Self Sustaining Two Stage Tesla Turbine!

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okay so okay this is this is our arc I offer system it's a sealed system we can't have the C in there but there's a there's the two stage turbine two-stage toaster turbine in there plastic rollers we've got the we've got this this air inlet right here this is actually compressed air and the only reason we needed that was to kickstart the rotor because it was actually seized up in there so that's what that is this is our warm tank car water has been heated up to high but still below the boiling point of the log has been heated up so that we can run the turbine in the water on the heat so outside this is actually this is our exhaust right here it comes out out of the turbine after after it goes through the inlet spiral is around it comes out of this I'm not connected directly to the turbine it's the whole thing is in case this whole cysts sending that big thing in the box and then once we once we open up the once we open up this file right here to let the vapor pressure and the it starts to head towards the cold side the cold tank that's and the cold tank is the tank outside that's what a war yeah that's where the water condenses in the future you don't actually need a cold tank because that's what the Tesla pump is for which I supposed to take out the stews to condense the the moisture or to draw the vacuum without having a condenser condensed moisture and draw and continue whatever holding that value so you don't need that pressure for temperature differential you just need warm water or cold water eventually when you get higher in a vacuum you use the cold water when you've got that when you've got that - everybody everybody talks about how the Tesla pump needs how the test pump is consuming energy so how how is the how is the how is it actually helping the system because it takes energy to rotate it but actually when you when you've newly evacuated a space inside of the the Tesla pub or nearly so there's not actually much there it's not actually passing volumes of air creating work or the Tesla pub HP creates a little bit of work for the Tesla pump but it adds an enormous amount of energy conversion capabilities to the actual turbine itself yes this is this is our vacuum this is our vacuum pump right now we just got a little they'll need to charge the system once if you don't have any leaks and then it will continuously run until either you're outside tank is warm or you're inside tank is cool so eventually you will this is supposed to suck the air out of the system so you're pulling from the back end of the system because the air clogs the whole effect oh you got a bunch of air in there that water the air can't condense and can maintain the vacuum line leave so yeah it's just a clog in the system actually we've got this there's 2,000 pounds of force pressing on this one we're at full vacuum which we actually haven't achieved so there's a little bit lassus probably like 1600 pounds or 1700 pounds total that's about almost 12,000 pounds less than 12,000 pounds pressing on the outside because there's no ambient air inside pushing outwards the water will actually because because this water is at a warmer temperature than the water outside this water vaporizes and once it cools down once the water cools down once you take the energy out of the water it cool and the reason it cools is because you're the heat energy is literally being changed into kinetic energy and that kinetic energy transfers its transfers the energy through viscosity to the rotor and the more energy that you extract the more the more kinetic energy you give to that particle the more energy you can extract from that particle and the colder it will become the more energy that you extract because you extract the energy it's cools it cools down so in any system or or in in at least this system the efficiency of the system will be determined how much energy we actually extract it will be determined by the pressure differential and the amount of actually water that you use during the so with a perfect Tesla turbine if indeed Tesla is correct about a hundred percent efficiency you should get you should get your water should come out frozen or at least very very cold on this end and it should go in warm so you should you're anything with enough vacuum you know water can boil until it freezes with enough vacuum on the system without wit by taking all the leaks out of the system by taking all the leaks out of the system you could technically run on water that was it was below room temperature but but the main thing is it's because this is cut because our tank is as this as the tank loses its heat energy as it arises it's actually losing its dropping in temperature it's dropping in temperature because that because that heat is being turned into kinetic energy and it's drawing in that temperature away so if you have a heat exchanger or if you have a radiator connected to your water tank and you circulate that water through the radiator ambient air will actually continuously warm up the the water and keep it from freezing and that's where it's possible to get and basically an infinite amount of heat energy or to use an infinite amount of heat energy in the from ambient air in the system because the water will vaporize and it will condense once you've taken all the energy out it comes out cold and because when it's cold it condenses and no longer takes up all that space if it is it can it's it always stays and if there's no pressure buildup in your cold side ever unless your cold side heats up as well but if you're taking a hundred percent of your energy out of your cold side out of out of your out of your vapor your wallpaper then your then your cold side will never warm up because there's no heat left to make it why so it'll never vaporize in your cold side so of course so you could have like a solar hot water tank with them yeah yeah you always have heat yeah and and average heat panels work at 90 up to 90 percent official so you the evacuated tube one drug to like 98 99 percent holy cow yeah so technically you can you can harvest on a percent of the energy from so like one square foot was it normally it's basically five times the amount of solar density the collection you can collect five times more on average because our best seller pedals that we use today are that 20% efficient then you have stored in the battery the batteries that fit nammed percent efficient so you actually end up losing more and then of course your batteries your batteries will degrade after time actually they did do good they very pretty quick the ones that don't degrade quite as fast cost and enormous amount of money and then once they finally do degrade you're left with a big paperweight whereas with the water system you would never end up with a big investment going down the toilet and of course the storage what's the water storage is a lot cheaper for that reasons and because we can so you'll you'll never run out or you don't have to replace it every say four or five six years you don't have to read keep replacing that giant expense but you can still store and enormous many times more energy because water is basically free all you need is a 15 so yeah that's that's baby bear minimum capabilities of the system is the Solon which is just so the pressure here got it done seized and got him spinning it did [Applause] [Music] Wow make it a width of the operations in the air crackers [Music] [Music] [Music] well focus yeah [Applause] my shaft is steel so it it did rest a little bit slow down vacuum this would literally go and go and go it's just full of atmospheric pressure restrict pressure is just has a lot of frequent so the vacuum pump will suck all the air out and then it should start by the starter expansion by the water expansion so we gotta change the presentation name from Tesla purling today Tesla steam engine the Tesla steam engine steam engine that's really what it is yeah yeah well utilizing water space change but there's a lot more we got six months I'm gonna take that six months to prepare for getting the presentation down just great getting the information out with we'll have drawings well diagram will have will have full presentation we would like to get to build a it's just a good thing when you're doing research to to be able to do something your own of course we're not going to get sixty thousand dollars for balancing professional balancing machine and Tesla's balancing apparatus works well you just have to understand and we're starting to understand more and more about it right now we're getting better with it as we've made some new discoveries will actually have an update on that soon that's actually so this is straight out of one of the pluses hands this is straight out of his patents one thing that Tesla did differently he said you can put it in your casing Oh your turbine casing run it in your turbine casing with the yield of least supported bearings which actually you could keep in your here if you don't have to worry about the belt torque or gears torque we're gonna put our our generator directly on the shop so that we don't have to wait on and and the problem with putting the generator directly on your shaft normally is is it moves it's such an enormous velocity the rotor this is the generators aren't really designed to move that fast their efficiency goes down because the magnetic field inside of these iron cores that usually transfer the energy once once asked to flip because it's flipping magnetic field as it as it's running to and from the pickup coil that iron core has to put magnetic feels really fast faster it has to flip it the more eddy currents you get in your iron and the better materials you it just makes it all more complicated we're actually using the Newman motor concept of course those limitations for typical induction types generators in there's Faraday homopolar generator and electrostatic rotary capacitor oh that's a little bit later down the road but eventually we probably most likely not going to need a generator well we're just starting with we know if we can drive with the little sac which is what I really want to start experimenting with here we need to get past the we need to get past this part first so short term this is going to be the generator locating many interesting thing is Lisa when when you wrap two coils this is diametrically magnetized so one side over here is north one side over here is South so yeah one sides north once that South so if you wrap a coil around like this one on each side of the shaft and you rotate this you can rotate it as fast as you want without any eddy current bill that in fact if frequency goes up Wow and a lot of a lot of that cooler experiments that you can do with generators and stuff like say Tesla's hairpin circuit and run on higher frequencies so it's just all-around gonna be it no limit to the RPM as long as it's bounce to that speed the more speed you get faster turbine goes the report energy you can extract them the less torque you need that's the biggest misconception about torque this is the biggest problem with the Tesla turbine is that people have is converting that that high speed efficiently to get their torque to run their low speed generators if they just started with the high speed generator to begin with then they wouldn't need they wouldn't need to convert it with belts or pulleys those belts and pulleys at high speeds they don't work they don't like to work they just build up a bunch of heat I mean I've done I've done so many experiments in the past trying it that way and that's how I realized okay all right and of course I saw some older pictures and stuff of Tesla's apparatus Tesla's turbines and how he looked up his generators because Tesla did look up his turbines to generators and he always put it on the same shaft directly so to build to build and to build a generator like Tesla did I'm not quite experienced enough to do that I'd be fighting the eddy currents and stuff so I just found the quickest and easiest solution Tesla didn't have neodymium magnets and that makes it so that we can just have two simple coils around here it's like an axial flux generator but without without 20 coils and ten coils and ten magnets it's just this high power concentrated into a small spot faster knows more energy produce of course in the vacuum there's no friction so there are pianists you're not limited to the air picture when you're in the vacuum so this beats are enormous this this thing when we shut this thing off it'll run for 20 minutes like like I've seen in the past it just on centrifugal force because there's no pressure you just take that friction loss that you normally get and you just so no problem so yeah simple simple generator directly attached to the roller perfectly balanced in the vacuum running running in the Crockers and you should be able to extract 100 percent of your energy out of your water water can store an enormous amount of energy even mercury can store and because it's mass even mercury text or as much energy as water per weight water comes to a lot more energy than the mercury or Bali movie I think it's per volume but have to double check on that yeah cheap cheap batteries best solar system on the planet pals if you build them and start yourself - they're extremely cheap and even if you are only 90 percent because you built it yourself you can take up so much more area than and and you're getting five times the solar energy per area so you're you could take you just basically look at any of one of your solar panels or any one solar power up out there and just say okay what if that was five times bigger what if each one of those counts was five times larger and what if it was cheap to build and you could store all the energy that's the hardest part is very small okay so you're gonna vacuum the air in there we're still getting we I believe we're still getting air out of out of this tank - yeah and out of the water so just take water actually contains a lot of other nitrogen is not any plugger in right please heard that free I added these since last time because I took it all apart and I was like it was blowing in and that's I think part of the reason it costs illegal so I glued these on there with acrylic well feel like well it's basically as strong as the acrylic because it doesn't glue it yeah and then the solvent evaporates in a sort of lexan evenly and then you've got a strong phone [Music] [Music] we almost started it Oh [Music] and theoretically the RPM will just keep going up and up and up and up because there's no restriction in velocity so you're opposed to go up and up and up and you the amount of energy you can draw off will go up and up and up [Applause] [Music] [Music] Aleksei boxers [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the pictures anything the that can sustain the same [Music] wait outlook our pressure is negative and the system is named exactly well that's Florida right [Music] possible test at five volumes then the value of Carnot put them up to the exhaustion of the hub will keep the [Music] oh yeah so they know what to do here [Music] [Music] the market which starts tonight in the morning [Applause] [Music] so called free interpreter [Music] you
Channel: iEnergySupply
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Id: hm8m_0rzyMo
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Length: 30min 0sec (1800 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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