Reverse Engineer Success: Top 10 Web Development & SEO Companies in the World (with Stats)

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if you're new to my channel there is one thing that I'm crazy passionate about it is reverse engineering success and since I'm niching down and giving you five straight videos about how to build a successful web development / digital marketing company in today's video I'm gonna knees down and really look at the top players in this game we're gonna review their websites I'm gonna pull their statistics we're gonna look at their social media following basically you're getting into the mind of Chris a Hughes I'm just gonna verbalize and freestyle and tell you what I see and what I can learn from this and before I get into this this is a disclaimer by no means am I trying to start conflict every single person that I chose out of these top 10 are people that I'm inspired by and I look up to okay so this is there's no bashing going on but that being said I am Who I am and if you're talking the talk you better walk the walk and we're about to find out today let's do it [Music] so good evening my name is Chrissy Hughes owner founder of a nerds world in downtown Toronto I welcome you to take a look at my website which is a nerds world okay when I started this business way back when and I was just ready to open my first storefront I was at this place where I didn't know what the next step forward should be so the hustler and me said if I want to be the best at this industry I'm gonna have to recognize who's currently the best and find out what they're doing right and wrong it's pretty simple to me and that's known as reverse engineering success find somebody that's successful work backwards to find out what they've done right and wrong and simply do better than them sounds easy right so what I did when I started I remember the first month I opened my business was dedicated of course we wanted to make sales but also I needed to work out some sort of game plan on how I'm gonna make my way to the top of the totem pole very saturated totem pole so I started by calling my competitors simply googling all the keywords that I wanted to rank for and I didn't rank for and just picking up the phone and giving them a call and looking at their website was there a phone number was their portfolio did they have upfront pricing did they have photos of their team do that with physical location I'm looking for all that type of stuff and I was taking notes I mean a detailed ledger of everything that I've seen look I was never good in school I hated school the one part in which I excelled was putting together a nice presentation I enjoyed doing research in which they gave me lots of time I loved putting it together and making it look beautiful so now that I'm a parent and I'm an adult I no longer have to do this type of presentation on a day to day basis but I took this dead serious so I pretended when I was putting this together that I was going to present in front of thousands of people because literally my career and my hood and my life depended on the research I was about to put in so my my package when it was complete was beautiful so I called my competitors first and foremost I lied let's be upfront I lied I made up a name I made up a business I said something along the lines of look hi my name is Johnny Walker and I'm in Toronto and I'm thinking about opening a bakery not really interested in pulling the trigger right today but in the next two or three months I'm interested in hiring can you can we set up a consultation and I would call ten developers development companies and maybe three would reply and never in a timely fashion they were always trying to rush me into something once again I was upfront I'm not looking to get started right now and that was all pre planned premeditated because I wanted to see how they were gonna treat me all right because I'm fishing are they gonna treat me differently are they gonna spend time with me are they gonna educate me and I would take notes I literally put a checklist together take notes yes yes no no no then I sent an email and I did a different type of question like okay I've contacted three of your competitors I'm looking for the best quality website what makes you different and I'd make up a new name and new business all with fake email accounts and then I would count the number of days it took to get a response and I've put together this ledger of everything I liked about each of these businesses and everything I disliked and that was gonna be my master plan on how to build the most successful business possible because I'm not the most educated really I have no education what I found it and what I can be honest with is I'm good at sales and communication and I have a unparallel work ethic nobody will ever beat me when talking about work ethic coz I will always work harder than you and I was into sports as a child right I played hockey cross-country track and the best I ever did was wrestling I was a very good wrestler I wouldn't say I was a very good wrestler I would say I was an average wrestler that worked harder than everyone else so I brought myself very far in wrestling not off my strength or my technique but just simply off my work ethic because I hated to lose my life from then till now is always a competition that's the way my mind functions so I would study the competition in order to formulate a way that I'm gonna build my business to succeed and it was in presentation form and that is how I started an arts world and all of my goals that I wrote down I knew we're gonna take time I did not start this web development company to get rich in the first year or the second year or the third year I knew this was gonna take time and it did every penny that I made along the way I would reinvest and open new stores and build my brand okay now I've been in business for over ten years and I have a lot of knowledge in this noggin and yes I don't look like the corporate web development company suit-and-tie briefcase I'm not a square I'm gonna be honest as honest as humanly possible with my channel and I live for reverse engineering success and that's for any industry so in today's video I'm gonna show you ten websites that either have a ridiculously big social media following or they're big web development agency is maybe you've heard of them maybe you haven't about two months ago on my category section of my youtube channel I asked people like give me who your favorite youtubers are because I'm gonna pull their stats and I'm gonna create a video a few people said like why you're gonna try to do this and look I have the utmost respect for everyone that I'm gonna mention but I want to know are they walking the walk or they simply talking the talk so in a moment I'm gonna bring my computer closer and I'm just gonna show you how my mind functions I'm gonna be 10 that there are no cameras around and I'm gonna show you what I look at and you're gonna hear my voice literally in real fashion and if you guys like this type of video and you feel like you'd like look at other people's websites in the future simply leave a comment below say hey Chris you missed this person and I look look this list could have been endless I tried to dummy it down to ten because I don't want to make it a six-hour video but if there's somebody that you think is upper-echelon like creme de la creme somebody that we could really learn from all of us because that's the idea behind this video learning and I recommend that you guys take it upon yourself not only to use the list that I've prepared but do this for yourself make this a common practice every six months find out who the newest competitor is or how did they alter their website is their bounce rate better or worse like how how are they improving themselves we can learn from that as a community we can learn from that so I'm about to grab my computer and pull it closer so we can get into this and you know what it wouldn't be fair if I didn't look at my own stats so of course the Nerds world's gonna be somewhere in the mix excited that's just you ready let's do it I'm ready let's do it and I'm just gonna fertilize and tell you what I see okay number one is authority builders and I'll be 100% up front never heard of them never heard of them before but I've seen their commercials lately I listened to what he said and I thought hey this guy sounds smart everything he's saying there's a great pitch behind it so first first we're gonna look at is authority builders calm and for pulling all stats today I'm gonna use a few different programs and websites but Sam Rush is gonna be you guys are tired of me telling you that's that's my my premium plug-in of choice if you guys would like to try a free trial there's always links in the description 7-day free trial just click on it try it out okay I'm on the website at first glance hero image everything looks good looks branded I like the logo easy to navigate looks good as I scroll down apply now big call-to-action okay looks clean I don't have the time to read through everything but I mean it looks clean testimonials Wow over 2,000 agencies and se owes use authority builders 2000 over 2000 agencies use or have used use means currently it's gonna be hard to follow through but let's take a look a lot of apply now apply now so the call to action is good their address is in Singapore out of curiosity we might pull that and let's let's see what that looks like let's give that a shot you know reverse engineering is everything from seeing are they spending money on an office is it someone's house let's see International Plaza I guess there's no way to really see this they could be in that plaza not too sure okay let's carry on okay let's do this authority builders authority builders okay 71 subscribers and four videos they got some hits I've never seen their Channel but when I click if they've spent money to get the clicks it's gonna be a high ratio of this but let's take a look no 7000 views they're saying they got 7000 views with only six likes and one dislike one comment you the ratio looks a little bit off Who am I to judge that's not why we've put this video together but let's go back so they created a dashboard which molds around your needs the dashboard also lets you do the following manage and track order progress request custom lists and track your link building crop progress so looks like they're getting you back rooms I guess that's the whole gist of their business because some studies blog let's take a quick look at the blog guys if you guys want to follow along with any of this I'll leave links to each of these websites in the description below ok it's branded well looks good can't say there's nothing bad I'm gonna say about it let's take a look let's see how many pages they have can best month and they've actually gotten exactly the same number of hits two months in a row you can see they've been around for a little while and it took them a while to search and writing traffic they have 855 backlinks let's scroll through let's see what the keywords are here the top organic keywords generating them traffic it's all their brand like every keyword that's generating them the 268 search volumes is branded Authority builders which is their name authority builders pricing which is their name Authority guest post not their name authority builders pricing authority builders reviews so it are it's their brand which is a good thing people are searching and cooling their brand but from an SEO standpoint they're only targeting 49 keywords which as an SEO company once again I'm not putting them down I'm saying if I'm trying to compete with them all I need to do is make sure that I'm ranking for more than 49 keywords now they are targeting us or users through spending ad money and if it's getting them a return on investment praise to you but thus far looking at the website what I like most is the colors are branded the call to action is clean that's what I would take from this website I can go through the backlinks right I could do this if I'm trying to out rank them and get better backlinks than them or equal backlinks look how simple this is I can click through here and just click on all of these I can go to Gaucho SEO best link building services and I can look through all these backlinks and I can submit my article to them if I'm trying to build backlinks as well but that's not the nature of today's video today's video we're looking at the competitors and seeing what we can learn from it so let me make a quick note let me tell you what I could learn from it it's branded the website itself people are searching for their name which is good and they have a clear call-to-action so I'll make three notes on what I liked about the business a and they're being proactive proactive with pay-per-click they're spending money I see them on Facebook I see them on Google and I see them also on YouTube next scorpion now if you have not heard of scorpion you've been missing out I've been watching scorpion for many many years they're the biggest player I think they're the single biggest player probably in the world they're that big it's a huge huge business will open up their website we'll go through everything I'll show you their locations and how many employees they have it is a big business and they very recently updated their website and their logo and I'll be honest I don't like it I like their old website and logo better but who am I to judge this is merely my opinion and I'm just little old Chris let's take a look through their website and I'll walk you through what I see okay building a better way as their hero text I don't like it I don't like it but they're making a hundred times more money than I write so I can learn from this and let's go through the first thing you see in the most like your eye is attached brought to his play video which I like so let's watch the video very quickly and already look they're flexing their muscles they're flexing how big they are because therefore yeh is bigger than most be everyone here that's watching if we attached all our offices together therefore U is bigger than all of us so for a hundred percent we have stuff to learn let's take a quick look at this video in business what's happening I have music playing in the background let me get rid of some of this music okay here we go remember those who are good enough to do something great some may call them bold daring or even ahead of their time we call them leaders leaders in business have an unwavering desire you lovely man I love this website it's a Seether level of like how big they are if you're a small web development company owner looking at this you cannot help but be inspired if there is any hate on your mind or negativity no good no bueno inspirational and I'll tell you I guarantee the common denominator on all successful businesses that I see here are personality like personality means the people that work there have their video have their photos their talking it's gonna be a common denominator 100 percent so my first thing is gonna be personality okay let's go through and take a look at what else we can find so right here they're already telling you like when you hit the menu they're showing you the industries they're focused on so there's some what needs down right there five major niches but I mean like words like franchises could really be anything could be a retail store could be a restaurant it could be many different things but they are niching down and if you look on the left that's one of their offices not like they have one floor like that's one of their office and that's only a small portion of their office hugely successful so I can't even do anything else I have to click on one of these so it's it's still it's filtering me down it's breaking me down personal injuries so is telling me what type of law and I'm guessing each one of these is gonna be a landing page specific to that extend your criminal defense firms reach beautiful beautiful I'm not sure if there's a stalk imagery but I mean I wouldn't be surprised if it's not nice clean easy look at that nice testimonial profession so they sent out a professional photographer to take a photo of Aaron Ekman to attach to his testimonial they're investing money because they know how important a good-quality testimonial is stunning and user friendly it's a beautiful site some of our partners they're flexing their muscles once again look how long this this pages at focused on criminal defense more photos like look how long this pages look how long if you want to reverse engineer this already I can tell you look at this let me let me just do this quickly so scorpion what do I take home they have not not afraid of personality I can't spell they have a crazy good intro video with team pages are long and full of content yet organized man developers if you're building some half-assed website that looks this long reevaluate yourself look at this company and while I'm talking I'll tell you a quick story as I'm googling this I'm going to show you what one of their locations look like let's just pick a location tell you a story I was promoting one of my videos yesterday on Facebook and this will called himself he called himself an entrepreneur I wouldn't call him that he came on and said something along the lines of I don't pay attention to my competition because my sales are so good or something ridiculous along those lines and it's not about that I don't fear competition you know I'm inspired by competition because I want to win and I want to learn I'm never in my life gonna be at a point where I feel like I'm done learning company building period so man this this inspires me and I hope it inspires you look at the size of some of their locations guys if this is not getting you all sweaty and clammy the hair is not standing up on the back your neck I don't know I really don't know this is inspirational for me and I've seen their website many many times and I still if you can't feel my passion I'm still excited and when I do this kind of reverse engineer you know when I put my presentation together for myself I can't sleep for the next three nights because I got so many ideas in my mind that I want to start working on really inspirational and I know you're tired of me saying the same thing over and over again so try my best to stop so the websites beautiful no question three big locations they're doing everything right all right they have a full there's no way a lawyers gonna come to their website that's looking for a website and not be impressed and that's the answer here so it's not this website doesn't have to generate millions of hits we're about to find out how many hits they get how much traffic they get but I mean the people that do come that are looking for their service there's no there's no way they're not gonna be impressed I'm impressed and I've been in this business a long time let's go back to SEMRush and let's pull some numbers curious I haven't pulled numbers on them in months so I'm curious to see what what we find out and what we're gonna do here we're gonna take the next step so I think I think it's worth it we're gonna look at time on site bounce rate and that type of stuff I think their numbers their metrics are gonna be very good okay in Canada they don't have a lot of traffic but they're not they're not targeted candidates so let's go to the u.s. US last month they got twenty three point five thousand visitors organically incredible it's a good number keywords are targeting is three point seven thousand good number also they have a lot of pages you know what let's actually look at their page break down and look like even stylistically look at that h1 header law firms digital marketing nice big bold easy-to-read beautiful font colors are on point they're branded menu is nice I'm impressed I'm really really impressed okay let's just take a quick look they have over a thousand page is on their website so if we scroll down we can get a general idea on what they're targeting medical practices franchises consumer SEO home services medical marketing blogs success stories so let's take a look at this page quickly we celebrate our clients success and believe me the clients want to hear that but like look at all the effort they're putting into these case studies so when they finish a project it's not like shake hands and goodbye it's like they're building a long-term relationship with a client and they're proud to show the work but they're also dedicating time to put these case studies together which so many businesses love now have no idea on their price points because nowhere here doesn't have any there's no mention of it at all you need to contact in order to find out pricing they have a lot of pages let's pull let's pull their numbers so they're their traffic cost if they were paying for pay-per-click would be 126 thousand per month look at this they're our top organic keywords are all related to their actual name their business name it just shows how big of a brand they are the people that are looking for web development service for them are not searching for other people they're only searching for scorpion they got a big brand so we're gonna jump over to Alexa bounce rate and let's see what kind of stats we can pull on them it's gonna be on page metrics and we can utilize this for our presentation so their bounce rating is 41.6% not bad average time on site is 2 minutes and 49 seconds not great to be honest with you I thought it was gonna be more and I'm just curious because they have no ranging and pricing I'm just curious if that's a reason like people spent a few moments to look and have no idea is it website a thousand dollars or a million like there's no way for the average person and I think that there would be some limit like there might be some fear if I'm a small law firm that just started up and I have three people working for me and I come to the site and I see this huge building it might be a little bit intimidating I don't know I'm not a lawyer and I'm not looking for the service so but I thought their stats here would be better I really did I thought the average person would spend more time on site we can look here and see where the key word gaps are and their key words etc let's keep this video less than three hours we're gonna jump onto number three which is okay let's look organic traffic is good I don't remember the number twenty eight thousand somewhere around there bounce rate oops so when I'm doing this I would actually be much more detailed but once again for the video average time on site what was it like two point five minutes let's go on to the next the future if you guys haven't heard of the future you're missing out definitely one of my favorites YouTube channels what we're gonna do is just look the future huge following in the industry without without question one of the biggest let's just take a quick look okay seven hundred eighty seven thousand subscribers so from a social standpoint they're building a ridiculously big brand look after one day 12,000 views sixteen thousand views fourteen thousand views and they're a digital agency that's teaching other digital marketers on how to succeed right a lot higher level than me a lot more professional the way it's put together without question so if you haven't checked out this channel highly recommend it let's look at their website the 1 billion mission teach 1 billion creatives how to make money doing what they love without feeling gross cool well pretty basic at the top like learn shop connect I think because there are social media following so big I don't know I'll have to look back at the wayback machine to see how they started out be curious to see how they've changed like are they molding their business due to the fact that they have more following on social media is this how the business model started out by like Shaw it's weird because I would think that you would be trying to sell your service but they obviously know what they're doing I'm just trying to take what I can from this but coming back to this again look at his personality the main guy first thing you see it is the back of his head but the first thing you see is is him and of course he's part of the videos and I'm presuming he's going to be all over this site so look at this clean black font on white background nice easy h1 header to read not too busy in the background like this breadcrumbs to the left that just makes it easy to read nice big bold content you crave and look this is not SEO friendly but because they have such a following on YouTube to be honest they don't need to be overly SEO friendly and they're building this for design not for ranking that's just my guess we're about to see when I pull the stats it's a little choppy as it as it loads could be just my computer it's a longer page but the fonts are really big has personality it has the brand what are they selling let's take a look courses and resources so I guess that's the route they're going but once again look at that owner CEO first thing you see personality guys I know this is gonna be a common denominator this is something I've done since day one and I'm not saying I'm perfect but I'm saying that you need to have your face you need to have your face on your website your team's face let's try this okay this has given me a lot more options let's click on design let's get an idea so learn like they're teaching this is I presume this has become more of like a teaching than where they initially started by doing logos and video work look at this the owners on every page he's built such a look and a brand for himself the pages are easy clean they're long they're branded so let's go back to my note and once again it's gonna see this over and over again they got the brand branding power personal photos on every page huge YouTube following so when you're building your digital marketing company you know look at this the successful people have a big following and produce content doesn't have to be perfect but if you're building a strategy towards success I think that that is something you have to put time and effort into I'm learning firsthand more the more videos I put out the more following I have on my YouTube and also the retention the average time on video the more likes the more comments I know this is like to some people this is a game right like who cares that I get X number of likes to be honest with you it's a little pat on the back for producing content right this does take four or five hours to put a video together edit it and upload it but more important than that when people watch my video they want to look at my site to see what my site looks like and when you guys look at my site from all over the world that shows Google that I'm the authority and that increases my ranking therefore increasing my organic traffic so the future let's take a look at what they've done from an SEO standpoint but because once again there are certain there's cheat codes in this like it's as simple as that he's doing so well with YouTube that he probably doesn't have to do much from an SEO standpoint but we're gonna still take a look because we're trying to reverse-engineer success okay they have 937 pages as I scroll down I can get a general idea just by looking here at what the pages are about so collaborate newsletter bootcamp events business design privacy policy speaking engagements development davell in countries style frame private coaching so I think their business models really changed with the time and really do when I started following them it wasn't this type of agency at all let's go to seven rush and pull the numbers do you guys have any prediction do you think they have a lot of traffic I think they have a lot of traffic but my guess is that a good percentage of the traffic is gonna be branded like people are looking for the owner's name and for the actual company itself it's my prediction okay in Canada is 3.1 thousand people last month look their authority scores 547 and that's due to the content that they're creating they're doing public speaking and and such okay their traffic is lower their website traffic is lower than I thought it would be it's at eight point nine thousand last month and if you look at this since December 2016 it's been steady growth like that is good quality growth no downs just ups and I guarantee if you were to match this with the uploads on their YouTube channel and the quality of content I guarantee it matches they have eighteen point eight thousand backlinks traffic's good and look at this without question I promise you I didn't look at this earlier just by looking at their website and their strategy their targeting tons of keywords two thousand six hundred and fifty four keywords but their top organic keywords are all related to their business like the future look how many people are typing in their future per month thirty six hundred per month from America Google sees that and gives you a higher authority score you can't go wrong when you have an authority score of 47 you're gonna see as we go through the others 47 is ridiculously high number so anything this guy does online will become gold and just by the fact that people are looking for the future a future Chris do is the gentleman's name those numbers are huge really really big great work inspirational I can definitely take a lot from this let's let's while we're here let's go to Alexa bounce rate let's just pull some stats curious to see how are people using the site are they liking this I they're spending time where they're bouncing okay bounce rate is forty four point eight so their bounce ratings higher and then scorpion but their average time on site is four minutes which is a lot more than scorpion they have the retention there it's showing you the overlaps like who's competing with them here at the top keywords once again alexis free i'll leave a link in the description or simply google alexa bounce rate but they're doing something they're doing something properly so let's go through through this their authority score their domain authority is high it's the best so far tons of people are searching for company name and owner's name average time on site average time on site is four minutes so this stands out to me so I would like if I was not filming this I would be bouncing back and forth and really trying to figure it out but I mean reverse engineering everything from like the size of the font standing back are you eat are you able to read everything is it organizes its space dwell but the time on site says four minutes so they're doing something well I would like looking at this right off the bat without contacting them I would say the YouTube channel is hugely important to the success of their business today I don't think it was important three years ago but today it's hugely important they got a great brand that's recognizable flux Academy somebody and my YouTube said check out flux so we're gonna take a look at flux and I'll be honest I've seen them in my YouTube feed now and then that being said I haven't watched any of their their content let's take a quick look right now see what their following is flux Academy so one hundred and forty thousand subscribers 921 videos that's impressive I'm around 150 they're a lot higher than me I'm not sure if this is a one-man team or if it's looks like the channel is all him so right off the bat personality he's using himself once again guys common denominator personality he's showing YouTube big following and he's showing his personality his expertise is passion just through videos I watched 10 seconds of one video and I can already feel feel it so let's look let's look at his site now okay looks good become the designer you were meant to be so already I can tell he's selling his service it's an academy so he's probably selling a class or some sort of mentorship for designers or our courses says it right here pretty neat everything moving around scroll down look at this look out nice and easy big font very easy to read I love this I promise you I've never looked at this site see this signature here you'll see on the Nerds world site I love it I do the same and I've always done the same if you go back to the Wayback Machine you'll see I've been using signatures since day one look at this another common denominator a trailer and it's them in a meeting I presume look how happy she is over there if that doesn't make you happy you're an angry person so beautiful nicely branded custom graphics our courses movement modern look personality big smiley face founder again guys common denominator now if you go home if you watch this whole video or a portion of this video and you go look at your website and it has no photos of yourself and you think well I'm gonna be better than these guys you're dead wrong look how big he is he's so proud of his business then he put his name that big his face three times in a row he's a happy guy look at a smile I feel happy I don't know you but your smile is so big your eyes are closed that's a good person and look my work has been featured some big companies student work look at this page it's a long page it's well spaced out but it's a long Paige beautiful website in this website was proudly built with web slow downward slope so let's make some notes again personality long page brand it to modern website with movement guys let's look at some stats now nice site like I like it I'm inspired I'm definitely inspired okay let's pull the stats let's look at the metrics on page metrics so when you see my youtube channel you keep seeing cars I'm not really into cars they're like on the screen saver but I bought a car yesterday and I'll talk to you about it shortly site four minutes and 44 seconds in it's up 51% bounce rating is 45 percent average pageviews per person is 2.9 not a bad number but out of every website we've seen so far that's the highest on page time so people spending time users spend 4 minutes and 44 seconds on site that's the highest thus far so we can attribute that to two different things the website looks good and he's targeting the right market the people that find his site are looking for his site therefore they're spending more time and they're spending more time looking at multiple pages it comes down to marketing great let's look at some stats quickly and then we'll jump on to develop mark let's go to semrush I got a hundred tabs open graph 58% so we got to do this quick we got a speed-up let's see here SEMRush we won't look at Canada once again I'm in Canada so it keeps showing me Canada but us I guess is their crime market so backlinks I'm surprised there's only 382 backlinks to be honest with you I thought that number would be much much higher their organic traffic is very low 176 people last month found them see that's that's why we pull stats because if you were to ask me to predict based on everything else on the site and based on the following on YouTube I would never predict this number being that low only a hundred and seventy-six people found them last month and it looks like it's one of the best months they ever had who their authority scores 38 it's good but once again their traffic cost if you were to pay for that traffic it's only three hundred and seventy dollars that's a low number very very low backlinks once again I'm surprised I thought more websites would be talking about them let's look where's the traffic coming from web flow master class flux web design but like the numbers are very very low that's why this organic traffic is very low they're only targeting 169 keywords so they have no SEO strategy they're really depending on YouTube they're not diversify ting they're not diversifying their their marketing strategy at all and look at this their website his personal name they're in fourth place it's cuz they're YouTube Twitter social media must be out ranking their personal website and the numbers are not where I thought they would be so the reason their average time on site is so long is because very few people are actually going to their site and the people that do go to their site are probably will their fans right they watch the videos or fans and they're thinking about using their service that's the eye-opener really really is that being said they can be a hugely profitable business I don't know what price point they're selling their courses at and by no means does organic traffic dictate profit at all and social media following doesn't dictate profit at all either so still great business and definitely stop there's still things I can learn from without question you know big font long pages branded next after develop mark I'm gonna throw a nerds world in the mix just so I don't miss myself develop mark if you missed it I shot a video with founder of develop mark on my YouTube page about two weeks ago I'll leave a link down in the description if you guys want to hear the conversation quickly I'll show you I guess based on the thumbnails you can get an idea on what kind of car I bought but if you go to videos you'll see the video it's great here we go three weeks ago let's talk okay I've been a follower of his YouTube content ruin you ruin I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing the name right very young inspirational motivational well talking founder of a marketing company he does business completely different than the way I business but a lot you can learn from this gentleman so if you don't watch him on YouTube I recommend you to check him out he speaks the truth and we have a lot of the same mindset when talking about building an agency the long-term investment of your time and SEO so look at the site turn your website into a full time salesperson for accounting accounts sorry plumbers so he's going through the industries that they work with right off the bat they're asking for an email address the top menu is pretty easy to navigate through and I guess they're flexing a little bit with how they're gonna get cheeks to number one scroll down so squares through some of the partners listing off some SEO services and I guess platforms plugins and such we are web design and SEO firm located and southern 10 Connecticut like this you're showing mobile responsiveness reviews once again testimonials are hugely important look case studies the page is long how much content personality look at the faces the faces of the people that actually build your project look founder personality again ding ding ding personality super-long page lots of content so let me start by making notes it's well branded I love the colors it's memorable so let's go through this it's branded personality guys when I say personality I mean your face or video is featured prominently on the site it's education you know blogs videos are upfront in your face there's no question as to what your call-to-action is I can see it and it's a long page meaning lots of content wonderful let's click on a few other pages let's see oh also case studies case studies and tests are ammonium look at this big picture no stock photo a big picture of their team with a big boss in the middle your about page is hugely important look at that logo on the side of a building congratulations I see a happy bunch of nerds sorry if I'm offending anyone okay another long page looked big call-to-action schedule call beautiful I like the site I know it's been recently updated and I enjoy it good work love the branding memorable okay let's take a look let's go first here davell development mark let's take a look at his YouTube following almost at a hundred thousand subscribers wonderful inspiring to me I'm working day and night with the ultimate goal of hitting a hundred thousand in the next year or two time to work so the content wonderful without question he's giving away education so let's go free education on YouTube we'll give him a hundred thousand subs now let's pull the stats I'm curious too so let's say we went to this we pulled this first what we're gonna do is see how many pages he has on his site cuz once again we're trying to reverse engineer success let's see what's worked for him you know how we can utilize certain elements add it into our own life and build a model that's gonna work site is small I would have thought it would have been much bigger one hundred and fifteen pages on the site about 115 I can scroll down and see what he's targeting look Honolulu SEO so he has a page targeting Honolulu SEO Maryland SEO Philadelphia SEO California SEO Scottsdale SEO Toronto SEO so what you can see is he's targeting location landing pages so write that down location landing pages targeting multiple cities with SEO location landing pages let's pull the stats Alexa downs oops balance - lucky for spellcheck bounce rate let's take a look at this and see what we see any predictions next I'm gonna pull mine I'm gonna throw me in the mix because not too many people get to the end of the video let me do a humble brag let me pull my stats average time on site four minutes so we've seen that twice so far we've gotten four minutes four minutes and four minutes and 44 seconds and the other one got a lot less so the average time on site is good four minutes bounce rating you'll see it's a common like forty percent in and around 40 to 45 percent so that's if you're setting a goal or reverse-engineer success that should be where you're setting your goal there's some answers here but I don't want to look at this I'm not gonna look at that side right now okay average time website is good so is it because developers are coming to study average time on site is four minutes good the answer is probably yes now let's pull the stats SEMRush is my weapon of choice let's go up here to a domain overview and we're halfway through this is gonna be a long video okay let's get rid of Canada because I know he's not targeting Canada I saw the Toronto landing page so in Canada last month he got 151 visitors his authority score is 29 backlinks 56,000 let's see how we use in the US I know the numbers are gonna be bigger in the US okay organic traffic last month were two point five thousand that's organic many people found you through Google twenty nine is the authority but look at this his best month ever was made 2019 be curious to see what he did then because in that month he got eleven thousand three hundred thirty-eight so you can go back to the Wayback Machine look at the website then and you can follow the stats you can backtrack and pull that if you were to pay for his traffic through pay-per-click you'd be paying roughly twenty three thousand per month once again it's an estimate let's look at the number one top organic keywords generating him the most traffic he's targeting 378 keywords the number one is New York SEO Connecticut's not too far from New York so it makes sense but huge keyword in order to rank first 3600 volume that's good and he's ranking first so the majority of his traffic comes to his website because of that now look he's also building a brand because 720 people per month type in develop mark on google huge Jersey SEO New York SEO develop mark so to be honest with you I can go through and see the details and see a full list of 378 but I'm surprised I would have thought that more people would be typing in his name you know what out of curiosity let's have been Canada I'm just curious I bet you one of the biggest keywords from Canada that's my prediction is his name because like that's when I was looking for him I would type in his name Canada I'm wrong Luke Adams I don't know who that is his biggest competitors okay once again if you haven't seen his channel I recommend it a lot to learn from his website his marketing and his statistics let's do this I'm gonna scroll down for a sec these are gonna be in the next neil patel chased income school backlinko in a nerds world come on it's my video let me put myself in the mix a little sooner sorry Neil we'll get to you in a sec a nerds world we're gonna be number six who cares we're number six so this is my website and I haven't updated my website in two years and I'm horrible I definitely need to start dedicating the one weakness if you were to ask me what my weakness is right now it is that where are we are not working on our own personal website nearly enough there are so much there's so much room for improvement I hate the fact that I have stock images here it's we're so busy and that's not an excuse it's lazy I gotta fix it portfolio but looking at my website homepage now compared to those ones that I aspire to learn from they have longer homepage so me part of my notes are I need to make my homepage better and longer and I can learn from that let's go through this copy this let's go look and you can get an idea on my site map you can see what my page breakdown is and you guys you can use this for anybody I've been using this 20 years just type in site colon and you'll see all the pages on any website so I have 1200 different pages you can see I'm targeting small cities like Barry Oakville Collingwood Peterborough for SEO Ontario the North Pole I ranked first for North Pole SEO Vancouver SEO so you get an idea based on this let's pull some stats Alexa know that Alexa Alexa bounce rate guys if you just go to you're not gonna get this you have to google Alexa bounce rate once again I'll leave a link in the description below so if I hit enter I'll be able to pull some stats so my bounce rating is 42 percent which is right around where everybody else is my average time on site is just over 4 minutes which is not the best not the worst somewhere somewhere in the middle let's go to SEMRush and see my overview of a nerds world you guys get to look at my stats okay my authority scores 38 my organic traffic last month 13 point 1000 visitors in Canada look I just had a peak and it's made a little drop in the last month but it's pretty consistent growth I've been online for I think 14 years 15 years with the domain this backtracks nine years for everyone but you'll see consistent growth but I don't want you to think in the beginning there wasn't work there was a lot of work if I were to buy the traffic you would cost me sixty eight point five in Canada and look at this this numbers actually changed yesterday for web designers I was number one in Canada now I'm number three so that really dropped my my traffic down these are my top earners I'm ranking for fourteen hundred and eight different keywords this is good this is the number of people that type in a nerds world per month and Google from Canada is five hundred and ninety I'm number one for Toronto web design web design guys have you click on View details you'll see all the keywords I'm targeting and see all my rankings you know what to speed this up all these links you can download it I'll leave a link down below if you look at a nerds world in the description below I'll click the overview you can download it look at it do whatever you are set it on fire stick it on your wall whatever you want to do use it as inspiration so I am in Canada but you know what let's just take a look at the u.s. because I know I have a u.s. phone ring so five thousand people last month found me organically in the US look consistency works again and my consistency has a lot to do with YouTube keywords are completely different but I rank well for guerrilla marketing print ad a nerds world is searched three hundred and twenty times from the US I'm sure a lot of you guys are the ones typing it in but that gives you an idea on me let's continue on with this next let's go to neil patel so i'm not gonna make a list on myself i'll let you judge me it's very egotistical for me to sit and tell you what i'm doing right i'm still learning my damn self okay neil patel hugely famous SEO guru probably the biggest in the world you think of SEO you think of neil i do at least do you want more traffic pretty simple how much more simple can you be than that with your call-to-action branding is their personality is their his domain his business is his name so of course we're gonna see his big smiley face who was neil patel we're seeing his name again big call-to-action anchor text he's given this little humble brag with the yves saint-laurent white shirt on half turtleneck I like the branding there's no question as to the process is nice and clean small page though in comparison with the rest it's a small page let's take a look deeper into this so let me make a few quick notes so personality we have the founder all over the site both name and photo small page but it's branded nicely branded like nice colors easy to remember easy to navigate let's click on another page what happens if I clicking on his name like Ken how do I get around pricing wow it's actually difficult to find pricing and now it's sending me to app app Neil Patel so his pricing here's his price points trusted by over half a million companies he's huge no question so let's look at his stats this should be fun let's find the SEO guru of the world let's look at his stats what do you guys think does he walk the walk and talk to talk so he has 9,000 pages that website you're only seeing the home page he has 9,000 pages so I mean you know he's a guru if you think you're gonna build 10 page websites that are gonna rank and compete look at this look at this this is the first out of every one that we've looked at he's got a page I'm presuming in Chinese if it's Cantonese or Mandarin he's got a page that's in a different language like that is plus points that's what we all aspire to be look at this I don't know if this is another language impressive though look at this that's why he has 9,000 pages I'll tell you a very quick story I saw this video documentary on YouTube years ago where an SEO agency got hired by a poker company online poker company and they said we're giving you a million dollars a month for SEO what are you going to do with money he said I'm gonna get lineups of tables with copywriters and we're gonna create content in every language all day everyday for the year it's all we're gonna do create content create landing pages every single language because we're targeting the world so if you're in another country that has two or three languages spoken even though there's only one primary it might be worth getting someone to come in if you can't do the copywriting yourself in targeting those markets so what am I taking from him right now he's targeting many different locations like brilliant so targeting many languages plus plus plus plus points plus points that's like already right now guys I'm doing this in real time I didn't pre look at this site and come up with a game plan freestyle so I'm impressed already I'm impressed I'm not gonna go through that I'll go through this in my own time I don't want to I want to look at this more in my own time incredible let's go to Alexa domes oh my goodness Alexa balance I'm nervous typing you guys can't even see my fingers and I feel nervous okay we're gonna pull stats quick and Neil Patel so bounce rate 30% so by far the lowest bounce rate that we've seen today his time on site is the highest six minutes so he's got the lowest bounce rate and highest average time on site take it as it is he's marketing it properly the layout the structure the spacing the size of the fonts if you want to model your business around something should be modeled around him now from his home page it looks like he's not targeting SEO because the page is short but then if you look in the backend and see how many P is 9,000 pages 9,000 landing pages so he is doing SEO he's just not doing it on the home page which I understand impressive impressive I like and in the world his websites wrecked 3420 ii incredible now because people use Hoover's suggest which is on his website and they use it over and over again people keep coming back a lot of return visits so that's why his numbers well it's not the only reason but his numbers are high because of that so now I'm curious to see his real stats this this just looking at that hard would he know he's gonna blow everyone out the water there's no question he is gonna have the highest traffic beyond a shadow of a doubt and I need to set my goals much higher I'm not maybe I'm looking too much like this and not enough like this so look at this in Canada last month he got 85,000 visitors organically if you were to buy that it's a lot it's a lot of money 166 thousand look at this real steady growth what are you guys seeing there's no black hat everybody wants to get rich quick look at all these graphs when you're reverse engineer success start planning for success in three years four years ultimate success in ten years look at this this is proven the reason we do these type of things and reverse engineering success is like it's an eye-opener okay huge look at this they're targeting I'm gonna show they're targeting he is Neil is targeting 71 thousand keywords holy seventy-one thousand and look at these words 8,000 people are typing in his tool Hoover suggests per month this is just in Canada affiliate marketing he's number one Neil Patel is being searched in Canada 3,000 times a month and you know what's crazy this is 85 look at his authority score is the highest we've seen so out of everybody we've seen right now he's by far the authority his domain authority is seven you want I don't think I've ever seen the 71 on an agency website incredible can I put that incredible if you guys don't watch him on on YouTube can learn something and not even just watching it like reverse engineering go to his website and spend spend a whole day breaking it down tell how many words are on a page look at the size of the font stock this this is your assignment I'm giving you homework I'm the teacher today I'm giving you homework incredible this so out of everything I've seen today so far this statistically is blowing my mind as somebody that's been doing SEO this long this blows my mind now we're gonna look at us and I didn't touch on the fact there's four point three million backlinks look at this in America last month six hundred and twenty thousand organic visitors to his website and if you were to pay for that that's two million dollars just in ads and it's saying two million it could be five or six million this guy is making the money if this is not inspirational look America is the same it's slow in constant growth incredible guys let's see his numbers look at this he is ranking first for affiliate the word affiliates and that generates him seventy-four thousand search queries per month uber suggests in America is being searched 40,000 times a month Neil Patel eighteen thousand times per month this guy's got a brand that's incredible he is he is the brand like incredible I'm using incredible too much I gotta use it in just one more time incredible inspirational incredible I'm sad to leave you so quickly Neil I'm definitely gonna come back and spend more time but I got to go on right now chase SEO proclaimed guru I've seen him I watched his videos I liked most of what he says and seems like a nice guy he's passionate somebody asked me to review his site and let's take a look learn my secret SEO methods to achieve high paying clients personality look first thing you see is him looking happy he looks happy so right off the bat I'm seeing the call to action there's no question what he's doing learn my secret SEO math so call-to-actions on point no question what his business is what he's selling personality he has a photo of himself he has a following on YouTube I think the numbers I don't know thirty thousand thirty-five forty thousand let's say thirty to forty thousand following let's see look he's broken down the process very simple easy look it's it's a niche he's only targeting from my what I say right now he's only targeting SEO I'm seeing the word SEO a lot SEO is on this page twenty four times each one had her anchor tags all throughout the site let's scroll down ready to rank number one okay giving free resources looked SEO coaching testimonial blog so let's see blog free education okay let's do this let's do this let's pull it let's see let's get an idea on his site map like how the website was built eighty eight pages so not that big not that big I would have thought there would have been more landing pages let's pull his stats Alexa bounce rates guys I mean you haven't checked him out on YouTube check him out education knowledge free knowledge the idea with YouTube is like you should be watching different people's channels taking it all the information and formulating what you're gonna do and then trying it and then coming back to the table formulating what revisions you have to make and then doing it again and again like that's just got to do it like walk the walk and talk to talk scroll down okay bounce rating is fifty percent average time on site is a minute and 41 seconds let's go to my good friend SEMRush and I keep opening pages what a mess we're gonna do a domain overview and take a look at his stats an estimate of his stats guys I'll leave links to everything down below all the to these pages if you want to review okay Canada the traffic is not big but he's not targeting Canada for the most part so let's look at the US the United States of America his search volume last month was 504 and traffic if he paid for it was $464 backlinks 5,000 look pretty steady growth through some drops but pretty steady overall growth and you'll see that over the years it will continue to grow let's scroll down look at this he's branded like the number one top organic keywords are his name due to his YouTube channel so if you're gonna reverse engineer him his YouTube channel people are typing in his his SEO course which I don't know much about his name SEO coaching that's a cool keyword that I've never tried to target so if I'm taking anything from this for myself it's like hey I should target SEO coaching in Canada there's definitely a market for it SEO audit template that's another keyword i've never have never gone for these are his main competitors you can click on them in back-back track their success all backlinks five point one thousand if you want to click through and see where his backlinks are because he's an SEO guy simply click on this and you can download the whole list next Thank You chase I hope you're not offended by my reviewing of your website so inspirational keywords oh my goodness keywords that i should target i don't remember the exact SEO coaching or something something along the lines of that we got two more income stool school will be number 9 and then backlinko number 10 for the completion because i got 28 percent left on my battery income school i'll be honest I've never heard of them before somebody told me to review them so I'll take a look and you know what when I use YouTube for the most part I'm using it for like fun stuff documentaries serial killer stuff like home interiors fishing yachting I want you for the most that's the kind of stuff I'm watching I'm so immersed in my business that I don't follow many business websites okay let's look at the site first income school join project 24 so I don't know what that is but right off the bat I'm seeing a video replace your income okay so there's a video the page itself not horribly beautiful some free information it very small not sure what this white space is at the bottom but this is not audit this is me reviewing so if I don't leave my note I'd like that they have a video they have an intro video infomercial the page is short page is short let's I still don't really know I'm just scanning I see it has something to do with like earning passive income but I still don't know what they're selling but I presume if I watched their intro video I would know more they have 720 pages on their site different episodes have different pages I'm not I'm not seeing any any like specific SEO strategy it just looks like the page has you know it's probably been up for a while and just has content SEMRush let's pull some stats quickly I believe they have a hundred thousand plus followers on YouTube so they're doing something right they are building a brand in the US or sorry in Canada 365 search volume last month they have thirteen point seven thousand backlinks so in America it's five point two thousand search volume last month if they paid for the traffic is two point four thousand look I saw a huge growth here so I'd be curious did they document what they did that month and why aren't they doing it again but I mean overall it's pretty steady growth they look like they're on that upward trend their authority scores high 48 it's a good number so they do have authority look at this and that's one of the reason they have Authority income school they rank first in their 1,600 search volume per month project 24 which I have no idea what it is but 720 people in America know what it is flipping cars which I don't understand what the website is about but I guess it has something to do with them so lastly Alexa balance rate so as we're waiting for that to come they have a following youtube following people are searching their names so they are branded searching their name 1600 times in u.s. they're using their face personality personality same thing over and over again recurring theme personality okay curious to see what their metrics are they're on page oops I didn't do that right what they're on page metrics are and then I have one more and I got to do this quick twenty four percent left on my battery there's been a long video ok the average time on site is three minutes and 50 seconds almost four minutes which is good bounce rate is forty four point eight percent which is average it's what we're seeing a lot of I really didn't give this this enough love I should have given this more love I should have gone through the site more thoroughly or did my research to find out more about the business I don't know enough about the business my apologies sorry about that to be honest I'm not not hugely impressed in the design of the site but the business model must be working a lot of people want to make a passive income in it a lot of people want to make a passive income so for that reason people are finding their website last but not least back link oh let's take a look back link o is beautiful brandings beautiful this is probably the second biggest SEO guru on YouTube but right off the bat their branding is on point clean modern and we'll just make this a personally now Lydia big face branding modern clean beautiful and when I do my presentation myself years ago I actually went ahead and printed all their home pages so I can put them up on a wall and study them and look at I would write the bounce rating right on the paper and look at them from a glance and I would stand across the room and look and say why is this person to have more time on sight why is this one generating more traffic why is this one ranking higher and try to really reverse engineer like a mad scientist let's scroll down okay he's flexing entrepreneur Forbes Huffington Post look testimonials testimonials ridiculously small page probably the smallest page we've seen but I guarantee is normal numbers will not be small smallest homepage testimonial test iron morals okay let's look at another page really look at this menu how small it is three piece menu look his face again testimonials his face again his face again three times you're seeing his face on one page now some people are gonna say wow I don't like that my friend were reverse engineering success okay this is not about personal opinion this is about statistically what works and this works okay let's look at his site 334 pages on his site which is small it's not what I would have thought I can go through it and see he's targeting words like SEO expert SEO techniques squeeze squeeze page okay very quickly 334 pages I didn't think that would be the number let's go ahead Alexa bounce rate what do you guys think are people spending time on the page we're gonna find out then after this I'll do a quick conclusion and it's 1041 and I wanted to edit this and get this stuff before I go to sleep bounce ratings high 64 percent sixty three point nine percent bounce rating which is the highest we've seen thus far surprising average time on site two minutes and 38 seconds lower than I thought it would to be honest because I have him just below in my mind said just below Neil Patel but now looking at these numbers Neil Patel is is is doing much much better SEMRush and I don't mean financially although I do think you financially but that's not what I meant you could get ten people to your website and be making a killing it all depends on how many people you're converting and what you're selling and at what price are selling what profit level you're selling so I don't want you to judge solely on this in Canada is killing at thirty two point eight thousand search volume last month and the month prior to that was forty two thousand so incredible because he's not even targeting the US his authority sports high 69 he's the second highest thus far he ranks 19th for the word YouTube and that gets twenty five million search volume in Canada per month can you believe people are typing in YouTube and Google they're not just going to the URL bar and typing in it they're going to Google the time to get it sounds like my dad whatever I tell them to visit the website he was like what should I type in Google so just type in the damn name in the URL bar okay 1.6 million backlinks their traffic in the u.s. is a quarter million and you'll see it took time they definitely had huge jumps here so I'd definitely be looking back to see what they did during that time to get that big jump but very steady growth YouTube channel name they ranked first YouTube channel tags backlinks Google search so right now I'll tell you why I think their bounce rating is high and semrush is predicting there a bounce rate to be seventy five percent is because the people that are typing in YouTube channel name and finding his home page with a smiley face they're not impressed they're not getting the answer to the question that they came for therefore they bounce numbers are the traffic is ridiculous no question this is where we all want to be so he's built a crazy brand on YouTube following is huge huge the free knowledge on his site as is made him popular made his site popular in his domain Authority of 69 very big second best on our list today I'm going to stop playing this and let's take in food that was an hour and 28 minutes of me talking it's gonna take some time to edit if you did not watch the whole video or he did or you're listening or whatever you're doing two things at the same time my disclaimer is I'm not putting anyone down I'm not saying I'm better than anyone else I'm aspiring to become better as a person I'm aspiring to gain greater knowledge in this business and I look up to other people in the industry whether they're higher than me they're at my point or they're lower than me I'm never at the point where I believe I'm not I cannot learn okay I want to be up front so I'm not here to anger anyone I'm here to aspire people and this is what I normally would do myself but I thought why not shoot a video to sort of share with you the inner workings of the way my mind works you've seen me do the dance before reverse-engineer success and maybe maybe you didn't understand what I meant but now hopefully you do and I guess that's it tomorrow I might bring you along and when I pick up my little toy you know I'm always sitting here I haven't left a house maybe in the last two months I've left the house three times literally and tomorrow I might bring you along for the ride I'm gonna go pick up a new toy that I just bought and maybe we'll try shooting a video something a little different I appreciate your time in your patience if you made it this far I love you all have a wonderful night and good night
Channel: A Nerd's World
Views: 7,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reverse engineer success, how to build a successful web development business by reverse engineering success, reverse engineer success in business, how to reverse engineer success for digital marketing agency, how to start a digital marketing agency, building a successful website design business, successful web development business, best website design company in the world, who is the best web development company, who is the best website design business
Id: xGVJug2Bh9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 8sec (4808 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.