Mastering ALL THE ELEMENTS To ESCAPE VR PRISON (Funny Prison Boss Virtual Reality Gameplay)

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so now for the real question can we unlock the final element and can we use it to become the avatar let's see if we can escape you guys ready three two one here we go join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell I come to receive notifications so you'll never miss another video what's up guys and welcome back to prison boss VR today we are going to unlock all four of the elements so that we can become the avatar and escape this virtual reality prison this is gonna be amazing guys leave a like the video right here right now hand stick around till the very end to see if we can unlock all four of the elements so that you guys leave a like if you did then it is time to type into the night time and craft some forbidden stuff oh yes welcome everyone to the night time and thank you for leaving a like now let's check out what we've got we got a whole bunch of money over here that's good let's see what we got over here Wow even more monies hallelujah we are super rich but the only thing that we don't have is stuff to craft with so here's the plan we are gonna try and avoid all of the prison guards craft a whole bunch of stuff and unlock the elements one by one I'm talking about actually I can't quite see the colors but we need fire earth water and air so let's go back to the daytime before the prison guards come and say hello to our good friend Patrick that's right he's awesome at he it's gonna help us out let's go come on over here Patrick the coast is clear hi yes there he is hello there my bouncy friend listen up okay we need to craft all of the elements I can actually see the colors now let's see you can get some cool stuff first up is the element of water and for that we're gonna need all the bottles and guess what Patrick I have a whole other Prison monies that we made in one of her last adventures and it thank you right guys we are locked and loaded ready to go let's get better together here and see if we can unlock that forest the element oh my goodness guys get out of here you making me look suspicious come on let's quickly dive into the night time Wow we had quite a crowd here they know that we are gonna become the F toys they know that we are gonna escape oh yes so first objective fill all of the bottles with some water we can do that very conveniently right over here hey my beautiful little prison cell isn't this awesome we can dislike survive in my little prison cell oh boy oh boy what's the good thing that I bought a plastic bottles apparently but this is this is just like glass that really does sound like glass but it's it's unbreakable and unspin Apple look no gravity in the prison of James wait no hold on there is gravity all the watch this water would it go down okay that is weird anyway step one has been completed all right it's Jessica oh oh I know Jessica she wants to bust me she wants to catch me doing bad stuff not gonna happen just because it is time for a step two we gotta fill each and every one of these bottles with one apple and one Apple precisely oh oh oh stop oh stop oh boy oh boy hello how are you doing Jessica I'm not doing anything bad wait I should really learn how to calm down and chill a little bit because all this sweating that's gonna make me look super suspicious right let's go ahead and shake this up like I could literally see her though she does really care here's step three we gotta shake the bottles and get him dancing away haha alright let's stay cool this time alright let's stay cool how are you doing officer Josh you look great today alright we've got an hour left and I've got one last item to add to the punch that's right oh I still know the guy coming oh look at that mustache it is so beautiful if only I could grow such a nice mustache you now let's quickly go ahead fill up this guy because the nighttime is almost over come on hurry up hurry up yes we did it awesome let's place that in here as well you know we've got all the water stuff fermenting your way all right I think the coast is clear let's give this guy a little fist bump let's check out it's the stuff yeah okay it is still fermenting very nice so while that is happening we are gonna try and buy as much stuff as possible to prepare for the element of Earth oh yes and I'm gonna need all of this stuff there we go very nice let's see if yeah that's basically it right let's get this guy out of here to the nighttime so this should be the very last time that we let this stuff ferment over here if we go back to the day time and time travel a little bit I want to see this stuff come together somehow I'm not sure how it's gonna happen but we're gonna find out together also guys I think this is how we're gonna make the element of fire we got a roast this thing up like we got a super boosted or something and these guys are canopy for the element of Earth oh yes guys it's coming together it's coming together let's go check it out hey what's up Patrick welcome back dude can you man that's right anyway Patrick let's check it out together okay has it worked out yes we got the first element the element of water except that it can looks like ice that is amazing what would you saw stuff coming off of it what what's this whoa-ho-ho okay that is very pretty all right I love it absolutely love it now can we put it in the slob unlocking the first element dang yo whoa ah yes look at these guys all right one down three to go and you know what I need Patrick I need a whole bunch of these boys big trades coming in hot and oh oh whoa Patrick perfect stop what are you doing No oh my goodness Patrick where did all this money come from okay all right you know what we're just gonna just gonna stuff it away and make sure nobody sees it mom and okay hit closed beautiful and now for the next element we've got all these leaves and I want to combine them using one of those box looking things hi yes beautiful exactly what we need let's dive into the nighttime is see if we can get the next element you better believe it my bouncy friend guys are you super excited oh this is gonna be so cool this is gonna be so cool all right let's see we can't get this in here oh it worked check it out leave it get a little symbol on there I could put another one in all right that's two and three four oh my goodness five six how many could we put in here oh wait this is max oh so I can't put this in here oh wait hold on how do we get it out though how does it oh you can just shake it out that's so cool all right we are on the plan this is beautiful guys this is absolutely beautiful so we just gotta stuff this away and put this guy right over here look at that it says max oh ho ho yes maximum power everyone so we're just gonna have to let this sit over here oh ho ho wait a minute look what he has in his mouth yeah you're coughing I know why you're doing not a coincidence but that has to be a sign right or it has to be a sign okay guys let's get out of here see we can also get the element of fire in here come over here Patrick the coast is clear what's up my dude you look kind of bigger have you been working on my friend yes he's been working out he looks awesome now let's see we can go ahead and get some affair this stuff yes and we're gonna burn it oh that's a great idea there we go big treat coming in beautiful guys oh this is amazing so now instead of crafting with this stuff we're actually gonna try and burn it to a little crisp and set this thing on fire I mean it's red already it's perfect all right guys the plan is coming together the earth stuff is fermenting away let's dive back into the nighttime and get it going all right guys let's not waste any time whatsoever we're gonna fill this guy up with some water come on my friend there you go we're gonna put some of this stuff in here to make a better can we put this stuff in here as well I don't think that works right okay that doesn't quite work that's alright let's shake this up and we are also gonna make some delicious cookies so yes we need two cookies to be able to activate this often thing cookies go in just like this very nice don't turn it on yet don't turn it on yet oh no I don't want to burn on my present okay I want to do this nicely careful place these guys into the oven oh yes oh yes good idea James I think we had one spare yes there's still one left over here oh no oh no it's it is biker mustache guy the guy with the biker mustache it sits in his name you know oh wait here he comes is everything closed okay all of the bad stuff is gone hey hello there dude yeah see he's got that that biker mustache not my cup of tea but he's rocking it and I love him for it now let's see we can roast this stuff up and it has to roast big-time but before we check out this stuff you know it's still baking away we get a check out the element of Earth let's see if it is war oh yeah all right Patrick what's up he is back let's check it out okay you and I together and go yes Oh Patrick check this thing out whoa that is green that is 100% green that is the only green thing in this whole prison does it do something whoa whoa check this stuff out Oh super cool okay let's not let all of the energy out we're gonna try and put this guy right next to the water elemental please go yes beautiful guys check it out two out of four unlock don't forget Patrick we are still working on the fire oh that's hot all my goodness now right over here are we gonna figure out is how to make the air one my dude what are you doing here oh yes guys I got a plan I've got an awesome plan instead of filling bottles with water we're just gonna fill them with air and that should theoretically give us the element of air oh yes we're gonna keep them nice and in the open air just like this but we do need a whole lot more bottles than just this so let's go into the nighttime and see if the fire elemental has come together all right bye bye Patrick let's go people to the nighttime he has here we are sneaky sneaky in the prison oh ho guys I want to check this out okay I want to see if it has worked so let's whoa who's that did you guys see that something just happened oh holy this stuff coming off of it there is stuff coming off of it okay maybe I should cool down to something get some water on here come on get the water on here okay that doesn't work my hands they don't do anything all right let's just go ahead turn it off see if it worked wait wait hold on hold on ho ho they're doing inspections okay guys see that Jessica is suspecting that prison cell oh no but if they come to my cell and they see all of these beautiful elements what's gonna happen then oh oh oh my goodness fire whoa wait a fire oh oh that's like you'd hope boy oh boy oh no my cells on fire okay whoa whoa guys check it out we did it we got the elemental fire here okay it's this hot off ha ha ha oh that's really hot whoa hoo hoo boy okay all right at least it stopped burning stuff okay let's carefully put this right over here second of work yes check it out we need just one more element the element of air okay so we are on fire right now quite literally uh-oh no hello there officer Johnson how are you doing on this very hot night it is carpet here that is partially because of all the fire and partially because hi him I am so excited alright guys let's see if we can get the last element in here all right Patrick Ellen here my friend what's up are you still there okay who for a second I thought you got caught you didn't get caught right alright let's see we can buy as many bottles as possible yes we get five of them beautiful bottles three two one yes lots of bottles coming in I love it I just to be very careful and hide them behind this box looking thing you know what guys I'm just gotta be super big brain and buy another one of those things and then we can just hide all of our stuff right behind it oh yes that is the big brain holy moly let's see can we yeah Oh what I can't put it here oh I thought it was so big brain but I'm totally tiny brain that's alright we can still get some posters right let's see we can get some avatar post sit here and go wow the great XK X oh that's funny sir excuse me yeah that's right you better get alright guys we're back in the night time actually think I see something over this kind of weird anyway we've got all the bottles all we gotta do is get as much air in here as possible maybe yeah we gotta like use my hex and climb up here Oh what I can't get these outside of the prison or they thought about everything they thought about everything maybe I can wait a minute wait a minute hold on this is an air shaft right yes it is maybe I can get a bottle in the air shaft like oh my goodness I dropped it oh there's a prison guard kill me all lawyer let's put this away nicely careful he cannot see these bottles he just he just can't see them alright oh boy the moment of truth please to see them please you can't be oh okay it's cool it's cool oh all right back on the plan this time I'm gonna chill a little bit more so we've got an air shaft right over here that runs through our prison cell and I'm thinking if we can get this thing in here we can maybe shorter to something go oh yes oh yes did you hear that okay that worked that worked I just got to do this for the rest of the bottles and everything is canape okay and that's beautiful oh that's amazing in another bottle for James right no prison guards here Oh beautiful all beautiful there it is number three all right guys I filled a bunch more this is the last one there it is beautiful now we should be able to turn this into the element of air where I'm gonna put it though let's put them right over here that you probably work it works for the other elements right who know the prison guards coming though quickly quickly get all of their bottles in here oh boy now I got a hurry up right now I gotta hurry up because the nighttime is almost over Oh what no put it away oh no oh no oh you come back for a second round my dude it is pretty sneaky from you pretty sneaky quickly quickly quickly last bottle going in come on close it yes Wow Patrick that wait hold on let's go pray the guard sucks yo you have some courage anyway Patrick I did it it was super close down to the very last second but let's see if our plan has were actually just notice something guys just like a pushy steam coming off the top that's a little bit weird I mean at least it's not fire right okay Patrick let's check it out okay and check this thing out Oh beautiful this has to be the element of air let's see if we can get it into the case your case ready to become the avatar three two one here it goes Oh guys we totally did it and now we can escape the prison thank y'all for watching and don't forget to check out these videos are you screen or right now [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,300,508
Rating: 4.8696227 out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, jamesify, prison boss vr, prison boss virtual reality, escaping prison vr, escaping prison virtual reality, prison boss vr game, game, gaming, gameplay, virtual reality, vr, funny, family friendly
Id: xKmF3KE6QyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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