SEOUL 5 day itinerary in spring (Local Recommendation) | Korea Travel Tips

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hello everyone this is Yong are you planning a trip to Soul are you looking for an itinerary for soul trip many people have asked me about an itinerary for soul trouble so I prepared one which is 5-day itinerary for soul I know some of you might have shorter or longer stays but I figure 5 days is an average so I have created 5day plan you can add more or take some out from this itinerary that suits your need let's get right into it there's so much to do in Soul the itinerary can vary depending on your personal travel Style and what you want to see the schedule I prepared this time is a mixture of touristic attractions and local experiences it's a plan where you can enjoy Korean history and landmarks while immersing yourself in a local life oh and soul has different places to visit depending on the season so travel itineraries can very slightly according to the season this time as spring is approaching I'll introduce you to a soul spring 5-day travel itinerary get ready to take some screenshots day one on the first day let's explore the main Palace of Soul Kung bokong Palace and is surrounding attractions basically the route is to tour this area of soul and you can follow the itinerary in order be sure to visit the main attractions and if you have extra time and energy consider the optional locations first start at kangam square and head up to explore kyungbok Palace uh taking a leisurely stroll here will take about 2 hours if you also visit the national Folk Museum of Korea then it will take about 3 hours in total after exploring Kung Palace has straight to pkon hanuk Village enjoy a meal and coffee while looking at a traditional hanuk houses next is the optional onong hanuk Street while PUK hanuk Village focuses more on residential purposes iong hanuk Street has more to offer in terms of restaurants cafes and shops moving on visit chungo Shin the loyal ancestral strain of chosen Dynasty kings and queens uh it takes about 1 to two hours to explore afterward head to quangang Market Souls representative traditional Market where you can enjoy Korean market food look around and have dinner here if you still have energy after dinner I recommend checking out the night ad Mission at changyong Palace it's the only Palace that opens at night providing a unique experience it may take around 1 and 1 half hours the second day is all about kangnam unless you're staying in kangnam I recommend not to allocate more than a day for kangnam in a 5-day itinerary due to its distance from other attractions let's start with an optional attraction if you're an early riser consider visiting Olympic Park while you're in chami then move to suon Lake L Tower and the outer area of Magic Castle in chamir next visit Cox and bonga Temple Cox doesn't have much to offer beside the Starfield library but there are plenty of restaurants here have lunch explore the library and then visit P temp Le located next to Cox following that there's the cherry blossom option at yangchen stream if you're visiting during cherry blossom season take the time to enjoy the cherry blossoms at yangan which is the one of the famous places to see cherry blossoms if it's not cherry blossom season you might want to skip here because the route is little off next is another option the real kangnam on the map this whole area is kangnam but famous kangnam that people talk about is around kangnam station this area is more for shopping dining or drinking rather than attractions for tourists but if you want to say you have been to kangnam then take a stroll along the street to enjoy the local Vive following that you have the option of going to either express bus terminal known as go or goru or shinsa G has the goru mall and numerous shopping stores restaurants and more gather indoor if you plan to dine and Shop go here shinza on the other hand has Brand shopping trendy restaurants and wine cafes lined up in these streets it's a trendy and stylish area so if you're into Trend give it a visit you can visit both but since the directions are different I rather choose one by the way a boy traveling during rush hours in kangnam which is 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. public transportation is extremely crowded if you must travel during rush hours do so with caution but try to adjust your schedule to avoid it also it takes more time to move around during rush hours day three the third day begins at Sal Plaza which is located just across tuug Palace take a short time visiting Soul Plaza and then proceed to tuug Palace which is the one of the five grand palaces in Soul also tuuk Palace is relatively small and can be seen quickly if you decide to visit the special exhibition inside then it will take around 2 to 3 hours to look around afterward stroll along the Stonewall path surrounding toxon Palace this pictur could pass is a popular spot uh you can continue until here or just this part next there's an option of place Chong observation deck which provides a panoramic view of tox Palace have lunch around City Hall Station then head toward Namsan it's a walk over distance so walk toward Namsan to passun gate a National Treasure of Korea also on the way to Namsan Tower you will pass by pbom square where the Fortress walls and nature blend beautifully continue walking for about 30 minutes and you'll reach Namsan Tower if you don't want to walk you can take the cable carard here after visiting Namsan Tower you can do an optional visit to namsang hanuk Village a beautiful small hanuk village I put it as an optional visit because to get there you will need to take detour rout which might take around 30 minute walk to get there however during spring the pass is adorned with cherry blossoms after that head to Mong for dinner and shopping I prefer visiting Mong at night because there are food stands at night which makes makes Mong more enjoyable if you have some time in the evening consider strolling along Chong Chun stream day four the fourth day is filled with local experiences that are popular during spring head to yoido lately pop-up stores are a trend in Korea and the hesho department store is at the Forefront of this trend the basement floor is filled with various food and international brand popup stores on the upper floors you find a space inspired by Nature within the city next is the cherry blossom option yuno Cherry Blossom Street it's an incredibly famous spot during cherry blossom season if you are visiting during the season be sure to visit here next to the street is Yoo Han River Park in Spring many Koreans go on picnics along the Han River and this park is particularly well known you can rent or buy a mat at the park purchase some take out food from from hes H basement floor while you are there or buy food in the park then enjoy a picnic by the Han River bicycle ventos are also available so you might want to give it a try please note that there are chers in the grass field in Asia so people generally don't lie and sit down directly on the grass so be sure to use a mat afterwards head to yongan there's the war memorial of Korea in yongan and the admission is free it's a famous spot that many Travelers go and it might take about 3 hours to explore whole place next go near yongan station this area is popular on Long Locos for its great restaurants shoppings and cafes so you can enjoy a meal and go shopping here like a loco day five last day is in hung area I have chosen activities that locals often enjoy before heading to H let's start by visiting H CH this place where an artificial waterfall was recently created has become a popular spot attracting many visitors the artificial waterfalls is impressive and behind it a small hill is covered with numerous blooming flowers making it a great place to enjoy spring blossoms after that we'll move on to M Market here you can enjoy some local snacks or have lunch at one of the many smalla Resturant in Mong after lunch let's proceed to Yong located near hung Yong is filled with trendy restaurants and cafes don't miss walking along kongi line Forest Park when you pass hung station there's a Charming Railway track next we'll stroll along Hond Street in the afternoon there are less crowds making it perfect time for Cafe hopping or visiting Street fashion stores for some shopping moving on to hop Jang which is known as local Gathering Place with plenty of delicious restaurant and cafes I recommend having dinner here after that for those visiting during cherry blossom season there is a cherry blossom option in the Mangan area there is a small adorn with cherry blossoms it's beautiful during the day but the evening lighting as an extra charm making it more enchanting at night following the another optional bsit you can do is walk on hondai Street in the evening although you walk through hondai Street in the afternoon the atmosphere changes in the evening many people come out for bus ging street food stall emerges and the place becomes livelier if you have the energy consider walking all the way to Hundai station okay today I have shared a five day itinerary for a spring trip in Soul that focuses on the balance between travel and local experiences you don't have to follow it exactly but I hope this itinerary helps you plan your own trip oh and in today's video I couldn't go into detail explanation about the places because the video might get too long however you can find related videos on my channel where I've already introduced many of these places in more detail I'll leave a link to blog post that lists all the location in the description section that's it for today's video If you find this video helpful please give it a like and leave us comment to support us feel free to share your recommended places in Soul or any questions in the comments don't forget to subscribe for more beautiful Korea travel videos I'll see you in the next video thank you bye
Channel: Your Korea Friend
Views: 81,123
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Keywords: seoul life, korea life, korea vlog, korea information, life in korea, travel korea, korea, south korea, south korean, korea life blog, korea lifestyle, visit korea, korea travel, 2022, 2023
Id: e6OoSnAlbgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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