How to Create A Website on Shopify | Entrepreneur Series Ep.1

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what's up y'all welcome back to my channel so today I'm gonna be showing y'all how to build a website on Shopify com so the first thing you're gonna want to do is you're gonna want to make an account on Shopify and then you're gonna go to your online store and you're gonna going to go to your themes so after you reach the theme page then you're gonna want to go to the free theme store or the shop theme store and either way you can find a theme that fits your brand and that fits your style and that fits you I personally just chose the debut theme because um it's just the standard theme and really you can just make and sell whatever you want it to make it to so you just click on the debut theme and then you just add themes to library so this theme is already in my library so I'm just gonna exit out of this and I'm just gonna show you where it'll load so it'll load right here and this section right here and then you'll just choose customize so for me I'm just going to choose customize appear so when you first get into your online store and it's all loaded up the first thing you want to do is go to your header and you either wanna type a header in or you want to select a logo for your header and I'm just gonna select an image that's my logo and I'm just gonna select it and I'm gonna upload it and then you can just go in and you can size it and make it whatever size you want to make it so at the top these two buttons so the first button is just showing you what your website will look like on a desktop computer and the next is gonna be showing you what your website will be looking like on a mobile device but we're just gonna go with the desktop because that's what we're on right now so when you scroll down on the header page it gives you a couple options to type some announcements so when you type your announcements that's basically the bar at the top of the page and it just says things like 50% off sale or free shipping on orders over $30 or things like that so we're just going to put free shipping on orders over $30 so right up under that it gives you the option to change the color of the bar and so you can just make it like any color you want to make it to so I'm just gonna put it as gray and then you can change the color of the text as well and we're just going to put it as black you so if you continue to scroll then you'll see it says different social media handles so if you just type in your social media handle then at the bottom of your website page it'll have the Instagram logo or the Twitter logo of the Facebook logo and when you click on that it'll automatically take you to your Instagram page so now I'm just typing in my Instagram handle and I'll show you later how it automatically takes you to that page and after each that make sure to save your work after every step so the next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go hit the back button by the header page and it's gonna take you back to the debut theme pages and these are other pages that come with the theme page so it comes with image with text extra columns future collections image with text overlay text marks and gallery and you can also add sections so if you want something else then you can just add it there and it'll pop up on that page but we're just going to exit out and we're just gonna use what we have so we're gonna click on image with text overlay and we're gonna select our image that we want to be at the head of our website so this is gonna be mine and it's just a picture of me and it says glitzy beauty bar so the most important thing is when you're going to add your image with text overlay is to change the section height and to adapt it to the image and see when it first was on medium I believe it was too big and it didn't show every contents of it so you can just play with it and play with the text sizes and just play with everything that you want and make it your own so after you scroll down then you can just type your text and you can type the heading of your text and you can just put whatever you want in there but I just want the picture to so show I'm just gonna delete everything that was in there and you can also make a button label so for the button label it's not gonna work until you actually go into the settings of your Shopify website and you create links and since we haven't created any links the shop now' button is not gonna show right now so I'll show you how to do that in a minute so since I can add my button right now just gonna erase the shop now button and I'm just gonna save my work and I'm gonna go on to the next step so the next step we're gonna go in with our textbook columns so this is just your pick arts so mine has new arrivals lips and eyes so I'm just gonna save that and then I'm just gonna add the rest of them you and if you want more you can definitely click on the add column and it'll give you another one but I'm only using three right now so you just can go on there and you can type something out and you can just describe your products so right now I'm not gonna put anything in there because I'm gonna put a button label on there so that you can directly shop from there but like I said before we haven't put any navigations or we haven't went into the settings yet to change it so right now it's not even gonna allow me to save it so next I'm just gonna go into the eyes and the lips picture and I'm just gonna delete the text and the header from that so when it's time to add the navigation buttons it will already be ready so now that I saved my work I'm gonna go back to that front page and I'm gonna go to image with text so for your image with text page you can really make it whatever you want to make it into so I'm just gonna show you an example of what I would use it for so we can use it for a meet the owner page so I'm just gonna use that Paik picture as if it was a picture of me the owner and then I'm just going to type meet the owner in the header so then you can just describe yourself in the sex page and you can just do it like a little bio so I'm just gonna do something simple and I'm just gonna say the owner is a 21 year old entrepreneur she has a passion for makeup blah blah blah blah blah etc etc and then once you finish that then you can just go on to the next step but make sure you save your work so the next thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go back to the first page and you're gonna click on the feature collection tab and that's just gonna show you all of your featured products that you sell on your page so you can just select an image and you can just select where it's gonna be from so that's where it's all gonna pop up so you're selected for your future collection so we're just gonna leave it like that and you can just customize it and put your products in there so for the image with text overlay so and now for the image with text overlay you can go in and you can add another banner if you want to or you can just delete it it just depends on what you want to do with that space right there so I'm just gonna delete it right now and we're just gonna go on to customer reviews so when you're working with Shopify and they don't have a built-in section to put your testimonials so this is your testimonial page and so you have to add an app from the Shopify app store and it'll automatically populate your customer reviews or you can just take stuff that people have DM jus and just ask their permission to repost their words so let's just say if a customer named Lisa commented on your Instagram post and she said awesome shiny glosses so then you just ask Lisa if you can repost her words and just put them under your customer reviews and it'll just show right here awesome shiny lip glosses and then you can just do the same thing with the other two spaces so I'll just show you one more time just so that y'all get the hang of it so you just delete this so say if someone named Kelly commented under your Instagram posts and she said best prices in town so then you just do that same thing so after you typed out all of your testimonials you'll want to hit your Save button and then yo just go back to that front page and then you'll go to your gallery so your gallery should just be it could be pictures of people wearing your products your customers or it could be pictures of just the lipglosses or whatever you sell so I'm just going to do it as if it was customers I know y'all copy thinking like why is she using a baby this is only for demonstration purposes y'all so I don't want to show my actual customers on here so I'm just using people who I personally know and who I personally know wouldn't mind me posting this YouTube video so that's why I'm using these pictures y'all so after you have all your pictures don't forget to save y'all work I can't stress that enough make sure you are shaping your work so the next thing you're gonna want to do is you want to want to go to your footer page and this is your footer page right here it's just your page at the bottom of your website and it just has your newsletter and it has your Quick Links so I'm gonna show y'all how to do your Quick Links and this is the Instagram thing that I was talking about so it automatically goes to your Instagram so it just asked me permission do I want to go to Instagram I hit okay and now this is my Instagram website I mean Instagram account and that is what happens when you click that button so earlier I deleted the image with text overlay page and I just wanted to show y'all what it looks like when you add a section so you just hit image with text overlay and then you hit add and then you just add and then it automatically adds so now I'm just gonna upload the picture that I want so now I'm just gonna open it and I am going to select the image that I just uploaded and I'm just gonna hit select one more time and then it's gonna pop up where you can start editing it so remember y'all when on section Heights I change it to adapt to image and now I'm just gonna delete the text and delete the heading because I don't need it I literally only want the picture to show see here how it just adapted to the image and now I'm gonna show you what it looks like when he's back at medium so my words are cut off and now I'm gonna put it back to adapt to image so that it looks right so now I'm gonna save and I'm gonna go back so and now I'm gonna show you what your website looks like on the on your mobile devices so this is what it would look like so it'll have your announcements page it'll have your header and it'll have your image with text overlay even though we don't have any text that is overlaying it's literally just the picture and then after you go down it'll have your meet the owner page so this where it says click see Beauty bar my logo that's where you would put your picture and then it'll have your bio right below it and then you have your column pages and then you have your future collection you have your customer reviews and you can just click through them and then you have your gallery and lastly you have your image with sex overlays and your Quick Links and your newsletter so now I'm going to show you how to add your Quick Links and how to add your buttons your clickable buttons that will take you to a different page on your website so you're just going to go up to this shopping bag with the s in it and you're gonna click on it so once it's loaded you're gonna want to go to your online store and you're gonna want to go to pages and once you get to pages you are going to add your pages so in the top right corner it's a blue button and it says add pages so you can just add your pages our pages are already added I just need to add the navigation to them so that they actually bring me to a different page so after you do that you go to the navigation button and you go into your main menu because that's where you want all of these to be so you click in there and then you type in lipgloss and then you go to your pages and then type in lips and that's what's gonna bring you it's gonna bring you to the lips page and then you just add it and then you just do the same thing with the rest of your pages you now if you click on the eyeball right by the online store it'll show you what your store is looking like so here are the pages that you just made so lip gloss lashes and your new arrivals pages so if you click on it it is taking you to the lips page if you clicks on the lashes it'll take you to the lashes page if you click on the new arrivals it'll take you to the new arrivals page so that is the most important thing so we're just gonna exit out of that and I'm gonna show you how to do your Quick Links pages so at the bottom left of the page you're gonna go on and click on settings and then you're gonna go to legal and after you get to legal it'll show you all of the policies so your refund policy your privacy policy your Terms of Service your shipping policy etc etc etc but I think that's all they have yeah they only have those four so if you want more policies then you're gonna have to add them manually so in order to do your shipping policies then all you have to do is click create from template and then you're just going to create the template for the other three and then you're gonna save it when you get to your shipping policy it doesn't automatically come with the template so you just have to manually type one in and I think that's pretty fair because everyone ship in policy is different so I'm just gonna put ships two to three days and I'm gonna save it so now that everything is saved I'm just going to copy and paste it and then I'm gonna go back to my pages under the online store tab and then I'm just gonna add a page using the blue button in the top right corner and then I'm just going to type in shipping policy now in the textbox up under the shipping policy I'm gonna paste what I just typed in and I'm gonna save it and then I'm gonna go to navigation and I'm gonna put that into the footer page cuz those are gonna be your Quick Links so you're gonna click that and then you're gonna add in a menu item and so we're just gonna type in shipping policy and then you're gonna go to your links and then you're gonna type in shipping policy again and then your shipping policy link is gonna come up and you're just gonna add it and then you're gonna save it and then you're gonna go to your online store so you're just gonna view your online store using that little eyeball button and then you're gonna scroll down and this is what your website is looking like y'all so it looks really good and so you're gonna click on your shipping policy under your Quick Links and see it pops up under a brand new page oh and now we're gonna exit out of that and we're gonna go back into the online store but we're gonna customize it so remember when I told you that I was gonna show you how to put those buttons onto your page I'm gonna show you that now so you're gonna go back under your themes and you're going to go and you're going to click customize so now that you're on there you're gonna go to your columns page and you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna add your button labels so now you can type in new arrivals and then you can go to your pages and now that you added the navigation links the buttons have popped up see so then you just do the same thing for the other two you after you're finished with that you can either click the desktop button or click the theme action buttons and preview your website and it should look something like this I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure you like comment and subscribe if you aren't already and make sure you hit that notification bell and I will see y'all in my next video bye
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Keywords: create shopify website, make business website on shopify, make business website on shopify, how to build a website using shopify, build a website using shopify, build a website with shopify, step by step shopify store setup, shopify tutorial for beginners 2020 - create a shopify store step by step, how to create a website for free, how to create a shopify store 2020, how to create your online store, create shopify store step by step, set up shopify store step by step 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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