#1 #ServiceNow #Incident Management | A Complete Tutorial for Admins and IT Users

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[Music] hey guys this is Gaurav welcome to SAS with ServiceNow in this video we will talk about ServiceNow incident management we will learn how to work on incident application in ServiceNow as an idol user and as an admin types of training in this training we will talk about to users FULFILLER those are itíll users and then admin users so how exactly admin can configure in certain application as per the requirement from the incident management process owners and how itíll users can work on incident application who should do this training if you want to learn in certain application in service now if you work on incident in service now if you are new to itíll an service now if you work as an IT agent in service now if you want to do reporting in service now and if you want to configure incident application as an administrator with Idol and ServiceNow in best practices what is out-of-the-box Oh Oh B so this is called out-of-the-box any default feature or functionality provided by ServiceNow that is called out-of-the-box so it's not something ServiceNow has given this name it's a universal world so if you're using any system and anything that is the default feature you're not customizing that particular feature and that's out of the box that means a default feature that is called out-of-the-box feature what is an incident anything broken or not working that is an incident any disruption to an IT service that is an incident any interruption to an IT service that is an incident or something is broken or something is down that is an incident as an example if your computer is not working if internet is down or you got some error message in your application by working on your computer or Microsoft Outlook has stopped working all these are incident or any error is down any network is down all these things related to interruption disruption are incidents in any organization what is incident management incident management is a process to restore normal service operations as quickly as possible by keeping low impact to the business with proper quality so it's just a process when you resolve any incident and when you resolve as part of the process that process is incident management so you are you got the incident you're actively working on an incident asking multiple teams to join maybe a conference call and then properly assigning the incidents escalating it on the right time or managing the essays that is the complete process of incident management so just two quick snapshot like reporting issue wire email or logging incident in the instance then we define the priority as part of the impact then it it gets assigned to the right group for a quick resolution then we escalated to the next level if the initial group is not able to resolve then resolving and communicating to the end user so this is just a quick snapshot of the process of incident management how incident is reported now how any user reports an incident so a user can report the incident with the help of Service Desk so that means they call Service Desk and reported hey my laptop is not working so that's why a Service Desk you mark an email to the Service Desk so if your laptop is not working or your application is not working then you mark an email to service tears at hey my application is down and then self-service so you're not able to work on any application or your outlook is down you're not able to walk on outlook you just go into service there will be a self-service page for end-users and you submit your incident over there so this is how an end user reports an incident incident process now how this process works we already mentioned but how exactly we mentioned and I will show you the detailed process flow later at how exactly this process works so we have a user he submissions the incidents that that incident is get assigned to any group and then IT agent starts working on the incident and then it gets resolved so this is a overall incident process but I will show you the exact process flow in detail later on how to manage incidents ServiceNow provides an incident application to manage incident records of the organization and user submits incident for IT agents IT agents create and monitor incidents raised by end users in instant application so in order to handle incident management ServiceNow provides the application that's called incident where you can see your incidents all the ITIL users all the IT agents can work on those incidents they can log into service now they can see that application and they can start working on it they can assign incidents to different groups and they can work in overall IT incident application now how this application looks like in ServiceNow so first is self-service and end-user view so how end-user see this incident application so end-user does not have any particular application they already have a module called incidents under self-service so all the incidents raised by them they will see under this module they have to click on incidents and they can see there all the incidents raised before them then we have ITIL view this is ITIL view where you have this incident application in the left hand side in the application navigator we'll find this incident application and you will have these modules under incident application this is as an idle view then we have admin view there is nothing major difference as part of the incident application we just have extra module that is called administration you can see at the bottom of this screenshot it says incident properties so if you are an admin you will see an extra module under incident application that will show as incident properties so this is the view of incident application in ServiceNow who can access incident application now users with idle rule can access the incident application in ServiceNow idle roles are given to the users or IT specialist who work on incidents and resolve the incidents assigned to them so whomsoever in your organization if they have to work on incident they have to resolve users issues they should have idle role to work on incident application in ServiceNow if they will not get idle role then they cannot work and they will be just like a simple end user of your organization incident modules now what are modules you can have in incident application so as you can see we have create new assigned to me open these are the modules which comes under incidents so we will see and we will see the features that what exactly these these modules are so you can see as of now incident properties is also mentioned because it's an admin view but if you're not an admin you are just an idle user then you will just see the modules till critical incidents map so this is an incident application in ServiceNow now these are the modules first we have creating you so that you can create new incident with this module assigned to me it shows all the list of incidents assigned to logged in users and we have open show list of open incidents and not closed open unassigned it show the list of open incidents and not closed and assigned to is empty that's a condition so all the open incidents which are not assigned to anyone resolved this shows the list of resolve incidents so all the incidents which are in resolved state you will see here their state is equal to resolved then we have all it shows all lists of incidents which whatever criteria they have so it doesn't have any particular filter it will show you all the incidents of your instance overview it shows the homepage incident management homepage that's what is chose we have critical incidents map it shows the world map and highlight the places where priority 1 incidents are open that's what it shows and then we have incident properties that is configuration for incident application accessible by admins so this module is only accessible by admins so let me show you practically on my personal developer instance and how exactly these modules work this is my personal developer instance as of now I have logged in with ITIL user so in order to show you incident application you have to go to application navigator and you will see this incident application you can also search it here and by entering incident so you will see this incident application so this is incident application these are the whole modules if I click on create new it will open up the new form for me and I can enter the fields and I can submit the incident so this is the functionality of create new module then I have assigned to me this will open up the list and it will show you all the incidents assigned to the logged in user that means assigned to you as of now I have logged in as ITIL user it is showing me all the open incidents that means active is true and assigned to his I user this is the filter which will automatically be populated here it will be posed automatically whenever you work like this assign to me and this particular list then I click on open this is open for all that means all the open incidents that is active is true and it will show me the list of incidents which are active then I can click on open unassigned this will show me all the unassigned incident that means wherever assigned to is empty so you can see this is the filter that is assigned to is empty but it is activist true that means all the open incidents then we have resolved there is no condition around it I just resolved that means all the resolve incidents that means state is resolved but not show closed incidents only resolved incidents next module is all this will show me all the incidents whether it is closed open any state even it is assigned unassigned all the incidents in this particular instance then we have overview if I click on overview this will show me the homepage which shows the all incidents of my incidents its overview like how many critical open incidents how many unassigned overdue how many open incidents incidents which are not updated for seven days incident open incidents older than 30 days this is what you can see in overview and it also showing some graph here some maps graphs some trend that's what you can see and then we have critical incidents map if I click on critical incidents map it will show me a world map and it will also show me the location wherever incidents critical incidents are created so as of now you can see it's showing me here here these are all places all the locations of the users their critical incidents are created so this is a critical incidents map it's basically used for all those organizations who are situated in multiple countries they can see as for their different locations so this is the overview of incident application there is one more module that is incident properties but that is just for administrators that you will see in later section let's talk about incident fall this is our incident form if you will click on new or you will open existing incident you will get this kind of form so we will see the different parts of incident form at the top you can see it says incident form header so this is header this is attachment button so where you can attach different files in the incident this is personalized form so you can personalize your form if you will click you can have different fields as for your personalization on the form that's what you can do from here then we have more options it's it's a button to get more options I'd lead it shows you the email functionality that is so you can send email from ServiceNow and it also shows the toggle bar that's for template template bar so that's what it shows then we have submit so if you want to submit the incident you have to click on this button then we have resolve so if your incident is created and you want to resolve the incident you can click this button full the mandatory fields and then your incident will be resolved it will automatically change this state to resolved so this is incident number and this is scholar now color is what the person who is reporting the issue so for example if I am the person I am calling I'm calling service desk that I am getting this issue so my name would be would be coming here in collar category now this is category of the incident what kind of category of issue a user is raising that is what you will mention here we have subcategory now what is the sub and we will see in details about category and subcategory later then we have business service the impacted service so if I'm calling for email functionality or maybe outlook exchange is not working Outlook Web Access is not working we can mention the business service and it totally depends your organization the kind of services they have mentioned in NCM DB then we have configuration item here you have to mention the impacted asset so if your outlook is not working maybe or that is Outlook Web Access is not working if that is present in your repository in your configuration management database then you can mention here then we have mode of user contacted here you mentioned that how user contacted Service Desk or IT agent it was via phone it was via a walk-in or email that you can mention here then we have state state is what it just current the status of the incident if it is currently new or assigned to someone if somebody is working on hold resolved closed that is the estate of incident then we have impact what kind of impact you have it's a low high medium that's what you mention here urgency of issue how much urgent this issue is if I am calling for my complete team is not able to work that means it's really urgent for me because my complete team like 10 users are not able to log into any application so I can say this yes it is urgent it's a high it's I think highly urge it for me so that's what you can mention here now when you manipulate when you change or impact an urgency that defines the priority of the incident so here comes the priority and that will mention as for the impact and urgency selected then it is a Simon group the team who will work on the incident that's what you mention here and then you have team member who will work on the incident the person who will assign who will acknowledge will take the responsibility to work on the incident then we have a short description I just saw brief about the incident as an example my outlook is not working that's that can be the short description then we have description it is details about incident that means my outlook is not working when I was when I was doing my son work I was trying to send one email it just got crashed that is about like discussion then we have related search it's kind of a knowledge article searching so whatever short description you mentioned it automatically shows so it is kind of a it is kind of a search so when you mention like Outlook it automatically picks up those those keywords and shows the kind of articles which you can utilize ITIL ITIL user can utilize that and can attach into the R into the incident this is note section no section is what if you're working on incident you have different notes you you like as idle agent if you're working you have started working you can put some nodes that what you have worked upon what are you going to do if you have to escalate it you can mention everything in the notes section it is not only for ITIL it is also for it is also for end users so not everyday usage so basically additional comments even see it says additional comments and n work notes we will see that how exactly it shows so we have watchlist here you have user wants to get update for incident so for example if your manager or any person who raise an incident but you want to make him aware that yes I if he ki he wants to get those updates for the incident progress then you can add his name into watchlist then we have work notes list if somebody is updating the work notes that's in yellow color you will get the update so if your manager or somebody else wants to want to put his name into this particular field you can put that update it and then he will keep on getting all the alerts if if ITIL agent will be keep on updating the work notes that we have additional comments as I mentioned earlier there are two types of notes here one is additional comments and work notes addition comments is just for end users if you want to communicate anything for the end user you want to ask something or you have to inform something to the user you have to mention that comment in the additional comments and that's only customer visible so that's it says customer visibles if you will mention something here it will be visible to the end-user then you have work notes so incident notes for ITIL users that means if you're an idle agent IT agent you are working on any incident and it is being assigned to you and if you have started working you have done some troubleshooting and you can put everything in the notes just to catch up maybe for your colleagues or for your manager anyone at least if somebody is opening the incident he is aware that ok my colleague or this person has done this kind of troubleshooting this time so this is how it works then we have next section that's called related records it just shows the related records for to this incidents like first is like parent incident so if you will have any parent incident this would become child and you can mention that parent incident in this particular field as an example if you have exchange issue going on Outlook is down 400 users now out of 100 users 20 users also raise the issue so what you can do you can keep one first incident as a parent and 20 incidents as a child so what you have to do you have to update that parent incident in this parent incident field on those 20 incidents so this incident will automatically become parent that's that's the usage of this particular field then we have problem so any any problem associated with this particular incident after resolution that's what you can mention here change request so change request is what any any change is needed to resolve this incident that what you can mention here so you have to resolve this incident but you are you also need to mention the change number as part of the change management process that you can mention here that changed Qwest which you created to perform the activity caused by change this field is basically used for example if any any any incident was caused due to a change which was implemented maybe last weekend or there's two days before or maybe right away that's what you can I mention the caused by change so you implemented a change or any team implemented a change that caused the priety one issue or big issue you can mention the change number here then we have resolution information this is something related to resolution when you are resolving the incident so it's a third section that's called resolution information here we have knowledge so if you are resolving the incident and you found that there is no article for this kind of issue then you can check this box and it will automatically create the knowledge article in draft mode then you have resolution code you can mention the resolution code the issue is all permanently or maybe your collar is all the issue you can mention the different codes here then resolution notes you can mention here that how exactly you resolve the issue maybe you rebooted the server you you restarted one service whatever you did you can mention a quick note here that this was this was the activity we did to resolve this issue so that's a resolution notes resolved by so resort by is a field which shows the person who has resolved the incident so that's a value will be pushed automatically here so as of now you can see it shows any table but for ITIL users this field will be non editable it will be read-only so once you will resolve the incident and you will put this state as resolved it will automatically push the data look for the current logging user and then you have resolved resolved is a date and time so when you are resolving the incident it will automatically push the resolved current date and time incident related lists now when you will open any existing form you will find the related list at the bottom of the incident form so we have out of the box you will have these four needed lists so one is tasks SLA another one is affected see eyes impacted services or see eyes or child incidents so these are the four related lists which would be shown on incident form so first one is task SLA then we have affected see eyes then impacted services and then child instance so you can create child incidents directly from that particular incident under related list incident form menu this is showing four new forms if you will click on create new and it is a new form then what are the four menus what are the options so these are the options when you when it will open you will click on that hamburger icon you will see this form menu so this is hamburger icon that will open form menu it will have options like save so you can save this incident then you will have create child if you want to create child incident from this incident if you want to export the current incident if you want to create favorite if you want to copy the URL or you want to reload the form so these are the options these are the menu items which you see under form menu then we have existing so incident form menu existing so for example if you're opening existing incident these are the menu items which you will see on form menu so if you will click on that same hamburger icon you will find these options for existing incident so the first option I think we already talked about save the next one is add to visual task board so if you have visual task board enabled in your organization then it will automatically be added in the visual dashboard then we have copy incident if you want to copy the existing incident it can copy and it can also copy the fields which are mentioned in the copy script it will automatically copy some of the data from the existing incident then we have create problem so you can directly create problem which would be automatically be associated and connected with this particular incident then we have create request so if user is asking for any request or for any catalog item existing catalog item and rather than no rather than going to another page you can directly create the request from here then we have create child so you can also create child incident which we already saw a new form menu as well then you can create normal change so if if we have enable change management in your organization you can create normal change you can create emergency change metric timeline it shows the metric timeline of that incident that's what you can see it will show some kind of a timeline to you on the same incident follow life feed life read it just like a I think it's a feed where all the organization users they can just pose different things on a particular feed and people can follow it people can talk about it that's that's what it's a different functionality of ServiceNow so you can just if you want to follow this incident on a live feed you can just click here it will automatically be published in the live feed then show live feed you can directly go to the live feed from this incident then you have export I think we already talked about the export view form view it's a different kind of views so if you have default V or any self-service view idle view different views you have you can directly see it from here and it depends on your organization's admins if they have enabled that option for you in most of the organization they also disabled it so they don't give opportunity - opportunity for any users to select this view even for idle users then create favorite copy URL we have already talked about it then you have history now this is just to see the history logs of this visit this particular incident so for example if this incident was created then it was assigned to someone any value was changed you can see each and everything with this history once you will click on history it will open two more options then you can see more details about it it's kind of a audit of this particular incident incident list so as of now we have seen the options on form now incident list so if you will click on any module in your application navigator which opens the insolent list you will also find these kind of this kind of view and it has some different functionalities as well so this is the hamburger icon it will open the list menu this will show the table the current table which you have opened so very showing incidents then we have new button if you want to create a new incident you can directly click on this new button and you will be able to click create incident this is go to it's kind of a search so all the all the columns which are showing here you can go to just select the column and put your text in search it will give you the data according to your search this is Activity Stream it will show the Activity Stream of all the incidents present in this particular view so you can see though that particularly Activity Stream this is page navigation so if you have if you have a query like hundred hundred incidents you can use this page in navigation this is breadcrumb so we say this filter basically this is a filter and this filter is called as breadcrumb which has incident filter condition these are the columns of incident so you can see the columns number opened short description you can add more columns with the help of personalization this is the personalization so it is called list personalized so even as an idle user you can click on this button this gear icon it's a personalization and if you want to remove or add some columns on your incident list you can do it from this list personalization this is column search column searches what if you want to search anything on a particular column as an example on short description if I want to search all the incidents with desk maybe they should have word desk so I will just click on this button and I will go to the short description field I will put my text press ENTER and I would be able to get that data this is a select individual incident record it's like a checkbox you select that incident and you perform any action it is select all incidents if you will click at the bottom it will select all the incidents this is list selection actions so if you are selecting something from here and you want puts you want to do some actions you want to perform some actions on list selection you can just click here it will give you some options around it incident list header menu so now it is showing you the list menus if you will click on that hamburger icon it will show you this this these menu items basically that is view then we have filter group by if you want to group by these incidents showing on the list show is just a number of racquets you want to see on this page that's what you can select refresh list so if you have like change something or like maybe from the from and it has not been changed yet here you can click on refresh list it will automatically give you the refresh data then create favorite if you will click on this create favourite it will it will automatically add this current filter and it will create a filter out of it so that is the functionality of this create favorite this is a context menu which we can see this is incident list context menu it is showing me some menu items like sort so you can sort the data you have to click on that particular column and then you can click on sort 8z or you can click on sort z to a so this is first sorting that's what you can do in a set ascending order or in descending order then it is show visual task board this is a really good functionality that if if you have put in some filters and you have got some data and you want to see all this data individual task board just click on this it will automatically group group all the data in visual task board as per the selected columns so you want to see those visual task board cards like by priority or maybe by state select that column click on show visual task board it will automatically show the show all the records presented here in the visual dashboard and it will also group group them as per the column selected then you can select so once you will click on that particular column when you when you click on that it will show you the group by number if you if I click on color column it will show me group by column color that's what I do then we have bar charts if you want to create bar chart from it it will automatically take you to the report section and it will it can create a report out of it then you have pie chart and then you have export if you want to export this list into PDF or into Excel you can do that directly from this list incident States in service now we have a state field that shows the status of any record so an incident we have same States so let's take a look what are those states so we have states like new in progress on hold resolved are closed so these are the five states then we have further states which depends on on whole state so those are awaiting caller awaiting change awaiting problem and then we have a waiting vendor and that is related to on hold so when you click and select the on hold state it will automatically give you other field where you can select what is the reason of this hop on hold whether it is awaiting a caller that means are you waiting for something from the caller are you waiting for a change to be implemented then he will resolve this incident are you awaiting for a problem or are you awaiting for a vendor so you're working on any incident and you're waiting for a vendor to resolve then you have to select that option so these are the incident States in in ServiceNow initially it was not there but when they came up with some incident management best practices and some core functionalities of incident management then they implemented this so initially it was not there I think it was introduced in Jakarta or Kingston that's what they introduced incident management state model flow now how this state flow works that means how do you put different states so first we have new after new we put incident in work-in-progress that way it's a progress so as an end user if I create an incident it would become a new incident then if I am acknowledging and I am working on any incident that would become in progress from me what is in one once it is an in progress and I am waiting for something or I'm waiting for awaiting change or any any third party vendor I will put that incident into on hold once I'm done with all my activities I am done with my troubleshooting and I am going to resolve the incident so I will put that state into resolved once incident is resolved as an idle user I don't have to do anything because in service now we have we have a functionality which will automatically close the incident if it should automatically change the state from resolved to closed so once ticket is resolved it becomes closed so then we have like as as it mentioned here that if user is not satisfied if we reopen the issue it will become like maybe in progress again that's how it works and it is not closed because if user is not satisfied it can he can reopen the incident we can also we can also put the change our incident as canceled normally if I would say most of the organization's they don't follow this canceled state but it totally depends on the different organizations there were exactly States they want to put so it's oh it's totally decision on the organization's so if we have in progress then again it goes to cancel if you want to cancel it if something is in hold and again you want to cancel this this is how this complete state model flow works priety in service now we have priority field now priority defines that what is the urgency that what is the severity of this incident of any incident so if I'm creating any incident for example if my application is not working how will I decide that this is a priority one priority to high priority low priority how will I identify so service now it's not about service now as well it's as per the ITIL because service now it's totally based on ITIL framework so idle has urgency and ITIL has impact so priority is totally depend on impact and urgency so here if I give some impact and if I give some urgency I will get the right priority priority combinations so as I mentioned priority is totally dependent on urgency and impact so whatever urgency I will put whatever impact I will put it will calculate as per the urgency and impact values and then it will select the priority this is a combination so that's the reason priority is a read-only field on service now incident forum you can only edit urgency and impact so you cannot change the priority you have to decide the priority on the basis of urgency and impact so if I select urgency as high then impact as high it would be priority one that means as an example there is an application which is down and multiple like hundred users are not able to log into that application it is an really urgent issue and impact is really high people then maybe they are not able to trade if it's a financial application they are not able to work then it's really giving a big business impact it will become a critical situation for us and it will be a priority one then we have if Arjun sees high but impact is medium then priority will be high it will not be critical then again if impact is low and then try attea will become moderate so this is the combination so if urgency will become medium or then impact high it will again something else as per the impact and urgency so this is how this priety combination works these are the combinations as of now this is the default combinations updated in ServiceNow that is out of the box but if your organization has some different definitions they want to put some different criteria it's your decision if you want to change it you can change it but only ServiceNow administrators can change it so idle users cannot change it only ServiceNow administrators and developers can change that we will see that later incident classification so if you remember on Form R we showed two fields they were like category and subcategory category and subcategory are the fields which which provides you information the kind of issue user raised so as an example if I mention that my laptop is not working it is down or it is maybe I'm not able to turn it off on that's that's a statement which I used that means there is issue with some of my hardware maybe so what I can do I can select the hardware as I can select the category as hardware but if I say that my outlook is not working or maybe I'm not able to log into any application that issue will have some different categorization now out of the box we have this categorization this classification of incident so we have category we have subcategory the first option is inquiry / help and we have categories like here antivirus email internal application then we have software and subcategory we have email operating system so basically your subcategory are dependent on category so whatever category you select it will show the option to select in subcategory then we have hardware in hardware we have CPU disk keyboard memory monitor Mouse so for example my mouse is not working then you will select category hardware subcategory Mouse then network you have DNS DHCP IP address VPN wireless so if I mention my wireless is not working or wireless is not working in my office I will select network and then I will select wireless and then we have database in database we have db2 ms SQL on and Oracle so these are just kind of database which you have mentioned how to create incident as an IT agent I have logged in as idle user in order to create incident as an IT agent I need to go to incident application in the application navigator so this is incident application I will click here it will open up the incident application I will click on create new once I will click on create new it will open off this form and I can mention the caller name may be the person who is facing the issue and I will mention Fred Judi who is the founder of ServiceNow I can mention category so as of now he has some issue with the software I can maybe his email is not working I will meet an email in configuration item I will mention email yep we do have email it was a business service so I can select email here as well a contact type maybe he called me I was select as phone then I will put impact and urgency because he's the only user who is facing this impact so I will keep everything as low then I will put a Simon group so if it is email maybe I will give it to database and I was mentioned email is not working and here I can put the description that Fred email is not working for Fred his BA access is also not working now you must have seen that when I just clicked on like I put these values like I mention email is not working it automatically showed me the related KB articles here so I will just click on save so incident is created so this is how an ID agent creates an incident how to create incident using a template you need to click on create new and then you have to go to more options click on toggle template bar once you will click on toggle template bar you will see this template bar at the bottom of your incident form you have to click on create new first you have to create the template now why we create the template you create the template because if you have some kind of incidents which you need daily you have to create them daily so rather than following the same steps of creation of incident you automatically put some fields and save them in your repository in a template repository and just utilize them next time you are going to create that incident as of now I don't have more opportunity or more fields for for creation of this template I just have prior Deshawn description subcategory and show related fields and this is for ITIL user I have I have locked in as Idol user and this is out of the box so you have to ask your service now administrators then they have to enable that option and so that it can be enabled for everyone and they can use other fields as well so as of now I can just use these fields but I just need to show you the example so let me show you maybe I will mention database issue I will mention database is down degree evaluation database impact may be able to put one urgency I will put one other thing which I can select I think I cannot select any other field so I will just click on someone now this template will be the personalized template then whenever I will login I will click on create new and I will enable this toggle bar option I will see this database issue template now how exactly it works if I click this template and you can create multiple templates if I click this template you will see it says database issue template applied and it will automatically showing here one high one high and it selected the category now why this tick mark are coming now all the incidents which were updated by template it is showing that so this is how you create an incident with template how to create incident wire self-service in order to create incident wire self-service you need to go to self-service under self-service you will see incidents module click on this incidents module now these are all the incidents created for this particular user because you can see caller is idle user now in order to create the incident via self-service I will just click on new now this view will be different so you can see I don't have as many fields as we had in different view it's a self-service for you once I clicked on the self-service view it automatically showed the caller so you can see idle user is coming here I can mention the urgency I can mention the state as well but I'm not seeing all these states because I can see on hold and then I can see on hold at idly if I would see as a cell service it is showing in out-of-the-box but for self-service you don't need to show these options you can definitely hide it so you can ask your service now administrator to hide these options so as of now I'm just keeping this as new and I am creating like my laptop is not working and I am clicking on save so I can submit this incident as well once I would click on submit if you take me to the previous window when you click on save it keeps you on the same screen that's a difference between save and submit so I clicked on submit it takes me to this previous window where I had a list of incidents but initially it was no other there were no incidents but now I have an incident which I just created so this is how this is how you create an incident wire self-service for you working on incident now what is working on incident working on incident means you are doing some investigation your troubleshooting and then you are promoting that incident that means you are creating a problem maybe you are creating a change you are promoting it to the next level maybe so you have some issues with your incident you're working on an incident and you found that you have to create a change then you have to click on this promotion links like create problem maybe create change that's what you can do and then we have escalation escalation means if you are not able to resolve the issue if level 1 or level 2 is not able to resolve the issue they can send that issue they can assign that incident to the next level maybe level 3 groups incident investigation now what is incident investigation diagnosing the incident raised by end user checking other incident raised by same caller asking for more information from end user and updating work nodes for any investigation checking CI impacted and it's down streams now this is how you do investigation incident investigation so when you work on ServiceNow so as an ideal user if I will open this incident so I have to troubleshoot this issue now in order to work on this I have to check what are the related incidents of this scholar so I can click here it will show me all the incidents raised by the scholar you can see it's a scholar is idle user that's really helpful and you can see the train or a kind of incident user was raising maybe your colleague or LT team resolved a last issue with some step and you have access to perform those steps you can just see those steps and this this resolve the issue current issue for your end user then you have work nodes so if you want to put some work nodes as part of your troubleshooting so for example I can mention that checked checked with user about access that's what you can do and then you can mention that checked user account in HR portal and seems to be active it's just an example I'm showing you at how you put the work notes then I click on post once I click on post it will automatically be posted I'd roll or it will automatically show you in the activities now the main thing is about CI so the user has raised an issue maybe it's a broader issue maybe it's a there's an application which is down and email services are completely down so I you selected the email email configuration item and I'm just clicking on save and what I can do I can see the dependencies if I click on this I can see some dependency there what are other services connected with this particular configuration item so you can see it is showing me X in server now what is the main what is the main feature of this you can see it says business service and it is it has some cross mark here so it says active problem count for CI that's what it is showing here it says I have active incident count and if I so basically and it is it is also showing you the kind of that this is the primary one which we have just opened any other CI it doesn't have any issue so this is the best view and it's a really good feature so for example your email services and down and you have some up streams or down streams they have some incident existing incident you can at least take a look if your email services are down because of that that's what you can check here so this is how you investigate any incident now incident promotion so if you click here you can see you can create problem you can create requests you can create normal change or you can also create emergency change this is how you do promotions you can convert that incident into some other maybe in changes and then our changes will be related to this particular instance that will not resolve it but it will disconnected so it's kind of a promotion and you have some activity to be done related to this particular incident then we have promotions so f if for example if just incident is assigned to database team and you are a part of database team now you want to send to maybe any other database team maybe level two database team or a level three you can just select their team and then click on save it will be assigned to that team this is how you do escalations if you are not resolved you're not able to resolve any incident you can escalate into the next level you can escalate it to the next team incident promotion an incident promotion you can word the incident into problem for root cause analysis you create a request as for the short description of the incident or you create change to resolve incident if I go to ServiceNow and if I have this incident now I have to create a problem so what I will do I will click this hamburger icon I will click on create problem it will create a problem for me and it will show that problem this number is created if I will go at the bottom I will see my incident connected so it is in the related list of the problem if I glow if I go to my incident again and if I click here and if I click on I have to create an emergency change because I have to fix this issue right away so I can click on emergency change if I click on Melissa change it will create an emergency change automatically so this is how you do incident promotion by creating different records through Clee from your incident so you can see it I think it took a long time but change is created now and showing as emergency change as well incident escalation incident is escalated to the next level if it is not resolved so as I showed you earlier that if you are part of any group and you're not able to resolve the incident you can escalate it to the next level so you just change the assignment group it will be assigned to the level 2 or level 3 how to assign an incident go to your incident forum open any existing as of now this is assigned to assignment group database sandiago I want to assign this ticket to network I will select the name of the group I will select it and then I will click on save now this incident will be assigned to network team so this is how you assign an incident how to update work nodes and comments in incidents so an incident in notes section you have work notes and you have additional comments if I check here it will become additional comments and if I uncheck here it will become work notes so walk notes that means you will see this yellow bar here so all the yellow bar are work notes and this grey bar is additional comments work notes is for idle users they so that they can track their troubleshooting steps there if they want to mention something they can mention in work notes anything which they want to communicate or they want to update for end user they have to update in additional comments so you have to change it by clicking on this and then you can write something and then click on toast and for work notes I will uncheck this I will click here I will write something and I will click on post and it will be posted in work notes and the initial comment were posted in additional comments so this is how you update a work notes and comments Ineson incident how to copy and incident in order to copy an incident you have to click on this hamburger icon click this hamburger icon you will see this menu called copy incident if I click this button called copy incident it will open a new record by copying all the fields so I can update maybe Idol user as of now this incident is not created it just copied the fields and then I can update something and I can save this so all the information were copied from previous incident and now I have created a new incident how to promote an incident I have already showed you that you have to click on that hamburger icon and then you will have so many options we need to create change create problem or create request that's how you promote any incident how to create knowledge from incident in order to create a knowledge let me resolve this if I will resolve this it last you for many tree fields I will fill these fields and I will go to my resolution information and I will check this box if I will put my mouse you can see it says if checked will automatically create a draft knowledge article upon closure now this is also a functionality so if your organization of your ServiceNow administration team has not given this functionality you can definitely ask them to provide this checkbox so if I if I check this box and I click on save this incident will be saved and this incident will be resolved but at the same time and a knowledge article will be created from this incident and in order to see if knowledge article was created or not you can see let's see if this user has access to knowledge so we'll go to self-service knowledge go to IT we're not able to see that article because that's in draft state as of now so I can user cannot see it's only knowledge managers or the knowledge Department on all its team can update those articles once that article is published then you can see that particular knowledge article how to resolve an incident I already showed you that how to resolve an incident you just click on that option resolve or you change the state to resolve and put some mandatory fields and just click on save your incident will be resolved VIP user now who are VIP users in ServiceNow there is a functionality that you can update your VIP users so in any organization if you have some some people who are like executives top leadership and you want to bifurcate them from other users as VIP because you have to resolve their issues as soon as possible in order to tag them there is a field in user table that you can mention as VIP you can check that box now how to ServiceNow recognize that that that is a VIP user so let's take a look I will go to incident I will create a new incident and then I will try to create an incident let's see if this user is VIP so he's not VIP I will check the list of users and I will see who are the VIP users it is true I will run this okay so the only VIP user we have in this instance is Jerrod so Jared Bennett is the user so I will click on create new I will select Jared yes Jared Bennett so you can see when I selected this scholar it will automatically showing me here as VIP so this is out-of-the-box functionality you just need to enable that checkbox with the help of your ServiceNow administrators so whomsoever you have VIP users in your organization just ask your administration team and they have to check that box and that user will become VIP user and whenever you will create any incident you will select that user even service desk will create any incident for that user it will be shown as VIP and this this field the name of that person will also show as red this is how you recognize a VIP user let me show you the complete incident resolution workflow that how when we create an incident in user create any incident how that workflow works in service now and that is out of the box so you can see as of now we have one user there is an end user who is creating an incident he is creating that incident maybe wire email or he is calling service desk or he is creating that incident via self service so incident is created so I am raising that issue or if any end user is reading that issue then that incident is created in the system in ServiceNow so we are creating that incident and then once incident is created in ServiceNow an email is sent to the end user that hey we have received your incident it's kind of an acknowledgement to just let him know that yes we have received we have got your incident created in the system then that incident is being assigned to any assignment group so we assign that incident to any assignment group and it can be manually or it can be automatically as in both the situation's it will be assigned to any particular group once it is assigned to any group that group will also get email for that incident they would get an email that hey one incident is being assigned to your group please take a look so that team will start working on it all the one of the person one of the team member from that team will open the incident and check what the issue is from the user so email is sent to the assignee as well then assignee will start working on that particular incident so he might put that incident into his name so in a sign - he will put his name he will start working on it then he will start updating the incident and he will also put some categorization maybe he will put category subcategory he will check the priority update the priority he will also comment so maybe he wants some information from end user if he wants some information from end user even again send an email to the end user so user will be notified to respond to the idle user for any any need or any kind of question I can user has so caller is notified then incident is being worked upon as part of the SLA so you have some SLA that is a service level agreement that means as per the priority of the incident you work you have to work in that particular agreement level service level agreement so if it's a p1 it might be you have to respond in four hours or maybe in one hour and then you have to work in four hours that's how you follow that process so then you have to work as part of the SLA then SLA is also triggered as I mentioned then after troubleshooting you're about to resolve the incident and you are done with the troubleshooting steps you found the issue and you have fixed the issue so that means incident is resolved so I tell user resolve that incident and change the state to resolved once you are resolving the incident user is again being notified and hey your incident is resolved in the same notification user is being asked that hey are you satisfied so that's that's what we ask to the user that if caller is satisfied and if answer is yes then that incident will be closed initially it was resolved when we resolved the incident the state was resolved but if user is satisfied he doesn't have any concern with the resolution incident will automatically be resolved in 24 hours that's a condition and this is out of the box condition you can definitely change it you can ask your service now administrator to change it if answer is no that means if user caller is not satisfied then it gets assigned to the same person and then I think the assigned to was already there but it becomes work in progress now it becomes open now this user again have to investigate that why user raised this concern so he has to then resolve the issue and he will keep on investigating so this is the complete process he will again investigate resolve and then that process again goes further it will again send an email to the end user this time if user is satisfied once it is resolved it will be closed in 24 hours that means that's a complete satisfaction and an end off complete incident resolution workflow thanks for watching my video so please like share subscribe and comment and don't forget to click on Bell icon to get updates of my new videos
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Keywords: incident management, incident, What Is ServiceNow, what is servicenow platform, servicenow training, servicenow administrator training, servicenow tutorial, servicenow tutorial for beginners, what is servicenow software, what is servicenow administrator, servicenow basics, What is Cloud, cloud service, ServiceNow Architecture, ServiceNow versions, ServiceNow Platform, Enterprise cloud service, introduction to servicenow, servicenow
Id: KEkoqz6OMDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 47sec (4367 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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