Tesla Turbine For Water Desalination

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hi sir this is a Tesla pub configured as a blower now the rest of the video is gonna be about how to actually make this and then at the end of the video what I'll do is give you a demonstration of why I actually want it to do is cut that whole rows of squares and I don't cut out a whole lot of squares you can either mark the plastic or you can do what I've done and that destroyest present a piece of paper obviously you see through throwing on a bit of paper it's much easier to actually see where your lines are the after make sure everything's lined up and when you find it opening with some kind of strategy that you can put on there you can do with a small irregular you get little jagged points on it but it won't clear continuous straight edge now this stuff cuts really nicely with nothing more than a knife like this but you have to make sure it's sharp and you don't dig in hard you just line it up and draw it quite gently down and you do that a number of times if you try to dig in hard you'll skip around just draw it gently and it will actually just cut through and we just mark on those lines flip it over mark them out again and then it will just snap off so I'm going to draw down those lines to have 24 squares at 125 scored them out and can see quite clearly for away turn it over and repeat on the other side now the blades gonna get blunt so make sure you change it frequently and often because the secret here is not to put a lot of force on it you sharp tools and do it gently and then when you ready that's why they'll come in the room with the other side and repeat the procedure just score down it takes surprisingly little in fact only about 4 cuts with the knife on either side goes through you'll feel it kind of crackling but once you've done that you're ready just to snap them off and they snap off quite cleanly and you snap them off into your squares what and you're making 24 volts right so the next thing we need to do is Mark out the center purists will hit this but all I do is typically this pair of drawn draw crisscross lines and you've got the center of the square line the square up take something like a nail put it into the center and then give it a couple of taps with a hammer and you'll get a center mark again you don't want to go crazy with it because if you punch the nail through you'll actually crack the sheet so just mark it up this antrum do that to all fun okay so we're gonna drill them out and I'm using this thing to drill the mattress and it's basically a large one of these it's just a hole saw within our bone that arbors six mil doesn't become important later and they're actually relatively expensive these things but you can use this which is much cheaper version the problem with this one is it wobbles around quite a lot even when you have to keep it straight it won't do it and you get a quite rough hole but with this one you get a much neater job but you know it's it's into threes it's just gonna mean you're gonna have a bit more cleaning up to do afterward now I've lined this up with that punch hole that I made earlier and I'm going to drill it out now the thing you need to know when you drill the stuff out says you trying to line it up this material gets hot when it gets hot it doesn't cut it mammoths so the thing you don't want to do is take it quickly you need to take it slowly when you see it's time to curl up in a kind of blog you know it's melting so just ease everything off don't try to drive it through you drive it through the unmelted and slap it you'll be really sorry so the trick is again just write with the knife take it easy okay so once you throw that 24 of them you'll end up with 24 of these now well more or less or some of them are less guaranteed to jam up in here so all you do is gonna hole in it give it a whack with the hole in the pasty-faced Wow you'll end up with 24 plastic disks like that and twenty four little squares like that they need 12 of those so you pick out 12 of them and you see they've got this rough curly edge to it where the plastic melts it hit little curls and you need to clean that off now it's easy enough to do just take a criminai and scrape around it once you scraped around it then it's got a clear plastic cover on it to protect it at this stage that needs to come off and it just peels off so you peel off the plastic covers and you do that with 12 of your disks now they'll still be a little bit rough so what we need to do is clean those up a little bit more and the way you do that is get yourself a 6 mil bolt now I mentioned that the Alba bit was six millimeters and this is where it becomes important to get a six North bolt and a six mil washer and some very poor washer because it spreads the load on the disks you don't want to crack the disk so you put your disks onto your bolt on the Fiat air washer and then on with the nut and tucking that whole lock down now what we're going to do is we're going to spin it and we're going to spin it around that Center when we spin it around that Center and if we hold a cutting tool to it it'll take off all those little last curly bits mix on nice Center discs and a couple of ways of doing this you can put it into a drill if you've got a drill that you can stand on that way you can put it into a drill like that and spin it like that I'm looking around for something a little mini lathe then we're going to put it on the mini land so here it is fastened up on my fault and we just fitted into the mini lathes and tighten of a lathe bang now the lathe spins in that direction change the direction if you want but you need to make sure that the bolt is on the right side so that it tightens up as you file as it spins so if you spin it the other way it will loosen off you'll soon know hope because if you spin it the loose isn't it off stop you ball around the other way and fasten it all up again now you set it going but not super quick again none of this work is super quick now this will kill TIF popular health and safety but I take this pledge and hold it like that and hold it up against there watching my hands on the chip and watching my hands on the blade now it will want to snatch it firstly you're going to do this really carefully but don't jam it in and don't hold it straight like that I'll get a slight angle and just hold it gently against it and you'll see it peeling off the plastic and it'll peel off the plastic and when you've done it'll give you a set of 12 disks with a six millimeter hole nicely centered and we can undo that then and take those disks out okay so the plan is disk space a distance besser dispenser to build up the rotor of the tesla turbine in order to do that of course we need some spacers and here they are here now these are made exactly the same way only stead of using this 100 mill cutter we've got this time fine now got that so you swap out countries then with this spare scrap piece of plastic just relax again take it gentle and cut out 13 of flowers once you've cut out 13 of those you need to do exactly the same thing take you nut you know go around those rough edges until you clean up the rough edges and then peel off the plastic protective covering that was already on there then when you've done that take your 6 mil bolt put your spacers onto the bolt fasten the nut down stick them in the lair though the drill and finish them exactly the same way so that you get 13 lovely and lovely little spacers okay so the tester works either by I'm sucking fluid in through the center and checking out the periphery which is how it works as a pump or you can forcefully within the periphery and exhausting it the center which is how it works as a motor either way what you're going to need a whole lot of exhaust ports in the center of the disks that you've just made you get the sense of where the spindle is and just a little bit off you need some exhaust ports now we're going to use these spacers so the exhaust ports going to need to be on the dispenser and I'm gonna make the exhaust ports about a centimeter big so I'm going to drill one centimeter holes in the center here around the center here to act as my exhaust ports when I get a couple of options on doing that now I could either mark up the disks which to be honest will be a bit of a nightmare or I could add a bit of pepper stick 11 disks on and then my twelfth disk over that little pepper and pop the whole thing down now I've got some nice marks that I can drill - okay side but there's a wooden table MDF actually attached the men's steel table of the drill ininin have drilled a hole is big enough to take the head of my bomb so that that doesn't interfere in I was licensed flatten table so I've lined everything up and I've used a small drill bit here and I can just get to the mark and as I spin the ground then I'll hit back marked now again resist the temptation to go mad at it when you start drilling through this the plastic will melt and if you just try to drill all the way through all of a sudden it'll take those and it'll separate the mount and you won't get over holes in mining you have a nightmare if you're removing it again so do everything gently as you feed it in you'll see the plastic curl around and see wanting to Matt wants to mount bring it out clean the bit and go through again don't rush it take your time so when you've done that you end up with four neat little holes evenly arranged around the center of the disk and I forgot to mention that and starting off small this is four millimeters you don't want to try and whack a ten millimeter drill through there because disaster will Lou you want to start small and increase your drill size now you can increase it by two millimeters or four six eight ten and you'll be there or you can increase it slightly larger in feeling slightly more confident but again the trick is slow clear it often don't let it mount and you won't get that dreaded spreading about I also drew a circle around the center incidentally for the size of the spacer to make sure that I grab that right so now when we've done that we swap out the drill bit for the next size drill bit up and go through the whole process again after you've done that here at the vent horizontal without me in line and now what we need to do is separated clean up a little bit and layer of our rotor ok so there's all drill down and cleaned up and ready to go now the next bit although it's easy enough to do you're not going to have a lot of time to do it so you need to be set up so you set your desktop in a row you set the spacers up in a row and you choose which way you're going to fix it there's a number ways of fixing it and we're basically going to solvent weld it together because once you've sold them welded it's as if it was already one piece of plastic basically it will break on the plastic rather than brick and a solvent weld it's really good but there are a number of solvents available to you now one thing you can do is you can go down the hobby and buying something for plus world which is a pre-prepared solvent but it's essentially this stuff actually this is ether acetate they use it as a type 10 cleaner it's the same stuff you can also use at methyl ethyl ketone or you can use acetone and you tempt this solvent onto the piece of plastic are you going to well together Stan let's play the sim clamp it all together and you can also use this step which is sign on it from the glue now as I say you have to be really quite quick about it so all you got here is a bob which is long enough to take the whole structure and an obese have checked says check before you start so worse things would be don't think you don't look trying to get the note on and finally it doesn't fit and having to pull all that things apart with all the solvent weld in there just be a nightmare so all you actually do is take the first piece of plaster and put it on to your nut then you take one of your spaces and dope it either side with the wound or with you glue and as I say you have to be reasonably quick about this stuff so you dope it with a little bit of you glue and I'm going to use an acrylic glue because it pretty much has the same effect actually and then pop it on there like that then you take your next one again double at the bottom of your spacer with it a little bit you don't need much incident like this stuff and then you pop that up now the only thing you need to remember when you're doing this is make sure that those vent holes that you spent all that time cutting in line are in line again so you need to make sure that you line the whole thing up so that you can see through and then you just build it up like that special disc spacer disk so there we go we've got our disk space a disk space a disk spacer walk through the center that's been time from down to clamp it all down and you might notice that I use the drill bit and sticking a drill bit down one of them means sit those holes and nice deal I know all I have to do now if that is leave it to dry it dries quite quickly but it gets its full strength after 24 hours remember we have a load of these and we're not going to waste these what we're going to use do is use them and you do exact the same thing strip off the plastic clean it up and you'll have 24 of those things together you use the same kind of technique we used to make the rotor that is some kind of solvent or some kind of Klu it's gonna stick it all together as I've gone through the solvents in glue before you just slap them all together put them in a press and what you get is the body so one of the handy things about that is of course the rotor fits in the body clock neatly so we've got our body made at the same time pretty much as we make our rotor and again just leave those sitting around for about 24 hours when you come back to them they'll be nice and firm and dry I've nearly finished the rotor I've taken the screw out of Center and I'm going to do it drillbit once you've drilled it out it could be self a bit of eight millimeter axle this is a bit of a lumen youtuber eight millimeters it's gonna be stiff to get in there but you basically could just force it in and then put a bit of glue on it to hold it there in place once you've done that that's pretty much the ropes are all finished now the next thing we're gonna have to tackle is this thing which is the body of it then I'm making a air pump with this so I want the nozzles to be a certain shape if you're going to make a turbine with it you need a different share because the turbine forces the liquid at the edge here so you want to shave that comes at an angle like that so that you get a jet of fluid been forced onto it so you haven't angled cut into it so you get a thick here thin here to check the fluid on there because I want this to take fluid out of here that is the air out of there I'm going to put quite a large section out of that you'll get that now it does want to spring open and the rotor is just a little bit bigger than this block that remains so it need to do is cut two more of those No do is gluten pump those that so it holds everything in register I'm going to make the end place in autumn at the end let's have to put two squares of acrylic and marked up the centers and this time they're four millimeters thick because I want the body of it to be thicker but what I'm going to do is drill a large hole in there and these two these things these are 50 mil acrylic pots of which I've got loads hanging around and I'm gonna sink the bearings into there so that we can run the axle so the thing will actually glue together like that here I'm giving to drill a hole in here that really gas inject and then she saw in the body of the turbine the gas apt to ache isn't in the body so the first thing we do from holding that now I've set up the drill here the hole cutter and the hole cutter is the right size to drill those holes out put them out across there bit messy because the plastic see just clean them up and when you pull them up what you'll get is that and this fits if you chosen it quite nicely quite nicely in there and that will just glue together so now I need to do is actually prepare these to make them and suitable so we're going to use these things and these are inline skate bearings so you can get them absolutely everywhere and the 22 mil on the outside make mary jane the inside which is why we am from april all right so now I want to glue these into here but don't really want to glue them you had Tim huh of the whole thing no because I'm glue over them together so what I need to do is make a small recess in there so that the bearings can go in there quite nicely now I'm going to pour some resin in there so effectively the bearing will sit there and I'll pour some resonance centimeter hives have bit there and that will make the recess but again I don't want to do that with the bearing because I'm really very but handling of green 22 mil means that this will do rather nicely and it's just a bit of copper pipe they just took us two sections of 22 mil copper pipe and that will form a mold so that I can put it in there and pour my resin in and then that will be 22 millimetres survey get there and gold bango rather nicely in there so that's what I'm gonna do so I've plugged those down and now I'm just gonna pour a little bit of resin in there say about a centimeter then just leave that resin to turn so once the residents set you pull out the mold and you get this insect and your bearing will fit quite nicely into it so you could put a spot of glue around the outside the bearing and that will seal the bearing in now you need two of those obviously one for each side but you can't finish them yet because one side has got to have the drive axle cause pretty spin this somehow so you need to drill through there at eight point five millimeters just a little bit bigger than the actual axle so the axle doesn't rub the actually fit very tightly into that and that'll be part of what makes you seal but on the other side of it you need to drill an inlet port hole something broken put the gas in once you've done that and the whole thing is ready to glue together loop on the end plates onto the body and what I've done with this is just put a couple of plastic spacers so it holds it all in place and there's a bottom bearing you can see the bearing so the whole thing slots together like that and spins around in that top let's been finished off exactly the same it's got a bearing in there you just slide that home and that will close up now sometimes you get a bit off-center and you won't be able to spin that free easy you just need to line it up so that it spins freely and nicely in the center and you can check that by giving a little spin and if you got a bit off you can just bring it a little bit until you get it in the right position then when you got it in the right position you had to glue it down oh there it is finished and as the spindle idiot drives from the district the center you can see what finishing things are did they're basically in those holes I drilled their ass took some clear tube and glued that in with the plastic glue put a white piece on it and that's going to be my Inlet port the outlet port I lived on this bit of circular plastic which is actually just a pot with the hole drilled out leading into the disc so that sound that port so when I want to put it onto something I'll drill through there and attach something to there then see around the edge with a bit of tech the only other thing that I've done that I didn't mention is around the edges of it I've actually had to dig with resident and that's to seal everything to make sure there's no air gaps that I might have missed so I painted the outside that we present gonna drill four holes through it so that this can actually be unbolted and lift off and I could take the center out about what that's meant that in here what I've had to do is take a piece of sheet rubber and cut the rubber to make a gasket for it and then buckle whole thing together but then you got won't test the turbine as a pump finished so there you go that's how you go about metal made now this thing run it ludicrously fast speed even though it's how I made and not particularly well balanced now what I'm gonna attach to is a dremel this Dremel will turn to speed actually 15,000 rpm 35,000 rpm so I can get this up to about 70,000 rpm because I put a pulley system on it this is about twice the size of this it's gonna be a little bit more than 70,000 rpm at top speed now I've got a little leather belt there that I max are just made up just to demonstrate this because I've got some belts on ordering we haven't arrived yet I hate weddings I made a leather belt up and I'll give you a demonstration of it now I have to start to gently because if I started too quickly it'll go like crazy really the whole thing is actually part of a deceleration challenge I've got going on now you'll note that the thing here is attached to this flask this flask has been heated to 40 degrees centigrade and it's pretty clear what I wanted to do really is what what happens to the tubing the flask when I set this thing going and also here so it's really about 30,000 Bragg's I don't know how well you can see that but you'll see that the tube is misting off and it's spitting out little bits of water so this is pulling enough vacuum to boil that water 40 degrees centigrade totaling around about 30,000 rpm unfortunate the belt broke which is no surprises but a bootlace I've got some proper balance on order so one of the belts arrived what I'll do is line this up again and see we can get out of it in terms of speed but I'm pretty happy with that as a proof of concept and you can see that the mist is dying down again so what I need to do now is rebuild it again which were engineered kind of way and get some real speed out of it but this was showing proof of concept so I hope I was of interest to you and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 26,784
Rating: 4.9014087 out of 5
Keywords: Water (Chemical Compound), Desalination, tesla turbine
Id: S1OlhrzJKMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 13 2015
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