Exploring the Palace : Korea Vlog Day 2

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hey guys welcome to day two of my trip to Korea yesterday was basically just a giant traveling day but we made it to the Airbnb and here is some footage of the Airbnb it was actually very very nice and if you're looking for a cheap way to stay in Korea airbnbs are a lot cheaper than the hotels although we did get a little warning um when we were there we ran into a English teacher who who was from America and we ran into him at a cafe that was under our Airbnb basically the Airbnb was part of a residential building and it was like 70 stories it was crazy tall but at the very first floor of this building there was a cafe and we ran into him and he basically told us that airbnbs are kind of illegal in Korea so that's why they're so cheap um we didn't run into any issues we went to two airbnbs we booked it through Airbnb but he said just to be careful if you ever had had a trouble getting into an Airbnb in Korea probably wouldn't get much help because they're they're not supposed to have them but who knows how true that is he just mentioned that offand um but we couldn't really sleep cuz we were really like jet lagged so we ended up walking around Soul at 4:00 a.m. but but it was actually a really cool experience Soul was so so pretty and it was crazy how busy the city is as you can see there's still a lot of people out given it's 4:00 a.m. and we're like in the business district of souls this is not etan where there's partying this is like where all the businesses are so it it was really cool to see all the lights and stuff um apparently there's some sort of holiday going on so that's why all the lantern were up but it was so so pretty and it was actually like a little cold the weather was nice it's a good change from Florida so once we officially woke up we then had to hop on the bus we were going to get our Han books which if you wear hanbook to the Palace you actually get in for free by the way the public transit in Korea is so easy all you need is a t- money card or cash B card and you just tap it when you enter and you tap it again when you're leaving um and to get around we used the neighor map app it was so so helpful cuz with the neighbor app map it tells you when to get off when to get on it tells you the bus the bus times it was so easy and you don't need to know any Korean to be able to use the app because it translates it all into English so again very very easy to use by the way Korea has the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen in my life so I took time to take a bunch of like videos and photos of all the flowers um cuz it was so gorgeous everywhere there was amazing amazing flowers so after the hook rental we did a walk-in food tour we did do a pit stop to get a lock we mentioned to the tour guide that we really wanted to get this lock and he knew the guy that sells them so he took us right there and we ended up getting this fish lock for I think it was right around like 6 Us doll which I think that's a really good deal cuz it's actually made with real brass and we're able to tell by doing like the magnet test um we also went to the famous Pope Cafe they serve their coffee in like toilet bowls and stuff it's really funny but it was actually so good and then we saw a bunch of different like traditional restaurants we tried different traditional food and then we also did street food which the street food was my favorite it was really good I love tooke it's like nice and spicy um the fish cake was really really good too uh but we went to the traditional Market as well so we got to see meat vendors fish vendors we saw more tooke it's so good you have to try it if you ever go and then we walked to this stream and the whole time the food tour guide he you know brings us to food spots but he also shares a lot of history so that was really cool too I wish I was able to record him to share that with you guys um but for privacy Reasons I'm just showing what I can that's the end friend
Channel: K.L.Hart
Views: 82
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: korea, korea travel, gyeongbok palace, south korea, korean palace, traveling to korea, traveling vlog, going to korea
Id: smoPg0Waj_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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