Session C (Freshwind 2011) Andres Bisonni, Freshwind Band

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is ah me Jesus Jesus to some of you I like you know I want to keep seeing this I mean I got you so I should sing this there's a spot in your heart where you're like I want to want to me that I want to mean this but I do guys let's sing it out as face it made me like Jesus I want you to be my everything I want you to have all of me I don't know what that looks like I but I want you to have all of me pleasecome stronger yeah times in the face with this thing is you right now God the kids are Oh Jesus me oh three for two more when 90 have you for the end of the conference and when I have to change Oh so guys yeah this song never just thing he says god you're my everything and so he's everything that we need in our life and that means and he's everything that we need and physical healing isn't that right and because he died and because it shut his blood for us we are able to go proudly and we can like ask for God so who has healing or physical pain anything in their body that they need healing for it easily raise your hands right now sore sore legs sore throat headache broken leg cancer it's the same is still healing right this is what we're going to do we're going to pray because God's here right now I want you to expect that you will be healed because God is real and the kingdom of heaven is real and the kingdom of heaven is here within reach so lord I thank you that you died for us I thank you that you were raised again I thank you that by your stripes we are healed and over your bodies right now I speak the healing of Christ over you the healing of God into your buys the healing of God into those broken bones I see someone has a shoulder that you injured in a sporting accident I feel like it's a right shoulder I feel like God's coming into that joint right now and start to move it around start to test it out though we receive your healing right now if if you need healing in your body I want you to check yourself I want you to start doing something you couldn't do before whether it's if you couldn't bend over start trying to bend over if you couldn't run around run around jump around do something you couldn't do before test out your body I guess if there's people around you with their hand just go like lay hands on them probably spirit into them yeah youth what do we learn last night we are in week youth what do we learn last night we are in right therefore what is true Christ is so take your hands with that knowledge the healing power of Christ flows to your hands I want you to put it on them put on their shoulder put on their head and start to pray for them for those of you who don't have anyone to pray for point towards the cameras you at home put your hand on your body right now because the power of Christ is flowing through you and Ben Kennedy is homesick right now there's a really high fever and we're just going to pray for them keep praying for the person you're with but lord we release your healing over Ben Louie we command that flu we command that sickness out of his body in the name of Jesus I curse that bacteria I curse that virus I command to fall off him and I release your presence and your life and your healing in your wholeness we release it into you Ben be healed in the name of Jesus okay for those of you who are being prayed for I want you to stop stop praying for a second I want you to test it out test out do something you couldn't do before turn around someone just got aware that there's a spinal injury being healed less you tests it put it into action how many how many of you there's a difference going on I want you to wave at me stick your hands up in the air wave them around like you just don't care I see some hands going up across the place awesome how many of you still need healing some hands are still going up good for those of you still need healing grab some people around you get like just grab their hands and be like pray for me out pray for me pray for them I I need a couple people a couple people have been healed I want you to run to the front over here and we have some of our freshmen teams just going to be there they want to pray with you and they want to hear what what God's been doing with you so if you've been healed run over to the front to my left your right I want you to tell someone what God's been doing we may pull up a couple of you onto the stage and guys guy gave me a really cool picture when I was worshiping I was over there by the communion tables and I would just like dance around and like consciously I was like tables over there got to be careful not to like accidentally fly yourself into a to get drenched and though orange juice or grape juice but it was cooling as God said in the spirit and really I just don't want to give you a capful I want to give you like a whole trench pocket full and so God wants to like drench you in his love and is glad and just in all his spirit and all he has for you and so we just call it out Father we say more of you more of your Holy Spirit more of your oil just flow over us father we just claim healings in this place father would your Holy Spirit and kingdom come here right now father hey man how many of you are feeling a difference in your bodies ro hands going up okay I want to hear what God has been doing so head over there my man jazz is he's got he's going to be asking you guys what's God been doing do we got something yes we do come on up and what's your name Cheri everyone this is Cheri and sure what was wrong before I've had pain in my ankles for like three years yeah I heard it soccer cool and what happened during worship it's all better so you couldn't jump before no not at all did you have a lot of pain yeah and now it's all gone like completely completely gone yeah no more pain at all that's amazing look I couldn't have done that you couldn't have done that it was God working through Sheree working into her ankle so stretch your hands towards her father right now we just blessed Sheree with your presence on with your love hey and we speak your fire everyone say fire release your fire the fire of your presence the fire of your holy spirit rests upon her to dwell on her we speak complete healing complete wholeness into those ankles thank you for what you're doing on what you have done Jesus name Amen is there anyone else is there anyone else yes is there anyone else that we got come on all right my man what and what's your name taste mattias awesome I'm John what so tell me what was wrong with you Oh sir I was doing out with some ab work out this week and I straighten my neck so so you're working out and getting those pipes up I say okay yeah no yeah I strained it so yesterday I was like happy headaches all day because it was like burning uh-uh just this morning I gotta say that today I'm receiving my healing type of thing right and then just now some of the kids out there they were started pray over me and stuff sorry so some of the some of the youth or some of the leaders yes so some of the youth so none of the leaders know why because you you don't have a junior holy spirit you don't have a minor holy spirit you have the exact same holy spirit so you can do miracles you can heal people with the power of God that flows through you sir keep cognate eyes and uh yeah they prayed the first time and it started loosen up and stuff then you said pray over again right now just just now it just popped its back into place now it's like that's amazing could you do something good to do before it's awesome come on who Jesus chef shut your hands go we thank you permit us and we speak healing and wholeness got a seer bring a new revelation of your love and your new revelation of your presence over him and over his life in over his ministry Papa hey fill in with me you and a fresh once again amen Oh Timothy is my sir my bad kind of hard to hear up here sometimes to say well everyone we want more we have one more one more what's your name uh Josh I'm Josh Josh so Josh what do the largest do with you uh I tore my meniscus about six weeks ago wrestling and just got off crutches last Thursday so I it'd be very painful for me to walk in yesterday even sat down during worship because I couldn't stand it and a couple of my buds prayed for me and there's no pain this amazing dude there's no pain that's incredible switch your hands Lord we thank you for this knee that was healed and we and we speak life into you in the name of Jesus life and grace I bless you to be a leader among your peers as you go back to your high school bless you to bring the kingdom of heaven with you wherever you go because you are in Christ and Christ goes with you you bring him with you receive the Holy Spirit and his power and his love and his presence amen do this amazing how many of you want to see things like that happen in everyday life can I can I tell you how to do it pray for people yeah you're not going to see anyone saved you're not going to see anyone healed unless you go out and pray for them and I pray for I pray for many people I haven't seen everyone healed but I also know that I've seen many people healed when never would have seen healed had I not stepped out I pray for them so bless you freshmen I challenge you go out into the streets going on the streets on to run to your lunch I mean look both ways first but go out and find someone who needs healing and pray for them I challenge you on that and see what God does I want to hear what God's does alright deal give me a thumbs up all right sweet you're released to go back to your seats and grab a seat and banned that was incredible thank you so much this is a this was our freshman band up here leading worship with youth and young adults from our from our ministry and they're incredible so we love you guys all right hurry up hurry up we don't have much time we want to get our speaker up here so please do me a favor and quickly walk back to your seats to sit down and once you're seated go wait you're not seated alright my friends we have some quick announcements for you I have something in my back pocket that sounds like a weird way to start a sentence I I got something my back pocket that someone has lost and it is quite sad because they won't be eating their meal plan ooh guys if you got a meal plan card please write your name on the back if you've lost one come come talk to me after and also I know we're pretty full back there so if you run out of room you can always head across the street to our school a ministry building where the sound cafe is being held please go over there and you can eat you're also free to eat outside so if there's no more room under the overflow for your meal plan head over there you're free to eat free to eat over there and guys with everything that's going on this weekend in your life if God's impacting you in incredible new ways or if you're getting healings or breakthroughs in any areas of your life we would love love to hear about that and just share with other people and like let us just encourage each other and so there's three ways that you can go about doing that the first way is by going to the front desk and grabbing a form to fill out so you can just share what's been going on share your testimony so you can grab a form fill it out so you can get the form from the front desk from the team that's in the blue shirt or from people that have these badges on so grab one of us and just like tell us what's been going on and fill out those forms if you are into the whole technology thing go on Facebook find catch the fire the katchafire page or the freshman page tell us what's been going on or you can even do an email so and that's email at catch the fired duck Camille I catch the fire calm and for those of you who may be wondering who we are this lovely lady beside me is Andrea Vandenberg and I'm Jonathon chunker and we are your emcees what what oh and we get married in 49 days and together we will start the band and chunk and in chunk these we're calling ourselves right now if you turn your attention to the screens on my right and left we're just going to play some video announcements so if we can get those queued up and set up and running that will be wonderful and these are some of our youth hey guys Justin Bieber and Zac Efron and we're here to tell you Matt Spence for fresher in 2011 yeah so just want to remind you guys not to park across the street in the 7 seventh-day Adventist Church that there's a parking overflow parking lot up the street you guys can park there and also no chewing gum or food and anything except for bottled water in the area if you want to keep the conference or after you can purchase USBs in the bookstore for only $25 wristband should always be worn doesn't matter if you take a shower the rain or yeah you get it ok wristbands are waterproof so keep them on at all times the sound cafe is across the street in the fire hall and you can go there for live music games a lot of other fun stuff and you guys don't forget to check out the world vision booth and you guys should pray about sponsoring your child because just pray about it then snack cafe and Ben's burgers arguably open to between sessions and you should definitely check them out and don't forget to and guys remember to take all your belongings after the session and if you lose anything it will be at the front desk it will be at the front desk the cafe is for cafe patrons only but if you have a meal plan those are helping the overflow guys remember not to sin the aisles because that's where people walk don't stop sit there this afternoon we have a special session for all the youth leaders with our special guest Fanning the bishop also fried we're taking up the missions offering to Solar missions around the world this evening we also have a free concert with manifest starting at 10:45 hi my name is Melissa burger rather like a burger that you eat my EP is called dear poet and it's been released in stricken and I mean actually I'm glad you it I guess you could describe my music can fill pop my favorite food is probably chocolate although I play guitar I think one of my favorite instruments has to be with a cello to me put some music I feel like it's something that everyone can understand and enjoy it's something that all of a sudden goes from just logic in just in our head something that all the sudden needs to our heart I hope that inspires can go to new levels it to your height I'll be playing fight you okay awesome we have if you guys are loving our band this weekend we have CDs that you can go pick up bring the fresh wind band home with you so I have in my hand three CDs I'm sure there's lots more so in between sessions go back to the books store and you can pick them up and bring home the ausmus of fresh wind with you you can drive it listen to it in your car at home whenever ya do it and less and yesterday we had sky terminal with us and they were incredible and I got two CDs up here for the first two people up at the front wow that was I you I now know what a shark attack feels like oh my goodness and that is how fast they're going go kiss is that awesome so make sure you get them just like that get it just don't run into the bookstore like that you might break stuff well this this morning we have someone very special with us electing you put put your hands together for Andre Smith Sony I'm going to invite up and undress is a under this is a wonderful friend of this house we had him for our signs & wonders conference in October and he's a man who walks his signs and wonders and he's incredible so it's our pleasure to have him here and actually did you know something did you know that it was his birthday yesterday so under his happy birthday and how about you stretch your hands towards him let's just let's pray for him so we thank you for this wonderful man we thank you for what he's going to be sharing with us today God and ask you to bless him I see you bless his ministry bless his marriage right now and bless him as he spends another year full of your prizes full of your love and running after you hey and father I ask you to increase the Holy Spirit upon him increase your presence upon his life in Jesus name and all God's people said man thank you guys Thank You Jonathan how many are happy this morning how many are happy because our King paid it all that today we're remembering the Passion of Christ we're remembering what he did for us on the cross how today he took upon himself all of our sins and because of what he did on the cross today we can have this conference enjoy his presence because sons and daughters of God enter into his presence have a relationship with God because today he cried out and he said it is finished amen jesus paid it all Wow how many love the king of kings and the Lord of lords give him a big hand of praise this morning to Jesus we love you Lord we love you and you know the Lord loves us too and He loves us very much and like Jonathan said yesterday yesterday was my birthday so as my birthday present the Lord gave me this opportunity to be with you guys and and I am I don't know I'm I'm overjoyed I'm excited to be here because I know God's gonna do so many things in our lives God's gonna be speaking to us God's gonna be touching us transforming us revealing his heart to us empowering us revealing he's calling upon our lives this weekend is going to be awesome awesome how many say I'm in I believe many of your lives are never going to be the same because of what the Holy Spirit is gonna do in you this weekend you know I believe in a love times like this because he was in a conference just like this in Argentina that God transformed my life in a conference just like this I had a supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit of God that transformed not only my heart by the destiny of my life one encounter with the Holy Spirit can transform your life forever currently I am I am married I've been married for seven years with the most beautiful daughter of the King of Kings when I was going to get married I said lord I ask you to get me the most beautiful one of all your daughters and he that's what you gotta pray you know and he gave me the most beautiful daughter we have two kids I have a four year old son his name is Elijah he's amazing I have a one-year-old little girl her name is Annabella and she has stolen my heart and together we have a ministry in which we travel to different countries and we just simply tell people about Jesus and we pray for the sick and see them healed so have the best job in the world we get to travel to all over the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ we go and hold this miracle healing Crusades and we see the blind see the Deaf hear the people are paralyzed healed we see tumors disappear just the amazing supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in people's lives and I believe God's raising an entire generation that God's going to endued with his power to go out and share his glory with this world how many say Amen how many want to be carriers of his glory to this world I know that's why you're here this year we're going to be going to all five continents of the world we're going some very difficult places to minister we go into all over Africa we're going to go central South America we just got back from Europe and it's amazing how everywhere you go is so easy for Jesus to heal the sick all you have to do is like Jonathan said step out in faith and you're going to see signs wonders and miracles take place through your life I want to begin this morning speaking to you a little bit from my heart sharing to you how did I have an encounter with the Lord how he called me into the ministry I want to share a little bit from my heart about how real the Holy Spirit is and he wants to be in you you know I was raised in a Christian home probably like many of you I grew up in church going to church all my life going to Bible studies just every activity that church had I went I was grew up in Argentina in South America anybody from South America here in all those different countries there's a few people back there and I'm an anybody from Europe hallelujah anybody from Canada here Wow this nation is gonna be shaken by the glory of God it's gonna be amazing anyways so I was grew up in Argentina then my family moved to the US so I came with my family to the US I went through high school here then I got I got accepted to go to college and my desire my dream was to be a medical doctor my dad is a medical doctor so I wanted to follow his footsteps I went through pre-med in college and you know something happens when you go to college is that you begin to get exposed to all these different beliefs all these different religions all these different ideologies and you begin to meet people who are Hindu who are Muslim who are Buddhist who were atheist I mean all times of different beliefs you know and something began to happen in my heart is that I began to feel God was really far away and I began to feel yeah I'm a Christian because I grew up in a Christian home there Muslims because they grew up in a Muslim home they're Buddhist because so they grew up in a Buddhist home or a Hindu home and I began to feel God really far away in my heart begin to get hardened and my question was I remember even walking through campus and looking up to heaven and saying God where are you where are you where is the God of the Bible in all this you know I got accepted to go to medical school but before starting medical school to make a long story short I went on an exchange program back to my country of Argentina to study for six months and my custom was on the Sunday morning was to go to church so I got ready now went to church but I went and I stepped into the church I found myself in the midst of a revival I've never heard of that before I went in there and has found all these people passionately in love with Jesus I mean services would last for four to six hours and people did not want to leave the church we will worship for hours and hours and and I didn't want to leave I felt something in that place that captivated my heart and then suddenly the pastor gets to the front and he begins to pray for the sick and miracles began to take place I had been in church for 22 years and had never seen one miracle and suddenly I began to see with my own eyes hands grow tumors disappear people being healed and I was interested in studying medicine so I got really close I went up to the altar and I started looking at him my pastor praying for the sick and I began to see the miracles and I remember watching the miracles I began to cry and I said that's the God that I read about that's the guy that I heard about he's not far away he's near just by seeing the miracles the signs the wonders something happened in my heart and I said I have to find out what is going on here so I went to another place the same thing was happening to another Church the same thing was happening but what there's you know the miracles impacted my life but what really captivated my heart what really woke my heart with the hunger and a desire to seek after the Lord was when I became friends with the young people in these churches I met youth young people just like you who were passionately in love with Jesus I mean they were crazy I thought you know I was used to my youth group what we did in my youth group is we ate pizza and we pray bowling you know that's where those were our activities and here these young people they got together to pray they got together I remember they would pray and they will cry and I would listen to the prayers and there will be crying for the lost people they were crying for people in other nations that didn't even know for them to come to know the Lord then they would go in the streets and they will pray for the sick and they will see miracles people being delivered from demonic oppression they will see people say and I was looking at these young people and I was like what is it that you have that I don't have so I am a Christian too I don't have that passion that you have I don't have that desire to serve the Lord to go and tell others about Jesus what is it that's going on in this country I've been gone for ten years and now I come back and all this is happening so I begin to talk to the young people and I say why are you like this and for the first time in my life they began to speak to me about the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit he's the secret to it all it's very simple very simple his name is the Holy Spirit it's very simple the person that you need to become friends with is the Holy Spirit it's very simple the person that you need to fall in love with is the Holy Spirit it's very simple the secret to knowing Jesus personally is the Holy Spirit it's very simple the secret to signs wonders and miracles to the power of God is the person of the Holy Spirit the secret of knowing what God made you for created you for what your purpose your mission is here on earth is getting to know the person of the Holy Spirit and I said the Holy Spirit I never heard about the Holy Spirit so I there was a hunger in my heart to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit I heard about Jesus I knew he died for me I received them I was baptized but I have never heard about the person of the Holy Spirit so I went into the Bible we need to do research I mean to read about the Holy Spirit and I began to talk to these young people and all of them had supernatural encounters with the Holy Spirit and I said to them Wow I want that I want what you guys have you know I want to have an encounter with the Lord if he's real I want to know him too I want to know what he's planned for my life is I want to have a real relationship with him what do I need to do and they say to me the Bible says if you being bad know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your father who's in Heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask they said to me all you have to do is ask the Lord to fill you with the Holy Spirit see it's that simple yes it's that simple so I began to pray you know I went home and I got on my knees and I said father you don't ask you to fill me with the Holy Spirit and man I got scared I thought man lightnings gonna fall you know something's gonna split me half right here but nothing happened I didn't feel anything I was expecting something supernatural to happen but nothing happened the next day again I pray nothing happened but God was doing something in me he placed a word in front of me he said sanctification is to me if you want to be filled with the Holy Spirit first you need to get all the sin out of your life because the Spirit of God is holy and he can only do well in a holy vessel so God began to deal with things in my heart things that I've been involved with things that I've done in my past and I remember getting on my knees and praying and asking the Lord to cleanse me to forgive me forget for confessing my sins one by one specifically to the Lord that's like God I want to prepare a holy temple for you and I began to seek and hunger there for the Lord and I found myself in the midst of this by accident I found myself is the Lord you know preparing me for my for my life but I found myself in the midst of this big revival in the mists of this revival God began to draw me to him he began to capture my heart and I went everywhere that I could I would go to church every time the church was open I would go every conference I would go and I remember we went to a conference in the city of Mendoza close to the end these mountains in Argentina and the conference was awesome I mean the Holy Spirit was moving with so much power young people being touched receiving visions young people having supernatural encounters with the Lord every altar call I was the first one running to the look to the ultra and they will pray for me but I wouldn't feel anything nothing would happen with me you know I was like why Lord why is everybody else receiving but not me but I had I was holding on to what the Bible says that the promise was unto me also so I began to pray and seek the Lord the conference was over we got on buses to go back to our city we were riding on the bus on the way back to the tour to our city where we came out of in Mendoza a young man sat next to me and we began to talk about Jesus we began to talk about the Lord as we were talking just a normal conversation we are begin to ask him questions about the Holy Spirit so I want to know what your experience is and he began to share with me his encounters with the Holy Spirit and at one point I said to him you know I am seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit I want to know the Holy Spirit and he said to me let's pray I looked at him I said like here in the bus you know and I said he said yeah right here in the bus I said okay you know they already pray for me like a hundred times one more time one hurt so I close my eyes he placed his hand on me and we began to pray as we were riding on the bus down the highway as we were in this bus in a moment this is hard to describe with words but it was immediately something invaded like the glory of God came inside the bus and every young person in the bus at the same time began to speak in other tongues we have Pentecost right there in the bus and I felt his presence is like something supernatural just she rounded me and embraced me I felt an electricity just run through my hands run through my chest I felt this heat in my chest and I felt the supernatural love that got hard for me that's what just broke me because one thing is when people tell you that Jesus loves you and you know it here yes Jesus loves you but there's another thing when God pours his love upon your heart through the Holy Spirit it goes beyond words and you know all my life I loved the God of Israel but I've always felt he was disappointed with me you know I felt man if I ever had an encounter with God he's gonna really yell at me you know I messed up so many times I felt like he was angry at me but when I had that encounter with the Lord I felt loved me I felt he was pleased with me and it's almost impossible to describe with words but his presence just surrounded me and I fell on the floor of the bus and I began to feel electric like currents going through my body and I began for the first time to hear God speak to me you know I've read about God all my life I read the whole Bible but suddenly the God who spoke to Abraham the God who spoke to Isaac to Jacob the God who spoke to David the guy who spoke to Moses the God who spoke to Peter to Paul suddenly that God was speaking to me and that's amazing you know that would just overwhelm you and I began to weep weep and weep and for two hours I couldn't stop weeping I cried so much that all my shirt was soaking wet with tears I cried so much because of the experience that I was having with God and on that encounter when he began to speak to me he began to tell me how he felt about me and he began to show me the Bible says things to come he began to show me the reason why he made me he began to show me my mission my purpose my calling on this earth he began to tell me why I was here on this earth and it's just beyond what you on your own can dream or imagine what he has prepared for you it was just overwhelming he began to tell me about my ministry where he was gonna take me he was going to tell him he had to tell me you in order to be a ministry of words about of signs wonders and miracles he began to tell me how I was supposed to take the fire the Holy Spirit to others to go to the nations and preach the gospel and I was weeping now saying Lord I don't want to be a preacher I'm gonna be a doctor you know I don't ever want to get in front of people in Minister I'll be the last person you could if you were to known me in high school you would never imagine me standing here speaking to you I will be back there you know like in the corner like by myself or something and like I was and this I'm not a social person this is not something that I wanted to do or something that I decided to do no it's God when you encounter him something happens inside of you you know what happens if you fall in love with him you fall in love with Jesus so deeply so passionately that whatever he asks you say yes Lord I will do it no because he forces you to do it but because you love him you do it at that encounter with the Lord I was two hours on the floor the bus we got to the city where we're going I couldn't get up off the floor they were telling me in the name of Jesus get up and I couldn't get up in the name of Jesus get up and I couldn't get up I couldn't get up all I could do was cry but it wasn't crying because of pain he was crying because of the work that the Holy Spirit was doing in me I got off the bus I began to walk in the street I felt my it was kind of like snow when it was very cold my his skin was burning and I felt like I felt like I felt like I was floating the most beautiful feeling in the world I felt free I felt like this weight was taken off my shoulders and I walked down the street and I remember I felt like I was a little bit drunk you know I've never been drunk before but that's I guess what it feels like and I was walking down the street I remember looking at people now which is come jesus is alive jesus is alive there's no doubt in my heart jesus is alive I remember I got home that night it was really late I walked into my room i sat in my bed and one thing I've learned this is the most important thing you can learn in this conference is that the Holy Spirit is a person it's a real person who wants to be your friend so I sat on my bed and I simply said Holy Spirit who that's all I said Holy Spirit and suddenly like the same presence I was in the bus gave me in the room the whole room became like right right and he was like I got scared this was like the holiness of God just inundated the room and I got down from my bed and I fell on my knees by my bed and I began to say Lord Here I am you know I surrender all to You Lord instead of like I felt like someone placed like a mantle of his prices on me and electricity began to run through my legs through my arms and he was so powerful so powerful that I felt sometimes like my bones were going to shatter because he was so intense like like that power guy was so intense I felt you know I gotta be honest with your hurt sometime a little bit you know but I was like Lord I receive it you know and it was the most awesome experience that I had in my life and from that day forward I made a decision I quit medical school I quit my dreams and I decided to follow Jesus and we began to step out in faith and just go out and tell people about Jesus not very complicated tell people about the Lord how good how awesome how beautiful he is how he paid the price for our sins and then allow the Holy Spirit to heal the sick and God has been opening doors to many many different nations and we go and we're seeing the supernatural work of the Lord if you want to see a little bit of what God is doing different countries everywhere we go with film and we show the miracles that God is doing in different places and we put them on the internet so if you if you want to see what God is doing in different countries you can go to spirits of the Lord calm and right there we put the little videos you can send us your email address and we send you the new videos we prepare one which has got back from Panama it was amazing what God did in Central America we had an open-air crusade we saw the Lord healed parking so we saw tumors disappear we saw the Lord heal eyesight we so open the Lord open deaf ears I mean it was amazing what God does is awesome what the Holy Spirit does when you step out in faith I believe with all of my heart and my prayer for this conference is first of all that you would encounter the Holy Spirit during this weekend but you will leave this place with a new best friend the Holy Spirit but you will leave this place that you will knowing that you will never walk alone one more day in your life but for the rest of your life you're gonna have a friend that's always gonna be there to comfort you to guide you to teach you his name is the Holy Spirit and that you would leave this conference more in love with Jesus than when you came but you will leave this conference more passionate for Jesus and to tell the world about Jesus that when you came and I know that's the work of the Holy Spirit I'm going to be ministering this afternoon again I want to be speaking about being carriers of the glory of God want to speak to you about how God wants you as a new creation to be a carrier of his glory to your generation let me say amen and then tomorrow night I'm also going to be speaking about encountering the glory of God and being a carrier of the glory of God tonight I want to share with you with the holy spirit placed in my heart when when been wrote to me about the conference he said the theme of the conference is going to be a new creation and their verse will be second Corinthians 5:17 so honest if you got a Bible to go to second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 second Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 the word of the Lord for us this weekend is this therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation all things have passed away behold all things have become new you know I love the Word of God so I want us to continue to read a couple more verses how many all love the Word of God here now all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself through Jesus Christ and has given us the Ministry of reconciliation that is that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself not imputing their trespasses to them and has committed to us the word of reconciliation now then we are ambassadors for Christ as though God were pleading through us we implore you on Christ's behalf be reconciled to God for he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in him amen wow what a powerful word thank you lord one of the things I love about the Holy Spirit is that he's a teacher and he loves for you to ask him questions you know when you don't understand something in the Bible you can go holy spirit I don't know help me teach me you know when he gave me the scripture I was like Holy Spirit teach me and last night I was asking the Holy Spirit said Lord what do you mean a new creation what do you mean we're a new creation please speak to me about us being a new creation he said unless it's very similar is what he said to me last night do when I created the world and he took me to Genesis chapter 1 when I made a creation this is the way it works he said to me look at Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 and you the earth without corn void and covered with darkness that's how the earth was before God began to create the Bible says that the Spirit of the Lord was hovering above the face of the earth the earth was boy without forming darkness in the Spirit of God was moving upon the face of the earth but nothing was happening then the Bible said that God spoke let there be light and bone creation began and suddenly there was light and God saw and he said it was good and God began to speak and they come this mystery you know but I can imagine it the combination of the Word of God being spoken and the power of the Spirit creating and suddenly God spoke and animals were created and God spoke and the birds were created and God spoke and the universe was created and the Spirit of God would move us God spoke creating the supernatural imagine the power during those six days and six days God created the heavens and the earth God created everything you see in six days simply by the Spirit of God moving and God speaking there was creation something that was not there before suddenly there was something new in this world the power the mystery of the creative power of the Spirit of God and the Word of God when they come together and he said to me it's the same way with the young people today this is how most young people are nowadays these are most young people find themselves without form without knowing what the purpose what their mission what why they were created why they're here without a reason to live most of them without a real direction in their lives without form void empty with an emptiness in their heart some of them even struggling with depression some of them not knowing why they're here with an emptiness they're trying to fill it with entertain men with drugs with sex with and with everything this world has to offer and they're still and any teen s in their heart their void and he said to me and they're covered with darkness covered with darkness cover my oppression cover by the darkness that brings in this world cover by the demonic cover by fear by anxiety cover by all this even suicidal thoughts cover with all those things and you don't see it with your natural eyes but their minds are covered and he said to me and the Spirit of Lord when he moves he hovers over this generation and the Spirit of the Lord is in this place this morning and he you don't see him with your eyes but he's hovering over us the same way he hovered over the creation he's moving upon this place he's moving the Spirit of God is moving the Spirit of God is is is the balance is within the reach of your hand it's really near to us but something happens when God begins to speak through his word the Spirit of God moves but nothing happens in our lives and until God begins to speak and when God begins to speak he's good news of the gospel when God begins to speak about what Jesus did and accomplished through us on the cross when God begins to speak who you are in Christ who you are in Jesus when God begins to speak about how he feels about you when God begins to speak about his purpose in your life new creation happens and the supernatural is spiritual but it's just as powerful or even more powerful than what happened in the six days of creation what God does in the spirit of man God by the Spirit of God transforms your inner spirit brings life to your inner spirit God does something so powerful that suddenly when you receive his revelation and when you place your faith in the Son of God and you turn away from your sins suddenly you are transformed you are made a new creation this is a mystery - just like the creation is a mystery but its power of God salvation and regeneration and the born-again experience it's a mystery and it's only possible by the combination of the power of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God being revealed to your heart and suddenly you're transformed and the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said this is what happens under this go to a seek yo chapter 36 verse 25 and seek yo chapter 36 verse 25 this is what it means to be a new creation this is what God creates when the Spirit of God moves upon our lives and he speaks to us through his word seek your 3625 says then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and you give your heart of flesh I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them that's what happens the blood of Jesus cleanses you from every one of your sins he removes to you the mentality of being a sinner and Christ declares you righteous he says to you Jesus Christ on the cross Kame sin for us so that we may become the righteousness of God he cleans you from all your filthiness and if there's something about this generation is that it is filthy it is filthy and it's not your fault because you're the generation that is more exposed exposed to sin than any other generation that's ever walked on his face of this earth no other generation has had the access to sin like you guys when I was in high school we didn't have internet it was almost impossible for us to get into pornography we have internet today all you have to do is click a button and you're there 9 out of 10 young people are involving pornography today filthiness lust violence all kinds of different perversions all kinds of different drugs alcohol everything is within your reach you can get it is being offered to you in the enemy it's brought this filthiness upon you but when the Spirit of God moves upon you he reveals to you that God has something so much better for you that God has such a brand plan for you know what this world has to offer you that God thinks of you so much more highly than you friends thinks of about you or what you think about yourself and when you realize that and you open your heart to Jesus Christ and you receive him and you confess your sin he cleanses you from all your filthiness immediately and let me tell you something about this new creation that's amazing the Lord took six days to do the first creation this new creation he does it in an in an instant it's not a process it's an opening a closing of your eyes and he does it he cleanses you immediately of all your sins supernatural is awesome the Bible says he gives you a new heart he takes away your heart of stone and gives you a heart of flesh all of us are born with the heart of stone a heart a selfish heartless prideful a heart that doesn't care about others a heart that only thinks about itself a heart that wants to make it for themselves a heart that that's that's disheartened by the things of this world but when the Spirit of the Lord moves upon you and God speaks to you in a supernatural way he takes away this heart of stone that's not able to feel this heart that doesn't desire to live this heart the old things prefer seeing wickedness and he takes it away and he places in you a new heart a heart made out of flesh heart that's able to feel the presence of God heart the feels compassion for the hurting the heart that's moved with compassion like the Heart of Jesus was moved with compassion a heart that's able to love the unlovely a heart that's able to see what nobody else sees it's a hard to sensitive to the heartbeat of God it's a new creation this heart that God gives you and it's supernatural don't tell me how it happens I can't explain to you how it happens but it happens when I have my encounter with the Lord after that I walk down the street and I will feel pain for people before I didn't care I was just on my own world but suddenly I began to feel compassion for those who didn't know Jesus suddenly you begin to feel compassion for the sick and you want to pray for them not because you want to see a miracle but because you feel compassion for them and you want them to get well know so you can say wow I did three miracles today glory to God look at me I'm mister all-powerful God no because God gives you a heart of flesh that you want to go and touch his hurting world because you feel his heart for them you feel his love for them you feel his compassion for them and that moves you to do the supernatural he gives you this heart so you cannot move in the supernatural unless you become a new creation first unless the Spirit of God makes you a new person because if not you're gonna do it for your own good for your own glory for your own merits but when God gives you a new heart you do it for his glory you do it for his kingdom you do it for him he takes away the heart of stone and give your heart of flesh the Bible says he places a new spirit within you this is awesome he gives you a new spirit that causes you to walk in his ways and he statues the sinful nature all of us will cost you to walk in to stand constantly will cost you to desire the things of this world constantly but when God places the Holy Spirit within you he writes his laws upon this new heart and he changes the desires of your heart this is awesome it's like the things you enjoyed before now you don't enjoy them anymore it's not like somebody telling you don't do this don't do that this is wrong don't do this so you know go to hell don't do this that's religion they will write the laws upon the stones and upon their wall they will write the laws upon a book they'll write the laws but Jesus writes them upon your heart that's the new creation that's what God wants to do with you give the Lord a hand the supernatural is supernatural it's supernatural because before I used to enjoy the music of the world and my mom will tell me every day get Christian music I'll buy it for you I pay for us like mom I don't like it I don't like it get worship music I don't like it she offered to go and buy it for me I don't like you Allah I like this music mom and I felt there's nothing wrong with it you know they don't think about the devil their love songs you know there's nothing wrong with it but when the Spirit of God touched me I was on my knees and he said get up and throw away all your CDs immediately I got up and threw him all the way immediately changes your heart changes your heart and now I listen to the music in it it's like man please turn that off you know I he's like hurts my ears you know oh I wanna I want something that attracts the presence of God give me some worship music give me something that exalted Jesus it's like and you're like what somebody force you to do that no he gave me he put a new spirit within me it plays the Holy Spirit within me and now I desire what He desires I love what he loves and I hate what he hates that's what happens it's supernatural you're a new creation if you haven't experienced this it's because you're not in Christ if you haven't experienced this it's because you have not been really born again if you have not experienced a true transformation in your life you have not have a real encounter with Jesus Christ he has not given you a new spirit because when he does you will be a different man you will be a different girl you will become different for his glory you walk in his ways it's amazing when God does it I've seen him do it a few times I was ministering in Atlanta and at the end of the service we were praying at the altar and we'd like to spend a lot of time praying no we pray for hours thousands of people you know I love to pray see that's another thing with the new spirit gives you he gives you a desire to be with the Lord to pray for others and I was praying and suddenly this mom brings me her son about he's about 18 years old 19 but she's bringing him by the hand by force to me he's dragging him you know his feet are going like this and she's dragging him to the altar and she comes up to me and you can tell these young men did not want to be there he was forced to be there some of you might have been forced to come to this conference you know your mom sent you here by force you have to go and this young his mother starts telling me you know my son he doesn't love the Lord he doesn't want to serve the Lord he he doesn't want to come to church hear someone have anything to do with God in this young man's just looking at the floor you know and I'm like okay just let me talk to him alone so I took him to the side I began to talk to him about Jesus about the love of Christ how he died for him how he loved him how awesome our God is and how he has everything you know I mean I'll just begin to open my heart to him and I don't know if you ever talked to somebody who just don't care he just didn't care he's like okay that's good but I don't care I love to be in sin he was sleeping around with his girlfriend he loved to be in sin he enjoyed his sin and I was talking to him with my heart wide open and he was just ignoring me ignoring me not paying attention to me he just wanted to get out of there and I was in my heart I want point saying okay Lord just have mercy on him you know I got to go pray for other people I'm sorry but you cannot force people to have an encounter with the Lord the moment I thought that I felt this is amazing the Spirit of God just hover come down over him the moment the Holy Spirit came down like this I felt it you feel like an electricity just coming this young man immediately went oh like somebody had stabbed him in the heart he screamed in the church ah he scream and as he was falling to the floor he was like somebody had just peers right through him as he was falling to the floor he screamed I need to change and he fell on the floor crying and crying and crying screaming's I need to change I need to change I need to change and I was standing there looking at he was like that's impossible this is not this the same young man I'm looking at her that's supernatural why is this guy screaming I need to change now so I sat down in the pew and I just sat there looking at him rolling on the floor from one side to the other yelling I need to change I was wow that's the convicting power of the Holy Spirit of God so you cannot convict anybody of sin only the Spirit of God can convict you of sin 30 minutes later the service was done he's still on the floor I had to leave I left I left him on the altar still weeping crying I need to change I need to change the Spirit of God touches you the first thing you're gonna say I need to change I need to change I need to change I need to let go of sin I need to let go of the things of this world because I desire Jesus more than anything in this world the desire of his presence more than anything in this world I want to finish just sharing a couple of things if you look to second Corinthians chapter 5 there's two reasons for us sharing this message but the Bible says there's two reasons you have in your heart for you to share this message with others and there's two reasons why I'm sharing it with you tonight the first one is found in verse 14 it says for the love of Christ compels us for the love of Christ compels us the motivating force behind your life the motivating power behind you there reason why you have to go and share the gospel with others the reason why you want to pray to see signs and wonders and miracles is because the love of Christ compels you it's because you've seen and you felt what he did for you on the cross you seen and you felt that on that cross he became sin for you for you to be able to become this new creation and you see that and you feel it and you feel his love and you feel that while we were still sinners Christ died for us and that becomes to reality in your heart that love is what's going to compel you what's gonna drive you what's gonna motivate you what's going to keep you faithful to the Lord if you love him enough but there's a second reason that most people don't like to talk about it's found in verse 10 it says for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whatever good or bad verse 11 knowing therefore the terror of the Lord we persuade men the terror of the Lord also compels us is the fear of God that also compels us not only the love of Jesus but it's also the fear that our God is not only blue goo it's not only love he's not only an awesome amazing father who loves his children he's also a holy judge and there's going to come a day that each one of us each one of us is going to stand alone in a courtroom and each one of us each and every single one is going to be judged for what we've done good or bad and every single one of us is going to be found guilty guilty guilty every single one of us is going to be found guilty for all of us have sinned and at that moment there's going to be a division a separation between those who are new creation and between those who are the old men there's going to be a deviation a separation between those who are in Christ and those who are not in Christ and this judgment you cause fear in our lives you cause fear in our hearts and this judgment that's coming she also calls and motivated shooting our hearts to share with others who do not know Christ for only if you're in Christ you're gonna be saved only if you have received him and you have turn away from all of your sins you know receive the gift of eternal life the hardest the most painful day in the life of Jesus still to come it was not on the cross 2,000 years ago the most painful day in the life of Christ is going to be the day that he stands judging the nation's judging this generation judging every single one of us in those who have not received him and those who have not chosen to turn away from their sins they're gonna found guilty and they're gonna be had to be thrown away and separated from him for eternity that day is coming and that should compel us to live for him and that should motivate us to go into the world and share the gospel for the glory of Jesus let's all stand to our feet I'm going to ask everyone here to close your eyes just for a few moments I'm going to ask nobody to talk with the person next to you every single young man every single young lady closing your eyes I'm going to ask the worship team if they can come up to the front I have some good news the Spirit of God the most beautiful spirit the Most Holy Spirit the Spirit of Truth the spirit of love is hovering over us it's moving upon this place just close your eyes right there where you are he's embracing you he's moving upon you and now he's not here to judge you he's not here to condemn you he's here because he loves you and because he wants to make you a new creation he wants to cleanse you from all of your sins from all your filthiness from all the things you've been involved with he wants to cleanse you he wants to give you a new heart he wants to give you in your heart he wants to put a new spirit within you that will cost you to love God to walk in his ways that will cost you to follow Jesus that is speaking to you but it's your decision if you want to allow the Lord to do the supernatural work in you so your decision if you want to open your heart to him it's your decision if you want to believe in him if you want to surrender all to him if you only knew how awesome how beautiful how holy our God is you will surrender everything to him tonight if you say Jesus I want to surrender my life to you if do not you say Jesus I want to be a new creation if you say Jesus I want to be in Christ I want to be in Christ if you want to say Jesus I want you to cleanse me if you say Jesus I want you to give me a new heart and put your spirit within me I'm going to ask you right there where you are to simply lift up one hand to heaven and just lift it as high as you can and we're saying that can we have the whole worship team come or it's not here they're eating okay if we can sing I surrender all to you I'm going to ask I expect to be this many but I want to ask those who lifted up their hands just for a few minutes just to come up to the front just come up to the front I'm going to ask us you come to the front - close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes take Jesus everyone who's come up to the altar I won't ask you to close your eyes and place a hand over your heart over your heart your heart is from your left hand side of your chest right there just close her eyes and place a hand there this is the greatest miracle this is even greater than the blind scene and the Deaf hear and the lame walking this is powerful God's gonna cleanse you from all of your sins all of your sins God's going to give you a new heart you know be different you know be way different you know I'm gonna be amazed some of your friends are not gonna recognize you after you leave this place you look wow what happened to you yes I'm a new creation I'm a new creation God's gonna place his spirits within you you know seal your hearts with his spirit and his spear is gonna give testimony to your spirit that you're a son of God that you are a daughter of God with your hand up on your chest when I ask you to pray this prayer with me and pray it out loud say Jesus Christ I surrender all to you Jesus I confess that I have sinned against heaven and against you I ask you today to cleanse my heart to cleanse my mind to cleanse me with your blood to give me a pure heart to give me a clean heart to give me a sensitive heart to give me a compassionate heart give me your heart Jesus say Jesus I ask you to place your spirit your Holy Spirit within me Jesus I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit Jesus I belong to you today and forever close your eyes right there where you are come Holy Spirit come all these spirits come come come Holy Spirit do what you can only do sanctify purify for your love for your love upon every heart or here among deliver books novice I surrender all to you close your eyes and lift up your hands we sing it to the Lord from your heart take my let's tell them let's tell them let him hear your voice Jesus I ah Jesus Jesus Jesus me me take everything we you you we will chef we you'll blow me we take it you spirit within us Jesus and cross us wait who you spirit within us but your spirit within us and cross us to in your ways I can't Oh Oh so that again ha every boy every boys sick said you I see chains falling on you I a picture and that was a few around you and it was some of the sin and some of the lies that item has spoken over your life I saw God removing that a light shining out because it says that you are light in the Lord that you are now light in God and what we're going to do is you know what our ministry teams going to come around we're going to pray for you if you need to go for a lunch you feel free you are dismissed but if you are dealing with God don't go anywhere don't go anywhere stay here and deal with God I feel like some of you need to repent you need to turn from this life of sin you need to turn from some of the things that you know in your life are holding you back and there's great
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 27,332
Rating: 4.8700361 out of 5
Keywords: andres bisonni, andres bissoni, banning liebscher, ben kennedy, bethel, cory asbury, faytene kryskow, freshwind, freshwind band, ihop, jaye thomas, jonathan schunker, sky terminal, youth
Id: aUbVrAumbsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 24sec (5544 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2012
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