Sen. Cotton: Biden's lies exposed over Afghan exit | Brian Kilmeade Show

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>> I got to say I've covered the Pentagon I've covered Congress covered the White House I have never seen. The top military brass in the country so directly contradicts the commander in chief it was an extraordinary moment, and I think it confirmed the perceptions that were coming out in real time that there was different advice that was coming into the White House and that President Biden was willing to talk about because he was standing behind that decision. >> Even as the situation crumbled even as those service members were killed, even as it became clear that there were serious intelligence failures along the way and I think this episode has had a more lasting impact than just foreign policy or just Afghanistan. You can look at president Biden's approval ratings on a range of issues and they flipped almost mirror image around that moment around Afghanistan that Bost withdrawal. >> Because it involves so much involved the way we look globally though no one can deny was disaster known and I will have people been home to behind no one can deny. What we saw with people hanging off the wheel Wells and and we saw the chaos and the babies being head of the walls. You don't wait for Joe Biden to defined in a different way Tom cotton is here. He knows about this he feels it use infant is in the infantry himself. He's now with intelligence armed services and judiciary committees, former U.S. army infantry officer whose Ivy League grad senator welcome back first time in studio, but I want you to hear that because as Jonathan Karl, not really an attack dog on Joe Biden with Rick Klein whose ABC kind of a relatively fair guy. But I think it's totally underplayed every one of those commanders you ask questions. >> They said they did not recommend this way to get out of that country. Yeah Brian. >> Well first off thanks for me on this great to be in the studio for the title right to be back in studio after 2 Working remotely. So I at the hearings last week and what it wasn't just general mckenzie in general milley secretary Austin as well who said that President Biden rejected his advice in addition to General Scott Miller, who is the on the ground commander in Afghanistan, a legend in the special forces community. Former commander of ah Delta force spent almost 8 years in Afghanistan over the last 20 oh if only they made it clear that they were getting out this way is that the reason he left. They took him out in mid and that was just part of their the military phase plan to move out. And I think part of the reason he left as they were. Also had just come back Bob Graham. So what's a 4 star commander going to do when you only have 600 troops left on the ground. But the reason why they they did that is because when Joe Biden said you have to get out by September 11 they have start staging the withdrawal and Biden didn't want to have any more troops going to Afghanistan to do something bokram now of course in the end we ended up putting 3 times as many troops on the ground in August in about a week in about a week as we had one job I made the decision to get out. But the all those generals and the secretary of defense made it clear the president rejected their advice to keep a small force in Afghanistan to keep the situation stabilized they also made it clear in my opinion that they would have left troops past the August 31st deadline. If you go back and look at my question general milley I said you know Joe Biden has been proclaiming how the Joint Chiefs unanimously agreed to get out of Afghanistan by August 31st, even though that we're going to leave people behind. When did you make that recommendation. He said August 25th said really not August 15th, not the day couple films that we were asked on August 25th. We've got a different answer from the military, if you've given them 2 weeks not 5 days. And then 3rd in the second round of questioning general or secretary Austin acknowledge that neither he nor anyone in the Pentagon chose September 11th has a date by which to withdraw. They wouldn't say who did it but obviously it came in the president or some political hack in the white House that he was somehow symbolic it so we're kind of symbolism if you ask me, but it's it's worse than just being a a useless political symbol. Actually technically dangerous because to get out by September 11 and that you're withdrawing at the height of the summer fighting season, even if you're just waited 6 months if you're hell-bent on getting out wait 6 months till the end of the year. Whenever it's winter in Afghanistan and the Taliban have largely gone back into their case for going back to Pakistan. So on multiple fronts. Our senior military leadership. You know they didn't call Joe Biden a liar but they articulated the facts that exposed his was fastened to see other networks besides FOX asked Jen psaki 3 straight separate reporters. Can you name the generals they did can you name that shows it did recommend this. I can't that's who I can't do that. Here's a Marsha Blackburn said about who might have recommended this to Joe Biden although we think that's his idea anyway cut their 9. >> I think the advice came from Ron Klein and Jake Sullivan and Susan Rice and Wendy Sherman and Anthony blinken is that they were saying let's get out of there. Let's take this victory lap. Joe Biden you outside your the guy that ended this. I think that's where it's coming from what you think about that and. >> The nonmilitary people. >> So I think it's all political people in the White House. But I think it starts with Joe Biden or Joe Biden has taken pride for 12 years that he advised barack obama not searched ruben's troops in Afghanistan in 2009. You tell anyone who would The president president obama got rolled got boxed in by the military that would never happen to me in fact back in April when you announce that we're withdrawing from. Afghanistan. He was probably that decision he was all testy about how he didn't let the military role Roland how he stood up to him away the Trump and obama wouldn't then 4 months later once everything was had gone to in a hand basket all the sudden it's like well, this is what the generals told me I just took their advice. No one told me that this could be a problem. So the span of 4 months he went from from being proud and boasting that he had rejected. The senior military leadership advice to saying that he just followed it or they didn't give that advice doing. >> So what I understand to from your hearing. Is us general milley to what do you not resign. All right. And he said well, you know my dad didn't have all my grandfather never check did that way I guess is dead to have an opportunity to knew it would I don't understand that analogy because you're going to battle does it is in which he made a mistake. Clearly he must have known this is a mistake. You're you're a military guy when is it the right time to resign just because you commander in chief, and you disagree doesn't mean you should head to new stars. >> So I understand the point he was making in their valid points for a senior uniformed officer to consider. That we want our senior military leadership to give their best professional advice to be candid about it to caution the president when he's making a mistake. But in the end it's the commander in chief that selected to make the decision and second that. when a uniformed officer resigns that can be an inherently political act of making it clear to disagree on policy grounds this different from say Secretary of defense sector defenses still a political appointee I think the point about his father in your GMA are those 13 troops that Abby gate is. If. If the president rejects general's advice, the generals got a pretty easy. After resigning, you can you sitting comfortably in the ring of the Pentagon and up at Fort Myer but those young sergeants young privates don't get a chance to do that and then it's incumbent upon senior military officers to keep them in mind I think that's what he was getting at center. He says I want to play that out because if he comes out the general milley will be resigning because he cannot go no longer go along with his Afghanistan policy maybe there is not a problem at the gate. >> Because he'll realize politically Joe Biden is a disaster if block Millie who just stood up to Trump is now resigning. This was be a terrible move. So maybe that you may be a whole Kabul, you know it's it's POS it's possible that could be a circumstance that any president could face I just think because this president. >> Takes has taken such a point of pride for 12 years that he's the one that will stand up to the military that he won't get boxed and he's too experienced and seasoned and widely. I think president Biden might have like that a bit wrong claimed liked it. If any of his senior military leadership dissented publicly and resign because it would fit would have fed into the narrative that they were spending from April until the first of August which is Joe Biden is the tough season experience president who won't let these generals and so I want to when we get back talk about something that can not getting a lot of traction I know you've been following and that is what's happening with this storm investigation does a lot more than people think. >> But before I go. You have a vice president I don't care about bad or good I'm talking about disengaged she went to California told the press to stay alone when speed walking with her husband, wow she's in charge of the border, we know that the Panamanian foreign minister said I've been trying to get a hold his administration to tell about this problem since since January and then you have the problem of the border, you got this issue in Afghanistan, you got this negotiation that's happening. She could be invaluable like Mike pence was for Donald Trump because she has the relationships in the Senate. And you would imagine in the House. What is can use can you can you get your red head around this I think the by the high command maybe thought should do less damage they center of to California for a weekend that she was still in Washington think so I mean. >> There's a guy that you hear that they that separate because of work comments about Israel at George Mason University well I mean there's a genocide question the cheap through in the street. Look I'm in cut kamala Harris is not distinguish herself with a string of successes some Bloomberg political life she's got stumbled apart from one job to the next and you just see some of the things she's done as vice president like sitting there not knowing idly when someone accuses Israel of committing genocide. >> Or responding some reporter who asked what you have been to the border by say she has many Europe yet either there's
Channel: Fox News
Views: 153,197
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Keywords: Fox News Channel, Fox News, politics, news, The Brian Kilmeade show, The Brian Kilmeade podcast, President Biden, Joe Biden, Biden administration, President Biden Afghanistan, Afghanistan, US Military, President Biden Afghanistan exit, Afghanistan withdrawal, Taliban, Afghanistan Taliban, Kabul Afghanistan, US troops, US troops leaving Afghanistan, Afghanistan exit 2021, Senator Tom Cotton, US generals, US generals hearing, US generals Afghanistan, Kamala Harris, border crisis
Id: 8DXF1fe5KE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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