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all right this is my 2022 Ram ProMaster Thor sequence 20l now the coach is a 2022 but the make of the van is a 2021. so I have the canopy out this is great for barbecue you have LED lights on the top and then right now I have my uh my little screen door and as you get in you could see my build right now is two twin mattresses lying horizontal now the build that you're gonna get with the stock is the beds uh vertical lying like this however um I personally like it like this there's one issue getting to the bathroom you have to crawl over but it's great for additional storage down here these are the tables so when you do have each mattress lying vertical you can post you can screw in a post and have tables up the post is right there and then what I did was I installed magnets on the tables and a magnet board that way they're stored here magnetically and I have additional shoe storage over there so that's the layout and then I also installed a chair here with a bungee cord and then a little area for your feet right here if you want to kick them up and then currently I have the TV out you know say you're watching a movie or playing games over there then moving over here I have my table which I also installed a shoe rack and support bars and then I have key keychain holders and then up here is your control panel where you're gonna power the generator look at your batteries turn on your lights do the awning all that that's your main control panel this is for your heater and your water heater the heater is propane um so you turn it on like this you click on the coach and then you turn it to 70 degrees then your water heater is right there okay now moving on over here speaking of the table this chair spins out so all you have to do is come over here I have my camera because I was just taking pictures to list the van figured I'd do a video um so there's a little yellow tab right here you're just gonna wanna pull it up and then the chair spins so this is a work area eating area whatever you know you need and then when you have the beds um lying vertical on each panel you can have a table that you can eat there but this is my best bet or just stand up and eat so now over here we have the fruit hammock and then I forgot to mention you have the um the curtain this curtain comes out swings out pulls over that way when you go to bed no one can um see you and it's pitch black and for the summer it's heat resistant so in the summer in your um in this area it's really hot and then it here it's really cool because this does a great job keeping the hot temperatures out okay and then over here I just have cleaning supplies a broom and a Swiffer and then this is the little Trash Can fits perfect and then this is your convection oven right in there and then in here I installed these um baby they're for babies so they can't open it but if you have this all full with metal silverware when you make a left turn it will pop off so right now it won't because there's not a lot of weight in here but what I found these work great and then also for this one never had any issues with these coming out because I wouldn't accelerate quick but no issues there and then this is the for the doggy I installed a rug here this is for the doggy watering food bowl and then of course your shoe rack and then if you have your laptop out here you can plug in to normal plugins to USB plug-ins and then moving over here we have the fridge and then this is your freezer and then to turn it extra cold or somewhat cold just right here I have it turned off right now because I don't have food in here but if you were to bump it up to seven everything would be really cool in here and keep everything Frozen up there and then over here I installed this is for a towel uh to dry your hands and then this is the sink with a nice flat board say you're cooking or prepping and this comes out too as your cutting board so if you want to wash your dishes you'd obviously take that off do your dishes and then I installed a just a nice little soap and scrubber and then it's it's not glued down but it has some adhesive glue and this is another control panel right here uh two plug-ins two USBs this if it has this sticker the generator needs to be running for these to work or you need to be plugged in um to a wall there's a cord that wraps and goes in your um in your van to charge your batteries and then for the summer I just have some fans here fans here and then this is where the cables are at so if you want to plug in you know a gaming system or what have you there's uh HDMI cord here that goes to the TV if you want to plug in for cable right there two USBS and then if you want to you know plug in your uh gaming system you do it right there okay and then over here what I did was I added a little table here and those cords wrap around under the bed and they plug in the two USB cords which are always on you don't have to have a generator on for them to work that's how I charge my Apple watch and I have another cord over here and that's how I charge my phone and then you have reading reading lights right there and then another one right there that works as well um and then this is obviously All Storage I would keep my dishes pots pans in here bread soups you know peanut butter things like that in there then I installed a little bag holder and then you also have additional plug-ins here see it has the sticker so you need a generator on or to be plugged in to use that and this is the bathroom so I'm going to come over here I also installed these because when you drive they'll pop off this is going to be really difficult to do with one hand so let me just open it up real quick for you okay now here is the bathroom get in here real quick okay so this is your your closet and what I did was I added a mirror here and then I added this for my bag laundry bag there's a fan up here a light up here then you have additional drawers socks underwear things like that and then over here of course you have the toilet and you have your toilet paper roll oh looks like that was and then all the way and then you have these little additional holders so I have baby wipes hand sanitizer and then you have uh your main mirror it's a medicine cabinet I also have one of those baby safes just because it would pop open when you drive and then I installed these because all my stuff would fall out whenever I'd open it so these are a nice border and then you have your shower here it comes off you could spray and this is your shower curtain it wraps all around so when you do a shower you'd close the door obviously put your shower curtain around I installed a vertical mirror and then I installed this to hold soap and then these are additional soap holders and then this another baby tab because this would pop out and then I installed this for um razors toothbrush and then this is an additional razor and then these are for um soap scrubbies and then obviously some soap pulled together with velcro and then when when this fills up with water you just simply apply it up and all the water will dump out and then this is of course for your towels right here and these are magnets so they can pop out so you can go to the bathroom in the wilderness and look out the window all right let's go check out the back hopefully I covered everything and then this is just additional storage I got little mesh bags for glasses and then of course additional storage up here for blankets um then I would carry my jackets right here and then this TV pops back a little tricky with one arm obviously don't want to get fingerprints on it and then to pull it out you just simply pull the pin and I forgot to mention too these windows open that window opens that does not have a open window and then I also forgot to mention too this is your fan so if you want nice cool air to come in you would pop the fan up by using this so this is your A1 is your awning for outside if you'd like to retract it I'd click that and then it would retract and then if I want to bring it out I would extract it so that's your awning this is your F1 this goes to your fan your fan one and then to turn the whole monitor off is right there and then PA is uh pairing when you connect this to your phone via Bluetooth and then I also forgot to mention this is the AC so you do need to be plugged in to a power source to the van or you need to be to have your generator on Now to turn on the generator you would click the electric bolt and then you hold start generator so real quick let me go through this is your home this is your water levels this is your lights if you want them on or off um lights on lights off lights on to turn on your water pump to have if you're not hooked up at a campsite and you want to use your water like myself right now I'm not at a campsite I don't have a hose attached I would simply turn on my water pump you could hear it turn on and then this water fountain would work the bathroom would work toilet would work and the outside hose would work and I will show you guys outside so this is how you control the AC you'd go climb it turn it on set it to whatever it works great in the summer and then another thing for your light so if you want to control the brightness you simply do that so I have all of them on now this is your tire pressure and then this is your whole battery section which I already discussed and then this is another button to turn on your fans and to extract and retract so it'll either work as a normal fan like in your room or you can extract it pop it up or pop it down right so let's go outside my camera is about to die so I'm gonna make this real quick so this is the outside if you want to hook up a propane propane right there this is for a TV this is your bicycle rack and then I do have a motorcycle rack that comes out and then you can actually pull it out that way you can access the back so say I had a motorcycle here I couldn't open this so my Mount rack right there was custom made and it swings out so this is the back this is a ladder that goes up there so you can access the um the roof I have two roof racks a kayak rack and then of course your solar panels are up there as well this is just additional plug-ins uh another power outlet if you want to do your water pump here and this is for all your tanks I have my electric my water and then I have my um hoses to dump the black tank so I'll show you that now and then this of course opens up as well and then this goes to the ladder it's your other portion so that is magnet it'll go on the outside and then it'll attach to that so camera's about to die so let me hurry up I don't know if I mentioned but that's your bicycle rack right there and this light is on in case you um are going to a dump site and need your light on at night so you'd attach your hose to this put it in the ground and then you'd pull that lever um gray first and then black next that'll dump all your waste this is where you fill up water so this one is camping the other one is if you just fill it in and then this like I said this is where you charge up so I have that cord right there would go into here cable TV gas and then that is it camera is about to die thank you if you have any questions please call me at 805-291-7422 thank you I'm located in near San Diego California selling this bad boy for 95 000. thank you very much for watching bye
Channel: Nello Miele
Views: 23,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Class B, Los Angeles, Motor Coach, San Diego, SoCal, Thor, Van, Van Life
Id: gQR2zfrkrEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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