Selling ULTRA NERF WEAPONS In VIRTUAL REALITY (Weaponry Dealer VR Funny Gameplay)

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what's up guys welcome back to my beautiful store and today we are gonna sell the world's most powerful nerf weapons this is gonna be awesome guys stick around till the very end to see every nerf the more we sell the more expensive they get oh that's right mr arthur smith in order to sell stuff we gotta check that every dude has a permit and we're gonna make sure that he leaves a like on the video mr arthur did you leave a like on the video i didn't think you did right so guys leave a like on the video let's see if we can get two likes on this video how does that sound now we're gonna get this uh eddie buckarones and sell it to this nice gentleman hey sir how are you doing oh mr aaron brown stepping it up a little bit huh beautiful permit now these are all regular these are normal and it's a lot of fun to sell all these beautiful things all these beautiful people but we need to go into the nighttime and find some uh find some nerf wait a minute this dude is a fake permit oh you're gonna get out of here sir you are so gonna get out of here bill that's right marshmallow to the face all right mr arthur let's check this out hey wait a minute you get the same permanent as the last dude yo we are making a lot of money by the way but the real question is how much money can we sell the ultimate nerf weapon for us so we're gonna close the store and get to the night time yes guys this is what it's about we're gonna go out and find the first of the ultimate nerves hey buddy why are you carrying the spear would you like to buy some nerf now those who are subscribed to my channel with the notification sound you are totally awesome and you will know where i'm going first huh it's my favorite dumpster in the world hey betsy how are you doing her name is betsy anna well she typically has good stuff this is not really good stuff you know yeah we're just gonna leave that here that's okay but that's alright we are on the hunt for the first of the nerf now you guys may or may not know that we have sold this before but this time i'm looking for the ultra variant so let's see we can uh grab a gravel hello oh oh oh i feel something i feel something check it out guys whoa this has to be the first of the ultra nerves whoa it's so shiny all right people let's get back to the store let's run a really fast oh wait what does it do over here hey sir can i help you oh he would like a mace for minus one dollar you really want me to bring you a maze just so it's gonna cost me a dollar oh and we got more toys hold on run people run i don't care about that dude we just gotta get back to the store and see what we really have here wow we got a lot of purpose though but this one is gonna go right over here let's see what are you a bronze maverick all right when it costs a thousand bucks awesome guys let's go back to the daytime and sell this puppy yes guys this is the holy moly where did this dude come from oh my goodness anyway this is the day where we're gonna sell our first nerd so this one is bronze and my ultimate goal is to sell a diamond one yes sir welcome coming to my store oh you want that nerf don't you oh you want this little mace why do you want a maze though all right do you have a nice pyramid yes you do wait a minute i see why you want this minus one dollar oh my goodness no what it's time to visit the shooting race what are you gonna do with that thing you know what i don't care i don't sell questions we sell pew pews a very nice bronze pew pew for you sir come on eh there you're going the right way you're going the wrong way sir that's also a very pretty one oh my goodness so many people here okay i love it nice little permit i love that too sir comment over here wow we got so many dudes here oh my goodness we gotta order some more stuff i think wait a minute yo this is a fake berman man get out of here come on let's get these monies out of here no wait hold on i actually need the permit or fake permit as i should say here we go get out of here man all right sir please bring in a nice permanent game mr arthur brown uf guard oh a beautiful permit hey it's to do it again he's back oh my goodness did he find a real permit though and why do they buy everything in the store except for the one thing that i want to sell which is that nerf maverick of course now let's see do you have a permit yes you do just minus one again just get out of a store just get out i need all of you guys to get out of here because you clearly do not know how to shop your shopping skills are way below zero man if you know how to shop till you drop you would know to pick up the maverick of course geez louise i can't believe these people man just dropping all my stuff all over the place you know we're gonna put this right over here that will sell itself that's how beautiful it is yes sir come on in you wanna get not not the nerf apparently oh my goodness mr patrick what is the matter with you yeah wow guys we are stacking it up in here but we're going to sell that diamond nerf to get like a billion monies oh this lady over here this lady over here she looks like she knows a thing or two about pew pews yes yes you're going the right way come on lady please pick it up and we're gonna thief oh no no no no no no no oh people that's not good come here fail oh you are not gonna steal that hammer from me my friend oh we got him oh my goodness we pinned him to the wall hello sir yeah just pretend you're still here wow that was crazy speaking of ultimate timing oh my goodness let's put that over there there we go and now it is time to actually sell this beautiful oh yeah she's got a permit this beautiful nerve wow let's go back to the nighttime here we go people now let's close this up and see we can find that next nerf pew pew whoa what's that over there in the distance it was like a blinking hold the phone was that just someone taking a picture or was it something special wait there's a dude over there hold on what you doing over here sir let's see what this guy wants okay he wants wow a big blooper why are you all the way over here though that is so strange wait and this this is where that blinking came from no way guys is this the next nerf i think it is right whoa this has to be a silver one so we just sold the bronze one now we get a silver one and this thing is absolutely massive oh yes guys we're going to go back to the james if i peel and i also think we should go ahead and give that gentleman what he's asking for so before we sell this let's quickly go and get one of those bread things come on come on come on this is the one we need there we go hurry up hurry up while the delivery is happening we're gonna pick this up and put this beauty right over here let's see we've got silver retaliator cool whoa it is worth 2500 that is awesome now we gotta hurry up though because the night time is almost done this is so exciting guys we're gonna sell the nerf but we're also gonna sell something we are not supposed to sell all right i don't think i can hide the world's largest pupil i have ever seen him life so we're just gonna have to be uh fast instead of sneaky that that's fine right that's totally fine okay nobody here no police all right nobody uh nobody's suspicious except for the dude we're gonna sell this thing too of course there's no permits in the nighttime ladies and gentlemen there's only crime and it tastes very sweet here you go sir can you hold this oh he's got it no way all right i'm gonna put this away and we're gonna run back that's right ladies and gentlemen we have got ourselves a lot of monies let's go back to the daytime and sell that bad boy ah yes beautiful the sun is up the birds are gone normally they're chirping but not today and i've got a really cool plan while we are selling the nerf i think we should go to the armory and sell some cool vehicle you know something big something powerful something strong like a like an airplane and a tank yeah that's a lot of money though we have only barely enough to actually afford that but it will be worth it it will totally be worth it okay so here we got the plane and we're gonna put that uh let's put that right over here whoa yeah look at that we're gonna sell this for a lot of monies but if we find the ultimate nerf we should be able to sell it for even more right actually i don't know about that this thing is 8 900 holy cow now let's pick up the permit and see we can sell this beauty over here whoa that thing shines even brighter in the daylight also we should get some other stuff just some regular stuff just just so people don't think we are totally suspicious you know believe me people this is just to distract them okay there we go beautiful delivery coming out ladies and gentlemen how many monies do we have actually whoa 210 wow that is not a lot yes sir welcome here to the store oh wait a minute this is not the dude who tried to steal it is it i've got you on the records now my friend wapow and we are going to sell this hammer to you i'm a little bit less porn alberto wait wait his twin brother is right over here he doesn't like hammers he likes airplanes come on my friend please buy this come on he's got it no one yo we gotta get back to the store are we super rich now we have to be right let's check this out oh my goodness but guys just wait a second we sell the ultra dirt we're gonna be a millionaire oh and check it out guys the delivery is here beautiful oh we got so many toys i love it we're gonna put them everywhere oh yes got some more pew pew over here got some puppy right over here oh i got purple and spades we're gonna put this over here and this over here i don't want anything near this thing though this is the the show piece you know that creme de la creme got myself a little pointy boy that's right there you go one of these bad boys beautiful we got a nice variety a nice uh yeah nice good amount of stuff and you're my friend you're gonna go all the way to the corner here you go you know what guys now that we are here anyway and waiting for customers we might as well go out and try to find some stuff so last time we went to that part of the city i think we should go to this part of the city now yes that's a good idea unless someone's walking towards the store hold on this lady she's coming towards the store ah run back run back oh my goodness oh my oh wait just do this here already hold the phone oh and this lady isn't even coming over here ah these people are just buying a bunch of garbage man they're not even buying the nerf oh no guys i've got a cool idea though wait a minus two again oh oh oh oh oh oh that was so close are you kidding me anyways i was trying to say we went to that part of the city now we're gonna go to the other part of the city over here at the park that's right and keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious anything that's like different you know so we got the flowers we get the trees this is a weird looking tree by the way oh and what is this is this a coin hey i found a gold coin awesome let's go whoa white it's all golden what is this a nerf oh my goodness people we didn't even have to go into the nighttime oh there's a lot of people there you see that they're waiting they're actually waiting for me but that's one of the customers oh yes he's got it oh my goodness okay we're going to put this thing on right over here very carefully and then we're going to sell like crazy oh yes we're going to sell this get out of here get out of here come on go go go go i want to get to that dude he's holding at people he is holding it ladies and gentlemen that's right come over here oh yes mr patrick when he's got a permit 2500 buccaronis in the pocket thank you sir please come back actually come back super fast because we've got the next golden one right over here but the real question is bronze silver gold what comes after gold there's nothing better than gold right whoa gold infamous alright can we make it more expensive five thousand buck around he's hallelujah sorry excuse me do you have five thousand buckaroonies to spare because if you do that right there is the shiniest most beautiful pupil you will ever see until i find the ultimate one of course what if it's gonna be like like a platinum or a diamond or something or maybe an evil one or a holy one oh my goodness or a radioactive one oh that would be really cool well there's only one way to find out close it up and go to the time you know what guys we're gonna go straight to this part of the town again we found some good stuff last night actually that wasn't even last night that was during the daytime but now i want to go around the corner and check out this dumpster you guys see it oh yes oh my goodness what is this though is that a oh wait hold on get this out of here there's something else here look how shiny that is no why guys this has to be another nerf right wow this thing is crazy what kind of material could this be i mean it comes after gold so it has to be even more special rare powerful i don't know but i do know one thing it's gotta be more expensive right it just has to be more expensive you know what we're gonna put this all the way in the back right over here oh and how much is it platinum retaliator elite oh that's nice and it cost 7 500 buckaroonies oh yes guys this is gonna be amazing we're gonna go back to the daytime welcome back guys just imagine if we sell both of those we are gonna be so filthy rich and we are yet to find the ultimate nerf there is one more that i think is hidden somewhere in that part of the city because we went over there we went over there and that part is the only area we haven't been to yet oh yes that's right look at all these people they have no idea what we are about to sell yes yes this is a people this is it i've got the permits ready which one is she gonna go for come on did the price reduction work she's going for the platinum one no boy all right mrs miller let's check this out okay you've got oh no she's got a fake permit oh no no let's keep it down let's be quiet okay we're just gonna just gonna put this underneath the desk there we go and we're just gonna sell it if no one is looking here we go oh my goodness people i can't believe we sold it oh and here we've got another lady coming into the shop lady come on that's right that's it you want that one don't you yes you do you want that golden pupil come on please please yes oh i am so ready to sell this one come on beautiful permit let's go now let's go into the night time and visit the part we haven't been to yet that's right guys so we're gonna close this up and find the last most expensive most amazing nerf pupil you've ever seen in your life so there's no people around very nice sneaky sneaky yes all the way into the corner we haven't been to before so right over there is a whole bunch of nothingness that's what i do not care about one bit but this over here this is where it said because right around the corner yes there's a dumpster and i see something in front of it it looks kind of blue and i'm not quite sure what that is yet wait wait wait whoa what is this holy guacamole guys is that even a nerf look at this thing it's all blue and stuff wait could it be diamond it has to be right guys we're gonna get back to the store as soon as possible as fast as possible because we gotta see what this is about yes we've got a bipod a scope a magazine wow this thing is amazing and we're gonna put this right over here let's see what it is it's a diamond rapid strike oh how much does it cost no way no ten thousand dollars holy guacamole we gotta get back to the date i'm gonna sell this thing yes guys check this out oh we're gonna sell it we are totally gonna sell it please lady please don't steal it oh she's got it all right i now have a nice beautiful permit check it out guys wow wow that is how you sell some nerf stuff thank you guys for watching and check out these videos on screen right now
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 866,914
Rating: 4.9020648 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, Weaponry Dealer VR, Weaponry Dealer Virtual Reality, vr, virtual reality, game, gaming, funny, gameplay, video game
Id: aaJ2_PPh-PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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