32 PLAYER RTS?!?! THIS IS MADNESS!!! | Beyond All Reason | 16V16 | BAR Cast #5 | Unreasonable Cast!

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Hello There You Beautiful People my name is Willow and welcome back to beyond all reason for a 16 versus 16 match yes there are 32 players on screen this is going to be chaotic and crazy for everybody involved and of course I don't have time to introduce the players the way I normally would so on screen right now we're gonna go ahead and show you a graphic showing all of the teams the left-hand side is showing all of the players on the western side of the map and the right hand side is showing all the players on the Eastern side and that is relative to where the camera is right now and hopefully that's enough of an introduction for these players I don't know if it's gonna upset anybody in this game but unfortunately there are too many of you so right now we have two commanders named Mighty sheep that is a little bit weird don't know what's going on right there uh did somebody like rename their Commander or did they somehow spawn with two commanders either way there are of course as I mentioned 32 players in this game and team one over here on the left hand side of your screen is currently moving out Mighty sheep being very very aggressive with a few early land units trying to get some scouts out trying to maybe even get a tiny bit of damage done but unfortunately gonna run in to a bunch of light assault units coming out of from our boy Phoenix and that's going to be a very quick end to their life we also have Anne and the cat here in the middle who are going to do very very well and in the chat I have a player who is playing with us Mighty sheep apparently took over another player's Commander because they disconnected while I guess loading in so that's why he is currently controlling two commanders so I guess 10 technically speaking You could argue that it is a 15 versus 16 but hey it happens and mighty sheep is from the looks of it one of the highest rated players in this game so he shouldn't have too much issue with keeping up in this game now of course we're looking at the map coomb Valley we have this large Valley here in the middle for which the name gets or the map gets its name not the name gets its map and of course we have a few units out here harassing I believe those are units out from ducat trying to get some damage done did manage to pick up a Constructor right over here as well as a metal extractor gonna be very happy with that and in this Valley in the middle you're gonna see most of the fighting the teams of course separated by it there are some High Ground areas for each of the teams to occupy which they can set up some defenses on and there's these two mountain ranges in the middle of the valley that can be used to get very aggressive plays down and I've seen some very cool things happen there and we're just gonna see some pretty explosions and hopefully have a good game for all of the bar fans down there and of course we have so many plays to get through I am going to miss things I would miss things in any game if it was a 16 versus 16 format so please uh forgive me before we get into any of that happening and of course the early game going about as you expect Mighty sheep with the double Commander so far has managed to get quite a little bit done has managed to walk into the middle with that Commander there and get himself set up with some defenses we have a calm being destroyed I believe that is the commander of Oz Park and that is in fact not a mistake if you are one of our fat fans the commander leaves around 2 000 metal reclaim and can be used in the early game to boost yourself up to a higher tech level and you can see he is already reclaiming the wreck of that Commander as we speak with that little Lazarus bot I believe that's a Lazarus yes it is I'm getting my unit names down pretty well and that's going to be really really good for him and it's going to be a very very fun and of course here in the middle we have some heavy laser Towers going down for both sides it's very important to get these laser Towers you can see the tiny ones and then you can see those triple triple barrel heavy laser Towers coming out also for some reason the audio very quiet on some of these units of course I could go into the settings and change that here in just a moment but those heavy laser Towers they have higher range and they are really strong against some stronger units and they just give you a lot of control so very cool to see that here we also have a exploiter armed metal extractor being thrown up here in the middle a kind of stop Gap Point defense that I don't think there's a metal point there so he's not really going to get too much out of that and as we zoom out down here to the South we can see some units starting to clash between ragna and El Dariel as well as some units coming out from I believe that is prime federator who will be able to help out fighting against Ragnar ragna the highest rated player in this entire game at 49 true skill rating very very high up there and as a nice shiny silver badge to his name for all of his efforts and of course we can go ahead and start looking at the economies up here in the top right hand corner you can see the metal and energy economy economies of both teams blue team or Team One currently a little bit in the lead showing an average of about 50 metal per second ahead of their opponents and that could very realistically result in some very lopsided fights very early on Mighty sheep is fighting forward a commander blown up in the back I believe for reclaimed and another Commander killed on the front by I believe that's magic and Metro Arch and mighty sheep just keep it keeping on with the aggression here you can see that this heavy laser Tower is being built very far forward he wants to continue to push forward push into players like Anne and two players like the cat and Omega hers as well as Phoenix and he's not gonna be stopped he has a lot of economy behind him he's in a very strong position and he is determined to push forward another Commander going down up here not sure whose that was but we have explosions going on left and right and right now it seems as though matajek has been the only player able to survive all of the aggression going on thus far and he is continuing to push forward this team on the North which consists of the blue and uh green players and actually it's kind of the West is what we're going to call it uh Team One or pushing forward very very effectively and we also have some tanks here in the middle fighting it out let's go ahead and just really quick do a side detour we're gonna go ahead and go over to audio master volume put it up we're gonna put battle sounds up and we're gonna bring music down just a little bit to help me in editing and I'm sure that I'm going to edit that settings out and of course we can go ahead and get out of this and yeah sorry about that for everybody watching the video version of that we went ahead and went into the settings fixed the audio but we are back and you can already see some air units coming out from either Fontaine or prime federator I can't really tell it's two shades of green and they're gonna be flying up here onto this hill and it seems as though they are going up and against Oz Park and they're gonna drop some bombs and oh no it's a disaster Oz Park gonna be in a lot of pain very soon if he's unable to stop these bombers they're coming in for another pass and this is gonna be a very dangerous play coming out very early I believe that was a air Factory going down for Oz Park and now there are these Advanced Metal extractors which could be targeted once again I think the bombers are flying back around they're turning back around they're gonna come back up this hill and they will drop their bombs again and we have to see if he's gonna be able to hold this off because this is gonna be a very painful play early on Oz Park sacrificing his Commander for early economy and now he's going to be in a very rough position losing another Factory and these bombers they just don't quit they're still flying around they're still doing their thing a commander out from Kazar showing up to try and help him these Advanced Metal extractors are surviving very well and as long as ours Park can keep one of his Engineers alive he is not out of this game but those bombers is very effective at harassing Oz Park out of this early game and here in the middle we still have fighting going on Mighty sheep as we're as well as matajek pushing forward being aggressive Mighty sheep trying to get a d-gun down onto all of these thugs actually those are centurions I believe which are oh no Macy's plasma Bots I'm sorry they they look very the samey uh but getting a lot of damage down and now we're gonna see that commander of Mighty sheep he's cloaked he can de-cloke and d-gun very soon and oh beautiful shots coming out from that Commander from mighty sheep he is really pulling his weight for this team his biggest counter which is ragna is even having struggles up against players like El Dariel and of course pure malt and we even have some units coming out from Stardom I believe over here to help out and of course ragna de cat Omega hers they're all being pushed back and space is about to be no more as units encroach from the front lines and just start to rip apart this poor pink Armada base the light laser Towers don't look like they're long for this world and Anne looking very very weak here in this early game A D guns coming out from Anne trying to do beautiful plays with him and does manage to pick up the majority of the tanks but Anne may just go down due to the fire coming in does manage to pick up that last tank loses all of the light laser towers and in comes more of these rocketeers these Bots are super deadly and they can kill off light laser towers without any issue and now they're just dismantling the base of Anne Anne is going to run away with the commander Mighty sheep still setting up a strong beach head for his team would love to see some units from some allies showing up to try and help out over here and as we zoom out we see some units now coming out from Omega hers trying to push back against quick and magic and of cores things going up to stuff things being very aggressive for both sides that's a lot of units out of the cat who are trying to push forward Captain Benji over on that Northern side of the map doing very well for themselves pushing in towards the defenses of tyvian with some rocketeers and Tavian really looking light on the ground doesn't have enough units to really stop a concerted push from Captain Benji there something to keep on our minds as we move forward Mighty sheep continuing to try and be aggressive and Now supported by his ally I believe that is stardom with a lot of vehicles on the front line but now we see Advanced Bots coming out from Team two most of them belonging to yep I believe and yep is going to get very aggressive right now using those sheldens to Shell down the enemy positions Sheldon's are relatively cheap have good range really great kiting and scrimmaging unit here for the secondary team or team two and they're doing very very well right now and of course Mighty sheep quick they're very happy with their position I am sure they're doing a lot of good work here they've managed to maintain a good amount of map control but that does not necessarily mean that team blue has sealed this game by any means team red and yellow and pink I guess can make their way forward and make their own path in this game they just need to start putting up some more strategic resistance meanwhile down here to the South Mata Jack is pushing hard in towards the base of yep who has come over so clutch to help out his allies but now dealing with a bit of harassment does manage to have finned it off but matajek sitting in a very strong position huge fight about to take place here in the middle a bunch of Tanks out from Stardom against Sheldon's and various Bots coming out from his allies as well as a few tanks now showing up I believe those are Omega hers tanks and right now it seems as though we've reached an impasse neither team really continuing to gain territory or push Mighty sheep was forced to fall back after losing a commander it would seem and the battle lines are drawn the units are ready we just have to wait for somebody to get that critical mass so that way they feel strong enough to push forward tyvian who we were talking about a little bit earlier having a little bit of a light land force in my opinion is showing up now and we're gonna zoom in and take a look at his forces he has a whole bunch of these fiend units in front of a line of Sheldon's those sheldons we already talked about but these fans are very very cool units they have flame throwers they run up and when they die they don't leave metal so they can be used very aggressively and kind of thrown away on the enemy without worries of dumping metal to your opponents for them to use against you overall economies the economies are still disadvantaged for team two but it's the same disadvantage it's still about 50 maybe 60 metal a second behind for the team too which is good because we're going up and up in the numbers and they are keeping Pace but they do need to try and work on catching up or at least do some economic damage down onto some somebody like Mighty sheep or one of these other players who are sitting on very strong economies as of this moment and right now with this line of Sheldon's coming out from yep team two looking very good they're starting to push back does have to worry about Magic's attack over on this southern side and of course you can see Sheldon's more Sheldon's now starting to pour out of the base of synthetic to help out yep and now magic attack is being pushed back or Maddie Jack I don't know it's a very difficult name for me to pronounce it's one of those uh one of those northern European names I feel and of course eldaria El Dariel over here man the names are not gonna be easy on me right now is currently trying to build up a bit of a Firebase I haven't seen any real units Alpha Mardel uh uh El Dariel but now we're starting to see some Advanced vehicle units coming out so that should be pretty good to try and push back ragna and kimchi who are over on this link to cat also over there helping them ragna still playing aggressively with that Commander meanwhile over here matajek also going to try and push forward once more but he keeps pushing forward into all of these sheldons and the Sheldon's main strength is that they are very quick so they can just run away these sumos they have no chance to get within range of the sheldons unless there is Miss micro coming out from either yep or synthetic so right now you can just see the sumos they're getting pummeled I love the little trash can boys they can take a lot of hits but this is kind of unnecessary damage being absorbed by Mata Jack and the sheldons are a real issue we're gonna have to start seeing some longer range Alternatives coming out to deal with them and right now we have one of those already on the field it is of course an Arbiter coming out from who has that I don't know what color that is I need to zoom out until I get an icon uh that is of course coming out from prime federator or stardom or rogovic I can't really tell oh wait it's uh Bool Scott but wool Scott damn these names are crazy but right now I just want to show you the main feature that makes bar so amazing we're just gonna Zoom right in on here get a beautiful shot from this Mountaintop and you're gonna get to see units firing at each other from these long ranges missiles going off every so often you see a line of units climb over the trenches and make their way forward just to be shot down by the machine gun esque fire of their defensive counterparts on the enemy team and you just see so many projectiles just flying back and forth those Sheldon's still just wreaking havoc but they're unable to really take any territory it's kind of the flaw of the Sheldon it's not able to take a hit so if the enemy does push forward even with really bad units you're forced to fall back that's how the micro works so you have to pretty much wipe the enemy field of units and we now have a whole bunch of these Mauser mobile artillery coming out from Stardom and they're doing very well he also has some fiend help coming out I don't know if those are his fiends or some other players trying to help him out here we also have hounds those are the cortex version of oh wait no those are the Armada version of the Sheldon and they do much the same kind of purpose there a bit of an air fight breaking out over near the western side of the map and a lot of action going on as a concerted push now coming out from Team blue and you can see all of these artillery pieces sitting behind all of the advanced tanks moving forward and artillery pieces these Mausers for team blue doing very very well for themselves and all of these units going forward and I believe that was the commander of maybe Anne no that was the commander of the cat I would guess going down the aragna managing to walk out of that one just okay tons of units coming out from El Dariel or uh is that metric that might be metroarch uh now starting to push forward and the overall state of the game is chaos there's just shots being thrown pretty much everywhere from every angle the Mausers seemingly dealt with for now except for those out of stardom still making progress towards ragna's base towards the base of Anne who has admittedly recovered very well and has managed to rebuild their base after that early game pain and we now have a nuke getting shot down beautifully on screen right there for you there was apparently an anti-nuke there in the middle I I accidentally caught a nuke launch and it wasn't really all that important if I'm completely honest that nuke coming out from at ragna and was able to be shot down by I believe that was I believe that was mighty sheep who shot it down did he have an anti-nuke here in the middle maybe a mobile one it's hard to tell I I have so much trouble identifying what's exactly happening but it is very fun to watch nonetheless and we now have a lot of units and we're gonna look at this for now from this perspective of Team two and you can just kind of see the walls are closing in here in the middle and on that western side taivian or Western relative to the camera listen the compass is just messed up this Compass points in all directions all the time but tybian over there with those cyan units pushing forward he's a beautiful color and he is starting to make ground against kimchi bulgogi and of course in the middle we have a lot of units now starting to pour out from the base of raptor to Moss trying to help out but we do still have a strong cohort of ranged units showing up for both yep and kasar who will be very effective in helping out here and maybe a nuke launch could land but we have to keep an eye on it a lot of units now pushing forward for yep has a bunch of kind of mass throwaway units coming in here sorry about the frame rate by the way it's bound to happen with so many units on field so many orders being given and we're gonna Zoom right in here and get an a look at all of the actions see all of these sheldons firing and just get a sense of scale here we zoom out and you kind of lose all of the sense of what's going on but you zoom in here and you can see all these little fights going on defenses being thrown up on the other side walls of various forms that is a cataphract I believe is the name of it no catapult coming out from who has that catapult that is of course Magic's catapult and it is a it's like the Arbiter but fires a lot more shots we also I believe those are some shivas showing up for magic so he is firmly into that experimental Gantry phase of the game and he is getting into the point where he can just push forward and try and cause as much damage as possible we had another calm explode currently the commander count is nine to 11 and I believe the 9 is 14 blue and the 11 is for team red or no I think it's the other way around nine is for team red and 11 is for team blue that would make a little bit more sense here honestly and we have nukes built up and prepared for a lot of players I'm not sure if any have landed thus far but if they have they weren't on the main bases and let's get a little bit more of a neutral view as we see all of these units firing and we have some form of long range artillery over here actually no it is not what is that exactly I can't remember the name of it I'm trying to find it really quick let's go ahead and look around okay it's being fired out from where exactly it's a I I can't see it it's a missile launcher that deals with small spam-like units very well and I don't remember the name of it but it is a very cool kind of use case option for anybody dealing with a lot of spam and right now here in the middle we see yep constantly battling back and forth yeah and over here a nuke finally lands and I believe that was the nuke of ragna Leaning onto this forward base of matajek there is still some defenses that manage to survive that nuclear launch these bulwarks heavy energy weapons along with their fortification walls protecting them but matajek I don't think he's gonna be too worried about that given that he has a line of shivas which are pretty good defensively and offensively and he's now gonna start pushing forward trying to kill off some of these units out from either synthetic or casar I can't really tell from here kind of hard to tell the colors of things whenever you don't have the icons and actually those units were coming out from Omega hers so I was completely wrong and there's just a constant fight going on let's go ahead and zoom out give you a state of the map ragna now sitting on two commanders somebody has left the game and they have taken over I think it was uh I don't I don't even have a clue who he took over for and currently a large contingent of forces right over here four team blue looking like they're poising to attack we also have tyvine in the South who could try and help with an attack wrap around up here and push in and on the Northern side we have a constant fight going on between things like Sheldon's and tigers and shivas nothing too outrageous going on yet but we do see a fat boy now coming out of the base of yep and I am a big fan of fat boys especially if you can mess up a few of them can really push in and do a lot of damage to the enemy side and here in the middle another nuke launch Landing big beautiful explosion out from ragna and he is just slowly withering down this front for matajek who has played so well this game but is currently being pushed back heavily by khazar and his ally yep and that is a very long range artillery shot from the looks of it do we have we have a basilica I believe that is online and firing up here on this hill and in fact we have a second one and both of these are built up by Yap and those are basically the T3 artillery equivalent from faff and they are really getting some value down on this forward forces out from Team blue and now we just have so many units on screen just all of the time fire and Away having a grand time and I'm just gonna zoom in here we're gonna get a large picture of what's going on we have a kind of small group of units over here these shivas coming out from Mata Jack and he is supported by his Ally metroarc and he's gonna start pushing forward here into the forces of his opponent but not really looking too good for team blue they're really struggling to gain any ground the early game went so well but now the economy is they're they're pretty much even and the red team is just they're just seemingly investing into some very powerful things right now meanwhile over here on this side of the map we have a push coming out is tyvee and helping in his own way yes he is large group of fiends pushing in gonna kill off all the hounds or at least a vast majority of them and has his own Sheldon's back there to try and help out and now there is a concerted push coming out from players like stardom and El Dariel trying to get forward momentum going on here ragna sitting up here with two commanders and just deciding hey screw it I'm going to uh do this and in fact no Ragnar got the second Commander from Reviving it it would seem which is very interesting using those Lazarus for their purpose of Reviving units which is something you can do and you can tell if a unit is revived by the Halo that it gains and we'll just zoom in here you can see that this Commander has a little halo over it that means it's been revived which means if it dies again it can no longer be revived and this push coming out from Team Green it's really starting to push forward but it's just so many defenses laid down and ragna loses that haloed Commander very unfortunate for him and these fans out from I believe those are fiends of Tybee and showing up to help out no in fact those are raptors fiends starting to push forward now we have a concerted push coming out from Team blue towards ragna and towards the cat I keep on getting stalled out at the nine yard line it would feel and matter Jack has just been completely pushed back his Shiva is no longer able to make ground thank you and I'm being informed that tyvian says that it can be resurrected regardless of if it has a Halo I thought somebody told me at one point that if it has a Halo it can no longer be resurrected if it dies so as long as it has a corpse it can be revived and thank you to the live chat for correcting me as we go I'm not the biggest expert on bar so I do appreciate it and by the way this was casted live over at my YouTube channel I live stream a couple times a week and do casts and games so make sure you come by also make sure you like comment and subscribe if you want more bar content you all are oh so beautiful much like the chaos going on here and is that a nuke launch it is but it gets shot down right there in the middle of the screen for you was going for seemingly the base of Fontaine was not able to get any real value out of that there ragna apparently being pushed on by units out from Prime federator and a nuke lands right here in the middle killing off a lot of the units for team blue nuclear Point defense but unfortunately it didn't kill off the units that are really a threat right now as a Thor manages to kill off the second commander of Ragnar in these Thor these experimental lightning tanks or Terminator tanks as they are called come forward and much like their namesake they bring the Thunder and they are going to move forward here they're going to continue to try and make ground up against the cat and honestly it doesn't seem like there's anything here to stop these doors so they might have to build something a little bit further back to protect themselves as those Thor's push forward it's supported by a ton of sheldons another Thor coming up through the rear and it's looking dicey for team red it's looking bad those Thor's coming out from stardom are very dangerous and they're the first kind of what I would Define as true experimental unit lots of HP lots of damage able to hold an area very well and able to get a lot of damage done as the Thor's push forward the base of the cat the base of ragna collapses I believe his nuke launcher is right here and it's going down and another nuke I believe that was just a normal nuke lands over here near kimchi bulgogies come and that Armageddon it's still alive but the question is for how much longer because these doors will definitely not allow something so high value to survive here and in fact I think it's just now loaded he needs to fire it ragna you need to fire it I believe it just loaded Maybe I'm Wrong on that I I saw that second bar fill up all the way yes it does have a missile fire at ragna fire it now he's asking where to shoot it he says he's ready oh no please the lightning Tank's coming in the Thor's coming in it's getting shot by a tachyon accelerator actually that's a beamer not attacking on accelerator I'm I'm not I'm not too bright and oh did he launch it he did it seems I don't know if he hit anything Ram this threw some units over to ragna and those lightning tanks continuing to wreak havoc but Captain Benji shows up to be the hero that they needed d-guns that lightning tank a risky maneuver but always worth it if you can make it happen now there are a ton of units another nuke coming out this time over here towards the advancing units of Team blue who are just starting to make a break breakthrough sure they de-gunned one lightning tank down but there's three more thores and it just doesn't seem like they have a adequate answer to the aggression coming out mainly from Stardom stardom is doing great work over here and there's not really any kind of counter push on the other side of the map that can make up for it there are some Starlight mobile tachyon weapons moving forward over here for I don't even know who that is that seems to be uh that seems to be the beauty they're not really getting anything done and over here Captain Benji Ram this both under threat of just falling apart Jew and also over here or Jahan it's hard to say trying to get himself I guess set up to deal with this but Ram this goes up D guns the Thor Ram that's gonna go for another d-gun self-destruct coming out onto that door for some reason I guess uh answers in the comments why you would self-destruct it and currently there is a bit of a petering out of the forces of stardom but making huge Headway against the opposing team they are very nice play coming out from him tyvian now seemingly has been set up with a artillery of some form in fact three of them three basilisks set up over here let's just go ahead and zoom in let's see how loud the Basilisk is oh no oh that was that was a nuke getting shot down by tyvee in here I would see him or by one of his allies and the Basilisk see them just on this hill firing away very beautiful sight it's very calm when you're away from all the action um but let's get back to the high intensity gameplay over here still Sheldon's trying to be used effectively I believe these are all coming out from yes that's kasar but it feels as though Sheldon's have outlived their usefulness but casara has realized that and is now going for vanguards and if you can spam up enough vanguards they can be massively effective Ambassador stealthy rocket launchers coming out over here for Metro Arch to defend and if those vanguards sit still for too long those uh those ambassadors will give them a message that they shant enjoy hearing and a lot of fire going on but it feels as though the game has kind of stalled out a little bit neither side making any Headway yep still sitting on a massive Army of of grunts over here and we have three Thor's coming out from Stardom trying to push in towards the bases of players like Omega hers and the calm of Phoenix there and yep's base by kind of extension as we see some Razorbacks in the occasional Titan coming out from yep to try and defend against these thores the Thor is unable to get any huge value here but continue to try and push forward the Titan versus Thor matchup over here with some Razorbacks thrown in for flavor I feel like all of the units in the late game like all of these super late game units they just get a missile launcher like yeah you know what strap a missile to it it'll be all right and that missile good and yeah the Thor's warded off by the Titan surprised we haven't seen a juggernaut yet there are definitely players with the economy to afford it but the biggest unit we've seen thus far is that Titan maybe the cortex players aren't doing well economy economically another nuke lands yep's Commander over here dancing in the nuclear Hellfire this is fine and yep needs to move that Commander and now you just see these long range artillery are dominating the battlefield there's a lot of stealth and jamming going on over here plasma deflectors as well to stop the plasma shells from coming in that's this game's version of shields but they only stop plasma shells and you can see right there that plasma shell deflected on the shield over here tyvans artillery not really getting the damage it wishes it could and let's zoom out get the state of the game down here to the South where CN some catapult heavy rocket Bots coming out from Tavian wants to push forward and honestly I feel like any push from Team blue right now needs to have a mobile anti-nuke in order to protect it from these Point defense tactical nukes and right now it seems as though ragna pretty much eliminated from the game he does have his own Thor right now but I don't know where his base is doesn't really have one it's been destroyed right this overall the battle wages on the Fight Continues and a nuclear launch coming out of the base of Fontaine gets shot down by an anti-nuke from somebody in the chat was saying that missiles pass through Keepers yes I I said that I said plasma deflectors they are a version of shields and uh they only stop plasma shells which is a very specific type of weapon in this game but I will clarify for that person in chat and currently tons of units on both sides just sitting idle not willing to push forward nobody really has anything that is strong enough to break the defenses of the other side El Dariel trying to push forward with their own defenses down here to the side we have a ton of all terrain Bots out from tyvee and I believe that these are the yeah the the cargo Nets uh the all-terrain assault Max the experimentals I believe or I think they come out of the experimental Pantry I could be wrong but yep loses the commander but kills all but one karganeth and this cargo death most likely just gonna die to Captain Benji uh not too long for this world may pick up an advanced metal extractor but nope does not manage it and over here to the north uh Tavian is just setting up shop deciding to uh oh wait no that that's yep trying to build that seemed as though he was gonna set up shop try and just build that metal extractor and now there are a bunch of Sharpshooter sniper Bots coming out over here from Captain Benji to defend against all of this in the middle we're seeing tons of units get stacked up we have multiple Titans Now for Yap it's just unable to push forward to make something happen with them and that's a large army of Thor's now showing up and the battle is going to begin doors and Titans and vanguards oh my God and these Thor's look as though they're winning it the Titan over here has been stunned up by something or other and that Titan most likely just gonna go down here for nothing oh that's very unfortunate for yep losing the Titan there get a view from the defending angle there are now Thor's creeping up towards the base of yep is vanguard's trying to defend Allied Thor showing up to defend to Titan doing its damnedest all of these Basilica trying to fire from long range and even hit the Thor's themselves and that push does Peter out does seem as though stardom too afraid to just throw his units in doesn't think he can win it thank you such a beautiful game to watch the Thor's gonna move forward once again the Vanguard count for czar going up faster if you can get up a critical mass and that just kind of feels like what both sides need to do they need a critical mass ragna has somehow gotten a commander again which is quite funny tyvian trying to push forward still building those cargo Nets the Oz Park and ragna's calm over here being used as a kind of form of Defense that roving d-gun is always a threat here and beyond all reason they love their spectacles and there's about to be a new one Titans out from yep trying to come over to help defend against this Thor push that's inbound from Stardom but they also need to be careful nukes have been used many times this game for Point defense purposes yep trying to play the entire field I'd really love to see a juggernaut in this match but I don't think we're gonna get it it's just I guess too expensive but these Titans and these Razorbacks trying to hold off against the Thor's they're not doing too shabby a job of it but the Thor's still making progress and they're gonna get into the base of Omega hers and Omega hers is gonna show up with a d-gun yet again another self-destruct on a Thor I wonder what the logic behind that is Omega hers loses the commander and there's a Titan trying to chase them down there's Thor's in defense out from Tsar Phoenix gonna show up with his own commander and gonna whoa Phoenix just immediately dies there another Thor gonna go down in this middle area has just been absolutely destroyed by team blue and right now team red looking as though they may not survive the next few minutes they're just being pushed upon and they are being ripped apart Tavian poised to attack with an army of cargonaths over here on this side of the map Captain Benji gonna be hard-pressed to deal with that as the cargonaths Crest that Hill gonna be a really cool sight right here come on Tavian send them over that Hill send them over you coward do it Tavian you're gonna send the anti-air in the grunts but you're not gonna send the karginess come on it's just a little Hill get up it darn I'm not gonna get the cool shot because taivian is scared really tyvian really he's in chat right now so I'm just gonna give him a bunch of crap you gotta make the pretty pictures for me Tavian here in the middle this area being trying to be retaken but unfortunately will not most likely be able to be taken by red team they're in a rough position yep their strongest player arguably seems to have lost some form of economy because he's just not putting out nearly as many units as he was just moments ago and overall economy is it's two to one for team blue would have to be a colossal mismanagement I think right now for team blue to lose and that is an anti-nuke shooting down a nuke thank you and the defenses of team red are faltering and the offense is looking good for team blue I'm curious what team red may try and do what they could even try and do another nuke getting shot down nukes so much more cheap in this in this uh game than faff and the sniper Bots over here for Captain Benji seemingly holding off a lot of this attack out from Tavian and whatever these artillery pieces that are firing are don't seem too powerful they're not doing uh what would it seems like they're not doing very much damage they do look very cool though what are those they are uh long-range anti-air Towers that might be why they're very bad at killing land units and over here on this side of the map we have ourselves a big push coming out from matajek and his ally stardom as well as a juggernaut oh so happy to see it the biggest of big boys the chonker oh just look at his glory is glorious form and yeah that Juggernaut Really Gonna I think it was the impetus that was needed for stardom to feel safe enough to push forward and now the Titan Factory goes down with an almost complete Titan in the bay just needed to finish the paint job and uh it's looking absolutely desperate before team red now they had already lost the other side of the map and now they're losing this side and this 32 player epic of a match seems to be in its final moments was that the Juggernaut dying no the juggernaut's still pushing forward and it is pushing forward damn near unopposed there's some vanguards there are some defenses they mean very little for a team this far behind that face laser I'm a sucker for face lasers I love the GC and these Thor's pushing forward they are going to slowly but surely win the game for team blue they have collapsed one side of the map and now the other side is going Tavian sending the commander now he sends the cargo Nets over the hill when I'm not ready to uh give everybody the beautiful shot of them crusting the hill and they are gonna fight the Thor's unfortunately the thores are just gonna kind of do better into this nuke lands accidentally caught a very beautiful nuke launch for nuke Landing there killing off one of the big bases left for team red and the rest of the big bases left are soon to fall and I would like to thank all of you all for watching as we close out this game here thank you to the channel members and patreons who support this channel oh so much you all are oh so beautiful if you want more bar content make sure to go down and like this video to have it shared out more by the algorithm make sure you comment and make sure you subscribe because more is coming I promise you all are oh so beautiful and thank you to all the players in this game with the final push coming in somehow there's still like five hole Commanders for this southern team or for the for team two in fact none of them are being controlled by anybody that means there's no players left in the game so the game is over I'm gonna let the the pretty explosions go on and uh here soon all these commanders will be dead and yeah you all are beautiful thank you to the chat for keeping me honest throughout this game and uh yeah hello beautiful and uh this is Willow signing off foreign [Music]
Channel: Willow's Duality
Views: 111,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willow, Duality, Willow's Duality, Supreme Commander, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Forever, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Coaching, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Cast, Supreme commander Forged alliance gameplay, Supreme Commander Forged Alliance tips, Supcom FAF gameplay, FA Forever Cast, Supcom FAF cast, RTS Gameplay, RTS Cast, Competitive Strategy Gameplay, Esports Commentary
Id: B6kSrc86kdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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