ServiceNow Advanced Report Features in Orlando

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my name is Jason Miller founder of Aspen out solutions and we're about to unlock the power of service now I'd like to start off by thanking all 3295 subscribers and over 80 countries globally if you believe in transferring knowledge to those who need it most please click Subscribe your user data will not be transferred to anyone outside of Aspen now without your consent hey everyone it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted a video so I thought I would host another one on a topic or a couple of topics that I thought that would be rather interesting since we just had the end of the quarter persona since the second quarter so this is the third quarter but depending on how the organizational works the end of June March let's see here what else September and December all mark Santo the quarter that means it's time to do those lovely reports so what the topic for today is gonna be reporting stuff people forget about and this is going to be in Orlando and just gonna start off with something that the function in the platform that I think that is overlooked a lot is how to create a report from a list so basically when we come into the platform you know sometimes we'll have a list like this and we'll say okay we want to run a report based off of this table right here so this table is a custom table in my personal instance called Aspen RP or record producer and you know we run a couple of filters on it and say ok this looks kind of like the data that we want to have you want everything that's closed and then we do a couple other things and then a lot of people what they'll do is they'll go immediately to the reports and they'll type in report and they'll go in there and do create new and and all that stuff but I think that's just one of the this is one of the features that's overlooked in the platform so if I want to do it by category and we'll see here that our filter is everything that's closed or better yet we'll do a sign - how about a sign - that sounds great what we can do is right click do a bar chart straight from the list and then it will construct it for us also one great thing about this feature is that it maintains this nice little filter here so if you have filters that are saved in your lists meaning that if you go into let's see here like rates I wish I to list open right here and you have a couple of filters I closed requests open or ready to go then you can go it'll make it a lot easier for you just be a couple of clicks to create a report so it'll bring me in here it'll create the report and then I can take it from there if I want to I can change the source type if I want to a data source off of that but again it's going to wipe out this filter right so that's kind of the beauty of this we have a bar chart here as specified we could also do some other things too with it and then like if we want to add data labels right here in the style tab we could do so we could also change this coloring here at this point I don't know let's go to New York right so let's see what kind of New York we got I think we had New York's Blues I don't know like maybe blue three or something like that and just change it up make a little snazzier and then we could go ahead and hit save and I would save a report will also notice that it gives us a report name that this is the bar chart that was created on whatever date by whomever we could save it send it to whoever we want so that's one of the ones I think's overlooked another one's data sets so if you don't know what a data set is not a problem you know a lot of people they get this requests from people at a higher level or if you're a program manager or developer to come in handy too because I can tell you as a developer sometimes economy say hey we need all these reports created so right here what you're looking at is I just called it assigned to data set so let's just take a look at the construct here we have our table running off at Aspen RP our type bar chart nothing fancy our configuration is going to be grouped by the assigned to let's click on additional group I will notice one thing is that when we use data sets it will tell us here that we can't do an additional group by so I just wanted to note that and you're probably saying well ok Jason like where do I go ahead and create this data set right here at this little icon so we're going to click on it and then we're going to see that this opens up now your drill down you're probably familiar with especially with single source excuse me single score reports especially on dashboards when you click on the number it opens up in a list but here's our data set so what you would do is you would click on add data set and then it will take you and I'll go into the data set that I've created for this one so basically the scenario work like this people are creating or fulfilling tasks on the Aspen or RP table but they're also doing incidents at the same time so some organizations they'll be doing both and management wants to know for the assigned to how many how many record producer requests or whatever we're calling them for the Aspen table have they fulfilled in the same time period as the incidence for this one I didn't use time period I just did the bulk of it actually I did right here so in our filter so I did it on this month or last month for the incidents and we'll see here it's all broken out with our sciences at the bottom and then our configuration it has to be the same group by so just keep that in mind so if you're working on the incident table or any table out there you want to make sure that this field is on the same same table now incident and Aspen both extend what table tasks so sign two is really on the task table but they have those that field those two tables have that one field in common so that's the one thing to you know keeping the in the back your head there when you're creating these things and then also with our styling you'll probably want to do something that's very distinct and different from the original report when we click Save data set you'll come back here and we're gonna notice real quick and saluting okay so here we have one is blue and the other one is green also notice that our filter is different right so for the incidence or is created last month or this month this one it's only state as close complete so make sure you're careful if you're gonna do something that's time bound or going over the same time range that both datasets or the report and the data set have both the filters the same if that's what you want so they kind of leave that open for you to determine on your own the third thing is related to lists so our related list filter a lot of people they go into a report and say okay I need to I want them trying to figure out the requirement is I need to figure out how many active requests I currently have where the the SLA is breached so how do we set this up generally something like this would probably go on a dashboard and I don't I don't really understand why people want to know what's already been breached it's active I mean if it's already dead in the water it's already gonna count against you you really can't change that right it's not like you couldn't rewind time and then take care of it I kind of like to know the ones that are about to be breached so I can go ahead and proactively take care of those but it seems like organizations for whatever reason you know they want to look at this metric so you know what I say the Ducks are quacking you gotta feed them so I'm gonna show you how to set it up since you'll probably be asked to set this up and what tells me that is because I've been asked to set this type of report up so again our type of report single score our configure is going to be on account we could do a couple other things too if you want to do averages count this thing and so forth we can do that our style here you know not much for styling it's a single score and then down here we're gonna notice what Aspen RP or record-producer active is true and then tasks SLA has breached is true now make sure that if you want to know for a specific SLA definition that you define that here so if you want to say SLA because you might have two SLA definitions running on it you might have response SLA and then you might have a resolution SLA so at that point you would say whichever one you want so if you want to do assignment hit run that'll change it or maybe not let's try this one here Aspen complete and let's see if it changes it I see it changed it there so now we have two so if we're to click on the two it'll bring us out and this is our drill down might bring this into these two and you might get questions about this because if we go into a couple of these records which I'll open up two of them they might say hey well look one is well looks like both of these have are bad now let's take a look at our other record here maybe this one has none so we'll go ahead and sorry my instance is running a little bit slow and we'll go down here well it looks like it did count at the parent level right because the child these are the child tasks right here so it counted one here and then one here so really we have a total of four s LA's if you think about it right that are breached and I think I had the original 14 and a list here just to save time but I kind of wanted to switch it up just a little bit now our next one is report ranges so what's a report range well in order to get to the report range module you can type in T space R an RN and it will bring up report ranges so report ranges you can use for a couple of different things but most commonly I found that when clients are asking me to build rapport so I gotta want to know based on a certain amount of time so right here what you'll see is I have three of them that I created today and they're just basically the time range on the amount of days that the item has been open so let's just take a look at one of these so if we click into one of them we'll see here this label is 50 and basically what I'm saying is 50 days so our upper value duration is 49 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds and we're basing it off of the element or the field created on the Aspen RP table I even gave it a color what is the color going to help us with the color is going to help us right here as you can see you have another one that's a hundred it has a unique color also and 200 also does too and this helps us out with you know if we want to define things that you know maybe the platform isn't doing for us normally we want to create our own unique range we can do that right here also sometimes I think with these ranges what will happen is like we'll have a negative value I'm down there and I haven't really experimented we're trying to get that to go away I know with like SLA sometimes when I was doing reports or to create like something underneath the zero for whatever reason so you know maybe this will help for that resolve that that type of issue but you know going back here if we take a look at our upper value duration there is no lower value duration is the way I built these in the past so you're gonna if you want your first one to be up to five days or zero to five days and really all you're gonna fill in right here you know you would change this forty nine to four so it'd be four days 23 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds bucket of time so you can use that and also if we look at the report construct here you'll see that you know nothing really fancy going on here a simple bar chart right but our configuration of my group and I'm grouping by be created right because this is the field where it created that range and I'm sure there's other stuff you can do with report ranges but I just wanted to show you that you can create like your own unique time buckets here if you wanted to I don't know why I had 550 at the bottom there I think I was experimenting with moving like this one over here based on the label value but it looks like it wouldn't go so next one is database table I did a report I don't know a couple months ago on this Aspen SLA table and what it what the purpose was or the requirement was to get all the fields from the Aspen RP table and the task SLA table into one database view to accommodate reporting and the main reason why and here's the database view right here you can go back to that video if you want to see like all the details on how to set that up but it's really helpful for reporting because if we want to get categories which aren't on the task table so if you have a Pheo she's not categories but if you have a field that's on like let's say on the incident table we built a subcategory field but that's not going to be on the task table it'll be on the incident table we would use the incident SLA table to facilitate the reporting so one thing I did was I came up with a a database view report here just to show you right right here it's I just call the database view our type here is a time series and I'm just using cost stripped columns our configuration is aspen categories we're grouping by using ruthbarz I think I was at a data table down below and then I said okay trend buy it to create it on I said by month as you can see here what's our construct I want to see the has breached it's true I'm using this SLA definition Aspen assignment and then I'm basically saying I want it within the month of April right so that's for this one here these are all the blues and the way I know that is that our styles are New York blues dark to light six and then of course what did I do I put in right here our data set right a second one called database view too and if we take a look at that will notice I put in a different SLA definition and the reason why was because I didn't have any numbers to show just for the demo with both datasets because it was has breaches false or true right so I just didn't have enough records here to show you so I use the other definition and down here I colored it a little bit differently and then you know if we go back to the finished product if you will will see here that you know the main point of this is to see that has breached true versus false by category within a certain time range I'm sure if you really wanted to you know filter it even more and you're trying to run it on like by a sign to or something like that you could probably get these to line up one against the other and just have two straight columns on the same chart for the same timeframe sometimes I'll get asked that you know I want to do three months going down the line I want to see it by category and then I want to see the has breach numbers all in one charge so that's kind of like my you know my initial thought is that like how to construct that the next thing is a dashboard filter so yeah we can use these types of charts right here so excuse me reports so if we go back to the one report that I created here and let's just go to our types see these three right here donut pie and semi donut we can use those as filters on a dashboard and let me just demo this for you if I click on critical right here right here and get rid of it will see only standard appears and you see how this chart changed this shooting there this report change or widget I guess because we're on a dashboard now let's take a look at how we set this up though let's click on our gear icon we need to make sure that we are following the interactive filter for this one right and then for this one we need to make sure it's acting as the interactive filters and sometimes dashboards will get sort of messed up because we'll have a whole bunch of these doing both and people are clicking all around or like yo why is my data changing why is the data off I have like zero values and whatever and I'll tell them like hey look you have this one acting as an interactive filter and then you filter it all the way down to zero because you're clicking around so just be cognizant to that when you're setting up your dashboards the next one is scheduled reports so for scheduled reports if we take a look at this database view report and say okay now we want to schedule it and send it to someone I feel like sometimes this is forgotten about so we would click on first off to get here we would click on this right here the sharing we'd click on schedule I remember you have to have I believe it's reports scheduler the role in order to do this and if you're a report admin you know you'll have that role contained in there so don't worry about that and let's just break this down real quick so we have the name here it fills in our report put on whatever users we want the groups here's our active flag we have a whole bunch of different options here for one we want to run it so you can do it not only on-demand but you can do a monthly periodic etcetera we could make it conditional this box will pop up if we check that box and we can script it out we can also omit if no record so what that means is that it won't send if it's a zero value so if we're running a report that's just showing us like how many Priority One incidents and we don't have any for that time period if there are zero the report will not send you can pop in our subject we have a HTML field for the body of our email PDF landscape PDF and PNG are our options here also we can zip it up and then we can include it with another report so as you can see here I have another one that was scheduled it will send them together and I showed that another video or maybe like two years ago or something one requirement that I've gotten in the past was how to remove this email addresses because the organization didn't want a random like email address being put in there if you want to do that then what you're gonna do is you would come to schedule reports and this is another thing to another question had been like look I scheduled all these reports I don't know where to find them just type in IDI space rep right here in your filter navigator and the module come up under reports and then you'll see here you have all your scheduled reports right here and then if we were to say okay which one let's see here do we want to look at let's say just Jason's report this will bring up this screen or I think I brought up another SLA report before in order to expedite this video so if I want to get rid of that email addresses field I can just simply take it off the form by doing form layout here within the actual form itself another thing you can do too is if you elevate your roles and to elevate my role so I have to be a sec admin if I elevate my roles it'll refresh the screen it might take a second I can come in here and of course I'm not to refresh the screen to so that way it picks it up what I can do is right-click on this field right here I can do configure security on the fields and then I can say all right in order to be able to read this field or whatever you know like making an admin and then you know it won't be available anymore for anyone except for admins that's another way you could do it too if you don't want everybody else to be able to send them to random email addresses I wouldn't delete the field you can probably deactivate it but again I wouldn't I don't know if I would do that either but it's up to you and you know always talk to your senior developers about stuff like that next we move on to report sources what is a report source you mask here's our active breach single score report that we looked at before the one with the tasks SLA has breached and the related list conditions you'll see here source type that's where our source comes from now how do we create it that's a great question right you'll see here save as data source so I'm not sure if anyone from ServiceNow is watching but it's kind of confusing because here we're saying save is data source but the actual term and that and the filter is report sources so just you know to you know it was mild semantics but it'd be great if this said save as a report source I don't know maybe originally data source was for performance analytics or something but it would be nice if it said save the report source I'm sure you could probably go into this option and manually hack it yourself if you wanted to but you know I'm not sure if it's worth your time but anyway we would go in here we could this UI page will come up with create a new report source we go ahead and create it just put a name value here notice it brings in our filters for both the parent table and then also whatever related list or child tables that we have here we can save it for some time I am a Natur I feel I'm going to get out of there and then at that point when we come back in when we want to use it we'll see here that we have datasource and I'd already created one called Aspen acted breached and we'll see here it gives us our conditions now notice one thing that we can't really modify these so if we want to create additional filters what are we gonna do we're gonna click on this filter right here and then add the additional filters we want to but I think this is a great tool and I'm not sure if people really use to report sources a lot and you know and on the daily when they're creating reports you know here's the one that I created and think we're to talk about this one other nifty thing that you might not know about is that when we go into back into the report source see down here the related links look at this UI action reports using this report source so again if you lost track of which reports are using this report source you could click on this right here and it would bring up this related list right here as you can see here I already had it filter just in case and then we could go back into the report if we wanted to and it would just brings us to this screen that we would go into edit report to see the actual report source listed there right here above the filter so here it is there's all the stuff that we did today for reporting stuff we created a report from the list we talked about datasets talked about how to use the related lists filters and the reports showed off the report range our set of Rangers that I created for the Aspen RFP table talked about the importance of using a database table and how management will be able to access records on the excuse me not records but feels on the the table that they wouldn't ordinarily be able to from the task SLA table talk about our dashboard filter with the pie charts there donut semi donuts we have our scheduled report and I thought I put a little note here for the email just to make sure as a reminder I showed you how to remove that email address just in case you get the same requirement as I've already had it from at least three customers so I just want to make sure you're taken care of - and our report sources and that nifty little UI action that'll show us the reports that are using that report source my name is Jason Miller founder of Aspen al solutions and we just unlock the power service now
Channel: AAspenNow Solutions
Views: 3,766
Rating: 4.7714286 out of 5
Keywords: configure, setup, activity, filter, settings, Now, AAspennow, ServiceNow, tutorial, AWS, SLA, Incident, Report, Community, ITIL, Performance, Analytics, Dot, Walk, Personalize, Web, Instagram, Portal, orlando, paris, servicenow tutorial, data source, report source, UI Action, dashboard, report range, servicenow codeless, servicenow sla, servicenow quebec, servicenow paris, servicenow reports, servicenow interactive dashboard, servicenow rome, servicenow interactive filter, servicenow performance analytics
Id: 32kGDTD5m8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 43sec (1603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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