Selling Vanilla Ice Cream Cones but Putting Mashed Potatoes on Instead

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[Music] [Music] i thought these things were built for speed it was just driving normal when it broke oh it's better like that you know when you put like a baseball card in the spokes your bike now it sounds like there's an engine what did we learn dude this is such a rip-off dude why would we not just go in the backyard and throw an axe on a tree all right well welcome in guys my name is nick nice to meet you oh no oh i thought oh do you want us to have a mask on i don't care sure you can start wait do you have ear protection do i have air protection no i won't scream horse or eyes ears and eyes oh bro that dude could hear a mouse fart as billy's dad would say if a tree falls in the woods that guy can hear this is my little drummer boy do a little dance for tips show me dude i'm not giving this not on camera all right pan away i'll take some out i'm open hey yo i'm open dude ross hey i'm right here dude cool where are you at i'm not playing it doesn't matter i don't even want to play anymore scooters got right away until it's under a car my ego would rather me be right and dead than wrong and alive so i'll pull out in front of whoever i want because i got it right away i'm a pedestrian no cole you're not convicted are you i'm a convicted pedestrian [Laughter] endo endo upon your face and jumping popping my face this is a spatula look what we're cooking today just right just a spoonful of butter makes the cholesterol go up we got a full tub of mashed potatoes into the cooler i can't wait just to do it to elliot i don't even care about doing other people i just wanted to keep it coming keep it coming you want some ice cream yeah be careful don't drip it everywhere what is it ice cream take a big bite where's the real ice cream we should ask him those on some ice cream so that i could get my ice cream you like sprinkles yes what's your name that's a pretty name i can tell you everything make a mess over here there you go thank you you're welcome it reminds you of them i guess it kind of looks like it right i was like no it just looks like it she's like no he's like vanilla [Music] i'm excited there you go girls for you how much is it it's free i told you it's right yeah okay thank you all right where is is it you like it girls is it good [Music] thank you [Music] they don't like it they like it okay they don't like it oh i'm sorry i wish i had another flavor for you more that's good thank you look very familiar it's mashed potatoes no it just looks like it bro where's the camera this is uh mashed potatoes i used to look at ice cream oh it's one way no it's both ways is this a both way street yeah look at how cute we are all together like this did we just do a big circle well it's more like a pentagon this is begging for a ticket no not even dangerous dude if we keep doing this if something goes wrong we'll get a ticket dude but i got this for you a while ago eli's colorblind these are color glasses dude what yeah no i'm serious i just got a bunch of different kinds because i don't know if they're the right kind or not i'm scared dude this is like terrifying no this one's not right that's why that's how you guys see okay try these these ones are also super red but like the colors pop a lot more we had eli do a vision test online to see exactly what kind of color blind he is and then we bought new glasses is it different than the yeah it is it's one give me a tear dude one just one give me a couple tears it's not worth it unless you cry i'll call it give me those glasses back can you tell the difference between these and the other dude this guy's my favorite thing really like without these it's like gray in some cases it may take up to two weeks to see results what i did blue and purple really yeah nah i can't see a difference really but yeah with this that's obviously blue and that's like really like pink what red green yellow blue yeah orange that's amazing thank you so much yeah you're awesome all right just try to force it out your part face the camera i mean obviously you can't go through like that right there wow dude it's like that's what you guys see red as that's probably pop same thing with that orange yeah it's very orange this is you're color blind hey this is alex i just wanted to call and let you know i'm scheduled for the next shift want to let you know that i will be coming in alex okay like i just want to be courteous you know enough to call and let you know beforehand so that you know you can expect it what's your last name ander uh alexander this is chick-fil-a you work at sick life yes yeah i'm new i don't know if there's any maybe they didn't write me down yet or something um no but okay yeah i just want to let you know that i'm feeling good you know so i i will be planning on coming in still okay yeah okay okay okay yeah i i am feeling good and i will be coming in who is this this is mike michael michael what store do you work at the taco bell on um near downtown 301 uh swanson so when will you be here i think it's six or is it seven forgive me man yeah like i said i just wanted to be you know consider it and give you guys a call versus i'm feeling good and i'm feeling healthy but then i just come in and i don't even tell you that i'm going to come in okay yeah you can call me back all right thank you you said that you will be able to make it in tonight right right yeah i'm just i'm feeling good i got enough sleep i'm not i don't have a headache i don't have a stomach ache or nothing like that my eyes aren't watery or nothing like that so you know that i will be are you scheduled tonight yeah i mean i went on a 5k i don't have diarrhea it's just normal i thought connie took you off of this week because we were waiting for your test result no i wasn't ever taken off because i've been healthy this whole time go ahead and text her because i'm not too entirely sure 100 like the protocol since you know you did get tested oh no i never went to the doctor because i didn't have any any symptoms of anything i'm i'm just going to let you know that i am healthy i'll text connie and then i'll let you know what she says okay thank you all right see you tonight you might as well ruin the rest of his job and say you quit you know what screw you guys all right i've had enough mondays don't come any closer just show that guy okay that is one fine husky cute dogs too show it big wide shot oh dude i bet we could get our ball stuck up there and i bet i could twist my ankle while i'm saying it oh hey good thing oh perfect hear me and jj i give you a lift stand yeah i'm just trying to get it so you guys don't have to i think i have a long pole i could come back and try did i just tell you the city has to come and get it i'll just call them up and have them come help let's see if we can get the frisbee started you're like stop dude all right you said jumping it oh mauricio i'm gonna time you oh you did it too good dude gus would like smoke and stuff all growing up and he'd always somehow i didn't smoke at all but then he'd beat me in like races and like he'd run a 5k and i'm like and this is the one that's smoking i don't know how that worked boxing i just get i'd get like tired boxing and you're like let's go freaking your brother got in a fight one time and and you just sprint like miles down the road to find whoever was fighting yeah that's right yeah but yeah those are good times man yeah so basically i don't get tired dude bye it's a groupie little groupie fish get off me go puffy goopy fish that was really good dude hey payne hello hi miso oh dude my bad not not meaning to go for your nose all right cool let's go
Channel: Vlog Creations
Views: 2,618,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rosscreations, ross, creations, funny, hilarious, stunt, vlog, comedy, creationsross
Id: UoeLgThMC_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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