Catching The SECRET ZOMBIE FISH (Cat Goes Fishing)

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what's up guys today we are gonna go fishing for the legendary zombie fish so we start with a small one hey don't eat my fish man anyway we start with a small one and then we're gonna upgrade our bait just like this we're gonna catch a bigger one and now we can catch the biggest fish but that's one problem guys the zombie fish lives super deep in the ocean so we're gonna have to figure out how to get down there and also guys leave a like on the video let's see if this video can get two likes so now that we are going all the way to the right check this out we need to complete six more quests and then we can get a sonar maybe then we can scan out where this zombie fish is set he's supposed to be the biggest and scariest one of all time well when i got a fish that's a half of a skeleton that's not good is it no that's not good we gotta go all the way to the right so we gotta catch a gowker a red skinner and a big fish i have no idea what that is but we're gonna find out about it oh guys it's working look so now we are going deep below the surface but the problem is oh we got a big one but the problem is i can't see anything over there whoa and that's a big fish holy mackerel we're gonna have to get a big hook for that one i think there we go that's a big boy though nine thousand bucks into the back you go oh and we got a new one it's a green one hey it's a skitter but but it's a green one hold on guys i now know how to get one of the quest fish all right i didn't really need this one though because now we have a big bait again there's like a whole group of fish over there and inside of the group yes see that's a red one and we need that one we need the red one there's another one over here oh that's not bad guys there's not bad and we get this one again okay this time don't get eaten my friend this one is expensive noise all right red skidder we're gonna catch it okay we're gonna catch the one he's not gonna escape us this though oh not that one though there we go nice and careful oh oh it's a puffer fish oh and because he has spikes the other fish can't eat him oh that's pretty smart mr up off off that's right there we go now we are sinking a little bit fur oh no oh there he is there he is oh no wait what kind of fish is this though a baby scissor he's really expensive we gotta go around the fishes i think to catch the really good stuff is that correct i think that's correct guys we are so far below the surface this is amazing i can't see anything though we need that light ah you need a huge huh oh wait there he is there he is there he is there he is okay now we know where he is now we know ready oh he's right over there he's right over there come on come on come on we're gonna follow him no that's another green one but we got a blue one hey buddy wow he's like really expensive all right we will take it while we all looking for this red dude i mean some free moneys to upgrade our kitty that's not bad come on come on yes oh that's it that's actually it that's gotta be it right we got it that's twelve thousand dollars that's the most expensive fish ever okay we're gonna get out of here your boat is through we're gonna sell this stuff sell it get a new quest beautiful all right next up is a tetra that tries that it it do me tetris i mean that's a game alright i'm looking for a tetra you a tetra we got him it's a green oh no oh why did he eat him man let's see what he is here's a a garum get him out of here that's not the quest we need oh and we're diving down oh i got a hat awesome is that not the sneaky hat guys if you subscribe to my channel i think we already had that one right yep we're going to keep this one and yo guys we gotta dive down we gotta go into the deep waters to find the really good stuff you know oh yes that's what i'm talking about this morning talking about where's the big fish at is that one we need oh look at that angler fish oh no way all right so we got a purple one i thought i could i went to the bottom of the ocean for this thing man it's a quest fish that's the big fish okay guys we know what to do oh yes sinking sinking by the way i bought some stuff that makes my lure sink faster here he is here he is that's the wrong one wait a minute maybe it is the right one hold on hold on hold on don't get eaten by all of these oh there he is the big shot oh no there's so many fishes here okay let's see and queen fish that's not a quest it's not a quest at all come on we need those purple ones where's the purple one i saw purple one right over here where is he where you am is oh here he is there he is come on come on bite it there we go we got him we got it okay let's watch out for the other fishies because then no i knew it wait is this even the right it's not even the right purple one hold on um guys why is it dark wha what's happening why is it so dark are you guys seeing um this is weird all right let's see are we gonna level up now because this is what guys i think it became night time wait a minute what was that what was did you guys see that there's like a glowing there's a glowing fish over there oh so we get new fish in the nighttime is this when we find the zombie fish because zombies they come to life in the night right okay we gotta catch this one we were so close to the glowing fish guys know why there he is he is literally right underneath our boat come on get him there he is a lumina from illuminate right oh yes that's latin and i am very smart to know that yes we gotta get out of here man we gotta we gotta upgrade this thing so we're gonna get rid of this and let's see can we get something else no guys we need the sonar oh oh oh oh wait wait wait we got a new fish this is uh a bleeper i love your name my friend that is amazing now i just saw the biggest fish ever it's not even that one there was like a monster-sized fish over here oh wait we got one oh but that's not the one we're looking for is it unless maybe it is it what fell fish all right get out of here man wait look guys it's getting daytime again oh perfect so the next night we need to be ready to catch the zombie fish i'm sure we already saw him but it's too dark to actually catch him oh we got one we got one we got one here we got one of the purple ones please don't eat it are you choking me right now new plan we're gonna catch all of these big dudes and just get them out of the ocean cause if they're in my boat they're not eating my bait and that's a good thing there we go there's another purple one we're gonna go to the right so that he does not get even alive come on my friend finally we got one hallelujah oh hey and look we got a green one no no no don't need it don't eat bad fishy very bad oh no he's gonna eat it right oh please name my fish okay let's see is this a quest this is we got a quest complete and said we got some rod upgrades so let's see if that's true we're gonna go over here and wait sinker the lure sings at the bottom of your cast maximum depth increased that means we can now find the zombie fish at the bottom of the ocean right oh look there's even a thing attached that's a single right it's gotta be oh wait wait wait no no master shark oh my goodness all right this is awesome guys let's see how deep we can go with a level 2 bait so we grab this guy do we go and then we grab this guy and now we're going to go super deep go oh that's a big cast very nice we're going to go all the way all the way let's go let's keep going no no no no no don't don't eat it don't eat it all right so now we're all the way down there's the shark again oh wait it's sinking it's sinking it's taking even more what what is this where are we going where are we going with the shark there's another wait what if that's the zombie fish that can't be a shark so wait what was that what was that for a fish there's a new fish over there guys oh my goodness oh my goodness that was so exciting that was so exciting yo we just gotta catch another one of those purple ones so we can get another quest for the sonar purple fish purple fish dust whatever a fish oh he's right over here he's right no we got him we got it we got him please don't please do not no no do not eat my fish my friend don't eat my fish there we go there we go there we go good yes we got it three more quests to go so let's go back and sell these guys get a new quest wait it says catch a shark oh we can catch the shark it's not gonna be easy but we need that radar to find the zombie fish remember guys so let's check this out guys first we're gonna get a good bait there we go and we're gonna buy a huge hook and then oh wait the shark only eats live bait remember so we need to catch a fish i think this guy right over here you're gonna be in my bed my friend live bait so now let's see where is this oh there he is we got him that's the first try and because we have the large hook or the huge hook or whatever it's called we can actually reel him in guys that is the easiest quest of my life in one go oh my goodness so we just leveled up to level 27. are we gonna sell this thing and let's see what else do we get oh a cast shield all right i'll i'll take that thank you sir still not a light we need a light i still can't see anything at the bottom oh boy is that it oh no it's another fish that glows but when it gets eaten it it it doesn't glow anymore wow that is so sad is this what we need a bulb fish wait is that for the quest that's not for the quest right wait guys it is not for the quest but we are going to sell the shark there we go all right guys we need a brimble and i think i know where to find it it's the purple one that we caught first that we actually didn't need at all so now now we do need him is that it that's not it that's not this one that's not it man oh my goodness oh and there's a head there hey that would be kind of cool give me a hand yeah i'm right over here oh no no no no what are you doing oh why can't i not get to it are you kidding me right now are you kidding me come on we gotta get the head there we go i got it it's got a little star on it all right what is this whoa it's a question that's exactly what we need because we got a complete two more quest for the sonar new quest thank you let's go with a night fish what is a night fish that sounds rather intriguing i would like one night fish please oh wait oh that's not it that's the illumination dude right let's go glowy fender oh no oh i'm reeling it in between two big boys let's go ahead and get a bomb so we can scare some fishes that's right we're gonna go all the way down don't need my bait please are we going we're gonna go back right where we were at oh no no no oh there he is there he is there he is there ah what oh the bomb it scared him oh no where is he where is he guys crazy is that him is that oh wait we still got him we still got him what is that like a shrimp fish or something you look so weird my friend okay please be one of the quest fish we need the sonar for the zombie fish come on my friend and it's a brembo yes oh my goodness i can't believe it i actually can't believe it we're gonna sell this guys wow new quest please thank you a crayfin yo at this point whoever makes up these quests i i think they're imagining fish that don't exist yet but this should be the last fish wait a minute is that not one we need i'm pretty sure this fish's name starts with the letter t so we've got tapi and tetra is it either one wait i'm stupid hold on new plan we're gonna go all the way to the right until we cannot go any further yep that's right over here beautiful and then we're gonna go for a big cast nice so now let's catch something we have never seen before it's this one he's not biting it why are you not biting it okay so the strategy works we gotta go all the way to the right but we do have to have the right bait of course oh my goodness these are so terrible so let's just use a small bait right over here come over here oink nice and far away now let's play very close there you are there you are i can see them on the mini map come on my friend i know you want this one i know you yes we got no no no no okay let's just see if this one belongs to the quest otherwise oh man is it a quest board it's not even for the quest how is that possible that was a fish i've never seen before well i am officially flabbergasted ladies and gentlemen i have been flabber and gasted now what if we just go for the really big fish that big gray one he's got to be a oh is right over here guys today is my day this is just the best fisherman day ever it's one cast and we get one of the biggest fish the world has ever seen oh what was that dude doing oh my goodness all right tiger shark in the back my friend doesn't even fit on the boat but it doesn't matter guys we got him so maybe now we can actually find some new fish for the quest all right fishies james is here and i'm ready to party except that i don't see nothing around here oh boy maybe if we just dive down and we just well let's just have faith determine what we get a mustard fish are you kidding me a mustard fish i go 10 000 meters into the ocean and we get a mustard fish guys i've got a new plant we're gonna go back sell everything and upgrade our boat let's go ahead and sell everything there we go then we're gonna get a dark but whoa so this thing should be able to go further into the ocean and find the new fish we need so after driving this boat for like five hours we uh wait we got something in the background it's like a rocket or something yeah we are all the way to the right further than we've ever gone before let's see if there's any new fish around here that's gotta be right okay that's not a new one it's also not a oh what are those fish hold on okay we're gonna grab one of these guys oh there's a whole bunch of new fish here oh guys oh guys this is it this is it this is what we were supposed to do and there's gotta be a zombie fisher right there has to be a zombie fish okay let's see we can get one wait i didn't get a hook okay do we need a hook for these guys for these weirdo fish where are they oh wait no we have seen this one already it's like a chomper or something right yeah i'm here chompy what's your name it's chumpy right whoa hey we leveled up that is awesome but not quite awesome enough we need the zombie fish that's the most awesomest you know let's go back all the way to the right and then oink there we go i want a new fish i want a new fish and it's got to be cool it's got to be special it's got to be weird and it's going to be fishy not these though whoa look at all these fish over here there's gotta be one for the quest right and we got another chop these are legendary fish by the way you're not supposed to catch two in a row are you there you go chompy now that can be boyfriend and girlfriend oh yeah what is this fish doing wait did you guess it that was weird what was that i know what it was it was a hacker fish oh whoa that's a massive pink one oh my friend you're coming up you're coming right up to the surface is it one for the quest oh conga what it's not even for the class guys i just i just want the sonar for the zombie fish anyway guys we're just gonna get a rocket and a bomb and a hook that's what we're gonna do here we go that's a little better all right now we're gonna catch a serious special oh no why do i keep getting these bombs that's so dumb that was a quest fish right here we go that's another new one so it's like a half purple half green yellowish one is it for the quest hallelujah it's for the quest we got him people so now we should be able to uh hundred okay we're gonna sell our stuff hold on new quest yes thank you thank you very nice gonna sell all of this and as i was trying to say a hundred and twenty we've got the sonar people let's get that zombie fish so let's see what happens now guys what look at that so we can see the bait going down oh my goodness and it actually goes all the way with the sauna so we're still sinking still sinking there's a lot of fish here i can't even see them though okay it's just gonna oh it doesn't go down anymore but look we can't go even lower that's like a whole bunch of like coral or rocks or something that is crazy oh i love this radar or sonar i mean that's all the same thing right yoink into the back wait why do we get a sonar for that hold on so we get a small fish here and we get a medium fishy and now we're gonna go as deep as possible using everything we've got oh guys and look wait what's that thunder oh my goodness oh this has got to be it right can we check the sonar oh wait i can see it i can see it guys it's it's below it's below us okay so we're gonna get the rocket get the huge hook oh my goodness it is so dark and it's storming this has gotta be where the zombie fish is said okay so look at the radar guys we gotta dodge everything just like this there we go wait what's that oh we got something we caught something guys we actually caught something okay we're gonna reel it in that's like a whole bunch of rock over there wow did you guys see that that was it that was the zombie fish oh my goodness guys i can't believe it we got the zombie fish yes if you want to see more of this game post a comment get subscribed thanks for watching and check out these videos on screen right now
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 482,256
Rating: 4.8621364 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, cat goes fishing, game, gaming, gameplay, funny, video game
Id: MSky8P4BO3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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