Her DIY ProMaster w/ Shower, Toilet, Convertible Bed & Gym

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hi y'all I'm Rachel I live full-time in my Ram Pro Master Lindley come on inside so [Music] um my countertops I went with the Butcher Block made out of maple wanted a light Coastal color I've got an additional 16 inch Leaf it folds out love some additional counter space um over here is my shoe storage it's little pockets are from Ikea just a nice little way to find additional storage um in here is where I keep all of my cookware silverware all the kitchen things and then I have a pull out cooktop dual burner just plug it in here whenever I'm ready to cook I also have a propane stove in case I want to do some outdoor grilling Fitting Issues um and then down below is the Dometic Dual Zone right now I primarily just use one side but it's got a lot of space you can control the temperature of both sides if you want to do one freezer one cooler both one way or the other so we got that with my lifestyle I enjoy preparing a lot of my food at the beginning of the week so that's part of why I got a really big fridge is to hold all of the prepped food just can easily grab them out of uh my Tupperware containers so as far as how often I cook it's normally once for like the work week and then a little bit on the weekend I'm also trying to take advantage of trying different places and you know places to eat everywhere I go so still trying to stick to my meal plan but then also get adventurous on the weekend so the main reason I put an outlet over here is for the purpose of cooking you can put my blender I actually have an air fryer hiding in the bench that's like my staple is cooking stuff quickly in the air fryer I've got my Puck lights here with a dimmer which is nice and then this is additional storage primarily just workout stuff welcome to Van life open Gap so I could either just close it with wall or like make a little storage area so went with the storage my name is Rachel I am 29 years old I spent the last year converting this van and actually just took off to be full-time van life about a month and a half ago so still pretty new but it's been a vision of mine for a couple of years during covid back the summer of 2020 I got furloughed for a little bit and really took that opportunity to do a lot of tricks and a lot of those happen to be so low so kind of fell in love with traveling by myself I enjoyed company but realized that it was a lifestyle that definitely worked for me something I would still enjoy and have a lot of fun doing um and my work sent us full-time remote so I went to them they were okay with the the van life as long as I got my work done so um yeah I was just I'm excited to see all the places need a lot of people and just experience life during the season [Music] so I went with it's actually a cocktail sink but yeah you gotta go a little smaller in Van life so honestly I think it's a pretty big sink for what I could fit here so ninety percent of the things in this Bamber from Amazon so got this on Amazon this pulls out and will also detach which is partly why I put the sink over here is to be able to attach my hose from the shower and just have one line of Plumbing here we've got my arrangement of super fancy top of the line wine glasses that are actually plastic and then all of my staple seasonings for my cooking we gotta have those this is my little piece of home from Texas it's where I did the van build so wanted a little reminder of that up here is my dry storage Pantry whatever you can fit in there I've got seasonings my NutriBullet another staple for me and then just snacks dry food stuff and down below is the water heater and just all of my cleaning supplies um yeah pretty much whatever you can fit down here um I have a 20 gallon fresh water tank and then a gray water tank that are below the van since I have such a short wheel base I wanted to save the inside storage for as much as I could fit in here and put that underneath the van all right um up here above the cab area I have a slim but wide area for storage and this is on my fun activity stuff I've got hiking boots wetsuits backpack hiking backpacks so that's like my little Adventure cubby and then in the middle I have a mirror that doubles as my door to the front so I did that partially for protection while I'm driving if I'm in an accident I don't want things from the back flying up front did it for safety if I'm back here sleeping someone breaks through the front you know it'll slow him down a little bit but yeah the main reasons I went with with that route and then nice to have a full-length mirror on there like I did some truck camping and that was you know that lasts a weekend so it's totally different doing a weekend trip or a vacation versus like full-time living out of the van it has been an adjustment things just aren't as um easily accessible so it takes a lot of time for me to go places or get ready it's just it's a whole process no matter what you're doing but I love having the option to go where I want when I want like on my own time it's just it's amazing if you don't know me by now I am obsessed with all things tropical so how to make a statement piece with the curtain to the shower on the inside I actually the liner is has all these pockets for additional shower storage in here I've got a detachable shower head this hose pulls out and will attach to my sink plumbing area I have a partially storage so trash can all my bathroom stuff but also when it's time to get down to business just pull that out it's got a separate toilet in here which was one of my splurges so I feel like as far as having to manage all of the waste it's pretty easy pretty clean I also have a fan to help alleviate some of the humidity that comes from the shower I also have a Dometic 13 500 Duo brisk air conditioner and it pulls a lot of power so if I want to use the AC I need to be plugged into Shore power and luckily haven't needed to use it yet it's been gorgeous here in California but I prefer to go to warmer climates as opposed to cold so I wanted to make it a priority to have an AC keep me cool in the hot months so because I wanted to still keep my job with my company and work from the road I wanted this space to be able to convert from table benches working area dining area to a sleeping area so that's why I went with this style so I've got the c-shaped bench the table on a lagoon Mount which can swivel and then when it's time for bed you just push it down it rests on these pieces here and it's almost a full-size bed I ordered a full-size foam mattress from Amazon took an electric turkey Carver to it made all these cushion pieces and then I actually upholstered these myself yeah I grew up learning how to sew finally got to put that to use that was one of the most frustrating parts of the van build was doing those cushions but I think they turned out amazing for an amateur sewer so I also have a monitor mounted on the wall it is removable and I have a table Mount that I can clamp onto my table to bring my monitor closer for working purposes most of the time just plug my laptop in have the dual screen which is really helpful um I've got Outlets all around got a lot of spaces to plug in my electronics charge the phone the computer I also have a little hidden gauge cut out to monitor all of my levels for battery power all of that this here I actually I bought this hat rack before I bought the van back when I had the whole Vision so that kind of all came together that was the last piece I installed and over here these two are my closets so this is more of the comfy but can be cute also some work attire and then this one is strictly workout and yeah thanks this window here we installed ourselves that was the first thing we did to the van was cut a big old hole in the side of it so that was nerve-wracking but um I also made this custom window cover so when it's time to sleep or if I want a little bit more privacy this just rolls down tucks in there you can roll it back up get a little more light get a breeze in there I also have a Max fan that I installed over the sleeping area I really enjoy a breeze at night a little bit of smooth sound and it helps pull the cool air in so really really enjoy the fan this is all storage and the benches this one over here is all of the electrical battery converter all of my tools just like the important things and this bench here is where I keep my bedding when it's in daytime mode my bedding's Hiding away and I'll pull it out at night and then and this bench is my air fryer some additional clothing kind of a like out of season clothes some additional workout equipment and just cetera my sister had a baby about an hour ago my nephew in San Antonio Texas so I am taking this week to meander my way back to Texas spend time with the baby and my family and then after that head east and sort of loop my way back around go north east Mid-America loot my way back down to California by next February is the current plan [Music] so probably my favorite thing about the van build was being able to come up with a squat rack system to be able to get my workouts in every day during covid I achieved one of my lifetime goals and became a certified personal trainer so I knew with that being such a big part of my life I wanted to still incorporate that with the whole van life so inside I have a barbell I have an entire weight plate set from Rogue I've got some dumbbells and the squat rack just easily collapses down collapses up when it's time to work out the broader version that I have with this workout setup is being able to travel around and work out with people sort of have that Community meet others be able to just help others achieve their Fitness aspirations um and I do record my workouts I'm very very new to YouTube but it's my channel is tropically toned yeah so another hobby of mine is surfing I've got my seven foot four long board on the outside and then over in this corner I've got the Wii boost which helps magnify a signal for me when I'm out in the middle of nowhere service isn't very strong and I still need to work so I do a hot spot and then the we boost to help magnify that I've got a 360 bar lights in case it's dark at night need to see lights up like a football stadium and then also on top I've got two solar panels also came from Amazon [Music] if you would like to follow along on my adventure I have a YouTube channel you can find me at tropically toned I also will be posting on Instagram which is at tropically toned as well and just want to shout out tiny home tours for touring my space and look forward to seeing y'all on the road [Music]
Channel: Tiny Home Tours
Views: 300,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiny house, tiny house on wheels, living big in a tiny house, tiny house england, tiny house uk, tiny house movement, tiny home, small house, small spaces, small house design, alternative living, architecture, affordable home, off the grid, small space living, tiny house life, tiny home uk, diy tiny house, diy home, diy home gym, van life, van conversion, van tour with shower, van tour with bathroom, ram promaster, promaster conversion, camper van conversion, van build
Id: v4kyLMlcNAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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