Supernatural Testimony of William Branham

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[Music] the Lord open court head and everything find out if it's truth or not when I'm cold on that still leaves open we're at the end timeframes I'm looking for Jesus to come that blessed Lord Jesus who I've loved give my life to as a young man I'm still looking for him to come I believe you will don't like Abraham it may linger yet I get stronger and more in love with him expressing myself daily to him I know every believer in here does the same thing [Music] I was 39 years old taker leave a little and this is when I first met brother Brown Billy Paul was bringing him in and he told me where to stand if I wanted to see brother Branham so I stood that that was the place and when brother Branham come by he stopped and we spoke and I shook his hand when I first saw brother Brown to look at the man you knew that he was different than other men somehow another met a man in : Virginia by the name of Charlie Mitchell Charlie Mitchell became a great friend of mine was hurt in the coal mines and he hadn't worked for a year in the coal mines and he went to the doctor they had to examine him and found a tumor on his left lung as big as you faced and he knew that I've been in brother branham's meetings so he decided he wanted to go to this meeting that I found out about it was the marriage and divorce series and so we went in my wife and two or three other brothers and their wives mother Mitchell was setting the order coincide and I was on the gymnasium side me and a number of brother was on the gymnasium side and brother Branham had preached the message this day is this scripture fulfilled so I went with my wife and a couple more people and we got him a room and he could not come to the meeting the first night because he was hurting so bad but on the second night brother Branham when he preached this day is this scripture fulfilled so Charlie Mitchell was sitting in the main auditorium and me and some friends of mine was in the gymnasium but the random couldn't look at either side he had to preach with his back to all of us when he got through with that sermon he called two people out told her condition all about themselves you also got a dad true that's right you're praying about that you're all nervous about something you're gonna have to leave the meeting because you're a minister you got some engagements you got to take care of that's right you believe God knows he our river is just midnight you can go and be healed Jesus Christ immediately why do you immediately you totally bother you did he touch all the time the Charlie Mitchell was praying that God would show brother Branham his condition I was in the gymnasium side with these other men and we were all praying that brother Branham would call Charlie Mitchell ad was being sitting right back here he's suffering got a tumor or he's laughing doesn't he isn't from here you have been a fine worker that is driving I'm a total stranger to you that's right take your head [Music] the tubers in your left lung and you're up for an operation right away that's right you're not come here it's not a family you're from Virginia that's right you mean God knows who we are mr. Mitchell Jesus Christ makes your home hastily never seen him in the life he's second afraid I knew that brother madam didn't know Charlie Mitchell so when he said you sir with the tumor on your left lung all of us broke out in tears and begin to cry because we knew that he was talking about Charlie Mitchell so Charlie Mitchell went home had x-rays took and the nurse brought the x-ray to the doctor the doctor said you've got the wrong x-ray charlie hurt him in the room and he went in where the doctor the nurse was and told him he said no not I've been to a meeting and I have been healed and so the doctor told him to come back in about a year and he would check him over again Charlie Mitchell went back but he didn't have to go he was perfectly healed you had to feel that you was next to God almost become brother branham's ministry was so unique and he stayed under the anointing of God until it got you almost in the presence of God with him as he would call people out telling their names or conditions their house numbers where they lived the town the city of the state it was just a ministry I had never seen know her for 20 years brother Mitchell served God and we was friends and buddies for all that time and so Charlie Mitchell got a great miracle performed on him it wasn't rather random it was God [Music]
Channel: Our Daily Strength
Views: 14,454
Rating: 4.9491525 out of 5
Keywords: our daily strength, our daily bread, daily strength, daily bread, devotional, william branham, Branham, Bro. Branham, william marriam branham, earnest fulcher, Supernatural, supernatural healing, healing, healing ministry, benny hen, God is real, God is alive, is god real, Is God alive, Our daily bread devotional, daily devotional, real live healing, God is true
Id: 3my3Rw70Zfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 20sec (380 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2019
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