Andres Bisonni | Alone with the Holy Spirit

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tomorrow night I want to share about the  power and ministering under the anointing   of the Holy Spirit and on the last night I want  to share about the glory and being transformed   into his image you know Jesus when he taught  us to pray he said yours is the kingdom the   power and the glory amen it does not belong  to us these manifestations do not belong to   us they belong to God but he wants us to  experience them and he wants us to learn   how to host the Holy Spirit so people may be  able to experience the reality of heaven on   earth if you have your Bible we're gonna open  it first in the book of Matthew chapter 4 verse   23 and we're gonna read about one of the first  revivals in history Matthew chapter 4 verse 23 and Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in  their synagogues preaching the gospel of the   kingdom and healing all kinds of sickness and  all kinds of disease among the people then his   fame went throughout all Syria and they brought  to him all sick people who were afflicted with   various diseases and torments and those who were  demon-possessed epileptics and paralytics and he   healed them great multitudes followed him  from Galilee from Decapolis Jerusalem Judea   and beyond the Jordan in mark chapter 1 verse 14  says now after John was put in prison Jesus came   to Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom  of God in saying the time is fulfilled and the   kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the  gospel in Romans 14:17 he says for the kingdom of   God is not eating and drinking but righteousness  and peace and joy in the holy spirit when I go   minister somewhere many times my prayer is  Lord what would you say if you were there in   that place instead of me what would be your words  because surely my opinion doesn't matter my point   of view is not important but what is your word  what is what you want to say to your people what   is what you would say if you will be invited to  minister at the church at the conference where   the ministry what would you want to speak and  I believe it would be the same message that he   brought to Galilee 2,000 years ago when Jesus  was on earth most of his ministry was in this   area called Galilee in the north of the of Israel  if you've ever been to Israel you get an image of   how beautiful this place is I believe when God  created the earth he created its ruin he made it   like a small playground for Jesus you know it's  got small mountains it's got a nice little lake   it's got a river it's just so beautiful to  be there if you never been there I encourage   you to go as soon as possible but there were all  these small villages in towns and Jesus would go   from city to city from town to town and he would  preach this message this was the message that he   would bring and he would say the time is fulfilled  the kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe   in the gospel you know and I believe this there's  a difference between reading the word or hearing   a word in in in actually the way he was saying  it you know sometimes we hear the same message   but we don't understand the way Jesus would  speak you know Jesus was a man full of love   he was a man full of kindness of gentleness he  was meek in when he would speak you could sense   love you know I don't know if you ever happen  to you that you're texting with somebody on the   phone and sometimes you get the wrong message  because you received the message but you don't   know you don't really understand the way they're  saying it so you might get some confusion on your   conversation because you don't see if the person  is smiling at you or if they're angry at you when   they're saying that text so this is what I love  about the Holy Spirit is he brings the Word of   God he not only shows you what Jesus said but he  also reveals to you the way he will say it to you   and he will speak with you with love he will  smile at you and he will say I have great news   for you he will come here and be he be excited  to talk to you guys and he'll be like I have   great news the time is fulfilled you don't have to  wait any longer the kingdom of heaven is at hand you don't have to wait till you die to experience  heaven the kingdom of heaven has come near to you   this was his message religion will tell you wait  till you die and then you will experience it Jesus   says I want to bring heaven to you the Bible says  what is the kingdom of heaven is the essence the   manifest presence of heaven is righteousness the  Bible says joy and peace and the keys in these   four words in the Holy Spirit there are three  things at the heart of every human longs for its   righteousness is to know that you've been forgiven  is to know that your sins have been washed away to   know that there's nothing that separates you from  God is to have that assurance that you are being   you have been made holy joy joy that surpasses  understanding peace every heart longs for these   three things and they look for it in so many  different ways that's why people get into drugs   they're looking for joy they're looking for peace  they're looking for fulfillment this is why people   seek after money and after fame they're looking  for these three things but the Bible says you   will never find them outside of the Holy Spirit  because this world cannot offer you these three   things they're not found in this world believe  me I've been around the world many times you will   never find that you can go to the most beautiful  vacation place in this world and you're still not   gonna find peace you can join the best religion in  this world and you're not gonna find righteousness   you can take the best drug in this world the most  expensive drug and you're never gonna find true   joy you're not gonna find it Jesus said this is  found in the Holy Spirit oh this is why when you   experience his presence he captivates you because  you find what you've been looking for it's in that   place you find the place where you're accepted  then what you are the place where you're loved   for who you are regardless of what you've done is  in that place where you discover joy and peace oh   that's why I love looking at people's faces when  they get touched by the Holy Spirit because God is   letting them experience the reality of his kingdom  in their lives you won't find it anywhere else Jesus came to open our eyes to the reality of  the spiritual world if there's a kingdom of God   there's a kingdom of darkness too if the kingdom  of God brings righteousness what the kingdom of   darkness is gonna manifest is guilt shame and  condemnation that's what most people live under   every day if sense or feeling that they're not  good enough that they're not worthy that they're   that they fail got so many times and they have  to walk with their face like this and they can't   look up to heaven because they feel God is angry  with them depression instead of joy fear instead   of peace see we don't see these kingdoms because  their spiritual kingdoms you don't see them with   your eyes but you see the side effects of these  kingdoms when you see killing stealing destroying   and you see what's going on around around the  world it's simply a manifestation of the kingdom   of darkness when you see peace joy righteousness  it's a manifestation of the kingdom of heaven   Healing in deliverance is simply a side effect of  the kingdom of heaven being present jesus said if   I cast out demons by the Spirit of God then you'll  know that the kingdom of God has come upon you see Jesus would preach on the kingdom but not only  preach a message but he would carry the kingdom so   wherever he go the sick got healed there's a press  got delivered as a side effect of heaven simply   being in their midst when the kingdom of heaven  comes miracles happen healings take place people   get deliver people get transformed because of the  manifest power of the kingdom being in our midst   the kingdom of God has come near you great news  you don't have to suffer for condemnation guilt   shame anymore great news you have the assurance  that you've been forgiven that you're saved you   can have the assurance that no matter what  happens in your life you know spend eternity   with God you can have that joy of knowing that  your name has been written in the book of life you can have joy regardless of the circumstances  around your life he wants you to have joy you know   God's people ought to be the happiest people on  earth peace that surpasses your understanding   that protects your mind you guards your thoughts  you can experience true peace regardless of the   storm you might find yourself in good news jesus  said he has come near you but he said there's two   conditions and these are not my words to his  words if you want to experience it if you want   to experience the reality of heaven in your life  in your home in your marriage in our churches he   said there's two conditions first of all is that  first you must repent you know I can preach about   the kingdom but I have to tell you the truth you  will not experience it unless you make a decision   in your life to forsake sin and to follow Jesus  you can beg for it you can give for it you can   cry for it you can ask God for but unless you make  a decision a conscious decision to change the way   you live and produce fruit worthy of repentance  and just be a change in your life you will not   experience it but repentance is not enough you  must also Jesus said believe in the gospel you   must believe that Christ Jesus shed his precious  blood for your sin but by his blood you can be   forgiven you can be cleansed you must believe  that he is the way the truth and the life you   must believe that on the cross he became sin  for you and for me so that we may become the   righteousness of God so that we may be justified  through faith the moment you do the Spirit of God   comes in you and brings the kingdom of heaven  in you Jesus I don't look for it here over   there for the key num of Heaven has within you  there's many people if you ask especially here   in the Bible Belt do you believe in Jesus yes  I believe in Jesus but they're not experiencing   the kingdom of heaven because they haven't made a  decision to turn away from sin you have to choose   do you want to experience what this world has to  offer you what the desires of your flesh have to   offer you or you want to experience what heaven  has to offer you it's a decision that you can't   have both Oh believe me about when you begin  to experience what heaven has for you forget   about sin forget about this world nothing compares  about experiencing the reality of heaven in your   life you must be born of water and the spirit  John the Baptist that you must be baptized for   repentance and you will also means that baptized  in the spirit it's both will bring God's kingdom   to your life Jesus brought this message this  revolutionary message to our lives and he sent   His disciples to preach this message and to heal  the sick and as a result of the Kingdom of Heaven   being present miracles take place in healings take  place Jesus taught us to pray let you kingdom come   so that you will will be done on earth as it is in  heaven in heaven there's no sick people there's no   depression there's no sadness and Gaza Lord let  your kingdom come here to earth tonight in this   place so sickness will flee so cancer will flee  so depression will flee so fear will flee and so   that you will fill us with your joy with your  peace and you will cover us with righteousness   and after preaching this message this beautiful  is why I love Jesus so much he went up on one   of the top they're not really mountains they're  more like hills in Galilee and the Bible says he   sat down and he began to teach his disciples first  he preached and then he began to teach he began to   teach them the keys the secrets the mysteries of  the kingdom of heaven and the Lord you know I've   read the Sermon on the Mount many times but the  Lord opened my eyes and said when he was teaching   this sermon of the mount the Holy Spirit told  me he was teaching us the keys in the secret to   manifest his kingdom here on earth for us to be  able to cultivate the kingdom of heaven for us to   be able to host the kingdom of heaven in our lives  in our churches in our families he was teaching us   about the conditions that attract the kingdom of  heaven you know many times I go to countries and   they're experiencing tremendous revivals and then  you go to another place and he's dry and you ask   why Lord why here but not there it's the same God  if you churches your people what's the difference   why are you doing it here but not there or why  would that person about not with that person why   well Jesus began to explain and teach the secrets  to his disciples and I believe he wants to teach   us his secrets tonight too he said first of all  blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the   kingdom of heaven arrey words because most of us  will say blessed are the rich you look somebody   with a big house with a nice car and you like me  and that person is blessed right but Jesus looked   at his poor disciples fishermen that had nothing  and he said blessed are you the poor for yours is   the kingdom of heaven so if you want to be rich  learn from the rich if you want the kingdom of   heaven learn from the poor and I had the privilege  to go and minister some very poor places around   the world I mean I've one of the five poorest  countries in the world in Africa I've been   places Central America which is like dirt floors  no roofs and the church is just gathered there oh   but the way they seek God the way they experience  the presence of God is so beautiful many times I   cried I said Lord I want to learn from them you  brought me here not to give but to learn from them   and one of the biggest dangers that could happen  to your life or to a country to a nation is to   become prosperous because your priorities change  before your priority was Church the presence of   God praying now you priorities begin to change  and that's very dangerous that's why if the Lord   prospers you Lord I want to be poor in spirit this  doesn't mean that God wants you to be poor and it   means that God wants you to be poor in spirit  God loves you and loves his children he wants   to give you good gifts he's a good God but when  he does don't forget where you came from don't   forget to be poor in spirit and to always place  his presence as a priority in your life I told   the Lord Lord his prosperity he's gonna change my  desire for you and my passion for your presence I   don't want it I don't want it then he said blessed  are those who mourn for they shall be comforted   this there's something outside of the kingdom  of heaven this doesn't make sense how can it be   blessed those who are mourn blessed are those  who are happy but those who are going through   struggles in a hard time you have an opportunity  to experience the kingdom of God in a way that a   person that never went through that trial or  that difficulty will ever get to experience because the Bible says he's near to the  brokenhearted and in my life some of the   most difficult times in my life has been some  of the best in his presence that's when I felt   them the closest in the nearest to me because when  you're broken you draw near to God sometimes when   everything is well we run around everywhere and  we go from here to here everything is good in our   lives we come into these difficult places that's  when we draw closer to God and say blessed are   you so you may be going through a difficult time  tonight you may be weeping you may be mourning   in your spirit in your heart and you see people  around you jumping up and down or rejoicing and   and you say Lord I can't do that I'm I'm broken  inside I'm hurting and Jesus looks at you you're   blessed because you can experience my presence  in a way that others around you may not be able   to experience it you know I have a one year and a  half year old little boy and he's an active little   guy he doesn't stop all day long doesn't stop  he loves to climb tables chairs no matter how   many times you tell him he loves to climb couches  he's up and down up and down and he's so cute you   have no idea how cute he is but you just want to  hold him you know and squeeze him and hold him in   your arms but it's impossible you know because you  hold him for two seconds I think he wants to get   off and leave again and he started going around  the house and you go and you grab and again he   wants to he's very hard to hold him in your lap  for a long period of time but you as a father   you want to hold him close to you unless he has a  fever when he gets a fever oh it's the best for me   because he just still he just lays his head on  my chest and he just and in one sense I feel bad   because I want him to be healed but I know things  like no let him just a little bit longer you know   because you get to hold him he's just so gentle  and so loving and he just laying on and then you   give him the medicine and then boom he's up on his  feet again Tata patha about five minutes later I believes the same thing with us in God God desires  to hold you so much poor he's loving you but   sometimes we're so busy going from here to there  jumping up and down going so many activities so   many things and only when we go through something  strikes us or some something breaks as a we mourn   that's when we run to our Father and that's when  he embraces us and he comforts you comforts you in   his presence he's the comforter he said blessed  are the meek the minke Jesus said learn from me   that I'm gentle and lowly in heart and you will  find rest for your souls jesus said God said that   he resists the proud but he gives grace to the  humble there's something about humble humility   in your heart there attracts heaven to you when  you walk in Pride heaven resists you blessed are   the meek he said blessed are those who hunger  and thirst for righteousness for they will be   filled you want to be filled with the presence  of the holy spirit you want to be filled with   heaven with God with joy with peace with his  righteousness with his power hunger and thirst   for righteousness see there's a righteousness  that we received through faith and there's the   righteousness that we desire and we hunger for I'm  not perfect but I want to be I am NOT holding him   but I want to be holy I desire to be holy I hate  sin and I want to live in holiness and when you   desire holiness and you sire to be like he is  God will fill you with his spirit blessed are   those who hunger and thirst for righteousness  for they will be filled he also said blessed   are the merciful but there will be merciful there  will obtain mercy merciful means that you forgive   others even though they did not deserve to flee  for they given people who hold resentment hatred   anger in their hearts towards another person will  never experience the reality of God's presence in   your lives but when you say Lord I forgive  them it doesn't matter what they've done to   me it doesn't matter who it was I bless them and  I forgive them God opens heaven upon your life   blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain  mercy so blessed are those with a pure heart   for they shall see God the most beautiful thing  about the invasion of God's presence on earth   or the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on  earth it's not the righteousness that peace it's   not it's the miracles the signs the wonders the  most beautiful things that God opens your eyes   to see him for who he truly is and when his  kingdom comes your eyes are open to see Jesus   that's why in revival he becomes real to us and  we fall so deeply in love with him because we are   able to see him for who he is and teachings and  sermons are wonderful it would help us they were   encourage us but when you encounter God he opens  your eyes to see him you're forever changed and   I was ministering in the the revival in Toronto I  was there for like three days and we were praying   for thousands of people I mean and they have like  a line on the floor with a stain people on that   line and so you just go down the line you pray  pray pray pray after three days I was so tired   and I was looking at the people in the floor  and the highest my and they were like laughing   and peace and I'm like tired I came to a point  where I'm like forget this I found a hole and I   just went and I laid down on the floor and I was  like this is too much hard work I want to have a   little bit what they're having you know and I was  laying on the floor and suddenly this piece just   came over me and I could see the face of Jesus  just looking at me and his eyes full of love and   I saw his smile and you know once you experience  that you live for the next moment he will show   you his face once again that's why he said blessed  are those with a pure heart for they will see God   then he said blessed are those who are persecuted  for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom   of heaven you know we're not persecuted for our  faith here in the United States and I thank God   for that but when persecution arises your faith  the value of a faith becomes real who you truly   believe you're willing to give your life for  Jesus you know we probably wouldn't have that   many people tonight if there was persecution but  believe me heaven will come down you know and   some of the places are experiencing the greatest  revival like China it's places where the church   is being persecuted because the Kingdom of Heaven  manifests when we were persecuted so we're blessed   when others revile and persecute you and say  all kinds of evil against you falsely for my   sake we ought to rejoice and be exceedingly  exceedingly glad because great is our reward   in heaven but the Lord also spoke about some  conditions that cost the kingdom of darkness   to manifest in our lives see many times it's  like this is when like you get sick and you   get a flu you cannot see the virus but you can  see the symptoms of this virus you can measure   the fever the runny nose the pain you go to the  doctor and the doctor can treat the symptoms but   they cannot kill the virus see many things in  society try to treat the sin but they cannot   kill the virus and Jesus came to kill the source  Jesus came to deal with the source of the virus the first one is anger you know we say that he you  shall not murder the law says and whoever murders   will be a danger of judgment and sometimes we look  at people and say oh he's a murderer that's the   sinner he's going to hell or he's in danger  of judgment but jesus said if you get angry   without a cause you're in danger of judgment or  you insults people when you get angry without a   cause you're opening instead of the windows of  heaven the windows of hell upon your life upon   your marriage upon your relationships you spoke  about lust now we criticize so much adultery or   fornication which are saying or homosexuality  which are sins but jesus said the root of the   problem is lust it's your eyes he said you shall  you have heard that he was said to those of old   you shall not commit adultery but I say to  you that whoever looks at a woman to lust   for her has already committed adultery with her  in his heart he said the lamp of the body is the   eye if therefore your eye is good your whole body  will be full of light but if your eye is bad your   body will be full of darkness do you want your  body to be full of darkness or you want to be   your body to be filled with the kingdom of God the  kingdom of light watch what you see with your eyes he spoke about worry he said do not worry about  life about your life what you will eat or what you   will drink nor about your body what you will put  on see when you worry you opening yourself to the   spirit of depression anxiety and fear to come and  manifest itself in your life that's why Jesus said   don't worry but see first the kingdom of heaven  and His righteousness and don't worry everything   else will be added to you those are his words  you spoke about judging others he said judge not   that you not be judged we're called to love not to  judge sometimes so easy to judge other ministries   or ministers or other persons or other brothers  or sister and other people but we're called not   to judge that's so beautiful not to have the  responsibility it's not my responsibility to   judge you not responsibilities - love you - love  you and he gave us four little practical things   that would open heaven upon your life and upon  our churches and upon our families the first   three of them must be done in secret he said and  these three things sometimes in the natural they   seem to have no benefit to you in the natural you  feel like oh man this is a waste of time why am I   doing this something natural it doesn't seem to  have any immediate retribution to your life the   first one Jesus said when you pray go into your  room and when you have shut your door pray to   your father who is in the secret place and your  father who sees in secret will reward you openly   see it's awesome to pray in church we have to pray  in church it's awesome - pressure with your wife   but there's something about praying alone just  you and your father in this secret place see   God's greatest desire is that one-on-one intimacy  and relationship with you and the moment you miss   and you lose that secret place is the moment the  kingdom of heaven God's presence begins to depart   from you that's why a priority in your life should  be Lord I want to be alone just me and you and   nobody else that's when you truly open your heart  to God and that's when he speaks to you directs   you in your room shut the door says don't use vain  repetitions it's not about repeating things said   pray for his kingdom to come pray for his will  to be done ask for forgiveness it said pray and   forgive others and write theirs when you begin to  develop an intimate personal relationship with God   that's what he desires and he spoke about fasting  Oh but when you fast it's not if but when you fast   see a church that prays a church that fast is a  church that lives under open heavens the moment   we as his church as his children as his people  stopped praying stop fasting is a moment his   presence departs from us so if we want to host  his presence if we want his kingdom to manifest   in our midst in power we have to develop each  one of us our own personal relationship with   our Father each one of us has to develop our own  lifestyle of fasting and prayer and when we come   together this is an explosion heaven comes down  and we say Amen it says when you give or you do   charitable gifts charitable deeds giving opens  heavens this is a mystery to me but the Bible says   that when you give you bring your tithes and your  offers God opens the windows of heavens when you   do charitable deeds when you do good things for  others not to get recognition not to get praise   from men God opens heavens upon your life a church  that's a giving Church that's a church that has a   heart of gratitude of giving I mean I could be  here charring stories amazing how God does when   people give God opens the heavens upon their lives  these three things do it in secret your father   will see you believe me and he will reward you he  will reward and then the last that I believe is   the most important he said you have heard it that  he was said you shall love your neighbor and hate   your enemy but I say to you love your enemies  bless those who curse you do good to those who   hate you and pray for those who spitefully use  you and persecute you God is calling me and you   to love not only to love our brothers our sisters  not only to love those who love us but to love   those who hate us do you love those who insult  us do those who use us God has called us to love   Jesus said by this all will know that you are my  disciples not by sign wonders and miracles this   awesome but that's not how we will be known as his  disciples he said if you have love for one another listen to me what the Holy Spirit told me in the  hotel today you know I was reading the Sermon on   the Mount I was preparing for this you know  meditating on this world and then there's a   word that says there's people who are going to go  to heaven they're gonna say to God Lord in your   name we prophesied in your name we cast out demons  in your name we heal the sick in Jesus we look at   them and say I never knew you that scary word I  said Lord why he said because the motivation of   their hearts was not love by this you will be  known as my disciples if you love if when you   prophesy you're not prophesying to show off but  you prophesy because you love that person and   you want that person to know God's will for  their lives when you cast out a devil you're   not doing it just to show how powerful you are or  how much authority you have but because you have   compassion for that person who's under oppression  and suffering and it's been on the tour and you   want that person to be free but when you pray  for the sick know so that people can know about   miracles and see how mighty men of God you are  but because you have compassion and your heart   is broken for those who are hurting would you do  it out of love thus when the kingdom of heaven   manifests when people come to this church they  should be did you feel so loved that you feel   so accepted that's the sign the heaven is in  our midst that's the greatest sign of revival   when you walk and you feel man these people truly  love me they love me the way I am they accept me   for who they are for who I am in our hearts to  be Lord I want to love the way you love jesus   said if you build your life on this words storms  may come but your house will not fall if you make   his words the foundation of your lifestyle of  your life no matter what storm may come against   you because storms will come trouble you will have  trouble in this world but your house will not fall how awesome is our God so Jesus teaches about the  kingdom preaches about the kingdom heals every   sick person he was every disease every pain every  sickness in that town except one person there was   one man who could not be there the revival service  there was one man who was not allowed in the city   because of his sickness because of his disease he  had to live outside of the city he had a disease   called leprosy and because of leprosy he had to  live outside of the city according to the law and   when somebody came near him he had to scream  unclean unclean people could not get close to   him and I can see this man from far away looking  inside the city and seeing people rejoicing seeing   the poor among men rejoicing in the God of Israel  seeing people celebrating shouting pricing God   miracles and he's all alone outside he was looking  insane people experiencing heaven in their lives   and he was experiencing Hell in his life he was  experiencing rejection being rejected by society   he was experiencing loneliness having to live  alone with nobody else he was experiencing pain   and sickness and disease in his body and he could  see from far away Jesus teaching and preaching and   healing the sick and he probably heard from far  away the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and   the violent take it by force he's probably heard  Jesus from far away say the law and the prophets   were until John but now the kingdom of heaven  is being preached and everyone is pressing into   it you heard I have to take it I have to press  into it he could have said Jesus knows I'm here   he knows I'm alone he knows I'm suffering let him  come to me but no this man had to make a decision   to Humble himself to be willing to risk his life  and enter the city and go straight to Jesus this   man made the right decision and this is the same  decision that each one of us must make tonight are   you gonna continue to live the same way you've  been living experiencing maybe rejection maybe   condemnation maybe guilt maybe shame for things  you've done in your past maybe depression maybe   sickness disease I don't know what your experience  in your life or are you gonna humble yourself and   go to Jesus and experience a heaven in your  life experience forgiveness experience joy   experience peace this man came into the city  and there was Peter a great apostle he didn't   go to Peter there was John and awesome men  of God but he didn't go to John he went to   Jesus in the same way tonight you don't need to  come to a man you must come to Jesus because the   most wonderful thing about the kingdom of  heaven is our king is our King is our king and he went straight to Jesus and you know  what he did he bowed down with his face to   the ground and worshiped and worshiped he didn't  say Lord if you heal me I will worship You Lord   if you show me a miracle I will follow you said  Lord if you solve my problem then I will follow   you he didn't say that he worshiped him in the  midst of his pain in the midst of his suffering   in the midst of seeing everybody healed but him  everybody being touched by him everybody being   delivered everybody receiving miracles except him  in the middle of all this he bowed down and still   worshiped the king he said Lord if you're willing  he said Lord you have to do this oh I demand this   from you he said Lord if you're willing you can  make me clean because for you there is nothing   impossible and when Jesus saw this man bowing  down worshiping him in the midst of all this   sickness or disease all this pain the Bible says  that he was moved with compassion his heart was   moved and when his heart was moved he stretched  his hand and touched and said I am willing be   cleansed and this man was immediately cleanse  of the sickness and that disease if there's   something that I've seen about Jesus is that  his hand is attached to his heart and when you   touch his heart he moves his hand his hand is  not attached to his mind I don't know why you   can come with him with theological arguments with  all kinds of things that's it but when you touch   his heart when you humble yourself before him  when you worship Him in spirit and truth Oh his   hand is not shortened but he cannot heal to this  day he continues to stretch his hand he continues   to touch he continues to heal because his heart  is full of compassion it's all you need it's one   touch not from my hand from the hand of Jesus  and when he touches you that depression will   leave when he touches you that addiction will  break when he touches you that sickness will   flee because at that moment the kingdom of God  meant the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom   of light cost the kingdom of darkness to flee  when the kingdom of God comes the kingdom of   darkness has to flee the good news tonight is  that the same Jesus who walked in Galilee on   those dirty roads in Galilee same Jesus who came  bringing this message he's here in Daphne Alabama and he's looking at you with eyes full of love  and he's saying I have good news for you the   time is fulfilled your night has come your  day has come this is your time the kingdom   of heaven has come near to you saying repent and  believe in the gospel let's all stand to our feet
Channel: Los Hechos De Jesús
Views: 65,671
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Keywords: Andres Bisonni Beautiful Holy Spirit 2019, Bissoni, andres bisonni espíritu santo, andres bisonni republica dominicana, andres bisonni español, andres bisonni predicas en español, predicas andres bisonni 2020, andres bisonni predicas en ingles, pastor andres bisonni, evangelista andres bisonni, profeta andres bisonni, predicador andres bisonni, los hechos de jesus andres bisonni, predicas cristianas, Andres bisonni United States, USA, andres bisonni sermon
Id: YBGR5uw-hY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 41sec (2741 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 10 2019
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