Series 4, Episode 3 'Hollowing Out A Baguette.' | Full Episode | Taskmaster

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm Greg Davis and this is taskmaster as we venture deeper into the series the competition to win this the most aesthetically rewarding statue in television continues to grow in intensity there are five comedians lurking in the shadows ready to prove their worth and become the series champion let's hear their names now they are Hugh Dennis Molly at the propane and ever-present is my beta male assistant Alex horn sorry what sort of things do you get up to when we're not filming taskmaster there's a normal guy I just do my box sets don't our box sets ng on box sets I'm doing the news at the moment up to 1975 gripping last weekend I did the entire right stuff box set thank you just finished it just smashed the right stuff think I'm gonna watch another right stuff yeah that's the price test shall we not a problem yes we've asked our competitors to bring in the best membership slash subscription okay so excitingly not only will the person that's brought in the best membership slash subscription get five whole points at the stylus show the person who wins the entire episode will win five exclusive subscriptions slash memberships okay now hello we'll start with you you must get some pretty exclusive membership offers what's the one that you're popping in the prize bag today it's acutally so that's once a quarter subscription to the Crossrail magazine moving on sorry moving ahead [Laughter] I knew that you are obviously a big fan just Crossrail exist I noticed yes I've been down it I've been in the tunnels have a look have you been invited down to time a little bit and you're a subscriber to this you're moving ahead the worst magazine placed based on this I don't want to win this episode nice people well in these trying political times there's one thing that binds us all together cheese here what a reason magazine about cheese it's not magazine it's just a subscription they just send you to actual cheese every month I want cheese brought to the house you've upped the game thank God subscription oh yeah well this is quite weird because great minds well mine's called change post E is it a postman made of cheese yeah oh wait you basically get the ingredients for a gourmet cheese toastie sent to you every month yeah we've got it here it is incredible oh my you go yeah have you subscribed to this yes since I was one q given the enthusiasm you showed for males I'm petrified to us my subscription is a genuine subscription I'm genuinely a member of this thing I'm a member of a thing called the cloud appreciation society yeah it's great so every day they send you an email picture of a cloud you get a different crowd the sky is generally really how much do you pay you pay it cost you about 17 a group of villains all sit around going we've tried everything to rip people off and then what they're going to do to try sell clouds to huge Dennis it's incredibly relaxing think you only want to join I do the last public joke please I've joined the Air Society just get a picture of some air pure and simple I've joined um and they just send you bits of Beckham yeah your bacon comes from happy healthy british pigs healthy but healthy but dead I think it's one step up from a cheese toastie I can see what you're doing but I'm not having that okay you've seen all five great yeah all mm-hmm last place yeah I think I know I love clouds but of course you've got two great last place just cuz I'm worried about you but a very very close fourth place I mean so close two pounds to melt your two points to bail a third place Joe and again that's marginal and just because I prefer cheese to bacon well we all do doing who doesn't yeah no one cheese solid lumps of it love it but I'm a very lazy man I want my cheese to be combined with other things and fed into my fat man there we go so where's mr. Littlefield there we go with the first task Alex please yes it is a sneaky task good luck here we go [Music] yeah what's the task wow this is nice when I slow it was own isn't it quite like that oh it didn't ask Oh fast that's very satisfying did you make them yes say that great camouflage yourself you have ten minutes to plan your camouflage after a further ten minutes you'll be photographed in position your time starts now secrets have got to be invisible camouflage camouflage camouflage that well-known catchphrase so you don't know what's happened here they've all come a flush themselves we're gonna see the photos of them and then you could have try to spot them ya were saying you wouldn't have worked out if someone just said camouflage to me once I thought we'd start with Hugh Dennis yeah so I'm gonna show you a picture where do you think Hugh is here I wasn't this all for I'm not concentrating so I'm looking at the clouds there are no clouds and that is the whole point that is genuinely awesome work I can't if I had to guess do you want me till you do I guess cuz that's the show yeah if I had to guess I would say there's something not quite right about the door but I don't know well let's roll that forward and have a look [Applause] yes he took it off put on his back the definition of camouflage it's the disguising of personnel or equipment usually military by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings right he used to coming just standing behind the door behind it was part of my it was it was a genuine camera it was like putting a plant or something in front of your face and just a door on my back I don't know interested we'll come back to it okay uh should we have a look at lolly other favorite years okay well it's the game of where's lolly Wow I think I might have specific to you great to you I think she might be under that grass under the grass yes this grass we might it might be a decoy let's have a look you see that's actual camouflage because she brought something to the situation that wasn't there before a grass poncho was a little detail on lolly she may be poor icing sugar all over her to replicate the frost some went into her eyes my felt bad okay was it frosty it was first to his freezing cold hmm I mean maybe if you hadn't poured icing sugar all over yourself I wouldn't have got you so quickly right he's nice okay Joe license which one is Joe like Where's Wally as well so have a look if you want you can choose one I can add some numbers and you can say which number you think Joe is add some numbers okay okay there we go I want Joe to be number five give me a number Greg one one let's have a look from the other way around that train station well Joe Joe sent a tweet out he's got a hundred and thirty thousand followers in an hour it got nine retweets and 15 likes which means nearly a hundred and thirty thousand people ignored it my support relation the Isle of Wight it's a lot of people it's the one of the people who liked it was out so I popped along well you know it absolutely fulfilled the brief and he camouflaged himself very effectively it's my favorite so far to go but first some brilliant adverts see you in a few minutes [Music] Master there is a chief subscription up for grabs and in a bid to win it Hugh Janus has disguised himself as a door isn't that right oh that's so right break and in this best camouflage task we're yet to see two of our competitors attempt I'm gonna show you mel Gaudreau inch but you might not be able to spot oh really yes good this is [Laughter] do you want this I just say I'd you know what I I thought you had to stay within that room look at your little hiding place that my niece would choose she's fine I came away from doing that and I thought I've got this it's only one step away from when kids through this moment I saw it I thought lolly you're off the hook who's next right okay I've got our last place Shirley okay I know you can see our last person no fielding somewhere in here oh my god so it's just up to you Greg well I mean it's difficult because any part of that Caravan looks like what nowheres it's hard for you because I'm like predator he's there he's there okay I don't know have a look at where Knoll is that is absolutely he made himself very small and got in the troop oh you ready oh right I mean obviously no one's going to be in first place okay I've reviewed Hughes door and I've decided it was actually very inventive so I'm going to put him and Jo joint second to two points now for the fourth place person that's correct yes and that is obviously going to be lolli she went to the trouble of sprinkling icing sugar in her own face do you want anyone to clap when you reveal the last place or just I'd like everyone to give Mel one clap good okay last place mo [Music] sense of scoreboards update okay well he's won both tasks so faster the leader is obviously mr. Knoll fielding I don't suppose you have a more sociable custody like a team task something like that I do I have a team task [Music] Oh oh it's lovely here I'm not sure [Music] [Music] mm that's great [Music] [Applause] that's so cool that's amazing great well done what's it movie about could do a sort of Ken Loach sort of gritty or a carry on which seriously we make they're trained for this there is this theories we need the words don't we trailers have got to be very Pythium they got to think about the look can we between genres Ken Loach carry on I noticed though interestingly is your neuro linguistic programming that you use on hew me where I don't say anything you just follow MELAS she says I think we should do this shouldn't we should probably have this shouldn't we should we concentrate on this show and you're just going you can't wait to see it do you want to start off with TVs melon q yeah let's see the great double ax okay here we go seong-jin your own soul taskmaster tours she you Denise [Music] [Music] [Music] Nate mclarty's lost his filmmaking today I genuinely want you to watch it that slightly put me off it the fact that it's called tug master this is a very different show to this do you wanna see the pansexual pop pariahs I really Jay L M this is their trailer introducing featuring Hill Dennis [Music] Oh get dry and no builder with your taskmaster Greg Davis I'm a [ __ ] puppet Alex taskmaster the movie 667 p.m. Christmas Day on Christmas Eve [Music] it's a really really wonderful treatment whose trailer did you enjoy it is so close I thought they were both so brilliant but I have to give it to the Scandinavian drama took mesh well there are five points available though you won at the right now I'd like to give three to took Meister and two to the other team because they were both so awesome okay okay board no still no leak - a well-deserved break see you again in part 3 [Music] let's get right back into it this one is all about specific numbers of non-human feet [Music] dog it's you it's a party all right I know it's the coat isn't it please are the dogs yours oh no never seen them before there you go these are dogs yeah seven it's okay I take it off look I'm just a man I'm just a man just gonna put this one in here I know you're very sweet now let's read the task shall we persuade dogs to stand on the red met exactly twelve legs my sister at the same time fastest wins your time starts now that's two or must have been actually quite genuine upsetting for those dogs you ripping your flesh off in front they were really frightened because I must have looked like a giant bear indeed I'm confused though I don't see lolly there was an admin area well we designed this task for a certain species of animal and then there was an outbreak of a disease involving that animal lolly went first as she used the original animal the rest I picked an animal that is the equivalent of her animal so I handled diseased animals yes yes so what I thought was show Lolly's first and then we'll compare them to the other animals is that all right okay so this is lollies versioning persuade three chickens to stand on the red mat at the same time fastest winter time starts now a song I'm not tripping yes some of them are not chickens my muse map yes I mean they don't like it today guys I mean come on [Music] get one on that lolly [Music] yes generally happened you did it and then there was an outbreak of avian bird flu which means all chickens have to be kept indoors now so you may have it yeah in entirely feasible but unless you unless you Peck someone we're fine animal equivalent of a chicken for the others yeah did you go through chickens two dogs cuz Ali's gonna ask that question right when well I say that lolly doesn't know what a chicken is between a chicken in a duck kids what was lolis time for getting three chickens onto a mat 13 minutes and 40 seconds right yes please okay we'll compare lolly to melt and see who found it harder right doggies come here Oh what if I got too many pockets in Salem why have you got new pockets now my driving gloves they're gonna be really really disappointed sit very good dogs and sit that's too many now sixteen now they're expecting something I have nothing to give them literally to tear me from shred to shred treats all the house get some food we got in the glove I filled the driving glove with some bits of sausage that's gonna drive them a bit nuts into some of the minutiae here I am genuinely fascinated by the casual way of which you announced you had driving gloves I heard refer to there driving gloves was my grandfather was in the late seventies even hey I think older web I should probably let these go also worth Barry mind Mel didn't drive to the address to New Jersey so they're more about Michael Jackson s always have their string bat string bucks written up with red leather and they're molded exactly to the shape of my own hand can you wear them as easily no they've had sausage in I was trying to be clever where are you sausages I'm a driving gloves I was a bit scared of them can I say that now yeah were you I was scared of the one that barked at me when I left he was a there can be as a nation of dog lovers we sometimes overlook that some doctor well interesting to me getting three dogs on earth lolly took 13 minutes for tea with the chickens Mel took 14 minutes 24 with the dog so C equivalent less chicken dog to see the little boys all huge Oh an old attempts together what's your technique you just being nice to the dogs pretend to be dead close is there any food nor other pie do everyone about food well there's a kitchen of course there were sausages in the M Andra sausages in the house what this some sausages oh we're friends now aren't we look at the 12 legs that's three dogs in it for a 12-4 there's too many that - oh hang on exactly yeah so you're off sit sit sit down that's that's surely that's 14 yeah because especially the legs have to be the dog's legs no so it would have had ten dogs legs and my legs so that as you said that they were ten legs and your class all of them when the sausages in the house worked out that they could use the sausages to their advantage and yet not one of those men thought to pop those sausages into a pair of gloves give us some times well Hugh six minutes 51 no six minutes 28 Cole I said and I see this as a sort of modern-day miracle forty four point six seconds [Applause] we've got a problem to deal with here and that is the lolly problem it's not fair I mean that dog was a Joe was right chickens across the border yeah we'll kill them okay I mean silly lolly trying to wrangle them when she could have just run around kicking their heads off I think it's 40% harder 40% harder yeah so 40% of five points is - yeah she should get an extra two points okay I agree thank you yeah yeah which means that Mel gets one lolly up to four to three no four Joe five happy bang okay okay hey it's fishbowls time [Music] Wow the hell's going on them always happy whenever cling film is involved please it's that actual chocolate that is actual chocolate that's actual bread without moving the fish balls transfer the water from fishbowl a to fishbowl B you may only use the items on this table most water moved winds that's that's got a very it's not a good Baker also you must commentate on your attempt through the task always referring to yourself in the third person you have five minutes you have five minutes your time starts now but now let's read the task no it doesn't understand it's quite hard get all the water from one ball to the other without touching it they could touch it I should say they just couldn't move the body so anyone who did boobs or bowls oh yeah you couldn't move the balls and that to commentate on themselves in the third person in the third person to understand that it did move the bowls oh they couldn't move the bowls he can't move the ball something's about fine should we see loli yeah just hope your look at everything without moving the fish balls look she's pictures go over to the fishbowl and she's just lifting it up to see how heavy it is without moving the fish balls she's taking the fish dude she's gonna pour some water into this bowl without moving the fish bowls [Music] without moving the fish balls without moving the fish [Music] [Applause] without moving the fish polls camouflage camouflage camouflage they're not all chickens right I think it was clear with you allowed to move I mean terrible news only terrible performance who's next should we go on to melon no yes combo your time starts now we'll start with a little snack Mel we'll have a little snack before she starts oh that did come up actually some weird [ __ ] stuff that makes me feel a bit sick I'm going to hose with my mouth the water the poison they cut no can't siphon water doesn't their house to know that each little piece of chalk no really doesn't know what he's doing Mel is a little concerned now [Music] so now is immersing the rubber glove [Music] [Applause] stuff we couldn't concentrate there was five liters of water he had five minutes she transferred seventy four milliliters 1.5 percent of the water [Laughter] clumsily sucked up mouthful tis lovely phrase yes one hundred and fifteen milliliters so 2.3 percent how much water did I transfer doesn't matter it's academic but let me tell you not enough right it's time for the third commercial break of the show some say the best commercial break see you soon [Applause] [Music] welcome master it's our live task soon but first though when people shift in water about yes they were they've been given the task of shifting water from one ball to another but without moving the bowls one simple rule la ligue let's see if Hugh and Joe fared any better I think Jay think that's quite successful of course let's hope it's waterproof with new host got holes in its we can't use the rubber glove Hugh is really quite worried now [Music] do is hollowing out a baguette [Music] never abandon a glove just because it's got holes in the fingers Lola he is unable to see our large bar of cooking chocolate we'll help him move water from one fish bowl I mean I finished fishing that for several weeks yeah you transferred 97% of the water the other 3% into into you Indian you came up with that system pretty quickly he just got on with the job transferred all of the water without moving the bowl or talking no talking yeah didn't do the talk I'm interested in why is the commentary that he was doing no longer a necessary part of the task although it was written on the card what you have to do it yeah in much the same way that when you go about your day to day life you should continue breathing it's not point worthy so moving water from one goldfish bowl with to another okay yeah I'm fine let's just use whammy up a little bit I should say there is one other tiny little thing there was obviously a rule broken by lolly there was one other rule in the tasks that a few of them flagrantly broke oh really yeah you wanna see yes okay you may only lose the items on this table transfer the water from fishbowl a to fishbowl big Mel we'll have a little snack before she starts wondering whether she has to you something ended on the death no I was just going to have another little piece of chalk [Music] negative points I didn't even spot that on the car because I was too busy commentating because I'm in negative points anyway yeah maybe I should take on Joe's five points as well for docking can I say that's a really idea doesn't work like that this isn't the Good Samaritan we make the rules sausage gloves hey explore this a bit more okay well because she ate chocolate Mel goes from one point two minus four lolli stays on zero Joe goes from five points to zero no stays on three and Shu stays on for so he went to Taco Bell off scoreboard Alex well he's only stretched his lead he's catchable but he's on 19 points not fielding still Mele solid answer on today's winner so can you please for Kate your seats and prepare for the final task of the show hello Greg oh well let's welcome our musicians gentlemen fit into the show should we go for lolly out of fo p yes please okay lolly can I touch it take it in turns to say a five letter word whenever the music stops you may not say a word that has previously been said if you fail to say a word before the music starts again you're eliminated and the game continues with different length words there's one winner of this task one winner will get five points that's it okay we start with no because he's pacing like a Pew laughing so we'll start with no I will point at you as well just in case you don't understand the rules but it's a five letter word once you're out we're gonna choose a different length of word okay good luck everyone ready everyone yeah this is a little song called midnight flood bingo party tasks sweet break well if you could have a seat please you're out oh so it slowly next we're gonna do six letter words as quickly can midnight master karat doubt fishes these fishes o fishing fishing [Applause] you might find it easy to put into a sentence he fishes sorry for she doesn't know what chicken is if you could have a seat okay so we're gonna start again with no yes we're doing seven letter word so if we go midnight frytss rabbits Sweden Sweden Sweden z-table Sweden it's got a thing in it well it's your call Greg all right no more apostrophes from now on spelt a few seven letters let's go caravan Wembley party's news sit down i self-destructed okay so final and this time we're looking for two letter words so we're starting off with Knoll off you go two letter words [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it's an amazing situation null was five points ahead of Joe a clear winner surely no because the scoreboard now looks like this the dreaded tiebreak scenario Alex mm-hmm can you sort this mess out please I will Greg we thought the best way to sort this out would be with wine with wine not drinking it decanting it into another bottle from atop an umpire's chair right okay yeah so they've both done this let's have a look at the wine tiebreak you have one minute your time starts now [Music] never decanted wine in my life oh that a bit I could just drink this and then hit submit [Laughter] we've got ten seconds left I got ten seconds left he got well 18 milliliters including little shards of glass into the other bottle 16 16 milliliters of wine into the other bottle Joe got 79 milliliters Joe Lycett winner of several subscriptions please make your way to the stage to cut your prizes there it is that's the end of another episode and the start of a whole new chapter in our lives together Greg no I don't like it I don't like the contact so what we learned today well we've learned that lolly is bad at rules camouflage and identifying birds and mouths transport meat in gloves that's the end of the show then please clap your hands together once more for today's witness - Joe lights it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] for Walter Franta subscribe now [Music] you
Channel: Taskmaster
Views: 3,286,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taskmaster, Alex Horne, Greg Davies, The Horne Section, Dave Channel, UKTV, Red Dwarf, Would I Lie To You, 8 out of 10 cats, Taskmaster full episodes, Hugh Dennis, Joe Lycett, Lolly Adefope, Mel Giedroyc, Noel Fielding, Great British Bake Off, Mighty Boosh, Mock the Week
Id: v7ida4H_zTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 4sec (2704 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 11 2020
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