut the doors and every time a door shuts then it's easy to get it to come out what I mean by easy mind if they tell it five or six or seven or eight or nine times but it'll come out just now when you tell demons to come out this they don't always like to come out right away and you don't get into doubt and unbelief when you when someone's repented and you rebuke it and say I command you to come out the person's heart manifesting or rolling on the floor don't wig out stay calm and keep speaking listen to me in faith just keep saying you're coming out you're coming out you're coming out right now and the demon may scream and say no I'm not just keep saying your power is weaker weaker weaker your powers broken your coming out your cut now your words when you speak like that destroy the power the enemy the spirit realm works by words okay so the way that when you just now another way to make the demons weaker is just speak the scriptures when you're okay so you've led someone in repentance now you're casting the demon out if you don't lead them in repentance you can rebuke it for five days and it won't come out but when they repent in just a few minutes it'll come out but there could be a lot of them so then you have to get the next one and the next one that one maybe drugs this one it comes out there's another one behind sexual perversion you got to get that one out and you get them out one by one by leading the person in repentance everybody can do that so here's the model submit to God resist the devil he'll flee so what we're doing is we're leading the person to repent then we lead the person to confess Jesus now speak things like this really that's the whole message that's the whole message every believer can do that lead the person to repent trust the Holy Spirit to give you words of knowledge to guide you to make you know what sin needs to be repetitive but making the demons weak and and just standing your ground and keep speaking the word until they leave well every time you speak the name of Jesus the blood of Jesus and scriptures it makes the demons weaker and weak it torments them it knocks the wind out of them it makes a weak until they just want to leave and get out of your presence okay say the blood of Jesus the name of Jesus and quote scriptures quote scriptures okay Jesus cast out the spirits with his word every word that came out of Jesus mouth is the word of God right that's Matthew 8:16 he cast out the spirits with his word so speak the blood of Jesus just if the demons resisting just keep speaking what the word says know your power is broken you're coming out the blood of Jesus defeats you Christ in me is greater than all the devil's in the world I I quote to the devil I'll quote Luke 10:19 behold God has given me power over all the power of the enemy nothing shall by any means harm me and mark 16 says in the name of Jesus I'll cast out demons come out so you say those things and you keep rebuking it until it's gone but you don't do that part 2 you lead them in repentance so now suppose we have a meeting here and and 200 people get saved all right and we pray and I say alright we're gonna have this happen it's gonna happen over and over lots of this way the reason I did is because the Lord started speaking to me and telling me that what talking to me about this saying there's going to be a harvest and a lot of people getting saved we need to get everybody in the body of Christ of comfortable in doing this so they don't have to say I'll call the pastor call the pastor no you cast it out because you just lead the person to repentance but imagine a meeting right here say there's five hundred people in here and two hundred people get saved alright the watch cuz this is what the Holy Spirit is showing me I say okay now we're gonna lead everybody in a prayer of repenting and renouncing sins for delivers and and now I got caught new converts right now and I'm a lead them in prayer and I start leading them in prayers to repent and renounce drug and alcohol abuse now when we do that a certain number of them are going to start manifesting they'll start screaming and howling and dropping to the ground so the believers need to know how to go next to them and minister to them just kneel down and say listen repeat after me lord I reject I renounce the sins I repent of them and I reject I renounce every spirit connected with this sin and you can when you do that you say now I agree with you come out of them and it will leave them so all believers need to know how to do that that's what the Holy Spirit was showing me and uh they will say okay now we're going to lead people to repent of homosexuality and people are going to get delivered from demons now watch some people get-get demons when they're little and it's not their fault because they grow up in a home that's not Christian and then they get raped and the person that raped them had a demon and the demon enters the child god help them so we want to see people get set free and that's what the anointing is for now and and not only to drive out the demons but then to heal the broken heart because we're where demons have oppressed and people where people have been sinned against people have been hurt they not only need the prison door open and they need their broken heart healed I remember hearing a testimony of TL Osborn he was preaching and I've seen this in India also I've seen well we preached the gospel at times demons just come out of people when they repent and receive Jesus as their Savior because they were worshipping idols before so just on the grounds when they received Jesus the demons come out other people need to all be brought into a group and they're all manifesting and they need individual help getting set free but I remember hearing Tia losberne tell about a woman that was demon-possessed out of her mind out of her mind and they brought her friends had compassion on her and brought her to the meeting and hearing the gospel the demons came out of her she came back into a right mind and her testimony was that it was a this is years ago in a nation might have been Tanzania where they had war going on but she had been raped and horribly abused and when that happened to her it made her so angry she was so filled with hate toward her abusers that a demon entered her and possessed her you can't hardly blame someone that doesn't know the Lord they're lost they get abused so here so here not only was her heart broken her body was abused her heart was shattered in a million pieces by being raped and then the hatred took over her now it starts from the outside a demon gets on her and just feeds the hatred and you're about and then you give in to it and then it comes in and there she was sick day and God set her free so that's the anointing set people free heal their broken hearts and then turn him into preachers that's what Jesus did to the man that had a Legion of demons he was naked cutting himself crying out in the tombs people tried to put him in change but he broke him hell what a horrible life cutting himself crying running around the tombs and he got the demons cast out disciples went into town and got him some clothes he got a bath got new clothes got a haircut listen he woke up one morning he woke up out of a demonic torment all cut screaming demon possessed and that night he went to bed delivered nice clothes a preacher of the gospel because he said Jesus let me go with you and Jesus said no go back into Decapolis that means the capitalist I've been there it means 10 villages he said go back into the capitalist and tell everybody in there how good god has been to you so Jesus took him set him free and turned him into a preacher that's what God's gonna do all believers everybody got it everybody got it tonight it's not hard I just really felt impressed to share this because everybody needs to do this say this with me submit to God resist the devil and he will flee so the main that the fainting is just submit to God lead the person to submit to God I've had someone I'm well it's someone from another town that's wanting help and uh there say saying I I need deliverance but they claim I haven't done anything wrong I've you know I've repented of everything and all that but they might believe that but it's not true because if you submit to God the devil has to go so someone says I can't get free you know I went to this minister nobody can set me free then the the issue is we need to find out what you need to repent of still that's all that's all I'm not gonna sit down and go come out come out for three days I'm not gonna do that we're gonna find out so when someone says I need two livers but it won't come out everybody's trying to get out of me it won't come no it'll come out you have to submit to God SCSU the Lord thank you for your word thank you that your Holy Spirit is in US and that all believers can do this and that Lord lots of people are going to come and get set free and their broken hearts will be healed Lord let your anointing beyond this body let there be a strong anointing on this body to cast out devils and to heal the brokenhearted and to set prisoners free and to preach good news to poor people those that are poor in spirit Lord that we would raise up trees of righteousness that could have the oil of gladness instead of ashes beauty for Ashes in Jesus name and all that agreed said amen
Channel: ShekinahWorshipTV
Views: 8,197
Rating: 4.93361 out of 5
Keywords: Joe Sweet, Shekinah Worship Center
Id: CidBXzS9Wqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2019
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