Session 1 - Reaching New Heights Conference with Jerry Savelle

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good evening welcome to reaching new heights it's great to have you with us this store for a great few days who's excited being God's house on a Thursday night so father I thank you right now for these next days this conference father thought I thank you that your glory will shine in this place all over this place father thought I just thank you for everyone that's in this building father they've come here that they will receive from you and then we would have a great time celebrating your name Jesus give you all the glory all the worship though we come in this time to you right now we thank you for these songs that we're about to sing and we thank you for the word preached it's gonna be a great few days and we're just excited for what you're gonna do and we thank you in Jesus mighty name and everyone said ain't no [Music] he's coming on the class please King as well and every chain oh gosh declare his brain how God is alive the Lion of Judah he's roaring with power I'm fighting my bells give me my bow before him I got is the Lamb that was slain for the sin of the world his blood breaks the chain [Music] yes gotta come yes here to say or who's [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's my bridge the tree [Music] [Music] stop [Music] of the Lord stop [Music] haha he's wrong [Music] ha [Music] but is it [Music] haha [Music] Wow [Music] thank you Lord Jesus if top your holiness Karcher let's celebrate it Jesus [Music] are we thank you Jesus what a beautiful name is the name of Jesus the name of the Lord Jesus thank you glory to your name [Music] [Music] Jesus you will have them without the heavy game you won we've got you here in lower Eurasian [Music] all right what a beautiful name what a beautiful name it is the name of Jesus Christ monkey what a beautiful name it is but nothing compares to these what a beautiful name I didn't want him and we now so Jesus I see was crazy you'll never was great [Music] now what a wonderful name wonderful meetings Jesus Christ Mikey what a wonderful day nothing compares believe what a wonderful man oh Jesus what a wonderful night [Music] marjina [Music] Oh beautiful Jeana we prank don't know [Music] the pail told me for you silence the most I'll see [Music] the praise of your hobby [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] because is back in your Z's back home haha what about [Music] my [Music] what a powerful arrival No [Music] your fellow haha ha my what a powerful nothing what a bonus [Music] jeez what what a boner [Music] Jesus Christ what about nothing can't stand [Music] what none [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] I see the cloud bastard [Music] I wanna see her glory like Moses did slash is a lie Roza Thunder I'm not afraid I'm not afraid [Music] show me show me your glory [Music] show me your glory show me your glory by [Music] I want to walk in your presence like Jesus did [Music] Laurie surrounds me I know [Music] I'm not afraid I'm not a prayer [Music] love show me [Music] show me [Music] the baby something [Music] none to say your prayers [Music] [Music] show me [Music] show me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me show me [Music] me Charlie begin to cry out to him judge show me your glory Lord show me your glory loss come on Oh Lord yes come on [Music] hallelujah come on come on show me your glory you come expecting tonight come on then expectancy begin to rise as a yes I'm here tonight I'm here this week I want to see your glory Lord I want to see your goodness your presence your power Lord manifest this weekend we're sweet with us come on cry out to show us Lord whatever you come for this week what have you come to these meetings for begin to put up a pressure honor and say Lord we thank you in here oh we want your glory Lord your glory your glories your glory your presence your power your goodness in our lives Lord come on come on express their hungry heart Express that hungry heart for him oh Jesus Jesus Jesus come on whatever it is in you like um I'm expecting on show us your horn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 50 boys senior heavenly language [Music] respect your own [Applause] [Music] Glauber so expectant tonight we're expecting over these next nights Lord we're hungry for you we're not hungry for religion we're not hungry for tradition we're not hungry Lord except for anything but you by your spirit we're hungry for your word will order the word that feeds our very hearts that matures us that grows us but we're hungry for your spirit to come Lord just in the sack in the book of Acts Lord let your fire fall let your fire fall this weekend let your fire fall Lord we're hungry we're hungry we're hungry to see your glory we're hungry to see your glory we're hungry to see your glory and eat I tell you what when you begin to call out on him he is going to answer you he is going to answer you if you're expecting me you reached out to him he's not a man that he should lie he says come come come to me or you burden heavy laden I will give you rest not man but my a my anointing I'll destroy the yoke of bondage that may be on you doesn't matter what that is this weekend this weekend you can be free this weekend you will walk higher than you've ever been before we're going to a different level we're believing for a different level amen come on and you say yes say yes to him say yes say him tonight and tell you whatever you've got [Music] come on down Jesus Jesus Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I love you oh yes Jesus I would say yes to him tonight amen amen whoo it's an exciting time we've been looking forward to dr. Sorrell coming up for so many months we've been praying but believing for each one and every one of you that is here is not here by accident you are here for a divine appointment you are dev here to encounter Almighty God through the man of God it's not him but the power of God working through him to bring glory to our Jesus to magnify our Jesus to love him above everything else a man and that's what we're here for tonight show us your glory show us your glory hallelujah why don't you turn around to somebody and say welcome to church we're gonna see his glory this weekend come on hallelujah hallelujah Lord [Music] hallelujah Lord well wonderful Jesus wonderful Savior hallelujah didn't go good amen wonderful awesome Jesus hallelujah whoo ain't God good hallelujah amen amen tight a family from Perth everybody has it meant lovely to have you with us we got a pastor from Papua New Guinea hi auntie Joyce that's wonderful I'm just with you those who don't know me I'm Ian slack and my wife Diane happened to be this our 20th year of being the Australian Australasia and directors for Jerusalem ministries a man and so he's good I'm also having to be the pastor of the best church the best chut now I know your church is the best Church but hey leave it's my church and I can say what I want a that's not it why not - his church but amen but we're just blessed and blessed to be the senior pastors of the best congregation in the world oh we love our people amen sometimes I love me as well so it's quite good to be a man come on Mike shout from the back buddy I'm BJ med so I'm just gonna do a little bit of housekeeping they told me I would have some notes but they don't note so I assume that is um please clear out all the book table when you go out and and things that's fine but all these these meetings are with the same time I think 7 o'clock tomorrow at 6 o'clock on Saturday and Sunday and the others are 7th please come I don't know anything actually do I would you like to take a bus she was gonna receive the offering ivory without my notes man and I have nothing say sorry brother Jerry I should anybody got any notes for me but it's ok if you ever join us on a Sunday this is normal this is normal well I've got the privilege to take up the offering how many of you know that the world economy is failing the world come on the world of its failing the banking systems is failing but I want to tell you about one system that will never fail and that's the kingdoms that it will never fail the kingdom of God will never fail you investing into the kingdom of God you're guaranteed a return on your investment amen you can invest in world and secular things and they promise you everything and all these returns and time frames but how many you know they lie because they can't guarantee it I want to share something quickly from Ecclesiastes 11:1 4 and 6 it says cost your bread everyone says seed cost your bread upon the waters for you will find it after many days he who observes the wind will not so what's he's saying if you observe your circumstances you're not going to step out the boat and sow seed he observes the wind will not so here he who regards the clouds will not reap but in the morning so your seed in the evening do not withhold it from your hand but you do not know which one worried turned to you and my encouragement to you this evening is that when we look at about releasing seed into the kingdom when we release that seed you've got to release it by faith you've got to release that seed by faith and then you got to water it you got to speak over it you've got to call it back and then you're going to sit back and expectant for a harvest that's never gonna let you down and you know what the awesome thing is it's not gonna be 7% it's not going to be 10% there's no limits on it the only limitation is on it is your faith and your faith will bring that harvest if you do not sit back if you do not step back could honestly ashes just to come and collect for a few seconds [Music] God is faithful we've never ever seen God let us down ever ever in he never will brother and he never will I mean you know money is currency yeah and how many no currency has a flow and God wants us to flow he wants their currency to flow through us tell your neighbor don't block the currency don't block the flow how many know is hard to receive when your hands closed but when my hands open I can let go but I can also be positioned to receive amen God is good how many you expectant for this evening how many expected for tomorrow night we've got a bunch of expectant believers in the house I believe there's gonna be financial breakthroughs over this time while you're at conference God is working on your behalf amen don't worry about the announcements that's long forgot just come back tomorrow sometime will be a you can bring it forward this private God is good father we just thank you right now Lord to fold for the receivers Lord that you will give wisdom to stretch these finances to make them go further to multiply them Lord to do more with them then ever thought of possible Lord but to those that have released seed this evening father I thank you Lord we stretch our faith in this house Lord there's an atmosphere for faith Lord and we thank you Lord that each and every single person people will leave you before they even got home and there were your testimonies father breakthrough his Lord tomorrow when they open up the emails they'll see the deals they've been waiting for Lord breakthroughs debt cancellation father and increase we decree it we declare it in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen amen thank you thank you to him it was wonderful you know we have the privilege of being doctors who else Carolyn miss Carolyn sins I love she is actually just sleeping tonight they had such a long 24 hour journey my brother Jerry couldn't get out of it because I didn't think you wanted to hear me preach so he had to get up but we just wanted to honor your gifting I've been with him for at the right time for 20 years now and some of you have been partners with us and we want to say thank you and honor you for that we want to thank you for coming tonight and put an expectation on the man of God you all know him and asked us to stand to welcome the apostle of God dr. Jerry said her yep thank you thank you very much you can go ahead and be seated thank you so good to be with you once again I've been looking forward to coming back to Australia and I am sure glad that you joined us praise God how many of you live outside of Gold Coast is anybody here from Gold Coast okay praise God thank you for coming I see lots of friends that I've known for many years and and such a joy to be with you once again my wife Carolyn is with me that she wanted to rest in tonight and she'll be here tomorrow night and the rest of the week and she doesn't travel overseas with me that much anymore but I talked her into coming to Australia so she'll be ministering Sunday morning along with me so know that you will enjoy her she's been preaching to me for 52 years now praise God how do you lift your hands and let's just worship the Lord for a moment and pray as we get into the service into the word rather father we give you praise for your presence in this place tonight we welcome your presence we thank you Lord in advance for everything that you shall accomplished throughout this weekend we know that your good you do it good everything about you is good so we are anticipating good things taking place and because we are people of faith we believe we receive when we pray not after we see something but when we pray so we're praying right now and we believe we receive and so we'll go ahead and give you praise in advance and thank you for what shall be accomplished in the name of Jesus come on give him your best phrase like what hallelujah are you ready to go to new heights new levels I believe that's what God wants to do with us and praise God I'm enjoying going to do levels already God has been good to me in fact this is my 49th year in the ministry next year be 50 years hallelujah and I must have started when I was 3 because I don't feel that old I am 71 and but God has been so good to me I don't know why I'm his favorite child I just am amen I don't know maybe it's cause I'm tall dark and handsome I'm not sure well handsome out of 200 one out of three is not bad okay but God has been so good to me that he makes me feel like I must be his favorite child but I know you do come a close second praise God amen he has no respecter person I know he loves you just as much he loves me but he sure has been good to me Carolyn I talk about it all the time how wonderful our God has been if if we had known that all the things that have taken place in our lives over the last 49 years if we had known in advance all those things were going to happen I don't know that we could have taken it all in but he just keeps getting better and better and I keep hearing son you haven't seen anything yet the best is yet to come and I believe that's true for you as well look at your neighbor and say the best is yet to come can you say amen to that praise God every year as you know you've heard me say this before I spend particularly the month of October in preparation for the coming new year and I get before the Lord and seek his instructions as to what I'm to focus on and and preach about in that coming new year also it expect to receive a prophetic word from the Lord and the moment I receive it then I began preaching it first of all in our church back home and in Crowley Fort Worth Texas and I preached about three Sundays on it and then I began to take it around the world and in October of this past year 2017 during that time of prayer I kept hearing the Lord say that 2018 was going to be days of glory days of flourishing days of abounding and then later in the year along the month of December I have I heard him say everywhere you preached during 2018 I want you to tell people to keep on their lips and in their prayers these words Lord show me your glory I want you to say it with me Lord show me your glory now I have been around the world since January of this year in fact I've been to Philippines I've been to South Africa been to Kenya I've been to UK all over UK all over the world over the last few months and I've preached about this in every nation I've been to I've preached it all over America and I am seeing the glory of God manifest in such a powerful way that I believe praise God we are headed for some of the greatest days of our lives this is not the time to to look for ways to get out it's time to look for ways to get in deeper praise God amen pursue God like never before ask him every day Lord show me your glory you know the glory of God if you study it out particularly next is 33 and Exodus 34 where Moses made that statement the Bible says that he said I beseech thee show me your glory and God didn't deny him now it wasn't because Moses had never seen the glory of God before he had experienced it many times in fact he would have never gotten the children of Israel out of Egypt if it hadn't been for the glory of God because it took manifestations of God's power God's presence and God's goodness to achieve those kind of results and if you study Exodus 33 and 34 in particular you will discover that the glory of God consists of three major things number one it's the manifestation of God's presence it's the manifestation of God's power and it's the manifestation of God's goodness amen and when you say Lord show me your glory that's what you're asking for now the Bible records manifestations of God's glory all the way back to Genesis chapter 1 but the first time the word glory is used in the Bible it wasn't referring to Thunder it wasn't referring to lightning it wasn't referring to smoke it wasn't referring to brightness even though those are manifestations of the glory of God but the first time the word glory is used in the Bible it was referring to a man's material wealth and we're going to talk about that when you say Lord show me the glory show me your glory you're also asking God and and material prosperity is a byproduct of the goodness of God so when you're asking God to show me your glory that's also asking him to produce or provide prosperity and we'll show you that from the Word of God is a great study and we'll probably deal with that tomorrow night so don't you miss it praise God look at your neighbor say don't you dare miss tomorrow night amen cuz these are days of flourishing they are days of abounding hallelujah and that's what God wants to do in every one of our lives can you say Amen all right now in the book of Haggai chapter 2 let's turn now if you will Hagi on chapter 2 you notice beginning in verse six for thus saith the Lord of Hosts yet once it is a little while and I will shake the heavens and the earth and the sea and the dry land and I will shake all nations and the desire of all nations shall come and I will fill this house with glory saith the Lord look you never say there's going to be a whole lot of shakin goin on and notice he said and I'll fill this house with glory saith the Lord of Hosts every time you see the word glory you'd think from this day forward you think the manifestation of God's presence God's power and God's goodness when God says I'm gonna fill this house with glory he's going to fill it with his presence his power and His goodness and then notice in verse 8 the silver is mine the gold is mine saith the Lord of Hosts verse 9 the glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former saith the Lord of Hosts and in this place I will give peace saith the Lord of hosts now if you study it out you'll find out that the first temple was the dwelling place of God and there he manifested his glory for over 400 years that was his presence his power his goodness but here it says the glory of this latter house shall be greater than the glory of the former house now if you read stories in the Bible of the manifestations of God's presence power and goodness in that first temple it's amazing you know I mean it it almost makes the hair stand up on the back your neck take about a week to get it to lay down again you know but the book of Joel says that those manifestations of God's glory were moderate compared to what we're going to see moderate displays you know what the word moderate means I like to say it like this the volume wasn't turned all the way up moderate is the way we're supposed to eat you understand that well I would meddlings to preaching okay but moderate displays of God's glory God says that splitting red sees is a moderate display of his glory I call it amazing displace of his glory but God considers it moderate in other words the volume was turned down real low but God is about to turn the volume all the way up amen what do you suppose we will see what do you suppose we will encounter in the way of God's presence God's power and God's goodness you know Oral Roberts was my spiritual grandfather I heard the call of God watching oil Roberts on television in 1957 I didn't answer the call until 1969 but but shortly after I surrendered my life to the ministry had the privilege of meeting oil Roberts and I said to him one day sitting in his office I said brother Roberts I feel like I've been robbed he said why do you say that I said well I didn't get to I didn't get to be in your tenth Crusades I didn't get to see all the miracles and and the signs and the wonders that were manifesting in those great healing campaigns that you conducted back there in the 40s and 50s and early 60s I said I wasn't I wasn't in those circles my wife was Carolyn her mom and dad took her to Oral Roberts 10th Crusades when she was just a baby she laid on a sawdust floor in a on a quilt well brother Roberts was preaching and she grew up in in a church where many of those great healing evangelists knew her pastor he traveled with many of them in fact he was a very close friend of William Brennan and he traveled everywhere with William Brennan in fact Carolyn's great-uncle if you ever see a picture of William Brennan usually you'll see not only William Brennan but a man named Jack Moore that was her pastor and another man there usually on the other side of William Brennan who was a tall Native American man and that was Carolyn's great-uncle his name was young brown and he traveled all over the world with William Brennan and so Carolyn grew up in circles where Oral Roberts was a familiar name in their home all of those great healing evangelists she grew up in those circles I didn't but after I came to the Lord it was a great desire of mine to study the Ministry of all Roberts and all of those great men and when I met brother Roberts once again I said to him I feel like I've been wronged I didn't get to grow up in your tent Crusades and he said to me one day he said well you know we have them all on film we recorded all of those tent Crusades on 16 millimeter film and they were down in the archives at Oral Roberts University and I said well is it is it possible for me to watch some of them sometime he said well of course I'll let you watch any of them that you want to see it and as often as you want to do it he said where would you like to start I said today he said all right I'll assign an oh oh oh are you student take you down to the archives and you can just watch as many as you want so I went down to the archives and they turned on that projector and I began to watch those old Crusades and I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't keep my eyes dry I wept like a baby watching the miracles that would take place and then as soon as one crusade was over with I said put on another one and they'd show another and I was down there all day and I just was overwhelmed by the power of God finally brother Roberts came down there and he said are you still here I said yes sir I am and he said you really are hungry for the power of God aren't you I said yes sir I am he said when are you going home can I come back tomorrow what some more he said well of course and I would spit the whole day that next day down there and he said you are one hungry young man aren't you I said you have never met a more hungry young man in your life than I am and I got to watch those films in fact he even had the somebody in his publication Department to take those 16 millimeter film and put him on video for me so I could take them home and watch him and I kept them down at my lake house it was about 40 miles from Fort Worth and every time I'd go down there I just spend the day watching those films and and get so hungry for the power of God and the presence of God amen Jesus said whatever you hunger for you will be filled I mean you're hungry for the glory of God hungry for the presence of God the power of God and the goodness of God when Moses said the Lord I beseech thee show me your glory notice God did not deny him and once again it wasn't because Moses had never seen the glory of God before he had seen it many times but once you experience you can't get enough of it they meant and that's the way Moses was he couldn't get enough of it once he experienced the glory of God he said I beseech thee in other words that's a strong word it's it's it's a it's it does it shows a hunger a desperation to see it more and more and more you know many years ago I was preaching you know in a little town called Columbus Columbia South Carolina many years ago and I was in this Assembly of God Church and they wanted me to stay for a week and so we had services in the morning and services in the evening there was a couple that brought their daughter every morning service and this little girl she was about 12 13 but she had the mentality of about a four-year-old she had never fully developed mentally or physically and she had some kind of physical condition I don't know the medical term but a layman term would be and she had no control over her her bowels she had no control of her organs she just she couldn't talk she just moaned and it was a groan that you could hear above everybody else in the in the room and this sullivo would constantly pour out of her mouth and the smell of it was so bad you couldn't only stand to be around her and so they brought her every morning and I'd been watching those videos in my room of all Robert's Crusades and I'd say Lord show me your glory use me like you used Oral Roberts and I'd pray and ask Lord every service you know I was hungry for the power of God and and and once again not because I've never seen it before but because I had and I wanted to see it more and more and more and so one morning the Lord said to me I want you to go get that little girl they they'd sit on the back row so they wouldn't disturb anybody and he said I want you to go get that little girl and put her in your arms this morning and carry her around with you the entire time you preached and the anointing that's on you will flow into her and I'll heal her now I went back to the back row and I told the parents what the Lord said to me I said may I take your daughter and carry her while I'll preach they said of course so I took her in my arms and carried her around while I pretty now preached for over an hour and and this little girl she was she had the the height of a twelve-year-old but she didn't have the mentality of a twelve-year-old and so she was heavy and I carried her like this for as long as I could and then I switched arms and character like this and like I said she had no control of her bowels she urinated all over my suit the stench of the saliva that just constantly flowed out of her mouth was all over me I could hardly stand the smell not only that but she she had no control she just she just moved like this and and groaned the whole time and it was not comfortable to say the least not only that but I wish the Lord had had me to do it some other way you know but I was just being obedient to the Lord and so when I got through preaching I prayed over her and I took her back to her parents in the natural you couldn't see one thing changed when I took her back to her parents but I'm believing God I'm not coming off my faith I know what he told me to do and I'm expecting him to show me his glory and so they took her home that night when I came back I'm sitting on the platform and and I'm just looking down at my notebook looking over my notes and I heard someone say brother Jerry and I looked up and it was that little girls she'd walked in the room by herself her parents were walking behind her and I immediately went back to them and I said you got to tell the testimony what happened and so they brought the little girl up to the front and they said when we took her home after the morning service we couldn't tell one thing that had happened she didn't look any different didn't act any different but we took put her in a room and they said we had a special bed made it's almost like a baby bed with a crib you know with with sad walls on it so that she couldn't climb out and fall out and hurt herself and they said we put her in her bed to take a little nap before we came back to the evening service and said we both laid down and took a nap as well and said all of a sudden we were awakened by a noise coming from her room so we got up turned the lights on and she was out of the bed so we didn't know what how she got out because she'd never been able to get out before and when we couldn't find her in her bedroom we went looking through the house trying to find her and they found her sitting in the floor in the kitchen and she looked up at her her mother and for the first time she'd ever spoken never been able to speak before she looked up at her mother said mama I'm hungry and so they were just amazed you know just praising God and they said well what do you want to eat and she had taken out of the cabinet a cereal box and she showed him the cereal box so they said in the floor with her made her a bowl of cereal she aided herself got up and she began talking and carrying on a conversation with him and she said when are we going to church and they said we'll go back tonight and so they're telling me this story and it was just a miracle a manifestation of the presence the power and the goodness of God now from that moment when they gave that testimony do you not think that it inspired my faith do you not think that it caused me to hunger for more manifestations well in that same meeting in fact we decided to extend the meeting and go another week in that same meeting a young man had a serious automobile accident and he had been in the hospital he wasn't in the first week's meeting because he's in the hospital and they operated on his brain they thought that he would never be normal again they said the afid lives he'll just be like a vegetable but in that same meeting they brought him in and set him down and he obviously had some serious problems and they were believing God for his total recovery and so they came up and brought him in the prayer line and I prayed for him once again you couldn't see anything that it changed instantly but once again I believe I receive when I pray I'm not coming off my faith praise God I can talk other people in the staying in faith will see more miracles praise God and so you know there are times when miracles happen instantly in the Ministry of Jesus but sometimes it said in the self-same hour not all of them are instant so I'm not giving up I pray for you tonight I'm not giving up I've encouraged you not to give up amen and so I went back to where he was seated and prayed for it and that night he came to the service and once again I heard the same word brother Jerry and I looked up and that young man was walking in by himself said he was they had experienced a great miracle that afternoon and they brought him back to the service that night and they said we're taking him to the doctor tomorrow but we believe that there is been a complete restoration and healing because we can see it ourselves and we wanted documented by the medical doctors praise God and they did and he was totally healed and he's normal today praise God amen well what happens when you see the glory of God you can't get enough of him that's what happened to Moses he said lord I beseech thee show me your glory not because he hadn't seen it before but once you see it you can't get enough of it and maybe you want to see more manifestations of the glory of God well lift your other hand and say Lord show me your glory show me your glory Lord amen and notice here in Hagee I chapter 2 he's telling us that we are in store for greater manifestations of it the glory of the latter house was at one level that the glory of the latter house will be far greater and praise God we are that latter house can you say Amen amen now once again in Exodus chapter 33 Moses said I beseech thee show me your glory and in verse 30 and verse 19 of Exodus 33 it starts off with God speaking and he said I will and he went on to say make all my goodness pass before thee so notice here God's response to Moses request he said I beseech thee show me your glory and God responded with these words first I will and I believe that's the way he responds today amen if you're hungry for it you will not be denied I said if you're a hungry for it you will not be denied hallelujah I'm gonna say it one more time if you're hungry for it you will not be denied how'd it go can you say Amen now once again the Lord told me to tell people everywhere I preach keep on your lips and in your prayers every day Lord show me your glory why would he say every day because we need the glory of God in our lives every day the world we live in today has gone nuts you know I mean it's it's not your grandfather's world things that are happening in our world today I would have never dreamed 40 years ago it'd be like this today and more and more of God's people are in desperate need of the glory of God than ever before amen they need God's presence they need God's power and they need God's goodness manifesting in their lives can you say Amen and you know in the ministry of Jesus the Bible says in the book of Acts chapter 10 and verse 38 it says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good healing all that were oppressed to the devil for God was with him notice all three of the what how shall I say all three of the components of the glory of God were manifested in the Ministry of Jesus notice he was anointed with power God was with him and he did good that's the glory of God in manifestation he was full of the power of God God was with him presence of God and thank God he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil amen and the Bible says he's the same yesterday today and forever so you and I can expect manifestations of the glory of God in our day just like they saw it in the early days of the church because this Savior and the Lord of our life is the same yesterday today and forever amen so I'm expecting I get up every morning first thing I say when I opened my eyes Lord show me your glory I say it throughout the day Lord show me your glory last thing I say before I closed my eyes at night Lord show me your glory and if you have to wake me up to do it I'll give you Liberty to do so hallelujah amen and he's done that a few times amen you know Richard Roberts is coming next week he'll be here Tuesday and Wednesday night and Richard and I are very dear friends and of course he's the son of Oral Roberts and Richard I've been doing a lot of meetings together here recently and we'll continue to do so and everywhere we've been the glory of God has been in manifestation a powerful way and I want to encourage you to make your plans to be here Tuesday and Wednesday next week that's just another part of this meeting because Richard flows in an anointing that's a lot different than his father's anointing it's mostly through word of knowledge and word of wisdom and the gifts of the Spirit and it's unique and I encourage you to be here because it will be a continuation of this meeting and you will see the glory of God can you say Amen look genever and say you will see the glory of God how they do yeah so I want to encourage you to make your plans to be here now in the book of habakkuk in chapter 2 and verse 14 the Bible says that the knowledge of the glory shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea the knowledge of the glory of God will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea the knowledge of everybody say the knowledge that means people are talking about it they're talking about it all over the world I remember and some of you probably remember I was preaching in Toronto Canada when the oj simpson thing broke out with his wife and so forth and i remember i was in an extended meeting up there i went up there for one night stayed 21 nights and the glory of god was in such manifestation and while I was there the only day I had off with Saturdays and so on Saturday I was staying in an apartment because I didn't know how long I was going to be there the pastor took me out of a hotel put me in an apartment rented an apartment because I didn't know how long it's going to be there I stayed 21 nights I came home and rested a week and went back to state 14 more nights and I came home and rested a week and then went back a state another nine nights so he just rented an apartment you know and and because we didn't know how long he's going to be there the Lord just said stay until I tell you to leave and so during that time I was there the OJ Simpson trial was going on and so on Saturdays I would watch some of it you know because I had Saturday night off and and I wouldn't watch it all day like a lot of people were glued to the television said you know but I'd watch some of it and I remember after those series of meetings were over with I came home and the next place I was to preach was in Kenya and so I flew to Kenya and I was in the bush of Kenya now we call it jungle around here you know but the bush I rented a four-wheel drive vehicle and drove as far back in the bush as I could take that automobile and then you had to get out and walk the rest of the way because it was so thick and we were in a village back there and I was teaching a group of pastors in that area in those little villages so they all came to this one village and I'm teaching them about five or six times a day about an hour session then we take a break then we'd have another hour and we did that every day for a couple of weeks now the OJ Simpson trial was going on back home these people in the bush no electricity no running water mud huts I'm staying out there with them and one day during our break I said to them if you have any questions you'd like to ask me about what I'm teaching anything that we've been talking about from the Word of God we'll talk give you an opportunity to ask questions during the break and so they'd ask questions you know here and there and then one day nobody asked a question about what I was talking about or teaching and a man raised his hand I said yes sir what would you like to ask he said how's the OJ Simpson trial going I said where did you hear about that you're in the bush you don't have electricity you don't have a television set you don't have a radio how did you hear about the OJ Simpson trial oh I have a cousin who lives in Nairobi and he's been keeping me abreast of it you know and I thought how in the world would people know about the OJ Simpson trial in the bush of Africa and the Lord said that's exactly the way the knowledge of the glory of the Lord is going to cover the earth like the waters cover the sea people will be talking about it why because there's such manifestations of his glory his power his presence and his goodness that it's on the lips of every person it's on the mind of every person not only that but the television sets are going to have to cover it because it will be such amazing events taking place out of you can you imagine getting up one morning turning on CNN breaking news everybody on the Gold Coast has been experiencing the power the presence and the glory of God how they do you can you imagine that I think I'll drink to that by the way that's lemon juice and honey just want to make let you know that it's safe hallelujah amen amen the knowledge of the glory of the Lord that means that God is manifesting his presence is power in His goodness so often and so frequently that it's on the minds and the lips of people all over the world they're talking about it all over the Lord and folks I don't think we're talking about a hundred years from now I think something broke loose in the spirit realm the moment we moved into 2018 and it's going to keep it's going to keep picking up momentum and praise God is going to start happening in every church that will be hungry for it how they do amen if you don't go to this church and you go to another church I pray your church will be hungry for it because it's going to fall every place that people are hungry for can you say Amen lift your hands and say Lord show me your glory hallelujah now let's go to the Book of Isaiah chapter 60 for a moment Isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 says arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee for behold the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness to people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee hallelujah notice his glory shall be seen upon thee now he pinpoints now we know that this was a prophetic word for the people in Isaiah's day but it's also a prophetic word for our day because he says in verse 2 when this time would take place he said the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness two people darkness represents manifestations of Satan's Kingdom it's darker in our world today than it's ever been amen it says gross darkness the people that means that men's minds will be so dark that they are perverted the minds of men will be so perverted and and it appears that it's implying that sin will be running rampant because darkness represents Satan's Kingdom does that not describe the world we live in today it certainly describes my nation I'm feel reasonable assurance describes your nation as well amen it's dark in America and the minds of men are dark amen I've never seen such perversion in all my life and we got we got people in government that will that will fight for the right for you to be as perverted as you want to be amen so it pinpoints a time in which I believe we're living right now then the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people but the Lord shall arise upon thee and his glory shall be seen upon thee I like to say it this way the darker this world gets the brighter the church will get how they do it and you say Amen when the world is getting darker and darker and darker thank God the body of Christ is gonna get brighter brighter and brighter because the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon us what does that mean his presence his power and his goodness and notice verse 3 says and the Gentiles now that represents the non-believer the Gentiles shall come to thy light and Kings to the brightness of thy rising in other words the glory of the Lord manifesting in our lives is going to act like a magnet people will see his presence his power and His goodness in our lives and set such a level that it will act as a magnet and will draw them to us in fact the glory of the Lord being seen on us is going to be one of our greatest soul-winning tools and you say then you know I was a home one weekend a few years ago my wife was preaching up in Minneapolis with Len Hammond in her women's meeting and he's one of those rare times when I was home on the weekend my wife was gone and I thought what am I going to do with myself so I didn't find a honey-do list anywhere you know and I thought oh well I believe I'll make it a motorcycle morning so I'd planned to get up the next morning real early and I was gonna ride all the way to San Antonio and as a good ride about six-hour ride and ride down to San Antonio visit some friends spend the night there and have a good Mexican lunch you know with him and and then ride back the next day so I had all that planned out so in the meantime I thought what am I gonna do tonight I'm just here by myself you know I don't have anything that I'm responsible for don't have anything that I'm pressed to do so what am I gonna do tonight so I decided well I believe I'll just go into my study and turn on my big-screen television set and I always keep it on the western channel because I like those old westerns John Wayne hallelujah you know and you do know John Wayne right and so you know he was my favorite cowboy and so I'm gonna I'm gonna see if there's a John Wayne movie on and when I turn my television set on my favorite John Wayne movie was coming on it's called The Searchers and it's actually based on a true story that happened in Texas about a hundred miles from where I live and it was it was one of John Ford director John Ford's one of his most famous John Wayne movies and it's a story about Apaches coming in and destroying this this home and these these settlers there and kidnapping this little girl and taking her with them and raised her as an Apache Indian and so that happened to be the character that John Wynn plays his niece so he goes out searching for her that's the reason it's called their searchers and so he's looking for her and he spends the whole movie looking for her by this time years have gone by and he finally finds her and brings her back home but now she's been raised by the Apaches she's more Apache now than she has a white person and she's learning Apache ways not only that but she's married a chief and she's had a son by this chief and the son becomes you like this history lesson their son becomes a very famous Apache chief later in life and so John Wayne Briggs are back home and so forth and and this movies about to come home I've seen it no less than 50 times I know every line in the and it's my favorite John Wayne movie so I put the paws on I went into the kitchen made me a big bowl of popcorn found the biggest coke I could find and I come back and I sat down and I turned it back on I said alright John I'm ready for you and the moment it came back on and I loved the opening scene of the movie the moment it came back on I heard this in my spirit how will they know it's the glory I said not now Lord John Wayne's coming on don't look at me so holy you've ignored the Lord a few times and and III just kinda ignored it and I was eating my popcorn and watching the movie you know and I heard it again how will they know it's the glory I said Lord can this wait I just ignored it and then he said it again how will they know it's the glory I said okay Lord I don't understand so I turned the television set off I knew what he's talking about I was there 60 and I said he asked again he said how will they know it's the glory the Bible says it will be seen on you but who's who's observing it on you then unbeliever the Gentiles the non-believer is observing the glory on God's people and the Lord said how will they know how will they referring to non-believers how will they know it's the glory and then he said this most of my people don't know the glory how will an unbeliever know it amen if you would ask most of God's people to find the glory you'd be surprised at some of the answers you'd come up with because most of God's people don't know the glory and he said how will sinners know it's the glory I said well that's a good question Lord how will they know it's the glory he said even a sinner knows the presence the power and the goodness of God they may not know to call it the glory but they recognize it when they see it amen I've won a lot of people to Christ that I never preached one sermon to but they saw the goodness of God in my life they saw the presence of God in my life they saw the power of God in my life and it attracted them amen I've had people come up and say how are you doing this where are you getting all this and there were non-believers and I said it's the Lord I serve it's the god I serve it's his favor on my life it's his blessing on my life and I've never had one person asked me that question that turned me down when I got ready to lead them to the Lord they were attracted they didn't know it was the glory they didn't they didn't come and say whoa is that the glory on you they didn't call it the glory but they recognized his presence his power and his goodness amen and notice here it says they will be attracted to it not only that but it said high-ranking people will be attracted to it kings how do you amen the glory of the Lord is ready to manifest in the earth like never before no Robert said to me he was in my home at this time and it was right before Evelyn passed away his wife Evelyn and I asked him I said brother Roberts what's the last thing the Lord has said to you in in a visitation that you've had recently he said the Lord said to me Aurel if you think you saw miracles signs and wonders under the big tent in those great healing campaigns he said son you haven't seen anything yet they're coming back big time hallelujahs they're coming back big time I like that I like that look at your neighbors say the glory of the Lord is about to manifest big time they've Janzen saying Lord show me your glory say it again Lord show me your glory amen since I was here the last time that was what a couple of years ago since I was here the last time I had a marvelous manifestation of the glory of God that that I'd like to share the testimony with you and some of you may have heard it on a tape or a broadcast or something but shortly after I left here the last time I was here I went to have a physical and I knew I was at that time I was about to turn 70 I'm 71 now but I was about to turn seven in I hadn't had a physical in a while so I went to have a physical and while I was they went they put me through all these tests and everything you know and well it was at the doctor's office he had me on this table and he was doing all these tests and he looks down at me and he said how are you alive I said what are you talking about he said I don't know how you're alive I said sir I don't have a clue what you're talking about he said the the artery the main artery in your neck where the blood flows from the heart to the brain is 90% blocked he said how are you alive I said sir I had no idea that was a I had that problem he said this could cause an ER ism's this had caused strokes I said sir I just got off of a motorcycle trip four days riding in South Texas at a hundred and seven degree weather I didn't even work up a sweat much less any symptoms he said you don't have any symptoms I said none he said how are you alive I don't understand it he said I've had people come in here with a whole lot less percentage blockage and and on the verge of death and some died before they got to the hospital he said I don't know how you're alive I said we sir this is the first time I've ever heard anything like this I said wouldn't you think if it was that serious I would have had some kind of symptom he said that's why I'm asking you how are you alive he said I'm serious young men I appreciate him call me a young man he said I'm serious he said you could walk out of this room and six months from now you could be a dead man it's that serious he said in fact I'm gonna take it a step further you could walk out of this room and three months from now you'd be a dead man he said I'm gonna take it a step further you could walk out of this room and walk to your car and die before you get to your car it's that serious my daughter's with me and they said daddy do whatever he tells you to do and I said well what do you recommend he said one of my friends is a specialist in this area and I recommend that you go I'll call him and he'll do a routine surgery he said and he'll just do an incision in your neck remove the plaque buildup so you back up you may be in the hospital a couple of days then they'll release you go home just take a week or so to recover and then you'll be back to normal I said I thought it was already normal he said well you're not and he said that's what I recommend my daughter said daddy do it and so I said okay routine surgery you know I'll be out in a couple of days and be back to normal and so forth so they took me to the hospital of next morning and this guy was one of the finest in the state of Texas and I talked to him about it and everything and you know what the procedure was so they prepped me took me into the surgery room and they knocked me out first and then they did the incision remove the plaque buildup and and then they took me into a recovery room and I was still out and apparently while I was still out they came to check on me and they discovered that some of the plaque had broken off and it went through that artery and went to my brain and caused a stroke and I didn't know that for three days I still out and when I finally came to I lost the use total use of my right owner couldn't use my right on partial use of my right leg but the worst part of it was total memory loss I'd had a stroke and he kept telling my wife now I didn't know any of this because I was out and he told my wife he said he'll never be normal again he'll never be he'll never preach again he'll never travel like he's traveled again in fact we really don't look for him to recover at all and never be normal and my wife said you don't know my god and you don't know my husband thank God thank God for a faith-filled wife hallelujah amen she would not accept what he said not one time and he kept telling her that I'd never preached again I'd never be normal again I'd never be able to do this that and the other again and she would not accept it no sir you don't know God my God and you don't know my husband my husband will preach again he'll be normal again you just watch and see and so finally when I came to I noticed and I didn't knew her I didn't know who they were my wife and my daughters in the room with me when I raised up and looked I didn't know who they were and they said I just kind of look blank at them and my wife said sweetheart do you know do you know what's happened and I'd look at her and I didn't know who she was and the doctor came in about that time and he said do you know who this is and the only word I could say was yes I couldn't say any other word yeah and he said do you know who this is pointed at my wife I said yes he said what's her name I said yes he said do you know her name I said yes well what is it yes I didn't know my wife and he pointed to my daughters do you know who this is and I didn't know who she was my oldest daughter Geryon I didn't know my youngest daughter teri and my son-in-law Rodney had come in the room he said do you know who this is I didn't know who Rodney was and I could only speak one word yes everything they asked me was yes brother Copeland came up and my wife said that brother Copeland stood over my bed and preached to me for two solid hours preached to me two hours and I don't remember one word he said but my wife told me she said it was amazing because the only word you could say was yes in English but the whole time brother Copeland preached to you you were able to pray in tongues for two hours and that later when I found that out that really blessed me because your spirits not connected to you bringing amen and I was I was able to pray in tongues even though I couldn't say but one word in English yes but I never lost the ability to pray in the spirit and she said I prayed in the spirit for two hours and when brother Copeland left I didn't know him I didn't know anything he said but I was able to pray in the spirit and then Jesse and Kathy Duplantis came and they came the next day and by that time they said I was showing a little improvement I didn't know what they saw in the way of improvement but they said I was improving somewhat but the only way I could tell that I was improving when Jesse walked in my wife said tears started coming down my cheek when I saw Jesse because he my little brother and and and Jesse tears come down his eyes as well and we embraced but I still didn't know who he was but I knew apparently I must have I must have recognized something about him that made me cry and so anyway they come they'd come in you know with a coloring book a child's coloring book and put it in front of me and point to pictures of trees and butterflies and birds and asked me what is this I couldn't name one of them I didn't know what they were I just stare at him and I and I couldn't say what they were and so that lasted a few days and then finally the doctor came in and I overheard him say to my wife if he shows some improvement tomorrow we'll let him go home well I heard that even though I couldn't communicate I couldn't say thank you I'm ready to go home but I heard that and my granddaughter Rachel was in the room at the time and I pointed to my robe with my left hand I couldn't use my right hand I pointed to my rope but Rachel didn't know what I wanted and I kept pointing to my robe and she she said everything and finally she figured out I wanted my robe she helped me put it on and and then I pointed to the door and I wanted to walk and so she helped me get up and I had to put this arm up here like this good if I let go of it it's just dead weight it just fall and and I couldn't walk very well so I'm holding my arm dhis and walking and I walked around that the quarter of that Hospital and then I did it three times and then she took me back to my room and I said on the side of my bed and I still don't know anybody and I still can't say anything but yes my son-in-law Rodney came back up to the hospital and he spent about an hour with me and I he said I just kind of stared blink you know and finally he said now dad before I leave I've got to go back to work and he said before I leave yesterday when I was up here you told me that that 1967 Corvette you have you wanted to give it to me and he said and I'm just staring out here blank you know and and I'm hearing this and he said you told me you wanted to give me your 1967 Corvette and I want to know if it'd be all right if I come pick it up today and Rodney said I turned and looked at him and said no he said okay he's getting better now we can all go home and and when the doctor came back in my wife said he said no today you know and they released me and when I got home my wife and my granddaughter were working with me but the the doctor wanted me to go to some boot camp to learn how to talk again learn how to walk again and and put me in this chamber where it would rebuild the cells in my brain and he said but I'm not promising that it will bring total recovery but it'll help and so my granddaughter would put coins in a piece of clay and she'd take my hand my right arm and she set it on top of that clay and she'd say no pop off get those coins out of that clay I couldn't move my fingers I could hear what she said that I couldn't move my fingers and she'd say don't quit pop oh you're your favorite sermons to preach about is don't quit don't quit pop oh and I'm hearing her and and I'm trying to get those coins out and I couldn't do it and finally a little later in that afternoon I was able to get one coin out it was it was so frustrating trying to get a coin out of a piece of clay and I got one out of there she said a big smile came up I then she buried it in there again and she said I looked at her like go home but she wouldn't quit she just kept making me do it and so finally I pointed to my shop where I keep my classic cars and classic motorcycles Carolyn says quit calling it a shop it's a museum it really is a museum and and I wanted Rachel to take me out there and so she got the key and we walked out to the garage and I'm still like this I'm walking out there like this I said I've said yes and I've said no one time to Rodney and I'm walking out there like this and I put the key in my left hand and I unlocked the door I turned the alarm off in there I turned the lights on and I walked over to the oldest motorcycle I have in there so 1942 Harley Davidson and it actually saw duty in World War two in Russia and I've had it restored back to its original military markings and I walked over that motorcycle and I determined in my brain that I was going to start everything in there before I left that room it's full of classic cars and classic motorcycles and that was what I used to do before I went into ministry i restored classic cars and motorcycles and so it's still my hobby and I walked over that machine I couldn't remember how to start it and I started praying in the spirit and the Lord reminded me how to start that and it's it's hard to start even when everything's working well in your body you know it's not electric its kickstart and all this you know like trying to start a Model T Ford and I finally remembered how to start that motorcycle I got it started then I went over to my 46 Harley and I got it started and I and I started every motorcycle in there and then I went to my cars they're all classic cars I started everything in there things running in the museum the smell of fumes was exhilarating and so when I was satisfied I'd accomplished something that a supposed toad I'd never do again then I cut everything off and we walked outside and I got ready to lock the door and I reached out with my right hand to get the keys and Rachel said Papa did you see what you just did and I said what and I rise I'd said another word I said what she said you did it with your right hand I got my hand back totally healed praise God totally recover my leg my leg was back my arm was back and the moment I locked that door my memory was totally restored and the first scripture I remember was the memory of the upright is blessed Halliday amen totally totally we healed totally restored when I went back to the doctor he said your recovery has been magical can you explain this I said yes sir I can I've seen the glory hallelujah three of the Lord his presence his power and His goodness and in less than three weeks Joe my international director nine we were traveling all over the world we spent a whole month preaching all over the world and never had another symptom never had another problem do I look like a man who had a stroke a man who was never to be normal again a man who was never to preach another sermon again I have seen the glory of Lord how they do how they do yeah come on give the Lord a good shout amen and God's no respecter of persons can you say Amen God wants to show you his glory his presence his power and his goodness I want you to lift your hands and give the Lord a good shout and thank him in advance hallelujah come on thank him in advance hallelujah praise God miracles signs and wonders are about to take place in your life like you have never dreamed possible this is not the time to give up it's not the time to turn back it's not the time to begin to doubt it's the time to stay in faith amen go with me in closing in John chapter 11 John chapter 11 and this is the story of Jesus just having heard about his friend Lazarus passing away and he tells his disciples that we're gonna go to Bethany and when he gets there Mary and Martha the brothers of Nazareth I mean the sisters of Lazarus they say Lord if you had been here our brother wouldn't have died he said he'll be reckoned they said oh we know in the great resurrection he said I am the resurrection in other words he's saying I'm not talking about in the future I'm talking now he said he'll be raised again and he walks to the tomb and you know the story he begins to cry out Lazarus come forth and they said Martha in particular says Lord he's thinketh he's been dead for four days now and listen to what he says in response to that in verse 40 john 11:40 jesus saith unto her said I'm not unto thee that if thou wouldest believe thou should see the glory of God if you believe you will see the glory of God apparently that is a prerequisite to seeing his glory we've been saying all night Lord show me your glory your glory but but do you believe he will if you believe you will see the glory of God can you say Amen I mean believers do we have in the house tonight amen then what is stopping you from seeing the glory of God you've never experienced it before if you believe look at your neighbors say if you believe you will see the glory of God how they do here how many of you believe Jesus tells the truth he said I am the truth hallelujah amen so we know that if we truly believe that we will see the glory of God then Jesus confirms it we will see his glory amen I believe that's why the Lord said to me tell people everywhere you preach this year to keep on their lips and in their prayers Lord show me I believe it's God's greatest desire to show you his glory amen to show you his glory hallelujah are you ready to experience the glory of God lift your hands right now and say Lord I'm ready I believe I will see the glory of God amen and let's praise Him rain advance right now just crazy and thank him hallelujah hallelujah glory to God glory to God stand with me if you will please hallelujah praise the worship team come back and just just stay in an attitude of praise for a moment some things the Lord instructed me to do here I won't know anybody that has been experiencing any kind of thyroid condition to come up here quickly anyone who's been diagnosed with any form of cancer come up here very quickly anyone has had any kind of problems with your central nervous system and don't come for anything else just what I'm saying anyone who's been suffering from hepatitis any form of hepatitis each night we'll be praying for people as the Lord directs he's going to show us his glory remember the last statement I made quoting Jesus did not say if you believe you will see the glory of God what are we referring to God's presence God's power and God's goodness Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed to the devil in many cases the Bible refers to sickness and disease as a form of oppression of the devil the gods in the place to heal and I want you to believe you receive whether you can tell a difference immediately or not believe you receive it in the moment I lay hands on you I want you to say out loud I believe I receive I believe I receive if so I'll lift our hands and let's just worship the Lord here for a moment show us your glory Lord show us your glory [Music] I'll sing it out show me thank you Father thank you Father thank you Lord Jesus show her [Music] sure Lori's sure your goals [Music] show your glory [Music] show him your glory sure Jesus [Music] Jesus [Music] sure [Music] blow into her body [Music] Jesus Jesus show her your glory show me [Music] sure you're going on [Music] showing your glory Lord shall be [Music] sure show me your [Music] sure your show me your dog [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah Lord Lord Jesus Lord Jesus my Jesus father thank you lord thank you Jesus give your prize [Music] Jesus taught him how to get a visa [Music] Thank You Holy Spirit thank you come every hip out every eye closed for me from I know in a crowd like this and this is a believers meeting but we have many people watching my livestream we have many people are gonna watch the podcast the cries show me your glory Lord for the first most manifestation of his glory is to take us from darkness into light from death into life I just want to ask that question I know it's believers meaning but I I want to take a chance that there's anybody here that maybe does not know the Lord of glory the King of glory when Marie raised our hands and we say come on in King of glory he did and if you're watching my live stream maybe you've you've never asked him into your heart is there anybody here that would raise a hand and say in you know what I don't really know him the way you've mentioned a bit about him he is the most wonderful gorgeous beautiful Jesus is anybody here will raise a hand and say I want to know Jesus as Lord and Savior Christians prime anybody at all maybe here they even this evening have maybe been away from it would want us to pray with you as you come back to him like the prodigal son is it anybody at all we look around I'll listen to your head listen to your heart thank you lord well for those of you watching my livestream and for those that may have never been in the situation Jesus Christ who loves you who gave his all of you and he says if I wonder he wants to come into your life to love you to care for you to make you a brand new creature you just have to say Jesus come I love you thank you for your dying for me I accept you as Lord and Savior do that where you are right now you're watching me go ahead and just look at me and I won't say thank you for the first evening we'll be back again tomorrow night there is you can have some fellowship but come expecting I know it's going to build every every night and what Lord is going to tell brother Jerry he needed doing what a wonderful service we've just got thank you for showing us your glory tonight but if we believe you Lord and we expected to get stronger and stronger and stronger and people are going to leave this meeting to go to the north the South the east and the west carriers of your glory carriers of your anointing and I will look at you and there they will look at you people while now go you are different Lola thank you for the difference in people's lives as we get stronger in the spirit declaring you to the world and we give you a prize for that tonight everybody said amen we'll see you back tomorrow night god bless drive safe Thank You team [Music] see your smile across your face [Music] scoffers [Music] see but I still [Music] [Music] to found do [Music] holding me [Music] [Music] never see and I still [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] tonight still [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Heritage of Faith Church Gold Coast
Views: 3,095
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Keywords: Heritage of Faith, Gold Coast, We are Heritage, Reaching New Heights, Jerry Savelle, Jerry Savelle Minstries Australia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 33sec (7113 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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