Sept 11, 2021 - Psalm50 - Rabbi Greg Hershberg

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bye [Music] [Applause] hello yeah yeah yeah good so last week you said it was empty because of labor day now why what is it they come at the last minute okay that's the way these baptists are they want they want the front of the bus the back of the church in the middle of the road so i was struggling yesterday trying to find a psalm and i and i by the grace of god they he gave me the right one for today um so if you have your bibles with you i'm sure people at home have their bibles with them i'll be reading from psalm 50 not one that we read from much these are all songs and they're birthed from some experience or some situation this one the setting of this psalm is is kind of a little rough it's a a courtroom it's a courtroom setting and god is the judge and israel is the defendant and heaven and earth are the witnesses but even though this was written 3000 years ago i don't want you to get stymied in that this is just god judging israel god is a judge and he's coming back a judge and he's going to judge all of us believer and non-believer alike so take a look at this with me the mighty one adonoi is speaking summoning the world from east to west out of zion the perfection of beauty god is shining forth our god is coming and not staying silent with a fire devouring ahead of him and a great storm raging around him he calls to the heavens above into the earth in order to judge his people so the first four verses you have god coming out of his chamber from jerusalem and he's summoning the people verse 5 says gather to me my faithful those who make a covenant with me by sacrifice so he's not judging the world here he's judging the saints right those who made a covenant with them the heavens proclaim his righteousness for god himself as a judge it's declaring the psalm is clearing god is just whether you agree with the judgment or not it doesn't matter if you're in a court of law and the judge declares a verdict it doesn't matter if you disagree with it you follow and and that's a human judge you got the picture all right this is how you should read your bible you should never read a line you should never read out of context you should never look to apply it into your life you have to first interpret what the word is saying you must um this is called expository preaching and it's it's dead today doesn't exist but expository preaching wasn't set up by me or a seminary was set up by god the first expository preacher was a man by the name of ezra in the 5th century bc that goes back 2500 years god established that because god doesn't change we shouldn't change right well we should change but we shouldn't change the script or the way we do things so here the next few verses god is rebuking his people the hypocrisy god's saying to them basically you have an outward show but you have no real affection for me you're not in love with me he says listen my people i am speaking israel i am testifying against you i god your god i am not rebuking you for your sacrifices see a lot of times we try to do works for god but god prizes our affections above our works i'm not rebuking you for your burnt offerings because they're always before me i have no need for a bull from your farm or a male goats from your pens for all the forest creatures are mine already as are the animals on a thousand hills you've heard people say god owns a cattle on a thousand hills meaning it's all his you're not you're only giving back to him what he's given to you it's no big deal it's not impressive i know all the birds in the mountains whatever moves in the fields is mine if i were hungry i wouldn't tell you for the world is mine and everything in it it's rhetorical of course god doesn't get hungry spirit but he's saying if he was he could take care of himself you don't take care of god okay don't get caught up in thinking that you're important that's a big mistake do i eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats and now in verse 14 15 he god declares what he desires he said offer thanksgiving as your sacrifice to god pay your vows to the most high and call on me when you are in trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me so he's basically saying at least to me my opinion that no gift can take the place of simple gratitude there's people that had a queenly mother when she was alive but they never showed her any respect to love and then at the funeral they put a 2000 dior dress on her you follow or the kid that's disrespectful to his father but on father's day he buys them these grandiose gifts when i used to say to my mother when i was young we were very close i said mom what do you want for mother's day she goes just your love son my mother was like none other i know you should probably feel that way about your mother but she was like none other she never raised a hand to us or raised the voice she's an amazing woman just personified love he says pay your vows what does that mean what's your vow to god he wants your love he wants you worship he wants your service and your devotion make no mistake and then he says call on me why does he want you to call on him god loves to hear from his people he doesn't need your prayer do you think he really needs your prayer to heal that guy i can't do it unless you pray you know why he tells us to pray he just likes to hear from us there's times my two older kids they call me what they're saying isn't interesting to me but i just love hearing their voice so i make it interesting to me god cherishes an intimate tender relationship between his people and himself and that did not happen in the new testament god is the same in the old testament in the new testament and today he didn't change it's not like yeshua came on the scene all of a sudden changed the script these are crazy people who see the new testament something totally different than the old testament it's it's a universe a universe now he turns to the wicked this is what he was saying to his peeps now he turns to the wicked he says but to the wicked god says what right do you have to proclaim my laws or take my covenant on your lips don't even say god bless you you don't know me you have nothing to do with me because you hate to receive instruction and you fling my words behind you the scriptures you fling like oh is that what it says in the word of god well this is what i think this is my opinion i've got news for you you're going to find out today the church is recreating god in their image when i say the church it's not a denomination it's the body of believers and that includes the messianic community we don't have a corner on the market when you see a thief you join up with him you throw in your lot with adulterers you give your mouth free reign for evil and harness your tongue to deceit you sit and speak against your kinsmen you slander your own mother's son meaning your siblings when you do such things should i stay silent you may have thought i was just like you but i will rebuke you and indict you to your face meaning you're talking bad about me and other people behind their back i will tell you right to your face consider this you who forget god or i will tear you to pieces with no one to save you god is not santa claus he's not a guy just bearing gifts and chuckling this is a huge mistake people are making today and this is what they think well um god hasn't really judged me the last year i've been doing this so it can't be that bad that's the mistake israel made and they went into exile do you know why god hasn't judged you yet because he's incredibly merciful whoever offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice honors me listen i just want you to know something thanks i don't sit there and go i need to find a psalm that's going to work with the message i sit and go god what do you want me to read so don't think i'm trying to badger the witness that's garbage whoever offers thanksgiving as his sacrifice honors me and to him who goes the right way what's the right way obedience you know how you show love to god not your tears he could care less cry all day long wants obedience [Music] so this summons beautifully 22-23 it closes with a warning and a promise the warning is whoever office who consider this you who forget god or i will tell you the pieces and then here's the promise whoever offers thanksgiving as a sacrifice honors me and to him who goes the right way i will show the salvation of god meaning i will save you every time i will come to the rescue you don't have to take care of yourself if you take care of you how is that trusting god it's kind of like an insurance mark you know well i'll take care of me and then if it doesn't work i'll give you a holler don't trust in princes don't trust in horses don't trust in pensions don't trust in spouses trust in the lord that's what the bible says from genesis to maps trust in the lord and i say maps because not because it's at the end of your bible but when you look at a map and you see israel they're there on the map because of god know that because of god's promises it's going to be a great day i just want to tell you up front you know i always hang around for an hour and a half or so afterwards i can't hang around today i got to get to memphis there's a conference going on that um that i've been invited to speak at so just one of those things so don't think that i'm being you know weird but if you're here for the first time you want to say hello um by all means come up say hello and give me a hug but as far as going over dreams when you're five years old that's not gonna work today okay hallelujah [Laughter] you know i must have said for 18 years guys there's so many people that just come up that are visiting that want to say hello to me and i really want to say hello to them and if you take like 20 minutes they're just standing there they feel like an idiot like please just kind of say hello and tell me who you are and you know it's just not the right and it doesn't matter how many times i said there's always somebody comes up and goes i was reading in revelation i should just say good revelation is good next but i don't know how to do that you know because the minute somebody pulls me in with scripture i'm all in because i love it you know i love it there's nothing i love more than the word of god except for the author yeah i just love it so i get pulled in and then afterwards i'm like and there's some lady you know 80 year old woman she's standing there for an hour and then she comes up to me she goes i just wanted to give you a hug and she waited there all that time so just be respectful you know what i mean be considerate consideration is waning today isn't it isn't it and it's not in the world the believing community i want what i want when i want it because it's all about me hallelujah praise god right it's all about him all about him so it's going to be a great day father thank you so much um that you just set aside a day that you call this day special and holy because on it you rested and so thank you that we can rest and thank you that we don't rest from being tired we rest in you and we don't have to do that just on shabbat father the world even the believing community they're running scared like i've never seen in my life and it's scary to me because i don't know if they realize it but we're not even have contractions at best these are braxton hicks contractions they're not even real contractions the water isn't nearly broken yet the baby's far from crowning what are we going to do when that happens what's the point of having faith if we have so much fear what do we get out of this deal i'm not saying to be foolish god i'm not saying that you know me better than that but i'm also saying that perfect love from you casts out fear it throws it out to help us to focus on your perfect love in yeshua's name i pray amen shabbat shalom guys
Channel: Getzel
Views: 612
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: rgoviiCTkW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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