Top 5 Reasons Why I Use Visual Assist for Unreal Engine 5

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hello guys smartpali here and welcome back to another video if you've ever messed around with C plus plus in Unreal Engine or if you're trying to get into C plus with Unreal Engine it is likely that you've stumbled across many different issues when using visual studio whether that be Visual Studio taking ages to search through your code or saying that you have an error when you actually don't in this video we're going to be checking out visual assist which is an extension for visual studio that will speed up enhance and improve your C plus development in Unreal Engine 5. so this is five reasons why I use visual assist for Unreal Engine 5. so without further Ado let's go ahead and get right into it alright so the very first thing that I want to show you guys is actually how to download and install the visual assist extension now there's a free 30-day trial that you can sign up for on their website and you can click the link in the description below and it will take you to this page you just click try here for free and you can click the download free trial It'll ask you to fill out some basic information let's go ahead and fill it out and once that's done it will go ahead and download the installer file and then once you open up the installer file it will ask you what IDE you want to install visual assist extension and we're going to be installing it to visual studio 2022 so just click install and now once that it's complete you can go ahead and open up your Unreal Engine project and if you go into the edit editor preferences you can search for code at the top and then down here under your source code editor make sure that is set to visual studio 2022 then you can go ahead and launch visual studio so the very first time that you open up your project with visual assist installed it will start parsing your files just a one-time thing for each project just so I can get everything in its directory and it will load a lot faster so it'll parse through all of the Unreal Engine files now you can go ahead and click extensions so as you can see visual assist is installed under the extensions when you hover over that it will drop down an options menu and at the very bottom you can just click on visual assist options like so and then you go ahead and click try so this will start your 30-day trial or if you purchase a license you can register your product and here at the bottom you can see that it's parsing all of the files in my project and so here are the visual assist options so you can change and customize all the coloring for things like the classes variables functions all the classes that are specific to Unreal you can customize the syntax colorings to your liking now at the moment it's not currently loaded because we're waiting for visual assist to parse through everything and usually the process should take around five to ten minutes so now that it's finished parsing through all the files you can change all the syntax coloring there's many different colors that you can choose from it's just if you have a preference or liking you can hover over and click on it and we'll show you an example now for Unreal Engine we want to go down to game development and all of these settings should automatically be checked and you want to keep this setting as reference so that will only index your files once and that's pretty much all you have to really worry about to get started using the visual assist extension now the first reason why visual assist can speed up your game development is the fast auto complete and intellisense so the autocomplete for visual assist is much faster than the default autocomplete for visual studio or Visual Studio without the visual assist plugin and visual assist also works with Unreal Engine whereas the visual Studio by itself doesn't usually get the autocorrect right all the time so for example if I wanted to Type U property and it would automatically have it right here we have edit anywhere and the autocomplete is much faster compared to the visual studio autocomplete where sometimes it'd just be sitting there searching for for a second or two the second reason for using visual assist is the different finding methods so for example I'm looking here through my project and maybe you have a much larger class it'd be a lot more difficult to find the different functions that you have so instead of using Ctrl F4 which would find everything we can use the shortcut alt M and it will get all the functions here and since we changed the function color we can instantly see all the functions here and all the methods and we can also do the same search in the C plus file which will be way more difficult if you do search through your project with all these functions expanded you just click alt M click on the functions and and yeah it's really helpful and it makes it a lot quicker so the third reason to use visual cysts is that you can find declarations and definitions very quickly but you can go to a function let's go ahead and go to this spawn default weapon function and I'll click alt G and ALT G will take us there instantly and it's definitely more helpful especially if you're using a function from the Unreal Engine source code so for example the event be in play we can go ahead and click alt G and it'll show us which one we want to pick we want to use the begin play and this is the character.h from the Unreal Engine source code so you can find things very easily here using this shortcut the fourth reason is opening and finding files very quickly so you can click shift alt o and that will pull up the visual assist search window and I'll also pull up all the project files for Unreal Engine 5. so if you were looking for example character dot h we can find it separated by the different projects from my project versus the Unreal Engine source code so it can make it really easy to look through the documentation of the Unreal Engine 5 source code and we can use the other shortcut which was alt M to look through all the functions or you can type out the function as well to filter it out so you can see the function on landed or can Crouch so you can very easily filter through the Admiral engine source code and find out what you need now the last reason is the create implementation feature so let's just go ahead and make a couple of functions here make it public you can just call this Rand function okay you function server reliable server random function so we can right click on the class and click on actions and refactoring visual assist and over on the right we can click create implementation and we'll pop up this little window basically showing us that it will create all the functions for us so all we have to do is Click OK and it goes ahead and creates it in the implementation file and another thing that you can also do is you can click alt shift q and that will pop up and that will give you that create implementation option which is a lot faster now if you want to do individual functions you can do shift q and go ahead and create the implementation like that now the nice thing about visual syst creating the implementation for Server rpcs if you're working with multiplayer is that server rpcs require the underscore implementation after the function name which visual assist automatically creates for you whereas if we were to use a visual studio create definition on Visual Studio here you can see it would not create the the correct implementation for us whereas if you were to use the visual assist create implementation so anyways that is five reasons why visual assist can speed up your C plus development with unrelented 5. if you guys want to download and install visual sys and try it out free for 30 days you can click the link in the description below big thank you to whole tomato for sponsoring this video and as always I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 8,206
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Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Release, Unreal Engine 5 New Features, Unreal Engine 5 Next-Gen, Unreal Engine 5 Nanite, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, UE5 Release, UE5 Next Gen, UE5, Lyra Starter Game, Unreal Engine 5 Lyra Game Tutorial, UE5 Lyra Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World GamesUnreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Games
Id: IuxM4Cc3gyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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