Pillars of Eternity: Tips, Hints & Tricks (Spoiler Free)

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what's up guys nurite here and this is my tips hints and tricks guide for pillars of Eternity first up are some simple Buffs you can get before and during combat that will benefit you greatly these are namely the resting and crafting systems in the game resting in and in will give you a choice of rooms with varying costs these rooms will also impart a long-term buff to your entire party the choices are limited to begin with but will increase throughout the game you can also gain some short-term Buffs through the crafting system crafting food will provide some great combat Buffs although I suggest using them prior to entering combat as the animation time is a little slow for good combat use and don't forget that you may also craft potions and Scrolls though these are less Buffs and more situational use [Music] items so let's look at the skills you have access to these are stealth this simply makes your character harder to detect while in scouting mode Athletics which governs the time it takes before the party member becomes fatigued and needs to rest lore this allows the characters to use varying levels of Scrolls mechanics mostly A thieving skill mechanics will allow you to sit and disarm traps along with picking locks survival which is great on any character as it increases the duration of all consumables used by them it's also worth noting that these skills open up dialogue options and events based on their levels as far as talents go it's up to you which class ones you want to go with But be sure to keep in mind what kind of role you want your character to play the offensive talents will increase your proficiency with specific weapons as well as that of different weapon Styles defensive will make your character more Hardy by increasing their defense against weapon types and their proficiency with a sword and shield and lastly we have utility and as you can imagine this provides talents that can increase passive stats along with a few helpful active abilities these are designed more to augment your play style rather than enhance your role in the group combat and pillars of Eternity can be a difficult process at times I find it's best to send a single Scout to draw back one or two mobs at a time this doesn't always work with the Encounters in the game but it's definitely the best way to try and break up difficult packs and swing things in your favor once a few stray mobs have been dealt with it's easy to go in and mop up the [Music] wrist unfortunately as I said you can't break up some packs running into a fight like this can easily spell the end of your [Music] adventures luckily there is a solution to this and will be one of your greatest assets during your playthrough choke points offer a great advantage to your party always ensure that you pull to one of these choke points or at least be capable of uh making it to one if you get caught off guard they offer a superior Advantage for any encounter and can quickly turn a difficult encounter into a walk in the park of course there are mobs out there that don't really uh hold to this they like to teleport around your roadblocks when this happens it can be extremely devastating but don't fear there are ways around it and I'll let you guys kind of figure out how to deal with those kinds of encounters the last little trick I have for you is what I call Lite tethering this works better during outdoor encounters and can save you some stress against large groups that you can't pull back to a choke point as you can see this involves bouncing back and forth through your line of sight of the mobs chasing you this doesn't really work for faster mobs like wolves and Bs but for the bigger slower mobs like these trolls it works perfect to thin them out until you're left with a single mob to fight that pretty much wraps it up for now there are plenty of other little tips and tricks you can learn but hopefully these will give you the upper hand while you're just starting out in Pillars of Eternity look out for more on pillars for me in the future until then like favorite subscribe and leave your comment down below you can also catch me live on Twitch link is in the description
Channel: Neralyte
Views: 138,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pillars Of Eternity (Video Game), guide, tips, hints, tricks, twitch, neralyte
Id: 40MIBrpjU2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2015
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