Hannity: Biden's radical administration will do nothing to help

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less than six months though every american you the american people have the opportunity to let your voices be heard and i hope it's loud and i hope it's clear we have got to right the ship which is our country because the past 18 months less than 18 months under joe biden it has been one failure after another they pole tested ultra magga okay we have an ultra failure as a president it's a disaster on every level look at the new york post calling it quote joe's train wreck on that that's today's cover of the new york post and it listed the crisis from this week alone gas hitting what i think we're 10 days in a row now with gas prices setting one new record after another and a brutal six dollar a gallon prediction coming i'll get to in a second the border crisis gets worse the ministry of truth has collapsed thankfully anyway the market drops what 1164 points the worst day in two years and we're short of baby formula oh but don't worry the biden administration they did publish a chart and this is the advice to parents across the u.s they're telling you as parents contact your ob gyn and see if you can get free samples of a baby formula now if you're unable to locate baby formula that's joe biden's solution to the baby formula shortage crisis ask your doctor if they have any samples in their office there are reports joe that some of these children have been hospitalized because of the shortage donald trump taught you what to do it's called operation warp speed warp speed the production of baby formula so that families don't have to have a shortage like they currently have this is really scary i even have more bad news and it's even about to get worse look at this jp morgan they are now predicting gas prices about to surpass six dollars a gallon nationwide not california nationwide washington state is now preparing for 10 a gallon gasoline and keep in mind this does not just impact uh everyday travel it impacts our supply chain which is already struggling it impacts deliveries and manufacturing of every item we buy and every store we go to and guess what you'll pay even more for everything now if he wants to joe biden can stop this a predictable gas hike easily and lower prices and lower inflation and do it expeditiously the oil and gas industry is a futures market if traders believe the future supply of oil and gas that joe biden artificially reduce the supply if they believe though it will increase significantly the price of crude oil will go down almost immediately biden could restart the keystone xl pipeline project remember the premier in alberta said oh it would be finished by now if joe didn't stop it and we'd be importing 900 000 barrels of a canadian oil into this country every day he could end his administration's ban on new drilling and exploration on federal lands joe can lift his restrictions on offshore exploration he can lift his restrictions on fracking but he's not going to do any of that not now and not ever he's more afraid of the religious climate alarmist cult that is his party he cares more about them than we the american people where are all the people supposedly outraged over donald trump's tweets uh you know don't you care if you pay um you know a million dollars uh for a gallon of gasoline or six dollars or seven dollars do you care that 66 percent of americans now are living paycheck to paycheck do you care that this is really destroying the poor the middle class fixed income americans you know i guess so long as the the socialist climate psychos in the green new deal wing of the joe biden party are happy and content that's all that matters and don't take my word for it listens to biden's very own secretary of the interior they're saying it much to my chagrin do you believe that gas prices are too high senator i completely understand the crunch that so many americans are under right now i think that there that americans are still recovering from this terrible pandemic and there are a lot of other world events that are making things difficult for all of us so it sounds you're unwilling to say that gas prices are too high because if you thought they're too high i mean i just wonder what your department has actually done specifically to lessen this terrible pain that americans are suffering under these high gas prices we're doing all we can senator no they're not you can't even answer a simple question are gas prices too high the answer is yes the solution is go back to donald trump's energy independence policies and once again make america a net exporter of energy how about that but this radical administration they will do nothing they won't do a thing to increase domestic production of oil and gas instead get ready because jimmy carter-style gas rationing that could soon be a reality you might not be able to fill up your car except every other day you might be rationed in terms of how much gas you can buy according to reports this is now under consideration at the highest levels of the biden administration so is this what building a better america looks like joe because that's what you promised we're going to have gas rationing record-setting 40-year high of inflation more poverty no law and order high crime high record murder rates of around the country open borders and no baby formula now if joe had any dignity any honor he would apologize resign or just go back to the policies that were working joe biden frankly doesn't have it in him he's not bill clinton clinton he's never going to say the era of big government is over in the end of welfare as we know it he is a sleazy corrupt career washington insider he has lied and cheated his way through life his presidency is now no exception remember joe biden promised you inflation was transitory that was a lie he promised to bring down gas prices that was a lie he promised not to raise taxes on anyone making under four hundred thousand dollars a year that was an outright lie in october of last year he promised to fix the supply chain crisis he said he'd do it 90 days that was a lie and who forget who could forget he promised to shut down the virus well it's breaking out again the latest wave hitting the entire country that was a massive lie we just hit a million culver deaths most of which happened during his watch and his administration he also promised not to make vaccines mandatory in any way they're mandatory he promised to visit the southern border he's never been there he promised to get the opioid crisis under control it's never been worse than it is today 291 days ago joe promised not to abandon our fellow americans behind enemy lines in the islamic emirates of afghanistan that was a lie he even promised to unite the country said that over and over again and he has not stopped vilifying half of america ever since ultra magga is the new mantra and here's a good one he promised to always tell the truth that's a lie too from the moment he cheated his way through law school until right now joe biden almost never tells the truth and now with his cognitive decline on top of everything else biden's lies are more obvious than ever and meanwhile you the american people are now rightfully terrified about the state of this country i am concerned about the state of this country i've never been this concerned about america's economic health and foreign policy disasters than i am right now look at the cnn poll fake news anyway they might have gotten this right 86 percent of americans are concerned or scared about how things are going on in the country you should be scared these are dangerous times according to quinnipiac their polls showing 26 percent of hispanic americans only 26 percent approve of job joe's job in office that's down from 55 percent just last year his overall approval rating is only 32 percent hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 358,496
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, joe biden, white house, president biden, border crisis, food shortage, bidens economy, gas prices, food prices, fox news biden
Id: xdodHRbat_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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