Sensuki's Pillars of Eternity Beginner's Guide - Basic Gameplay and Combat

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hey guys since Sookie and welcome to part 3 of my beginner's guide to pillars of eternity this part will be a shorter part than the last one and will focus on combat and gameplay before I begin there are several things that I forgot to cover in my last video and there is also a minor thing that I wanted to address that I saw in another video before I do that I'll load the save that I had before okay so I saw a guide on online buy a content creator called quill 18 and he was going over how recovery time works and there was a minor issue with the way he described it and that that is the way that recovery time is calculated so I think he was looking at a weapon and he said that the animation of the weapon was one second long so that that's the animation speed of normal normal one-handed weapons or average 2d one-handed weapons and the animation speed of ML a two-handed weapons however the recovery time for those weapons is not our one second because pillars of eternity has a global recovery multiplier which is not documented in the game and it was not provided in the press release information as well so there's no way that he could have known about it because I've actually been digging around in the modding scene and I've actually been following a lot of the developer posts online that's how I know about it so what I actually explained it in my first video and the recovery time for a weapon of that type will actually be 36 frames which is 30 times 1.2 and then when if when you slow down by something else like for instance if you're wielding a two-handed weapon it'll be it'll be 36 frames and then plus 50% of that so I'll actually lead 54 frames and if you're wearing an armor like plate male it'll slow that down again by half of the base value so slot down by the other 18 frames so that's not quills fault um that's just obsidian didn't provide any information about that it's not a big deal because it's only it's the same for everybody so even though that the actual value in frames or seconds will be incorrect from the poster or whatever that they put out the caret characters will act as still act at the same speed okay so there's a few things that I forgot to show during my last part because there's just so many systems in the game and I've write down a list of those and then once I've done that I'll get into I'll show off some dialog how how to use how to interact with shops and then I'll get into exploration gameplay and combat okay so first thing I've got to showcase was how to equip items which is pretty self-explanatory I'll go into the stash here so basically just to equip an item you just click on it in the inventory and drag it onto the item slot the item slot will highlight so for the armor just pick it up you can also put it on anywhere in this window here if you want to equip any any any item in this slot it doesn't work for weapon sets though so you can just drag it onto the character model like that and that works the same for anything here it'll just overwrite it and there's also a comparison window as you can see when you mouse over an item on the right side tooltip will show the one that's in your inventory and the left side tooltip shows the ones equipped and it shows the difference between them something I also forgot to talk about arm regarding armor in the last video is that even though heavier armors give you better damage reduction they're not necessarily the best to wear and I find that on tank characters it's best to wear the heaviest armor possible in most or pretty much all situations for melee characters aren't necessarily tanking it's good to either wear a like lighter armor or maybe even no armor and for ranged characters I don't wear any armor at all because there's just no point if you're not getting attacked there's no reason to slow down your recovery speed another thing I forgot to mention is that all classes can wear any armor or use any weapon there's no weapon restrictions and no armor restrictions wizards can wear plate mail although that is generally a very bad idea even though the developers often say it's cool it's not there are a couple of item restrictions for instance only wizards can use grimoires and there are a few class specific magical items and stuff like that there's amulets that only chanters can wear I think those belts and illegal gloves the only paladin's can wear stuff like that but it's not that drastic pretty much it for about 95 to 96 percent of items in the game every character can use it I also forgot to talk about the quick item system did I pick up any stuff in the last video no so I think I load this chest okay so I picked up a potion from this chest now you can equip these potions and consumables in your quickl item slots you put scrolls in here and controls that that's how and you chuck it in the slot and then when you have the character selected in the UI it actually shows up in the action bar so if you want to use that you just click on in the action bar post potions on the character plays and animation and then I think they play a recovery time as well I'm not sure and any character can use Scrolls so you can Chuck's you just have to have one point in law to be able to use level one Scrolls so you just put those in your quick item slots there's a talent that unlocks the other two quick items slots so I don't really think it's necessary for is pretty pretty good for every character another thing that I forgot to talk about is the suppression system which is hard to explain because I can't actually remember the exact values but basically what what there is a suppression system in pillars of eternity to prevent buff and debuff stacking so there is a bunch of rules that I'll probably paste a link to in the description or something because I don't have them on hand where if you cast two spells that both give you bonus deflection it will only use the value of the higher of the spell it gives more deflection and the current the lower level one will be suppressed and less the duration of the higher level one runs they are it's still there it's just not being used because it's being overridden by the more powerful one and this also happens for D buffs and it also happens for bonuses from items and stuff like that if you have two items of giving a bonus to the same attribute only the highest level bonus will be used and this works a bit differently for some things such as um I think D are and maybe accuracy you can get accuracy for a couple of different sources but there is a limit on how many sources you can have applying an accuracy bonus at once like if you have a buff from a spell a magical property from a weapon and maybe one item giving you bonus to accuracy they will all stack but as soon as you start stacking I bonuses from the same category then they won't they won't stack they'll overwrite each other so that the suppression system has a lot of that it's fairly straightforward but I don't have it on hand at the moment because the only existence of how the suppression system works is a foreign post in and now deprecated something awful read by the lead designer Joshua so I'll pull that out after I've uploaded the video and put it in the video link I also forgot to showcase defenses and explain how how they work so there's four defenses in pillars of eternity deflection which you can see the mouse over thing fortitude reflex and wheel deflection is the defense that is attacked probably 75 to 85 percent of the time and that the deflection covers pretty much all weapon attacks so ranged and melee attacks pretty much anything that actually targets the character that's using a weapon the other ones are the secondary defenses reflex cause all area of effect spells fortitude is for stuff like poison getting not prone and things like that and will is for mental attacks or things that drop mental stats and stuff like that now I've already explained how you get the the classes all have an inherent base bonus to all defenses I can't remember what the exact value is for every class I think it's on the wiki the pillars of eternity wiki but the developers have actually changed the values in the press version from the version in the last back a better because they've been tuning it so I have a wizard here and she has a base deflection of 10 but some of these stats here and motor BOTS modified biome attributes and they've actually lowered the defences and raised the class accuracy or something like that and you can get you can raise you to flexion through wearing a shield various talents as a bunch of ways to do it the secondary defenses you can raise through getting bonus attributes there's also talents that raise them and there's a few other ways to do that as well and you also get +3 to every defense every time you level up and you also get +3 to accuracy every time you level up so they do it does scale with level I also forgot to talk about minimum damage so if I go into the weapon and highlight the damage tooltip it does say in the tooltip I think there's like a minimum damage rule that says in one of the things here strange it doesn't actually say a minimum damage thing in there I know there was one tooltip that actually explained how it works maybe it was dr yeah there we go so it says there's a minimum danger also if you roll 10 damage and the enemy has a higher dr than 10 or higher dr then what your minimum damage is you'll you'll do at least two damage because that's 20% of that's that's like 20% minimum damage that so you always deal least 20% of your old damage which is not too bad it's important for when using light weapons and stuff yeah I also forgot to show one of the weapons in the game which is an arborist I will have to enable cheats to do that so to Nabal chase in the game type in I roll 20s this disables steam achievements for the playthrough and then the code to summon an item is add item and I want to add in I want summon an herbalist so I'm going to do that okay so this is a novelist and they have actually changed this weapon in this build now the special property of an árboles is it can actually knock PR enemies prone when it scores a critical hit and that's actually very strong because when you score a critical it will roll an attack I think against fortitude or something like that and if they fail it they get knocked prone so I can happen quite often on crits and like guns they also do less crit damage so apples are pretty cool and that that change to the knocking them prone was only added in in the press patch it wasn't here in the last in the back of beta and I also said in the axe by accident in the last video that the war bow is faster than hunting go that's not true the hunting goes faster than the war bow and the other thing I forgot to this the last thing that I forgot to talk about is weapon styles now there are three different weapon styles in pillars of eternity single-handed our single wielding dual wielding and two-handed so when this is considered two-handed with a rain Ranger and technically ranged is a fourth style but also classes two-handed so when you're single wielding I mean this counts as single wielding because grimoires an offhand thing you get a +82 accuracy apparently that's what it's showing me there that's actually been nerfed it used to be +10 so I don't know what they're going on about there but you get a you get a bonus to accuracy for single wielding but your recovery time is this the same as wielding a two-handed weapon basically so if you're it's like slowed down by 50% so the my recovery time here where II know I love in attack animation of 30 frames and a recovery of 54 frames if I quip a second weapon my recovery time is not slowed so it will be i'll have make one attack with the mace it will take one second to make that attack then i'll have a 36 frame recovery which is just over one second and then or making a weapon attack with the sword which is one second long and then the same recovery because they're both average speed weapons and when you're wielding your foot when you're wielding a fast weapon it will do the 20 times 1.2 instead so the fastest way to attack is actually to dual wield that is the fastest way to attack one-handed is the same as will be in two-handed weapon such as an s stock two-handed weapons they do more danger by default to web to jewel wielding is faster and wielding a single-handed weapon is more accurate but currently I don't think our wielding a single weapon is very good I think it's the most underpowered weapon style in the game so I would probably recommend not using a single weapon or the other one I forgot to show cases shield I need someone one of those as well add I summon large shield I can't remember I think it's more shields one no maybe I'll buy a shield yes so I'll showcase that now so merchants in the game to to buy something you have to actually talk to someone the shop is in interior is um shops you have to talk to people like in other RPGs like die white or something like that yet actually initiate dialogue with somebody to access their store what you do those you how to initiate dollars you click on the character and it brings up the dialogue screen now if a character is a special NPC like here Odin is here their portrait will show on the left side of the dialog window the dialogue window you can also expand and contract but currently you can't reset the dialogue size to the default now that what what happens in dialogue when you talk to people a lot of the time and pills of eternity that didn't happen in bottles get one or two but did happen in Planescape torment is there will be a description about what the person is doing because this description can't be conveyed through the game because it's not a cinematic game so they describe what the character is doing and that this is done in a different color of text to their actual dialogue right a whole wagon full of goods to sell but not enough shirts for the room ok so as you can see here there there is a sort of grayed out text which is the description text and the white text is what he's actually saying say is there anything you need I've got some basic traveling supplies for sale if you'd like to take a look and to select a dialogue option you either just click on it or press the associated hockey which are that which is the reason why they are numbered so we want to go to the store I'm not going to bother with the dialogue for spoiler purposes so the obvious line is let's see what you've got this brings up the shop interface which I think is getting a revamp for the day one patch now as you can see in the shopping interface on the left side it has item filters so if you click on that it'll gray out the item like in the inventory sometimes merchants have differents different types of stores so this one is just a weapon shop the the end also has several tabs down here and you can scroll down with either the holding the mouse wheel over the over the window or over the scroll bar to see what the items are you can also right-click on them to bring up the item description and this is how much they cost it's always displayed in copper pieces your inventory is showed here and you can go to the party you can flick between the party and stash through this icon so you can also sell stuff directly from your stash so I've got I've summed a bunch of weapons with cheats so what I'm going to do is you can just drag the item or you can click on it you can also send them back and this you're not limited to this amount of boxes it does actually go down so if I put all of these on there as you can see some arrows of appear here and I can scroll down so that's how you sell and then you just click trade if you want to actually make a trade and buy some items as you can see here he's got most of the weapons and armor sets available in the game but not everything I think I don't think he has any guns or anything like that no árboles none of the powerful stuff so if you want to buy something say like a potion and wine regeneration you just click it it comes in the menu down here and then you could press trade now if you have items down here it will actually trade for the value so if you don't have enough gold in your inventory it will actually trade the value of the items in the same screen so it speeds up the buying and selling process a little bit see press trade the item is removed from the vendors inventory the items are removed from all down here and the trade button is now I'm clickable and then you just close the store I believe and dialogue is now ended okay so now we want to go adventuring first I'm going to show you how to loot containers which I've already done before so it flew to contain it you can hold down the tab key and that will bring up all the available interactable x' in the game as well as every unit tooltip so holding down tab you can see that in the fog of war there is a couple of interactable containers over here there's a Ardra pillar with an item description and it also shows everyone's name which I'll actually find quite annoying because if I don't I don't like seeing all the names of people I just like seeing them on mouse-over so I'm to click on interactable so you just click on it and it brings up a text with like a shadowy background so you can actually see it against the environment to click on a container you basically just click on it this is a locked container when you mouse over a locked container it will bring up a tooltip telling you how many mechanics you need to open the lock if you don't have the high enough mechanics to open it you can use lock picks which is an item I believe I have in my inventory or I think I actually you can actually buy some from the vendor so I think you need a certain amount of lock picks for each point that you're under under the mechanics threshold once you're too many points under you can't actually pick the lock so here I think I have enough mechanics so one of my characters does so I can unlock the chest and you also get experience for unlocking chests which I'm not a fan of I prefer no track and lock XP like in boulders get one nice window one and then you just open it brings up the loot description thing and I've already showed how to use this what we got here potion and miner endurance which gives me plus 50 insurance now in fills in eternity at the moment potions give a lot more healing than any healing spells do which I don't really like so that's something that I haven't bit of a gripe with okay so now let's go exploring so as you can see there's a when you explore it clears the fog of war now I could I remember watching I was watching Anthony Davis's stream the other day when he was playing on this is a crafting gradient so if I hold down my mouse it will highlight the crafting ingredient in a white shader when you click on that it brings up little pop-up here with the icon and tells you what crafting ingredient it is and in the combat log it tells you that it's been added to the stash so if I go into the inventory and go into the stash and then go to the crafting screen it will show the item in here now these these are used in crafting potions and I think enchantments as well I'm not sure if ingredients are exclusive like whether they're only used for one of the other that's a story thing that I'm not going to bother interacting with okay so now I am going to look for somebody to buy okay so skip the story guy also showcase dialogue with kaliesha as well and there's like an outcropping that you've got to find clients and berries yep here we go okay so now we're in combat and the very first the first thing that you should do in combat every single time you're in combat is pause the game if you have an auto pause setting but you probably want to have it to auto pause and enemy sighted now when you come into vision of an enemy combat begins the combat music should start playing and you should see a bunch of pasted into the combat log over here which I'm in the wrong window note so nothing's actually come up yet but usually what will happen is if characters have abilities and stuff that activating combat it will paste into the combat log and when you've got a lot of characters are in your party there will be like 20 different lines that paste into the log at static combat so REE pretty obvious when combat begins now what you should actually do in combat that I didn't demonstrate because I'm an idiot is stealth around so I already knew they're wolves here what I should have done is going into stealth mode and allow myself to set up on the wall so I can get advantageous positioning in net right now I'm in a bit of a pickle my wizard is in front of my fighter this is not good when you mouse-over enemies in combat you can see who they're targeting and you can see that when i'm mousing over the wolf you can see the targeting reticule appear on my wizard so that currently both of the walls are attacking my wizard because my wizard is the closest enemy to them and that was the first enemy they saw so I have to get the this is bad because the wizard has less often my fighter and I don't want her to get hit because she's also got a wave worst deflection this is a something you have to understand you have to be able to control the combat situation and you do that through using positioning and also the engagement system which I'll talk about a bit later on so I have to fix this situation by moving my wizard so I'm instead of just rushing into combat which I just did what you should do is um you should use stealth if you know an enemy is going to be up ahead or if you're in a hostile area stealth will give you vision of the enemy before you see them I think even if you've got no no points in stealth you'll still be able to see enemies before they see you which is very good because then you can set up your party in the correct positions and formations you can set up your range characters to get in range and then you can do a big alpha strike which is something I'll probably demonstrate in later later videos about how to do that properly now instead of rushing into combat I'm going to teach you to play sensibly because in pillars of eternity combat is punishing if you do not adhere to some very basic principles the first of those I've already talked about is that you should try and set up on opponents in stealth and with and get into the right positions which I didn't do because I'm an idiot but that's what you should try and do in pretty much every single encounter where you're not forced into dialogue through into combat through dialogue or something like that the second principle is to open combat with your per encounter abilities as alpha striking pillars of eternity is very important and gives you a big edge in combat I'm going to show you how to show you how to do that but first I'm going to correct the mistake that I made with having my wizard in front of my fighter so I'm going to move my wizard backwards and move my fighter forward now flight is if I want to change the targeting of the wizard I have to engage the wolf so I've actually got a target the wolf and user engagement system I'm going to do that now now what I was talking about before is using per encounter abilities the fighter has a knockdown ability which is to prune counter and it attacks the fortitude defense uses her primary weapon and if she hits she has a chance of knocking the enemy prone it will make an attack against fortitude so I'm going to knock down that wolf because I don't want the wolf to get my wizard when and what I'm also going to do is I'm going to use the arcane assault which is a Wizards level one ability and it is a peer encounter that attacks reflex and I demonstrated it before but basically what it does is it does raw damage in a fire only AoE mini you can cast it on top of your allies and it also bypasses all dr so it's always going to do between 12 and 19 damage on hit it will do half damage on a graze and times 1.5 damage on a crit it also days as enemies 5.4 seconds and that makes them less accurate reduces their dexterity and perception and their intellect and also reduces their movement speed so what I'm going to do is I'm going to unpause and pause again so now I can see that this wolf has is now targeting my fighter I'm going to move my wizard over here now because my flatter is closer to the this will it sorry because my flight is closer to this wolf now this wolf has retargeted my fighter and there's a bit of a bug there with a double selection circle going on probably because of the procedural blur there we go the procedural blur sometimes bugs out the selection circle okay so now I've managed to get the wolves to retarget my fighter and now I'm going to as you can see the wolf has actually been knocked down he is in mid animation falling over and now I'm going to chuck my arcane salt on top of the walls as you can see both of their selection circles are now turning into a targeting reticule bout but my allies isn't because this is a photo only AOE for some reason it is coming up when I moved out of the out of the center area that I think I think that's a bug because this actually doesn't do any damage to allies so I'm going to queue that up now so as you can see I've hit both of those now I'm going to show the combat log okay so if I when I've got the game paused I can look at the combat log on the right to see what's happening in combat and the combat log has a lot of useful information so you'll see that kaliesha engaged the young wolf in melee which was what made that wolf stop to attack kaliesha and what's made the selection circles change I'll talk about the engagement system in a second the young wolf has engaged kaliesha back and kaliesha hip the young wolf 413 slash damage and knocked him and knocked to the wolf prone so as you can see when you mount so a combat log entry it brings up a detailed breakdown of what's actually happened so kaliesha's accuracy for that attack was 30 the Wolf's defense deflection was 27 this gives kaliesha a +3 accuracy on top of her accuracy roll now attack rolls and pillars of eternity roll a random number between 1 to 100 and then add the attackers accuracy and then subtract the defense of the enemy that's being attacked in this case it was the Wolf's deflection which was 27 cliches accuracy was 30 so she gets a +3 to hit on top of our rolled so it's 81 + 84 which equals a hit now there are 4 as I said in part 2 there are 4 attack resolutions and pillars of eternity miss which is any role between 1 and 15 Gray's which is any role between 16 and 50 hip which is any role between 51 and 100 and critical hit which is any role over 100 now as you can see 84 falls into the hit range and also there are abilities in the game that are convert attack resolutions up or down one knotch and those are random chances to proc so it doesn't matter what you rolled on it if the random roll is if the random chance cuz it will just automatically convert it and you'll see something in the combat log when that happens okay so the base damage of kaliesha's knocked down with 17 the wolf's damage reduction was 4 so it's reduced her damage to 13 slash damage she's then not to the enemy prone and then it shows all of the things that it's reduced on the wolf and then it shows the duration so that wolf is now not prone for 5.5 seconds prone is awesome because it reduces their deflection and makes it easier to hit and they're also completely disabled so I don't have to worry about that wolf for the moment I'm going to switch targets this one in a second now this is interrupts are also shown when they hit kaliesha's interrupt score is 6 and she rolled 68 plus 6 equals 74 which is greater than the constitution of the wolf which is 72 so that means it's an interrupt I think the tooltip for that might be able to Aidid maybe and this is a line that probably shouldn't be there it just says that the wolf is not down now as you can see when I've used the AoE ability is actually only pasted out one combat log line arcane assault three grazes in one hip now you can actually click on that combat line combat log line to expand it and then it brings up all the things that happen so the arcane assault graze the one of the angles for seven damage so actually 7.4 damage because the forget damage in this game is trapped in floats so it does track decimal damage so I did 7.4 damage to this wolf as you can see there and I affected that wolf with the dazed affliction which is the secondary attack and as you can see there's one entry for each eye affected the the young wolf here for 10 damage so I fly mouse over that I did actually did 9.6 and it's been rounded up to 10 in the user interface and I've affected that wolf with days for 4.2 seconds so it looks like actually I'm graze the wolf on that days as well yeah I did okay so that's basically what the combat log does now I'm going to unpause and I'm gonna use my second knockdown because as I said you should always use your parent counters every in every encounter and make sure you use them all up because there's just no reason not to so I'm going to switch targets to this wolf because that wolf is disabled and I'm going to knock down this wolf so he can't do any damage to me I'm also going to use my second arcane assault I'm not going to use any spells in this encounter because I don't need to I'm going to win anyway so now they're both knocked down I'm gonna the next important thing to remember is to issue new actions to your characters after you've used an ability because depending on what Auto Attack setting you have or depending on how the auto attack works your characters might just stand there doing nothing so you you have to be careful that's so just every time you issue a command to a character and that the the attack or whatever hits make sure you go through your characters and just make sure that they're actually doing something and that will be shown in their recovery bar here above their head and if there is an icon inside the recovery inside the combat HUD that means that they're currently doing something these bars can be disabled by turning them off in the options menu and they are only shown when you have the like to selected or when you hold Tao so as you can see there the health pips above their head represents their endurance and there are five states of endurance full health barely injured injured badly injured and near death so as you can see there's one people representing each of those you can also visually see the character's recovery are in the line below that now I'll talk about the engagement system because it is are very important and that are the mellah engagement system is a combination of an agro mechanic so as you as you noted before when I attacked the first wolf the wolf stopped to attack my character that's because when you engage an enemy by default that Agro's them to you and it also have the second component of the engagement system is an attack of opportunity the agro mechanic occurs when you hit a unit in when a unit in melee has a melee weapon equipped so if you've got a ranged weapon equipped you don't qualify for engagement and they have a free engagement slot so characters can have multiple engagement slots flight by default every character has one engagement slot when they have a melee weapon equipped there are several there is a talent called hold the line that adds an additional engagement slot and there is an ability for the flattered to add more engagement slots as well I think defender and hold the line allows you to have I think maybe four or five engagement slots which is pretty good so you can hold a lot of enemies to you as a fighter there are two ways that engagements will occur and the first way is the enemy will run inside your engagement range which is one meter in game sizing invisible AoE so it's somewhere around that distance and I think that only occurs if you have multiple engagement slots when you've got one engagement slot you have to actually issue an attack against the unit to engage them but when you have when when the fighter has multiple engagement slots they will just automatically and any enemy that runs in the AoE will just automatically start attacking in that this is true of enemies and your characters as well so if an enemy if you run past an enemy fighter your character they will engage your character and they will automatically be aggro'd there is and that's this option is for in the game menu disable Party movement stop on engagement this turns off the aggro part of the engagement system so if you don't want your characters to be uh growed you can turn on you can turn on that option and it turns it off but I would not recommend doing that and I'll explain why in a second so when when engagements also can only occur when the unit is stationary so if you're moving you also won't qualify for engagements if the say me if the stationary unit is one of your characters or one of your summons the enemy will stop to attack as I said and your unit will also do the same and once the enemy that was moving stops to attack they will then engage you or you will engage them if the it was your character getting engaged by an enemy engagements are represented by the spikes in the in this in the targeting reticule so as you can see there there's a the the circles thicker and there is a spike now there's a bit of procedural blur around the selection circles that call is causing it to look like you're drunk so seeing doubles but the spikes in there it means that the wolf is engaged and when units are not prone they don't like they can't engage anybody because they're disabled so kaliesha is currently not engaged by the wolf because I knocked it down um now this next bit is very important once you're engaged if you try and move away and by moving away I mean simply clicking anywhere even one pixel you will suffer what's called a disengagement attack from every unit that's carrying get currently engaging you this attack uses the prior primary weapon and it is automatic has no animation and yes so it's all it's an automatic free hit from the enemy and it can also play while at a current animation is playing so if you are currently in the middle of an attack animation against one enemy you can score a disengagement attack on any unit you're engaging it doesn't matter what your character is doing as long as they have a melee weapon equipped they can score disengagement attacks against units they are engaging disengagement attacks have accuracy bonus so they're more accurate than a normal attack and when a disengagement attack hits you'll see a slash V effects play on the screen and you will take damage now I'm going to unpause the game I'm deliberately going to move away from the Wolves to demonstrate what this looks like and you'll if what will happen is that the wolf will make a melee attack with their primary weapon against kaliesha you'll see the slash V effects on the screen and this will end engagement whether the wolf hits or not and there is a two-second cooldown for when you can re-engage an enemy from when they disengaged against you as you probably gather this means that using your natural inclination to move wounded units back is a very very bad idea in this game and I would strongly advise that no one moves their characters once they are engaged unless they are facing a single weak enemy or they are set all your standing in a persistent hazard are the deals huge damage such as ninna Goths freezing pillar which does like our damage per second if you're standing in a certain area of effect once you become more experienced with the game you may end up finding situations where risking the disengagement attacks is not that bad because um but you are giving the enemy free attack against you and this attack is free from recovery time and it costs you health which means you'll most likely have to rest soon on now as I've been watching quite a few twitch streams over the last few days and pretty much every streamer I've seen has been getting destroyed by disengagement attacks there are also several creatures in the game that can one-shot you so disengaging from them may be a fatal decision what I would recommend doing is either just killing the enemies engaging you before you move or using a disable like knockdown which was what I've done so as you can see I can move away and I don't suck if I don't suffer a disengagement attack some reason I have got a sort of clips whoops I'm going to switch weapons and I'll talk about that in a second or there are several abilities that you can use to break engagement rogues have rogues and wizards have abilities that allow them to break engagement when the wizard has an optional talent called grimoire slam if that hits it like bashes the enemy with their book and knocks them back rogues have escaped and coordinated positioning and they also have invisibility as well so they've got a few ways to get away from enemies when they're engaged and other classes have abilities or this a couple of talents to give you and items actually as well so that give you a bonus a defense bonus against disengagement attacks so if you if you have like a chanter chant on it might give you a bonus against disengagement taxes as a paladin aura that gives you a bonus against disengagement taxes cloaks to give you a bonus there's a talent called graceful retreat there's a few other things as well personally I don't think those are worth it except in very specific scenarios where you're stacking those bonuses on top of each other in some gimmick kiting build several other classes have abilities or powers that can disable enemies by knocking the prone stunning them paralyzing them pressure flying them those little break engagement as well another thing that breaks engagement is interrupts and I showed you an interrupt before up here so when kaliesha interrupted this wolf it broke the engagement from the wolf so if you interrupt an enemy you've got two seconds to get away but if you engage by multiple enemies you'll still gets up you'll still suffer a disengagement attack from the enemy that's still engaging you sometimes it's hard to see when a gauge man has been broken because with lots of units on the screen and lots of visual effects flying the round the screen can get visually rich so it can be hard to see what's going on sometimes so to correctly use the system to your advantage you always need to try and keep your tanks and frontline characters in front of your party and your other characters in the back because you don't want your squishy characters to be engaged unfortunately the system leads to rigid combat personally i Infinity engine veteran and a mobile player I don't really like the engagement system in summary don't disengage break engagement instead hmm okay so now I'm going to go on to combat and I'm going to kill these wolves I've got I've changed weapons with the árboles now changing weapons has a two second cooldown by default so I'm gonna have to wait two seconds before I can shoot that wolf what you need okay so what I'll do now is I'll show these wolves can't engage me yet because I knock them down so I'm just going to stop attacking oh yeah I've got to showcase the hotkeys okay so um a is like attack on in it a is an attack click X is to cancel your action so if I see how my cut I've got an attack icon there if I press X it cancels the action so that means that I've just currently canceled my action and you can cancel the action before the hit frame so if you're in the middle of this sword swing but you haven't hit yet you can press X and it cancels it you can also can spurt cancel spells in the middle of the spell cast before the spell has been cast and it doesn't use up the spell so if you if you're casting a fireball and you're one of your party members is going to run into the fireball you can just press X and it will cancel it and you haven't used up the spell that's fine you can cast it again now that I think there's a few other hotkeys that I have - damn straight as well you can also queue actions um so if I wanted I don't have any yes so what I've got here is I'm going to make an attack with an herbalist now if I wanted to cast a spell I can hold shift click on the spell and drop the spell and that will queue up the action and then this is this would be very familiar to anyone who's played a mobile and you can also shift-click waypoints on the ground and you can also queue up a string of abilities so as you can see that that ability is now highlighted because it's in the action queue the action queue is invisible but there is actually an action queue in the game you can also unselect and select characters with ctrl-click so if I want to select kaliesha I can hold ctrl and click on her and it selects a selector both of the characters and I can also unselect her with control as well okay so I'm laughter I shoot my herbalist I'm going to cancel my action because I don't want I don't want to cast grease I think I will cast is that ghost blades cut thruster the town of battle so I'll cast that against that wolf oh yes I got it I got to issue a new command to call yeah disengagement attacks okay so I'm going to both of these wolves are engaging me I'm going to move away oops wrong one ok so you see that slash on the screen now in the combat log the young wolf is missed kaliesha so this I think it was this one that missed and this one's got art graze kaliesha for two damage and disengagement now that's on seemed very bad because these are like the weakest enemies in the game or one of the weakest enemies in the game so I switch back to my sword switching weapons like this in combat it's really bad but I forgot My Ride equipped and I'm just trying to demonstrate the basics of combat so as you can see I put away for recovery okay so now both of the levels are down now to loot enemy bodies you have to actually wait until the combat state ends so in the as you can see kaliesha's deactivated constant recovery which is the flight as natural endurance regeneration in combat so once you see that those abilities pace in the combat log that means the combat state has ended and you can loot the bodies now as you can see when I clicked on the wolf's arm it loaded both of the bodies together that's because by default pillars of eternity has an area loot system kind of similar to wasteland 2 but this can be disabled in the game options it's currently not available but it will be available it as a slider in this menu here that's because it's coming in the day one patch and the reason that you were able to disable it is because I and several others complained about the feature because I don't like aerial ooh so now in the in in this main quest I'm going to pick up these berries I'm not going to tell you why you have to do that but I'm going to pick it up because I want to demonstrate the diet the game's dialogue with companions and also want to demonstrate the a couple of things do it due to role playing and background choices so I'm going to pick up the berries this is it okay so now I'm going into a dialogue sequence okay so the first thing that you'll note in this dialogue sequence is in brackets says aristocrat this is my character background now in this particular dialogue kaliesha will reference your character background and you can turn these things off in in the options menu if you don't want to know when she's referencing your background so um your background will come up in dialogue with characters at lots of times in the game this is one of them so uh kaliesha has an independent reply for every single background in the game and she says so you're supposed to be one of the so on from be shot noble family because you're an aristocrat now what you say in this conversation will add add to your biography so um what I'm going to I'm going to say that isn't your business because I'm being an and this is a funny line suit itself can't very well force you to have a personality Canada haha very funny you ever wrote that and as you can see descriptive tax mixed with dialogue so this is just a dialogue that influences you like what are part of your background I'm just going to go haven't given it much thought so I'm playing I'm going to play a cryptic person just in this little sequence here and then I think this one here also is a line that influences your background so there's five choices I hope to meet someone in fall in love which is very ironic because there's no romance in the game haha so that's also a comic comedic line I'm going to press that I don't want to scare you but by the way some of these rule tribes that's funny sideways teeth etc etc okay let's get back to camp okay so this is a sequence in this particular quest you have to go and find the guy that's are looking for water some reason the text is overlapping up there okay so now I'm going to go to my journal and I'm going to check my biography as you can see there is now a new line in the biography dreams of romance led you to venture to the deal fold it and take up residence in gilded Vale that's because I picked that line in dialogue and as you pick stuff it will paste it into into your biography and will automatically write itself over the course of the game okay so I'm going to wrap this video up here in the next video I'm going to showcase each individual class in combat and how the basics of using that class so I've already I've already shown the basics of level 1 flatter and wizard I'll probably still do another demonstration of those these will be individual videos they'll be short ones just a few minutes long with a couple of the encounters up ahead past this point before I go I would like to address a post that I saw on 4chan boards from a few days ago by an anonymous user who used a Jerry Seinfeld picture and he was posting something about a video I made a while ago regarding testing glitching out so I'm changing range weapons outside of combat and I would like to say to that person recovery time actually does apply outside of combat but the recovery hard is not shown because the combat state is not active so when you're not in combat you can actually attack your own characters like that as you can see I just knocked out my character I created 431 damage um but kaliesha will still go into recovery time because but because when you attack your own characters that you're not in the combat State you cut the combat holiday is not actually shown it used to be shown in an earlier beta build um but now it doesn't do that anymore because I think of a couple I think it was to do with a couple of exploits or whatever so the same recovery time rules that are used in combat apply outside of combat as well so that that's why it looked quite it kind of looked like I was doing something dodgy in that video ok thanks for watching guys um and I'll I'm going to start I'm sorry I took so long to put this build up but I've been very exhausted making these guides and I'm going to start doing the the character build guides which is something that I think a lot of viewers have been waiting to see how to play the different character classes in combat properly I'm going to get started on that tonight and I'll be posting them up as I go so probably over the next few hours you'll see the first few videos start coming up thanks for everyone who's being uploaded I'm upgrading my videos on reddit posting about them on 4chan or the RPG codex see obsidian forums neogaf the steam forums all those kind of places um the more people that we can get to play pillars of eternity properly the better the games going to sell and that means that there'll be a higher chance of more expansions and more sequels in a bigger budget this is only good for the game and that's the reason why I'm making these guides thanks for watching guys and look forward to the next one
Channel: Enverxis
Views: 138,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pillars of Eternity, Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), Gameplay, Video Game (Industry), eora, melee engagement
Id: EoWw5swpfX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2015
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