Scrap Sessions from Street Scrap #1

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gidday scrappers thought today I'd start a new series of videos called scrap sessions basically scrapping out stuff and just going through all the things that I pick up from street scrapping and so once I unloaded out of the van I've had quite a few people ask me to process the stuff that I actually pick up so here I've got four tubs that I emptied out of the van from yesterday's street scrap and so yeah thought I'd see how this video series goes maybe it'll be of interest and just a little bit of fun always pick up your DVDs and a couple of pcs I wanted to have a look at one of the pcs because it might be a good gaming one and just yeah just pretty much go through the boxes and pretty much how I how I do it every week after my street scrapping so here's my little stool that I picked up you might have seen that in the previous video I picked these stools up it's not the best condition they were all a little bit damaged on the actual chair part but this one seemed to work so I just like to sit down sometimes rather than standing up and fiddling around with scrap all the time I like to sit down so I just got that there the old one got worn out so I threw that out and scrap and when this one you know if something goes wrong foot I'll just throw it straight into scrap metal so okay so time to go through some of this stuff and this first box are going to go just have a look at the few things one of the things I picked up was this Elna sewing machine it's a bit of a vintage sewing machine so all I want to do here is just make sure that see if it actually works if it does work it might be just something that I like to keep aside there are a lot of weird vintage collectors out there and they need old things like this for various things could be for movie props or just for their own personal use and because this one is in the ulna it's precision made in Switzerland so Swiss made sewing machine you know if anything's gonna be worth keeping you know I mean it's a bit out of my league as far as what I like to keep but just because it's small I'll just keep it aside and it's got the cords and probably you know most importantly still got the original foot pedal so if it didn't have the cords I wouldn't worry about it but so I'll just plug it in and okay alright well it's got a light now we'll just see if it works yep various that I know what all these functions mean there we go nice so it works if it didn't work I wouldn't bother keeping it because you know depending on who would want this song that's into sewing machines I doubt I'll ever find someone that's into sewing machines but that would want it to work perfect okay so there we go Ellen the sewing machine good old vintage you know like I said because it's made in Switzerland it's a good quality version so I'm going to just put this aside for now and I'll when i get to my filing cabinets i'll put it into one of the filing cabinets and just keep it put it away like i've got a lot of stuff like that as you can see i can sort of get into my workshop a little bit into the garage i'm still getting there but i will we'll get in here really soon it's looking good all right oh that's the first thing out the way right so i picked up these cassettes specifically for my barber he likes old you know all kind of music and so when they're in a case like this you know just next time i go and get a haircut I'll just give him that kind of stuff all right so it's an old phone but it's it's not something that I'm going to keep I'll describe it out and see what's in it they're probably not going to be much if you remember I got a whole heap of different mice so I'm just going to go through you're going to put these mice aside in a in a little box and I'm just going to go through which ones I want to actually keep because you know that's just a generic one nothing spectacular but here's some of the models especially some of the old Microsoft corner ones just to match up with vintage pcs and anything kind of reasonably the vintage like this is an old 56k modem but it's not the kind of one that I like to keep as far as vintage so we'll just scrap that out and yeah I'll be in it like just cutting a lot of cords and you know just pretty much try and catch up with everything that I've brought in for the week during my street scrapping so as little as possible is hanging around for for next week otherwise it just starts building up really quick I've got my little tub of insulated wire and yet it's just a matter of that's all I do is just strip it out here's a little yeah it's quite vintage ish but yeah I think that might be the matching one not sure though things like this you know and right at the start I try not to cut cords as they come out because unless I know what they are because I don't want to cut a cord off something that you know I'm going to keep but obviously there's a lot of cords that I've cut off appliances the best thing to cut these plugs off with are actually garden shears I just can't find mine at the moment but yeah garden shears make it really easy to cut off as much as you can off to the sexual plug because all we have to do is cut the plugs off so the closer you get up to the top the more weight you keep with your insulated so as you can see here this chunk here that's okay because we've cut the plug off and we get this a little bit of extra weight you know it's not much but it hey you do hundreds of cords and it certainly adds up I've got my standard brass tin here and my gold recovery pin plug bucket there and my copper bucket here so it's nice and handy I pull these prongs out a lot of these older prongs the older plugs are quite stiff plastic and you can actually get the whole copper out of there so all I do here is just twist it just to keep it all together when I cut it and I'll just slip this bit of copper wire off and put it straight into my little copper tube and that's brass put that into my brass hub now you don't always get the copper out of these it's just these old ones they come out nice so again it's just one of those things it adds up and still got our brass still got a little bit of copper wire in there but we get brass foot and these plugs a lot of times the the copper wire is still through through this so you know usually I just throw these straight into a empty PC or microwave oven you know usually get you know just throw me to scrap steel in this case it's just plastic there's no copper steel front so I can probably just throw that away all right so I don't intend to talk through every single step of what I'm doing but obviously you know I want to kind of explain things for new scrappers that you know are still learning you know when I get things like this this is Auto cable there's a red and there's a black in here somewhere okay because it's new on spool and it's it can be quite handy this kind of stuff when it's a new it's a 5 amp single core so for car repairs or just a little delicate wiring obviously this kind of stuff I keep all that this data cable in some countries you can sell data cable like cat 5 you can actually get better prices then mid great insulated but here unfortunately in Australia the scrap yards that I go to they don't they only recognize this as data cable so it's only low-grade but I am going to a new scrapyard that might give me a little bit better prices on on that so we'll just have to check it out alright and phones like this I don't bother busting open the phones all that's in here is a piece of metal for a bit of weight and a couple of little speakers tiny bit of wire I don't worry I just cut these off throw these into scrap steel you know it's my scrap steel is dirty scrap steel so you can throw in you know a lot lower grade of steel then safe it was clean steel alright and these little phone jacks sure there's tiny little bit of gold plated pins in here but you know it's already been tested out and we've established that you get very little gold from these plated pins there are very bright shiny gold plating it's very low grade and the amount of work you got to go through and just to get those pins out it's just not worth these are the only gold plated pins that I don't keep anymore because yeah it's just not worth the trouble so I just you know slip them off and just process start processing my plugs might as well drop all the plugs into back into the bucket and clean them up when I finish and these UK style plugs these real big chunky ones sometimes they're pretty easy to get off sometimes they're pretty hard all I normally do is just try and twist it out this one's a pretty easy one so we've got this whole big chunk of brass nice and these ones here all I do these I don't I just twist off as much as I get off it's usually just this end tip but it's still chunky chunky brass I don't worry about the rest and so as you can see there's still brass going through there there's copper wire going through there so you know I don't have any problem throwing this into scrap steel again because it's low-grade scrap steel and it's just like when you're sending in a car to scrap steel okay a lot of times cars actually sell for more than regular scrap steel but you got to think you know think about what's it what's in a car you got glass windows you got seats you got plastic on the dashboard on the bumper bars so there's a lot of rubbish in the whole car so it's not all about just scrap steel this is all okay and this is all I do obviously I do this without talking much but I just go and cuz I don't have my garden shears you know I don't always go really close to the end but that's fine and that's how most of them come off you don't always get the the brass or the copper wire and and these prongs here these new style with the black installation a lot of times this brass is quite soft so you hardly ever get their copper wire out with them and just leave the black insulation on them from in brass that's fine sometimes the insulation cracks off then I just peel it away just so it's you know my tub of brass doesn't look like it's just full of insulation and that's it yeah all right again I don't worry about these and just try and room you know I'm just trying to bring down the clutter of wire you know and sometimes if I want to do that really quickly I don't always process the plugs right at this at the same time just to kind of speed up getting rid of the wire and but one thing you don't want to do or certainly I don't want to do is let these plugs build up and like fill up a bucket of 50 or 100 because then doing these all you know so many of them it's just it turns out to be a really big job and you know it turns out you know it's just no longer fun so I try as I go try and snip them off but if I if I'm trying to do a lot at one time you know trying to get rid of a lot of wire then yeah I might leave 20 of them or so and doom as soon as I finish it's got a little circuit board on there so just snip off this wire it's just curves into a little low grade this Y here is actually low-grade because it's the coax sometimes when they're black like this you can kind of get away with just throwing it into mid grade but when you've got really big pieces or a lot of it then obviously if you put it in mid grade you go to down grade all your good stuff so I'll just clean up some of these plugs so this is just one tub and I've got three more tubs here I've got some stuff that I want to go through as well so it's just straight out like speakers I don't bother getting the copper out because this just for the amount of work you've got to go through just to get that tiny little bit of copper out of them I don't bother straight into scrap steel and obviously these adapters always get out the brass sometimes on the street cord cutters have already come and cut the cord I still pick them up most of the time just to get to a bit of brass out of there I'll do a few of them just get rid of this one little modems okay in these little ones there's really not not a whole lot to him and a little bored I prefer the slightly bigger ones but still it's a circuit board and we you know okay so these ones don't actually open up very easily so all I do here is just pop it open with a with me little Mellet okay yeah just give it a little pop that's it they pop spread open okay so we just got a bit of rubbish plastic cut a bit of wire off this antenna and there we have it just a little circuit board it's it's just a mid-grade board right so just frustrating for mid-grade sometimes so you can see there's three crystals on it there's really nothing for our precious metal recovery you know I might pinch a couple of the crystals because it's only mid grade or take a wall and yeah I'll just throw these straight into a mid-grade board mid grades are a bit full at the moment got to go into that but that's all that is well mid grade here in the states it's a peripheral board usually yeah so with these little crystals what I like to do is remove the plastic off the backs off the ones that have the plastic a lot of them don't have plastic but when they do I like to just break off these little pins right most of the time that come off really easy and just get rid of that plastic so now I've got a clean crystal if I ever do go to process these for silver if it you know silver every will goes up to make it worthwhile I've already started the process so you know I've just got clean crystals and I just got me a little temporary tub of crystals so just a mixture this one with rubber so I mix them all in in this temporary tub but laid out when this starts getting full I'll separate it and just sit down and just go through I like to separate the long ones to the short ones and get the crystal oscillators out which you've got the four pin bottoms and also I separate the crystal oscillators with the gold bases just to keep them separate there you go all right say anything is another big modem and the rest of this tub is all just wire so I'm not going to try you know I don't want to make every video all about cutting wire because how many of that you want to see so here I just usually a lot of these modems are a little Torx screws so always have a couple of Torx screws they're usually like a t9 t8 or t 9 so I'll just get these Torx screws out but yeah this is another one that doesn't sort of seem to buy this one might pop open there's a couple more talks fuller was going to be like the last one where I just got to crack it still might okay so just damn plastic okay so this one's got huge talked screws I might have a there we go a lot of times I also when I come back from street scrapping I don't necessarily put everything in tubs and bring it in sometimes I like to or mostly I like to scrap scrap things out as I'm taking it out of the van it just depends if I've got time or and whether I need the van for other things but here we go so again it's just a mid-grade board or a peripheral board like they pretty much all are there's you know nothing really that stands out like under these heat sinks there'll be a nice little chip here sometimes they're good BGA's sometimes not you know but because you're selling it as like I'm selling this as a mid-grade board it's low value so this you know some crystal sorry some mlcc's a little bit bigger that I might want to take also a little tiny little wind bond BGA chip here so if you took this little chip off now it's really going to notice you know what I mean so it's not really going to downgrade the the board or you know once you start removing the chips from the main under these heat sinks then you start the D value of the board your risk you know turning it into a low grade board but I'll just put this aside with other boards that I've got here that I'm going to pick some stuff off okay there's something all right okay so these are little microphones right quite nice old microphones still intact CEOs these are actually quite good I've got vintage audio stuff and microphones as well I don't have small ones like this prestige this is a nice little microphone as well so that's beautiful you know I I would have just picked this up off street scrapping and just not even realise what it actually was so again this is the kind of stuff that obviously I don't scrap and I just put it in with my personal stuff and you know and even if I decide to like sell a whole heap of stuff you know this will just go with audio and will just be part of a a nice little package so I'm always happy to pick up stuff to keep is the black version of that auto cable got two of them so the rest is just cable I remember this cable this was off a vacuum cleaner so that's a huge wad of insulator wire just from one one old wreck look at straight in cut the brass okay clock I've got to change the battery on the camera so the rest is just cords we've got a lot of cords to go through so I'll just leave this run aside and I'll go onto another tub and I'll go to change his battery so I did pick up one good laptop a Compaq so the same deal as with the iron either sewing machine just want to give it a quick test and see if it works if it works I put it aside for my buyer to come along and if he wants to buy it great I'm pretty sure there was a power supply that came with it there we go perfect I'll oh oh yes this is it so my battery's going to drop out any second when it does I'll just I'll come back when I put a fresh one in but I'll just plug it in quickly we might get a couple of seconds out of the battery yeah hopefully yep perfect okay looks like and we got power yep comes on Compaq so it's a presario em mm I've got the pass word and all that so it's Windows XP it's loading up it's a low because it's bright outside it's quite you can't really see much but it's powering up so I'll just let that power up and charge up a bit and I'll go and change this battery okay you better e alright well welcome David who was David's PC it's loading on it so it seems to work okay Compaq Presario awesome that's all we want and he's got his family pictures and you'd think when people throw out fro their computer out and stuff you'd think that they would delete personal files or pictures but that's alright I guess they had nothing to hide but awesome so one laptop ready to go it's a power supply unit with it that's the most important thing the other thing I want to do just check quickly is this really nice Panasonic hard drive how'd this drive DVD these are pretty good models and I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work still got the HDMI cable in it it looks like just the original HDMI cable so probably not a really high quality one I'm just going to put this aside obviously I'm not gonna scrap this out and yeah I just like these DVD recorders they're kind of it's a strange technology like they came in and quite a few people got them but then they sort of went out of fashion we've got you know different kind of television these days sort of like at call TV programs so it's a little bit dim but because it was such a quick technology ah I do want to keep it keep a few of them just in case we got something you know he's 10 years down the track I know I'm going to think I should have kept a few of those recording DVDs because I'll probably come up with some idea and so now is a good time as any to start keeping the the better quality models so anything for fine Sony or Panasonic they're the two that I kind of like so more of these plugs and as I said I always even if the cords are already been cut off I like to keep pick these up this one so I can feel it's just super lightweight there'd be nothing not much in there but still we've got the brass out of there so I've got three here so that's what I'm going to do whenever you're smashing these it's always a good idea just to put on safety glasses but usually I just close my eyes as I'm about to smash it and there's not much to it you just want to pop it open like that and look at all that beautiful brass in there I mean it's not super heavy but it adds up I prefer when they don't smash up into a million pieces okay so you know this is a real classic example of stuff that goes into landfill because no no a waste recycling company is going to process this and it's just go to just straight into landfill without anyone really even thinking about it and if you look at it you know there's a lot of resources here that you know are valuable resources not so much valuable resources to a company but valuable for the planet you know because this is good brass and copper wire that you know okay we can't do much about the plastic you know if you know if anyone's got a problem with their plastic going into landfill like this because no one wants to recycle it well they got to come up with a better idea on how to make these makes these out of aluminium rather than plastic or you know the people that complain about and whether they shouldn't buy them in the first place and contribute to it so but that's that's another story that's not much I can do about it so lovely so you've got there little bits of brass and like I said it's it's not going to you know take it quite a lot of this to start making good money out of it but hey it all adds up and you know in no time before you realize you get you know quite a lot of brass to take to the scrapyard insulated copper wire again all adds up this little thing I don't worry anything about this these ones look like they're they're just now that could be brass yep so these little little prongs also a bit of brass again into our brass hub and I'll just throw this into scrap steel and they still get at least it still gets a protest and it still comes comes back as scrap steel yeah so these ones here you can slip off that little bit of brass if you really want to get into it the rest just throw it in the scrap steel yeah but but I do get a lot of them so it doesn't take long to build up a quite a decent weight from and obviously also the the wire yeah so I was thinking of doing a video like this I'll just know sort of set theme just random scrapping of stuff as I I get it and hopefully in the comments section people start commenting and give me more ideas on how I can do these scraps session videos what what might you know be good idea to do whilst I'm doing these videos you know some might say yeah probably one of the best things you can do is don't talk too much that's all right you know I'm all I'm all happy for constructive criticism you know I don't get offended if people tell me I'm doing something wrong you know it's you know I don't delete comments unless they get too offensive you know they try and you know you know you tell you could there's plenty of ways to tell people they're doing something wrong but you know you don't have to add like oh you're an idiot or something like that you know it's not necessary and so yeah but I'm all for constructive criticism this but I really like people give me ideas and just tie me you know what I'd like to see you know how I should you know do things and not that you know I'll always take it on board but you know I take it on board but whether I do it or not well it's just depending on how I feel and what's what I've got planned say we just got a circuit board obviously I just picked up a random circuit board out of the rubbish again probably the sort of thing that would have just went straight into landfill you know just would have been one of those things that it would have just got shredded up and not no one's taken any paid any attention to it so I just want to clean off these plugs obviously to get our mid grade insulated SATA the sod has got the gold recovery bits in here so I just put that in my gold recovery same as this these little starters slip off a little bit a little bit more than I you know because I'd rather have a little bit more on the actual wire there we go and now what I kind of recommend people instead of bringing me low-grade boards to sell to me or to sell to anyone if you've got the time you know you've got chunky aluminium and you've got copper transformers so you can value add to this instead of just throwing it into low-grade if you've got the time that is the only thing I like to do sometimes especially if they're really big these ones are only small but you could see these exposed copper coils I just like to slip that you get it and you just pull it out a little ferrite bead that fell off so I just snip off this copper wire and as you can see you it's really not noticeable you're getting a little bit extra value I suppose you know I mean you'd have to weigh it up because you're so removing a ferrite core off it off the board but let me just so these little ferrite bead you fools on the board obviously you'd get bored price for it but even still you throw this into your scrap metal pressing steel because it is very sort of like a steel you know crumbly steel so you're still getting your value for that but now we've got a little bit of burnt copper grade copper wire that we can put in for our copper melts or or just sell it as copper so we've still got a low grade board and same we could do with all these ones I don't because I just don't have time to do all these sort of stuff and and so same for a lot of scrappers that don't have time they'll just bring me the low-grade boards they get better than scrap steel price anyway and there we go alright so I've got my little PC empty PC tower here as I do with all my empty pcs or as many as I can I just leave them like this when I scrap them out and I just use it for junk just throwing all kinds of junk that I've scrapped out all my screws go straight back into PCs and that's it that's my little scrap steel beam when it fills up close it up scroll back up and that goes to the scrap yard like that with extra weight so you know I've mentioned that many times before probably so but for all the newbies people that just want to learn I try and give out you know just sort of explain what I do okay so these Panasonic these are cordless phones usually I do scrap these out just get the little battery out cut that little bit of wire off the battery that one was a little bit corroded so we've got corrosive stuff just so I'm not handling it tap it in alright so yeah the you know I'm much more organized when I'm you know obviously not making a video and and I just go at my own pace you know I'm not sitting here countless hours doing this you know I'll come out cut a few chords grab a few little bits go back in make some lunch come back out and you know and make coffee you sit down it's just mostly in my downtime okay because it's got a really heavy steel weight here right I'm not even going to bother taking it off the plastic I'll just fry it straight into the into that that's the beauty of having Frank scrap steel into a PC cavity or a microwave is that you know you can get away for a little bit of rubbish if your scrapyard buy scrap steel as dirty scrap steel then they expect a little bit of rubbish anyway and like I said the best way to think about it is when you're selling a scrap car most of most of the scrap car is not actually even earth steel so it's a lot of plastic and glass but this piece here this sum you know it's just rubbish got a little speaker out of there throw that in the steel and there's our little peripheral board or mid grade board here in Australia so again the only thing I want to take are these two crystals for my own personal thing if they got long legs I like to take off the legs because it's only deadweight but for a lot of people that don't aren't sort of keeping these crystals for you know one day perhaps silver recovery you might as well just leave it on the board and get your value from it on the board because you're probably not getting much value by taking it off mid grade I mean low grade yeah but mid grade it's so so whether it's worth taking the crystals off but when it gets to motherboards it's not worth taking off the crystals because you're getting more value from the crystal being on the motherboard then you would just selling the crystal to me on its own because they're they're really not much value only two of two to three dollars a kilo all right so what else how I got here oh yeah I picked up these sony blank cassettes brand-new in packet still right and these look reasonably good yeah they're sort of like your standard range but I like to keep cassettes when they're brand new it's still in packets because they're getting harder to find and you know when I'm with vintage stuff you know I just I don't know why but I keep all cassettes when they're in their plastic I just got a big box of them these tom-toms it's got a still got a vehicle mount I don't need that actually so I keep these tom-toms I'm not going to scrap this one out right now because I've got a whole bunch of things like these TomTom's different models and other kinds of brands as well as cell phone kind of things that are I keep that I'm probably going to scrap another time say I've got a whole tub here of all different kinds of things I got you know different scanners blackberries these are the internet things all kinds of weird seeing scanner so I'm keeping all these there's another TomTom and one day I'll scrap a whole bunch of that stuff here but that barrel is actually full now so I'll probably transfer it into a bigger barrel and here one day I'll scrap it out again just cable with these phone jack ones RJ 32s or whatever they are don't I don't worry about they're really not worth worrying about for gold-recovery I just get the cord I just throw these into scrap steel not worth the time and I get so many of them it would take a lifetime to get all these you know see there's two tiny little gold pins in there and here I think it was a guy on YouTube I think his name was a successful engineer if you check out his videos you'll see there's a video on him processing these jacks he really got virtually nothing out of him lift these printer cables with the usb on one side so when I cut these USBs off I always try and cut off a bit of this rubber to keep it on the wire and I keep us bees because they're a bit better for gold-recovery when I get remote controls I don't do anything which I don't bother opening up remote controls to get to virtually nothing low grade board out of there so I just throw that into scrap metal and let them get their stuff out of it well telephone extension cords just the cheap telephone extension cord but sometimes that it's five meters sometimes they come in here when they're in packets like that I tend to keep them but you really don't want to see how much cable that I got I got barrels of cables okay they all got a power supply unit here it's a HP power supply I'm not sure what it's from so I don't scrap these out anything with brand names there's a lot of generic power supplies that I'll scrap out you can just bust this open you can get the power board out of there in a lot of cases like here in Australia you can just cut the cords off and you can sell this as I nee aluminium which really it's the same value as if you busted it open and got the board out your Ma's will just sell it as i ne le but in this case when they're like HP IBM or you know Sony or a good brand name I always keep him and I just want to make you know just check the model number to see what it's actually from because sometimes these can be quite valuable I can get 20 25 bucks just for these so I always keep these put in one of my storage barrels and one day I'm just going to go through the whole lot obviously just generic mice or any kind of modern Mouse I don't worry about cut the cord keep the USB and here this will be okay that's a Nakia so cell phone I don't worry about I don't keep cell phones so I just want the cord these aren't worth busting open I just take off my Britta brass and throw it into scrap steel you're still getting value for it here's the antenna cable technically this antenna cable is low-grade because it's only yeah antenna wire is very little copper in there but you know if you're scrapping a lot of insulator wire you can take off these plugs okay and a lot of time yeah there's very little copper wire in there but because it's just a black cable looks like most if you're not doing too many as I said you just put it into your normal insulated and you'll get away with it you know as long as you come two plugs off usually they won't notice if they you know if they happen to notice which I doubt well I'll use yourself you know my mistake and just pull it out but usually that I notice that same with this kind of cable technically if it was blue or yellow it would stand out and it looks like and you know my yard at the moment sees this as a low-grade data cable it's really not low-grade but I don't want to argue with them so I might start I'm going to a new yard so I might try them out and see if they actually pay better for it because it really is better than low-grade yeah so but this kind of job it's very this kind of scrapping it's not hard it takes time but it's a sort of thing you're doing your downtime and it's just fun and it's just it's quite relaxing you know as long as you've got no one sort of yapping in the background or you know if you're left alone to fiddle with this kind of stuff this is kind of stuff that you know it's quite enjoyable and you know if you're you know not in a hurry or panicking to make as much money as you can like this phone cable here I get so much of it I've already kept enough of that and like I said I keep it when it's brand-new and packet otherwise just cut off these little plugs straight into a mid-grade insulator wire and nice easy yeah so again if this series of video scrap sessions it's all going to be pretty much based on just when I go out street scrapping so if I've got specific things that I want to scrap out I'll probably still just do separate videos for them but this is just for random stuff and just for those people that just want a bit of chilli out entertainment where they can just you know pick up a few pointers just antenna cable and this I mean it's slightly yellow slightly gold-plated but honestly it's so light that it's just not worth the processing to try and get the gold out of this this this kind of one now if they're really nice and you you know more orangey yellow II sure but that one not all right oh yeah got a whole bunch of floppies and DVDs CD players of vintage runs with the floppies i don't really worry about them you can throw this into any aluminium if you've got a ne le bucket normally I don't only sometimes if I get quite a lot of whiny le and I have a spare bin I'll make a tub of I nearly but just don't get much extra value for it so I don't worry about it I just like to get this board it's got some nice these old ones I've got nice gold fingers here or sorry gold pins otherwise it's just a mid-grade board or a peripheral board the only other thing if you want to just get a little bit extra value rather than sending it to scrap steel is to just take out this little motor pull it out okay so we've got a little motor here with the brass prong here so all I do here is obviously the brass is worth seven or eight times more than the actual motor so just got my good pliers double-strength there goes the brass pawn I'll pick it up later but now I can just throw this into motors and the brass bit obviously in brass so just to get a little bit extra value out of it now like I said you could strip all this out and try and get this aluminium but for the time it takes it's just not worth it if you do have a nine e le tub I might make one up since I've got quite a I've got a little bit to start off so I'll just keep this and I'll throw it into iron e le and we'll we'll get at least one batch of whiny Eliot for the scrapyard because I've got quite a few that I've picked up and then just anything like this like this is just a answering machine so I'll just process the cord done and [Music] straight up it's the kind of thing I don't like to just put aside no point in having this hanging around whatever the circuit boards in there just take it out it'll probably just you know it'll be a little mid grade board there's another screw under this panel I reckon okay so it's just pretty much a just a low-grade board very low value but you know a little bit more valued than selling it as scrap steel and yeah I don't have any problems picking this up this kind of stuff up because this is what I like to do you know and it's it's still electronics it's still there's a battery that we want to take out this is just rubbish all right so I just clean up some of this wire off that's just a little this nothing really on this board don't have to take it off but because it's got this board it's still got the speaker on there and screws and stuff most of the weight is in the steel right little bit of plastic I can throw that into the PC a scrap steel and because it's a low-grade board even though it's green on one side and Scott a couple of chips still it's it's just a low-grade board it's more for copper recovery and base metal recovery if you like rather than precious metal recovery so obviously the why up to give an example the wire is worth two dollars a kilo on the board it's only worth 25 30 cents a kilo so obviously we want to take our wire off and get the best value just slip it back into there even this ribbon wire this is low grade but it's still $1.00 kilo leave it on the board it's only 30 cents a kilo so it's not much it's not even one cent but you know it all adds up so you don't get a kilo unless you start with a gram and it and that's just how it goes and by the end of the month or whatever you know you've got a decent amount to sell so the only thing here I want is this long crystal right I've got a crystal and there we go just a low-grade board and this one it's a you can get away from mid grade board but if you're you're into gold recovery and you want these pins then if you remove this mid grade sorry this the pin side of it you can keep these pins for gold recovery and these two boards are still technically clearly well technically this is it's got no chips it's a low grade but we can just throw it into mid grade this one's got the chip and where's my low grade so we've still got mid grade out of this board even though we've taken off the the gold Currie pins okay so we can put that into mid grade and this is just low grade brown board even though it's green on one side and got chips I mean technically because it's based metal recovery anyway right so what I should be doing here is removing the the flat pack any IC chip because on their own they're worth a lot more than 30 cents a kilo from this board see like these two chips here on their own ten to twelve dollars a kilo so if I left them on there and you're going to get 30 cents a kilo now we get 10 to 12 dollars I seize ten dollars ten dollars fifty flat packs $12.50 to my IC bin flat packs go into a separate bin put them away alright next it's a unit in phone for a cordless well it's a phone base for a cordless phone same deal not a lot of not a heap of value but as you see my street scrap videos I'm picking these up whenever I see them I try and pick them up anything like this electronic well almost anything some things I can tell that there's not going to be much of a board in there it's just going to give me just more rubbish because I've got to deal with this plastic still you know and that's why you know I still get people asking me why don't I pick up printers it's just too much plastic and a printer to deal with compared to the board like year literally you're getting fifteen cents worth of circuit board out of something that then you've got you know a bucket full of plastic just for that one so I can't just open this easily I don't can't see my screwdriver so just go down start it off there we go okay so on this side as you can see we've got a speaker and a brown board but this is just for the control so there's really going to be nothing on here I'm not even going to bother like two four six eight screws to get this board off and there's no value so it's for me it's not worth it but if you're curious I'll take these screws off I'll just fast-forward the video okay so sometimes it could surprise you but as you can see there's nothing it's just a it's like a kind of like a silver trace it's like similar to what a keyboard is but yeah and that's just where the contact points are for the actual buttons so there's nothing there and nothing there this is not a mid-grade sorry a low-grade board because there's nothing on it and there's nothing on this side there's no chips there's no real copper recovery it's you know just virtually nothing so this is not a low-grade board so I'm not going to throw this into low-grade I throw this into scrap steel because there is some metals on there that they'll probably get out of but certainly not low-grade but we do have our mid grade here it should be a mid grade they usually just depends on the brand it's just a little bit hard to scrap at the same time as trying to keep the camera keep it in line with the camera and all that kind of thing so it's just a bit awkward you know sometimes um fiddling around so we'll have a look so okay so this is a I think I was unit in so not a bad brand now we've got this as rubbish low-grade insulator wire okay so that is a nice little mid grade board or peripheral board if you like and okay so this looks like it looks like the battery here now we've always got to take off batteries no it's not the battery and that's pretty cool it's it's yeah I'm not sure I'm not into electronics that much to know but it's got some nice copper in there Wow for a tiny little tube we'll get as much as we can get off it fair spending too much time on it there you go nice little ball of number-one copper so I can snip off some of this wire and on this wire you'll see these two metal Springs these are gold-plated Springs they're the contact points for the charger so I don't want to get the solder part because that's just going to contaminate these Springs so I want to cut a little bit above that will save us in the recovery process still got a little bit of pin on these but I don't want to get the solder and that's just insulator wire and now we've got our two nice fully gold plated pins okay so these would be more like a reverse electroplate system rather than into putting it into any chemical solution because there's no exposed base metal you're best off going for a reverse electro plate so just put it there all adds up those things so there we go just another mid grade board nothing spectacular in my case but as I said it's not worth if you don't try and accumulate crystals there we go MIG LED board that was out of that all right so yeah as I said if you've got ideas on how I should go about this scrap session series of videos let me know because this is the first one and you know I've already got a feeling that I've probably already gone too long and spoken too much I don't want to I like to teach people new scrappers and stuff but I don't want to try and make out that I'm you know that I'm like really knowledgeable in everything I'm just knowledgeable in how I do things in my sort of thing but this is all wire that's going to need processing unless there's a ball yeah when there's really oddball kind of cables yeah well this one was cut off something so it doesn't really matter now we just process it but if it was all intact sometime if it's unusual I'll keep it because it could be for something very unusual that's might be really hard to get okay okay so that's a five pin socket but we do this little part here with the female side of it and it turns into the I can't even think anymore the ps2 sort of port I'll keep this this is just a good little extension keep that alright so this is just cable going for a lot of cable sometimes within the cable this is just tubing just picking it up X accidentally but I really need my garden shears to do this properly because these side cutters just don't open up wide enough to really get in but I'll just do do one here get my brass scrap steel too easy so yeah this part takes you know this tub it takes a long time but as I said you don't do it if you've got money making things to do just do it in your downtime it is quite relaxing if you're not in a hurry to cash it that's just all cables alright so we've gotten through two tubs and I picked up this tub so it's just a spare spare tub temporarily because it's a an easy recyclable plastic I don't mind picking them up when I need it I might even throw it back in the van for the next street scrap session but I can always send this off to the recyclers if I've had enough of using it I do want to get into all those DVDs and obviously when I pick up these DVDs here and one square but one thing I wanted to have a look at because a few people have mentioned from the last street scrap video is that one of the PCs that I picked up that was the one that's sort of it already been pulled apart but this one here some people are saying that this is a gaming PC and I can already see it's and I mentioned the two slot cards but I was saying that it might just be one video big video card is there obviously video but yeah yeah here so yeah these are the ones to look out for when you're if you're just street scrapping and you're not into computers or anything like that a good indication of a PC that's got good sellable components is see this port here the USB 3 usually they're blue so when you see a blue USB port USB 3 that should tell you that the motherboard is a pretty good motherboard it's still sought-after people still want these well because USB 3 is pretty new and so these are worth you know keeping and not scrapping out this ones looks like it's half being open I'm not sure what's been taken out but you know you know quite a few people have said I don't grab it don't scrap it well I'm not a PC guy so if I don't scrap a PC it's only because I'm going to pass it on to sell to someone else now it's missing these grills but I've got the grills that will just loose in the bottom of the in one of the tubs so I could still put it together but it doesn't really matter because the tower is not the important part because especially with people that are building pcs okay they can you know sometimes they prefer to use their own kind of like fancy Tower and it's a huge cool master it's it's a little it's quite dusty actually it's gotten you stand a household dust it's got a quite a impressive graphics card wind force so it's a gigabit motherboard so but it's a USB three so that's where I know that it's it's for start this motherboard is going to be pretty good I'm not sure what the CPU is going to be like the the power supply here 925 so it's quite a powerful power supply I know you know some of my friends that buy pcs from me check it out look at all that dust that's amazing have specifically told me to look out for any motherboards with the USB 3 port the blue port they definitely will buy them from me so I don't really want to scrap it out I'll just check out the RAM because that's easy enough so that I course there alright so well it's not a super powerful one it's it's the 2 by 2 gigabytes so 4 gigabyte in total so this one is only 2 gigabyte RAM stick so the machines only a 4 gigabyte RAM system obviously it could be probably upgraded you can throw a couple more in there bring it up to eight anything gaming these days you wouldn't want anything less than 16 but really for a decent gaming machine these days you want 32 gig of ram but 16 would still be pretty good yeah and the only way to remove this cpu to have a look at the cpu is to have to get rid of IE the fan just clips out that's a good one well it's it's heatsink they probably brought out because it's just got so much dust they didn't realize why it's not working as quick over all that dust just come from the front of that heat sink so I reckon it's probably an i3 CPU so yep this was a gaming one and in its time it was probably a super one but in today's standards it's really you know this is barely entry level nice heatsink I'm not gonna like I'm pulling it apart but just as a PC repairer would roll in as a scrapper would so looks like we've got at least an i3 that's what I'm assuming it's going to be this really needs a complete blow out with an air compressor to blow it all out and start again or take out the motherboard that's the ideal thing and put it into a you know a better tower I reckon I'll just have a look at what the CPU is okay so it's an i5 2500 it I 5 2500 it might be a sr double OT so it's well it's an i-5 it's probably you know like for me when I sell this kind of stuff I sell the 2gig RAM sticks I sell the i-5 and I usually get about close to what I would get trying to sell it as a complete PC without the hassle of trying to send out a complete PC and not knowing if any other components are broken who knows you know the power supply might be faulty and then you sell this on eBay as a complete PC and something faulty what are they going to do they're going to send it straight back to here so I'll lose shipping and and all this mucking around whereas you know nothing really goes wrong with the CPUs so this I five I might be able to solve this I 5 for $50 I might you know the RAM it's only there only two gig sticks I barely get $10 for the pair but still that would could be $60 there I know that people buy these motherboards I might get $40 for the motherboard you know so I'd rather sense all the components to the people that I know will buy it rather than trying to sell a complete PC to just anybody but I'd love to know what this video card is and someone was right yet it's not too slow cards it's it's just one big video card so I'm just gonna leave that until one of my buyers comes and has a look at it but just out of interest sake and like I said I already know how to get value out of this but you know for someone that's into pcs or you know I wanted to spend a bit of time on something like this and clean it out and put the heatsink back together and they're you know if they can't afford it they might have themselves a good good little gamer for a few years but with only four gig ram you'd so it's a wind force anti turbulence cooling it's a gigabit yeah yeah it looks it's got an impressive heatsink on it it's certainly all about the cooling on this but I don't think it's like a super super quality one but you know it's got all the right stuff on it Jesus just can't get over how much dust so yeah that's the model of the motherboard so I'm just going to carefully leave this here because me although I will I will do is just take out the i5 and the RAM get my money there the motherboard maybe I can sell that and the graphics card to another buyer but it's a lot of mucking around still got a hard drive in there but if anyone's interested in a gaming console and you want to make a decent offer like just for the the CPU and the RAM and the rest you can have for free the good motherboard it's got to be worth because it's a USB three it's got to be worth 40 bucks plus this graphics card who knows could be worth a couple hundred bucks but if someone really needs a gaming console here in Melbourne and you're willing to come here and pick it up and just pay for the the RAM and the CPU like not top dollar but I'm saying thinking like something like you know forty to fifty bucks 50 bucks might be fair I don't know it might not even be worth 50 bucks but it's gotta be because I know I can sell the CPU for probably close to that so there you go so that's the the gaming console or the gaming Tower as I said I'm pretty sure I've got all the little grills here for this but you might even want to put it into a better tower who knows and I don't know if it works so that's the problem with selling pcs I just don't have time or the patience to test out that sort of stuff because it's not it's not my thing I'm not a PC repairman or into PCs like that when I need a PC I go to somewhere like Dell and I just buy one brand new and be done with it but being an e-waste recycler I have had my fair share of pcs but yeah other guys would say I'd love that you know but they're in another country or something well what do you do I'm not even prepared to post it in my country let alone it to another country it's just too much I just don't have time so our standard set-top box or DVD or wherever this in this case it's a set-top box this is what it's basically all about it's not a great deal but I do pick them up because this is what I enjoy doing I get my scrap steel when I finish get a bit of scrap steel but all I'm doing this for is just to get the two boards low grade mid grade that's it and that's that's what it's all about for me so the last Street scrapping session was was pretty good it was for the time it took it was really quick I was only out there for a bit over an hour and I did get it quite a lot as you saw I got a lot of cable that I've got a process but hopefully I have some some days that I go out there and I pick up a lot of you know good value stuff and stuff that I like to keep and and a lot more PCs I only got two pcs so it wasn't the heaps but I still had the fun so there we go low-grade board very low value rather than bring it to me you're probably better off removing the Transformers and selling them at the scrapyard removing your extruded aluminium regular aluminium in my case the best I do is just I go for these little copper coils just to add a little bit more to my copper saying you don't even notice it's missing it's still a mid low-grade board and I've got my tiny bit of copper there you go bit of copper boards like this you can see it's a it's a green board right it's kind of got an IC chip on there and it's got these jacks this is not a mid-grade board or you know a peripheral board in the state this is a low-grade board or a mid grade board in America or a low-grade board here just because it's green doesn't always mean that it's it's a mid grade board you know it's got to have stuff on there for precious metal recovery if it's just base metal recovery then it's just going to be a low-grade board just low-grade data cable kind of stuff a nice little mid grade board and again in this case this crystal has got some solder so I don't like these ones I just leave these ones on when they've got a little bit of solder and this complete thing like this as it is I don't remove anything off this just leave it as a mid grade board and solid as is because it's got this extra dead weight these jacks a lot of scrap steel weight here pretty lucky to get mid grade you know board here in Australia or Not sure in America you might get away with this as a peripheral but they might just class it as what they class mid grade air which is what we class low grade here okay but that's it so that's all I get out of these set-top boxes and stuff is just your mid and your low but I pick them up and since I've got them I've got a process and obviously again I do have the scrap steel so people some people say why don't I pick up scrap metal well I do it just doesn't look like scrap metal at the time but as soon as I take out 101 out of this we've got plenty of scrap metal the whole case so that's my idea of scrap metal anyway so okay so we've got the DVD driver on the actual low grade board sometimes they do it like that so you've got to actually remove the whole driver nice nice mid grade board here actually it's a quite heavily de populated for what it is just get this ribbon low beige anything if we want a little bit extra value we can get these two motors and put them in two motors certainly worth more than just scrap steel beautiful two motors all adds up now we want to get our little board out due to do got so much junk on there I can't find my flathead screwdriver my big one this little plastic grommets so there we go just a low-grade board again when these cables are sitting on here not worth leaving them on because we're only getting 30 cents a kilo for the low grade for the low grade board whereas the low grade wire it's still a dollar a kilo so still getting much better value but that that's as basic as you can get and that's why they call them low grade because all they're really getting out of this is base metals a little bit of copper a little bit of aluminium scattered around the little capacitors that got any aluminium little transformer so not much value here that's why low grade boards don't sell for much but we do have a very nice mid grade board actually it's got an EEPROM here it looks like an EEPROM here so we've got the glass window EEPROM and this one's a goal one so that's a good one so we take that that one off when I find the screwed okay battery's going down again okay so we've got a nice ceramic EEPROM put that aside got our long crystal our short crystal and so let's scrap steel so this board again peripheral mid grade board but as you can see there's quite a few chips on here I'm probably a little bit over valued for what it is so if we're only getting mid grade for this me now not everyone should do this you always should check with your buyer now even though I'm a buyer you always still got to check because if you remove too many things you're going to devalue stuff so but there we go we've got a nice flat pack here put towards gold recovery and that's a little bit better you know still got a good flat pack little ones their eye sees so we're still getting better value probably one more thing on this is the memory one these flat long ones Siemens or Samsung so that's a memory I see I like to keep these two but only because there's still a lot of chips on there so and there's no real rubbish whereas the other mid-grade here you can see all this rubbish that the buyer has got to pay for just to get these few chips whereas this one they're still getting more chips but no rubbish so it's still a good value mid grade board to a buyer even though we've removed now and got extra value from one memory chip and one BGA that's all I do but again you've got to check with your buyer because you send them especially if you're posting them stuff if you send them stuff and you're thinking you're going to get X amount it could be downgraded so make sure you don't do populate boards unless you know who you're saying to and how they buy so yeah there's a little memory chip I just put these separately into special memory ICS and nice Samsung flat pack alright so what's next these modems are very standard I get these I probably do six or seven a week I get them from pretty much everywhere your standard 6 Torx screws my battery is running down so by the time I get through this it'll be flat but these are really easy to go through scrap out and because once you've undone the six screws it just opens up nice and easy we've got our plastic full rubbish we've got our board that just pops out more rubbish and there we go we've got ourselves just a ready to go mid grade board it's not a telecom board even though it's sort of a it's just a mid-grade board it's got a lot of heavy dead weight and yeah the only thing I do personally is this little busier here right because there's a BGA under there and there because it's only a mid-grade board it should be a little bit higher but we don't have other grades I take that tiny little BGA it's not much but just one BGA I see little balls underneath right but they add up and there we go so another thing you could do is remove this little card here and you've got some gold fingers in there but most people don't bother I don't really bother there's nothing else on there that I want that's just straight into mid grade so there we go well still want to get through to those CDs and just keep processing but yeah before I forget to say it again don't forget if you're if you like these kind of videos some some people might not like these kind of videos might think they're a bit boring or they just drag on a little bit too long just let me know and because it's the first one of this kind scrap sessions so if you think I can improve it or you've got ideas on what I should be doing or should I talk less or more Horrell how I should do it let me know just to help me out too so I can get a good grasp on what I should be doing and because I you know I don't want to just put out videos just for the sake of you know putting up dead air online you know anyway so don't be shy as I'm saying just let me know and you know maybe after a couple of these videos I might turn out a few that actually are worthwhile but you know you got to try these things just just going to let out my chickens in the afternoons let them have a little bit of a stretch just got to close the back door Oh as I was saying about the plugs and all that I've got barrels down the side of the house at the back of the house here and as you can see it's all cables and you know new cables in bags a lot of power supplies oddball electronic cables anything things in packets so I keep all this any you know cables that are worthwhile and one day I just got to go through the whole lot and and just work out what's in here yeah but I certainly like power supplies from vintage laptops and stuff you know I get bags I'll get operating systems these are more modern laptop just stacks and stacks of them these barrels just sit here this one here it's actually let me just this is almost full and all this is our cell phone boards and the the good quality harddrive the vintage hard drive boards not all that so many I see chips and stuff on there that's really good for gold recovery a lot of work there to depopulate all this you know mlcc's and crystals and yeah and yeah as I said cell phones you know heaps of cell phone boards and so I just keep this for when I actually get into gold recovery this is going to be one those things in retirement that I sit down and I just start the populating all these boards and giving all these gold pins there's going to be a lot of gold pins and a lot of gold will recover just from that one barrel all right just the back of the truck run I've just got to close this back door saves me coming out later on it when it gets dark okay so there's been nice tamarillo tamarillos are awesome fruit tree they just they're so prolific I mean the season's over now and most of these leaves will drop but a really good survival plant because they produce literally hundreds of fruit and they're like a they called a tree tomato and they're so easy to propagate all you need to do is just cut off a stem put it in the ground and you've got a new plant and so one day when I've got a farm I'll have a really good supply of these I might even sell these at a farmers market you know they're not like my ultimate favorite fruit they're kind of a little bit savory but they're very sweet they're you can use them just like tomatoes so you can what I do is I cut them in half and I grill them just like a tomato so they're like a grilled tomato they're really nice with steak and yeah inside it's very sweet and seeds and all very nice they're sweet and tangy really nice all right yeah and going by this boy my batteries I'm on my third battery so the video must be getting along so maybe also let me know how long these videos should go for these scrap session videos because you know maybe one hour is too long and anything over an hour is just way too long so yeah let me know on that too because you know I'm trying to make a cross between informative videos and into entertaining videos and so you know I'm a scrapper so I'm not overly experienced in entertaining people but I know that people that watch videos are online have usually got a very short attention span usually any video over five minutes is too long for most people so I guess unless you're getting something out of it then you know you're not going to watch if you're bored - therefore or anything so alright well this was just that modem that I picked up that was already half-broken really nothing on it I mean there's a little beachy ace here you start removing these BGA's you're going to turn it into a low-grade board you're gonna really lose value in this you know so yeah in this case because these aluminium heat sink topped BGA's they're not really that good for gold recovery these kind of ones you know it's these little BGA's here the nice little memory BGA's that are really got some good value but you just need so many i'll get this little card out and these little cards they don't go is like your slot cards you know with fingers they're only are still only a mid-grade board so if you do keep you know if you are each into gold recovery or you do take your fingers you know you can take your fingers off these even though they're very small and they're not the the highest grade gold plating or anything but you just put these two the gold finger pile and still a mid-grade board right under there we're going to have a BGA chip heatsink got my chicken here come to scrap yeah but I guess there's you know a lot of subject matter here for videos as I go out street scrapping usually every time I go out street scrapping there's something just get my chick hair there's always something different and interesting to look at so you know I thought it might be a good idea to get do these videos just a mid-grade board and as I said I'm not gonna take these BGA chips off because it's just gonna devalue the board so well my my PC with all my rubbish is full so I can put the top back on that and there you go so you know we've got telephone handsets a few mice speakers a few plugs DVD scrapped out a little bits of Steel all my screws all that kind of stuff all right there we go once crept out PC full of scrap metal rubbish put it out the pile another one bo its dust there we go so they're all current scrap their PCs and just scrap metal and junk all ready to go all of these all fall with little bits and pieces so they they're good weight for the space that they take up okay so I've got two boxes left here mostly cords more modems modems again phones some phones are good some are not so good got a scrap all these phones out straight up modems and all those all the floppies and the DVDs that I picked up too so any brand-name ones good vintage ones I'll put aside but a lot of these I'll just scrap out like this one I'll just scrap out we'll just have a look at some of these phones they they can be hit and miss some are not so good others can be you know really good boards inside especially you know your brains like Cisco can be awesome for our phones usually a lot bigger these runs the Alcatel Lucent they're okay I mean they're still better than your household domestic phones which don't have much in them in all at all and it's just you know it's almost not worth scrapping out because you still got the a lot of plastic to deal with and that's you know what it's about in the end when you're scrapping a lot of this stuff it's it's one thing to pick it all up but then you know you've got to deal with all the rubbish in the end okay so that there's one piece of absolute rubbish it's ABS so if you can recycle it obviously do so and this board it's just a an average bit great board but you know this is what I do and the boards aren't going to just come out of thin air they've got to come from something little speaker just bit of wire yes the only thing with these phones is you know it's usually a lot of screws and so you know like if you're looking at value as far as time value versus money you know it's you're putting in a lot of time in this sort of stuff and you know your hourly rate sort of drops quite a bit but if you're scrapping then that's probably should not be all what it's about because you know it's hard to make a living out of scrap just on its own unless you're lucky to get a lot of pcs from businesses and schools where where you can just sell the stuff rather than scrapping but this kind of scrap this is you know it's mostly hobby you got to enjoy actually doing this you know pulling stuff apart and you know if you've got nothing better to do well then it's worth it so there you go again nothing I want to take off this board because it would just downgrade it even though there's no rule rubbish as you can see it's all clean there's no big chunks of scrap steel so it's a good value board for you know for the the guys that buy this and recover you know you get a few icy chips and you know just tiny little components around but yeah it's still just a peripheral board or a mid grade board I keep saying peripheral board because in America there's some companies that buy boards like even board sort in the States will buy this kind of board and they call them peripheral and we call these mid grade what boards Lord calls a board mid grade is actually just a power board it's not a mid grade board at all and so the green power boards they call mid grade where that's not the case it's just a power board a low-grade Powerball this is a mid-grade board rule you know internationally and and that's it but in the States these are generally considered as peripheral boards that's the same thing so when I say mid-grade if you're in the states you've got to think peripheral so for that one little board now you know value-wise it's only worth thirty forty cents so you know it's not going to change your life and in the end you've got a lot of plastic to deal with still okay but environmentally well we haven't really changed a lot but at least we've gotten something out of it and you know once this is broken down there is like toxins in there for the environment so at least we've got this out and it's going to work they're going to recover all the metals and deal with the toxins properly rather than it's sitting in landfill if this ends up in landfill well that's it was going there anyway and as I keep saying until the government can provide us with a recycler that accepts ABS there's not much we can do with it so yeah that then are bad you know when it's all free well you can't complain let's just go for a comparison this is a real old phone here out of landline base but it's not good enough for me to keep as a vintage collectible it's just not the right model and it's probably you're not really vintage enough even though it really looks it because the plastic has gone all orangey it's not that old but still we'll find a hidden scroop you'll just check out the circuit board and see if it was worthwhile so more plastic and we're doubling up every time we open something like this up we're doubling it when you open up a printer like a bubble jet printer for the tiny little board you get like literally 10 cents worth of circuit board you multiply the plastic by four or five times and you create a absolute little shambles okay so so far we've just got a low grade board here and very little value just get my little magnet okay so probably the best value of these just these thin plates they're just they're brass so we can take these off and throw them into brass they might even you know I'm pretty sure they're brass that could be stainless but I doubt it so there we go just a low-grade board in that part and one more board here [Music] okay it looks a bit more interesting at least okay so it's got a bit of a heatsink I don't expect much to be under this heat sink I'm not even going to bother taking it out I'm assuming this would be a mid-grade board there might be a few icy chips under here it's just like some kind of aluminium shielding but it just looks it looks too attached to trying [Music] yeah there's a little bit of circuitry under there but I'm not gonna bother I'll just leave it on get mid-grade for that one and this board here yeah it's only LED lights not even worth taking off so that's just rubbish so that phone really not much at all very low value but still we've got to build them up from somewhere this chicken it's it's for you since we've done that vintage try and base we might as well do this side of it too it's good they've already taken the battery out [Music] just want to see what kind of boards under this okay it's the same kind of deal it's got this shield over the board so there's not really a lot that we can actually see here but that's fine at least it's it's a decent board that's you know the full size of the phone so yeah there's no standout gold-recovery bits or anything so in this case once again I'm just going to leave this shielding on no point in taking it off just leaving it as a mid grade board so there we go phone and bass that's what we got Oh better than nothing and these old-style CD players well these are the only types that I like to scrap scrap out now with with the old style pins when they're only got the SATA pins I don't bother even opening these up anymore because it's just such a tiny little board i I do open them up if I get them loose like this but usually I don't I don't even take him out of pcs when I scrap out the PC I prefer to just leave the PC you live it in yeah well see like this is kind of like newer style old style because it's only still short I like they're they're CDs where where the board is all the way through but still I do keep these I've got a couple of barrels of these now just keep building them up so one day I just got distracted there for a bit I'll be sitting down and I'll be removing all these gold pins there out of every one of these old CD cards so it's going to be a big job one day you know but I don't intend to do it when I'm trying to earn a living on this is just going to be my retirement hobby is to take all these gold pins one day process everything that I've accumulated over the years of scrapping I'm not in any hurry to go for my gold recovery like some people they get they get a handful of gold pins and they're there immediately looking for ways to recover that gold well what are they going to get a quarter of a gram it's a waste of time so I always you know I recommend cleaning scrappers that are interested in gold recovery is don't worry about gold recovery until you're finished scrapping when you're sure that you're not going to get any more gold recovery bits then start going for the gold you know because I just feel that scrappers tend to rush into gold recovery too quickly and without having the knowledge or the proper equipment I don't think it's a safe thing to do it's the sort of thing that you want to have you know a lot of quite decent amount of experience before you start getting into it but that's just my opinion everyone's different and because that's what you want to do good nice little antenna bit of brass okay might as well do these phone since it's sitting right here cuz I gotta at least get rid of all these phones deal with the rubbish in one go so more rubbish more rubbish but you know quite an intense board even though it's still Handley mid-grade you know so it's but still [Music] you know just steal sometimes could be brass I just want to make sure before I throw it up all right so there we go just a mid-grade board again not a lot I might as well take off this little crystal since it's sitting right there it's not going to devalue the mid grade board much and yeah just leave everything else on nothing spectacular and it's just on to the next thing get some wire put it straight into my little handy tub so I try and be as organized as I can this part here it's a bit too much rubbish to throw it into scrap steel so I'll just get out the speaker and this connector okay rubbish how's that and say this is where plastic gets complicated as far as recycling it's why recyclers don't want to deal with it is because it's not all ABS you know this one is PS okay [Music] this one doesn't even say what it is you know then the next one will be ABS and then there'll be PPS and RPS and UPS there's so many different plastics and they don't mix when they recycle them you can't you know to get a good product I can't mix PS with ABS with PPS with something else you know you've got this sort of latex he kind of did everything it's all different plastics and like this vintage one this is very brittle plastic it's a completely different thing so you know some people might be under the impression that they can just mint all this up bring out a fresh product well it would just be a mixture of nothing really it's you know it's not really this is easy as it is as it seems plastic is very complicated when it's when it comes under the grade of seven and above like other just other plastic that's what it's considered you know you say you've got your milk bottle plastic and your plastic bag plastic that's all easy to recycle and but yeah and they can actually make money off it and that's what it's all about cuz I can't make money of recycling plastic they don't do it so there's never a shortage of these set-top boxes or digital satellite receiver yeah lots of modems I mean as you said I tend to spot modems out really quickly out on the street maybe because I'm the only one that picks them up you know the guys that go out and look for computers and stuff they even pick up some DVDs and stuff like that a lot of them will just leave modems but look for the tiny little box right okay we've got plastic to deal with but you know virtually the whole box is a sigh you know is the board so [Music] and some dead weight on the board so it you know if you're you're selling circuit boards like to me or anyone it's mid grade boards or peripheral boards really add up why that is quite decent weight right quite serious weight it's you know probably weighs half of what a computer motherboard weighs if not a little bit more you know so there's value there certainly worth full for that little modem that we picked up ok this modem this was a Cisco okay so don't find many Cisco modems out in the street but yeah full of nice goodies so all I want here again is the the crystal on this side and the crystal on this side so just two little crystals to add to my personal collection I mean I don't not telling anyone to pick crystals because you might not have anything to do with them later on you might not know what to do with them it's only for silver recovery it's just a little hobby thing of mine but I will take this little BGA because it's just a mid-grade board one of the memory BGA's these are the highest grade BGA's the ones will fill out the plastic on the base you know not the gold corners just these straight out and there we go mid grade board a lot of dead weight so good for us who's selling boards because you know we're getting good money for what isn't really worth much say if you were to depopulate this take off with the IC chips what's there for gold recovery you're probably going to lose because you're going to be left with steel weight and stuff that's really not worth much you know you can you can pop this cover off to get another crystal but then your devaluating because you're removing this piece of steel you know so I prefer to keep them on for what the crystal is worth I'd rather keep the one well I think for a first video of this kind I think I'm just going to leave it there and for the rest of the day get rid of all this stuff because I just got a feeling that this video is going on starting to go on a little bit too long and yeah it just might not turn out how I want it so once again I know I've asked you a few times in this video already but because people don't generally watch whole videos all the time so I'm trying to catch as many of yous as I can just to don't forget to just let me know what you think of this style of video so it's when I scale out Street scrapping I'm going to come back empty the van and start scrapping stuff out just from the the streets craft days so let me know if you think that's going to be worthwhile doing and let me know how long I should go for and or just whatever whatever you want to let me know let me know I'm not going to take offence now here's a little tricky thing with these modem cards you've got this steel base technically you should take the screw off and remove this back base plate because it's only steel but people that come and sell me boards they generally leave them on obviously they want to get a little bit more weight you can get away with it but you know preferably if you undone this screw and took off this because it's only deadweight and it's kind of treating in a way so how I prefer is you remove that screw not and say that's just steel get rid of that steel plate you've still got a lot of dead weight here so you're still getting good value you know for what it for what it really is just have a look under this plate okay so under this plate we've actually got a very nice BGA chip so but once again you got a kind of if you're into a gold recovery you got a way up whether it's worth deep populating a like a mid grade board and turning it into a low grade board because you remove that main chip and well you bring it to me and this will be at a low grade board once you remove that main chip all right so now we've turned this into a quite a nice board we've still got something under there probably but you know these are the two main things that I like is your BGA chip obviously this is the class to the second best BGA with the gold corner these are really nice sometimes they can be spectacular and I like these memory IC chips just the little flat ones I keep these separately if you sell me these flat ones separately pay quite a bit more for these then I would i seat you but still I don't want to take off this BGA chip but it is a little bit high value for what I'm getting for this board selling it as a mid grade so to make up for it I'm going to let get this memory IC chip off right so I'll just scrape the on one side you bring it up and just give it a few wobbles and there you go it's only very light you need a lot to make up a kilo but hey you got to start somewhere and I'll probably just take off this little ml/cc just one decent-sized ml/cc put down my own little collection okay so we still got a me great board here because we've only we haven't removed the main chip but just took off one of the side memory chips it's not really noticeable when a buyer looks at it and says okay yeah still got the main chip it's it'll class as a BGA as a mid-grade all right guys well I've got to keep keep scrapping in my own sort of time you've got to get this circuit board out it's just a low-grade so as you can see it's all green looks like it could be a mid gray it's not even though it's got a few little icy chips and stuff it's all about this copper you know these big copper things and big capacitors and stuff this is this board will go as base metal recovery okay so it's still a low-grade board so this is where I recommend you depopulate board like this and get better value and yeah alright well my chair sort of has worked out good it's quite a comfortable chair to sit on perfect for the workbench it's got a little footstool underneath a little foot bar and I'll just keep going well hope does a bit of fun for you guys I'm going to keep scrapping and next video will probably be a straight scrap video we'll get out there and bring back more stuff and hopefully make some fun videos from Street scrapping and some fun videos from my scrap session videos and yeah we'll all have a bit of fun okay guys catch you next time
Channel: eWaste Ben
Views: 247,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrap sessions, ewaste ben, scrapping ewaste
Id: hnzAcn5_o0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 57sec (8217 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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