Elmo's Chicken Dream | Sesame Street Full Episode

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ViolinistDude720 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

It gonna lie. I watched that for like, half an hour after Ling Ling...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/missrizzy 📅︎︎ Mar 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music) ♪ Sunny days sweepin' the clouds away ♪ - Ah ha! ♪ On my way to where the air ♪ ♪ Is sweet ♪ - Hello, Dorothy. ♪ Can ya tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ - Ah ha! - Num, num, num. ♪ Come and play ♪ (Count laughing) ♪ Everything's A-okay ♪ ♪ Friendly neighbors there ♪ ♪ That's where ♪ - Ah! ♪ We meet ♪ - Huh? - Ha, ha, ha. ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ - Look, it's Super Grover! ♪ Can you tell me how to get ♪ ♪ How to get to Sesame Street ♪ (Grover groaning) - Ah. (bright music) - But there were these three chickens and they had a lot of hair on their head. - Oh wow. - It wasn't feathers, it was hair. - Really? Oh wow. - Yeah. - Oh, hi! - Hi! - Welcome to Sesame Street. Elmo's been telling me all about a dream he had about chickens. - Mm, the coolest chickens. Yeah, they taught Elmo how to dance the clucky-clucky. It all began when Elmo went to bed last night. (twinkling music) Mommy had just tucked Elmo in. Goodnight, Dorothy. Goodnight, Mommy! - [Elmo's Mother] 'Night, my little monster. Sweet dreams. (Elmo giggles) - [Elmo] Then Elmo went to sleep and began to dream. (twinkling harp music) First in Elmo's dream, Elmo had to learn all these great chicken moves. (upbeat music) ♪ Clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Now shuffle your feet ♪ ♪ Flap your arms to the beat ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's the clucky, clucky chicken ♪ - [Elmo] Then Elmo got a tomato, a lizard, and a woman named Gladys to dance the chicken, too. ♪ Ooh clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, clucky, clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Now add a bump ♪ ♪ So they'll know you're no dump ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's the clucky, clucky chicken ♪ (twinkling music) - Wow, that sounds like a fun dream, Elmo. - Un-huh, un-huh. - Yeah. - Yeah, so now Elmo wants to go right back to sleep so Elmo can have that dream all over again. (giggles) Oh, does Maria mind if Elmo sleeps here? - No, of course not, Elmo, but ya know, dreams aren't like storybooks that you can read whenever you want to. With dreams ya never know which one you're gonna have. - But Maria, Elmo really, really wants to have this dream again. - Well then, who knows? Maybe you will. Sweet chicken dreams. - Ah, thanks, Maria. (giggles) - I'd like mail this to Udder Pradesh. - And I would like to deliver this to Bah-celona. - Maria? Could Maria sing a lullaby so Elmo can fall asleep faster? - Well Elmo, you can see I'm getting a little busy here. - This is true. - Oink. - She's busy. - Oh, oh, please, Maria? - Okay. Excuse me. - Okay. - Certainly. ♪ Rock-a-bye Elmo on the treetop ♪ - Oh, my mommy used to moo me that. ♪ When the wind blows, the cradle will rock ♪ - That is exactly what my papa used to bah-bah. ♪ When the bough breaks the cradle will fall ♪ ♪ Oink oink oink oink oink ♪ ♪ And down will come Elmo cradle and all ♪ (animals snoring) - Nice singing, Maria, but Elmo better go somewhere else. Boy, this is like trying to sleep in a zoo. (giggles) (animals snoring) - Oink. - Moo. - Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. (animals snoring) - Oink. - Moo. - Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. (twinkling harp music) - Okay, come on Baby David. Okay. (Rosita laughs) (speaking in foreign language) - What are you doing? - Oh, hi Rosita. Well Elmo had this great chicken dream. - Mm-hm. - So Elmo wants to fall asleep and have it again, but Elmo's not even tired. - Oh, well, don't worry. I have my guitar. I'll sing you a lullaby. - Oh, thanks but Maria tried that already, Rosita. It didn't work. - Oh. - Mm-mm. - Did she sing a chicken lullaby? - A chicken lullaby? - Mm-hm. - (laughs) Unh-unh. - Well, maybe that's what you need if you wanna dream about (speaking in foreign language), a chicken. Come on, Elmo. - Okay, okay. - Put your head down. - [Rosita] Are you comfy? - Yeah. - Okay, get ready to sleep, okay? (singing in foreign language) (Elmo snoring) (kiss smacks) I knew it would work. I wonder if he's having his chicken dream. (twinkling harp music) So tell me, tell me, did you have your chicken dream? - No, Rosita. - Oh. - Elmo had a chicken and a cow dream and it was funny. (giggles) But Elmo still wants to have the cool chicken dream. - Well (speaking in foreign language) good luck, but I have to get my guitar lesson with Luis and I'm late already. Adios! - But Rosita! Oh boy. ♪ La la la ♪ Hi, Elmo. - Oh hi, Big Bird. (sighs) - Elmo, what's the matter? - Well, Elmo had this great chicken dream and Elmo wants to have it again, but even Rosita's chicken lullaby didn't work. - Oh. - Oh. - A chicken dream? Hey, I think I could help you. I think I've got exactly what you'd need. Don't go away, I'll be right back! (laughs) And I'm back (chuckles) and I've got a book that's gonna solve your problem, Elmo. - Oh good. - Yeah, it's called I Dream of Chicken by Doctor Petula Cluck. I'll read what you need to know, okay? - Okay. (Big Bird mimics chicken clucking) Big Bird, Elmo doesn't speak chicken. - Ah, silly me. (chuckles) Sorry, I'll translate. - Okay. - The thing you must do to dream about a chicken is to stare at a chicken right before you go to sleep. - But Big Bird, where's Elmo gonna find a chicken? - Hm, let's see. Oh, I know. - Huh? (Big Bird chuckles) - We'll just do some chicken calls, yes, that's it, chicken calls. - Okay. - And you can help us call, okay? Call like we do, here we go. (Elmo giggles) Just go like this. - Okay. - Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. - [Elmo And Big Bird] Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. - Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. - Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. - Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. Where's a chicken when Elmo needs one? - Hm, I guess we didn't call 'em loudly enough. - Oh. - Help us out. Call really loudly this time. Here we go. - Yeah. - [Elmo And Big Bird] Here chicky, chicky, chicky, chicky. - Here, chicky, chicky, chicky. - Here chicky, chicky, chicky. - Hi, Bob. - Hi, Bob. Here chicky. - Oh hi, guys. - Here chick. - Bob! - Bob. - Yeah? - You're dressed like a chicken. - Yeah. (giggles) - Yeah well, I was just-- - Bob, Bob, Bob wait. Oh Bob, I wanted to thank you. You were the best chicken in my chorus line. - Chorus line? - Don't ask. - Yeah, I was rehearsing my new musical, Cluck A Lot, and we were one chicken short so Bob stepped in. - Wow, well Bob, you just made our day. - Yeah, 'cause Elmo's been looking for a chicken. - Oh, well then you couldn't have found a more perfect one. - Ah. (giggles) - Cluck cluck! I mean, good luck! - Bye, Prairie. - Hey guys, you know, I'd really just like to get out of this chicken suit. - But Bob, you're the only one who can help little Elmo. - Yeah, please, Bob? - Okay, what do I do? - Oh, well Elmo wants to have this cool chicken dream. - And Doctor Petula Cluck says if you wanna dream about a chicken, you have to go to sleep staring at one. - Did I just hear what I think I did? - Oh please, Bob, please? - Okay Elmo. - Okay. - If it'll make you happy. - Yeah. - Go ahead and stare. - Oh wait, wait, wait. First, Elmo has to get cozy. - Okay. - Okay. - Okay. - Okay. Could chicken come a little closer? - A little closer? - Yeah. - Sure. - Closer. - Closer? - Closer. - Closer. - Closer. - Closer. - There. - There? - Now Elmo can be cozy and stare at chicken, too. - Uh-oh, there's something here I didn't read before. - [Bob] What? - It says, (mimics chicken clucking), which means if you want to dream of a dancing chicken, the chicken you stare at has to dance. - Oh. Well dance, Bob, dance. - I guess it's just my lucky day to be a dancing chicken. ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ - Uh, Bob? - Yes, Bird. - Chickens don't la la, they cluck. - Oh sorry, Big Bird. ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ - Good, Bob, but add some pecking and wing flapping, huh? - Pecking and wing flapping, okay. ♪ Cluck cluck, peck peck, cluck cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Wing flap, peck, cluck cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ I think he's gone to sleep. - No, sorry, Bob. Elmo isn't, not even close. Keep dancing, Bob. - Flap those chicken wings, Bob. (Bob mimicking chicken clucking) - (laughs) Hola! Huh? Bob? - Cluck? - Oh, Rosita's back! Rosita, play that chicken lullaby while Bob dances. Maybe that'll put Elmo to sleep. - Oh sure, Elmito. - Well Bob, cluck. (singing in foreign language) Hey Bob, peck. (singing in foreign language) (Elmo snoring) Oh, you did it. He's sleeping. - Yes. (Elmo snoring) - Bob! - Shh! Don't ask. - But-- - Shh. Keep it down. We don't wanna wake him up. - I wonder if Elmito's dreaming of his dancing chicken. - [Big Bird] Yeah. - Well ya know, you can't always choose your dreams. (Elmo snoring) - Cool chicken. - [Maria] But ya know, I think he has. (twinkling harp music) (upbeat music) ♪ Clucky clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Clucky clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Cluck cluck clucky clucky chicken ♪ ♪ Now shuffle your feet ♪ ♪ Flap your arms to the beat ♪ ♪ 'Cause it's the clucky clucky chicken ♪ - Yeah! (laughs) - Yeah, that's my kind of-- (animals chattering) - [Big Bird] Yeah, I think Elmo got his chicken dream after all. - One, two, three! - Happy dreams. ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ - [Maria] (speaking in foreign language), Elmo. ♪ Cluck cluck cluck ♪ - So, can I take ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ - this chicken suit off now? ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck cluck cluck cluck ♪ (soft synthesizer music) - [Child] Last night I had a dream. I was in outer space between two robots. Then I was between two spaceships and a flying saucer. Then I was underwater between a porpoise and a whale. (sea creatures chattering) Later I was between two divers and a treasure chest. And when I woke up, I was between my lion and my teddy bear. - Okay, it's Nose's turn. Everybody step right up. (crowd chattering) Please step right up. (crowd chattering) Everybody step right up. (crowd chattering) (dramatic music) ♪ You'll be great ♪ - Ha ha! ♪ You'll be swell ♪ ♪ If there's somethin' that you ♪ ♪ Wanna smell ♪ - Oh boy! ♪ Startin' here ♪ - Right here. ♪ Startin' now ♪ - Thank you. ♪ Honey, everything's comin' up noses ♪ ♪ Take a breath ♪ - Okay. ♪ Take a sniff ♪ ♪ You could blow it in your handkerchief ♪ (man sneezes) Gesundheit. ♪ Don't ask why ♪ ♪ Don't ask how ♪ ♪ Honey, everything's comin' up noses ♪ - Ah. ♪ Smell a flower ♪ - (sniffs) Ah! ♪ Smell a fresh apple pie ♪ - Ah! ♪ Now's the hour ♪ ♪ With noses you got smellin' power ♪ ♪ Step right up ♪ ♪ Join the crowd ♪ ♪ Only one nose is what you're allowed ♪ - Oh. ♪ Take a chance, don't be shy ♪ ♪ Smell the rain ♪ ♪ Smell the sky ♪ - Thank you. ♪ And each nose comes with a money back guarantee ♪ ♪ As then you will be smelling the roses ♪ ♪ And daffodils ♪ - Oh! Thank you. ♪ You will ♪ ♪ Be smelling the peaches and apricots ♪ ♪ You will be smelling the ribs ♪ ♪ On the barbecue ♪ - Oh yeah. ♪ 'Cause everything's comin' up noses ♪ ♪ For you and for me ♪ ♪ For me ♪ ♪ For me ♪ ♪ For me ♪ (audience cheers) - Ah, ooh. - Ah, nice. - We smell a big hit. (everyone chattering) - Thank you, thank you, thank you. Everything's comin' up noses. Ya know there's no business like nose business, but that's another song entirely. Hello, tour. (crowd chattering) - That's great what you're wearing. (twinkling music) - Hey, buster, haven't you forgotten something? That's better. Wait a minute, that's a beak. Come on, this is for a mouse. And that's a trunk for an elephant. What are you doing, I'm no kitty cat. And I'm not a pig either. Yeah, that's better. (man sneezes) (bright twinkling music) Now that's what I call a nose. (electronic tones beeping) - Hello, Prairie Dawn here, and it is time once again for the letter of the day. Now the letter-- - Cookie! - What? No. - Cookie, cookie, cookie. - No, no, no, no, Cookie Monster. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - No, no, no, no. - What? What, what, what? - There are no cookies here. - No cookies? - No, just the letter of the day, the letter T. - Ah, this disappointing. - Now, the letter T begins words like toothpaste, and tickle, and... (Cookie Monster sniffing) What are you doing? - Me looking for cookies. - But, I just told you, Cookie Monster, there aren't any cookies here, just the letter T. - Yeah, but maybe cookie hiding. - Hiding? - Yeah. Maybe cookie hiding behind letter T. Me check. - No, no, no, no. I do not think it is hiding behind-- - Me not find. - No, I don't think so, mm-mm. - There no cookie there. - Right! Now, as I was saying, the letter T-- - No wait, wait, wait, wait. - What? - Maybe cookie hiding under letter T. Me check. - Under? No, no. - Here! - It wouldn't be hiding. - Ah, there no cookie there. - May I continue? - What's stopping you? - Oh. Now, as I was saying, the letter T also begins words like tasty, and terrific. - Me got it. - What? - Maybe cookie hiding inside letter T. - Inside? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, you heard that, huh? - No, I don't hear anything. - Yeah, yeah. Well me hear cookie! (Cookie Monster grumbling) - Cookie Monster! No, no, no, there's no cookie hiding inside the letter T! - Num, num, num, num, num. - Oh. (whimpers) - Hey, Prairie Dawn, you're right. There no cookie in there. That just letter T. - Yes, yes, yes, that's what I was trying to tell you! - But it sure was tasty. - Oh. - Ta ta. (Prairie Dawn whimpering) (telephone ringing) (upbeat music) - [Man] Hello? - [Woman] Telephone! - [Man] Telephone. - [Man] Telephone. - [Man] Telephone. (playful music) - Okay, Radar, this will be fun. (chuckles) Oh hi. I'm teaching Radar how to stand on his head. Okay now, Radar, balance. (dramatic music) - [Announcer] It's time to play Journey to Ernie where Ernie hides and Big Bird seeks! - Oh great, I love that game. - [Announcer] So do I! (upbeat music) ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Shake your ducky ♪ (duck squeaks) Ya. (humming) - He's dancing. I wonder where Ernie's gonna hide today. - I'll tell ya. You really have to move your feet to find us. You try it, Duckie. ♪ And step, step, step, hop ♪ Wow, he learns fast. Here we go. Woo! (duck squeaks) ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ - (chuckles) Quick, count to 10 and no peeking. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. (magical twinkling music) Whoa! (upbeat music) (chuckles) I have a feeling we're not on Sesame Street anymore. Hello there. Everything's dancing. Oh, how will I find Ernie? - [Announcer] Here's a clue! Find someone who can do Ernie's dance, and you'll find Ernie! - Thanks, voice! Now let's see. Ernie's dance is ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ I'll ask this dancing hippo. Madam Hippo, can you do Ernie's dance? It goes ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ (hippo grunting) ♪ Step, step, step ♪ Wow! Nice hiphop, hippo, but Ernie's dance is more ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step ♪ Okay. Let's keep dancing, and looking! ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ (bright playful music) Whoa. ♪ Bippity bop ba do, ha ♪ - Ooh! ♪ Bippity bop ba do da ♪ ♪ Bippity boppity boppity boppity, ha ♪ - A two-headed tap dance. ♪ Bippity boppity boopity boopity, ha ♪ ♪ Beep bop dope da ♪ (monster laughing) ♪ Tappity ba ♪ (everyone laughing) - Great tap dance. - Thank you. - Have you seen Ernie? - [Both Tap Dancing Monsters] Oh yeah. - Oh great. Which way did he go? - Hold this. - [Both Tap Dancing Monsters] That way! ♪ Bippity bop a dee a dee da ba ♪ - Which way? (upbeat music) How will we ever find Ernie? (groans) ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ Oh, still no Ernie. I feel I'm getting warmer. (chuckles) No wonder, hot peppers. Oh, peppers, can you do ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ - [Both Peppers] Better! We can do ♪ Step, step, step ♪ - Now all they have to do is hop. - [Both Peppers] Salsa! (upbeat salsa music) (peppers laughing) - I love this dance. - Hey, when you're hot... - You're hot! (pepper man laughs) - Thanks peppers, but I need ♪ Step, step, step, hop ♪ - You know who dances like that? - No. - [Both Peppers] The big rock! - Just a step, step, step, hop away! - [Both Peppers] That way! - That way? - [Both Peppers] That way! - Okay. (pepper man laughs) There's the big rock. (upbeat music) Rock, can you do the step, step, hop, dance? - Yes. (upbeat electric guitar music) - Whoa! (duck squeaking) (Big Bird laughs) (duck squeaking) The rock's doing step, step, step, hop and I hear Rubber Duckie. (duck squeaking) Oh, but no Ernie, just a rock. This must be rock music. - No, it's not, it's rock and roll! Hop. (humming) Hop. (humming) Hop. (humming) - Ernie! (Ernie cackling) We found him. - Aw. (trumpet fanfare music) Oh look at that. - Wow! - Wow, it's a party. (upbeat marching band music) ♪ It's Ernie ♪ ♪ It's me ♪ ♪ I'd know you anywhere ♪ ♪ The ♪ (Ernie cackles) ♪ When you laugh ♪ ♪ That Ernie shirt and hair ♪ ♪ The squeaking of your ducky ♪ (duck squeaks) ♪ Tells us you're the one ♪ - Mm-hm. ♪ We found him, we found him ♪ ♪ La la la la ♪ ♪ Our journey to Ernie is done ♪ (Ernie and Big Bird laugh) - I love this game. - Oh yeah, wait 'til you see where I hide next time. - [Announcer] I love this game! (Big Bird and Ernie laugh) (duck squeaking) (playful music) - And the mystical pigeon whisperer whispered mystically to the pigeon, coo coo. - Come on, buddy Bert! - Ah! - It's time to dance. (upbeat music) - What? Ernie? What are all these monsters doing here? - I think it's the funky chicken, Bert. - The what? - Come on, Bert, get up and dance. - No, I'm reading, Ernie. Hey, get out, everybody! - Oh, come on, buddy Bert, don't be a wallflower, be a waltz-flower! (frenetic orchestral music) - Look, I just wanna read my book, Ernie. - Well, ya can read later, Bert. It's time to dance now. - No, no dancing, no dancing. Just everybody leave, please. - Come on, Bert. It takes two to tango. - What? - Yes. (dramatic tango music) - Please depart, everyone. What are you doing now, the tango? Hey! Oh, what's going on here? (Bert grunts) Ernie! Ah! Oh. (sighs) Ernie. (whimpers) (clears throat) That never happened. (playful music) - Hello there, it is I, your furry acrobat, Grover. I just somersaulted all the way back from China (chuckles) where I was visiting my friend, Boywong. He is an acrobat, too, and he showed me how to do some cute acrobat tricks. Now, watch me jump through this hoop, ha. Okay, here we go. (footsteps tapping quickly) Hee-ya! Whoa! (Grover thudding) Oh, oh, I think I sprained, oh, I sprained my fur. Oh, and I did not mean to go over the hoop. I meant to go through the hoop. Oh, that is a common acrobat mistake. Let me try again. Okay, here we go. (footsteps tapping rapidly) Hee, oh! (Grover thudding) Oh! What happened? Did I? No, I didn't, I did not go through the hoop. Again I went to the side of the hoop. Just give me one more chance, please. (panting) Okay! This one is for the Gipper! (footsteps tapping rapidly) Wee, oh! (Grover thudding) Ooh, oh. Oh, oh, talk about nosedives. Oh boy, oh boy. And I still did not go through the hoop. Perhaps I need a smidge more practice. Yeah, the more I practice the better I will get, and while I am practicing, you can watch this highly informative film. Hm. (twinkling music) (bright orchestral music) - [Boyong] This is my school in Beijing, China where I'm learning how to be an acrobat. My name is Boyong. My father and my grandfather were also acrobats. When I first started, I could only stand on one pipe, but now I stack them up. My classmate Ling Ling is learning a trick on a very tall unicycle. First, she rides it onto a huge ball. That's amazing. But then she balances bowls on her foot and throws them onto her head. There are 30 kids in my school. They come from all over China to learn how to be acrobats. There are girls and boys between eight and 15 years old. It's very hard to get into my school. It takes a long time and a lot of practice to learn these tricks. We practice for eight hours each day. Acrobats are a Chinese tradition that has been going on for many, many years. My friend Tso Tao can make 14 plates spin at the same time. Just when he has them all spinning, he has to run and start all over again. He's very funny. After we've learned how to do our acts really well, we have shows for an audience. We put on fancy clothes and makeup. How do you like my new haircut? (dramatic music) Many people come to see us. It's very exciting to be onstage for all of us and to show how much we've learned. (upbeat circus music) Tonight is the first time I will climb on five pipes for an audience. (audience applauds) (audience applauds) All my friends came to see me perform and they liked the show a lot. It's fun to be an acrobat. (twinkling music) - Well, I practiced and practiced and now once again, I, acrobat Grover, will jump and go through the hoop. Jump. Ha ha ha! Ta da! I did it, I went through the hoop! Oh, Boywong will be so proud. - [Children] Global Thingy! - Hello. (soft twinkling music) (bright steel drum music) (lizard laughs) - [Lizard] Please look out! Da da da da da da. (chuckles) (lizard groans) (horn honking) - Whoa! - Hey! (animals chattering) - Huh? Ooh. (twinkling music) - Huh? - [Sign] Look. - Huh? (plodding music) Ee. (bright steel drum music) (back up alarm beeping) - Wah? Wa-ha! - You first. - Okay. - And you, and you, and you first, please. - Bye-bye! (bright music) (dramatic organ music) - Ah, greetings. It is I, Count von Count. Do you know what the number of the day is? No? Neither do I. (laughs) Well, right now we are going to find out. (clears throat) (knuckles cracking) Ah, time to tickle the ivories. (chuckles) ♪ One ♪ ♪ Two ♪ ♪ Three ♪ ♪ Four ♪ - Not there yet. Let's keep counting. ♪ Five ♪ ♪ Six ♪ ♪ Seven ♪ ♪ Eight ♪ - Oh, number of the day, where are you? ♪ Nine ♪ ♪ 10 ♪ ♪ 11 ♪ - Mm, the suspense is mounting. ♪ 12 ♪ ♪ 13 ♪ ♪ 14 ♪ - Oh, this is so exciting. Which number will it be? ♪ 15 ♪ ♪ 16 ♪ ♪ 17 ♪ ♪ 18 ♪ - Oh, will we ever find out the number of the day? ♪ 19 ♪ - Could it be? ♪ 20 ♪ (thunder rumbles) - Yay, 20! - 20. (thunder rumbles) It's the number 20! (laughs) (dramatic music) What took you so long? (laughs) 20, wonderful 20! - [Child] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 20 chairs. (upbeat music) And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. - [Crowd] Bears! - [Child] 20 bears. (crowd cheers) 20. (upbeat dramatic music) - Hello, and welcome to the final episode of Joe Hundredguy. Tonight, after weeks of anticipation, Joe will finally count to 100 by 10s. And now, without further adieu, I bring you Joe Hundredguy! (fanfare music) - Hi, I'm Joe Hundredguy. - And now, Joe Hundredguy will count to 100 by 10s. - Well-- - Go to it Joe Hundredguy. - Um, you see-- - The world is waiting to hear you count to 100 by 10s, Joe Hundredguy. - Okay, the thing about it-- - That's why they've been tuning in week after week. Now the moment you've all been waiting for, Joe Hundredguy will count to 100 by 10s. - I have a confession to make. - What is it, Joe Hundredguy? - I can't do it. - What did you say, Joe Hundredguy? - I can't do it! I can't count to 100 by 10s! - But we trusted you, Joe Hundredguy. - I know and I'm sorry! (crying) - Week after week you told us you could count to 100 by 10s, Joe Hundredguy! - I know! I know, I wanted to do it, but I don't know how! (crying) - Oh, oh, oh, there, there. - Hold me. - There, there, there, oh stop it. It's very easy, Joe Hundredguy. - Is it? - Yes, it is. Now stand up, stand up, stiff upper lip. - Okay. - There you go. All you have to do is repeat after me. - Okay. - 10. - 10. - 20. - 20. - 30. - 30. - 40. - 40. - 50. - 50. - 60. - 60. - 70. - 70. - 80. - 80. - 90. - 90. - 100. - 100. - Now, do it on your own! Count to 100 by 10s, Joe Hundredguy! - Okay, here I go. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100! - You did it, Joe Hundredguy! You did it! - I did it! (butler laughing) I did it! (laughs) - You really are Joe Hundredguy. - Actually, I have another confession to make. - Doh, what is it Joe Hundredguy? - That's not my real name. - Your name's not Hundredguy? - No, it's Burnbaum. - Oh Joe. Joe, Joe, Joe, I give up on you, Joe. - Georgie. - Hm? - Georgie Burnbaum from The Bronx. (butler scoffs) Hey, can I keep that plant? - No. (dramatic music) (bright playful music) ♪ La la la, la la la, Elmo's World ♪ ♪ La la la, la la la, Elmo's World ♪ ♪ Elmo loves his goldfish ♪ ♪ His crayon, too ♪ - Ooh. - Woo! - Yeah! - Woo! (Elmo giggles) ♪ That's Elmo's World ♪ Oh, hi, welcome to Elmo's World. Elmo's so happy to see you and so is Dorothy. Say hello, Dorothy. (giggles) Ooh, guess what Elmo's thinking about today? ♪ Ya da da da da ♪ (rooster crowing) (blinds vibrating) (door squeaking) Wow. ♪ Da do do do, do do do ♪ (birds chattering) Wow, birds! (birds chattering) Whoa. (birds chattering) Oh, thank you, birdie. Bye-bye. (giggles) You know, birds. (laughs) Tweet tweet. (playful music) Dorothy's been thinking about birds, too, right Dorothy? Yeah. And Dorothy has a question. What do birds sound like? Oh, good question, Dorothy. (giggles) Let's ask Mr. Noodle. Mr. Noodle! (bird coos) (bird whistling) The shade is trying to fly like the bluejay. Oh thanks, bluejay. Fly up, Shade. Thank you. Oh look, it's Mr. Noodle's brother, Mr. Noodle. Hi, Mr. Noo... Well what's Mr. Noodle doing up there? Mr. Noodle is upside down. Come down, Mr. Noodle, Dorothy has a question. (objects crashing) Oh! Are you okay, Mr. Noodle? (birds whistling) Oh, that's good. So is Mr. Noodle ready for Dorothy's question? Good! Mr. Noodle, what do birds sound like? - [Child] What do birds sound like, Mr. Noodle? - Ring, ring! - [Children] No! - Ring, ring! - [Child] That's not a bird sound. - Ring, ring! - [Child] That's a telephone, not a bird. (Elmo giggles) - [Elmo] What do birds sound like? (Mr. Noodle imitating siren blaring) - [Child] That's not a bird sound, Mr. Noodle. That's a fire engine. - [Child] A fire engine, not a bird. - [Elmo] Not a bird. (Mr. Noodle imitating siren blaring) No, that's not a bird Mr. Noodle. That sounds like a fire engine. Try again. (Mr. Noodle blows raspberry) (Elmo laughs) - Uh-oh. (child giggles) - [Elmo] That's a raspberry. - [Children] That's not a bird sound. - [Elmo] We wanna know what birds sound like. - [Child] Birds go tweet, tweet. (duck call quacks) - [Elmo] Ah, that sounds like a bird, Mr. Noodle. - [Children] That sounds like a duck. - [Child] Yeah, that sounds like a duck. (duck quacks) - [Child] Oh look, a duck came. (duck and Mr. Noodle quacking) - [Elmo] Yeah, that's a bird. (chicken and Mr. Noodle clucking) - [Child] And a chicken! - [Child] A chicken is a bird. - [Elmo] A chicken is a bird, too. (turkey and Mr. Noodle gobbling) - [Child] A turkey, that's a bird. - [Child] And a bird! - [Elmo] Yeah! (laughs) (birds chattering) Boy, that's a lot of bird sounds. (owl coos) - And a owl! And a crow! (birds chattering) - [Elmo] Very good, Mr. Noodle. (bird squawking) (birds chattering) - [Child] And another bird. - [Child] That's a lot of birds. (Elmo laughs) - Wow, Mr. Noodle is amazing. (giggles) Oh, what's that, Dorothy? Oh okay. Dorothy wants to ask someone else. (giggles) What do birds sound like? (bright music) - Different birds make different sound, Dorothy. This is the sound an owl makes. Hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot. (playful music) - Hi, Dorothy. This is sound a rooster makes. Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! - Hi, Dorothy. This is how a turkey goes. Gobble, gobble, gobble. Gobble, gobble, gobble. - Gobble, gobble, gobble. (laughs) Oh thanks, kids. Oh and thanks, Dorothy. Now, Elmo will ask a baby. (hums) Hello, baby. Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. (laughs) Ooh, baby, what do birds sound like? (baby jabbers) (laughs) Thank you, baby. (smacks kisses) (Elmo laughs) (playful music) And now, Elmo has a question for-- - Elmo has mail! Elmo has mail! - Wait, wait, Computer. - Elmo has mail! - Elmo needs an email. - Elmo has mail! - Come on, Computer, no, no. - Elmo has mail. - Wait, wait, wait. - Elmo has mail. - Come on. - Elmo has mail. - No. - Elmo has mail. - No, no. - Elmo has mail. - No stop. - [Computer] Elmo has mail. - What mail? (computer beeping) Oh look, email from Elmo's friend Bert. (giggles) And Bert's pigeon, Bernice. Oh boy! (giggles) (computer beeps) - Hi, Elmo. I have Bernice here with me because Bernice wants to show you the sound a pigeon makes. (sighs) And how I love that sound. So, take it away, Bernice! Okay, Bernice. Any time now, Bernice. Bernice, what seems to be the problem here? Oh don't be shy. She's a little shy. (laughs) Come on, show 'em what the sound a pigeon makes. Come on, coo. Coo. (sighs) She must not be in a cooing mood. What, Bernice, what was that? I thought she said something. Anyway, we'll just say goodbye for now. Say goodbye, Bernice. (computer beeps) - Coo, coo! Okay, Computer. Now where was Elmo? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. And now, Elmo has a question for you! (laughs) How many eggs can this goose lay? Let's count them and see. Hello, goose. Go ahead. Go ahead. - [Elmo And Children] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12. - Oh 12, great counting, everybody! Let's hear it for the goose! - [Elmo And Children] Yay! - Oh, she left a feather. (laughs) That tickles. (laughs) Silly goose. (giggles) Geese lay eggs, so do ducks. Elmo's friend Cassidy has a duck that laid some eggs and she told Elmo all about it. (upbeat fiddle music) - [Cassidy] I live on a farm. On our farm we have ducks, and one of the ducks is named Tracy. She built her nest in our barnyard, and one day Tracy laid some eggs in her nest. My mom said that baby ducks would hatch out of the eggs. Baby ducks are called ducklings. I couldn't wait for the ducklings to hatch, but first Tracy had to sit on her eggs for a long time to keep them warm. (Tracy quacking) She sat in the sun. She sat at night. (thunder rumbles) She sat in the rain. She sat and sat and sat. She sat on the eggs for almost four weeks. I thought those baby ducks would never come out. Then one day my mom and I heard a little pecking sound. (Tracy quacking) Tracy's eggs were hatching. First the ducklings broke through their shells, and then out popped the baby ducks. (baby ducks chirping) It was amazing. First they were all wet, but soon they were dry and fluffy and running around. I like ducklings a lot, and I was really happy when they finally hatched. And so was Tracy. (playful music) - Aren't those ducklings cute? (giggles) Tracy built a nice nest for her ducklings on the farm. Hm, that makes Elmo wonder, where else can birds build their nest? Elmo wants to know, don't you? Let's find out. (hums) (Drawer tweeting) Oh there you are. (laughs) The drawer sounds just like a bird. Tweet. (Drawer chirps) Tweet, tweet, tweet. (Drawer chirps) Tweet! (bright music) Can birds build their nest in a tree, on the moon, or in a bathtub? - [Children] In a tree! - [Elmo] Yeah! Birds build their nests in a tree. Can a bird build a nest on a telephone, a house, or a birthday cake? - [Children] In a house. In a house. - [Elmo] Yeah, a house. (giggles) Can a bird build a nest on a cow, on a ball, or on Sesame Street? - [Children] Sesame Street! - [Child] That looks like Big Bird's nest. - [Elmo] Hi Big Bird! - I love my nest. (laughs) (bright music) (Drawer tweeting) - Thanks, Drawer. Oh, Elmo wants to learn more about birds, don't you? How can we find out more? (computer beeping) Oh yeah, that's right. We can watch the Bird Channel. Yay! (birds chattering) Oh wow, the birds wanna watch the Bird Channel, too. Okay, oh. (birds chattering) Quiet, birds, so we can watch. (computer beeping) (bird chirping) Elmo doesn't wanna hear another peep. (giggles) Oh, turn yourself on, TV. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] The Bird Channel, all birds, all the time. We're strictly for the birds. - Hi there, it's me, the bird lady. I love birdwatching. In fact, I'm looking for some birds to watch right now. Ooh, I see some birds over there, chickens, (chickens clucking) and they're doing the Chicken Dance. Hey, let's all do the Chicken Dance. It's easy, and ya don't have to be a chicken to do it. You just pretend to be one. Here's what ya do. First, you pretend your hands are beaks like this. Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck. Very beaky. Now pretend your arms are wings, like this. Flap, flap, flap, flap. Good flapping. Now shake your tail feathers like this. Shake, shake, shake, shake. Now, clap your hands. Clap, clap, clap, clap. All right, you're ready to do the Chicken Dance. Let's go. (upbeat playful music) ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Flap, flap, flap, flap ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Flap, flap, flap, flap ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Flap, flap, flap, flap ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Flap, flap, flap, flap ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Flap, flap, flap, flap ♪ That's it. Go on, everybody, you've got three rings. Lookin' good. Oh, watch out, you're the wind beneath my wings. Shake that bootie. Omelets for all! Omelets for all! ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ - You all made great chickens. You made great chickens, too. See ya next time. ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ Shake, shake, shake, shake ♪ ♪ Clap, clap, clap, clap ♪ (chickens cluck) - [Announcer] Coming up next on the Bird Channel, The Loon Ranger starring Walter Pigeon. (upbeat music) - Yay! (birds chattering) Boy, Elmo loved the Chicken Dance. (giggles) That was fun. (birds chattering) Hey wait, no wait, wait, wait, wait. Don't go. Elmo wants to find out more about birds. How can we find out more? (bird chirping) - Would ya like a little birdie to tell you? - Oh hello, little birdie. - Hi, I'm a robin. - Oh, so a robin has a beak and feathers, ooh, just like chickens do. - Yup, all birds have beaks and feathers. - Well what sound does a robin make? - I sing like this. (robin chirping) - Wow, pretty sound. - [Robin] Mm-hm. - And a robin can fly, huh? - I sure can. - Wow. - I just flap my wings and up I go. - Wow, that's neat. (thought bubble pops) - Oh look, look, look, look. - What, what? - Dorothy's imagining Elmo flying like a bird. Tweet tweet, tweet tweet, tweet tweet. - [Robin] But not all birds can fly, ya know. - Uh-oh. (cries out) - [Robin] Penguins can't fly but they can swim. First, they slide on the ice. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! - [Robin] Then they splash into the water. (Elmo giggles) Some birds can't swim or fly, like peacocks, but they still have a lot of feathers. (twinkling magical music) - Wow, cool, huh? (laughs) - Yup, there are lots of ways for birds to get around. - Yeah, thanks Robin. - You're welcome. - Well, I've gotta be bob, bob, bobbin' along. - Oh, okay. - Buh-buh-bye. - Oh bye, Robin. Elmo really loves birds. Oh, and so does Dorothy. That's why Dorothy wants us to sing the bird song. Come on, everybody. (giggles) Here we go. (bright toy piano music) ♪ Do do do, do do do do ♪ ♪ Bird, bird, bird ♪ ♪ Bird, bird, bird ♪ ♪ Bird, bird, bird, bird, bird ♪ Let's sing it with bird sounds! ♪ Tweet, tweet, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, coo ♪ ♪ Gobble, gobble, cock-a-doodle-doo ♪ ♪ Tweet, tweet, tweet, quack, quack, quack ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, coo ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, coo, coo, coo, coo ♪ ♪ Gobble, gobble, cock-a-doodle-doo ♪ - Oh, say goodbye, Dorothy. Say bye-bye, birdies. - Bye. - Check, please. - Now let's dance. ♪ Do bop a do, do bop a do ♪ ♪ Do do do ♪ ♪ Ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet ♪ ♪ Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck ♪ ♪ That's Elmo's World ♪ - Oh, wasn't that nice? Elmo loves you. (birds chattering) Bye-bye. - [Birds] Bye. (computer beeping) - Read, read, read! - Okay, okay, Slimy, I'll read to ya. Just don't say please, okay? - Woo! - All right, little guy. Here we go. Chapter 453 in The Adventures of Trash Gordon. - Wee! (dramatic music) - [Oscar] The last time we saw our hero, Trash Gordon, he was on the planet Honk where he was surrounded by a hoard of honking honkers. (aliens honking) They were horning in on our hero, but Trash knew exactly how to handle honking honkers. In the blink of an eye he whipped out a dinger and his rubber ducky. (duck squeaks) And they all had a honker ducky dinger jamboree. (playful music) Our hero was safe once again. As Trash slapped his thigh heroically to the beat he said... - Sesame Street has been brought to you today by the letter T and the number 20. - Wee! More, more, more! - No, no more now, Slimy. That's all for now. (Slimy whimpers) It's time for you to get some shuteye, little guy. We'll read some more Trash tomorrow. (upbeat music) Hey, are you still here? I told ya, no more Trash Gordon until tomorrow. (upbeat rhythmic music) (soft xylophone music) (upbeat music)
Channel: Sesame Street
Views: 16,115,077
Rating: 3.5012543 out of 5
Keywords: elmo's chicken dream full episode, elmo chicken dream episode, elmo full episodes, sesame street full episodes, sesame street 60 minute episodes, sesame street 35, sesame street dancing chickens, elmo and rosita, elmo and big bird, elmo and maria
Id: hdZVeBIfMbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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