Sesame Street: Elmo's World: Penguins

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[? [THEME MUSIC] ?] ELMO: [SINGING] La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. Elmo's World. La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. Elmo's World! Elmo loves his goldfish. His crayon, too. Oh! Yeah! Yahoo! [LAUGHS] That's Elmo's World! Hi! Welcome to Elmo's World! [LAUGHS] Oh, Elmo's so happy to see you. Oh, and so is Dorothy. Say hello, Dorothy. [LAUGHS] Oh! Guess what Elmo's thinking about today. [IMITATING TRUMPET] [SPLASH] Ah. Oh. [SPITTING] They like it cold. [BOING] Oh. Elmo's thinking about-- PENGUIN: Whoa! ELMO: Oh! PENGUIN: Whoa! ELMO: Ow. PENGUIN: Ow. Whoa! ELMO: Boy. Yeah, it's penguins! Yay! PENGUINS: Hey. Where are we? ELMO: Elmo's World! PENGUIN: Oh! [SINGING] La, la, la, la. La, la, la, la. Elmo's World! ELMO: It's penguins! Yay! PENGUIN: Yeah, penguins! [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHTER] [LAUGHS] ELMO: Oh, boy. Those penguins. [LAUGHS] Oh, look. Dorothy's been thinking about penguins, too. And Dorothy has a question. How do you pretend to be a penguin? Oh, good question, Dorothy. Hm. Oh, let's ask Mr. Noodle. He always has an answer. Oh, Shade! A-ha. Nice penguin walking, Shade. [LAUGHTER] Thank you. Oh. Mr. Noodle! Oh. Where's Mr. Noodle? Mr. Noodle! Mr. Noodle, where are you? Mr. Noodle! Mr-- oh! There you are! [LAUGHS] [BELL] Yeah, over there. [RINGING] [LAUGHS] [SQUEAKING] Hi, Mr. Noodle. [LAUGHS] Dorothy has a question, Mr. Noodle. How do you pretend to be a penguin? Mhm. [SQUEAKING] CHILD: So be a penguin, Mr. Noodle. Be a penguin. [MONKEY CHATTER] No! CHILD: That's a monkey, Mr. Noodle. That's not being a penguin. ELMO: He's making a monkey out of himself. [LAUGHS] CHILD: Mr. Noodle, be like a penguin. Mr. Noodle! You're being a chicken. That's not a penguin. [LAUGHS] ELMO: It's a bird, but it's not a penguin. [CAR HORN] CHILD: Think penguin. You know, like how a penguin walks. It waddles when it walks. [SQUEAKING] ELMO: Yeah, it's white in front and black in back. And it looks like it's wearing a tuxedo. A tuxedo! [WHISTLE] CHILD: Where is he going? Mr. Noodle. [LAUGHS] He's in a tuxedo with flippers. ELMO: By George, he's got it. CHILD: Now that's being a penguin. ELMO: Great pretending. CHILD: Now he's got it. PENGUIN: [QUACKING] CHILD: Oh, more penguins. PENGUINS: [QUACKING] [LAUGHTER] CHILD: He even fooled the penguins. [LAUGHS] ELMO: Mr. Noodle. CHILD: Waddle, waddle, waddle. He knows how to be a penguin. [LAUGHS] ELMO: Oh, that Mr. Noodle. He could get a job as a penguin. Wha-- what's that, Dorothy? Oh. Dorothy wants to ask someone else. How do you pretend to be a penguin? [MUSIC PLAYING] CHILD: Here's how I pretend that I'm a penguin, Dorothy. I hold my arms out like flippers, and I take little steps and go side to side. [MUSIC PLAYING] CHILD: Hi, Dorothy. We can pretend to be three penguins. CHILD: Penguins are really good swimmers. [MUSIC PLAYING] ELMO: Oh, thanks, everybody. Oh, and thanks, Dorothy. Now Elmo will ask a baby. Here's how Elmo pretends to be a penguin. Waddle, waddle. Waddle, waddle, waddle, waddle. [LAUGHS] Hello, baby. Hello. Baby, how do you pretend to be a penguin? Go ahead. [LAUGHS] Oh, thank you, baby. Kiss, kiss. Kiss, kiss. [KISSING SOUNDS] [LAUGHS] [SQUEAK] [LAUGHS] Oh, oh. Now Elmo has a question for all-all-all-all you. Yeah, you. How many penguins are sliding on ice? Let's count them and see. Oh, penguins! Oh. There you are. One. CHILDREN: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. ELMO: Oh, 10 penguins. [BARKING] And one sea lion. [LAUGHS] Oh. It bowled them over. [LAUGHS] Oh! Great counting, everybody. Penguins sliding on ice. That makes Elmo wonder-- how do they stay warm? Oh, let's find out, OK? Oh, Drawer! How do penguins stay warm? [SQUEAKING] Oh! Everybody's a penguin today! [SQUEAKING] Do penguins wear long underwear to stay warm? CHILD: No, that's silly. ELMO: Do they wear an overcoat? CHILD: No, they swim. CHILD: They can't swim in an overcoat. ELMO: Do they wear anything? CHILD: No, they wear nothing. They have feathers. Their feathers keep them warm, even when they swim. ELMO: Does a penguin wear a muffler? CHILDREN: No! ELMO: Except if he's Big Bird's cousin. BIG BIRD: This is my cousin, Blubba. My granny bird knitted him a nice, warm muffler, because he lives at the Pole. PENGUIN: Hi, y'all! BIG BIRD: The South Pole. PENGUIN: Y'all got a catfish? [MUSIC PLAYING] ELMO: Thanks, Drawer. And now, speaking of [INAUDIBLE]. COMPUTER: Elmo has mail. Elmo has mail. ELMO: Oh! Elmo has email, yay! COMPUTER: Elmo has mail. ELMO: Oh, Computer, come back here. COMPUTER: Elmo has mail. Elmo has mail. ELMO: Computer! COMPUTER: Elmo has mail. Elmo has mail. ELMO: Oh, boy. Computer's a penguin today, too. COMPUTER: Elmo has mail. ELMO: And Mouse. [LAUGHS] [BEEPING] OK. Calm down, Mouse. [BEEPING] Thank you. [BEEPING] Oh, yay! Elmo has an email from Grover with some penguins. Surprise! [LAUGHS] [BEEPING] GROVER: Hi, Elmo. It is I, your f--f--frozen friend, Grover, at the South Pole for the famous moment when once a year, the penguins fly back to Capistrano. PENGUIN: Oh. Oh. We'd like to help you, pal, but, uh, we can't fly there. GROVER: Why not? PENGUIN: Because penguins don't fly. GROVER: What? You do not fly? How can that be? You are birds. You have wingy things. PENGUIN: Well, they're flippers. PENGUIN: For swimming. PENGUIN: We swim. PENGUIN: Yeah, we don't fly. GROVER: Well, of course, you do not fly. You are flapping all wrong! Yeah, you have to flap up and down like this like the [INAUDIBLE] you are. Come on. Come on, flap with me now. PENGUINS: [INAUDIBLE]. GROVER: Come on. PENGUIN: OK. GROVER: Think Capistrano. PENGUINS: Capistrano. Capistrano! GROVER: Yes. PENGUINS: Capistrano! Capistrano! Capistrano! Capistrano! Capi-- Capistra-- GROVER: I will settle for Cucamonga. PENGUINS: Cucamonga! Cucamonga! PENGUIN: I'm flapping for Cucamonga! Cucamonga! Cucamonga! GROVER: What? No liftoff? PENGUIN: That's what we told you, pal. [GROAN] PENGUINS: Penguins don't fly! [SIGH] GROVER: So, Elmo, correction. Today the penguins will not fly back to Capistrano. [SIGH] PENGUIN: Hey. Hey! PENGUIN: What? PENGUIN: We could swim to Capistrano! PENGUIN: Oh, we could. Yeah, yeah, yeah. [LAUGHS] Whoa! [SPLASH] GROVER: They will swim back to Capistrano. [SIGH] So long, Elmo. Any swallows around here? [BEEPING] ELMO: Oh, thanks, Computer. Elmo's friend, John, just loves penguins. So his dad took him to the zoo to see real live ones. And he told Elmo all about it. [MUSIC PLAYING] JOHN: My dad works at Atlantis Marine World Aquarium. He takes care of the penguins there. And sometimes I go along to help. They live in a special place. They have a big pool to swim in, and there are cubbyholes to nest in. Penguins are birds, and they lay eggs like other birds. They have a beach area to walk around in. And there's a neat tunnel that goes under the beach area and comes up under a glass dome so people can go in and watch the penguins right up close. [MUSIC PLAYING] Penguins walk standing up like people. They take short steps. It's called waddling. They even sleep standing up. They clean themselves with their beaks. It's called preening. We wash down the beach area to keep it clean. And we feed them fish. They really come quickly when they know it's lunch time. [MUSIC PLAYING] They love fish. They can swallow a whole fish. Awesome! But you have to be careful, because they have sharp beaks. And after lunch, they like to go swimming. And can they swim! They like to do things together. They are outstanding. [MUSIC PLAYING] ELMO: Yeah, Elmo likes penguins, too. Elmo wants to know even more about them. Don't you? How can we find out even more? Hm. Oh. Oh, it's TV! Yeah, we can watch the Penguin Channel! Oh! Turn yourself on, TV. [BEEPING] Thank you. TV: It's the Penguin Channel! All penguins, all the time. That was "Flipper on Ice." And waddle be next? Bubbles Martin with "Penguins on Parade." BUBBLES: There are 17 different kinds of penguins, and they don't all live at the South Pole. But every one is a beaut. So let's see some penguins on parade! [SINGING] Here come the penguins-- those wonderful birds. Look at them waddle. Too graceful for words. Here's Apu. He's a macaroni penguin from the Indian Ocean. Namaste, Apu. A rockhopper penguin, he lives a short hop from the South Pole. Rockhop on! And here's the littlest penguin there is, a fairy penguin. It's Tinkerbell from Australia! TINKERBELL: Good day. BUBBLES: Last, Galapagos penguins live at the hottest place in the world, the Equator. Hola, Jennifer. JENNIFER: When you're hot, you're hot! BUBBLES: [SINGING] And when they jump in the water, it's easy to see. They're everything a penguin-- everything a penguin-- everything a penguin should be! There's no business like snow business! TV: Stay tuned for "Splash," "The Wet Thing," and "Good Morning, Antarctica." [BEEPING] ELMO: Oh. Oh, thanks, TV! Boy. How can we find out more about penguins? Oh! Hello. PENGUIN: Why don't you ask an emperor penguin? We are the biggest of all penguins. ELMO: Oh. PENGUIN: You may call me Caesar. PENGUINS: Hail, Caesar! [MUSIC PLAYING] [GASP] ELMO: An emperor penguin! CAESAR: Since you asked, I will tell you about myself. This is my imperial beak. PENGUINS: Caesar's beak! [MUSIC PLAYING] CAESAR: I use it to eat fishes. ELMO: Oh! Cover your ears, Dorothy! CAESAR: And go [SQUAWK] PENGUINS: Caesar's [SQUAWK] [MUSIC PLAYING] [SCREAM] CAESAR: And here are my handsome webbed feet. PENGUIN: Oh. [GRUNT] PENGUINS: Caesar's feet. [MUSIC PLAYING] [GROAN] CAESAR: And these are my fabulous flippers. [GROAN] PENGUINS: Caesar's flippers. [MUSIC PLAYING] CAESAR: I use them for swimming. We penguins spend most of our lives swimming. PENGUINS: Most of our lives swimming! [MUSIC PLAYING] PENGUIN: Oh! Stop now! [CHATTER] ELMO: Oh, look, look, look. Dorothy's imagining Elmo as a penguin going swimming. [MUSIC PLAYING] [APPLAUSE] CAESAR: You make quite a splash as a penguin, lad. PENGUINS: Quite a splash. [MUSIC PLAYING] ELMO: Yay! Elmo loves penguins. So does Dorothy. That's why Dorothy wants us to sing the penguin song! PENGUINS: Oh! [INAUDIBLE] CAESAR: I concur. PENGUIN: But I didn't warm up. PENGUIN: Oh, it's OK. PENGUIN: My favorite. PENGUIN: [INAUDIBLE]. PENGUIN: Yeah, OK, OK. ELMO: OK. We'll sing along with Elmo. CAESAR: Oh. [MUSIC PLAYING] PENGUIN: Oh, catchy. ELMO: [SINGING] Do, do, do, do, do. Penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin. Everybody, sing. Penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin. Penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin. Penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin, penguin! Say goodbye, Dorothy. Say goodbye, penguins. [QUACKING] [INAUDIBLE] Do, do, do. [QUACKING] Do, do, do, do, do. Penguins. ALL: That's Elmo's World! [LAUGHS] CAESAR: See you at the South Pole! PENGUINS: South Pole! PENGUIN: Y'all hurry down now, hear? [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHS] ELMO: Guess what Elmo's thinking about today. [TRUMPETING] There's a clue. [BOING] [BOING] Ooh, another clue! [LAUGHS] [BOING]
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 71,847,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elmo, elmo's world, elmo's world: penguins, penguins, collection, sesame street, elmos world penguins, winter, penguin videos for kids, penguin videos, learning about penguins, sesame street penguins, elmos world full episodes, animal videos for kids, winter animals, cold weather animals, elmo penguins, elmo's world original
Id: j_9rsnz01II
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2016
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