Set Up Your Shopify Store For Beginners in 2021 | Debut Shopify Theme

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i wanted to show you how to start your shopify site if you are completely new to shopify and you're thinking about shopify as a potential website to have your products or your services on so this left tab is where i'll start first you have home orders products customers analytics marketing discounts apps and then lastly online store any order that you get will be on this tab this product tab here will prompt you to start to create your product so whether they are a product or a service anything that you plan to sell for money will go here since i've already clicked this i'm just going to start by adding a fake product um since i work with hair companies and i have a lot of like hair photos in my folder i'm just going to start with that so i'm just going to put a you would add your description you can also bold italicize and underline specific parts of your sentence as well as include images and videos in your description if you wanted to as far as media these are the images that you would upload and that would show up as your products picture so i just used a picture from one of my things that i already had now this pricing inventory and all of the stuff below here are really important especially if you are a product space business if this is just one product so just like i put here if this is a 16 inch so if we have 16 inch brazilian body wave as our one product and we have our image of it then we would only need to put one price here so if our 16 inch is 60. her bundle then that is what you would just put as the price if it was a sale and the price was 60 dollars but originally it's 80 you could put that 80 there and it would still show the 80 but then it will show that it's actually 60 as the price you can also include cost per item as well so you can keep up with your margins and your profits for each of the products that you're selling you don't have to do this and like i said down here says customers won't see this but it could be good for you if you just want to keep track of certain things like that you can choose to charge tax on this product as far as inventory you can choose to track the quantity and you can check to continue selling when out of stock it is up to you if you are tracking your quantity you can put the amount of the quantity down here if you uncheck this it just won't show up shipping if you are a product space business you would click that it is a physical product if you're a service based business or you're providing like a digital download or something digital then this would just be unchecked as far as the weight you would put whatever weight per bundle or whatever you're selling i'm just gonna put 3.5 ounces since i'm talking about a hair product as far as customs this is where you would put all of your information here if you choose the biggest thing that i want to point out for your product tab is this variance you would check this if you have multiple options under one listing so if we go back to the top of our product page if i just said brazilian body wave so if i took that 16 inch out and i just put brazilian body wave instead and if i scroll down to this variant section here then i can create different options for my brazilian body wave here so one option could be length and this is where you would put the inches of your bundles so if you have a 12 inch you would separate it with the comma and that would be one drop down item if you have 14 inch comma that's another drop down item so i'm just going to continue and just put up until 20 inches when customers go to your products page and they find your brazilian body wave they will see that they can check length and they would be prompted to identify which length they want it likewise if you had bundle deals so i'm trying to stay pretty consistent here so if i have um three bundles of brazilian body waves if that was my title for my product then i would definitely have to use a variant because there are multiple options that i'm giving the customer to choose from so instead of lent here i am going to create another option bundle deals and with these bundle deals you could have since i said three bundle deals i'm just gonna put 12 inch 14 inch and 16 inch notice the reason why they aren't separated like they were before is because i did not include a comma now that i have my set of three bundles i'm going to press my comma the next option might be 18 inch space bar 20 inch space bar and then maybe 22 inch comma you can also add another option so if you wanted to specify bundle deals and maybe the kind of texture origin i was going to say texture but i think origin would be more appropriate so let's say cambodian comma brazilian comma now what that would look like since you have two options when a customer visits this specific product listing they're going to have two drop down options to choose from before they can add it to cart so if a customer is on your page they first would need to pick between these two options so maybe they picked the 12 inch 14 inch and the 16 inch then they would also need to address the second drop down button which would tell them to pick from an origin so once they picked that 12 14 and 16 inch they would have to decide whether they want that inch in cambodian or brazilian and if you don't like it or you want to remove it in this corner it just says remove i'm going to keep this as is since we're working with two different lengths obviously this one um this first option is longer than the second option so i'm going to keep this first one at 60 let's just say 160. we're going to say 160 for this if you know that you have 50 on hand then you could include the quantity to have 50 with my 18 20 and 22 maybe this needs to be 200 and maybe you have 40 in stock again you don't have to put the quantity here if you don't want to this is just to help you keep track of it but if you have another way to keep track of all of your inventory then by all means you don't have to do that and this is what it's going to look like so far with my description this is what i put in my description so be sure to always fill out your description so that it shows up appropriately looking at the side the right side this is in draft mode once i'm satisfied i can create active which means it will show up once my site is live i do like to create tags and also make sure it's in the correct collection i work on collections next but if i were to tag this i would just say brazilian body wave because that's what this is right it's brazilian body weight and that would be my tag for this product once i'm satisfied and everything is filled out appropriately then i would change my draft to active and press save and if you like everything the way that it is you can duplicate it and everything will stay the same so i'm just going to preview this first just so i can see what it looks like and also show you what i mean we have our picture and then after our picture the title the price and then like i said before your customers would be able to pick between these two options if i kept the origin option here it would have origin and then it would have another drop down box and it would look like this your description would also go here as well currently i'm using the debut theme which is why it is showing up the way that it is if you're satisfied with it and you don't want to create a new product listing from scratch you can just press duplicate you can rename it to whatever you want just thinking about it as i was talking earlier if you had different origins for your hair so it'd be three bundles of body wave and then underneath the options you could have a origin and then you could decide if you wanted it to be brazilian or cambodian and you can choose to copy the images and then you can also decide if you want it to be in draft form while you're editing the description or if you want to immediately set it as an active listing i do recommend setting it as a draft because you will need to go back and edit your descriptions to make sure that everything is the way that you want it i'm going to exit out of that the next thing that i wanted to focus on is collections i get a lot of questions about how collections work so i really wanted to focus on that before i go into collections this is what it looks like if you go back to your product tab under all products i'm just going to click this first one i need to duplicate these pages or else collections aren't going to make sense and then i'm going to continue to duplicate it i want to have at least five products i did actually go off of camera and edit some of these listings so i wanted to include different textures because making a collection wouldn't make a lot of sense unless i had different kinds of products under this one area um so that i could finally organize them so what i have currently is brazilian straight a body wave another brazilian straight a deep curly another body wave and then i added two examples of some lashes so if i were to launch my website right now i wouldn't have any specific areas to where i could direct customers to go to specific kinds of products they would just be lumped all together so in order to organize your product so they aren't just listed as one thing this is where collections come in play when you create a collection this is just allowing you to group products by similarity so if you have products that are under the same umbrella that you want to keep together then collections are going to allow you to do that so what i have currently is a body wave i have straight and i have make lashes and i have a deep curly so within those seven or eight products that i had read off before there are at least four categories that i could group them into so that my website is a little bit organized and it helps my customers navigate efficiently so we have a body wave collection you could create a description here you could also create an image okay so here's a body wave now when it comes to the collection type i am almost always manually adding products by my collection i like to choose manual collections because then i know for a fact that i'm looking through all of my products once you have that you're not going to be able to do anything else until you save it so you're going to need to have your title your description an image if you want and this manual highlighted once i press save then i have more options i'm going to scroll down and show you what i mean what i can do now is manually go through each of my options and pick the ones that fall within the body wave section so if i go to browse i'm going to check body wave this 14 inch body wave this three bundles of body wave and i think that's all the body wave that i have in this set as you can see all of my body wave is under one collection once i am set for that i'm gonna press this arrow button to take me back so now i have a brazilian straight collection i'm going to go back to manual i'm not going to add a picture because you saw me adding a picture before but if you want to you can definitely add an image right there you're going to have to press save before any new options present themselves after you've pressed saved you're going to click browse and then you're going to do like we did before and just find all of these straight textures or whatever type of product that you have that can be grouped together under one collection you're just going to bring them all together and this is what it should look like so we have our body wave and our brazilian straight okay so since we have at least three different collections that we can work with i'm just gonna stop here but that's how you would create a collection based off of products that you already have you can't create a collection if you don't have any products so you have to first start off with creating your products and then based on those products you can use collections to organize them your customers will go here so if you have customer information this is where it would go analytics is just telling you the stats of your website as far as marketing this is where you would find all of that campaigns and automations if you choose you would have to set that up if you want me to go through all of this then i can i just kind of want to get to the more common things that people tend to ask me when it comes to shopify rather than focusing on on this but i can definitely do another video on it because there's a lot that i can say about that discounts and apps this app will take you to the app store but um you know i'm not really interested in the app store right now but you can visit the app store the next thing that i wanted us to focus on is the online store themes will automatically be highlighted because that is what you will see once you click online store default theme is the debut and you can also explore free themes and visit the theme store if you want to look into paid themes if you wanted to create a blog post for your company then creating a blog post is pretty easy all you would need to do is just click blog post and then create a blog post pages is the next important thing that i wanted us to focus on in this video i just press add page adding pages are very important because with your website it doesn't come automatically with the pages like your about or your contact or frequently asked questions like we see under this title so if you want pages to display on your website then this is where you need to create them first so let's start with a contact us would create better content than this but because i'm just showing you how this works this is what it looks like you can add a image or a video as well i'm just going to press save because i just want to show you the process of creating these pages not necessarily like going in depth on what you need to put because i'm pretty lazy right now i'm just going to duplicate the page like you saw me doing earlier in the video but instead of a contact us i'm going to create about us and this about us is still just another page to show you what it's looking like so far on the pages i do have two pages that i have created i'm going to create a frequently asked questions now that i have these three pages i do want to jump to the navigation tab which is underneath pages this navigation is your menu so this is kind of what helps people direct them to where they need to go on your website so i'm going to click navigation next what you'll see that comes already is the footer and the main menu i'm going to start with the main menu we have our home and our catalog i really don't care for the catalog so i'm just going to delete it and you can choose to save it right now but i know i'm going to make another change so i'm just going to wait until the end to save it want to add a menu item that's going to go to the top like air about us you can name this whatever it doesn't have to match the page that you created but just know that this name is going to be visible to customers who are on your website this is asking where do you want this to be linked to it could be linked to a search a particular collection a products page blogs blog posts or your policies in this case since my about page was created on a page i'm going to click this page right here i'm going to find about us and then i'm going to add it like so same with my contact us i am going to find my page contact us and then lastly ask questions that was also a page so i currently have three pages these are going to show up in my navigation menu the next thing i want us to create is a shop page once i click that i'm going to find the link so in this case for shop i'm just going to do all products so if someone does click my shop they'll see all of my products however i do want to show you how to create a drop down menu but instead of the shop we're going to be a little bit more specific shop straight you can just put shop straight or you can do straight bundles or you can do whatever product that you have but in the link we're going to go to our collections and we're going to find our brazilian straight collection and we're going to press add you can see so far is that each of these items are on their own in the menu if you were to look at your website the menu you would have six items i want this straight to go underneath my shop so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click and drag until i see that line but then i'm going to drag my mouse to the right and as you can see there it's slightly indented this allows me to create a drop down menu i'm just going to work right under straight and add a menu because i still want my next item to go underneath this category body wave next and then i'm going to find my collection because i've already grouped all of my products so i'm going to click my body wave collection next press add and there we have it lastly i'm going to just do my make lashes and then find them under the product not my products find them under collections pink lashes boom so what you can see so far is that we have four items that are going to be on our navigation menu the fifth item will just show up as shop but then this little arrow pointing down is telling me that it's going to be a drop down item so underneath the shot we'll have these three uh items and that is it for how to create a navigation menu you can choose to change it if you don't want to say main menu if you want to say something else you can easily do that i'm going to press save then i'm going to go back with your footer that is towards the bottom of your page i would suggest creating other pages and pieces of information that you want to also include in your footer menu it's just like your navigation menu whatever you choose to include will need to be linked and created i'm going to go back to online store and i wanted to show you what this website is looking like with my new navigation menu i'm going to make this full screen as you can see i have my home about us contact us frequently asked questions in my shop which if i click it this is my drop down menu and if i scroll all the way down you'll see that my search this was underneath my footer so if you want more options underneath this footer area you're going to have to create them the same way that i created my main menu area so i'm going to press this button here to exit there was one thing i forgot to show and just in case you did not know with your navigation menu if for instance i have my about us and my contact us too close together i think they should be a little spaced out so what i want to do is click and drag my shop maybe i'll move my shop under about us so now we have home about us and then shop if you want if you don't want to see all of this you can just press that arrow again then my frequently asked questions and contact us if you wanted to you could like switch them out make sure that your line isn't indented because if it is you're just going to create another drop-down menu unless that's what you want the next thing that we're going to go through on our debut theme is actually looking at the theme itself and explaining all of the things it does so i'm working with this theme since it was the first default one that was given to me the first thing we can look at is our header this is what is shown on our site you can add a logo image here and you can also adjust how big and how small you want your local image to be so if you create a logo image and it's maybe too small or too big you might be able to scale it up and down by adjusting this area here this main menu was the navigation that i chose to display depending on what you named it it might look different if you named it you know your shop's menu or whatever it'll say that instead of main menu you can also edit it as well or you can change it so if you have multiple menus that you want to for whatever reason have on your site you can change it if you want it to be shown this is where it would be this is what it would look like and you can choose to show the announcement on the home page only if you don't want it to be like that you want it to be seen on all of your pages just make sure you uncheck it your announcement will go here something exciting that's happening to your store that you feel like it's going to be important for your customers to know as soon as they visit your site is what you should put here if you choose to give some pieces of information in your announcement bar which i definitely do suggest you can actually link it so if you have a particular product that you have just launched and you want to bring more awareness on that product that's been added to your shop you can create a specific link so that when they click it they go straight to that page you can choose to have it be a collection you can choose for it to link to a specific product or a page or your blog or your policies some hair companies that i've worked with in the past have chosen to link policies here because they make a statement about covid and maybe they want um customers to review whatever their policies are for their store so again it's up to you an announcement bar can be used for a lot of different things so whatever you feel like is most important for your customers to know when they get to your site is all that matters you can adjust the color as well as the text the bar color is this gray the text is this white like so i'm just going to press back i'm going to save it since i did make a change here this next tab is an image with text overlay so you would need to create a image i found one of my old pictures that i had for one of my websites and i just inserted it here you can play with the layout if you want it to be a fixed width or a full width you can also adjust the image alignment you don't really tell much of a difference unless in some cases it's full screen but in most cases it doesn't really make that big of a difference you can choose how much of the image that you see within each section so if you have extra small this is what it would look like so you would only see like a little bit of it if you have small medium large extra large and as you can see like more of your picture is shown whatever picture that you have will need to look just as good if it is zoomed in because if you were paying attention to how my image looked from the small to the extra large it's still the same image but it's kind of blown up so let me go to full screen so i can show you the image is so good but it's a lot larger so just keep that in mind i personally like medium but i wanted to show you this adapt to image as well this is also what i will use sometimes if you have an image that's already sized and it looks the way that you want it to look then adapt to image it's just going to make sure that that section height will fit whatever size that you have for the image that you've uploaded on shopify you want to include a heading so let's see and then if i wanted to have a little button and then it could link to a product notice me creating this button label of shop now does not create a button until i actually link the button somewhere i'm just going to find a random product as you can see now we have a button and i'm going to press save this image with overlay is exactly as it sounds it looks like there's like a gray overlay there so if you like that the way it is great keep it i don't so what i'm gonna do is jump a little bit and i'm gonna go to our theme settings and it should be under colors if i go down to image overlays here you could adjust the text and the background in this case i'm just going to move this opacity slider to the left so that it is like so and then i'm going to change my font to black so this background was basically the color that was overlaid on this image i mean you know i could use a color like i could have pinkish color pink purple color right like i could easily create an overlay like so which still looks good like this looks good too don't get me wrong but i just would rather see it without it for the sake of not jumping around and kind of going in sequential order i'm gonna go back i just finished our first section and the next section if you click on it it'll take you directly to that area on your homepage with the image with text this is just prompting you to upload an image and then add the text and the title here with this button label even if i create shop now nothing is going to show until i actually tell that button where to go and we're just going to click the 14 inch and now we'll see the button you can also determine which side you want it to go do you want it to be on the left or on the right image with text which is whatever title you have all right is me you can also edit the um image as well this is the text i do want to point out that you can't insert links within your text let me actually toggle full screen so i can see what it looks like there we have it i'm just kind of going along with what it's given to me originally what i'll do probably towards the end is like move around sections so it looks a little bit better but the purpose of this video isn't to really like style the website i just want you to understand each of the features each of the sections and what you can do in shopify i'm just going to use my image again everywhere you see a space for you to insert an image is just what it says so nothing is different here we're just gonna put shop now i'm gonna go to my default of wherever i put then i'm gonna do this for all three you can also create a heading here now i want the text to be centered and when i say centered i'm in this part um the actual description if i look at it full screen this is what it looks like we're gonna go back to desktop featured collection is any of your products that you want to share and again this feature collection comes in handy when you already have your collections created so since we already created our collection i'm just going to pick the body wave collection because why not if you had more products than i did then you could also specify how many products per row you wanted before it created a new row so if you had five products under your body weight collection but you just wanted to display four of those products per row then you would have four products and then that fifth product would start on the second row and because you've only created two rows to be shown at most for this product then you would have four at the top and then the last one at the bottom as your fifth product for your two rows if you drag it to the left so that it's only showing one row then even though you have five products we're just we're still like pretending here even if you have five products under your body wave collection only four of those products would show because that's what you specified you can also include to show the product vendors so your name would go here and you could also include a view all button i typically don't but again if you wanted to you could here is another image with text overlay because we already have one at the beginning i'm not going to really do anything with this one either i'm probably just going to plug this image in there again just so we have something there testimonials if your clients are giving you testimonies then this is the perfect place for them to go so if you click on it you can include what they've said as well as their name so everywhere you see author's name you will also see it underneath this section as well as what they've said here so that's pretty self-explanatory and with the debut theme this is just the way that it looks keep in mind that every single theme that you have on shopify whether it is through shopify specifically or you get it through a third party like if you get one of my shopify templates then my customer review area looks a lot different than this and that's just because of how the site was built the next section of debut is the gallery this is my favorite part about the debut theme their gallery images and so i have already created a video on shopify so i'm just going to upload these themes like so i was gonna use this as my image with text overlay but i'm not gonna use this image just yet but i will show you where that can come into play this is one of the images that i'm going to use for my gallery image here really quickly i'm going to go to full screen so we can see how it just perfectly lines up if you want access to this i will list the card in this video so you can check that one out and get all of the information i do suggest creating a link so with these gallery images making them very functional by sending them somewhere of course i'm just going to click some random places and this about us is shown when you hover over it and make it full screen for these types of images i think it looks so much better when you can use something like canva and create you know your own text i'll show you a little bit later on how to take all of this away and adjust some of the settings the section height is medium you could definitely play around with these settings to see which one you prefer this is what it looks like so far in the next video i will share how to add a section and what other things come with the debut theme and then finally in the last video i'll share how to adjust some of these settings so that it falls within your brand colors be sure to like this video if you found it helpful and i will see you again next week thank you so much for watching bye you
Channel: Glam Hair Graphics
Views: 8,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify tutorial, shopify tutorial for beginners, shopify tutorial 2021, make money online, shopify, shopify website design, debut theme shopify, debut theme ideas, shopify free themes 2020, how to create a theme on shopify, free shopify theme setup, free theme shopify, free shopify theme 2020, start a hair company with no inventory, hair website design, hair website shopify, hair websites for wigs, glamhairgraphics, how to create a shopify store, how to set up shopify store
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 53sec (2093 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.